Astm D86-23
Astm D86-23
Astm D86-23
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D86 − 23
1. Scope* serious medical issues. Mercury, or its vapor, has been dem-
1.1 This test method covers the atmospheric distillation of onstrated to be hazardous to health and corrosive to materials.
petroleum products and liquid fuels using a laboratory batch Use Caution when handling mercury and mercury-containing
distillation unit to determine quantitatively the boiling range products. See the applicable product Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
characteristics of such products as light and middle distillates, for additional information. The potential exists that selling
automotive spark-ignition engine fuels with or without oxy- mercury or mercury-containing products, or both, is prohibited
genates (see Note 1), aviation gasolines, aviation turbine fuels, by local or national law. Users must determine legality of sales
diesel fuels, biodiesel blends up to 30 % volume, marine fuels, in their location.
special petroleum spirits, naphthas, white spirits, kerosines, 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
and Grades 1 and 2 burner fuels. safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
NOTE 1—An interlaboratory study was conducted in 2008 involving 11
different laboratories submitting 15 data sets and 15 different samples of priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
ethanol-fuel blends containing 25 % volume, 50 % volume, and 75 % mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
volume ethanol. The results indicate that the repeatability limits of these 1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-
samples are comparable or within the published repeatability of the dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
method (with the exception of FBP of 75 % ethanol-fuel blends). On this ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
basis, it can be concluded that Test Method D86 is applicable to
ethanol-fuel blends such as Ed75 and Ed85 (Specification D5798) or other Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
ethanol-fuel blends with greater than 10 % volume ethanol. See ASTM mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
RR:D02-1694 for supporting data.2 Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
1.2 The test method is designed for the analysis of distillate
fuels; it is not applicable to products containing appreciable 2. Referenced Documents
quantities of residual material. 2.1 All standards are subject to revision, and parties to
1.3 This test method covers both manual and automated agreement on this test method are to apply the most recent
instruments. edition of the standards indicated below, unless otherwise
specified, such as in contractual agreements or regulatory rules
1.4 Unless otherwise noted, the values stated in SI units are
where earlier versions of the method(s) identified may be
to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses
are provided for information only.
2.2 ASTM Standards:3
1.5 WARNING—Mercury has been designated by many
D97 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products
regulatory agencies as a hazardous substance that can cause
D323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products
(Reid Method)
D4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D02.08 on Volatility.
D4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum Products, Liquid
In the IP, the equivalent test method is published under the designation IP 123. Fuels, and Lubricants
It is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Committee.
Current edition approved March 1, 2023. Published March 2023. Originally
approved in 1921. Last previous edition approved in 2020 as D86 – 20b. DOI:
10.1520/D0086-23. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1694. Contact ASTM Customer Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Service at the ASTM website.
8.2 Make any necessary provisions so that the temperature the use of a standard precision resistance bench. When per-
of the condenser bath and the receiving cylinder will be forming this verification, no algorithms shall be used to correct
maintained at the required temperatures. The receiving cylin- the temperature for lag and the emergent stem effect (see
der shall be in a bath such that either the liquid level is at least manufacturer’s instructions).
as high as the 100 mL mark or the entire receiving cylinder is 9.1.2 Verification of the calibration of temperature measur-
surrounded by an air circulation chamber. ing devices shall be conducted by distilling toluene in accor-
8.2.1 Groups 1, 2, and 3—Suitable media for low tempera- dance with Group 1 of this test method and comparing the
ture baths include, but are not limited to, chopped ice and 50 % recovered temperature with that shown in Table 4.7
water, refrigerated brine, and refrigerated ethylene glycol. If the temperature reading is not within the values
8.2.2 Group 4—Suitable media for ambient and higher bath shown in Table 4 for the respective apparatus being used (see
temperatures include, but are not limited to, cold water, hot Note 11 and Table 4), the temperature measurement system
water, and heated ethylene glycol. shall be considered defective and shall not be used for the test.
