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Racing to English

Stage 1: Beginners

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:

Naming (singular) Naming (plural) Face & body
What's this? It's a ... What are these? They are Have you got 3 eyes?

Step 4: Step 5: Step 6:

Have/Has got Likes, dislikes, & food. Actions
Has she got a red coat? Do you like rice? She's driving

Step 7: step 8: Math(s) 1:

House/rooms, family (2), Vehicles, street, park & Counting, plus/minus &
in/on/under clothes money

Math(s) 2:
Photo Phonics
Time &
Intro to letter sounds
lang. of computation
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Naming (singular)
1 What's this? It's a... 1
Language learning focus
Language function Naming oneself, common objects and basic colours
Sentence structures  What's your name?
 What's this? It’s a .... Is this a ...?
Vocabulary  pen, ruler, pencil, felt tip, etc
 girl, boy, man, woman, baby
 dog, cat, bird, fish, horse, snake
 red, yellow, blue, green, black, white

1a. First steps 1b. Classroom 1c. People 1d. Six animals

1f. Step 1 1g. Revise &

1e. Colour pairs photo track 1x. Multigame
assess step 1
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Naming (plural)
2 What are these? They are ... 2
Language learning Focus
Language functions Sentence structures
Giving personal details What's your first name/surname?
Naming objects using the plural form What are these? They are ...
Asking for things Please can I have a ...?

2c. People 2d. Fruit/veg 1

2a. Surname 2b. Plurals

2g. Revise &

2f. Step 2 photo assess step 2
2e. Can I have
track (revision)
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Face & body
3 Have you got ...? 3
Language learning focus
Language function Giving personal details
Naming parts of the body and face
Claiming possession
Sentence structures  What's your address?
 What’s this? What are these?
 How many ... can you see?
 Have you got three eyes? He hasn't got a beard.
Vocabulary: body a body, an arm, an elbow, a hand, fingers, a thumb, a leg, a
knee, a foot, two feet, toes, a back
Vocabulary: face eyes, ears, mouth, nose, face, hair, glasses, hat, beard, etc.

3b. Body 3c. Body 3d. Face pairs

3a. Address
photoset dominoes

3h. Revise and

3f. Faces 4 in a 3g. Face & body assess
3e. Face
photo track
photoset line
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Have/has got
4 Has she got a red coat? 4
Language learning focus
Language functions Sentence structures Vocabulary
Describing age  How old are you?  Age
Naming/introducing  Emily is Arthur's  Mother, father, brother,
family members mother. sister, etc.
Naming clothes  What's this?  Coat, jumper, a pair of
It's a shirt. jeans, a pair of shoes, etc.
Describing colour/ talking  Has she got a red  Red, yellow, blue, green,
about possessions coat? black, white

4a. Age 4d. Guess

4b. Family 1 4c. Clothes (1)
which boy

4h. Clothes &

4e. Guess 4f. Guess 4g. Guess
colours photo
which girl which flower which robot
Also in step 4:
 Revise and assess step 4
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
food/likes/ dislikes/
5 Do you like rice? 5
Language learning focus
Functions Naming objects; Identifying likes/dislikes; Offering things
Sentence  What’s this? It’s a cup. Is this a plate? Yes it is/No it isn’t.
structures  What are these? They are apples.
 I like/don’t like ...
 Would you like a ...? or Do you want a ...?
Vocabulary dining room (table, knife, spoon, plate, cup, etc.)
fruit/vegetables/African fruit & veg
supermarket (packaging: tins of beans, bags of rice, etc)
verbs (like, love, hate,)

5ax. Dining room

5a. Dining room photo track 5b. Fruit 5c. Vegetables

(for younger learners)

5f. Would you like
5cx. Fruit & veg 5d. African fruit & 5g. Eek-eek-eek
photo track veg. 5e. Supermarket puppets

5x “Blank pairs”
5h Would you like 5j. Revise and
5i. Who are you? to make your own
(for older learners) assess
pairs activity
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
6 Is she driving a car? 6
Language Learning Focus
Language functions Naming actions. Talking about ability
Sentence structures  What’s he/she doing? She’s/He’s XXXing.
 What are you/they doing? I’m XXXing. They are XXXing.
 Is s/he XXXing? Yes s/he is/No he isn’t.
 This is a statue of a man who is holding a sword.
 Can you whistle?
Vocabulary Common actions e.g.:
drinking, running, writing, drawing, driving a car, eating an
apple, riding a motorbike, etc.

