BCA Demolition Permit

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An MND Statutory Board

Building Engineering Group (#12-00)

Application ref no : 2023-4337 Tel : 68044614
Our ref : A2124-10006-2023 Fax : 63342561
Date : 30/08/2023 E-mail : LEE_Xuan_Yen@bca.gov.sg


[Section 6]

Developer: Builder:

Qualified Person for Structural Work: Qualified Person for Supervision (Geotechnical):

Qualified Person for Architectural Work:


This Permit is granted, subject to the conditions in Annex (BE/CP/1 Oct 2018) attached, in respect of:

Project Title:



For all structural works (including geotechnical building works) in the Project which the Qualified Person for Structural
Work named above, and/or the QP for Supervision (Geotechnical) named above, has been appointed to supervise (the
“relevant Structural Works”). If any of the parties named above is different or has been changed, a fresh permit is

The Builder named above is reminded to comply with the Building Control (Buildability and Productivity) Regulations
2011 (the “BP Regulations”). For example, pursuant to Regulation 10(b) of the BP Regulations, the Builder named
above is required to submit the Construction Productivity Data of the relevant building works on a monthly basis. Failure
to do so amounts to an offence under Regulation 15 of the Regulations. Submission of the Construction Productivity
Data shall be done through the Electronic Productivity Submission System (ePSS). For details on the Construction
Productivity Data and relevant building works under the BP Regulations, please refer to Regulation 2 and Regulation 3.



52 Jurong Gateway Road #11- 01 Singapore 608550

Tel: 1800 3425 222 | Fax: (65) 6334 4287
Annex (BE/CP/26 Jul 2023)
This Permit is granted subject to the conditions in this Annex. The term “supervising QP” refers to the qualified
person appointed under Section 8 or 11 of the Building Control Act 1989 (“BC Act”) to supervise the building
works relevant to the particular condition and to whom this Permit is granted. The term “Builder” refers to the
Builder appointed under Section 8 of the BC Act to undertake the building works for the Project and to whom
this Permit is granted. The terms “Project” and “relevant Structural Works” are as defined in the Permit. Unless
stipulated otherwise or the context otherwise requires, the terms used in these conditions are as defined in the
BC Act, regulations and the Permit.

Measures to Protect Neighbouring Properties and Stability of Excavation Works

1. For excavation works in the Project for the purpose of constructing any pile cap, footing, sump, lift pit or
trench, the Builder shall implement all reasonably necessary measures to prevent damage to properties (including
buildings, bridges, roads, pavements, walkways and all underground and above ground structures) in the vicinity of
the Project site and to ensure the stability of the excavation works at all times.

2. The Builder shall install adequate vibration monitoring devices before starting any piling works. When carrying out
the piling works, the Builder shall implement reasonably necessary measures to prevent excessive vibrations or
damage to properties in the vicinity of the Project site.

2A. Where building works in the Project are carried out adopting performance-based pile design for bored piles:

the Design QP:

a) shall submit the interpretation report of the ultimate load test carried out for the project and the required
documents as specified in the Circular “PERFORMANCE-BASED PILE DESIGN FOR BORED PILES”
confirming a set of the approved pile design parameters has been verified, to obtain a written approval from
the Commissioner of Building Control before starting any piling works.

the Builder and Supervising QP:

b) shall ensure that piling works do not commence until a written confirmation from the Commissioner of
Building Control has been obtained.

2B. Where building works in the Project are carried out:

(i) for the construction of a proposed building that comprises 11 storeys or more (excluding basement) and
adopts driven piles or jacked piles; or
(ii) for the construction of a proposed building that comprises 4 storeys to 10 storeys (excluding basement)
and adopts driven piles or jacked piles which penetrate more than 10m of soft clay during installation,

the Builder and Supervising QP:

a) shall ensure that structural works (including pile caps) above the constructed piles do not commence until a
written confirmation from the Commissioner of Building Control has been obtained confirming that the
submitted as-built plans of the piles, whether in whole or in part, are in order; and

b) in the event the Commissioner of Building Control directs for further building works to be carried out in
respect of the constructed piles without issuing a written confirmation as described in paragraph 2B(a) above,
shall ensure that the further building works are carried out in accordance with the direction of the
Commissioner of Building Control and that structural works (including pile caps) above the constructed piles
and further building works do not commence until a written confirmation from the Commissioner of Building
Control has been obtained confirming that the submitted as-built plans of the piles and further building works,
whether in whole or in part, are in order.

Damage to existing neighbouring properties or building works in the Project

3. If any incident causes damage to neighbouring property/building works within the Project site, or where any
ground movement at the Project site exceeds the allowable limits, the Builder shall immediately implement all
necessary measures to maintain the property or building works in a safe condition. These measures include
immediately notifying the Supervising QP of the damage and seeking the Supervising QP’s advice/instruction on
appropriate follow-up actions to be taken. The Builder and the Supervising QP shall notify the Commissioner of
Building Control of the incident and damage immediately. *

Notification to the Commissioner of Building Control can be made via:

During office hours Call the BCA hotline: 1800 – DIAL – BCA (1800-3425-222)


Email to the BCA processing officer whose name and email address can be
found on the permit.
Annex (BE/CP/26 Jul 2023)
After office hours Call the BCA after-office Incident Reporting hotline: 9649 6611


Email to the BCA processing officer whose name and email address can be
found on the permit.

