Form F Tekari
Form F Tekari
Form F Tekari
Drawing Nos:_______________________________________________________________
and dated:__________________________________________________________________
Rupees :(__________________________________________________________________)
and should this tender be accepted . I/We do hereby agree and bind myself/ourselves to
abide by and fulfill all the conditions annexed to the said specification or in default
thereof to forfeit and pay to the Governor of C. G. the penalties of sums of money
mentioned in the said conditions, viz:
Tenderer’s Signature
Address …………………
1.1: The person whose tender may be accepted (hereinafter called the contractors which
expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include his heirs executers,
administrators representatives and assigns) shall permit Government at the time of making
any payments to him for the value of work done under the contract to deduct the security
deposit as under.
The Security Deposit to be taken for the due performance of the contract under the terms &
conditions printed on the tender form will be the earnest money plus a deduction of 5 percent
from the payment made in the running bills, till the two together amount to 5 percent of the
cost of work put to tender or 5 percent of the cost of the works executed when the same
exceeds the cost of work put to tender
1.2The Contractors is /are to provide everything of every sort and kind (with the exception
noted in the schedule attached) which may be necessary and requisite for the due and proper
execution of the several works included in the contract according to the true intent and
meaning of the drawings and specifications taken together, which are to be signed by the
Executive Engineer P.W.D. (Bridge Const.) Division herein after called the E.E.) and the
Contractor (s) whether the same may not be particularly described in the specifications or
shown on the drawings, provided that the same are reasonably and obviously to be inferred
there from and in case of any discrepancy between the drawings and the specifications the
E.E. is to be decide which shall be follows :
1.2A: The Contractor (s) is/are to set out the whole of the works in conjunction with an
officer, to be deputed by the E.E. And during the progress of the works, to amend on the
requisition of the E.E., any errors which may arise therein and provide all the necessary
labours, and materials for so doing. The Contractor(s) is/are to provide all plant, labour and
materials (with the exceptions noted in the schedule attached) which may be necessary and
requisite for the works. All the materials and workmanship are to be the best of their
respective kinds. The Contractor(s) is/are to leave the works in all aspects clean and perfect at
the completion thereof.
1.2B: In respect of all bearings, hinges or similar parts intended for use in the superstructure
of any bridge, the Contractor shall, whenever required, in the course of manufacture, arrange
and afford all facilities for the purpose of inspection and test of all or any of these parts and
the material use therein to any officer of the Directorate of Inspection of the Ministry of
works, production and supply of the Governor of India and such bearings, hinges or similar
parts shall not be used in the superstructure of any bridge except on production of a certificate
of acceptance thereof from the Directorate of Inspection. All inspection charges shall be
payable by the Contractor.
1.3: Complete copies of the drawings and specification signed by the E.E. are to be furnished
by him to the Contractor(s) for his/their own use, and the same or copies thereof are to be
kept on buildings in charge of the Contractor(s) agent who is to be constantly kept on the
ground by the Contractor(s) and to whom the instructions can be given by the E.E. The
Contractor(s) is/are not to sublet the works or any part thereof without the consent in writing
of the E.E.
1.4: The E.E. is to have at all times access to the works which are to be entirely under his
control He may require the Contractor(s) to dismiss any person in the Contractor (s)
employ upon the works who may be incompetent or misconduct himself and the
Contractor (s) is/are forthwith to comply with such requirements.
1.5: The Contractor (s) is/are not be vary or deviate from the drawings or specification or
execute any extra work of any kind whatsoever unless upon the authority of E.E. to be
sufficiently shown by any order in writing by any plan or drawings expressly given and
signed by him as extra or variation or by any subsequent written approval signed by him.
In cases of daily labour all vouchers for the same are to be delivered to the E.E. or the
officers-in-charge at least during the week following that in which the workmen have
been done and only such day work is to be allowed for as such as may have been
authorised by the E.E. to be so done unless the work cannot from its character be properly
measured and valued. The drawings in respect of which this contract is drawn up provide
for a minimum depth of foundations for good soil, Any Extra depth will be measured as
an extra when the foundation trenches have been opened up and will be paid for in
addition to the sum contracted for the completed work.
1.6:Addition alteration and Non-Schedule items of works:- During the execution
of the work there is likelihood of addition alteration in the items of work and also of
such items of work, which do not find place in the Schedule of rates, referred to
above, non sor items, Contractor will have to carry out these items of work.
(a) Prior approval of technical sanction authority is required where net increase in
agreement amount, due to excess, in agreemented quantities and or
quantities due to substitutions, non sor, non schedule items, and any savings
in agreemented quantities is upto 10 percent of agreemented amount with in
the scope of work.
(b) Any variation beyond the limit as per (a) of this clause, shall require prior
approval of the government .
(c) Government shall have full powers either to accept or reject the variation
proposal beyond 10 percent of agreemented amount.
Any authority given by the E.E. for any alterations or additions in or to work is not
to vitiate the contract but all additions in or to work is not to vitiate the contract but all
additions, omissions or variations made in carrying out the works are to be measured and
valued and certified by the E.E. and added to or deducted from the amount of the
contract, as the case may be, at rates in force in the C.E.P.W.D. (Bridge Const. Zone). In
such cases in which rates do not exist, the superintending engineer or the chief engineer
(in case technical sanction is accorded by the chief engineer), as the case may be and
communicate the same within a period of 4 weeks to the contractor, in case the contractor
agrees to the above rates as fixed by the competent authority then they shall form a part
of supplementary schedule of the contract agreement .lf the contractor does not agree to
the rate approved by the competent authority then it shall be open for the Engineer – in –
charge to get the work executed through any other agency. The contractor will not
however be entitled to any compensation due to delay or hindrance or loss of profit
accruing on account of this extra work executed by alternative agency.
If the contractor commences non-schedule work or incur expenditure in
regard thereto before the rates shall have been determined by the competent authority,
then he shall be entitled for payment for the work done as may be finally decided by the
competent authority. In the event of dispute, the decision of the next higher authority
shall be final. Such a decision shall be given by the next higher authority within a period
of 30 (Thirty) days and beyond this period it shall be open to the contractor not to
continue that item further. In such an event that item shall be got executed by other
agency at such an approved rate by the competent authority.
(As per the guidelines issued by Government vide Letter n. F 21-5/T//19/2012/Tender Naya
Raipur Dated 04.04.2018)
1.7:All work on materials brought and left upon the ground by the contractor(s) or
his/their orders for the purpose of forming part of the works are to be considered to be the
property of the Governor of Chhattisgarh and the same are not to be removed or taken
any by the Contractor’s or any other person without the special license and consent in
writing of the E.E., but the Governor of C.G. is not be in any way answerable for any loss
or damage which may happen to or in respect of any such work or materials either by the
same being lost or stolen or injured by weather of otherwise.
1.8: The E.E. has full power to require the removal from the promises of all materials
which, in his opinion, are not in accordance with the specification and in case of default
the E.E. is to be at liberty to employ other persons to remove the same without being
answerable or accountable for any loss or damage that may happen or arise to such
materials. The E.E. is also to have full power to require other proper materials to be
substituted and in case of default the E.E. may cause the same to be supplied and all costs
which any attend such removal and substitution or to be borne by the Contractor (s).
1.9: If in the opinion of the E.E. any of the works, are executed with improper materials or
defective workmanship, the Contractor(s) is/are when required by the E.E. forthwith to re-execute
the same and to substitute proper materials and workmanship and in case of default of the
Contractor(s) in so doing within a week the E.E. is to have full power to employ other person to
re-executed the work and the cost thereof shall be borne by the Contractor(s).
1.10: Any Defect’s shrinkage of other faults which, may appear within performance period from
the completion of the work arising out of defective or improper materials or workmanship or by
any other reason are upon the direction of the E.E. to be amended and made good by the
Contractor (s) at his / their own cost unless the E.E. shall decide that he/they ought to be paid for
the same and in case of default the Governor of C.G. may recover from the Contractor (s) the cost
of making good the works as per note (13) of additional special conditions
1.11: From the Commencement of the work to the completion of the same, they are to be
under the contractor(s) charge. The Contractor (s) is/are to be held responsible for and to
make good all injuries, damages and repairs occasioned or rendered necessary to the same by
fire or other causes and they are to hold the Governor of C.G. harmless from any claims for
injuries to persons or for structural damage to property happening from any neglect, default,
want of proper care of misconduct on the part Contractor(s) or of any one in his/their employ
during the execution of the works.
1.12: The E.E. is not have full power to send workmen upon the premises to execute fittings
and other works not included in the Contract for whose operation Contractor (s) is/are to
afford every reasonable facility during ordinary working hours, provided that such operation
shall be carried on in such manner as not to impede the progress of the work included in the
contract but the Contractor(s) is/are not to be responsible for any damage which may happen
to or be occasioned by any such fittings or other works.
1.13: The works comprised in this tender are to be commenced immediately upon receipt of
order of commencement given in writing by the E.E. The whole work, including all such
addition and variations as aforesaid (but excluding such, if any, as may have been
postponed by an order from the E.E.) shall be completed in every respect within
10 (Ten) working months from the reckoned date (The period will be reckoned from the 15
days after the date of Work order in case of completion period is up to six months and 30
days in case of completion period is more than six months The work shall throughout the
stipulated period of contract be proceeded with all due diligence, keeping in view that time
is the essence of the contract. The contractor shall be bound in all cases, in which the time
allowed for any work exceeds one month, to complete 1/8 th of the whole work before 1/4th
of the whole time allowed under the contract has elapsed, 3/8 th of the work before 1/2 of
such time has elapsed and 3/4 th of the work before 3/4th of such time has elapsed. In the
event of the contractor failing to comply with the above conditions, the Executive Engineer
shall levy on the contractor, as compensation an amount equal to: 0.5% (zero point five
percent) of the value of work (contract sum) for each week of delay, provided that the total
amount of compensation under the provision of the clause shall be limited to 6% (six
percent) of the value of work. (Contract sum)
Provided further that if the contractor fails to achieve 30% (thirty percent) progress in 1/2
(half) of original or validly extended period of time the contract shall stand terminated after
due notice to the contractor and his contract finalised
If the contractor shall desire an extension of time for completion of work on the ground of his
having been "UNAVOIDABLY" hindered in its execution or on any other ground, he must
apply giving all and complete details of each of such hindrances or other causes in writing, to
the Executive Engineer positively within 15 days of occurrence of such hindrance(s) and seek
specific extension of time (period from…………….to……………….. ). If in the
opinion of Executive Engineer, such reasonable grounds are shown, the Executive Engineer
shall himself grant extension of time, if the extension of time sought by the contractor is for
one month or 10% (ten percent) of the stipulated period of completion, whichever is more. If
the extension of time sought is more than above period mentioned, then the Executive
Engineer shall refer the case to the Superintending Engineer with his recommendation and
only after his decision in this regard, the Executive Engineer shall sanction extension of such
time as decided by the Superintending Engineer.
Once the Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer has decided the case of extension of
time with reference to the particular application of the contractor, it will not be competent for
them to review/change such a decision later on. However, the Superintending Engineer and
the Executive Engineer shall give the contractor an opportunity to be heard (orally and or in
writing), before taking any final decision either of granting extension of time or permitting
the contractor to complete the work by the delayed date or before refusing both.
Provided further where the Executive Engineer has recommended grant of
extension of particular time of the contract or has refused to recommend extension of time
but hasrecommended permitting the contractor for delayed completion, the contractor shall
continue with the work till the final decision by Executive Engineer/Superintending
Failure on the part of the contractor for not applying extension of time even within 30
days of the cause of such an hindrance, it shall be deemed that the contractor does not desire
extension of time and that he has "Waived" his right if any, to claim extension of time for
such cause of hindrance.
Once the Executive Engineer /Superintending Engineer has heard (oral and or in
writing) the contractor on this subject matter of extension of time and if Executive
Engineer/Superintending Engineer fails to communicate his decision within a period of 30
days of such hearing, it shall be deemed that the contractor has been granted extension of
time for the period as applied by him. Provided that the Contractor (s) shall not be entitled to
any extension of time in respect of the extra work involved in the extra depth of foundation
mentioned clause 1.5.
The following mutually agreed Compensation Events unless they are caused by the
contractor would be applicable;
(a) The Executive Engineer does not give access to a part of the site.
(b) The Executive Engineer modifies the schedule of other contractor in a way,
which affects the work of the contractor under the contract.
(c) The Executive Engineer orders a delay or does not issue drawings,
specification or instructions /decisions/approval required for execution of
works on time.
(d) The Executive Engineer instructs the contractor to uncover or to carry out
additional tests upon work, which is then found to have no defects.
