Mid-Term Parking
Mid-Term Parking
Mid-Term Parking
Vehicle parking management system that enables the time management and
control of vehicles by using parking number.
The system that will track the entry and exit of vehicles, maintain a listing of
vehicle within the parking lot, and determine the parking and it will also determine
the cost of parking of vehicle.
In present all vehicles parking work done on the paper. The whole year vehicle
parking record is stored in the registers. We can’t generate reports as per our
requirements because its take more time to calculate the vehicle parking report.
• Not user friendly: The present system not user friendly because data is not
chance of error.
• Time consuming
There is always a need of a system that will provide a way to effectively control
records & track vehicle parking traffic.
Software Requirements:
Hardware Requirements:
In the modern age. Many people have vehicles. Vehicle is now a basic need. Every
place is under the process of urbanization. There are many corporate offices and
shopping centers etc. There are many recreational places where people used to go
for refreshment. So, all these places need a parking space where people can park
their vehicles safely and easily. Every parking area needs a system that records the
detail of vehicles to give the facility. With the help of this system we can deliver a
good service to customer who wants to park their vehicle into the any
organization’s premises.
Proposed System:
System Overview:
Add Vehicle: In this section, admin add vehicle which is going to park.
Manage Vehicle: In this section, admin can manage incoming and outgoing
vehicle and admin can also add parking charges and his/her remarks.
Reports: In this section admin can generate vehicle entries reports between two
Search: In this section, admin can search a particular vehicle by parking number.
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate
systems more efficiently.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a collection of rules we use to define and modify
web pages. CSS are similar to styles in Word. CSS allow Web designers to have
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CSS can control the placement of text and objects on your pages as well as the
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HTML information creates the objects (or gives objects meaning), but styles
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The best practice is to design your web page on paper first so you know where you
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System Testing
The goal of the system testing process was to determine all faults in our project .The
program was subjected to a set of test inputs and many explanations were made and based
on these explanations it will be decided whether the program behaves as expected or not.
Our Project went through two levels of testing
1. Unit testing
2. Integration testing
Unit testing is commenced when a unit has been created and effectively
reviewed .In order to test a single module we need to provide a complete
environment i.e. besides the section we would require
The procedures belonging to other units that the unit under test calls
Report Generation: admin can generate report from the main database.
The primary objective is to test the module interfaces in order to confirm that no
errors are occurring when one module invokes the other module.