8.3 Remove any residual liquid in the condenser tube by NOTE 10—Toluene is used as a verification fluid for calibration; it will
swabbing with a piece of soft, lint-free cloth attached to a cord yield almost no information on how well an electronic measurement
or wire. system simulates the temperature lag of a liquid-in-glass thermometer. Reagent grade toluene and hexadecane (cetane),
9. Calibration and Standardization conforming to the specifications of the Committee on Analyti-
9.1 Temperature Measurement System—Temperature mea- cal Reagents of the American Chemical Society,8 shall be used.
surement systems using other than the specified mercury-in-
glass thermometers shall exhibit the same temperature lag,
emergent stem effect, and accuracy as the equivalent mercury- Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1580. Contact ASTM Customer
in-glass thermometer. Confirmation of the calibration of these Service at
temperature measuring systems shall be made at intervals of 8
ACS Reagent Chemicals, Specifications and Procedures for Reagents and
not more than six months, and after the system has been Standard-Grade Reference Materials, American Chemical Society, Washington,
DC. For suggestions on the testing of reagents not listed by the American Chemical
replaced or repaired.
Society, see Analar Standards for Laboratory Chemicals, BDH Ltd., Poole, Dorset,
9.1.1 The accuracy and the calibration of the electronic U.K., and the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary, U.S. Pharma-
circuitry or computer algorithms, or both, shall be verified by copeial Convention, Inc. (USPC), Rockville, MD.
However, other grades may also be used, provided it is first 10.2 Groups 1 and 2—Ensure that the sample is conditioned
ascertained that the reagent is of sufficient purity to permit its in accordance with Table 2. Fit a low range thermometer
use without lessening the accuracy of the determination. provided with a snug-fitting cork or stopper of silicone rubber,
NOTE 11—At 101.3 kPa, toluene is shown in reference manuals as
or equivalent polymeric material, tightly into the neck of the
boiling at 110.6 °C when measured using a partial immersion thermom- sample container and bring the temperature of the sample to the
eter. Because this test method uses thermometers calibrated for total temperature indicated in Table 3.
immersion, the results typically will be lower and, depending on the
thermometer and the situation, may be different for each thermometer. At 10.3 Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4—Check that the temperature of
101.3 kPa, hexadecane is shown in reference manuals as boiling at the sample is as shown in Table 3. Pour the specimen precisely
287.0 °C when measured using a partial immersion thermometer. Because to the 100 mL mark of the receiving cylinder, and transfer the
this test method uses thermometers calibrated for total immersion, the contents of the receiving cylinder as completely as practical
results typically will be lower, and, depending on the thermometer and the into the distillation flask, ensuring that none of the liquid flows
situation, may be different for each thermometer.
into the vapor tube.
9.1.3 A procedure to determine the magnitude of the tem-
perature lag is described in Annex A3. NOTE 14—It is important that the difference between the temperature of
the specimen and the temperature of the bath around the receiving cylinder
9.1.4 A procedure to emulate the emergent stem effect is is as small as practically possible. A difference of 5 °C can make a
described in Appendix X4. difference of 0.7 mL.
9.1.5 To verify the calibration of the temperature measure-
ment system at elevated temperatures, use hexadecane. The 10.3.1 Groups 3 and 4—If the sample is not fluid at ambient
temperature measurement system shall indicate, at 50 % temperature, it is to be heated to a temperature between 9 °C
recovered, a temperature comparable to that shown in Table 4 and 21 °C above its pour point (Test Methods D97, D5949,
for the respective apparatus under Group 4 distillation condi- D5950, or D5985) prior to analysis. If the sample has partially
tions. or completely solidified in the intervening period, it shall be
vigorously shaken after melting, and prior to sampling, to
NOTE 12—Because of the high melting point of hexadecane, Group 4 ensure homogeneity.
verification distillations will have to be carried out with condenser
temperatures >20 °C. If the sample is not fluid at ambient temperatures,
disregard the temperature range shown in Table 3 for the
9.2 Automated Method: receiving cylinder and sample. Prior to analysis, heat the
9.2.1 Level Follower—For an automated distillation receiving cylinder to approximately the same temperature as
apparatus, the level follower/recording mechanism of the the sample. Pour the heated specimen precisely to the 100 mL
apparatus shall have a resolution of 0.1 % volume or better mark of the receiving cylinder, and transfer the contents of the
with a maximum error of 0.3 % volume between the 5 % and receiving cylinder as completely as practical into the distilla-
100 % volume points. The calibration of the assembly shall be tion flask, ensuring that none of the liquid flows into the vapor
verified in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions at tube.