(e) The Executive Engineer gives an instruction for additional work required for
safety or other reasons.
(f) The advance payment and or payment of running bills (complete in all respect)
are delayed.
(g) The Executive Engineer unreasonably delays issuing a Certificate of
(h) Other compensation events mentioned in contract if any
1.13.2 Incentive bonus: - Not withstanding the provision contained in clause 1.13 above,
if the contractor does not desire "Extension of Time" AND "WAIVES" his right to
claim any extension of time on any ground whatsoever and yet - complete the
contract (Excluding maintenance period if any) before the original time allowed for
completion (as mentioned in the N.I.T) then and then only the contractor shall be
entitled to and shall be paid "INCENTIVE BONUS". The Incentive Bonus shall be
paid to the contractor at the rate of 0.25% (zero point two five percent) of the contract
price per week of early completion subject to a maximum of 5% (five percent) of the
contract price. Part of the week if more than 3 days shall be deemed to be one full
Note: -The contractor has to give an undertaking in writing that he has "WAIVED" all his
RIGHT to claim/demand extension of time
1.14: Action when the work is left incomplete abandoned or delayed beyond the time limit
permitted by the Executive Engineer: -
(i) The Executive Engineer may terminate the contract if the contractor causes a
fundamental breach of the contract.
(ii) Fundamental breach of contract shall include, but not be limited to, the following: -
(a) The contractor stops work for four weeks, when no stoppage of work is shown on the
current programme or the stoppage has not been authorized by the Executive
(b) The Executive Engineer gives notice that failure to correct a particular defect is a
fundamental breach of contract and the contractor fails to correct it within reasonable
period of time determined by the Executive Engineer in the said notice.
(c) The contractor has delayed the completion of work by the number of weeks [12
(Twelve) weeks] for which the maximum amount of compensation of 6% of
contract sum is exhausted.
(d) If the contractor has not completed at least thirty percent of the value of construction
work required to be completed in half of the completion period (Including validly
1.15: The Contractor(s) shall be paid the running payment according to the schedule of
running payment agreed to at the time of award the contract on the completion of each
calendar commencing from the day of work order a sum of 90% of the total value of work
done __120 days___ since the last payment according to the certificate of the E.E. when the
work shall be completed. The Contractor (s) is/are to be entitled to receive one moiety of the
amount remaining due according to the best estimate of the same that can be made and the
Contractor(s) is/are to be entitled to receive the balance of all moneys due or payable to
him/them under or by virtue of the contract within six month from the completion of the
works. Provided always that no final or other certificate is to cover or relieve the
Contractor(s) from his/their liability under the provision of clause 1.10 whether or not be
same be notified by the E.E. at the time or the subsequently to the granting of any such
1.16: A certificate of the E.E. or an award of the referee hereinafter referred to as the case
may be showing the final balance due or payable for the Contractor(s) is to be conclusive
evidence of the works / having been duly completed and that the Contractor(s) is/are entitled
to receive payment of the final balance but without prejudice to the liability of the
Contractor(s) under provisions of clause 1.10.
1.17 ARBITRATION CLAUSE: Except as otherwise provided in this contract all question
and dispute, relating to the meaning of the specifications designs, drawings and instructions
herein before mentioned and as to thing whatsoever, in any way, arising out of or relating to
the contract, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates, concerning the works, or the
execution or failure to execute the same, whether arising during the progress of the works or
after the completion abandonment thereof shall be referred to the superintending Engineer
shall give his written instructions and/or decisions within a period of 60 days of such request.
This period can be extended by mutual consent of the parties.
Upon receipt of written instructions of decisions, the parties shall promptly proceed without
delay to comply such instruction or decision, If the superintending Engineer fails to give his
instructions or decisions in writing with in a period of 60 days or mutually agreed time after
being requested or if the parties may within 60 days refer and appeal to the Chief Engineer
who shall afford an opportunity to the parties of being heard and to offer evidence in support
of his appeal. The chief Engineer will give his decision within 90 days. If any party is not
satisfied with the decision of the Chief Engineer, he can, refer such dispute for arbitration
governed as per “The Chhattishgarh/MadhyasthaAbhikaran Raipur”.
1.18.: If at any time before or after the commencement of the work, Governor of the
Chhattisgarh shall for any reason whatsoever: -
(a) Cause alterations, omissions or variations in the drawings and specifications involving
any curtailment of works as originally contemplated; or
(b) Not required the whole of the work as specified in the tender to be carried out.
However, if competent authority is satisfied about the competence of the surviving, then the
competent authority shall enter into a fresh agreement for the remaining work strictly on the
same terms and conditions, under which the contract was awarded.
1.20: Deleted
2.1.1 Submission of Tender:- Tenderer should submit his tender on the terms and conditions as
mentioned in NIT and agreement form. Tenderer is not suppose to mention any condition (s) any
where in the tender document.
Conditional tenders are Liable for rejection.
The tenderer will submit his bid in two envelopes as under. It is mandatory to submit first and second
envelope online:-
2ndEnvelope: - This envelope shall contain the financial bid in prescribed format and it shall
invariably be submitted online on due date as mentioned in NIT.
2.1.1 (a) :- The tenderer or his authorised representative is requested to attend a pre – bid meeting at
the date, time and address as mentioned in NIT The purpose of meeting will be to clarify issues and to
answers questions on any matter that may be raised relating to the work. The tenderer is requested to
submit his questions in writing/e-mail/Fax, so as to reach the Engineer-In-ChiefPWD. Raipur three
days before the meeting.
2.1.1 (b) :- Before deadline for submission of tender, the Superintending Engineer may modify the
tender document by issuing amendment. Any amendment thus issued shall be part of the tender
document and shall be published on website.
2.1.2: Opening of Envelope 1 i.e. EMD along with other documents as provided under clause 2.1.1
will be opened on the due date as mentioned in the N.I.T.
2.1.3.: Deleted
2.1.4: Opening of Financial Bids:
After due verification of the EMD & other documents, financial bids of only those tenderer whose
EMD is in appropriate mode and of amount as mentioned under clause 2.4.1 read with clause 2.5.1 of
tender document will be opened online on the date mentioned in NIT.
Tendered whose financial bid is accepted will be intimated by Fax/Registered letter/speed post as the
case may be.
2.1.5: Deleted
2.1.6: Deleted
2.2: All over writings should be neatly scored out and rewritten and corrections should be duly
attested prior to the submission of the tender.
If there is any difference between the amount in words and figures written in the tender forms by the
contractor the lesser amount will be treated as valid. If the contractor is not ready to accept the amount
to fixed in the above manner and declines to do the work, earnest money deposit of the contractor shall
be forfeited.
2.3 Tender Document:
2.3.1.: Blank forms of tender can be obtained from the office of the .......................................... on
payment of Rs. __________ for each form and the plans and specifications of the work may be seen
and all other particulars as curtained during office hours on any working day after the date on which
the notice is affixed on the notice board of the office of the .............................................................on
any working day during office hours up to ____________.
2.3.2: The estimated figures of quantities and cost shown in the tender document are not guaranteed
for contract but merely given as rough guidance.
2.3.3.: Each tenderer should carefully examine the drawing specification, special conditions and other
particulars etc. and visit the site of works and fully satisfy and acquaint himself about the nature,
location of the work, the surface condition, quality and quantity of materials required, the character of
equipment and ancillaries needed preliminary to and during the execution of the work and general and
local conditions which may affect the work or its cost.
2.4 Earnest Money:
2.4.1: No. tender will be, received, without a deposit of earnest money of Rs. 1,50,000.00 (In word
Rupees One lakh Fifty Thousand Only)in a separate sealed cover duly prescribed as cover “D”
Earnest Money. The earnest money will be returned to the successful tenderer on the rejection of their
tender will be retained from successful tenderer as part of security deposit.
2.4.2 The rate of earnest money to be submitted by the intending contractors will be as under.
Tender Value From - Up to Percent
For tender up to Rs. 1.00 lakh 2 percent
For tender more than Rs. 1.00 lakh and 1 percent subject to a minimum of Rs. 2000/-
up to Rs. 5.00 lakhs
For tenders more than Rs. 5.00 lakh 0.75 percent subject to a minimum of Rs 5,000/-
and up to Rs. 2.0 crores
For tenders more than Rs. 2.00 crores 0.50 percent subject to a minimum of Rs.1.5 lakh
and maximum of Rs. 5.00 lakhs
2.4.3.:I In the event of withdrawing his/her after before the expiry of the period of validity of offer or
failing to execute the agreement as required by condition No. 2.4.3 and 2.34 of the notice inviting
tender (N.I.T.) he/she will not be entitled to tender for this work in case of recall of tenders. In addition
to forfeited of his/her earnest money as per provisions of condition No. 2.4.3 and 2.34 of N.I.T. as
may be applicable for the work, the registering authority will demote the contractor firm for a period
of one year. If the tenderer has committed a similar default on earlier occasion (s) as well, then such
demotion in registration will be permanently.
2.5 Form of Earnest Money:
2.5.1.: Where the amount of earnest money to be deposited is more than Rs. 500/- and the tenderer
proposes to pay it in cash he shall pay earnest money to be credit of Revenue Deposit on behalf of the
Executive Engineer. P.W.D. Bridge Construction Division Raipur in to a branch of the State bank
of India or Government Treasury or Sub-Treasury within the jurisdiction of the Executive Engineer
mentioned above and send/produce the challan to the Executive Engineer separately and it should not
been kept in the cover containing tenders. If, however, the tenderer wishes to deposit the earnest
money in any one of the following forms, he may do so and produce/send the same duly hypothecated
to the Executive Engineer.
2.5.1. I: Treasury Receipts.
II: National Savings Certificates.
III: Treasury Bonds.
IV: Approval interest bearing security (this includes C.G.State development Loans)
V: Government promissory Notes/National plan Loans
VI: Post Office Cash Certificates.
VII: 10 Years Treasury Saving Deposit Certificates.
VIII: 12 Years National Plan Saving Certificates.
IX:10 Years Defense Deposit Certificates.
X: National Saving Certificate duly hypothecated in the man of Governor of C.G.
XI: All small Savings Securities and post office Savings Bank Accounts duly pledged to
XIII: Bank Drafts of the State Bank of India or Scheduled Banks in case of tendered of other
XV: Bank Drafts issued by big Urban Banks whose working capital exceeds Rs. 5.00 crores
and by A.B. and C class Central/Co. operative Banks / Non- Scheduled States Co-
operative Banks subject to the condition that the drafts are encashed by the accepting
authority as soon as they are received and the contract are allotted only after the
encashment of drafts as per M.P.F.D. No. F/3/18/77/8/5 (iv) dated 13/2/1973.
(As per the guideline issued by Government of C.G. P.W.D. Department Nava Raipur
orderØekad ,Q 21&5@Vh@19@2012@fufonk fnukad 28-12-
2019 }kjk fufonk izi= Form "F" (Appendix 2.18) ds CHAPTER-II (Detailed Notice
Inviting Lump-sum Tenders) dh dafMdk 2-5-1 dks ;Fkkor j[krs gq,
vfrfjDr fuEukuqlkj tksM+k x;k gS %&)
For online tenders, the Earnest money shall be deposited electronically by NEFT/RTGS,
Internet Banking, Debit/Credit Cards or any other online process of payment. Contractor is
required to generate a challan through e-Procurement system for specific tender before transfer
of fund and system generated challan may be submitted to bank physically for RTGS/NEFT or
contractor may use other online option for making payment in account number shown in the
online generated challan.
It is clarified that every contractor's challan number will be different for each challan
generated form psystem of different or same tender. The cost of money transfer (including
Payment Gateways Commission etc.) has to be borne by the contractor. It is advised that the
contractors should consider the time taken to process the payment electronically (i.e.
NEFT/RTGS, Net banking, Credit/Debit cards).
No interest shall be payable to contractors on amount deposited as earnest money.
2.5.2: The earnest money in one of the prescribed forms should be produced/sent separately and not
kept in the cover containing the tender and if the earnest money is not in accordance with the
prescribed mode, the tenders would be returned unopened to the tenderer.
2.6: The intending tenderers from other States may remit the Earnest money in the form of Bank Draft
of the State Bank of India or any other Scheduled Bank to the Executive Engineer concerned.
2.7: Earnest money which has been deposited for a particular work will not ordinarily be adjusted
towards the earnest money for another work, but if tender of a contractor for a work in the same
division has been rejected and the earnest money has not been refunded to him to some reason it may
be so adjusted by the Executive Engineer.