6b. Actions 2 6c. Actions 3

6a. Actions 1

6d. Actions 4 6e. Actions 5 6f. Actions 6

6h. Actions photo 6i. The “Can you?”

6g. Mime and guess track track
Also in this step:
 6j. Revise and assess step 6
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
House and rooms
7 + possession/family (2)/position (1) 7
Language learning focus
Language functions Possession
and sentence  Is this Fido's mouth? Pat is Emily's granddaughter.
structures Describing position (prepositions -- in on under)
 The boy is under the table.
 Is there a table in the bedroom?
Vocabulary  Family members (granddaughter, uncle, cousin, etc)
 House – rooms, furniture and other objects

7a. Possession 7b. Family (2) 7c. in on under 7d. Bedroom

7e. 7h. House

Living/family 7f. Kitchen 7g. Bathroom 4 in a line

Also in this step:

 7i. Revise and assess step 7
 7j. House and rooms photo track.
 7x. Blank 4 in a line
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Vehicles, street, park, clothes, etc.
8 8
Language learning focus
Language functions Naming objects/Possession/Description (colours)
Sentence structures  It’s a van.
 Has it got four wheels? Is she wearing a hat?
 Is it blue?
Vocabulary - vehicles an ambulance, a bike, a bus, a car , a fire engine, etc
Vocabulary - park a climbing frame, swings, a lake, grass, a slide, etc.
Vocabulary - street a wall, a tree, a street light, gates, a hedge, etc.
Vocab - men’s clothes a jacket, a belt, a sweatshirt, a T-shirt, a tie, a shirt, etc
Vocab - women’s clothes a skirt, a coat, a sari, a dress, a scarf, a pair of jeans, etc

8d. Men’s
8a. Vehicles 8b. Park 8c. Street

8e. Women’s 8f. Toys 8x. Am/are/is

clothes revision track
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Maths 1
M1 counting, addition/subtraction & money M1
Language learning focus:
Language Counting/Computation/Recognising and talking about money
Sentence How many men can you see? What is 4 add 3? It’s five
structures dollars/pounds
Vocabulary numbers to 20; add/plus/and; subtract/take away/minus; money

M1a. Counting to 10 M1b. Counting to 20 M1c. Addition track

M1d. Take away M1d. Add &

M1f. Add/take words
track take away track

M1g. Money M1g. Money M1h. Money – how

(UK version) (USA version) much (max 20p)

M1i. Money – how M1j. Money tracks M1j. Money tracks

much (max £5) (UK) (USA)
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Maths 2
M2 M2
Language learning focus:
Language Asking and answering questions about addition, subtraction,
functions multiplication and division.
Telling the time
Sentence  What is 7 plus 4? What is the product of three and nine?
structures  What time is it? It's ten to five.
Vocabulary add subtract more than sum of
plus take away less than product
and minus difference between multiplied by

M2b. More than & less M2c. Language of

M2a. Numeracy than track
Multigame add/subtract

M2f. Multiplying
M2d. Addition oral M2e. Multiplying 4 in a line
worksheet Multigame

M2g. Sum, product

M2h. Dividing
difference track
4 in a line
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Language learning focus
Language functions Telling the time
Sentence structures  What’s the time?
 It’s three forty five (3.45).
 It’s 7 o’clock.
 It’s quarter to/past nine.

