Final Computer Made Friendly Book 5 April-01-2014
Final Computer Made Friendly Book 5 April-01-2014
Final Computer Made Friendly Book 5 April-01-2014
Scheme of Work......................................................v
Algorithms and Flowcharts......................................1
Hardware Basics......................................................8
Software Basics........................................................18
Moving Ahead with Windows.................................33
Working in WordPad...............................................43
Microsoft Word.......................................................52
• Know various hardware like bar code readers, fingerprint scanners and robots etc
This Teacher’s Book has been designed to facilitate the teachers in imparting computer studies to the students using the
series “Computers Made Friendly”. Being a teacher, I know how challenging this job is. While developing these Teacher’s
Books, I have kept in mind all my experiences and situations (the good ones and the not so good ones) that I encountered
I strongly believe that “Each teaching period is an enthralling challenge for the teacher, in which she teaches, she disciplines,
she manages and she smiles.” Yes! The smile is very important.
Computer Studies is a subject that requires hands-on experience. Lab activities have been suggested to make the
learning process interesting and enjoyable.
The Scheme of work has been designed keeping in view 3 periods per week.
Certain activities, project ideas and discussion topics have been provided to the teacher so that you may use these
to interact with the students and inculcate knowledge in their minds.
I have added a few topics in the lesson plans; this has been done because I felt that it would be more suitable if a
(days) (weeks)
spread spread
3 (1
7 (1
7th (2
brief gist of certain topics is given to the students to make the teaching and learning process more effective.
3rd (2
• Tips and Notes:
Some tips and notes are also added in the document for extra knowledge.
• Solution of exercises
For the ease of the teacher, the exercises mentioned in the book have been solved. However, you can use your own
answers for the questions.
• Worksheets
Periods Periods
For practice of the students, worksheets have been created and added in the lesson plans of the relevant chapters.
• Resources
I have kept the fact in consideration that the resources recommended in the lesson plans are easy to acquire. I
Chapter Teaching
have also provided alternate solutions for resources for the teacher’s convenience.
I hope the Teacher’s Book will be helpful to you in teaching the subject to its best.
Umbreen Mahar
iv v
Chapter 4 3 3 10 11th (2 • Understand what an Operating System is
4 periods)
• Know the names of common Operating Systems used
• Understand what Windows Operating System is
• Know the background of Microsoft Windows
• Understand that the settings in a computer can be customised
• Be able to customise the display settings of a computer
Revi- 15 and
sion 16th
Chapter 5 2 2 9 19th • Understand the terms word processing and word processors
20th • Know how to start WordPad
Chapter 5 2 2 9 22nd • Understand the terms word processing and word processors
23rd • Know how to start MS Word
• Understand the concept of Problem Solving
Day 1
Today would be the first day of a new session for you and the students. Start your lesson by asking the students.
How do you get ready for school in the morning?
With their help, make a list of tasks that they do while getting ready for school.
A suggested list is given below:
• Wake up
• Get out of bed and go to the bathroom
• Open water in the tap and wash your face and hands
• Pick up the soap and apply it on your hands and face
• Put the soap back
• Wash your hands and face with water
• Pick up your toothbrush and apply toothpaste on it
• Brush your teeth
• Wash your mouth with water
• Put the brush back
• Change your clothes
• Wear your shoes
• Wash your hands again
• Have breakfast
• Come to school
Now, once the list of steps is ready. Write the word “PROBLEM” on a part of the board in prominent size. Flowcharts:
Now, tell the students that whenever we do a task, there are certain steps involved: Now, proceed with your lesson by telling the students that the steps of problem solving can also be written using
pre-defined symbols to create a flowchart.
Further tell the students that each task that we perform can be called a problem, and the steps involved in it can
be called problem solving. A flowchart is a pictorial representation of the steps to be followed to solve a problem or to do a particular task.
Relate the starter activity with this concept and tell the students that all the works that we do in our daily life are The difference between an algorithm and flowchart is that algorithm comprises of instructions given in simple
problems and the procedure for doing each work is the problem solving of that work. language, while flowcharts consist of symbols that represent various steps of a task.
To clarify the concept further, you can also make them analyse the example given in the book. Symbols of FlowCharts:
Now, ask them, what was the problem in the example? And what were the problem solving steps in the example? A flowchart has various symbols which represent various functions:
By this, you will be able to reinforce the concept and also analyse the level of understanding of the students. Start / Stop:
Problem Solving in Computers: An oval shaped symbol is used to represent the beginning and ending of a flowchart.
Tell the students that a computer is a machine that helps us in doing many tasks. However, it does not have the When this shape is used for starting a flowchart it contains the word “Start “and when this shape is used for ending
capability to work on its own. a flowchart it contains the word “Stop”.
If we have to make a computer do anything, we have to instruct the computer to work on it step by step. Input Symbol:
Programs: Input means providing instructions. An input operation is represented by a parallelogram in a flowchart. There can
be more than one input symbols in a flowchart.
Tell the students that a set of instructions given to the computer to enable it to do a certain task is called a
Computer Program. Output Symbol:
A computer program is read by the computer step by step and the computer keeps performing each step by Output means the result of a task. An output is also represented by a parallelogram in a flowchart.
following the instructions of the program.
Processing Symbol:
Make sure you mention it to the students that a computer reads and analyses the step wise instructions so fast
that we do not have to wait. Processing means to work on the input provided. Processing can be a calculation or information. The steps involving
processing are represented with a rectangular box in the flowchart.
Also tell the students that computer programs are written in special languages called computer languages.
Decision Symbol:
Computer Language:
There are certain points in a flowchart where a decision has to be made with respect to the conditions. A decision
A computer language or programming language has its own alphabet and grammar which is understood by the box is diamond shaped.
computer and then the computer acts on the instructions given in this language.
Flow Lines:
A few examples of computer languages are LOGO, BASIC, and C++. The students have already learnt about basics
of these languages in previous classes. Hence, they would comprehend this concept very easily. Flow lines represent the flow of data in a flowchart. Flow lines can be left, right upwards and downwards.
Day 2 A circle is used to connect two parts of a flowchart which are on different pages.
Algorithms: The presence of a circle indicates that the flowchart has not ended.
You have already explained the concept of problems and problem solving. Tell the students that the step by step
instructions given in English to solve a problem are called Algorithm.
This means that the list of steps created on the board and the one given in the example in the book are Algorithms
of two different problem solving processer.
Now, circulate the worksheet given at the end of this chapter to the students and ask them to fill it out.
Give them 15 to 20 minutes to fill the worksheet.
2 3
IN THE LAB Decision Symbol:
• Take the students to the lab. Show them a demonstration on algorithms and flowcharts. There are certain points in a flow chart where a decision has to be made with re- spect to the conditions. A decision box is diamond shaped.
Flow Lines: Flow lines represent the flow of data in a flow chart. Flow lines can be left, right
FjAC& upwards and downwards.
3. Fill in the blanks:
• Ask the students to open MS word and draw a flowchart of making a cup of tea. a. Algorithm
b. Pictorial
c. Diamond
EXERCISE: d. Processing
1. Define the following: e. Rectangle
a. Program
b. Algorithm 4. Arrange the following steps of an algorithm in proper order.
c. Flowchart a. Start
b. Pack your bag
2. Answer the following questions: c. Leave your house
a. Discuss the importance of a flowchart. d. Reach the bus stop
A flowchart is a pictorial representation of the steps to be followed to solve a problem e. Board the bus
or to do a particular task. Flowcharts help in expressing the flow of events in any f. Stop
task being done. They also help a programmer in creating a data model to write a
computer program.
b. Explain any four symbols used in drawing a flowchart.
A flow chart has various symbols which represent various functions, some of them
Input Symbol:
Input means providing instructions. An input operation is represented by a parallel-
ogram in a flow chart. There can be more than one input symbols in a flowchart.
Processing Symbol:
Processing means to work on the input provided. Processing can be a calculation or
information. The steps involving processing are represented with a rectangular box
in the flow chart.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________
Making a Sandwich
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________
Name: __________________________ Class: __________________________
Day 1
This unit comprises of information related to Hardware. So, it is advised that you provide a recap of Hardware to
the students.
Hardware is the name given to all the physical components of a computer which can be seen and touched.
Hardware of a computer includes its input, processing and output devices.
Explain it to the students that some hardware are easily seen such as mouse, keyboard etc while some are packed
inside the computer, such as the motherboard and memory chip.
Now, start briefing them about various hardware present in the computer:
System Unit:
Tell the students that the system unit is the most important part of the computer. This is because it carries many
small but important components of a computer in it.
A system unit is a rectangular box placed on or underneath the table on which the computer is placed.
Also tell the students that a lot of people confuse the CPU and the system unit and call the rectangular box as CPU.
However, the CPU is actually a part of the system unit.
• Motherboard
• Processor
• Memory Chips
• Expansion Slots and Cards
Motherboard: Control Unit:
A motherboard is the most important part of the computer. It is also called the backbone of the computer. The Control Unit or CU is an important part of the CPU. It controls and coordinates all the operations of computer.
It also controls the flow of data in the computer.
Explain it to the students that like our backbone is very important for us because it enables us to move, sit and
lie down. In the same way, the motherboard or system board is also very important for the computer and the The control unit performs the following functions:
computer cannot function if the motherboard is not working.
• When we give an instruction to the computer through input device, it accepts the data from it and sends
The motherboard contains the microprocessor of the computer which is also called as the CPU or brain of the it to the memory.
• Now, it understands the instructions given in the form of program and converts them into control signals.
Besides this, the RAM, ROM, Hard drives, Disk Drives and other such components are also connected to the
motherboard which supports each of them in performing their relevant function. • CU sends the instructions from the memory unit to the arithmetic logic unit.