intervals of not more than three months and after the system
has been replaced or repaired. NOTE 15—Any material that evaporates during the transfer will
contribute to the loss; any material that remains in the receiving cylinder
NOTE 13—The typical calibration procedure involves verifying the will contribute to the observed recovery volume at the time of the IBP.
output with the receiver containing 5 % and 100 % volume of material
respectively. 10.4 If the sample can be expected to demonstrate irregular
boiling behavior, that is, bumping, add a few boiling chips to
9.2.2 Barometric Pressure—At intervals of not more than
the specimen. The addition of a few boiling chips is acceptable
six months, and after the system has been replaced or repaired,
for any distillation.
the barometric reading of the instrument shall be verified
against a barometer, as described in 6.6. 10.5 Fit the temperature sensor through a snug-fitting
device, as described in 6.4, to mechanically center the sensor in
10. Procedure the neck of the flask. In the case of a thermometer, the bulb is
10.1 Record the prevailing barometric pressure. centered in the neck and the lower end of the capillary is level
indicated in 10.11 and Table 5, this is a common occurrence for specification involved, or as previously established for the
some sample types. The periods of these short-term deviations sample under test. These observed data can include tempera-
may last for several percent of material condensed until the ture readings at prescribed percentages recovered or percent-
temperature slope becomes constant again, and may occur at ages recovered at prescribed temperature readings, or both.
several periods along the entire condensation range. These 10.14.1 Manual Method—Record all volumes in the gradu-
deviations will typically correct after the temperature slope ated cylinder to the nearest 0.5 mL, and all temperature
again becomes constant. These short-term deviations shall not readings to the nearest 0.5 °C (1.0 °F).
occur over the entire range of condensation. Typically, these
short-term deviations should not occur for more than ten 10.14.2 Automated Method—Record all volumes in the
contiguous percent volume. The precision of the temperature receiving cylinder to the nearest 0.1 mL, and all temperature
readings will be significantly affected during these periods. readings to the nearest 0.1 °C (0.2 °F).
When the overall calculated average rate of condensation 10.14.3 Group 1, 2, 3, and 4—In cases in which no specific
between 5 % recovered and 5 mL residue is within the pre- data requirements have been indicated, record the IBP and the
scribed rate, the requirement of 10.11 and Table 5 is satisfied. EP (FBP) or the dry point, or both, and temperature readings at
As example, those samples containing a 10 % ethanol-fuel 5 %, 15 %, 85 %, and 95 % recovered, and at each 10 %
blend or those that exhibit a significant change of temperature multiple of volume recovered from 10 to 90, inclusive.
slope at points during the distillation can have a short-term rate Group 4—When a high range thermometer is used
of condensation which deviates from the 4 mL ⁄min to in testing aviation turbine fuels and similar products, pertinent
5 mL ⁄min indicated in 10.11 and Table 5. thermometer readings can be obscured by the centering device.
NOTE 17—When testing gasoline samples, it is not uncommon to see If these readings are required, perform a second distillation in
the condensate suddenly form non-miscible liquid phases and bead up on accordance with Group 3. In such cases, reading from a low
the temperature measuring device and in the neck of the boiling flask at a range thermometer can be reported in place of the obscured
vapor temperature of around 160 °C. This may be accompanied by a sharp
(about 3 °C) dip in the vapor temperature and a drop in the recovery rate. high range thermometer readings, and the test report shall so
The phenomenon, which may be due to the presence of trace water in the indicate. If, by agreement, the obscured readings are waived,
sample, may last for 10 s to 30 s before the temperature recovers and the the test report shall so indicate.