T1: o’clock T2: half past T3: quarter past

T4: quarter to T5: 5 10 20 25 past T6: 5 10 20 25 to

T7 Time pairs – revision

T8: Drawing clock faces
Racing to English: Stage 1
Step Step
Photo phonics
P intro to letter sounds P
Language learning focus:
 to ensure that learners can discriminate between the sounds used
by English and can pronounce them adequately
AIMS  to teach the link between letters and sounds based on vocabulary
the learners already know/understand
 to teach and practise handwriting/letter formation.

P1. Phonic track P2: b & c P5: f, p, g, & t

P10: d, s & w P14. Revision P15. v, ch & sh

As well as the blank New New
Activity Activity
phonic track, there sounds sounds
are 14 activities in P2 BC P9 revision
this step. Each one P3 H P10 DSW
includes P4 PG P11 N
 a picture based P5 FT P12 revision
activity, P6 revision P13 V
 a phonic track P7 RM P14 revision
 a worksheet. P8 J L P15 ch sh
Racing to English

Stage 2: Starting stories

Step 9.
Narrating Step 10 Step 11
intro to simple past tense. Narrating Narrating
I came I saw, I wrote a Story file 1 (feelings) Story file 2 (feelings)

Step 13
Step 14
Step 12 Do/Does 1
Animals – Do/Does 2
Narrating Talking about regular
Constant truths
Story file 3 (feelings) activities. “Do you wear a
e.g. "Lions eat meat
hat on your head?”
Step 15
Step 16 Step 17
Do/Does 3
Narrating Narrating
Constant truths “Birds
Story file 4 (feelings) Miscellaneous stories
build nests in spring”
Step 19 Step 20
Step 18
Position Guess which
Position & direction
Describe & draw Description

Maths 3
Pronunciation activities
Shapes and fractions

stories photosets games

Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Narrating for younger learners
9a intro to simple past tense - I came I saw, I wrote a story 9a
Language Learning Focus
Language function reporting incidents and narrating stories about the past
Sentence structures simple past tense
 I went, I looked, I pointed
 I didn't go, I didn't look, I didn't point
 Did you go? Did you look? Yes I did/No I didn't.
Past continuous tense
 Where were you?
 What were you doing? I was reading a book.
Vocabulary Emphasis is on verbs: went, worked, bought, took, collected,
cleaned, cooked, etc.

a 5 part story about Eek-eek-eek 9a2 Eek-eek-eek 1

the mouse Line of 3 game

4 past tense 9i. “Did you”
worksheets for a question track
wide age range

© Gordon Ward 2012. Photocopiable only for use in the purchasing institution. Stage 2 contents
Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Narrating for older learners intro to
9b simple past tense - I came I saw, I wrote a story 9b
Language Learning Focus
Language function reporting incidents and narrating stories about the past
Sentence structures simple past tense
 I went, I looked, I pointed
 I didn't go, I didn't look, I didn't point
 Did you go? Did you look? Yes I did/No I didn't.
Past continuous tense
 Where were you?
 What were you doing? I was reading a book.
Vocabulary Emphasis is on verbs: went, worked, bought, took, collected,
cleaned, cooked, etc.

9f. A three part story 9g. Dialogue:

about Billy, Milly, Maisy & Bob What did you do

9h. Four past tense 9i. “Did you” 9j. Dialogue: “Where
worksheets question track was Billy’s watch?”

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
10 Story file 1 (feelings) 10
Language learning focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structures Simple past tense:
I looked for my watch/I ran into the road/He told my mother.
Why did he throw a brick?
Vocabulary Each of the stories relates to an emotion:
scared, worried, sad, angry, hurt, frightened, cross

The stories are

10a. Scared of a dog
This step includes some stories written by 10b. Sad I lost watch
young people. 10c. Angry fell in road
Each story illustrates an emotion and has 10d. Worried baby & penny
 a story sheet with the story and some 10e. Angry about snake
questions 10f. Hurt by broken glass
 a sequencing activity 10i. Naughty boy
The step also includes
10x. the What/Why/Where track
This can be used with any story.

