Michael Ayad - An Environmental Scan

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An Environmental Scan

Environmental scanning is a process that systematically surveys and interprets relevant

data to identify external opportunities and threats that could influence future decisions. It
is closely related to a SWOT analysis and should be used as part of taking the pulse of
a good idea or opportunity. In this case it may help you narrow down your choices for a
new business idea. Complete the checklist below and discuss how these components
impact your decision to move ahead with your business idea. Provide a scan of three
business ideas below and discuss what you learned by completing the scan. It is
possible that not all components will apply to all your business ideas.

Components Business Idea 1 Business Idea 2 Business Idea 3 Notes

online fitness Hybrid work or The usage of AI
coaching working at workplace and
remotely Management
Trends: What trends In the online For hybrid and AI and other
are occurring in the fitness coaching remotely work, machine
marketplace or
industry that could industry, there are positive trends learnings help in
affect the organization several trends that could be the increasing and
either positively or could affect the growth of analyzing a large
negatively? business both remote work volume of data
positively and technologies that helps in
negatively. The among different taking a better
positive trend types of decision-making
could be increasing businesses. For in areas like
from the focus of negative trends, supply chain,
health and it could be marketing, and
wellness. The security HR. the negative
negative trend concerns since trends could be
could be increasing working like Job
the competition remotely displacement as it
among coaches cybersecurity with the growth
And the different risks could of AI it, business
price rates. increase. owners could
lead to layoffs as
long as the AI are
doing the routine
tasks in an
organizing way
and for free as
Competition: What is Competitors within Work and meet The advantage of
your potential this business could business using the AI could
competition doing that
provides them an start produce platforms like be that
advantage? Where different workout Zoom, Slack, businesses could
can you exploit your plans and live Microsoft get advanced
potential competition's sessions to keep Teams, and data analytics
weaknesses? their business. And Asana, have that help them to
that could be done strong take strategic
through different infrastructure decisions. The
platforms such as for video weakness could
YouTube, to have a conferencing, be lack of skilled
strong engagement and project workforce as
with their management. implementing AI
audience. The The weakness at workplace
weakness could be points in this require personal
limited support as case could be skills as they can
the are mainly on that manage AI
mental health and competitors are systems and
injury recovery. offering the interpret their
same size for all outputs.
solutions and
that limits their
for users.

Technology: What The development The The developing

developments in in technology could development usage of AI would
technology may
impact your business be the usage of AI could be the increase the
idea in the future? and that would be usage of AI- streamline
done through driven tools as project
creating clients' it would help in management and
progress based on streamline the improving the
real-time workflows. productivity and
performance data. collaboration for
remote teams.
Customers: What The customers The base would The customer
would be your would be those be the base is diverse. It
customer base? How
is your customer base who are not able to companies who would be
changing? attend in person. are looking to changing as now
The expect to improve hybrid there’s an
receive a high and remote increasing the
personalized environments. demand for AI in
fitness coaching Customers remote and
and other workout would be hybrid work all
plans. looking for over the world.
solutions that
are flexible such
as hybrid teams
for example.
Economy: What is What could affect One of the main AI at workplace is
happening in the the business would things that led affecting the
economy that could
affect your future be the Innovations to the idea of business in terms
business? in fitness apps work remote of Automation of
especially if it’s for was the COVID- repetitive tasks,
free and that could 19 since it since it can
slowly cancel the effects the automate routine
idea of having world politically
processes like
online sessions of and data entry and
fitness coaching. economically. supply chain
Labor supply: What is The labor market is The labor The use of AI in
the labor market like in very competitive market could the workplace
the geographies where
you operate? How which leads that be set up in would help
can you ensure ready Many fitness Urban and workers to focus
access to high- coaches are Metropolitan on strategic
demand workers? shifting today to Areas like activities as it
online platforms, Toronto for would increase
as it makes it a example. This those who are in
highly competitive could create a demand for
field. Access to better flexible certain jobs
high-demand work related to the AI
workers would be arrangement, high technology.
through fitness including hybrid Tools like
certification or fully remote automated
organizations so roles. Offering interviews could
you could be a remote and help the
certified trainer. hybrid models, organization in
would create a leading them to
better the right
environment candidates.
for employees
especially for
those who are
the cost of
living is lower
for them.
Political/legislative The big impact This could create The AI in
arena: What impact could be the flexible work Management
will election outcomes tax policy as policies as Processes could help
have on your changes in tax goverment in setting up the
business? Is there
impending legislation legislation on elections could routine tasks like
that will affect your small business influence how data entry and
business? could impact governments must reporting for
the business regulate flexible example. The impact
profitability. work arrangements of elections on AI
The only for those who work could lead to Data
consideration remotely or hybrid. Privacy and AI
in this case is Different kinds of Regulation since the
to keep insurance like new data privacy
following the health insurance laws or AI regulations
updates on tax maybe offered to could affect
policies for those who work regarding the way on
small remotely. how you collect and
businesses. store information.


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