Further, tell the students that whenever we want to attach a new hardware to the computer, it is necessary that • After the ALU has processed the data. The CU sends the results to the memory unit.
we connect that hardware with the motherboard. Elsewise, it will not function. • Now, it transfers the data from the memory unit to the output devices.
Explain it to the students that if we open the cover of the system unit, we will see a large green plate fixed inside Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
the system unit. This plate has numerous smaller parts and a network of chips which are connected to each other
and help each other in doing certain tasks. The Arithmetic Logic Unit is the part of CPU that controls all the calculations such as addition, subtraction, division
and multiplication.
The large green plate bearing all the components is the motherboard.
It also understands the logics and makes decisions such as comparing two numbers and deciding if they are equal
or unequal. It can also compare words to determine if the words are same or different.
Day 2 Give the following examples to the students:
Processor: • If we ask the computer to subtract 20 from 47, the ALU will process this data and give us answer 27.
The Processor of a computer is more commonly known as CPU. • If we type two words like Ali and Wali. The ALU will compare them and tell us they are different.
CPU stands for “Central Processing Unit”. It is the part of the computer that takes care of all the processing. The Register:
CPU is also called the brain of computer because it is the control centre that controls all devices attached to the
computer. Registers are very small memory locations inside the processor. The resigters are responsible for temporarily
storing the data that is to be processed.
Further, the CPU is also responsible to control the memory of a computer. Whenever we want to store data in
our computer the CPU processes it and approves the storage of the data in one of the hard drives attached in our A CPU can have several registers in it which perform the function of holding data for a short time.
Also tell the students that if the CPU of a computer stops working, the computer will not even switch on. Hence, it
is necessary that the CPU of our computer is in good working condition. Day 3
Brief it to the students that today, there are many types of Central Processing Units available which differ from Memory Chip:
each other in terms of size and speed.
The memory chip is a component of the System Unit. The function of this chip is to store data on temporary and
Components of CPU: permanent basis.
The CPU is divided into three components, which are: Tell the students that the part of the system unit that stores all the data and instructions is the memory chip.
• Control Unit (CU) Any instruction given to the computer is first stored by the memory chip and then sent for processing.
• Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) The memory chip can be divided into two parts:
• Register • RAM
10 11
RAM: Network Card
• The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory. The RAM is also a storage device but it only stores the Today, most people use the computer to communicate with others through the internet. A computer cannot
data temporarily. connect to the internet if it does not have a network card installed in it.
• The RAM allows you to read and write functions on it. Any data that is waiting to be processed it stored in The network card controls the flow of input and output of a computer with the internet.
the RAM. As soon as you turn off the computer, all the data on the RAM gets deleted and that is why it is
called temporary or volatile memory.
Day 4 and 5
Expansion Slots:
• The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory. The ROM is a read only memory and we cannot add or delete
information on it. Usually, when you buy a computer, the ROM present in it is already programmed to Expansion slots are the slots present on the motherboard which can fit in the expansion cards.
perform the basic functions of an operating system.
Bar Code Reader:
• The ROM is present in the computer in the form of a small chip. The data on the ROM stays intact even if
we switch the computer off. Hence, it is called permanent memory or Non Volatile Memory. A bar code reader is a device that can read bar codes.
• The data on the ROM cannot be written by a normal user. Before explaining them about the device, it is necessary that you brief them about bar codes.
• The ROM has the BIOS stored on it. BIOS is the short form of Basic Input Output System which is required Bar Code:
to boot a system. Booting means starting up a computer.
A bar code is a series of black bars and white spaces which are of different widths. A bar code can be printed on
Expansion Card: various things to provide them a unique identity.
The word expansion has been derived from Expand, which means to increase. A bar code is basically a coded representation of numbers and letters which are assigned to a specific item. There
are several ways of arranging symbols of a bar code.
An Expansion Card is an electronic circuit which can be attached to the computer to enhance the capability of a
computer. Barcodes are read with the help of special devices which are called Bar Code Readers.
Expansion cards are also called add-on cards. A motherboard can fit around 7 expansion cards which can be A Barcode reader is an electronic device that can read bar codes printed on any item. The bar code reader functions
inserted in the slots available on the motherboard. by using a lens, light source and photo conductor to translate optical signals to electronic signals.
There are many types of expansion cards which support various functions and features in a computer. A few Bar code readers are used at many places such as markets, railway stations etc.
expansion cards are:
Types of Bar Code Scanners:
• Graphic Card
There are several types of barcode scanners available which are different from each other in terms of functioning:
• Sound Card
• Fixed Position
• Network Card
A Fixed postion bar code scanner is fixed at a position. If we want the scanner to read a barcode, we have
Below mentioned are the functions of each of these expansion cards: to bring the barcoded item in front of its lense. The scanner will then read the barcode and convert it into
Graphic Card
This type of scanners are commonly used at grocery shops.
A graphic card is also called a video card.
• Hand held
It controls the quality of the images displayed on the screen of a monitor.
A hand held scanner is a moveable bar code scanner. It is small in size and can be held in one hand. This
Sound Card type of scanner is quite easy to use as it can be carried from one place to another. Hand held scanners are
used at grocery shops and warehouses of companies.
A sound card is also called as audio card.
• Stationary
The function of a sound card is to control the input and output of audio or sound in the computer.
A stationary scanner is very similar to the fixed bar code scanner because it is placed at a position and
If the sound card of computer stops working, we will not be able to listen to music on the computer. keeps operating from that place. If we want any item to be read by the bar code reader, then we need to
bring the item in the range of the stationary scanner.
12 13
• LED scanners
An image scanner is also called a camera reader. It uses a small camera to capture an image of the bar code
and then decodes the bar code. It can read a bar code from about 3 to 9 inches away and generally does
not cost much. • Take the students to the lab. Show them the hardware components of a computer that are present in the
lab. If possible, also show them the inside of a system unit.
• Video Camera Scanner
A Video Camera Scanner is very similar to the LED Scanner. It has a small video camera fitted in it. When an
item is brought near this device, it creates a small video of the barcode and then decodes it. SOLUTION OF EXERCISES
• Laser Scanners EXERCISE:
A laser scanner functions with the help of laser light. It does not have to be close to the bar code in order to 1. Fill in the blanks with correct answers:
do its job. It uses a system of mirrors and lenses to allow the scanner to read the bar code. A laser barcode
scanner can easily read a bar code up to 24 inches away. a. Several
There are also some laser scanners which can scan the bar code at a distance of about 30 feet. b. Backbone
A fingerprint scanner is an electronic device that has the capability of scanning and storing fingerprints which can d. CPU
be used later on for accessing different information.
e. Arithmetic Logic Unit
The fingerprint scanner is attached to a computer which stores the data and creates a link between a finger print
f. Random Access Memory
and a person. Finger print scanners are used at various places like offices, security systems and even at homes for
security purpose. They are very effective in security because when a finger is placed on the finger scanner, it takes g. Expansion Cards
an image of the fingerprint and matches it with the data already fed into it.
h. Fingerprint Scanner
If it finds a match, it will allow the person to gain access to the system and if it does not recognize the fingerprint
it will not let the person pass the security. i. Robot
A Robot is a computer controlled mechanical device which is designed to perform tasks that are repeatitive and 2. State whether the following are True and False:
a. False
Robots are a part of the 5th generation of computers and are used in many fields such as production industry,
security check, aviation etc. The robots are preprogrammed to do a certain task or a group of tasks. b. True
Robots have made their place in many fields and are being continuously upgraded and modified to make them c. False
even more productive machines. d. True
e. False
IN THE LAB: f. True
• Take the students to the lab. Show them a presentation the hardware that has been taught to them in the g. True
h. True
0CCQQFjAA& i. True
j. False
14 15
3. Answer the following questions: f. Write a brief note on ROM.
The ROM is present in the computer in the form of a small chip. The data on the ROM stays intact
even if we switch the computer off. Hence, it is called permanent memory.
b. Define Motherboard. Also name the main components of motherboard.
g. Explain what an Expansion Card is?
A motherboard is a flat rectangular circuit board which has many small but important components
fitted on it. The motherboard is also called the backbone of the computer because it carries the An Expansion card is an electronic circuit which has the capability to enhance the utility of a
CPU, RAM, ROM and many such components. computer. There are several types of expansion cards such as video cards, sound cards, network
cards etc.
c. What is a processor?
h. What is the role of expansion slot in a motherboard?
A processor, which is more commonly known as CPU is the part of the computer that takes care of
all the processing. The CPU is also called the brain of computer because it is the control centre that An expansion slot is a slot in the motherboard which can fit in an expansion card. The purpose of
controls all devices attached to the computer. an expansion slot is to help the computer in adding memory or any other enhancement to increase
the usefulness of the computer.
CPU is also responsible to control the memory of a computer.
j. How does the fingerprint scanner work?
The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory. Any data that is waiting to be processed is stored
in the RAM temporarily and then sent to the CPU for processing. A fingerprint scanner works by storing the image of a fingerprint and associating it with a person’s
identity. Whenever a finger is placed on the scanner, it takes the image of the fingerprint and
As soon as you turn of the computer, all the data on the RAM gets deleted and that is why it is called matches it with the data stored in it.
temporary or volatile memory.
k. What is a Robot?
A Robot is a computing device that has been designed to perform preprogrammed tasks. Robots
belong from the 5th generation of computers and are used in various fields today.
16 17
Name: __________________________ Class: __________________________
Guess the part of the computer with the help of hints given:
1. I can read and write but if you turn off the computer I will forget everything.
• Understand what Software is
• System Software:
• Utility Programs Optionally, you can tell the students that sometimes an operating system might stop working due to a virus or
any other damage. In this case, we cannot use the computer until we reinstall a working operating system on the
Operating System: computer.
Tell the students that an operating system is a special type of software that runs on a computer. The operating Providing User Interface:
system recognises the input from the input devices gets its processed through the processing device and sends The word User interface means a space which allows the user to communicate with the computer.
the output to the output devices.