2.9: The authority competent to accept a tender reserves the right of accepting the tender for the whole
work or for distinct part of it or of distributing the work between one or more tendereres.
2.10: A financial capacity certificate or attested photocopy their of from any schedule bank along with
the application for the tender papers be submitted which should not be older than 12 months from the
date of application. Amount of financial capacity to be furnished shall be at least 15 (fifteen)% of
amount put to tender
The financial capacity certificate shall have to be in the following format:
(On the letter head of the Bank)
On the basis of transactions/turn over in the account of
__________________________________________________________ (Name and Address)
We are of the opinion that his financial capacity is to the extent of (both figures & words)
Rs. ................... (in words) ...................................................................... This is without any prejudice
and responsibility on our part.
Place: Br. Manager
Date: With seal of Bank
2.11: The submission of a tender by a contractor implies that he has read the notice conditions of
tender and contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done
and has been the quarries with their approach, sites of work etc, and satisfied himself regarding the
suitability of the materials at the quarries. The responsibility of opening of new quarries and
construction and maintenance of approaches their to shall lie wholly with the contractor.
2.12:Subletting: - The contractor shall not without the prior approval of the authority who has
accepted the tender in writing, sublet or assign to any other party or parties, any portion of the work
under the contract. Where such approval is granted, the contractor shall not relieved of any obligation
or duty or responsibility, which he undertakes under the contract. However such subletting in no case
be more than 25% of contract value. But if required can be increased up to 50(fifty) % with the prior
permission of the next higher authority accepting the tender or the Government as the case may be.
2.12.1:- Before subletting the Engineer in Charge shall verify the technical & financial capacity of the
2.12.2 :- The subletee shall be a registered contractor in appropriate class under unified registration
system (e-registration) of Chhattisgarh or elsewhere in similar capacity, as recognized by public works
department and shall also have a technical and financial capacity corresponding to the work proposed
to be subleteed.
2.12.3 :- The contract may be rescinded and security deposit forfeited, for subletting the work beyond
permissible limits as mention above or if the contractor becomes insolvent.
The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without prior sanction of the competent
authority in writing. And if the contractor assign or sublet his contract, for more than permissible
limits as per clause 2.12 or attempt to do so, or become insolvent commence any insolvency
proceedings or make any composition with his creditors, or attempt to do so or if any gratuity, gift,
loan, perquisite, reward of and advantage pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly be
given, promised or offered by the contractor, or any of his servants or agents or to any public officer or
person in the employ of Government in any way relating to his office or employment, or if any such
officer or person shall be came any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract, the Executive
Engineer may there upon by notice in writing rescind the contract, and the S.D. of the contractor shall
there upon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of Government and the same consequences
shall ensure as if the contract had been rescinded under clause 3 thereof, and in addition the contractor
shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work there to for actually performed under the
Any such assignment/subletting within the limit of 25% by the authority who has
accepted the tenders OR 50% by the next higher authority accepting the tender or Govt. as the case
may be, shall not diminish or dilute the liability/ responsibility of the contractor.
If the contractor gets item/items of work executed on a task rate basis without materials,
this shall not amount to subletting of the contract.
2.12.4 :- Any subcontracted work, done in Chhattisgarh state with prior approval of competent
authority, such subcontractor will also get the credit for work towards his experience.
2.12.5 :- The authority accepting the tender shall be empowered to terminate any contract if the
contractor sublets the work to some other person on the basis of power of attorney.
2.12.6 :- Subletting of work shall result in reduction in experience of the main contractor to the
extent of the sublet.
2.16.1 Taxes: The rate quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of the sales and
other levies, duties, royalties, cess, toll, taxes of Central and State Governments including GST
(Goods and Services Tax), taxes of Local Bodies and Authorities than the Contractor will have to pay
for the performance of this Contract. The Government will perform such duties in regard to the
deduction of such taxes at source as per applicable law.
However if any other New Tax (not increase or decrease in existing all taxes, other levies, duties,
royalties, cess, toll)is levied on the Contractor (under the agreement) either by Central Govt. or
State Govt. then the Executive Engineer shall reimburse the "New Tax" amount; on submission
of proof of such payments by the contractor.
2.16.3: Income tax at the rate of 2% or such other percentage as may be fixed by income tax
department from time to time from any sum payable to the Contractor shall at the time of credit of
such sum or at the time of payment to the contractor by cash, cheque or draft or any other mode shall
be deducted at the source from the running, final or any type of payment for this contract as per
section 194 of income tax Act. 1961.
2.16.4: It is open to the contractor or the sub contractor as the case may be to make an application to
the Income Tax officer concerned and obtain from him a certificate authorizing the payer to deduct tax
at such lower rate or deduct no tax as may be appropriate to his case Such certificate will be valid for
the period specified therein unless it is cancelled by the income Tax Officer earlier.
2.17 Model Rules for water supply, Sanitation in Labour Camps: The contractor will be bound to
follow the Chhattisgarh model rules relating to layout of water supply and sanitation in labour camps
(Vide Annexure-A)
2.18 Fair wages to Laborers: The Contractor shall pay not less than fair wages to laborers engaged
by him on the work (Copy of rules enclosed vide Annexure-B)
2.19 Right to take up work departmentally or to award on contract: The Engineer – in –Charge
reserves the right to take up departmental work or to award works on contract in the vicinity without
prejudice to the terms of contract.
2.20 Issue of Materials by the Department: The following Materials will be supplied by the
Department :-
S.No. Name of Article Unit Rate Place of Delivery
No, Materials shall be supplied by the Department.
So for as supply of cement and steel (Mild & H.Y.S.D. Bars) and other materials is concerned
these or to be arranged by the contractor himself at his own cost and the conditions given in the
annexure - H shall Prevail, The Contractor shall establish a laboratory near the site for testing.
2.21 Income tax Clearance Certificate: A tenderer applying for tender copies for work exceeding
Rs. 2.00 lakhs shall have to submit as Income Tax clearance Certificate or a Certificate from the
Income tax authority that the assessment is under consideration (as per annexure “D”).
2.22: The contractor shall execute the work as per detailed specifications as incorporated in the tender
document and in accordance with the approved drawing and special conditions incorporated in the
tender documents.
2.23 Scope of work covered by lump sum cost: The scope of work covered by the lump sum cost is
given is Annexure – M&N.
2.24 List of works in hand: Tenders must be accompanied by a list of contracts already held by the
tenderer at the time of submitting the tender in C.G. public works Department and elsewhere as per
Annexure - K.
2.26 Recovery of Amount due to Government from contractor: Any amount due to Government
from the Contractor on any account, concerning work may be recovered from him as error of land
revenue and/or from payment due to him in any of the Govt / Semi Government Department.
2.27 Transport of materials in contractors responsibility: The Contractor shall make his own
arrangement for transport of all materials The Government is not bound to arrange for priorities for
Getting wagons or any other materials though all possible assistance by way of recommendation will
be given, if it is found necessary in the opinion of the Engineer –in –Charge if it proves in effective the
contractor shall have no claim for any compensation on this account.
2.28 Arrangement of Tools and Plants: The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost tools and plants
required for proper execution of work. In case the contractor want to take the plant & Machinery on
hire from the department, it may be obtained from E&M wing of the Department as per rules,
2.29 : Increase or Decrease of work specified within lump sum: The competent authority reserves
the right to increase or decrease any work specified within lump sum during the currency of the
contract and Contractor will be bound to comply with the order of the competent authority, these
variations will be Governed by. Clause-3.29
2.30 Execution of work according to time schedule: The work shall be done by the Contractor
according to the time schedule fixed by competent authority.
2.31 Canvassing or support or acceptance of tender: Canvassing or support in any form for the
acceptance of any tender is strictly prohibited Any tender doing so will render himself liable to
penalties which may include removal of his name from the register of approved contractors.
2.32 List of persons employed by contractor: The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for
works in the concerned Division/Circle (responsible for award and execution of contracts) in which his
near relative is posted as Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of
Superintending Engineer and Assistant Engineer (both inclusive) A list showing the names of the
persons who are working with the contractor and are near relatives to any Gazetted officer in the P.W.
Department including Secretareat at should also be appended to the tender. He should also intimate to
the E.E. the names of subsequently employed persons who are near relatives of any gazetted officer in
P.W. Department or Divisional Accountant in concerned divisions. Any breach of this condition by
the contractor would tender him liable to be removed from the approved list of Contractors of this
2.33 Escalation
Reimbursement /Refund on Variation in Prices of Materials / P. O. L. and Labour Wages
Price Adjustment: -
(A) Contract price shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in rates and price of
labour, materials, POL, in accordance with the following principles and
procedure and as per formula given below.
Note: - Price adjustment shall be applicable from reckoned date and up to validly
extended period but shall not apply to the period when, work is carried out under
penal (compensation) clause.
(B) The price adjustment shall be determined during each month from the formula
given in the hereunder.
(C) Following expressions and meanings are assigned to the work done during each
To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the
contractor is not covered by the provisions of this or other clauses in the
contract, the unit rates and prices included in the contract shall be deemed to
include amounts to cover the contingency of such other rise or fall in costs.
Consideration due to changes in rates for local materials other than cement,
steel, bitumen and POL.
M0 = The all India wholesale price index (all commodities) as published by the
Ministry of Industrial Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi. on the
date of inviting tender
Mi = The all India Wholesale price index (all commodities) for the =
month under consideration as published by Ministry of Industrial =
Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Pm = Percentage of local material component (Other than cement, = steel,
bitumen and POL) of the work.
The following percentages will govern the price adjustment for the entire contract:
2.34 Validity of Offer: Tenders shall remain open up to four months from the prescribed date of
opening of tenders. However, when tenders are invited in 3 cover system and or negotiations are held,
the modified or fresh offers shall remain open up to four months from the prescribed date of opening
the same. In the event of the tenderer withdrawing the offer before the aforesaid dates for any reason
whatsoever, Earnest money deposited with the tender shall be forfeited to the Govt. by the Executive
In the event of tenderer withdrawing his/her offer before the expiry of the period of validity of offer or
failing to execute the contract agreement he/she not be entitled to tender for this work. In the case of
recall of tenders, In addition to forfeiture of his/her earnest money as may be applicable for their work.
If the tenderer has committed a similar default on an earlier occasion as well, his/her registration in the
department may be suspended temporarily for a period of 6 months from such date as may be ordered
by the authority which had registered him/her.
2.35 Bank Commission Charges: Bank commission charges in all payments by demand drafts
outside the State will not be borne by the State Government but by the Supplier/firms/contractor
2.36 Force Majoure: Should failure in performance of any part of this contract arise from war,
insurrection, restraint imposed by Government, act of Legislature or other authority, stoppage of
hindrance in the supply of raw materials, or fuel, explosion, accident, strike, riot, lockout, or other
disorganisation, of labour or transport, breakdown of machine, flood, fire act of God, or any inevitable
or unforeseen event beyond human control directly or indirectly interfering with the supply of stores
or from any cause which may be a rensanable ground or an extension of time, the competent authority
will allow such additional time as he considers to be justified in the circumstances of the case. No
compensation will be payable to the contractor for any loss incurred by him due to these reasons.
2.37: Each tenderer shall supply the name, residence and place or business of the person or persons
giving the tender and shall be signed by the tenderer with his usual signature. When tender is given by
partnerships the full names of all partners shall be furnished. An attested copy of the constitution of
the firm and the registration number of the firm shall be furnished. In such a case the tender must be
signed separately by each partner thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner it must signed
on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorising him to be so. Tenders by a
corporation shall be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the stage of
incorporation and by signature and by designation of the president, secretary or other persons
authorised to bind it in the matter.
2.38.1: The tender shall be submitted with the declaration that the contractor has successfully carried
out large works of this nature and has adequate organisation, machinery and experienced personnel to
handle jobs of this type and magnitude.
2.38.2 A brief description of large works previously executed by tenderer: After the tender has
been opened any tenderer may be required to submit detailed particulars of such works along with
manner of their execution and any other information that will satisfy the officer receiving the tender
that the contractor has adequate organisation, Including experienced personnel to execute vigorously
the work to be carried out as per these specifications.
In case the contractor fails to employ the above technical staff or fails to employ technical
staff /personnel as submitted by the contractor in Pre qualification documents if prequalification
is called and or the technical staff personnel so employed are generally not available on work site
and or does not receive or comply the instructions of the department engineer, and or not
submit the paid voucher copy of such technical staff with running bills Rs. 15000/- per month for
diploma engineer, Rs. 25000/- per month for degree Engineer and Rs. 50000/- per month for
project manager shall be kept in deposit while making payments. It shall be refunded to
contractor afier submission of paid voucher' Bank Statement (salary deposit statement) of
technical person (diploma Engineer/Degree Engineer/Project Manager as the case may be). If the
Contractor fails to deploy the diploma engineer/degree engineer/project manager as per
agreement the contractor shall be informed for his such act, and the engineer in charge shall
deploy the diploma engineer/degree engineer/project manager as per the requirement and they
shall be paid from the deducted amount of the contractor.