condensate starts flowing smoothly again. This point is sometimes
colloquially referred to as the Hesitation Point. 10.14.4 When it is required to report the temperature
reading at a prescribed percent evaporated or recovered for a
10.12 Repeat any distillation that did not meet the require-
sample that has a rapidly changing slope of the distillation
ments described in 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11.
curve in the region of the prescribed percent evaporated or
10.13 If a decomposition point is observed, discontinue the recovered reading, record temperature readings at every 1 %
heating and proceed as directed in 10.17. recovered. The slope is considered rapidly changing if the
NOTE 18—Characteristic indications of thermal decomposition are change in slope (C) of the data points described in 10.14.2 in
evolution of fumes and erratic, typically decreasing, temperature readings that particular area is greater than 0.6 (change of slope (F) is
that occur during the final stages of the distillation. greater than 1.0) as calculated by Eq 1 (Eq 2).
10.14 In the interval between the IBP and the end of the Change of Slope ~ C ! 5 (1)
distillation, observe and record data necessary for the calcula-
tion and reporting of the results of the test as required by the ~ C 2 2 C 1! / ~ V 2 2 V 1! 2 ~ C 3 2 C 2! / ~ V 3 2 V 2!
(Mandatory Information)
Recovered 20 % T20_GRP4
Recovered 5 % T5_GRP4
Temperature (°C) r_D86auto R_D86auto
Temperature (°C) r_D86auto R_D86auto
175 1.27 3.64
160 1.74 4.80
180 1.31 3.74
165 1.80 4.95
185 1.35 3.85
170 1.85 5.10
190 1.38 3.95
175 1.91 5.25
195 1.42 4.06
180 1.96 5.40
200 1.46 4.16
185 2.02 5.55
205 1.49 4.26
190 2.07 5.70
210 1.53 4.37
195 2.13 5.85
215 1.57 4.47
200 2.18 6.00
220 1.60 4.58
205 2.23 6.15
225 1.64 4.68
210 2.29 6.30
230 1.67 4.78
215 2.34 6.45
235 1.71 4.89
220 2.40 6.60
240 1.75 4.99
225 2.45 6.75
245 1.78 5.10
230 2.51 6.90
250 1.82 5.20
235 2.56 7.05
255 1.86 5.30
240 2.62 7.20
260 1.89 5.41
245 2.67 7.35
265 1.93 5.51
250 2.73 7.50
270 1.97 5.62
255 2.78 7.65
275 2.00 5.72
Recovered 30 % T30_GRP4
Temperature (°C) r_D86auto R_D86auto
Recovered 10 % T10_GRP4
185 1.08 3.05
Temperature (°C) r_D86auto R_D86auto
190 1.11 3.14
160 1.50 3.52
195 1.13 3.22
165 1.55 3.63
A2.1 Distillation Flasks—Flasks shall be of heat-resistant and distillate fuels may further minimize the differences in D86
glass, constructed to the dimensions and tolerances shown in IBP and FBP when using borosilicate versus quartz flask. Bias
Fig. A2.1 and Fig. A2.2. Flasks made of borosilicate glass shall can conceivably occur for materials and temperatures not
comply with the requirements of Specification E1405. Flasks studied in this limited program.
made of quartz shall be composed of 99.9+ % SiO2. Flasks A2.1.1.1 For motor gasoline in the temperature range of
may also be constructed with a ground glass joint. 25 °C to 220 °C:
NOTE A2.1—Since the thermal response of borosilicate glass and quartz Borosilicate = 1.0054 Quartz – 0.73
can be different, consider appropriate adjustments for the initial and final A2.1.1.2 For kerosene, aviation turbine fuel, fuel oil, and
heat regulation to attain the time limits stated in the procedure.