An operating system functions as a bridge between the computer and the user and helps them communicate with
Also tell them that the operating system is also responsible for storing the data and files on a computer and also each other.
to manage the devices attached with a computer.
Tell the students that in the past, the operating systems had difficult user interfaces in which the user had to
And, the operating system also manages the application software that are installed in a computer. memorise a lot of commands and codes in order to give instructions to the computer. However, today, all the
operating systems use the graphical user interface to function.
This means that all the tasks being done on a computer are controlled by the operating system.
A graphic user interface also known as GUI is an interface that comprises of graphics and pictures. Each of these
If a computer does not have an operating system, we will not be able to use it. Hence, it is necessary that an graphics and pictures represent a function or a program. The user can communicate with the computer by choosing
operating system is installed in every computer. from tools and options present on the screen of the computer by using the mouse of keyboard attached to their
Further, tell the students that an operating system has supportive programs called “commands and utilities” that
help it to manage and maintain the overall performance of a computer and also notify the user if any problem Managing Programs:
arises in the functioning of a computer. The next function of an operating system is managing the execution and functioning of all the programs present
Types of Operating Systems: in a system.
Remind the students that a computer is a machine which can do many tasks together and run many programs at
Tell the students that there are several operating systems such as DOS, MAC OS, and Linux etc. However, the most
the same time.
commonly used operating system is the Windows operating system.
The function of an operating system is to monitor the progress and process of each program running on the
computer; it manages the programs in various ways such as:
• An operating system makes sure that all the applications and processes get appropriate amount of time
from the processor so that they can run in a smooth way.
• It also makes sure that the programs running on the computer get a proper share in the memory of the
computer to enable their function.
20 21
File Management: Examples of Utility Programs:
A file system or a file management system is utility that stores and organises the files and other data present in a A few utility programs should be discussed in the class so that the students may comprehend the concept effectively.
• Disk Scanner
The file management system has the capability of accessing all the memory devices attached to the computer and
• File Manager
check their capacity of storing data.
• Image Viewer
An operating system helps the file system in the following ways:
• Disk Space Analyser
• It helps the creation and deletion of files.
• Backup Utilities
• It helps the creation and deletion of directories or folders.
• System Profilers
• It also facilitates in organising the data by copying files or moving files from one location of the computer
to another location. • Anti Virus
• Creating backups on removable storage devices such as CDS, USBS etc. Disk Scanner:
A Disk Scanner is a program that acts as a maintenance tool for the computer. The function of a Disk Scanner is to
check the hard drive of a computer for errors or any corrupt data.
Day 3
Brief the students that a Disk Scanner is also called Scandisk.
Device Management: The errors or damaged data in a drive is caused by several reasons such as:
The operating system also manages the devices that are connected to the computer. A computer has many devices • System Crash or Power Failure:
such as mouse, keyboard, speakers, webcam etc installed with it and many of these devices are working at the
same time. Explain it to the students that power failures or shutting the computer directly by unplugging it from the
electricity source can damage the data in the computer because the computer did not get the proper
The operating system manages the functioning of all these devices by creating a bridge between the hardware chance to shut down properly and close all applications and files safely.
and the software.
• Improper Exit of Programs:
Device Drivers:
Brief the students that there are many programs installed on our computer. Some of these might be old
A device driver which is also called a driver is a software which is specially designed to support the features and and are not in proper functioning condition. Or some might conflict with each other.
functions of a device or hardware that is attached to the computer.
An old program or a conflicted program can crash again and again. This crash not only affects the program
A device driver also supports the operating system by acting as a connection between the operating system and itself but also damages the data related to it.
the hardware. And, sometimes we do not close programs and shut the computer down. This way, the program that is
running can get damaged and this can also damage the data on the computer.
Also tell the students that whenever a new device is attached to a computer, it is necessary that the driver of that
hardware is also installed in the computer. • Presence of Malware
Further, if due to some reason the driver stops working, the device will also not work because it will not be able to Malware is a word that is a combination of two words i.e. Malicious and Software.
communicate with the operating system of the computer.
Malware is any program that has been designed in order to damage the files and data present in the
Utility Programs: computer. There are several types of malware such as viruses, trojans and other such programs which can
damage the computer and its performance very easily.
Utility programs are the third important component of a system software. A utility program is a small program
present in the computer which supports a specific tasks of the computer. Function of Disk Scanner:
The utility programs in a computer manage, monitor and control the internal processes of a computer. When a Disk Scanner is running, it checks the hard drives and the system files for defects. It not only searches for
errors but also corrects the problem.
Also tell the students that there are several utility programs which are present in our computer by default and we
Once a Scandisk has finished its task, it provides a report that contains details of the amount of data scanned by it
can also add more utility programs as per our requirement and use. and the number of the errors that were found during the process.
Explain it to the students that we should use the Scandisk application frequently so that our computer system
stays safe from being damaged.
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Running a Scan Disk: Backup Utilities:
Brief the students on the steps involved in starting a Scandisk on the computer: A computer is a machine and there is always a chance that it crashes or gets damaged.
• Double Click the My Computer icon on your computer. If a computer crashes, the data on it can also be lost. Hence, it is necessary that we keep a backup of our data.
• Highlight the Disk which you want to scan for bad sector from the “List of Hard Drives” option. A backup utility makes a copy of all or part of information present on the computer and saves it on another disk
• Open the “File” menu and select the “Properties” option drive or a portable drive.
• Select the “Tools” tab This data can be restored in the computer if the computer crashes some day.
• Click the “Check Now” button System Profilers:
• The scanning process will be initiated. A System profiler is a utility that provides detailed information about the software and hardware installed on the
Tell the students that it is recommended that no other program is accessed and used while the disks of the computer.
computer are being scanned for errors. With the help of a system profiler, we can view the software installed on the computer and delete any unnecessary
application present in it.
File Manager: An antivirus program is a software that has been designed to protect the computer from various attacks such as
viruses, trojans and other such malware.
The students have already been briefed about the File Management System of a computer. A File manager or a File
browser is a utility that helps the management of files in a system. This type of program keeps our computer and the data on it safe from being damaged and corrupted.
File management means organising files in a computer. This includes opening, editing, copying, moving and
deleting files.
Day 5
A file manager can also be used to rename files or change their security and sharing status.
Application Software:
Image Viewer:
Application software is a type of software that can do a specific type of work.
As the name suggests, an image viewer is an application that helps us to view images present in the computer.
This category of software is designed and developed to handle special kind of information to produce results
It not only provides us the option of viewing pictures saved in our computer but also to perform the following which can be used by us for specific needs.
tasks on the images:
For example:
• Increase or decrease the size of the image being viewed by using the zoom in and zoom out option.
Web browsers can only be used for browsing the web. We cannot do any other task such as calculation or designing
• Rotating the image in clock wise or anti clock wise direction. with the help of a web browser.
• Seeing an image in full screen mode. Word processors can only be used to create documents. We cannot do any other task with it.
• Viewing a slideshow of images chosen by us. A slide show means that the images are changed on the In the same way, a calculator can only be used to perform calculations. We cannot type words on it.
screen after the passage of some time (a few seconds) and we can view them without having to press the
next tab again and again. With the above examples, it will become clear to the students that an application software can perform only a
special task for which it has been designed.
• An image viewer also gives us the option of printing a document on paper.
Types of Application Software:
• It also allows us to delete any image that we don’t wish to save in our computer.
There are millions of software available today which are used by people according to their needs. A few types of
Disk Space Analyser: application software are:
A disk space analyser is a utility which can be used for the managing the space on the hard disk of a computer. The Word Processors:
disk analyser has the capability of analysing and knowing the size of each file and folder which is present on the
hard drive. A word processor is a software that has been designed for processing words. These software help us to create text
documents. We can also edit, delete and format the content present in the word file.
It not only monitors the space occupied on the disk but also indicates if the space available on the disk is very low.
This helps the user to clear the unnecessary data from the computer. This document can be saved in the computer and can be seen again whenever required.
24 25
Tell the students that word processors are used for writing reports, articles, letters and essays. These programs Now, proceed further by telling them that there are some applications which are used to create and manage
have many features that enable us to make a pleasant looking document with the options available for formatting databases. These are called database managers.
the text.
A few examples of database managers are:
Another good thing about the word processor is that they have several utilities like spell check, text alignment,
adding page numbers etc to the document. • Microsoft Access
Day 6 There are many educational software on almost all subjects. A few names of educational software are:
Give them an example that a telephone directory contains the telephone numbers of people. But it does not
contain any other information like the colour of houses or the number of people living in each house.
Hence, a telephone directory can be an example of a database.
In the same way, the attendance register of their class contains their names, but not the details of their favourite
food or colour.
By the above two examples, the students should have a clear idea about databases.
26 27
IN THE LAB 2. State whether True or False
• Take the students to the lab. Give them a brief overview of a few application software. Also ask them to a. False
write the names of at least 10 software installed in the computer. b. True
• Take the students to the computer lab, allow them to open the following software and do the tasks c. False
accordingly: d. True
e. False
o Open MS Word, type your name, your class and the name of your school.
f. False
o Open MS Paint. Draw a smiling face on it. g. True
o Open MS Excel. Make a list of your friends’ marks in the last computer test. h. True
i. False
• Take the students to the lab; show them a presentation or a video on commonly used hardware and
software. j. True
A few links are being given here for the teacher’s convenience:
3. Answer the following questions
a. Define System Software. System Software is a software that controls and coordinates all the processes, features and functions
of the computer. It also connects the hardware with the computer with the help of drivers.
SOLUTION OF EXERCISES System software also connects with other software installed in the computer and helps them in
A computer cannot work if the system software is not present in it.