2.39: The Contractor Should also give the following information invariably on
cover containeng the tender.
A: Name and address of the Contractor:
B:Class in which he is registered:
C:Amount of earnest money deposited and No. and date of money receipt etc.
2.40:The tender documents have to be completed and submitted with all the documents required in the
tender notice, Following is the summary of the documents required to be submitted with the completed
tender form.
2.40.(I): The name, residence and place of business etc. of the tenderer vide Clause 2.37 above.
(II): Details of contracts already held by the tender vide clause 2.24 above.
(III): Receipt of Earnest money deposited vide clause 2.5.1 above or surety bond from bank.
(IV): Income tax clearance certificate vide clause 2.21 above.
(V): A list of near relatives of the tenderer working in C.G. Public Works Department Vide clause
2.32. (See Annexure -J)
(VI): Attested copy of the constitution of firm (if required) and power of attorney, as required vide
Clause 2.37.
(VII): A declaration that there has been no conviction imprisonment for an offence involving moral
(VIII): Declaration and description as required vide Clause 2.38.1 and 2.38.2.
2.41 Registration with Labour Commissioner: No tender shall be accepted and no contract given to
any contractor or firm who/which is not registered as an Institution with Labour Commissioner, C.G.
under Contract Labour’s (Regulation and Abolition) M.P. Rules, 1983 and the tenderers shall have to
accompany with a license to this effect.
3.1 General: The special conditions are supplementary instructions to the tenders and would forms
part of the contract.
3.2 Drawing: Drawings given, listed and indexed in part will form part of the contract.
The above drawings show the work to be done as definitely and in such details as is possible, at the
present stage of development of investigation and the design. The attached drawings will be
supplemented or superseded by such additional and detailed drawings as may be necessary or desired
as the work proceeds. Such additional general and detailed drawings will show dimensions and details
necessary for constructions purposes more completely than are shown on the attached drawings. For
all features of the work The contractor shall be required to perform the work, on these features and in
accordance with additional general and detailed drawings mentioned above at the applicable unit
prices tendered in the schedule for work or work of similar nature as determined by the Engineer-in-
charge. The contractor shall check all drawings carefully and advise the Engineer-in-charge of any
errors or omissions discovered. The contractor shall not take advantage of errors or omissions as full
instruction will be furnished to the contractor should any errors or omissions be discovered.
The drawings and specifications are to be considered as complementary to each other and should
anything appear in one that is not described in the other no advantage shall be taken of such omission.
In case of disagreement between specifications shall govern the contract. Should any discrepancies,
however, appear or should any misunderstanding arise as to the meaning and interpretations of the said
specifications or drawings or as to the dimensions or the quality of the materials for the proper
execution of the work or as to the measurements or quality and valuation of work executed under this
contract or extra there upon, the same shall be explained by the Engineer-in-charge.
Figures in dimensioned drawings shall supersede measurements by scale and drawings to a large scale
shall take precedence over those on a small scale. Special directions incorporated on the drawings
shall be complied with strictly.
One copy of the drawings and contract documents shall be kept at all times at the site of the works by
the contractor.
3.3 Data to be furnished by the Contractor: The Contractor shall submit the following information
to the Engineer-in-charge.
3.3.A: Proposed constructions programme and time schedule showing sequence of operations with in
two weeks of receipt of notice to proceed with the work in pursuance of the conditions of contract.
Along with the above he will also submit programme of bringing requisite tools and plants, machinery
to be engaged by him to the site of work.
3.4 Programme of Construction: The Contractor shall submit the detailed, year-wise construction
programmewith in 14 days of the date of notice to proceed with the work. This programme may be
reviewed and revised every year at the beginning of the working season.
3.5 Action when the progress of any crucial item of work is unsatisfactory: If the progress of a
crucial item of work, which is important for timely completion of work, in unsatisfactory the
Engineer-in-charge shall, not withstanding that the general progress of work is satisfactory. After
giving the contractor 10 days notice in writing and the contractor will have no claim for compensation
for any loss sustained by him owing to such action.
3.6 Inspection and Tests: Except as otherwise provided in here of all material and workmanship. If
not otherwise designated by the specifications shall be subject to inspection. Examination and test by
the Engineer-in-Charge at any and all times during manufacture and/or construction and at any/all
places where such manufacture or constructions are carried on. The Engineer-in-charge shall have the
right to reject defective materials and workmanship or require its corrections. Rejected workmanship
shall be satisfactorily replaced with the proper material without charge thereof and the contractor shall
properly segregate and remove the rejected material from the premises. If the contractor fails to
proceed at once with the replacement of the rejected material and/or the construction of defective
workmanship the Engineer-in-charge any replace such material and/or correct such workmanship and
charge the cost thereof to the contractor.
The Contractor shall be liable for replacement of defective work up to the time in accordance with
clause 1.9 of the conditions of contract of all work to be done under the contract.
The contractor shall furnish promptly without additional charge all facilities, labour and material
necessary for the safe and convenient inspection and tests that may be required by the Engineer-in-
Charge. All inspections and tests by the departments shall be performed in such a manner as not
unnecessarily to delay the work. Special full size and performance test shall be charged with any
additional cost of inspection when materials and workmanship are not ready by the contractor at the
time of inspection.
3.7 Removal of temporary work, Plant & Surplus materials: Prior to final acceptance of the
completed work, but excepting as otherwise expressly directed or permitted in writing, the contractor
shall, at his own expenses remove from the site and dispose of all the temporary structures including
buildings, pile work, crib work, all plant and surplus materials, and all rubbish and debris for which he
is responsible to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
3.8 Possession prior to completion: The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to take possession
of or use any completed part of the work. Such possession or use shall not be deemed as an acceptance
of any work not completed in accordance with the contract.
3.9 Damage to works: The works whether fully completed or incomplete, all the materials,
machinery, plants, tools, temporary building and other things connected there with shall remain at the
risk and in the sole charge of the contractor until the completed work has been delivered to the
Engineer-in-Charge and till completion certificate has been obtained from the Engineer-in-charge.
Until such delivery of the completed work, the contractor shall at his own cost take all precautions
reasonably to keep all the aforesaid works, materials, machinery, plants, temporary buildings and other
things connected there with free from any loss, damages and in the event of the same or any part there
of being lost or damaged, he shall forthwith reinstate and made good such loss or damages at his own
3.10 Examination and tests on completions: On the completion of the work and not later than three
months there after, the Engineer-in-charge shall make such examination and tests of the work as may
than seem to him to be possible, necessary or desirable, and the contractor shall furnish free of cost
any materials and labour which may be necessary therefore and shall facilitate in every way all
operations required by the Engineer-in-Charge, in making examination and tests.
3.11 Climatic Conditions: The Executive Engineer may order the contractor to suspend any work that
may be subject to the damage by climatic conditions and no claims of the contractor will be
entertained by the department on this account.
3.12 Safety regulations: While carrying out this work, the contractor will ensure compliance of all
safety regulations as provided in the Safety Code (Annexure - “H”)
3.13 Haul roads: A fair weather road of the standard of a village cart track is orginarily maintained by
the department along the canal alignment which is motorable from November to end of May, but
contractor shall not have any claim on this account if one is not provided or maintained. Necessary
haul roads to work sport borrow areas and water sources shall be satisfactorily constructed and
maintained by the contractor at his own cost. The contractor has to construct and maintain his own
approach roads from the main haul roads provided by the department. Any new haul roads will have
also to be constructed and maintained by the contractor at his cost.
3.14 The Contractor will make his own arrangement: for supply of Water, Light & Power for his
works and labour camps etc.: The contractor will make his own arrangement for supply of water light
and power for his works and labour camps etc. The department will not entertain any claim what
soever for any failure or break down etc. in supply or electricity to the contractor. The Contractor will
supply and fix his own tested meter of the approved make but the meter will be kept in the custody of
the department.
3.15 Interference with other Contractors: The contractor must not interfere with other contractors
who may be employed simultaneously or otherwise by the department. He will at no lime engage
departmental labour or that of other contractors without the written permission of the Engineer-in-
3.16 Regulations and bye laws: The contractor shall conform to the regulations, bye-laws any other
statutory rules made by any local authorities or by the Government and shall protect and indemnify
Government against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such laws,
ordinance, regulation, orders, decrees etc.
3.17 Order Book: An order book shall be kept in the departmental office at the site of the work. As
far as possible all orders regarding the works are to be entered in this book.
All entries therein shall be signed by the departmental officers in direct charge of the work and the
contractor or his representatives. In the important cases the Executive Engineer or the Superintending
Engineer will countersign the entries which site except with the written permission of the
superintending Engineer and the Contractors or his representative shall be bound to take note of all
instructions meant for the contractor as entered in the order book without having to be called for
separately to not them. The Engineer-in-charge shall submit periodically copies of the remarks of the
order book to the Superintending Engineer and Chief Engineer for record and to the contractor for
compliance and report.
3.18 Conversion of units: Whenever in the contract agreement dimensions and units have been
expressed in F.P.S. system, the same will be converted in to metric system units by supplying the
standard conversion table of Indian Standard Institution so as to derive the corresponding figure
arithmetically and the contractor will have to accept the figures so derived without any claim or
compensation whatsoever.
3.19 Rights of other contractors and persons: If, during the progress of the work covered by this
contract, in its necessary for other contractors or persons to do work in or about the site of work, the
contractor shall afford such facilities, as the Engineer-in-charge may require.
3.20 Employment of technical persons: In accordance with the requirement of clause 2.38.3 the
contractor will employ or produce evidence of having in his employment a qualified technical person
not below the rank of a Sub-Engineer/Graduate Engineer from an Institution recognised by the
Government of Chhatisgarh and furnish full details to the Engineer-in-charge in the following format:
(I): Name of the Sub-Engineer/Graduate Engineer engaged quoting Diploma or Degree with name of
(II): Period for which the Sub-Engineer/Graduate Engineer has been engaged with emoluments
The provision of (i) Mobilization advance& (ii) Advance on plant and machinery) will
apply to contract above Rs. one crore only
3.21.1 Mobilization advance: - Mobilization advance up to 5 % (Five percent) of the contract value
shall be given if requested by the contractor with in one month of the date of order to commence the
work. In such a case the contractor shall furnish Bank Guarantee from schedule bank for the equal
amount in favour of the Executive Engineer before sanction and release of the advance. This
advance shall be Interest free. This 5% (Five percent) advance shall be given in the two stages
Stage -1: - 2%(Two percent) of the contract value payable after signing of the agreement
Stage-2: - 3%(Three percent) of the contract value payable on receipt of the certificate from the
contractor that he has established complete central and field testing laboratories and has
engaged workers/technicians and have brought requisite plants and machineries at work site, the
work is physically started and only after construction programme is submitted by the contractor
and is duly approved by the Executive Engineer.
Executive Engineer shall sanction the mobilization advance
3.23 Secured advance:- Advances to contractor are as a rule prohibited, and every endeavor
should be made to maintain a system, under which no payments are made for unmeasured work
except for work actually done. Exceptions are, however permitted in the following cases: -
Cases in which a contractor whose contract is for finished work, requires an advance on the security
of materials brought to site, Executive Engineer may in such cases sanction advances up to an
amount not exceeding 75% of the value of material and 90% in the case of steel (as assessed by the
Executive Engineer) provided that the rate(s) of allowed in no case is/are more than the rate payable
for the finished item as stipulated in the contract of such materials, provided that they are of
imperishable nature and that a formal agreement is drawn up with the contractor under which
Government secures a lien on the materials and is safeguarded against losses due to the contractor
the execution of the work or to the shortage or misuse of the materials, and against the expense
entitled for their proper watch and safe custody.
Payment of such advances should be made only on the certificate of an officer not below the rank of
Sub-Divisional Officer, that the quantities of materials upon which the advances are made have
actually been brought to site, that the contractor has not previously received any advance on that
security and that all the materials are required by the contractor for use on items of work for which
rates for finished work have been agreed upon. Recoveries of advances so made should not be
postponed until the whole of the work entrusted to the contractor is completed. They should be made
from his bills for work done as the materials are used the necessary deductions being made
whenever the item of work in which they are used; are billed for.
Before granting the above-secured advance the contractor shall sign the prescribed Indenture Bond
in the prescribed form.
