Aa071024016865d SCN10102024
Aa071024016865d SCN10102024
Aa071024016865d SCN10102024
Application Reference Number (ARN): AA071024016865D Date: 07/10/2024
This is with reference to your Registration application filed vide ARN AA071024016865D Dated - 07/10/2024 The Department
has examined your application and is not satisfied with it for the following reasons:
1 Authorized Signatory - Residential Address - Others (Please specify) - Residential address of applicant
is outside of Delhi? How would it be feasible to conduct business in Delhi without having any proper
residence in Delhi? Clarify with supporting documents
2 Principal Place of Business - Document Upload - Others (Please specify) - -Ownership mismatch?
Upload proper & latest ownership proof/ documents 2. Mention complete & exact address in
application as per ownership proof 3. Upload self attested copies of AADHAR of owner of premises &
witnesses 4. Upload proper rent agreement under correct Article for commercial purpose 5. Upload copy
of GSTR-10 with no dues of inactive GSTIN
If no response is received by the stipulated date, your application is liable for rejection. Please note that no further notice /
reminder will be issued in this matter
Place Delhi
Date 10/10/2024
This is a digitally signed document and can be downloaded from the GST portal.