1. Fill in the blanks
a. Low Level
b. Name the components of System Software and define them.
b. Three
The three basic components of System Software are:
c. Operating System
i. Operating System:
d. Booting
An operating system is a special type of software that runs on a computer. It coordinates
e. Graphic User Interface between the hardware and software of a computer and also with the user. It is also
responsible for storing the data and files on a computer.
f. File Manager
g. Scandisk
ii. Device Drivers
h. Word Processors
A device driver which is also called a driver is a software which is specially designed to
i. Database Manager support the features and functions of a device or hardware that is attached to the computer.
j. Antivirus
A utility program is a small program present in the computer which supports a specific tasks
of the computer.
The utility programs in a computer manage, monitor and control the internal processes of
a computer.
28 29
c. Write down three functions of an operating system. g. Write a brief note on Image Viewer
Functions of an Operating System: An image viewer is an application that helps us to view images present in the computer. It not only
provides us the option of viewing pictures saved in our computer but also to perform the following
An operating system performs many functions, some of which are:
tasks on the images:
i. Booting the computer.
i. Increase or decrease the size of the image being viewed by using the zoom in and zoom out
ii. Managing Programs installed in a computer. option.
iii. Managing Devices attached to a computer. ii. Rotating the image in clock wise or anti clock wise direction.
e. Name a few utility applications along with one use of each of them.
There are many utility applications that can be installed in the computer to make the computer h. What is a Spreadsheet?
more useful. Some of the utility applications are:
A spreadsheet is used to do difficult calculations and accounting. We can also use spreadsheet to
i. Disk Scanner record data in tabular form.
A Disk Scanner is one of the most commonly used utility. It checks the hard drive of a
computer for any errors and corrupt data. It also rectifies the problems present in the
computer. i. What are Word Processors?
Word processors are software that help us to create, edit and modify word documents.
ii. File Manager
A File manager is a utility program that helps us in managing files. We can move, copy, edit j. Explain how Encyclopedia software can be helpful for a student.
and delete files using this utility. It helps us in keeping our data organised.
An Encyclopedia application has a huge collection of details about numerous topics.
It can be very useful for students as they can search references and information about any specific
iii. Image Viewer topic from the encyclopedia. It saves the time and effort of the student because they only have to
An image viewer is a utility that is used for viewing images that are saved in a computer. type the keyword of the topic on which they require information. It quickly displays all the relevant
information present in it.
30 31
1. Introduction
1. Operating System
2. Function
3. Types of Operating System
2. Backup Utility
4. The Most Commonly Used Operating System
3. Device Driver
4. Disk Scanner
5. File Manager
6. Image Viewer
7. Antivirus
8. System Profiler
Now, once you have briefed the students about the history of Windows. Proceed with your lesson by telling them
how to start windows.
Tell the students that whenever we switch a computer on it automatically loads the windows operating system
on it.
Remind them about the Windows logo that is usually seen when we start a computer having Windows Operating
• Understand what an Operating System is Tell them that this logo is the Windows logo and the first screen that you see on the monitor is the Windows
• Know the names of common Operating Systems used
The Windows Desktop is the workspace for a user. It is the screen that shows icons, dialogue boxes and Program
• Understand what Windows Operating System is Windows.
• Know the background of Windows We can communicate with the computer using the Windows Desktop and its components.
• Understand that the settings in a computer can be customised
Day 2
• Be able to customise the display settings of a computer
You have already briefed the students about the basics of Windows Operating System including the definition of
LESSON PLAN: Today, teach them about the basic components of windows desktop.
Day 1 The main components of Windows Desktop are:
Start your lesson by providing a recap of Operating System to the students. Taskbar:
Also tell them that although, there are many operating systems available today, however, the most commonly The windows desktop has a long horizontal bar at the bottom of it. This bar is called the taskbar. The taskbar is
used operating system in the Windows Operating System. used for many options such as:
Give them a brief introduction and history of the windows operating system. • It displays the date and time.
History of Windows Operating System: • It has the Start button on it.
Start briefing the students about the windows operating system by telling them that in older days, using computers • It also tells you which programs are open.
was a difficult task because people had to remember many commands so that they could provide instructions to Explain it to the students that whenever we open a program in windows, a small bar of that program is displayed
the computer. on the task bar. We can switch between the running programs by clicking on the little bars or buttons. And when
Due to this reason, not many people were able to use computers. Then, in the year 1983, a company called we close any program the button of that program disappears from the taskbar.
Microsoft announced that it will launch a new operating system which will make working on a computer easy. Start Button and Start Menu:
Finally, in the year 1985, Microsoft launched an operating system which did not require the user to remember Tell the students that the Start button is present at the left corner of the taskbar. This is one of the most important
commands. components of the Windows desktop as it links the user to many programs and options of the computer.
This operating system had a lot of new things for the users, including easy to use interface, which was based Also tell the students that when we click the start button, a menu pops up. This menu is called the Start menu.
on graphical images or display. This interface was called the Graphic User Interface in which you just needed to
use the mouse or keyboard and select various programs by clicking on them. This operating system was the first The Start menu contains the option of controlling the computer along with the list of all programs installed in the
version of Windows. computer.
Tell the students that Microsoft has launched many improved versions of Windows in the past few years which Programs Menu:
make it easier for people to use computer.
The students have already been taught about the start button and the start menu.
Also tell the students that launching many versions of windows has helped the company in being the most popularly
used operating system in the world. Tell the students that when we click the start menu, we can see the “All Programs” option, when we click this
option, the Programs Menu appears on the screen.
34 35
This menu shows all the programs that are installed in a computer. We can start any program by clicking on the Since, the computer is a very smart machine; it keeps the icon of each drive separate.
name of the program.
With the help of the image given on page 36, show the students that there are three separate types of icons
Accessories Menu: present in the My Computer window.
Tell the students that sub menu means a branch or portion of any menu. The Accessories menu is a sub menu of
the programs menu.
This icon in the My Computer window represents the presence of a Floppy Drive in the computer. We
When we click the accessories menu, it shows us various accessories such as paint, notepad, calculator, word pad can insert a floppy disk in the computer using this drive and can view the contents by clicking this icon in the My
etc. Computer window.
Ask the students if they have noticed small pictures on the screen of a computer? Tell them that these small This is the hard disk drive icon. It also represents the number of partitions in the hard drive of the
pictures are called icons. Each icon represents a program or file, and if we click on the icon, the program or file computer. We can view the content of any partition by clicking the relevant icon.
will open.
Also tell them about the commonly used icons such as:
This icon shows the presence of a CD ROM in the computer. We can insert CDs in a CD ROM and access
• My Computer the contents of the CD by clicking the icon in the My Computer Window.
• My Documents My Documents:
• Recycle Bin
The My Documents icon is present on the desktop and represents a folder in which documents are saved.
• Internet Explorer
• My Network Places Tell the students that whenever we want to save any kind of document, spreadsheet, presentation or drawing it
gets saved in the My Document folder by default. Although, we can choose any other location to save the file,
• Microsoft Word however, the first preference given by the computer to any newly saved file is My Documents.
• Microsoft Excel
The advantage of the My Document folder is that we can quickly retrieve our data whenever we wish to because
• Microsoft Outlook the My Document folder is present on the main screen or the Desktop of the Computer.
• Windows Media Player
My Network Places:
Brief it to the students that whenever we are working on a Computer that is connected to a network we can share
Day 3 files and programs saved in our computer with other people.
You have already told the students about icons. Now, brief them about a few important icons: In the same way, we can access files or programs shared by other users of the network by clicking the My Network
Places icon.
My Computer:
When we click this icon, a window opens which shows a list of computers available in the network, now, if we click
The My Computer icon represents your computer system. When you click this icon, a window is displayed on our any of the computer names displayed in the list. We can see the data that the computer has shared.
screen which shows the details about the hard drive present in our computer and any other portable or removable
drive that has been attached to the computer. Recycle Bin:
Optionally, you can tell the students that a single hard drive installed in the computer can be divided into two or A Recycle bin is a folder where all the deleted files are stored. Whenever we delete file from any location in the
more parts. These parts are called “Drive partitions”. Their names are Local Disk C: /, Local Disk D: / and so on. computer, it does not get deleted permanently, it gets shifted to the Recycle Bin.
The Windows operating system is saved in the C: / partition by default. The major advantage of a Recycle bin is that if we delete a file or a folder by mistake. We can restore it by opening
the Recycle Bin and selecting that file.
The advantage of making partitions is that you can keep your data safe by making one of the partitions a backup
of the rest of the partitions. Also tell the students that if a computer did not have a recycle bin, it would create problems for us because we
would never been able to restore a file or folder that we deleted by mistake.
Inside the My Computer Window:
It is advised that you explain it to the students that the data deleted from portable devices like USB does not get
You have already explained to the students that the My Computer window shows the disk drives and portable shifted in the Recycle Bin. It is deleted permanently and cannot be recovered.
disks present in the computer.
36 37
Day 4: Changing the Screen Saver
Wallpaper: • Click on the Screen Saver tab in the Display Properties Window.
Start your lesson by telling the students that a wallpaper is the background that is displayed on the Desktop. • Select a screen saver from the screen saver box.
The computer gives us the option to change the wallpaper of our desktop. Also tell the students that we can keep • Set the number of minutes in the wait box. The wait box represents the time after which the screen saver
any type of image saved in the computer as the wallpaper of our desktop. It can be a picture of our self or our will become active.
family; it can be a nature picture or any other image that we choose.
• View the screensaver by clicking the Preview button on the screen.
Also tell the students that by default, a computer has a few pictures saved in it which can be used as wallpapers.
• Now, once you have selected your screen saver, click the Apply and Ok buttons.