NOTE A2.2—For tests specifying dry point, specially selected flasks
diesel fuel in the temperature range of 140 °C to 350 °C:
with bottoms and walls of uniform thickness are desirable. Borosilicate = Quartz + 0.40
A2.1.1 Intralaboratory and interlaboratory data12 for motor A2.2 Condenser and Condenser Bath—Typical types of
gasoline, kerosene, aviation turbine fuel, fuel oil, and diesel condenser and condenser baths are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2.
fuel were assessed by Practice D6708 indicating that some
correction could improve the degree of agreement between A2.2.1 The condenser shall be made of seamless noncorro-
quartz and borosilicate flask results. The level of correction sive metal tubing, 560 mm 6 5 mm in length, with an outside
could be considered practically not significant. Correction is diameter of 14 mm and a wall thickness of 0.8 mm to 0.9 mm.
more probable at the IBP and FBP of both motor gasoline and NOTE A2.3—Brass or stainless steel has been found to be a suitable
distillate fuels. Optimizing D86 parameters for motor gasoline material for this purpose.
A2.2.2 The condenser shall be set so that 393 mm 6 3 mm
of the tube is in contact with the cooling medium, with 50 mm
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may 6 3 mm outside the cooling bath at the upper end, and with
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1753. Contact ASTM Customer
114 mm 6 3 mm outside at the lower end. The portion of the
Service at
FIG. A2.1 125 mL Flask and 125 mL Flask with Ground Glass Joint
tube projecting at the upper end shall be set at an angle of 75° portion of the condenser tube can be curved slightly backward
6 3° with the vertical. The portion of the tube inside the to ensure contact with the wall of the receiving cylinder at a
condenser bath shall be either straight or bent in any suitable point 25 mm to 32 mm below the top of the receiving cylinder.
continuous smooth curve. The average gradient shall be 15° 6 Fig. A2.3 is a drawing of an acceptable configuration of the
1° with respect to the horizontal, with no 10 cm section having lower end of the condenser tube.
a gradient outside of the 15° 6 3° range. The projecting lower
portion of the condenser tube shall be curved downward for a A2.2.3 The volume and the design of the bath will depend
length of 76 mm and the lower end shall be cut off at an acute on the cooling medium employed. The cooling capacity of the
angle. Provisions shall be made to enable the flow of the bath shall be adequate to maintain the required temperature for
distillate to run down the side of the receiving cylinder. This the desired condenser performance. A single condenser bath
can be accomplished by using a drip-deflector, which is may be used for several condenser tubes.
attached to the outlet of the tube. Alternatively, the lower
A3.1 The response time of an electronic temperature mea- A3.3 Replace the electronic temperature measuring device
suring device is inherently more rapid than that of a mercury- with a low range or a high range mercury-in-glass
in-glass thermometer. The temperature measuring device as- thermometer, depending on the boiling range of the sample.
sembly in general use, consisting of the sensor and its casing,
or an electronic system and its associated software, or both, is A3.4 Repeat the distillation with this thermometer, and
so designed that the temperature measuring system will simu- manually record the temperature at the various percent recov-
late the temperature lag of the mercury-in-glass thermometer. ered as described in 10.14.
A3.2 To determine the difference in lag time between such A3.5 Calculate the values for the repeatability for the
a temperature measuring system and a mercury-in-glass observed slope (∆T/∆V) for the different readings in the test.
thermometer, analyze a sample such as gasoline, kerosine, jet
fuel, or light diesel fuel with the electronic temperature A3.6 Compare the test data obtained using these two tem-
measurement system in place and in accordance with the perature measuring devices. The difference at any point shall
procedures described in this test method. In most cases this is be equal to, or less than, the repeatability of the method at that
the standard distillation step performed with an automated unit. point. If this difference is larger, replace the electronic tem-
A3.2.1 Do not use a single pure compound, a very narrow perature measuring device or adjust the electronics involved, or
boiling range product, or a synthetic blend of less than six both.
compounds for this test.
A3.2.2 Best results are obtained with a sample that is typical
of the sample load of the laboratory. Alternatively, use a
full-range mixture with a 5 % to 95 % boiling range of at least
100 °C.
A4.1 Many specifications require specific percentages graduate. Allow the contents of the flask to cool to below
evaporated or recovered at prescribed temperature readings, approximately 40 °C and then drain its contents into the
either as maxima, minima, or ranges. The procedures to receiving graduate. Note the volume of product in the receiving
determine these values are frequently designated by the terms graduate to the nearest 0.5 mL at 2 min intervals until two
Exxx or Rxxx, where xxx is the desired temperature. successive observations agree.
