HAD - IAT - 2 - QUESTION BME 3rd Year

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Course Code-Name : CBM352 Human Assist Devices

Date & Session :
Regulation : R2021
Degree-Branch : B.E. – Biomedical Engineering Duration : 180 Minutes
Semester-Section : V Max. Marks : 100 Marks
CL-Cognitive Levels: K1-Remember, K2-Understand, K3-Apply, K4-Analyse, K5-Evaluate, K6-Create
CO 3. Discuss the functioning of the membrane or filter that cleanses the blood.
CO 4. Discuss the tests to assess the hearing loss and development of wearable devices.
CO 5. Interpret the electrical stimulation and biofeedback techniques in rehabilitation and physiotherapy.
Answer All Questions

Part –A(10x2=20Marks) Cognitive Mapping

Answer All Questions Levels COs
1 What are the five basic functions of Hemodialysis machine? K1 CO3 (2)
2 Write any 3 pumps used in Hemodialysis machine and explain CO3 (2)
its use.
3 What are the types of deafness? K1 CO4 (2)
4 Write about the Sensori neural deafness. K2 CO4 (2)
5 What are the different types of Cochlear implants? K1 CO4 (2)
6 Distinguish between Hearing aids and Cochlear implants. K2 CO4 (2)
7 Define Gate control theory. K1 CO5 (2)
8 What is Bio feedback? K2 CO5 (2)
9 What is POC testing? K2 CO5 (2)
10 List the barriers of using POC device K1 CO5 (2)
Part –B(5x16=80Marks) Cognitive Mapping
Answer All Questions Levels COs
11a. i. Explain about Wearable Artificial Kidney with neat K2 CO3 (16)
ii. Write a short note on Implantable Artificial Kidney. K2
11b. Discuss in detai about Monitoring system. K2 CO3 (16)

12.a i. Explain about operating sequence, benefits, indications, K2 CO4 (16)

contraindications of IPPB.
ii. Explain about Electronic IPPB unit. K2
12.b Explain in detail about Ventilators and its types K2 CO4 (16)

13.a Explain in detail about Hearing aids and its types with neat K2 CO4 (16)
13.b i. Explain the SISI test and Masking techniques. K2 CO4 (16)
ii. Discuss the various wearable devices used for Hearing

14.a Explain about Bio feedback instrumentation. K2 CO5 (16)

14.b Explain about Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve stimulation. K2 CO5 (16)

15.a Explain about Diagnostic and Point of care platforms. K2 CO5 (16)
15.b Explain about Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve stimulation and K2 CO5 (16)
Bio feedback instrumentation

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