Screen Saver:
• The screen saver of your choice will be applied to the computer and will become active after the time
A screen saver is a screen which contains text or images. Tell the students that whenever the computer is not being period mentioned by you.
used and is in idle state, after some time the desktop of the computer disappears and is replaced by the screen
There are many advantages of the screen saver, such as: IN THE LAB
• The computer consumes less electricity when it is in screen saver mode. • Take the students in the lab. Show them all the components of Windows taught in the lesson. It is
recommended that you walk them through the following tutorial for using Windows XP.
• If anyone sees our computer screen, the document that we were working on is not displayed to them.
• We can even put a lock on the screen saver so that no one can use our computer in our absence.
• Take the students to the lab and allow them to practice the activities 4, 5 and 6 mentioned on page 42.
Changing the Display Settings
Now, once you have explained them what a wallpaper and a screen saver means. You should brief them on the
procedure of changing the display settings of a computer which include changing the wallpaper as well as the SOLUTION OF EXERCISES
screen saver.
The Windows Operating System has a feature which allows us to change the display settings of a computer; it can
be done by the following steps: 1. Answer the following questions
• Now, click the Display Properties option from the Appearance and Theme window.
• A window will be displayed which shows various options of changing the display of a computer. b. What are icons? Name any three icons.
This window can be used to change the way our desktop looks. Icons are small pictures displayed on the screen of the computer. Each icon represents a program
or a file.
To change the desktop using the “Display Properties Window” we have to follow these steps: My Computer
• Select an image from the list provided in Background box. Or select an image from the pictures saved in Recycle Bin
your computer.
The windows desktop has a long horizontal bar at the bottom of it. This bar is called the task bar. It viii. Set the number of minutes in the wait box.
displays the start button, date and time and the programs opened in the computer.
ix. View the screensaver by clicking the Preview button on the screen.
i. This is the Floppy Drive icon. It shows the presence of a floppy drive in the computer.
ii. This is the CD ROM icon. It indicates the presence of a CD Drive in the computer.
2. Fill in the blanks
iii. The Recycle Bin icon represents a folder in which all the files that are deleted from the
computer are shifted. a. Operating System
b. Taskbar
e. Write down the steps to change the background of Windows Desktop. c. Wallpaper
ii. Click the Control Panel tab to open the Control Panel window. e. Recycle Bin
iii. Select the “Appearance and Theme” icon from the list of icons displayed in the window. f. Programs
iv. Now, click the Display Properties option from the Appearance and Theme window. g. Display Properties Window
v. A window will be displayed which shows various options of changing the display of a
computer. 3. Start True or False.
vi. Click on the Desktop tab in the Display Properties window. a. False
vii. Select an image. b. True
viii. Click the Apply button and then the Ok button. c. False
d. True
f. What is a screen saver? Write down the steps to change the screen saver on your computer. e. False
A Screen Saver is an image or text that is displayed on the screen when the computer is left idle for
some time.
ii. Click the Control Panel tab to open the Control Panel window.
iii. Select the “Appearance and Theme” icon from the list of icons displayed in the window.
iv. Now, click the Display Properties option from the Appearance and Theme window.
v. A window will be displayed which shows various options of changing the display of a
vi. Click on the Screen Saver tab in the Display Properties Window.
40 41
Collect information about all the versions of Microsoft Windows Operating System. Fill in Start your computer; draw at least 8 icons displayed on the screen. Also write their name
the spaces given below: and function.
• Click the Start Button on the task bar to open the Start Menu.
• Now, click the All Programs Menu from the Start Menu.
• Understand the terms word processing and word processors
• Now, click the “Accessories Menu” from the list.
• Know how to start WordPad
• You will see the accessories menu, select WordPad from this menu
• Be familiar with the components of WordPad Window
• WordPad will now start and will be displayed on the screen of your monitor.
• Know how to enter, select and edit text
The cursor basically shows the position on which the text would be typed.
Day 1 Title Bar:
The title bar is a long horizontal bar present on the top of the WordPad window. The title bar displays the name of
Start your lesson by giving them a brief introduction of Word Processing.
the program along with the name of the file.
Word Processing:
The title bar also has three buttons on it, which are:
Word Processing means to create type, edit and modify a text document. Word processing is usually needed when
• Minimize Button
we want to create a document based on a letter, email, report or any such document which involves many words.
Tell the students that the minimize button makes the window small. When you press the minimize button,
Word Processors:
the window becomes a small icon on the task bar.
The software that is used for word processing is called word processing software or word processors. There are
many types of word processors such as notepad, WordPad and MS Word.
• Maximize Button
Tell the students that today, they will be learning about the software called WordPad.
The maximize button is also called the restore button. It makes the size of the window smaller and larger
Back Ground of WordPad:
when pressed.
Tell the students that the first version of WordPad was launched in the year 1995. This was a replacement of
a Windows component called Microsoft Write. The WordPad was a component of the Microsoft Windows 95
package. • Close Button
Tell the students that when we install the windows operating system the WordPad gets automatically installed in The close button is used when you want to close the window.
it. In this way, we can create documents without having to install any software package such as Microsoft Office.
44 45
Day 2 Day 3
Menu Bar: Selecting Text:
The Menu Bar is present just below the title bar. It is called the menu bar because it has several menus such as File, If we have to make any change on the document or a part of the document, we need to select the text that is to
Edit and View etc on it. When you click any of these menus, a list is shown; this is called a drop down list. be changed. The whole text or a part of the text can be selected. Selecting the text can be done by mouse and
keyboard both.
By mouse:
The WordPad window contains a horizontal bar beneath the menu bar. This bar shows several icons which are
shortcuts for menu commands such as opening a new document, cut, paste, copy undo and redo etc. The steps involved in selecting a text using mouse are:
Format Bar: • Move the pointer of the mouse to the beginning of the text that you want to select.
The format bar is present just below the toolbar. This bar also contains icons on it. The icons present on the format • Press and hold the left button of the mouse and drag the mouse.
bar can be used to format the text.
• You will see that the text gets highlighted.
Also remind the students that formatting text means changing the look of the text.
• Release the mouse button when you reach the end of the text to be selected.
By Keyboard:
The Ruler set the margins on the word document which is created in WordPad. There are two ruler bars in the
WordPad window, one is on the top and the other is on the left. These bars are used to increase or decrease the To select text using the keyboard:
margins of a word document. • By using the arrow keys, bring the cursor to the start of the text to be selected.
Status Bar: • Press and hold the shift button of the keyboard.
The status bar is present at the bottom of the WordPad Window. The status bar provides information about any • Also press the arrow key to move the cursor.
component of the window on which we place the cursor of the mouse.
• When you reach the end of the text that needs to be selected.
Entering Text:
• Release both the keys.
Tell the students that when we start WordPad, a new document is created automatically. The document has a
blank work area on which the cursor is blinking. Editing Text:
Entering text means using the keyboard of the computer and type text. When you press any key on the keyboard, The term Editing Text basically means making any changes in the text already typed. It is necessary that we select
the letter or number printed on the key appears on the screen. the text as taught earlier before making any change to it or editing it.
Word Wrap: WordPad has many editing options such as:
Word wrap is a feature of WordPad that keeps all the text within the margins of the work area. When we are • Cutting or moving the text from one position in the document and pasting it to another.
entering text in a word document consistently, the words automatically shift to the next line when the current line
is filled. This is because of the word wrap feature of WordPad which shifts the text to the next line without the • Copying text from one location of the document and pasting it to the other.
need of pressing Enter key.
• Deleting unwanted text.
The word wrap feature is very useful because it saves our time and we don’t have to press the enter key again and
• Correct mistakes in a text that has been typed.
We only press the Enter key when we have to change the paragraph or start a new point. Formatting Text:
Explain it to the students that changing the look of a document is called formatting.
Highlight the fact to them that a major advantage that WordPad has over Notepad is that notepad does not have
many options for formatting the text. But WordPad has many options that can be used to make our document
more attractive and impressive.
46 47
Formatting a text includes: Colour of Font:
• Changing the size of font WordPad also gives us the option of changing the colour of font. This can be done by pressing the small arrow
• Changing the look of font besides the “Font Colour” icon.
• Changing the style of font As soon as you press this arrow, a small window opens which displays several colours. You can choose from these
• Adding bullets or numbers to the text colours and change the colour of the text selected by you.
• Alignment of text from the left and right margin Also tell the students that they can use a combination of as many colours as they want in a document.
• Alignment of text from the top and bottom margin
Text Alignment:
Font Type:
The word Alignment means the arrangement of text with respect to the margins.
There are different types of font that can be used in WordPad. To change the font of a part or whole of the
Tell the students that there are three types of alignments:
document, the following steps are involved:
• Select the font whose type has to be changed. • Left Alignment
• Click the small arrow present besides the font list box on the format bar.
As the name suggests, the left alignment keeps the left margin as a reference. Whenever we type a text
• A list of fonts will drop down. which is left aligned, it will start from the left of the screen and move towards the right.
• Select a suitable font.
• The font that you choose will be applied on the text selected. • Right Alignment
Right alignment is very similar to the left alignment. Whenever we type text which is right aligned, it starts
Day 4 from the right and goes towards the left of the screen.
Font Size:
• Centre Alignment
Font size means the height of the letters and numbers. Different font sizes can be used to differentiate between
two types of text in a document. In centre alignment, the text is positioned in the centre of the document. Whenever we type text which
is centrally aligned, it starts from the centre of the line and moves towards left and right simultaneously
For example, the font size of the heading in the document should be greater than the rest of the document.
Now, tell the students about the procedure of changing the size of a font: Further, tell the students that each option of alignment has an icon present on the format bar. We can change the
alignment of any text by clicking one of the three options available for aligning text.
• Select the text.
Also tell the students that by default, all the text is left aligned in WordPad.
• Click on the small arrow on the Font Size list box present on the format bar.
• A drop down list will display on the screen. Day 5
• You can select any of the options available in the list.
• You will notice that the font has changed its size to the one chosen by you.