10x. What/Why/
Some examples of the stories Where track

© Gordon Ward 2012. Photocopiable only for use in the purchasing institution. Stage 2 contents
Racing to English: Stage 2

Steps Steps
11/12 Story file 2(feelings) 11/12
Language learning focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structures Simple past tense:
I looked for my watch/I ran into the road/He told my mother.
Vocabulary Each of the stories relates to an emotion:
jealous, sorry ,guilty, curious, upset, terrified, embarrassed, etc.

These steps include some slightly longer stories, again each written by a young
person. Most of the stories illustrates an emotion and except for the first few they all
have a story sheet with the story, two worksheets and a sequencing activity
The stories are
12a. Terrified of a crocodile
11a. Cross brother
12b. Curious about a noise
11b. Frightened at a river
12c. No English
11c. Fighting
12d. Upset by a motor scooter accident
11d. Sorry about hot water
12e. Embarrassed
11e. Four snakes
12f. Bees in the tree
11f. Guilty about my lost rings
12g. Tired: the bike and the donkey
11g. Jealous of a key
12h. From Africa to England
11h. Silly fishing

Some examples of the stories, showing the story page,

the two worksheets and the sequencing activity

These steps also includes

 11x some Writing frames and
 12x the Did/is/was question

11x. Writing 12y. Did/Is/Was

frames revision track

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Do/Does (1) for younger learners
13a 13a
Language Learning Focus
Language function Talking about regular activities
Sentence Simple present tense
structures I write. We write. He/She/It writes. Do you write? Does he/she/it write?
This stall sells watches.
Vocabulary Key vocabulary items include:
 before, after
 a number of common verbs e.g. see, bite, hold, wash, clean, paint
 more clothes e.g. sandals, scarves, sunglasses, wallets

13b. Clothes 4 in
13a. Clothes 13c. Do you 13d. Senses “Do
a line
market photoset you...?” 4 in a line

13g, 13h, 13i, 13j,


Cog the camel.

a 5 part story for

younger learners
1ee. Days of the 13f. Days at the Zoo

© Gordon Ward 2012. Photocopiable only for use in the purchasing institution. Stage 2 contents
Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Do/Does (1) for older learners
13b 13b
Language Learning Focus
Language function Talking about regular activities
Sentence Simple present tense
structures I write. We write. He/She/It writes. Do you write? Does he/she/it write?
This stall sells watches.
Vocabulary Key vocabulary items include:
 before, after
 a number of common verbs e.g. see, bite, hold, wash, clean, paint
 more clothes e.g. sandals, scarves, sunglasses, wallets

13b. Clothes 4 in
13a. Clothes 13c. Do you 13d. Senses “Do
a line
market photoset you...?” 4 in a line

13L. “Saturdays
with Milly, Billy,
13e. Days of the Maisy and Bob”
13m. “When do 12n Do you – dining
week. (for older learners) you wear?” track room 4 in a line

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Animals – Do/Does 2
14 Constant truths "Lions eat meat” 14
Language Learning Focus
Language functions Naming animals and their parts
Identifying ability/possession/experience
Describing features/Giving reasons
Sentence structures  Can a whale fly? Has it got a long neck?
 Do zebras have long necks? Do mammals lay eggs?
 Fish have gills so that they can breathe under water.
Vocabulary  Names of farm, pet and wild animals
 Parts & features of animals,
 Animal classes, i.e. birds, reptiles, mammals, etc.

14a. Farm & pet

animals 14b. Wild animals 14c. Animal parts 14d. Animal parts

14e. Animal lives 14f. Animal 14g. Animal sets 4 14h. Animal
4 in a line classes 4 in a line in line features

14i Polar bears

and camels 14j. Insects etc.