3.24 Scope of Lump sum cost: The lump sum contract shall comprise of the construction, completion
and maintenance of the works and provision of all labour, materials, constructional plants, transport
and all works of a temporary or permanent nature reguired for such construction, completion and
maintenance in so far as the necessary for providing the same is specified in the contract.
3.25 Deleted::
3.26 Open foundations: The Contractor’s lump sum should include provision for cofferdam,
diversion of drain or stream and bailing out of water or dewatering foundations and shoring etc.
3.27 Law water level variation: The low water level given in the NIT is for general guidance of the
contractor. It is liable to vary. No claim due to variation of low water level shall be entertained.
3.28 Schedule of running payment: schedule of running payment may be based on the following
break up of the lump sum subject to the stipulations of clause 1.15 of conditions of contract.
3.29: Extra work and rebate: Extra/Rebate work arising out of this contract shall be valued at
par with SOR for Bridge work issued by E-IN-C P.W.D Raipur with effect from 01-01-2015&
amended up to date of T.S. 13.05.2022 and Road works issued by E-IN-C P.W.D Raipur with effect
from 01-01-2015& amended up to date of T.S. 13.05.2022 the Percentage which Tender cost bears
to the P.A.C. shown in the tender document at the time of sanction.
For any item of work for which there is no rate in the said SOR shall be decided by the
S.E. taking in to consideration the expenses incurred by the contractor and its reasonable-ness which
shall be final and binding
3.30: Deleted
4.0 Contractors Design::
Following general arrangement drawing, containing departmental designs are enclosed.
(1): _____G.AD. Enclosed.___
(2): __Site Plan Enclosed._____
(3):___ L-Section of Approach Road Enclosed.____
4.1 Annexure M give description of the work as per departmental design (the details of the bridge
and structural data), Design data and specifications required for alternative design are given
in Annexure-N The Contractors/firm may quote on his/their own design which shall be
suitable and feasible for the site, steam and foundation strata conditions in the event of
his/their design having been accepted, the contractor shall satisfy the Chief Engineer, Bridge
Construction Zone, hereinafter called the C.E. (Bridges) as to the correctness and soundness of
the design, specifications and calculations in respect of design offered within such reasonable
time as may be agreed upon, Failing this the contractor/firm will have to accept such
modifications in the details of his/its design as are necessary in the judgment of the C.E.
(Bridges) and the contractor or firm will not be entitled to any extra payment of this account.
4.2 Design Code of Practice, Specifications: The Codes of practice and specification which are
adopted in the departmental design and which shall be adopted in contractors design will be as
4.2.1.: Materials of construction of bridge and culverts shall be governed by the relevant
Indian Standards Codes of Practice However, Permissible stresses in materials and
design procedure shall be as per Para 4.2.2 below.
4.2.2.:The design procedure permissible stresses in material and other relevant stipulations
shall be governed by the codes of practice published by the Indian Road Congress
such as Section-1 to Vll&lX criteria for prestressed concrete and other relevant IRC
Publications IRC Publication Nos. 5,6,18,21,24,22,45,78,83, and 87 may be
4.2.3:The specification of bridge shall be as per 'Specifications of Road & Bridges' latest
Revision published by the Ministry of Shipping & Transport, Roads Wing.
4.2.4.: New Codes of Practice and amendments issued by the Indian Standards Institution
and Indian Roads congress from time to time in the past or issued till the date of
tender will also be automatically applicable for the work of bridge and culverts,
similarly amendments and revisions in the M.O.S.T. Specifications made up to the
date of tender shall also be applicable.
4.2.5.: In absence of any provision for particular criteria of design in the IRC codes of
Practice, the same may be adopted as per
(1): CEB FIP Model code for concrete structures 1978.
(2): British Standard BS: 5400 Steel, Concrete &Composite Bridges.
4.2.6.: Besides the codes of Practice and specifications referred to above, following conditions
contained para 4.3 to para 4.28 shall also be applicable for this work.
4.3 Approval of Designs: On approval of the tender on contractor's design, the contractor shall
submit design calculations and drawings to the C.E.N.H. & Bridges Zone Raipur in duplicate
One copy of the approved drawing will be returned to the contractor, who will then submit seven
copies of approved drawing to the C.E. (Bridges) Approved drawings will then be sent to the
concerned S.E. & E.E. In charge of the work and contractor for execution.
On completion of the work the contractor shall submit two more complete sets of approved
design calculations and drawing, neatly bound to the C.E. (Bridges) along with the completion
drawing of the bridge.
4.4 Revised design: If the Design foundation level or any other structural element is required to be
varied in respect of works on the contractor's alternative design, for the same must be submitted
by the contractor to the C.E. (Bridges).
4.5 Foundation:
4.5.1 Change of type of foundation: In case, the contractor adopts well foundations within his
lumpsum cost in place of open foundation provided in the outline design of the department, no
extra will be paid to the contractor inducing providing sump in rock and dowel bars.
If contractor desires to adopt open foundation in place of well foundation proposed in the
departmental design, the department reserves the right to accept or reject such a proposal. The
proposal of open foundation may be examined only if the contractor agrees to the following
conditions. 'If during execution of the work the open foundation proposed by the
contractor in place of well foundation as envisaged in departmental design, is required to be
changed back to well foundation, on any account, whether due to difficulties of execution,
excessive percolation; variation in strata as compared to bore data variation in bearing
pressure etc. no extra on this account shall be payable up to the design foundation level given in
departmental design'.
4.5.2 Foundation resting on rock: All open foundations design to be taken into rock shall be taken to
the design level as indicated in the outline drawing.
In case rock is met with at bed level or at shallower depths, the foundation level shall be
minimum 1.5 M below the bed level The contractor shall have to take thefoundations up
to the level as approved by the Engineer - in -Charge. The lumpsum price shall be adjusted for
variation in foundation level with respect to the design foundation level as per approved rates.
4.5.3 Where non load bearing type of abutment are not provided in the departmental drawing and the
tenderer wants to provide the same these can only be provided under specified condition.
4.5.4 Foundation level of adjoining foundations: If the two adjoining foundations of a bridge are to
be founded at different levels and if such foundations are not resting on rock, the difference of
level between the two foundation shall not be more than.
0.5 L for predominantly sandy soil
0.7 L for clayey strata, and
1.0 L in hard clay, hard muroom etc.
Where L is the horizontal clear distance between the edge of footing of the adjacent foundation.
In case of stepped up foundation, the height of step shall not be more than 1.5 Mts. And length of each
steps shall also not be less than 1.5 M.
4.5.5. Filling trenches: In case of open foundation in rock, the Lump sum cost shall be deemed to
include filling up trenches in rock, around the structure by M-15 concrete up to top of rock.
4.5.6. Leveling course & foundation level: In case of open foundations average 150mm leveling
course of concrete not leaner than M-15 shall be provided and the top of this leveling course
shall be foundation level for the purpose of this contract.
4.6 Well foundation:
4.6.1 Well diameter:: The well diameter of a single circular well shall not be less than 4.5 m.
4.6.2 Passive relief: Calculation of relief allowed by the passive resistance of the soil below the
maximum design scour level shall be as laid down in IRC Codes.
4.6.3 Artesian Conditions: If artesian conditions are encountered during well sinking, additional
false staining may be required to facilitate sinking and plugging.
4.6.4 Sinking tilts and shifts: The well shall be initially designed for a resultant tilt of 1/80 and a
resultant shift of 15 Cms. For sinking of wells, if diversion of channel or cofferdam construction becomes necessary, it
shall be done by the contractor at his own cost. The tender shall cover sinking of wells through all types of strata inclusive of soil mixed or
compacted with shingle and containing isolated boulders up to the tune of 0.03 Cum and for all
methods of sinking other than pneumatic method of sinking but including the costs of service
of diverse and other equipment's ancillary to removal of boulders, dislodging isolated
obstructions below the cutting edge and such other operations as may be required for sinking
of wells. Pneumatic method of sinking wells whenever if becomes necessary shall not be resorted to,
except on the prior written orders of the Chief Engineer concerned. The rates for the extra cost in sinking of the well by pneumatic method of sinking if required,
shall be quoted by the contractor wild submitting the tender. The staining of the well shall be constructed in stages and the well sunk truly vertical to the
final levels. The permissible tilt and shift in the well shall be as indicated in the 'Departmental
Specifications' If the wells are resting on rock, the lump sum offer will be deemed to include
the cost of providing minimum 30 Cms. Sump in hard rock and 60 Cms. Sump in soft rock,
The diameter of the sump may be 1 M. less than the inner diameter of well. Irrespective of
design considerations. 6 dowel bars of 25 mm dia may be provided in each well and they may
be anchored. In case of wells where the permissible limits of tilts and shifts are/is exceeded, approved
remedial measures shall be taken by the contractor to bring the tilts(s) and/or shift(s) to within
these permissible limits, at no extra cost to the Department.. If the tilt(s) and/or shift(s) of any well exceed the specified permissible values, the well so
sunk shall be regarded as not conforming to specifications and may be accepted by the
Engineer-in-Charge, Provided.
i: The tilt and / or shift in any direction do not exceed the extreme limits to 1 in 50 tilt and
750 mm (30 inches) shift
ii: Calculations for foundation pressure and staining stresses, accounting for the actual tilt(s) and
shift(s) shall be given by the contractor and any remedial measures, required to bring the
stresses within permissible values, (such as increase in the dimension of the well cap, provision
of dummy weights on the well cap adjustment of span length etc.)shall be carried out by the
contractor without claiming for any extra cost; and
iii: Further the contractor shall pay a penalty as provided in the clause Any well with tilt exceeding 1 in 50 and / or shift exceeding 750 mm (30 inches) shall be
liable to rejection at the cost of the contractor. However, the Engineer-in-Charge, In his sole
discretion, may consider accepting such a well, provided:
I:The contractor furnishes detailed calculations for foundation pressures and steining stresses and
these are found to be acceptable by carrying out suitable remedial measures approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge these remedial measures will be carried out at the cost of the contractor.
ii: The contractor shall pay a penalty, as provided in clause the work not conforming to
specifications. For wells, with tilt and / or shift exceeding the permissible values, specified in the
departmental specifications as accepted, for one reason or the other, these contractor shall pay
a penalty to the following extent:
Lump sum deduction permetre height
S. Amount of till and/or shift of wellmsrd. from the bottom of well
No. cap to the bottom of cutting edge.
1 Tilt exceeding the specified limit but Rs. 200/-
equal to or within 1 in 60.
2 Tilt exceeding 1 in 60 but equal to or Rs.400/-
within 1 in 50
3 Tilt exceeding 1 in 50 Rs. 800/-
4 Shift exceeding the specified limit but Rs.200/-
equal to or within 500 mm (20inches)
5 Shift exceeding 500 mm (20 inches) but Rs.400/-
equal to or within 750 mm (30inches)
6 Shift exceeding 750 mm (30 inches) Rs. 600/-
In the event of a well being rejected on account of non-compliance with the extreme tilt and/or shift
mentioned in clause above, the contractor shall dismantle the rejected well to the extent
required and remove the debris. He shall further at his own risk and expense, complete the bridge with
modified span arrangement acceptable to the department.
4.6.5. Bottom plugging: The bottom plug shall extend to a level not less than 300 mm (one foot)
above the top of the well curb.
4.6.6 Sand filling: The dredge holes of the wells shall be filled up with local sand up to maximum
scour level or alternatively, up to 50 Cms. (one foot) below the bottom of the well cap, as
prescribed in the Departmental Specifications. At least a one meter thick top plug shall be laid on top of the said filling, where sand filling is
done up to scour level. Where sand filling is extended up to the bottom of well cap, the thickness of the top plug may
be restricted to 50 Cms. The top plug in both the cases shall be of cement concrete of a mix not learnerthan M-15. Where top plug is provided at maximum scour level, the wells shall be assumed to be filled up
with water over this top plug level, for the purpose of design/
4.7.1: In case of adoption of pile foundations, the tenderer shall submit preliminary calculations for
arriving at the size and length of the piles and the specifications for the tests proposed along
with their lump sum tender.
4.7.2: Any modifications required in the design or the piles to conform to the prevailing sound
engineering practice shall be carried out by the tenderers within the lumpsum cost quoted by
them for the work, Cast-in-situ concrete piles shall be in general cast in metal shells which
remain permanently in place.
The decision of the Chief Engineer concerned, regarding the adequacy of design of the pile
foundations shall be final and binding on the contractor.
4.7.3: The diameter of the pile be chosen so as too ensure full stress in concrete without any reduction
due to slenderness of pile.