Bullets are shapes that represent the start of a new point or item in the list.
Font Style:
If you want to add bullets to the document, you can do it by clicking the bullet icon on the format bar. Now,
The text in a document can also be differentiated from each other with the help of the bold, italics and underline whenever you press enter on the keyboard. The cursor will shift to the new line and a bullet of your choice will be
options. displayed on the document.
All these options are present as icons on the Format bar. Each of these options has a separate effect on the font. Another method for adding bullets in a document is:
• The bold option makes the font thicker and darker. This option is used to emphasise on any text. • Click on the Format option on the menu bar.
• Select the bullets option from the drop down list.
• The italics option slants the font towards the right. Italics are mainly used to highlight an important name
or event in the document. • Select the style of bullets as per your desire.
• Underline option is used to indicate or emphasise a part of the text. When you choose the underline • Click the Ok button.
option, a thin line shows beneath the word that you have selected. • The list or text will now have bullets added to it as selected by you.
48 49
Creating a New Document in WordPad: IN THE LAB
Tell the students that although when we start the WordPad program, a new document opens automatically. • Take the students to the lab and allow them to practice the concepts taught in the lesson.
However, there is a possibility that we want to open another new document while working on a document.
• Take the students to the lab. Make them do the activity 6 and 7 mentioned on page 53.
The prescribed method of creating a new document in WordPad is:
• Open WordPad and click on the File menu on the Menu bar.
• Select the option “New” from the drop down list.
• A dialogue box will open; click “Rich Text Document” from this box.
1. Answer the following questions
• Click on OK button Ok.
a. What do you understand by Word Processing?
• A new document will be created and displayed on the screen.
Word processing means processing of words. This includes typing, modifying and deleting word. It
also involves formatting words such as changing the size, style and look of words.
Saving a Document:
Once, you have completed typing the document. You should save it. Saving the document enables you to view it
later whenever you want to. b. What are word processors?
To save a document, follow this method: A Word Processor is a program that allows us to create text documents. This type of programs also
gives us the option to edit, modify, format and apply other features on the text of the document.
• Click on the file menu from the Menu bar.
• Click on the file menu from the Menu bar. 2. What do the following components of WordPad Window display?
a. Title Bar:
• Click on the Open option.
The title bar displays the name of the program and the name of the file. It also displays three
• You will see the open dialogue box on the screen. buttons which are used for closing, minimising and maximising the window.
• Select the file that you want to open and click the Open button.
b. Menu Bar
• The file will be seen on the screen. The menu bar displays various menus which can be used while creating or working in a document.
c. Ruler
A ruler is a bar that keeps the text aligned within the margins.
d. Format Bar
A format bar displays the options available in WordPad which can be used to format a document.
50 51
3. Fill in the blanks
a. Word Wrap
b. Format
c. Status
d. Bold
e. New
• Understand the terms Word Processing and Word Processors
f. Formatting
• Know how to start MS Word
Word Processing:
Word Processing means to create type, edit and modify a text document. Word processing is usually needed when
we want to create a document based on a letter, email, report or any such document which involves many words.
Word Processors:
The software that is used for word processing is called word processing software or word processors. There are
many types of word processors such as notepad, WordPad and MS Word.
MS Word is one of the most commonly used word processors in the world.
History of MS Word:
The MS Word is a component of the Microsoft Office Package. This package is widely used by people who use
computers that run on the Windows Operating System.
Tell the students that the first version of MS Word was even before the launch of Microsoft Windows. The first
version was a component of the MS DOS operating system which is a product of the Microsoft Corporation.
After the launch of MS Windows, the company released MS Word which was compatible with windows, and ever
since, there have been many versions of MS Word that have been released.
Each version has proved itself to be better than the previous versions.
Versions of MS Word have been launched in the year 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010 and
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Starting MS Word: Standard Toolbar:
Tell the students that the following steps are involved in starting MS Word: The standard toolbar contains icons which are shortcuts for menu commands such as opening a new document,
saving a document, printing a document and other such options.
• Click the Start Button on the task bar to open the Start Menu.
Formatting Toolbar:
• Now, click the All Programs Menu from the Start Menu.
The formatting toolbar contains icons of tools which are used for formatting text. A few examples of these icons
• From the list of programs displayed in the All Programs Menu, click Microsoft Word. or tools are cut, paste, copy, alignment, borders, font colour and size etc.
• You will see that the MS Word window is displayed on your screen. Ruler:
Components of MS Word Window: The Ruler is the measuring tool of the MS Word application. It is used to set the margins on the word document.
There are two ruler bars in the MS Word window, one is on the top and the other is on the left. These bars are
Remind the students that all the programs that are installed in a computer have their own window or main screen.
used to increase or decrease the margins of a word document.
And each main screen has several smaller components in it which are used for specific functions. In the same way
MS Word also has a window and the following are the main components of the MS Word window: Scroll Bars:
Tell the students that the meaning of scroll is to move. There are two scroll bars in the MS Word window.
Title Bar:
• Horizontal Scroll Bar:
The title bar is a long horizontal bar present on the top of the MS Word window. The title bar displays the name of
the program along with the name of the file. The Horizontal scroll bar moves left and right. So, you can use it to view the part of the document which is
not displayed at present.
The title bar also has three buttons on it, which are:
• Minimize Button
• Vertical Scroll Bar:
Tell the students that the minimize button makes the window small. When you press the minimize button,
the window becomes a small icon on the task bar. The Vertical scroll bar moves up and down. You can use it to view part of the current page that is not visible
and also to move to the next pages.
The close button is used when you want to close the window. The blank white space present in the MS Word window is called the workspace.
Menu Bar: This space is used to type the text. Also tell the students that there is a small blinking line present on the work
space. This line is the cursor.
The Menu Bar is present just below the title bar. It is called the menu bar because it has several menus such as File,
Edit and View etc on it. When you click any of these menus, a list is shown; this is called a drop down list. The cursor basically shows the position on which the text would be typed.
The menu bar also has a close button on it which can be used to close the current file open in MS Word.
Toolbar: Day 2
The word toolbar has been derived from two words, tool and bar. A toolbar is a long horizontal bar present beneath Creating a New Document in MS Word:
the Menu bar. A tool bar contains several tools that are useful when we are working on a document in MS Word. Tell the students that although when we start the MS word program, a new document opens automatically.
There are two toolbars in MS word by default: However, there is a possibility that we want to open another new document while working on a document.
• Standard Toolbar
• Formatting Toolbar
54 55
The prescribed method of creating a new document in MS Word is: By Mouse:
• Open MS Word and click on the File menu on the Menu bar. The steps involved in selecting a text using mouse are:
• Select the option “New” from the drop down list. • Move the pointer of the mouse to the beginning of the text that you want to select.
• A dialogue box will open; click “Blank Document” from this box. • Press and hold the left button of the mouse and drag the mouse.
• Click on Ok button. • You will see that the text gets highlighted.
• A new document will be created and displayed on the screen. • Release the mouse button when you reach the end of the text to be selected.
Brief the students that apart from the method briefed to them there are two more quick methods to create a new By Keyboard:
document in MS Word.
To select text using the keyboard:
• By clicking the “New File” option present on the standard tool bar.
• By using the arrow keys, bring the cursor to the start of the text to be selected.
• By hitting the CTRL + N keys on the keyboard. • Press and hold the shift button of the keyboard.
Also tell the students that by default, the name given to any word document by the computer is Document, • Also press the arrow key to move the cursor.
Document1, and Document2 and so on. However, we can save the document with a relevant name of our choice.
• When you reach the end of the text that needs to be selected.
Now, once the students have been briefed about the basic components of a MS Word window, you should tell
them how to work in word. • Release both the keys.
Tell the students that whenever we start MS Word, we can see a blank document. Now, the first step of working The term Editing Text basically means making any changes in the text already typed. It is necessary that we select
with MS Word is Entering text. the text as taught earlier before making any change to it or editing it.
Entering text means using the keyboard of the computer and type text. When you press any key on the keyboard, Tell the students about the main types of editing that can be done in MS Word:
the letter or number printed on the key appears on the screen.
Cut and Paste:
Also tell the students that special keys have an effect on the text being typed. For example:
The term “Cut” means “Moving” and “Paste” means “Placing”.
• If we press the space key, it will show a space on the workspace.
If we want to move a part of the text from one place in the document to another or even from one document to
• If we press the enter key on the keyboard, the cursor will move to the next line and any text that we type another we can use the Cut and Paste option.
after that will be shown on the next line.
To move text from one place to another or one document to another, the following steps are involved:
Word Wrap:
• Select the text that has to be moved.
Word wrap is a feature of MS Word that keeps all the text within the margins of the workspace. When we are • Click on the Edit menu in the menu bar and click on the Cut option in the drop down list.
entering text in a word document consistently, the words automatically shift to the next line when the current line
is filled. This is because of the word wrap feature of MS word which shifts the text to the next line without the OR
need of pressing Enter key.
Click on the Cut icon on the standard tool bar.
The word wrap feature is very useful because it saves our time and we don’t have to press the enter key again and • The selected text disappears from its position.
• Move the cursor to the location where you want to move the text.
We only press the Enter key when we have to change the paragraph or start a new point.
• Again click on the Edit menu in the Menu bar and click on the Paste option in the drop down list.
Selecting Text:
If we have to make any change on the document or a part of the document, we need to select the text that is to
• Click on the Paste icon on the standard tool bar.
be changed. The whole text or a part of the text can be selected. Selecting the text can be done by mouse and
keyboard both. The text now gets moved to the new location assigned by you. Also tell the students that the text gets removed or
deleted from its previous location.
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Day 3 • Changing the size of font
While working in MS word, there can be a situation in which you want to type the same text again in the same • Changing the style of font
document or in a different document. You do not need to type the entire text again and again, you can easily do it
• Adding bullets or numbers to the text
by copying the text and pasting it as many times as you want.
