Web Development Glossary For Beginners
Web Development Glossary For Beginners
Web Development Glossary For Beginners
A Comprehensive Web
Development Glossary
for Beginners
A Comprehensive Web Development Glossary for Beginners 1
Blog Bootstrap
A blog is a regularly updated website displayed An open-source front-end framework
in reverse chronological order so that newer focused on designing mobile-responsive
entries are presented first. The person who websites. It contains various HTML and
starts a blog is called a blogger. Each entry CSS-based design templates, allowing users
published by a blogger is called a blog post. to design websites quickly and easily.
Iframe JavaScript
Inline Frame or IFrame is an HTML document A programming language that allows web
embedded inside another document. It allows developers to make interactive websites and
users to display additional content from an web applications. Software engineers also use
external webpage. it to create mobile applications and games.
jQuery JSON
An open-source JavaScript library that’s JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is a
created to simplify the process of writing text-based format used to store organized
JavaScript websites. It shortens many JavaS- information in a readable manner. It’s usually
cript functions, making the web development used for transmitting data between a server
process more efficient. and a client.
Localhost MySQL
A hostname that refers to the current or local An open-source relational database
computer that’s currently used accesses it. In management system based on Structured
other words, localhost means “this computer.” Query Language (SQL). It’s most commonly
used for managing web databases.
Nginx PHP
Open-source web server software that Hypertext Preprocessor or PHP is an
allows users to deliver web content on the open-source scripting language for
internet. Due to its resource optimization server-side web data processing. With a
and its ability to run on minimal hardware, market share of 79.1%, it’s the most widely used
Nginx has become a very popular web server-side scripting language on the internet.
server software, surpassing Apache.
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