Maintaining the Stability of Existing building including Party Wall and Boundary Wall
4. When carrying out building works in the Project, the Builder shall ensure the safety and stability of buildings in the
vicinity of the Project site including any party wall and boundary wall. The Builder shall ensure that –
a) the building works in the Project do not result in the instability of any part of an existing building or
structure including not imposing any lateral forces on to a party wall and a boundary wall that may
undermine or adversely affect the stability of any part of the building; and
b) no part of an existing party wall shall be hacked to embed any structural elements.

Builder’s performance of building works

4A. The Builder shall do any or all of the following:
(i) submit to the Commissioner of Building Control a site supervision plan (using the template provided by BCA)
as endorsed by the Builder’s Technical Controller (“Builder’s Site Supervision Plan”);

(ii) keep on site progress reports that set out the progress of all building works carried out every three (3)
months including photographs and site inspection reports, as prepared by the Builder and endorsed by (i) the
Builder’s Technical Controller and (ii) Supervising QP(s)

within 14 days from the date of a written notice issued by the Commissioner of Building Control to the Builder requiring
the builder to do any or all of the above.

4B. The Builder shall carry out the building works safely and in accordance with the Building Control Act 1989 and
regulations and any written directions that may be issued by the Commissioner of Building Control.
Additional requirements on builder and supervising qualified person
4C. Where required by the Commissioner of Building Control:

(i) the builder must prepare and make available at site for audit by the Commissioner of Building Control or his
authorised officer(s), the method statement(s) for any or all of the structural works carried out, which may
include (but not limited to) the following:
a) control measures to mitigate any risks associated with the structural works;
b) drawings and/or sketches showing the structural works to be carried out, with PE endorsement;

(ii) the builder must implement increased frequency of and more robust supervision, including (but not limited to)
the following:
a) requiring the builder’s construction supervisor(s) to supervise the building works undertaken by the
builder, and to submit the Certificate of Supervision/inspection forms endorsed by the builder’s
technical controller; and/or

(iii) the builder must prepare and submit to the Commissioner of Building Control detailed documentation of any
structural works carried out, which may include (but not limited to) clearly labelled photographs

within 14 days from the date of a written notice issued by the Commissioner of Building Control to the relevant Project
Party / Parties, requiring any or all of the above to be implemented.

Accessible footpath
5. The Builder shall ensure that all activities carried out in respect of the Project including setting up (e.g. hoarding,
site office) and equipment used for the Project do not obstruct access to public footpaths. In the event that an existing
public footpath has to be altered or removed for the Project, the Builder shall provide an alternative barrier-free
footpath with a minimum width of 1200mm and signage(s) to direct users to the alternate footpath.

Civil Defence Shelter

6. For the erection of or alteration to any civil defence shelter, the supervising QP shall ensure that a Notice of
Approval from the Civil Defence Shelter Department, Building and Construction Authority has been obtained and shall
ensure that the relevant Structural Works pertaining to the civil defence shelter begin only upon the obtaining of the
Notice of Approval described in this paragraph.

Project Signboard
7. The Builder shall display the following information at the Project site, which may be incorporated as part of the main
Project signboard. The Builder shall erect the Project signboard within the Project site boundary in a manner that enables
the signboard to be easily seen and read by any person outside the Project site.
Annex (BE/CP/26 Jul 2023)

Project Title :
Project Ref No. :
Developer/Owner : Tel No :
Architect or QP for Building Plan : Tel No :
Professional Engineer : Tel No :
Builder : Tel No : 1.0 m
Date of Permit Issued : Expected Date of Completion :
MOM Hotline: 63171111
or visit http://www.mom.gov.sg/report-WSH-issues

0.1m (min)

NEA Hotline: 62255632 or Mobile Application: myENV

Building and Construction Authority
Hotline: 1800 – DIAL BCA (1800-3425222)

1.8 m (minimum)

Ground Monitoring and Instrumentation

8. For all excavation works, the Supervising QP shall check that the retaining wall system and its supports are
constructed and performing in accordance with plans approved by the Commissioner of Building Control, before
completing the Site Inspection and Approval Records (Exc_ERSS_Annex C-1 or Exc_GBW_Annex C-1) form and before
allowing further building works to proceed.

9. If the work suspension level of the critical instruments is breached (e.g. lateral deflection in the excavation works is
exceeded), the Supervising QP shall procure the immediate suspension of the excavation works and direct the Builder to
implement appropriate corrective actions and the Builder shall carry out these actions immediately. The Supervising QP
and the Builder shall notify the Commissioner of Building Control in writing immediately (via Section 3 of Conditions of
Permit) if any work suspension level is exceeded. The supervising QP and Builder shall provide the following

(a) Project reference number;

(b) Address of project site;
(c) Details of the work suspension limits exceeded, including the values and whether the reading occurred
suddenly or gradually;
(d) Name of BCA processing officer as indicated on the permit issued for the project;
(e) The supervising QP’s and Builder’s names and handphone numbers; and
(f) Any other relevant information that the supervising QP assesses to be necessary.