• Alignment of text from the left and right margin
To copy a text and paste it at one or more new locations, the following steps are involved:
• Alignment of text from the top and bottom margin
• Select the text that has to be copied.
Tell the students that there are numerous options present in MS Word which help us in formatting the document.
• Click on the Edit menu in the menu bar and click on the Copy option in the drop down list.
Also tell the students that we can apply different type of formatting to different parts of the document.
For example:
Click on the Copy icon on the standard tool bar.
• The title or heading of the document can be made larger than the remaining text.
• The selected text gets copied.
• The colour of one part of the document can be different from the other part.
• Move the cursor to the location where you want to copy the text.
• The spacing of one part of the document can be different from the other part.
• Again click on the Edit menu in the Menu bar and click on the Paste option in the drop down list.
Font Size:
Font size means the height of the letters and numbers. Different font sizes can be used to differentiate between
• Click on the Paste icon on the standard tool bar. two types of text in a document.
The text now gets copied to the new location assigned by you. Also tell the students that the text that has been For example, the font size of the heading in the document should be greater than the rest of the document.
copied to a new location also stays on its original location. Now, tell the students about the procedure of changing the size of a font:
Deleting text: • Select the text.
If you have typed a text that is incorrect or unsuitable, you can delete it and make your document correct. • Click on the small arrow on the Font Size list box present on the formatting toolbar.
This can be done by selecting the text and either hitting the delete or the backspace key on the keyboard. • A drop down list will display on the screen.
Formatting Text: • You can select any of the options available in the list.
Explain it to the students that changing the look of a document is called formatting. Highlight the fact to them that • You will notice that the font has changed its size to the one chosen by you.
if we write an essay or an article, we follow certain rules:
• Keeping the heading or title more prominent than the other text
Day 4
• Dividing the text in paragraphs Changing the Font Style:
• Adding margins to it The text in a document can also be differentiated from each other with the help of the bold, italics and underline
Additionally, we can make our document more attractive by:
All these options are present as icons on the formatting toolbar. Each of these options has a separate effect on the
• Using colours font.
• Adding numbers to the points • The bold option makes the font thicker and darker. This option is used to emphasise any text.
Now, connect this example to MS word and tell them that in MS word, we have several options of formatting text. • The italics option slants the font towards the right. Italics are mainly used to highlight an important name
Formatting a document makes it look more beautiful and impressive or event in the document.
Formatting includes many things such as: • Underline option is used to indicate or emphasise a part of the text. When you choose the underline
option, a thin line shows beneath the word that you have selected.
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Changing the Colour of Font: Day 5
MS Word also gives us the option of changing the colour of font. This can be done by pressing the small arrow Bullets and Numbering:
besides the “Font Colour” icon.
When we are typing a document which involves points or a list of things, it is necessary that we add numbers to it.
As soon as you press this arrow, a small window opens which displays several colours. You can choose from these
colours and change the colour of the text selected by you. Adding numbers to a list of things makes it easy to read and analyse. Tell the students that a long procedure of
adding numbers could be to type a number before each point and then type the text.
Also tell the students that they can use a combination of as many colours as they want in a document.
But, since MS Word is a smart application, it makes this task easier for us with the help of Bullets and numbering
Text Alignment: option present in it.
The word Alignment means the arrangement of text with respect to the margins. Bullets are shapes that represent the start of a new point or item in the list.
Tell the students that there are four types of alignments: There are two separate icons for bullets and numbers on the formatting toolbar. To add a number, you have to
click the number icon present on the toolbar. Now, whenever you press enter on your keyboard. The cursor will
• Left Alignment shift to the new line and a number would be displayed on the screen.
As the name suggests, the left Alignment keeps the left margin as a reference. Whenever we type a text In the same way, if you want to add bullets to the document. You can do it by clicking the bullet icon on the
which is left aligned, it will start from the left of the screen and move towards the right. formatting toolbar. Now, whenever you press enter on the keyboard. The cursor will shift to the new line and a
bullet if your choice will be displayed on the board.
Saving a Document:
• Justified Alignment
Once, you have completed typing the document you should save it. Saving the document enables you to view it
The justified alignment is a combination of the left and right alignment. The text which is justified keeps the later whenever you want to.
left and right margins as reference and starts and ends at the same position in each line.
To save a document, follow this method:
Justified alignment makes the text look more organised and well placed.
• Click on the file menu from the Menu bar.
Also tell the students that by default, all the text is left aligned in MS Word. • Give a name to your document.
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Opening a Saved Document: SOLUTION OF EXERCISES
To open a saved document, you have to follow these steps: EXERCISE:
• Click on the file menu from the Menu bar. 1. Answer the following questions
• Click on the Open option. a. What are Word Processors used for? Give three examples of Word Processing Software.
• You will see the open dialogue box on the screen. A Word Processor is a program that allows us to create text documents. This type of programs also
gives us the option to edit, modify, format and apply other features on the text of the document.
• Select the file that you want to open and click the Open button.
• The file will be seen on the screen.
Notepad, WordPad and MS Word are three examples of Word Processing Software.
Closing a Document:
Tell the students, that once you have saved the document, you can now safely close it. Closing a document involves
the following steps: b. Write down the steps to Start MS Word.
• Click the file menu on the menu bar. MS Word can be opened by the following steps:
• From the drop down list, select the “Close” option. Click the Start Button on the task bar to open the Start Menu.
• The document will be closed and will disappear from the screen Now, click the All Programs Menu from the Start Menu.
Also tell the students that an alternative method for closing a document is by clicking the close button on the From the list of programs displayed in the All Programs Menu, click Microsoft Word.
menu bar.
MS Word starts and its window is displayed on the screen.
Exiting MS Word:
When you have finished working in MS Word. It is necessary that you close it. MS Word can be closed easily by
clicking the close button on the title bar. c. Name the two important toolbars in Word window.
• Take the students to the lab. Ask them to type a paragraph about themselves and format the document. ii. Formatting Toolbar
Instruct them to save the document in the my documents folder with their name and class as the filename
of the document.
d. What do you understand by moving a text? Write down the steps to move a portion of the text
• Take the students to the lab. Ask them to practice and complete the activity mentioned on page 65 of the from one place to another place in the document.
Moving text means to shift it from one part of the document to another. This is done by the Cut and
Paste option available in MS Word.
To move text from one place to another or one document to another, the following steps are
Move the cursor to the location where we want to move the text.
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e. Write down the steps to close a document file.
The document will be closed and will disappear from the screen
• Understand the meaning of Multimedia
2. Fill in the blanks
• Know the types of multimedia available
a. Microsoft Office
• Be familiar with a multimedia system
b. .doc
• Know the areas in which multimedia is used
c. Four
• Know how to play a video or audio in a computer
d. Copy
e. Format
f. Menu
Day 1
Start your lesson by drawing the following chart on the board.
3. Identify the buttons and write their names:
a. Left Alignment
b. Italics
c. Numbering
d. Bold
e. Right Alignment
f. Paste
g. Justified Alignment
h. Underline
From the chart above you can explain it to the students that the word multimedia is a combination of two words,
i. Font Colour i.e. Multi and Media.
j. Bullets The word multi means more than one and the word media is a plural of medium.
k. Cut Medium is a word given to anything that is used to transfer or communicate something.
l. Centre Alignment Combining all these concepts, we can say that Multimedia is a combination of mediums which is used to
communicate something.
Now, give them a few examples of multimedia in daily life, such as:
• Documentaries
• Advertisements on TV
• Programs on TV
64 65
Clarify the concept by telling the students that a TV program or advertisements that we see every day are forms How to Use Multimedia:
of multimedia.
A multimedia file can be used with the help of relevant equipment attached with the computer. You have already
Now, explain the concept in technical terms: discussed the components of multimedia, so, it would be easy for you to explain this topic.
Multimedia means using multiple media for communications. Multimedia can be a combination of text, images, Multimedia can be used for individual and group purpose. If we are viewing a multimedia file on our computer,
audio, video and animated graphics. It is a blend of audiovisual communication. we need:
Uses of Multimedia: • Speakers for sound.
Multimedia can be used for several purposes, some of which are: • Monitor for display.
Sharing Information: • CD or any other memory for storing the file.
We can use multimedia to share information effectively. Any information that is shared using multimedia is • Microphone for adding our voice to the file.
communicated more effectively because we can see and hear the information at the same time.
But, if we are using a multimedia for a group of people, we would require:
Playing Games:
• Large speakers for sound.
Multimedia is also used to play games. These games can be played on the computer, or on any other gaming
device. • A large screen for display.
We can watch programs, listen to music and watch videos using multimedia. • A CD player for attaching it to the screen.
Advertisement: • A microphone to address people when we are explaining the information displayed on the multimedia.
The advertisements that we see on TV and also the ones that are displayed on websites are created using
Playing a Video or Audio CD:
You can watch a movie or a cartoon film or play any other Video CD on your computer.
There are many educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities which use multimedia for
To play a CD, follow these steps:
educating their students.
• Insert the CD in the CD Drive.
This practice makes the learning more interesting. Give the students an example that you have been taking
them to the computer lab and showing them various presentations and they learnt many things by seeing the • Click on the Start Button.
presentations. Also tell them that the presentations that they saw in the lab were a type of multimedia.
• Click on All Programs.
• Click on Accessories.
People are trained on various subjects using multimedia.
• Click on Entertainment.
Some Common Multimedia Software: • The Windows media player screen will be displayed on the screen of your computer.
There are many software available which support various types of multimedia, a few multimedia application are: • Click on the File menu on the menu bar in this window.
Microsoft PowerPoint • Select the file that you want to play.
Microsoft Video Editor
• Click on play button to start watching the movie.
Windows Media Player
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
Multimedia Atlas
66 67
IN THE LAB d. What are the main areas where multimedia is used?