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Do/Does 3
15 Constant truths – “Birds build their nests in the spring.” 15
Language Learning Focus
Language function Talking about regular activities and constant truths
Sentence structures Simple present tense:
Do dentists drive tankers? Birds lay eggs in the spring. You knock
in nails with a hammer. When a liquid freezes it turns into a solid.
Vocabulary Houses/Occupations/Seasons/Tools/Matter

15a. Houses 15b. Occupations 15c. Seasons 15d. Seasons

photoset photoset photoset 4 in a line

15e. Matter: 15f. Changing 15g. Tools 15h. Tools

4 in a line states photoset 4 in a line

15i. Food Do/Does/Did/Is
photoset revision track

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
16 Story file 4 (feelings) 16
Language learning focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structures Simple past tense:
I looked for my watch/I ran into the road/He told my mother.
Vocabulary Each of the stories relates to an emotion or feeling:
sad, painful, disappointed, scared, upset, etc.

This step includes some more stories that The stories are
are slightly more difficult than those in step 15a. Scared of a camel
12, again each written by a young person. 15b. Painful scorpion
Most of the stories illustrate an emotion and 15c. Disappointed football match
15d. Drowning in a river
they all have
15e. Upset by a thief
 a story sheet with the story
15f. Tickling spider
 two worksheets
15g. Sad for a blind man
 a sequencing activity

Some examples of the stories, showing the story page,

the two worksheets and the sequencing activity

© Gordon Ward 2012. Photocopiable only for use in the purchasing institution. Stage 2 contents
Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step

17 Miscellaneous stories
Language learning focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structures Simple past tense:
I looked for my watch/I ran into the road/He told my mother.
Vocabulary Each of the stories relates to an emotion or feeling:
sad, painful, disappointed, scared, upset, etc.

This step includes a variety of stories some

written by young people others reflecting The stories are
traditional stories. 17a. The learner driver
Each story includes; 17b. Frightened by a frog
17c. Kindness (a traditional story
 a story sheet with the story
from Ghana)
 two worksheets
 a sequencing activity

This step also includes

15x. The Book Review Question Track
15y. Blank tracks

15x Book Review

Question Track 15y. Blank tracks

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step

18 Position & direction

Language Learning Focus
Language functions Describing position and directions
Sentence structures  They are running towards the house.
 Take the first turning on the right.
Vocabulary Prepositions of place: in, on, under, between, behind, in front of,
on the left, in the middle
Prepositions of motion: towards, away from, straight ahead

Copy of 7c. 18c. Preposition

Prepositions 1 18b. Between, etc. picture pairs

18d. Dialogue –
directions 18f. Opposite
18e. Guess which picture
preposition pairs

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step

19 Position: Describe and draw

Language Learning Focus
Language functions Describing position and directions
Sentence structures  Is there a tree to the left of the house?
 Draw a triangle on the right-hand side.
Vocabulary Prepositions of place: in, on, under, between, behind, in front of,
on the left, in the middle
Prepositions of motion: towards, away from, straight ahead

16e. Describe and draw 16f. Describe and draw 16g. Describe and draw
(1) (2) (3)

16h. Describe and draw 16i. Describe and draw 16j. Describe and draw
(4) (5) (6)

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step

20 Guess which (description)

Language Learning Focus
Language functions Describing position and directions
Sentence structures  Is there a tree to the left of the house?
 Draw a triangle on the right-hand side.
Vocabulary Prepositions of place: in, on, under, between, behind, in front of,
on the left, in the middle
Prepositions of motion: towards, away from, straight ahead

20a. Guess which 20b. Guess which 20c. Guess which

person football player bird

20d. Guess which


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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step
Math(s) 3
M3 Shapes and fractions M3
Language learning focus:
Language functions Naming shapes and fractions
Sentence structures  It's a hexagon.
 It has a semi-circular head and a hexagonal body.
 What fraction is shaded?
 What is half of six?
Vocabulary NOUNS: ADJECTIVES: parts of circles
a hexagon circular  radius
a parallelogram semi-circular  diameter
an octagon rectangular  circumference
a trapezium triangular angles
a semi-circle hexagonal obtuse/acute/right
etc. etc.