NOTE A4.1—Regulatory standards on the certification of reformulated
gasoline under the complex model procedure require the determination of A4.5.2.2 The amount recovered in the receiving graduate is
E200 and E300, defined as the percent evaporated fuel at 93.3 °C (200 °F) the percent recovery. Determine the amount of observed loss
and 148.9 °C (300 °F), respectively. E158, the percent evaporated at a by subtracting the percent recovery from 100.0.
distillation temperature of 70 °C (158 °F), is also used in describing fuel
volatility characteristics. Other typical temperatures are R 200 for kero- A4.6 Automated Distillation
sines and R 250 and R 350 for gas oils, where R 200, R 250, and R 350
are the percent recovered fuel at 200 °C, 250 °C, and 350 °C, respectively. A4.6.1 In the region between about 10 °C below and 10 °C
A4.2 Determine the barometric pressure, and calculate the above the desired expected temperature reading determined in
correction to the desired temperature reading using Eq 3, Eq 4, A4.3, collect temperature-volume data at 0.1 % volume inter-
or Eq 5 for t = xxx°C (or tf = xxx°F). vals or less.
A4.2.1 Manual Method—Determine this correction to A4.6.2 Continue the distillation, as described in Section 10,
0.5 °C (1 °F). and determine the percent loss, as described in 11.1.
A4.2.2 Automated Method—Determine this correction to A4.7 Calculations
0.1 °C (0.2 °F).
A4.7.1 Manual Method—If a volume percent recovered
A4.3 Determine the expected temperature reading to yield reading is not available at the exact temperature calculated in
xxx °C (or xxx °F) after the barometric correction. To obtain A4.3, determine the percent recovered by interpolation be-
the expected value, add the absolute value of the calculated tween the two adjacent readings. Either the linear, as described
correction to the desired temperature if the barometric pressure in 11.6.1, or the graphical procedure, as described in 11.6.2, is
is above 101.3 kPa. If the barometric pressure is below
permitted. The percent recovered is equal to Rxxx.
101.3 kPa, subtract the absolute value of the calculated correc-
tion from the desired temperature. A4.7.2 Automated Method—Report the observed volume to
0.1 % volume corresponding to the temperature closest to the
A4.4 Perform the distillation, as described in Section 10, expected temperature reading. This is the percent recovered, or
while taking into account A4.5 and A4.6.
A4.5 Manual Distillation A4.7.3 Manual and Automated Methods—To determine the
A4.5.1 In the region between about 10 °C below and 10 °C value of Exxx, add the observed loss to the percent recovered,
above the desired expected temperature reading determined in Rxxx, as determined in A4.7.1 or A4.7.2 and as described in
A4.3 record the temperature reading in intervals of 1 % volume Eq 9.
. A4.7.3.1 As prescribed in 12.7, do not use the corrected
A4.5.2 If the intent of the distillation is to solely determine loss.