4.7.4: Pile should penetrate 1.5 meter in soft rock and 1.00 meter in hard rock and the continuity of
rock for atleast 4.00-meter depth shall be ensured by the tenderer within his lump sum cost.
4.7.5: If the contractor prefers to cast the pile above ground and then progressively lower it down in
prebored holes the diameter of the precast pile be less than the inner diameter of the precast
pile be less than the inner diameter of the bore hole. A central hole be left in the pile and the
space annual space between the precast pile and the bore hole be grouted by cement grout till it
works up to the top of bore hole, When the piles are cast above ground, the contractor will be
permitted to pull out the liner progressively as and when grouting is done around pile lowered
in the bore hole.
4.7.6: If the pile group rests on strata other than rock, the scour level will be taken in to account for the
purpose of design of pile shall be the same as that if wells were provided in place. The
contractor may choose to penetrate deeper than design foundation level so as to mobilise
adequate pressure relief including vertical component of passive resistance to satisfy the
requirement of safety. The safe bearing capacity of the founding strata other than rock will be
the one specified for well foundation at design foundation level plus direct load of earth
below the design foundation level. Such extra depth if provided shall be accommodated within
the lump sum price.
4.7.7: As a matter of routine indeterminate structure will not be permitted in case one or more supports
rest on strata other than rock.
4.8. Piers:
4.8.1: Piers shall be either in solid plain cement concret or reinforced concrete. The mix of concrete
for RCC pier shall not be leaner than M-20 (20 N/Sqmm.) for moderate conditions of
exposure and M-25 for severe conditions.
4.8.2: Any design of the pier with projecting frames below the High flood level which may influence
the flow or water adversely on entangle floating trees will not be accepted.
4.8.3: The design of the pier shall be such as to allow free flow of the water without creating eddies
etc. For instance, in the case of a pier consisting of columns connected by diaphragms the
junctions of the diaphragms and the columns shall be suitably streamlined.
4.8.4: The dimensions of the piers shall be so chosen that no parts of the bearing rest on the noses of
the pier unless the noses of the piers are reinforced and made monolithic with the main pier by
suitable reinforcement, they shall not be considered as effective for distribution of the loads
from the superstructure.
4.8.5: Plain concrete and RCC piers: The plain concrete solid pier shall be dimensioned in such a way
that if act as a short column under all conditions. The width of pier (along the length of bridge)
at any section shall not be less than one sixth the height from top of pier cap to that section
under consideration. The cut and ease water for plain concrete pier shall be semi-circulate
straight length of the pier between cut and ease water shall not be less than the width of the
dacking at soffit level.
For designs of RCC or plain concret piers, the effective length shall be As per clause 306.1.2 of
IRC: 21-1987
4.8.6 Lateral reinforcement in RCC piers, walls: The diameter of lateral reinforcement in RCC piers and / or walls shall not be less than 8mm
on the outer/periphery. The cross link as in solid RCC piers may be of 6mm diameter. Transverse reinforcement in columns shall not be less than 250 Sq. MM per Sqm. of the
surface area. The spacing of links shall not be more than 300mm.
4.8.7 Piers with 2 or more columns: Piers with 2 or more columns: If the pier consists of more than
one column the individual columns shall be connected by a continuous diaphragm. The moments in
the current direction shall be converted into tension and compression reactions. The moments and
forces in the direction of traffic shall be assumed to be shared equally when such a continuous
diaphragm is provided. The continuous diaphragm referred to above shall be designed for horizontal
forces of water current.
When the pier consists of more than on RCC columns, the second and subsequent columns in the
direction of current shall be designed for water current forces to the extent of obstructions from water
current (outer diameter of columns less thickness of diaphragm). In case of road over bridges a
diaphragm connecting two columns will not be necessary.
4.8.8 Check for non buoyancy: For piers and abutments resting on rock the stability of foundation
shall be checked for 50% buoyancy and also for non buoyancy at H.F.L. condition for calculating the
maximum pressures on the foundation strata.
4.9.1 Type of abutments: Non spill through type (fully retaining type) of abutments and returns of
mass concrete, stone masonary. RCC counterfort type, box type abutments will be acceptable. Spill
through type of abutments are not acceptable. In non spill through type abutments the length of return
walls shall be such that the earth does not spill beyond the front face of the abutment assuming a
slope of 1 vertical to 1½horizontal. Tied back type abutments and returns are not acceptable.
4.9.2 Abutments & Returns dimensions: Overall width of abutments between outer face of returns
shall be equal to the overall width of the bridge. A plan giving layout of the abutment and returns shall
be shown in the tender drawing. For plain concret or masonary abutment and returns, the width of
abutment and or return at any section shall not be less than one third the height from formation level to
the section under consideration
4.9.3 Box type abutment and returns: If the contractor's design provides for a box type abutment
and returns it shall satisfy the following stipulations:
(a): The box type shall be designed for pressure on account of the earth fill within the boxes. The
pressures may be calculated by application of Janseen's formula. The outer walls shall be designed
assuming all around scour of the abutment up to the foundation level.
(b): The internal wall shall be designed to provide for a difference of 1.5 metre between level of earth
fill in adjacent cells. Earth filling in cells should be carried out as uniformly as possible.
(c): The outer walls of the box section (along the direction of traffic) shall be designed for earth fill on
the outer sides being retained in slope of one vertical to 1½ horizontal. The relief offered by the fill
within the box shall be limted to the active earth pressure calculated by Janseen's formula.
(d): The outer wall at the approach and perpendicular to the direction of traffic shall be similarly
designed as above, but for earth pressure on account of the fill form the foundation to formation level
after accounting for the relief from the retained fill.
(e): The outer wall of the box section along the river face shall be designed for earth pressure on
account of height corresponding to the length of return and assumed slope of earth of 1 vertical to 1
1/2 horizontal.
(f): It shall be assumed that the fill within the box is granular and corresponds to the assumed
properties of soil. It shall also be ensured that the boxes are relieved from the static load of water by
adequate provisions of weep holes as specified in the relevant specifications.
(g): The contractor shall provide at his cost suitably designed slab over the box abutments and return
assuming no support from the retained materials and the slab shall be adequately designed for dead
and live loads specific for the bridge proper.
(h): The outer wall abuting the approaches shall be designed by assuming that the contractor provide a
suitably designed approach slab at his cost so as to relieve the wall of live load surcharge.
(i): The box type abutment and returns may be constructed either in RCC or plain cement concrete
depending upon the requirements of design. For a design in plain cement concrete surface
reinforcement as per clause 305.7 of IEC-21: 1987 shall be provided on all faces of concrete
irrespective of that fact that it is exposed or not. The minimum wall thickness of RCC box shall be
4.9.4 Counterfort type abutments: If the front slab is adequately anchored in the counterfort the
effective span shall be assumed as clear span between counter forts. The reinforcement in the front
slab may be designed assuming suitable strips. The maximum earth pressure in any strip shall be
assumed to act in the entire strip.
The minimum thickness or RCC retaining wall shall be 200 mm and minimum width of counterfort
shall be 300 mm for outer counterfort and 400 mm for inner counterfort.
The outer counterfort shall also be designed in the horizontal direction for earth pressure to span
between vertical beams.
The horizontal force through bearings shall be assumed to be shared equally by all the counterforts.
The horizontal force account of earth pressure shall be transferred to the counterforts by assuming the
front slab to be a continous slab.
4.10 Pier caps and Abutment caps:
4.10.1: Pier caps and abutment caps shall be of reinforced cement concrete.
4.10.2: In case of cantilever pier caps such as the same over single circular pier, the pier cap may be
designed as a bracket in accordance with the provisions contained clause of B.S.: 5400
4.11 Bearings:
4.11.1: The bearings adopted shall conform to the requirements specified in the relevant codes of
4.11.3: For bearings, a combination of plates of different metals which are likely to result in
electrolytic action shall not be permitted.(For example, copper plates interposed between mild steel
plates interposed between mild steel plates shall not be permitted).
4.11.4: Inspection of steel bearings by the Directorate General of suppliers & Disposal during
manufacture is essential. The contractor shall have to produced the necessary certificates and
inspection marks from the Directorate General of Suppliers and Disposal at his own cost.
4.11.5: X-ray or Gamma ray examinations of castings of thickness more than 200 mm (8inches) shall
have to be carried out at the contractor's cost.
The same procedure of testing shall to be following for ribbed bearings manufactured by welding.
4.11.6: When synthetic rubber bearings, PTFE bearings Metalic Bearings are adopted, their design
testing construction shall be in accordance with the following:
Metalic Bearings & Elastomeric Bearing: As per IRC 84 (Part & II)-1987
PTFE Bearings BS: 5400, part 9.1 and 9.2
4.11.7: The slow movement on account of temperature variations shall be calculated for a variation of
34 degree C rise of fall.
4.11.8: The design of deck shall provide for predetermined points from where lifting of deck at a
future date would be possible. In case the design provides for lifting of deck by applying jacks
under the cross girder over supports, the cross girders shall be suitably designed, In case the point of
application of jacks in proposed along the axis of main beam its effect of pier cap shall be accounted
for in the design. The lifting of deck pre supposes connecting the lifting jacks to a common hydraulic
4.11.9: If the Contractor's design per supposes lifting deck for relieving part of slow movement, such a
relief shall be considered only for the slow movement arising out of creep, elastic shortening (in case
of prestressed concrete deck) and shrinkage, The total shrinkage shall be considered as specified in
relevant IRC Code, if the decking is lifted after 90 days from the date of concreting, fifty percent of
the shrinkage shall be deemed to have occurred.
4.11.10: In order to facilitate design of bearings within the parameters of the M.O.S.T. Specifications,
provisions of more than one bearing under each rib is permitted. Whenever such a provision is
proposed if should be ensured that
i: The two bearings are placed symetrically about the longitudinal centreline of the main girder so that
there is a clear space of atleast 5 Cms. Between them after accounting for deformation under
designed loads and forces.
ii: The bearings are provided in one line along the axis of the cross girder at the supports.
iii: The cross girder resting over such bearings is suitably designed.
4.12 Superstructures:
4.12.1 Unbalanced design: Unbalanced type of design involving use only one articulation or more
hinges or such structure where stability of any other span is endangered in the event of failure of
another span shall not be accepted.
4.12.2 Formation level: The quotations for alternative designs should, as far as possible, provide for
the formation level as given in the design data.
4.12.3 Box type deck:(a) Thickness of webs, diaphragms & size of haunches: The thickness of
web of RCC box shall not be less than 225 mm or 8 times the diameter of main bar in rib whichever is
large. The thickness of webs of prestressed box shall be in accordance with IRC 18 revised 1985. The
thickness of intermediate diaphragms shall be equal to dimension of bearing in longitudinal directions
or 300 mm whichever is more, Haunches of size 300 mm horizontal for 100 mm vertical shall be
provided at four inner comers of a box cell.
(b) Depth of box & openings: The depth of the box structure shall be such that inspection of the
structure during service by inspecting Engineers will be possible. Opening of size 600x1200 mm shall
be provided in the soffit of high level bridge on in each cell of each span. The same size of openings
shall also be provided in cross diaphragms. 75 mm holes may be provided at 3 Mc/c in the webs
below the haunch to minimise temperature variations. One hole of 75 mm dia in each panel of soffit
formed by main girders and diaphragms is also necessary to drain out water, concrete pipes may be
provided at these holes.
(c) Cross diaphragms: In box structure, there will be stiff diaphragms at supports and at articulations.
Intermediate dialiaphragms shall be placed at quarter span and at mid span. If the aforesaid
intermediate diaphragms are to be dispensed with, the structure, shall be analysed for stresses caused
due to torsion, distorsion and shear lag by any rational method. Fillet of 100x100 mm shall be
provided at the junction of main ribs and cross girders.
(d) Prestressed box: Only prestressed concrete structure shall be acceptable for 30and above. It may
be box type or T-beam and slab type. RCC hollow box type deck as not acceptable for submersible
bridge. Prestressed box satisfying the criteria metioned in (a) (b) & (C) and requirements mentioned in
clause 4.20 will be acceptable for submersible bridge decks.
(e) Load Distribution box: All webs of the box shall be assumed to share the dead load equally. The
share live load between the outer and inner webs of the box shall be calculated by any rational method
such as Morrvice& Little Massonet, Rowe, etc.
(f) Detailing of reinforcement in soffit of RCC boxes: Spacing of main bars of the RCC box placed
in soffit between ribs (under tension) shall not be more than 150mm Whenever main bars are curtailed,
8mm bars shall be provided in curtailed portion, so that spacing at any section is within 150 mm c/c.
