Summary Test: A. Three Kinds of Learning
Summary Test: A. Three Kinds of Learning
Summary Test: A. Three Kinds of Learning
A. Three Kinds of Learning salivation, the psychology text has become a (a) .
The roommate’s salivation at the sight of the psychology book,
1. A relatively permanent change in 60
presented alone, is called the (b) . You know
behavior that involves specific stimuli 50 that classical conditioning is established when the neutral
and/or responses that change as a stimulus becomes the (c) and elicits the
Drops of Saliva
result of experience is a definition (d) . Compared to the unconditioned response,
of . The change in 30
the conditioned response is usually similar in appearance but
behavior includes both unobservable 20 smaller in amount or magnitude.
mental events and observable behavioral
E. Three Explanations
15. According to Pavlov’s explanation, H. Application: Conditioned Fear & Nausea
classical conditioning occurs because 20. During chemotherapy, 60–70%
a neural bond or association forms of the patients develop nausea in Most Stressful
between the conditioned stimulus 8. Vomiting
anticipation of, or when encountering 7. Feeling nausea
and unconditioned stimulus so that stimuli associated with, the actual 6. Receiving injection
the conditioned stimulus eventually treatment. This type of nausea, which 5. In treatment room
substitutes for the unconditioned stimulus. Pavlov’s explanation is called , cannot 4. Smelling chemicals
is called . always be treated with drugs and 3. In waiting room
2. Entering clinic
may persist long after the chemo-
16. The explanation that says that classical conditioning occurs 1. Driving to clinic
therapy ends. Researchers believe
because two stimuli (the neutral and unconditioned stimuli) are
that conditioned nausea is learned
paired close together in time is called the theory.
through classical conditioning.
However, researchers have shown that contiguity or simply pair-
ing stimuli close together does not necessarily produce classical 21. A nondrug treatment for conditioned nausea involves a
conditioning. procedure based on classical conditioning in which a person
imagines or visualizes fearful or anxiety-evoking stimuli and
17. The explanation of classical conditioning that says that an
then immediately uses deep (a) to decrease the
organism learns a relationship between two stimuli such that the
anxiety associated with these stimuli. This procedure, which is
occurrence of one stimulus predicts the occurrence of the other is
called (b) , is a form of counterconditioning
called the (a) . This theory is supported by the
because it uses deep relaxation to replace or decrease the fear or
idea that classical conditioning is not usually learned if the uncon-
anxiety with particular (c) that are arranged
ditioned stimulus appears before the neutral stimulus, a procedure
in a hierarchy.
that is called (b) .