the value of Exxx or Rxxx, discontinue the distillation after at
least another 2 mL of distillate have been collected. Otherwise, A4.8 Precision—The statistical determination of the preci-
continue the distillation, as described in Section 10, and sion of the volume % evaporated or recovered at a prescribed
determine the observed loss, as described in 11.1. temperature for automated apparatus were derived according to
A4.5.2.1 If the intent of the distillation is to determine the Practice D6300 from a 2005 interlaboratory program.11 Table
value of Exxx and the distillation was terminated after about A4.1 shows the consolidated equations for volume percent
2 mL of distillate was collected beyond the desired evaporated for gasoline, Table A4.2 shows the precision for
temperature, allow the distillate to drain into the receiving volume percent recovered for diesel. The precision is valid
TABLE A4.1 Precision for Percent Evaporated at a Prescribed Temperature—Gasoline (Consolidated Equation)
Valid Range E70 – E180°C (Automated Apparatus)
D86 Auto r R
0.00836 (150 – X) 0.0200 (150 – X)
where: X = percent evaporated at the prescribed temperature
TABLE A4.5 Repeatability and Reproducibility for Groups 2, 3 and 4 (Manual Method)
RepeatabilityA ReproducibilityA
°C °F °C °F
IBP 1.0+0.35SC 1.9+0.35SF 2.8+0.93SC 5.0+0.93SF
5—95 % 1.0+0.41SC 1.8+0.41SF 1.8+1.33SC 3.3+1.33SF
FBP 0.7+0.36SC 1.3+0.36SF 3.1+0.42SC 5.7+0.42SF
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The observed distillation data used for the calculation corrected recovery 5 94.21 ~ 4.7 2 3.6! 5 95.3 (X1.4)
of the examples below are shown in the first three columns of
Fig. X1.1. X1.2 Temperature Readings at Prescribed Percent
X1.1.1 Temperature readings corrected to 101.3 kPa Evaporated
(760 mm Hg) pressure (see 11.3) are as follows: X1.2.1 Temperature reading at 10 % evaporated (4.7 %
correction ~ °C ! 5 0.0009 ~ 101.3 2 98.6! ~ 2731t c ! (X1.1) observed loss = 5.3 % recovered) (see 11.6.1) are as follows:
correction ~ °F ! 5 0.00012 ~ 760 2 740! ~ 4601t f ! (X1.2) T 10E ~ °C ! 5 33.71 @ ~ 40.3 2 33.7! (X1.5)
X1.1.2 Loss correction to 101.3 kPa (see 11.4) are as
follows. The data for the examples are taken from Fig. X1.1. ~ 5.3 2 5 ! / ~ 10 2 5 ! # 5 34.1°C
T 10E ~ °F ! 5 92.71 @ ~ 104.5 2 92.7! (X1.6)
corrected loss 5 ~ 0.5 1 ~ 4.7 2 0.5!! / (X1.3)
X2.1 Some specifications require the reporting of the vol- X2.2.1.1 Determine first the slope at the desired tempera-
ume % evaporated or recovered at a prescribed temperature. ture:
Table X2.1 shows the distillation data of a Group 1 sample as S C % 5 0.1 ~ T ~ 20! 2 T ~ 10! ! (X2.1)
obtained by a manual unit.
50.1 ~ 94 2 83!
X2.2 Example Calculation
X2.2.1 For a Group 1 sample exhibiting distillation charac- 51.1
teristics as per Table X2.1, as determined by a manual unit, the
S F % 5 0.1 ~ T ~ 20! 2 T ~ 10! !
reproducibility of the volume evaporated, Rvolume %, at
93.3 °C (200 °F) is determined as follows: 50.1 ~ 201 2 182!
FIG. X3.1 Corrected Loss from Observed Loss and Barometric Pressure kPa
FIG. X3.2 Corrected Loss from Observed Loss and Barometric Pressure mm Hg
X4.1 When an electronic or other sensor without an emer- ASTM 7C T elr 5 T t 2 0.000162 × ~ T t 2 20°C ! 2
gent stem error is used, the output of this sensor or the
associated data system should emulate the output of a mercury- X4.3 When a high range thermometer would have been
in-glass thermometer. Based on information supplied by four used, no stem correction is to be applied below 35 °C. Above
manufacturers of automated Test Method D86 equipment, the this temperature the correction is calculated using the follow-
averaged equations shown in X4.2 and X4.3 have been ing formula:
reported to be in use.
ASTM 8C T ehr 5 T t 2 0.000131 × ~ T t 2 35°C ! 2
X4.1.1 The equations shown in X4.2 have limited applica-
bility and are shown for information purposes only. In addition where:
to the correction for the emergent stem, the electronic sensor Telr = emulated temperature in °C for low range
and associated data system will also have to emulate the lag in thermometers,
response time observed for mercury-in-glass thermometers. Tehr = emulated temperature in °C for high range
thermometers, and
X4.2 When a low range thermometer would have been used, Tt = true temperature in °C.
no stem correction is to be applied below 20 °C. Above this
temperature, the correction is calculated using the following
Subcommittee D02.08 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D86 – 20b) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 1, 2023.)
(1) Revised subsections 13.1.1 and 13.2.1. (2) Revised Tables 7-10.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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