M3c. Describe M3d. Fraction
M3a. Shape Shape monsters
& draw shapes shapes 4 in a line
pairs 4 in a line

M3e. Fractions
numbers 4 in a M3f. Fractions M3g. Shapes
line oral worksheet quiz

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Racing to English: Stage 2

Step Step

Pr Pronunciation activities
Activities that focus on pronunciation, they also support the development of spelling.
The activities are designed to help learners to hear the difference between sounds
and to pronounce them clearly. Most of the activities are based on pairs of sounds
that many learners find problematic.
Only use these activities if the learners are having particular pronunciation problems.

Pr1 & Pr2 Pr3, Pr4 & Pr5 Pr6 & Pr7 Pr8 & Pr9
Consonants Short vowels blends & digraphs Long vowels

Pr11. Pr12. Pr13.

Pr. 10 Saying the Letters Vowels
Final sounds alphabet 4 in a line 4 in a line

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Racing to English

Stage 3: Talking & reading

Step 21 Step 23
Step 22
Have/has intro Future
Have/has 2
talking about the past as it with "going to"
I’ve already paid for my
relates to the present
ticket (so I have it now)
“Have you lost your …?” I'm going to paint the wall.
Step 24 Step 26
Step 25
Comparing Describing
Are you taller than your It's made of wood.
Spot the difference
brother? It's near the box.
Step 29
Step 27 Step 28
True Stories (2) Passive:
Writing and Narrating True stories (1)
It was built. Rabbits are
Story prompts, etc. Narrating using past tense
eaten ... It has been ...
Step 30 Step 31 Step 32
True stories (3) True stories (4) True stories (5)
Could, would, when, if. Had done Copernicus, seasons, etc.
Step 33 Step 34 Step 35
True stories (6) True stories (7) True stories (8)
Fossils & Darwin Species & More Fossils Geology
Step 36 Step 37 Step 38
True Stories (9) True Stories (6) Maps: Guess which
Deep time If country
Math(s) 4
Step 39 Step 40
Speaking maths
Grammar tracks Miscellaneous
Racing to English: Stage 3

Have/has intro Step 21

Language learning focus

Language function Talking about the past as it relates to the present
Sentence structures Present perfect tense:
 Have you washed…?
 Have you remembered? No I’ve forgotten.
 I haven’t seen…
 Where has he gone? Has anyone seen him?
Vocabulary Vocabulary arising from the stories

For younger learners

21d Eek-eek-eek
21a, 21b, 21c Eek-eek-eek & the watch - a story in 3 parts forgotten
For older learners

21e. “Maisy, 21f. Dialogue:

21g. “Where has 21h. “Have you
have you “What’s the
Billy gone?” ever” questions
forgotten?” matter?”
Racing to English: Stage 3

Have/has (2) Step 22

Do/Does revision

Language learning focus

Language functions Talking about the past as it relates to the present.
Talking about regular activities.
Sentence structures Present perfect tense: Have you ever swum in the sea?
Simple present: What does an engine do?
Vocabulary Holidays: sea, beach, hotel, etc.
Funfair: big/Ferris wheel, coconuts, candy, etc.
Vehicle parts: engine, windscreen, wheel, bonnet, etc.
Train travel: railway lines, passengers, platform, train, etc.

22c. Vehicles:
22b. Funfair “Have you ever?” 22d. Vehicle parts
22a. Holidays

22e. Vehicles
4 in a line 22f. Guess which 22g. Train travel 22h. Have you
vehicle ever track

22j. Postcard from 22j. Have/Do/Did

Islamabad revision track
Racing to English: Stage 3

Future with “going to” Step 23

Language learning focus
Language functions Talking about the future
Asking politely
Sentence structures Future using ‘going to’
 He is going to run away.
 Are you going to swim in the sea?
 I think this means it's going to be sunny tomorrow.
Asking politely
 Would you like to come to my house?
Vocabulary Weather: sunny, cloudy, rainy, a rainbow, a puddle, etc.