• Take the students to the lab. Show them a presentation on the multimedia. A few links are being pasted Multimedia is used in many areas for several tasks like:
for the teacher’s convenience.
i. Information Sharing
ii. Playing Games
iii. Entertainment
iv. Advertisement
v. Training
• Do the activities mentioned on page 71 with the students. This will clear their concepts about multimedia.
e. Write down titles of some Educational CDS.
ii. A Sound Card g. Write down the steps the play an audio CD on your computer.
iii. Colour Monitor To play an audio CD, we have to follow these steps:
ii. Multimedia Atlas vii. The Windows media player screen will be displayed on the screen of the computer.
iii. Space and Universe viii. Click on the File menu on the menu bar in this window.
68 69
2. Write the purpose of the following in a multimedia system.
A CD ROM is used to play the multimedia file that is present on the CD.
b. Speakers
Speakers are used to produce sounds.
• Understand the meaning of Netiquettes
• Be familiar with common Netiquettes
c. Microphone • Know the importance of Netiquettes
A microphone is used to record our own voice in the multimedia. • Understand what Email Etiquettes are
Specific Etiquettes:
• Saying Assalam o Alaikum is an etiquette that is followed by Muslims only.
• Wearing a uniform is an etiquette that is followed in schools only. We don’t wear a uniform at home.
By the above examples, it would be clear to the students what is meant by etiquettes.
The students have already learnt that there are some etiquettes that are followed only at specific places.
Tell them that the word Netiquettes is a combination of two words, Internet and Etiquettes. So, netiquettes mean
all the rules that have to be followed on the internet.
Brief the students that the internet is a like a world. It has many people who come from different cultures and
societies and who are very different from each other.
In a society or even in a neighbourhood the people who live together or communicate with each other have to
make sure that they are respectful towards each other and take care of each other.
70 71
In the same way, the internet is also like a society, the people who communicate with each other on the internet Day 2
are called cyber citizens or netizens.
Continue briefing the students about Cyber rules or netiquettes that are necessary for having a productive and
The netizens should always make sure that during a communication, they are respectful and decent towards each enjoyable stay on the internet.
• Correct Spellings and Grammar:
Highlight the fact in front of the students, that today; it is not necessary that we make friends with people who are
around us. We can also make friends with people who live in different cities or even different countries. And this Tell the students that although using short forms is a very common practice on the internet. However, it
can only happen if we are good towards them and they are also respectful towards us. is still better that we type our communication with correct spelling and grammar. Sometimes short forms
can be confusing for the other person, such as:
Further, tell them that there are some rules or standards that have to be followed by each of the internet user so
that they can be a good part of the internet world. If we type “wt” it can be a short form of What, or Wait or Weight. Hence, the other person might not
understand what we want to say.
Some Common Netiquettes:
So, we should try and make our communication very clear and understandable for the people who are
Some common rules that have to be followed on the internet so that our stay on the internet is healthy and safe communicating with us.
for us and also for others are:
Showing good behavior will not only make a good impression of you on the other person, but will also
compel that person to be nice to you. • Proper Emoticons:
The word emoticon is a combination of two words, emotions and icons. The students already know that
icons are small pictures that represent a program or a file. An emoticon is an icon that represents emotions.
• Appropriate Language:
Emoticons can represent happiness or sadness or surprised emotions and so on. Now, tell the students that
While communicating with anyone on the internet, we should make sure that the language used by us one of the biggest drawbacks of communicating with people on the internet is that they cannot see you
is decent. We should not use any improper or bad word with anyone. Also tell the students that there and you cannot see them. Both the persons judge each other with the sentences that are typed. So, it is
are some people on the internet who misbehave with others, so, if anyone misbehaves with you or uses necessary that the communication is very clear.
inappropriate language, you should not do the same to him or her. You should stop communicating with
the person right away and ignore him or her in future. For example, if we are joking with someone we should always make sure that we add emoticons to our
sentences. This will help the other person to know that we are joking.
Also tell the students that social networking websites, forums and chat rooms have rules set and any
one violating these rules can be banned from the website. Hence, we should never give a chance to the
administrators of the website to take any negative action against us. • Information Sharing:
Another rule that should strictly be followed on the internet is that we should be very careful while sharing
• Proper Way of Addressing : information with people.
We can address our friends with their names or even pet names or nicknames. But, when we are addressing Tell the students that we should not share our personal information with anyone on the internet, because
someone for the first time we should address them properly. If we start joking with them and calling names not all people on the internet are nice. There can be some tricky people who ask our information and then
on them, they might get offended. misuse it. So it is necessary that we keep ourselves safe by being careful of sharing information over the
Alphabet Case:
• Following Rules:
Tell the students that it might sound strange to them but the alphabet case plays a vital role in creating your
Every website, forum, chat room or social networking medium has its own set of rules. We should always impression and communicating a message through email.
make sure that we follow the rules set on the website so that our stay on the website stays enjoyable. Also
Tell them that since you are not in front of the person whom you have sent the email, he or she judges you on the
tell the students that people who violate rules on any website or chat room can be blocked or banned from
basis of the content of the email.
the place.
Further, tell them that if an email is written in all capital letters, it means that you are trying to show your anger
and be rude with the other person. So, we should avoid it.
• Respecting Privacy:
And, if an email is written in all small letters, the other person will consider you to be lazy and careless.
You have told the students that they should maintain their privacy and not share their personal information
So, it is necessary that you use the correct selection of alphabet case in the email, i.e. using a combination of
on the internet. In the same way, they should respect other’s privacy as well.
capital letters and small letters.
We should also follow the proper grammar while writing an email.
Day 3
Formatting an email correctly is an important task. Tell the students that they should always try and keep the
An email or an electronic mail is a fast way of communication. Tell the students that at times we have to send emails email as simple and to the point as possible. Use of many colours, styles and other formatting can sometimes be
to unknown people also. So, it is necessary that our email is written and formatted in a way that is communicates confusing for the receiver and he or she might lose interest in the content of the email.
our message properly.
So, it is necessary that we use formatting only when it is required.
The subject of an email plays a very important role. Give an example to the students that if someone gives them
The layout of emails means the arrangements of text in the form of sentences, paragraphs and points.
a book which does not have a title on it. Will they be interested in reading it?
Brief the students that if we are writing a long email, we should divide it into paragraphs. This will make the email
In the same way, if an email does not have a subject, the other person might not even read it because it would
look more organised and well written.
seem unimportant.
Also, if there is a section in the email where we want to communicate a list or points, we should make sure that
Additionally, tell them that every email should have a proper subject which is relevant to the content of the email.
we add bullets or numbers to it.
This will help the receiver understand what the email is about and he or she will read it with interest.
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By keeping the layout of the email well organised, we can increase the chance of our views getting communicated SOLUTION OF EXERCISES
clearly to the receiver of email.
1. Answer the following questions:
An attachment is a file that is sent with an email. An attachment can be a word document, an excel spreadsheet,
a. What do you understand by Etiquettes?
a song or even pictures or videos.
Etiquettes are the rules and standards of a society or a place that are followed by people.
Always make sure that the file that you are attaching with the email is correct. Recheck this by viewing the file
after attaching it.
Also scan the attachment for virus or any other damaging file. Only send an attachment once you are sure that the b. What are Netiquettes?
attachment is safe.
The word Netiquettes is a combination of two words, internet and etiquettes. Netiquettes are the
Also tell the students that one email can have more than one attachment. rules that are followed on the internet.
A signature is a piece of text that is added at the end of any email. When you configure your signature, it is c. Write five Netiquettes or Cyber rules.
displayed at the end of each email that you send. A signature can be your name, or a quote or any interesting line. There are several netiquettes that should be followed, some of them are:
Please tell the students that they should not add their personal details such as complete address, or phone number i. We should show good behaviour to people on the internet.
in their signatures. This is because sometimes we send emails to strangers and they might misuse our personal
details. ii. We should use appropriate language while communicating with people.
Review iii. We should not share our personal information on the internet.
After writing an email and completing the formatting, layout and attaching files to it you should review your email iv. We should not copy material from the internet and use it for any report or article.
once before sending it out.
v. We should respect other people’s privacy.
Reviewing the email helps you in rectifying any error that is present in the email.
Once you have reviewed the email, you can send it to the person you wish. d. Give a brief account on importance of cyber rules.
Importance of Cyber Rules:
IN THE LAB The internet is a world of its own which has millions of people as its citizens. To make sure that all
the people on the internet are having a productive and good experience, it is necessary that the
• Take the students to the lab. Show them a presentation on Netiquettes. A few links are being pasted for internet has its own rules.
the teacher’s convenience.
The Cyber rules or netiquettes are important because they protect the privacy and respect of all the people who use the internet. And, these rules also guide the people on what to do on the internet and what to avoid.
76 77
f. What do you understand by the term copyright violation? REFERENCES:
Some websites have information on them but the information is copyrighted. A material which is
copyrighted is not available for use for other anyone. We can read that material and understand the worksheet
concept, but we cannot copy that material and use it in an article or any other document.
g. What is a Signature? What information should be avoided in a signature?
A signature is a piece of text that exists at the end of each email. We can configure a signature
containing our name or a quote or any other interesting phrase. Whenever we will send an email to
anyone, the signature will go with it automatically. bnid=8VaXwceB-OtY_M%3A&
We should avoid adding our personal details in the signature. icons%2Fsystem-icons%2Fsilverblue-icons-by-kidaubis%2Fcd-rom-drive-icon&docid=CX
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers: png&w=256&h=256&ei=_aAJU9bJJO-20QXOlICwDA&zoom=1&ved=0CGoQhBwwBg&iact=rc&
a. Netiquettes
c. Lazy
d. Emoticons
e. Signature
a. False
b. True
c. False
d. True
e. True
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