At top of soffit slab, 8 mm bars spaced not more than 150mm c/c shall be provided in the longitudinal
direction (below transverse steel) all throughout the length. This steel may be considered as a part of
man steel of the spon pacing of longitudinal at top and bottom of soffit shall be such that the crack
width is limited to provisions of IRC 21:1987. At all haunches and fillets in cross girders, 8mm bars
@200 mm c/c in both direction shall be provided as haunch steel.
(g) Stresses due to temperature variation: Difference of temperature at the top of deck slab and
bottom of soffit is likely to be 150 degree C. Stresses generated in the components of the structure
during service may be calculated by any rational method and accounted for in the design. In the
absences of data following temperatures may be considered.
4.12.4 Prestress concrete Structure: Design of Prestressed concrete structures shall be in accordance
with, with revised criteria (IRC18) of 1985.
4.12.6 Rider Span: Rider span shall be generally 5 m. The span shall be anchored at articulation with
a bearing. Which shall be designed to take rotation at articulation.
At abutment end a bearing, designed for rotation and linear movement shall be provided. Width of
expansion gaps shall be designed to accommodate rotation and linear movement of the deck and the
deflection of the abutment structure.
4.12.7 Deck slab for RCC Superstructure: Wherever cross girders are provided the deck slab shall
be designed as a two way slab spanning over the ribs and cross girders. Minimum thickness of deck
slab shall be 200 mm. Thickness at the end of cantilever shall not be less than 150 mm.
4.12.8 M-25: Concrete to be used in superstructure for spans up to 9.00 meter and M 30 for the
spans more than 9.00 meter.
4.13 Other items.:
4.13.1: Expansion joints of approved type as given in the departmental drawing shall be provided at
the junctions of superstructures as required.
4.13.2: The spacing of the drainage outlets, which shall conform to the requirements of clause 117 of
IRC Specifications and Codes of Practice for Road Bridges Section 1 shall not exceed 9 meters.
Generally these outlets shall be uniformly spaced by the side of each road kerb in relation to the span.
These outlets shall be so provided that the rain water drained by them is not directed towards any part
of superstructure of substructure component. Outlets shall project 75mm beyond the outer face of the
4.13.3: The type of parapet chosen shall be such as to go well with the superstructure spans proposed
and add to the aesthetic appearance of the bridge.
4.13.4: Suitably designed wing of return walls to retain the earth behind the abutment and to prevent it
from fouling with the bearings shall be provided along with the abutments.
4.13.5: If open foundations are to be provided for the wing walls or returns they shall be founded at
the same level as suggested for non-load bearing abutments and shall be provided with proper
construction joints with the abutment.
4.13.6: If by a design of cantilever type of RCC return wall, the tenderer's design encroaches on the
minimum clear linear waterway specified in the design data, the waterway shall be increased suitably
without any extra cost to the Department.
4.14.1: The contractor shall have to carry out within lumpsum cost a load test on any one span of
the structure for the designed static and dynamic loads or their equivalent and in a manner as may be
decided by the Engineer-in-charge. The load shall be placed gradually, retained for 24 hours and then
removed gradually.
4.14.2: The Engineer-in-charge may also instruct that a load test shall be made on any part of the
bridge structure if in his openion such a test be deemed necessary for any one or more of the reasons
specified below: -
iv: Any other circumstance(s) attributed to the negligence on the part to the contractor which in the
opinion of the Engineer-in- Charge results in the structure of part thereof being of less than the
expected strength:
i: Solely or partly for the reason(s) given in clause 4.14.2 the test shall be carried out by the
Contractor at no extra cost to the Department.
ii: As mentions in clause 4.14.1 if load test on more than one span is required the cost of the same
shall be reimbursed to the Contractor at the rate tendered by him, provided the test results thereof are
found to be satisfactory; and
iii: For any other reasons, except mentioned in Clause 4.14.2, the payment for the test shall be
made to the contractor at the rate quoted by him, irrespective of the result of such test.
4.14.5: In the event load testing being ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall.
i: Prepare all necessary calculations and details of arrangements for such load, mode and of method of
carrying out the test, the application of loads, duration of testing the load, the equipment to be
provided and observations to be made during and after placing the loads in position etc.
ii: Make all necessary arrangements for the observations, the centering, equipment etc., That may be
needed for measuring the settlements, deflections, etc. required for the test, to the entire satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge.
iii: Provide labour and made all observations during the test.
4.14.6: The load test shall be carried out in the presence of contractor or his representative, The
Engineer-in Charge, shall then communicate as to whether the test has been satisfactory or not or any
further tests or reconstruction or strengthening are necessary to correct any faults revealed by the test.
4.14.7: Any defects noticed in the structure or any damage done to the bridge at the time of testing
which affects or is likely to effect the strength of the bridge shall be rectified by the contractor at his
own cost by remedial measures or replacement as approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
4.14.8: When the tests are declared by the Engineer-in-Charge as having been completed, the
Contractor will remove all loadings which might still be on the bridge as well as on the
4.15 Lump-sum offer based on Departmental designs: The outline design mentioned in
Annexure-M-contains general arrangement drawing of the bridge only and gives following broad
(a) Length of bridge:
(b) Formation level:
(c) Foundation level:
(d) Broad outline details and type of foundations, piers, abutments and returns, bearings and
(e) The design loading hydraulic data for design and code of reference on which the outline design is
based as given in the N.I.T. Chapter IV
Detailed working drawings, giving dimensions of members and specifications will be based on the
above basic factor (a) to (e). Contractor(s) lumpsum offer based on the aforesaid outline design shall
include construction of the complete structure as per the aforesaid detailed design and drawings.
Modifications in the dimensions of structural members if found necessary. while working out the
details shall have to be carried out by the contractor within the lumpsum cost it however changes in
items (a) to (e) above are required to be done the lumpsum cost would be adjusted as per the provision
in the agreement. In respect Contractors own design, if during execution it becomes necessary to
change the basic data of the design as given in the Annexure `'N'' suitable adjustment shall be made
in the lumpsum cost according to the relevant conditions of the contract agreement.
4.16 Change in alternative design: On award of the contract, based on Contractor(s) design the
contractor may be permitted to modify the design excluding span arrangements without any
variation in the lumpsum price provided the modified design satisfies the requirements of the contract
in all respects. The dimensions of the structural members as shown by the contractor on the tender
drawing may be increased or decreased, if necessary, so as to satisfy the requirements of this contract
in all respects.
4.17 Basic foundation levels: The basic levels of foundation in contractors design shall not be
higher than the levels shown in the departmental drawing in case the location of pier in identical to
the one in the departmental drawing. Whenever the pier locations are changed, the foundation levels
shall not be higher than foundation levels obtained by straight line interpolations between
foundation levels as indicated in departmental drawing,. In case to bore data is given in
departmental documents and it contains rock the basic foundations level for the lumpsum cost shall be
lower of the following two levels.
a: Foundation level interpolated from the foundation level in departmental drawing and as stated
b: In case of foundations resting on rock, foundations level shall be 1.5 M in soft rock and 0.6 M in
hard rock. The rock levels at locations of foundations shall be arrived at by straight line interpolation
of rock levels shown in bore data given in the N.I.T.
4.18 Confirmatory borings: Confirmatory borings trial pits shall have to be taken at the location of
each foundation within the lumpsum cost. On award of the work, contractor shall take confirmatory
bores up to 4 M below design foundation level. The bore data shall be recorded as laid down in IRC
78. Approval of foundation level shall be given on examining results of confirmatory bores.
4.19: All portions of faces of RCC and prestressed concrete members either fully exposed or lying
within a depth of 0.5 M below the level of perennial submergence under water, Soil of soil water
system shall be reinforced for shrinkage of temperature. This reinforcement shall be provided in
two directions at right angles to each other in a plane parallel to the surface under consideration and
shall be spaced 300 mm maximum with minimum 250 Sqm of steel area per meter in each direction
for all grades of reinforcement. Reinforcing for shrinkage and temperature e.g. main longitudinal
reinforcement distribution reinforcement, distribution reinforcement in slabs web reinforcement in
beams and ties links etc.
4.20.Submersible bridge. (a): Horizontal pressure due to water current on the submerged deck of the
bridge shall be assessed in accordance with clause 213.1of IRC by taking K=1.5.
b: The submerged deck structure and the supporting structure shall be designed for full buoyancy
effect. In respect of hollow box type of deck, the volume of hollow portion may be ignored, if
adequate opening are provided in the structure in order to ensure that the water level inside and outside
the deck rises and falls to the same level. This rise and fall of flood level may be assumed to 0.2
M/hour. If a box section is adopeted for submercible bridge if shall be a prestressed box with
sufficient clear depth of facilitate inspection during service.
RCC box is not acceptable.
c: Adequate anchorage shall be provided between the deck and pier cap to prevent displacement due to
horizontal force of water on deck and uplift effect, due to buoyancy.
d: Elastomeric bearing will be acceptable if adequate arrangement of anchorage are made at
supports to prevent displacement and lifting up due to horizontal water force and buoyancy.
e: Submersible bridges shall be provided with 225mm kerb and railings in accordance with clauses
112 & 116 of IRC 5. Recesses may be left in the kerb at distance of 2 to 3 M to discharge flood water
from the deck.
4.21 Lay out of the bridge: Before commencement of the work, the contractor shall obtain the
correct site, centre line or the bridge and location of the abutments and piers from the Engineer- in-
Charge of the work. The control pillars shall be fixed at each end of the bridge about 15 meters away
from the location of the abutments or end piers. The top of Reference pillars shall be at a suitable
level (so that the centre line of all piers could be checked) and its size shall be adequate (width about
1/3 of the height). The centre line of the bridge and the formation level shall be in inscribed on a
concrete copping over the reference pillars.
4.22 Starting point: At the bottom of one of the control pillars, a firm starting point may be
established on the centre line and all distances of piers and abutments may be measured from this
starting point to avoid errors in the length of the bridge. The distance of each pier may be measured
from the starting point and checked from pier to pier. Reference pillars indicating centreline shall
then be fixed at the location of each pier. There will be four pillars, two along the length of the bridge
and two along the river direction upstream and downstream of the bridge. The centre line shall be
correctly marked on the concrete copping over these reference pillars.
4.23 Correct cross section: Before commencing the work the Resident Engineer of the Contractor
and the Engineer-in-Charge of the department shall take a cross section of the bridge jointly. The
levels will be taken from the same Bench mark which has been adopted for carrying out the surveys. If
the actual bed levels of the river are found to vary from the levels given in the outline design supplied
with the tender, the contractor shall bring the fact to the notice of the C.E. in the event of variation, it
is desirable to check the Bench mark and the survey plans before reporting the fact to the Chief
4.24 Daily water level: A record of the daily water level in the river shall be maintained jointly. If
this level is found to very substantially from the low water level mentioned in the N.I.T., the fact shall
be brought to the notice of the Chief Engineer immediately.
4.25 Testing of concrete: All concrete used in the bridge structure shall be mixed in power driven
mechanical mixers and vibrated. The concrete laid under water should not be vibrated. The
contractor's lumpsum quotation shall include the cost of testing of concret cubes. Installation of a
Calibrated Testing Machine at site by the contractor will be acceptable. The testing will however, be
done under the supervision of the Engineer-in- charge of his authorized representative. The contractor
shall furnish a test certificate of the concrete test machine, to be used by him on the site of works
sampling, strength test of concret and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with clauses
302.6.4.2 & 302.6.4.3 of IRC: 21:1987
4.26 Finish of concrete surface: Good surface of the exposed reinforced concrete members must
be ensured by the contractor by using plane and true to shape form work. On striking off the forms,
the slight local imperfections may be corrected by adequate touching and by rubbing the projections
by corborandum stone. Plastering shall not be normally permitted on RCC surfaces. Corrections
of defects must be done as desired by the Engineer-in-charge. Tolerance in form work shall be in
accordance with clause 10.1 of IS: 456.
4.27 Rectification: Any heavy obstruction to river course or any heavy excavation done by the
contractor/firm shall be rectified and the river bed brought to its original level on completion of work
and contractor/firm shall fill up any pits, he might have made to the entire satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The structure should be cleared off all the debris and dirt and the bridge and site
handed over in a clean and fit state.
4.28 Approaches work and approach slab: Lump sum cost shall include the work of suitably
designed filter media as per clause 2503 / 309.3.2(b) of M.O.S.T. Specifications behind abutment
and return in full length and height above natural ground level. Lump sum cost shall also include the
cost of construction of the approach road mentioned in the General Arrangement Drawings for bridge
and approach road. The work for earth work & WBM/WMM shall also be carried out as per the
specifications mentioned in annexure M. The earth work up to bottom of dirt wall shall be done
before laying last span on abutment and adjoining support. RCC approach slab will be done by the
contractor, the cost of which will be included in the lump sum offer.