23a. Mog is going 23b. 23d. Weather

to run away. Maisy is going to... 23c. The “going photoset
For young learners For older learners to” question track.

23g. Dialogue –
23e. Weather 23f. Dialogue
“Would you like
symbols "Are you sure?"
Racing to English: Stage 3

Comparing Step 24
Language learning focus
Language function Comparing things
Sentence structures  Are you taller than Asif? Pam is older than Tim.
 Is the blue car more expensive than the red car?
 Does the red car cost more than the blue car?
 What is the difference in price?
 Amit thought that book A was funnier than book B
 This coat is too big.
 Is Jupiter the biggest planet?

24a. Longer than 24b. Older or 24c. Comparing 24d. Dialogue

oral worksheet younger costs exchanging

24e. The 24f. Comparing 24g. Solar system – 4 in a line

comparing track books
Racing to English: Stage 3

Describing: Spot the difference Step 25

Language learning focus

Language function Describing – objects and position
Sentence  Is the lid on the saucepan?
structures  Is he wearing a blue shirt?
Position: on, in, to the left of, upside down, etc.
Adjectives, e.g. open, closed, cloudy, green, high, open, sunny

25a. Spot the difference 25b. Spot the difference 25c. Spot the difference
Saucepan Kettle and mugs Driveway

25d. Spot the difference 25e. Spot the difference 25f. Spot the difference
Man On the table Traffic lights
Racing to English: Stage 3

Describing 2 Step 26

Language learning focus

Language function Describing – objects, materials and position
 It's made of metal.
structures  Rough is the opposite of smooth.
 The music was so loud that my ears began to hurt.
Materials: metal, wood, glass, plastic, cardboard, leather
Adjectives, e.g. open, closed, cloudy, green, high, open, sunny
A range of opposite adjectives, e.g. asleep/awake, clean/dirty,

26a. Materials photoset 26b, 26c, 26d Three opposite adjective activities,
each with a worksheet

26e. Transparent,
translucent opaque
Racing to English: Stage 3

Writing and Narrating

Story prompts, etc.
Step 27

Language learning focus

The activities in this step are designed
 to stimulate learners’ writing and
 to extend their vocabulary

Each of these story prompts includes

 a set of people cards,
27a, 27b, 27c, 27d, 27e.  a set of place cards and
Story prompts  a set of problem cards.
Learners work together to choose one of each type of
card and then use them to develop a story.

27f. Story prompts: 27g. Adverbs with said 27h. Clines

weird photos (vocab development) (vocab development)
Racing to English: Stage 3

True stories (1) Step 28

Narrative using simple past tense

Language learning focus

Language function Narrating
Sentence structure Simple past tense
 He invented, sold, etc.
 Rosa refused to give up her seat.

This step includes some one-page stories about famous people. Each story is
accompanied by questions and a blank filling worksheet. Some of the stories also
have some accompanying dictionary work.

28a. Clive Sinclair 28b. Rosa Parks 28c. Taj Mahal 28d. Boycott

28e. 28f.
Mahatma Gandhi George Washington
Racing to English: Stage 3

True stories (2): the passive Step 29

Language Learning Focus: the passive

Language functions Sentence structures
Narrating  Tower Bridge was built in 1894.
Constant truths  Rabbits are eaten by foxes.
The past as it relates to present  The house has been sold.
Making suggestions  Maybe he broke his leg.
Key vocabulary burnt down destroyed started first opened
London designed erected finished reopened
Key vocabulary maybe discovered broken tomb
Tutankhamen buried hidden covered pharaoh
Key vocabulary boarded up burnt knocked over sold
‘has been’ cut off gutted erected covered
food chains & food eats producer/consumer/predator/prey
chain rummy is eaten by Names of animals

29b. Tutankhamun 24e. Has been done

29a. London photoset
true story

29f. Food chain

29e. Food chains rummy
Racing to English: Stage 3

True stories (3): could/would/when Step 30

Language learning focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structure  Could you run when you were two?
 Einstein couldn't read very well, when he was young.
 What would you do if you found £25?
 If you live in a city it is difficult to see many stars.