9a Sinkholes or visible ground depressions due to ground loss during excavation or tunnelling works are classified as
incidents. Even if there were no nearby instruments to show the exceeding of work suspension limits, the supervising QP
is required to notify the CBC in accordance with the procedure described in Section 3 above.

10. Specific Conditions of Permit for Projects Involving Bored Tunnelling Works (for both geotechnical building works
and non-geotechnical building works (based on the Control Framework for Bored Tunnelling Works in Circular dated 15
September 2017)

Supervision of Key Performance Indicators

(a) The Supervising QP and Builder shall continuously monitor and review the key tunnelling operational
parameters including face pressure and excavation volume so as to maintain a safe and stable tunnelling
face at all times.

Tunnelling within control zone

(b) When tunnelling within control zone, the Supervising QP shall submit to the Commissioner of Building
Control on a daily basis his certification of structural integrity of existing building(s) within the control zone
and assessment of any safety concern arising in the course of the tunnelling works.

Over-excavation control measures

(c) When over-excavation is suspected or when the excavation volume graph and dry mass graph readings
deviate from its theoretical value by more than 15% at the end of each tunnel ring or whenever an over-
excavation is suspected, the Builder and Supervising QP shall immediately suspend tunnel boring machine
(TBM) excavation and advancement and notify the Commissioner of Building Control in writing immediately.
Annex (BE/CP/26 Jul 2023)

The Supervising QP shall notify the Commissioner of Building Control in writing, before the tunnelling works
resume, when the Supervising QP is satisfied that all the voids formed from the over-excavation have been
filled up. Where applicable, the Supervising QP shall complete and submit TUN_GBW_AnnexC-3 form to

Flushing of TBM

(d) Flushing of TBM refers to an operational technique in slurry TBMs to remove obstructions in cutter head
chamber in order to move the TBM. For tunnelling in medium-risk, high-risk and very high-risk categories,
no flushing of TBM is allowed. For tunnelling in low-risk category, the Builder shall obtain written consent
from the Supervising QP before flushing of TBM can be carried out.

Cutter Head Intervention

(e) The Supervising QP shall complete tunnel control measures (TUN_GBW_Annex C-1 and
TUN_GBW_Annex C-2) at all planned and unplanned Cutter Head Intervention (CHI) locations.

(f) For all planned stoppages indicated in the geotechnical building works plans under regulation 10A(3)(a)(iv)
of the Building Control Regulations 2003, the Builder shall carry out CHIs under compressed air in
accordance with the plan approved by the Commissioner of Building Control. The Builder shall not carry out
CHI under free air conditions unless assessed and approved by the Supervising QP under the following
i) in full face rock with face pressure stepped down gradually; or
ii) within ground improvement block with face pressure stepped down gradually.

Supervising QP and Builder shall notify the Commissioner of Building Control in writing before carrying out
any CHI under free air.

(g) Where there is an unplanned stoppage for a CHI, the Supervising QP and Builder shall notify the
Commissioner of Building Control in writing immediately. Further to this, the Supervising QP and Builder
must comply with the requirements set out in paragraphs (e) and (f) above.

Emergency preparedness plan

(h) For tunnelling carried out in close proximity to existing buildings, the Developer, Builder and Supervising QP
must take all reasonable steps and exercise due diligence to put in place an emergency preparedness plan
to decant occupants of existing buildings in close proximity to the Project site undermined by tunnelling

Incident reporting
(i) The Supervising QP and Builder shall suspend TBM excavation and advancement and notify the
Commissioner of Building Control in writing immediately when there is any excessive movement (i.e.
immediate settlement exceeding 150 mm), sinkhole or blowout.

Constructability Score (where applicable)

11. Where the constructability score is not submitted for the Project as part of the application for this Permit, the Builder
shall submit to the Commissioner of Building Control the constructability score for the Project in accordance with the
following requirements: -

a) Where the Project is a Design and Build (D&B) project - no later than six months from the date of issuance of
this Permit;
b) Where the Project is a non-D&B project - no later than three months from the date of issuance of this Permit.

Requirements of the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
The qualified persons who are parties to this permit are reminded that valid Written Permission from the Competent
Authority, URA, is required before any building works are allowed to begin at the Project site. Please note that URA
requires a separate Written Permission for earthworks at a remote site if the building works for which this permit is
granted also involve:

a) the borrowing or filling of earth at the remote site, and

b) such borrowing or filling of earth at the remote site involves a land area of more than 2,000 square metres
or a change in level of land of more than 1.5 m anywhere in the site relative to the neighbouring land.

(This letter is generated through electronic means and is a computer printout. No signature is required)

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