30b. 30c. 30v. Collocations

30a. Could you Albert Einstein Emily Davison 4 in a line
question track true story (Vocab development)
true story

True stories (4): had done Step 31

Language Learning Focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structure Past perfect tense and reported speech:
 They said that the helicopter had taken off at nine o'clock.
 Lenny had not told her he was going for an audition.

31a. The rescue 31d. Duck-billed

helicopter 31b. Lenny Henry 31c. Cholera platypus
Racing to English: Stage 3

True stories (5): Sun, seasons etc. Step 32

Language Learning Focus
Language function Narrating
Sentence structure This step and subsequent “true stories” are grouped around
topics rather than tenses and they practise all the tenses that
have been introduced earlier.

32c. Why do we 32d. Sun moon &

32a. Copernicus 32b. Water cycle have seasons? earth

True stories (6): Fossils and Darwin Step 33

33a. Diplodocus Charles Darwin 33d Dogs
33b. Mary Anning
Racing to English: Stage 3

True stories (7): Species & more fossils Step 34

34b. Whale 34c.. Necks arms &

34a. Archaeopteryx 34d. Species 1
blowholes wings

34e. Species 2
evolution 34f Human fossils

True stories (8): Geology Step 35

35b. Continental 35c. Continental 35d. Fossils on

35a. Volcanoes
drift drift & science Everest

35e Grand Canyon

Racing to English: Stage 3

True stories (9): Deep time Step 36

36a. When (1): 36b. When (2): 36c. When (3) 36d. When (4)
Billions of years Hundreds of Millions of years Thousands of
ago millions of years ago years ago

If Step 37

37b. Stars 37c: What would you

37a. “If” dialogue true story
do? question track

In this step there are

also copies of:
 M4c UK money “If I
 M4c USA money “If I
 M4L Time problems
37e What would
happen? question  M4m “If” equations
37d. What would you do
if you felt track
Racing to English: Stage 3

Maps: Guess which country. Step 38

Language learning focus
Language function Naming, defining and describing
Sentence structure  It's a very dry area with very little rainfall.
 Is it north of the equator?
 Does it share a border with Nigeria?
 Is it on the Pacific coast? Has it got a coastline?
Examples of North equator mountain waterfall
vocabulary that will South coastline stream canal
arise from these West border flood island
activities East desert rainforest

38a. Geography 38b. Guess which 38c. Guess which

definitions country -- South America country -- Africa

38d. Guess which 38e. Guess which

38f. Guess which state --
country -- Eastern country -- South Western
Europe Europe
Racing to English: Stage 3

Grammar tracks Step 39

As well as these 3
new tracks, this step
includes copies of
about a dozen other
tracks from all
stages in Racing to
English so that you
can use them to
revise and assess
39a. 39b 39c pupils progress
a/an/any/nothing question tags write/spoke/taken conveniently.

Miscellaneous Step 40
As this step contains a miscellany of activities, there is no one overall main language
focus. They are more advanced activities that didn't fit in with the other steps:

40b. Food 40d. Greek words

40a. Digestion 40c. Garden and
4 in a line 4 in a line
rummy plant pairs

40f. Dialogue 40g. Ancient Greek

40e. Verbs
“What will you be education
opposite pairs
Racing to English: Stage 3

Maths 4 Step M4
This step contains a number of activities focusing on the language of maths.
Most of them are ‘Speaking Maths’ worksheets, including two versions of M4c (one
based on British money, the other on American). Each worksheet focuses on keywords
or phrases that are frequently used in maths problems.
Time problems is a quiz type activity.

M4a. M4c
M4b. Change M4d Percentages
Altogether/each Money: If I had

M4e Primes, factors

M4f M4g M4h
and multiples 4 in a
line Posting parcels Share equally Swimming pool

M4i M4j M4k M4L

Twice as much Distances UK Distances USA Time problems

“If” equations

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