4.29 Size of Aggregate: Size of aggregate to be used in plan concrete, RCC and prestressed
concrete structure shall be in accordance with clause 1705 of M.O.S.T. specifications. However, for
sections of structural components of 300 mm thickness and less only 20mm and down graded
aggregate shall be used.
4.30 Applicability of conditions: Conditions 2, 1 to 2.40, 3.29 and 4.1 to 4.28 shall supersede
anything contrary to them said in conditions 1.1 to 1.18.
IN LABOUR CAMP:TND0010160000000000PWDCG84401.doc
Note: These model rules are intended primarily for labour camps which are not of a permanent
nature. They lay down the minimum desirable standard which should be adhered to
Standards in Permanent or semipermanent labour camps should not obviously be lower
than those for temporary camps.
1. Location: The camp should be located in elevated and well drained ground in the
2. Labour: Hut to be constructed for one family of persons each. The layout to be
shown in the prescribed sketch.
3. Hutline: The huts to be built of local materials. Each hut should provide atleast 20
Sqm. of living space.
4. Sanitary facilities: There shall be provided latrines and urinals atleast 15 M away
from the nearest quarter separately, for men and women specially so marked on
the following scale.
5. Latrines: Pit provided at the rate of 10 users or two families per set. Separate
Urinals as required as the privy can also be used for this purpose.
6. Drinking water: Adequate arrangement shall be made for the supply of drinking
water. If practicable, filtered and chlorinated supply shall be arranged. Where
supply is from intermittent sources, an overhead covered storage tank shall be
provided with a capacity of five litres per person per day. Where the supply is to be
made from a well it shall confirm to the sanitary stands. Laid down in the report of
the Rural Sanitation Committee. The well should be at least 30 metres away from
any latrine or other sources of pollution. If possible a hand pump should be
installed for drawing the water from well. The well should be effectively disinfected
once every month and quality of water should be got tested at Public Health
institution between each work of disinfection.
Washing and bathing should be strictly prohibited at places where water supply is
from a river. The daily supply must be disinfected. In the storage reservoir and
given at least 3 minutes contact with the disinfectant before it is drawn for use.
7. Bathing and Washing: Separate bathing and washing place shall be provided for
men and women for every 25 persons in the camp. There shall be a gap and space
of 2 Sq.M. for washing and bathing. Proper drainage for waste water should be
8. Waste disposal: Dustbins shall be provided at suitably place in camp and the
residents shall be directed to throw all rubbish into these dustbins. The dustbins
shall be provided with covers. The contents shall be removed every day and
disposed off by trenching.
9. Medical facilities.
a) Every camp where 1000 or more persons reside shall be provided with
whole time, doctor and dispensary. If there are women in the camp a
whole time nurse shall be employed.
b) Every camp where less than 1000 but more than 250 persons reside shall
be provided with dispensary and a part time nurse/midwife shall also be
c) If there are less than 250 persons in any camp a first aid kit shall be
maintained in- charge of the whole time persons.
All the medical facilities mentioned above shall be for all residents in the camp, including a
dependent of the workers, if any, free of cost.
Sanitary Staff: For each labour camp there should be qualified sanitary Inspector &
Sweepers should be provided in the following scale:
1. For Camps with strength over 200 One Sweeper for every 75 persons
but not exceeding 500 persons. above the first 200 for which three sweepers
should be provided
2. For camps with strength over 500 One sweeper for every 100 persons
persons above the first 500 for which six
Sweepers should be provided.
The Contractor shall pay not less than fair wage to Labourers engaged by him in the work.
a) “Fair Wages” means wages whether for time or piece work as notified at the time of
inviting tenders for the works and where such wages have not been so notified the
wages prescribed by the ……………… Department for the division in which the
work is done.
b) The Contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to the contrary,
cause to be paid a fair wage to labourers indirectly engaged on the work including
any labour engaged by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work as if
labourers had been immediately employed by him.
d) The Executive Engineer/Sub Divisional Officer shall have the right to reduce from
the money due to the contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for
making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfillment
of the conditions of the contract for the benefit of the workers, non-payment of
wages or the deductions made from his or their wages, which are not justified by
the terms of the contract or non-observance of regulations.
e) The contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made under and for
the observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim
indemnity from his sub-contractors.
f) The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any
breach thereof shall be deemed to be breach of this contract.
g) The contractor shall obtain a valid license under the contract (Regulations and
Abolition) Act enforce and rules made there under by the competent authority from
time to time before commencement of work and continue to have a valid license
until the completion of the work.
Any failure to fulfill this requirement shall attract the penal provisions of this
contract arising out of the resulted non-execution of the work assigned to the
1. In consideration of the Governor of chhatiisgarh (here in after called the government having
agreed to exempt ............................................................................. (Herein after called the contractor
(s) from the demand under the terms and conditions of an agreement
dated ................ ... ................................ made
between ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for the work (Name of
wrok) ......................................................................................... (here in after called the said
Agreement) of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said contractor (s) of the terms and
conditions contained in the said agreements on production of a bank Guarantee for
nly we. (.) .............................................................................................. (hereinafter referred to as " the
bank (at the request of the said contractor (s) do here by undertake to pay the Govt., an amount not
exceeding Rs. ...................................................... against any loss or damage caused to or would be
caused to or suffered by the Government, by reasons of any breach by the said contractor (s) of the
terms or conditions contained in the said agreement.
2. We (.) ............................................................................................. do here by undertake to pay the
amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on demand from the
Government stating the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be
caused to or suffered by the Government by reason of breach by the said contractor (s) of any of the
terms or conditions contained in the said agreements or by reasons of the contractor (s) failure to
perform the said agreement, Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the
amount due and payable by the bank under this Guarantee, However our liability under this
Guarantee. shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding ........................................................
3. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded not with standing any dispute or
disputes raised by the contractor (s) in any suit or proceedings pending before any court or tribunal
relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal.
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment
there under and the contractor (s) shall have no claim against us for making such payments.
4. We (.) ........................................................................... further agree that the guarantee herein
contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the
performance of said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforce able till all the dues o the
Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or
discharged or till the Executive Engineer P.W.D. certified that the terms and conditions of the said
agreement have been fully and property carried out by the said contractor (s) and terms and conditions
of the said agreement have been fully and property carried out by the said contractor
(s) and accordingly discharged this guarantee, unless a demand to claim under this Guarantee is made
on us in writing on or before the (here indicate a date which falls 9 months beyond the due date of
completion of the work) .......................................................................................... we shall be
discharged from all liability under the guarantee.
Dear Sir,
We enclose our Fixed Deposit Receipt/Cash Certificate other similar instrument No.
……………… for Rs. ……………… in favour of …………………... Designation of the Officer
concerned in lieu of deposits required from ……… for the due fulfillment by him/them of the terms of
contractor dated…………….. for during the period …………… commencing from …………….. thereof
if any.
Yours faithfully,
Please specify the nature of the instrument whom instrument similar to fixed deposit receipts
are tendered and delete item not applicable.
(i) Suitable scaffold should be provided for workman for all works that cannot safely be done from
the grounds or from solid construction except such short period work as can be done safely from
ladder is used on extra Mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder for carrying materials as
well suitable foot holes and hand holds shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be
given an inclination not steeper than ¼ to ¼ Horizontal and 1 vertical).
(ii) Scaffolding or staging more than 12 M above, the ground floor swung or
suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationer/support shall have a guard rail
property attached, bolted, braced or otherwise secured at least 1 meter high above the floor
platforms of such scaffolding or staging and extending along the entire length of the outside the
ends thereof with only such opening as may be necessary for the delivery of the materials. Such
scaffolding or staging shall be fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the building of
(iii) Working platform gangways and stairway should be so constructed that
they should not away unduly or unequally and if the height of the platform of the Gangway or
the stairway is more than 3.54 metres above ground level and or floor level they should be
closely bearded, should have adequate width and should be suitably fenced as described (ii)
(iv) Every opening in the floor of a building or in a working platform be provided with suitable
means to prevent the falling of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing
whose minimum height shall be 1 metre.
(v) Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places.
Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable ladder shall be over 9 metre in length while
the width between side rails inring ladder shall be in no case be less than 0.3 metres from
ladder upto and including 3 meter length. For longer ladders this width should be increased at
least 2 cm. For each additional meter of length. Uniform step spacing shall not exceed 0.3 M
adequate precaution shall be taken to prevent danger form electrical equipment. No material
on any of the work site shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to
any person or the public. The contractor shall also provide all necessary fencing and lights to
protect the public from accident and shall be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every
suit action or other precautions of law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained
owing to neglect of the above and to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in
any such suit action or proceeding to any such person or which may with consent of the
contractor be paid to compromise by any such person.
2. Excavation and Trenching: All trenches 1.2 metre or more in depth, shall at all times be
supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 Metre in length of friction thereof. Ladder shall be
extended from bottom of the trench to atleast 1 metre above the surface of the ground. The side
of trenches which are 1.5 metre or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slopes
or securely held by timber bracing so as to avoid the danger of sides to collapse The excavated
materials shall not be placed within 1.5 metre of the edge of the trench or half of the depth of
the trench whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstances
undermining or under cutting shall be done.
3. Demolition: Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the process of the works.
(a) All roads and open area adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably protected.
(b) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger over a cable or
apparatus used by the operator shall remain electrically charged.
(c) All precautionary steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from risk of fire
or explosion of flooring. No floor roof or other part of the building shall be so overloaded with
debris of materials as to render it unsafe.
4. Painting: All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer-in-
charge should be kept available for the use of person employed on the site and maintained in a
condition suitable for immediate use and the contractor should take adequate steps to ensure
proper use of equipment by those concerned.
a) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials cement lime mortars shall be provided with
protective footwear and. protective goggles.
b) Stone brackets shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing, and seated
at sufficiently safe intervals.
c) Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welder’s protect.
d) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes which are in use, the Contractors shall
ensure that the manhole covers are open and are ventilated atleast for an hour before the
work shall be coronet off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or boards to
prevent accident to the public.
e) The Contractor shall not employ men below the age of 19 and women on the work of painting
with products containing lead in any form whenever men above the age of 18 are employed
on the work of lead painting the following precautions should be taken.
i) No paint containing lead or lead shall be used except in the from of paste or ready
made paint.
ii) Suitable face masks should be supplied for use by the workers when paint applied in
the from of spray or a surface having lead paint dry rubble and scrapped.
iii) Overhauled shall be supplied by the contractor to the workman and adequate facilities
shall be provided to enable the working painters to wash during the cessations of work.
5. Drawing: When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drawing all necessary
equipment should be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt
rescue of any person in danger and adequate provision should be made for prompt first aid
treatment for all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work.
a) Every crane driver or hosing applicants operator shall be properly qualified and no personal
order an age of 21 years should in-charge of any hoisting machine including any scaffold
which give signals to the operator.
b) In case of every hoisting machine and every chain ring lowering or as means of suspensions.
The sate working load shall be ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and
gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with the safe working load. In case of hoisting
machine having a variable safe working load of the conditions under which it is applicable
shall be clearly indicated. No part of any machine or of any gear referred to above in this
paragraph shall be loaded beyond the safe working load except for load purpose of testing.
c) In case of departmental machine the safe working and load shall be notified by the Electrical
Engineer-in-charge. As regarded contractor’s machine the contractor shall notify the safe
working load of the machine to the Engineer-in-charge, whenever he brings any machinery to
site of work and get verified by the Electrical Engineer concerned.
d) Motors, gearing transmission, Electric wiring and other dangerous part of the hoisting
appliance should be provided with efficient safe guards and with such means as well reduce
adequate precautions should be taken to reduce to the minimum the risk of any part of a
suspended load be coming accidentally dispraced When workers employed on Electrical
installations which are already unregistered insulating mats wearing apparel such as gloves
sleeves and boots as may be necessary should be provided the workers should not wear
rings, watches and carry keys, or other materials which are good conductors of electricity.
7. All acaffolds, ladders and their safety device mentioned or described herein shall be
maintained in safe condition and no scaffold ladder or equipment shall be altered or
removed while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near places
of work.
8. These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a
Notice Board at prominent places at the work spot. The persons responsible for
compliance of the safety code shall be named therein by the contractor.
9. To ensure effective endorsement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions
the arrangement made by the contractor shall be open to inspection by the Labour Officer,
Engineer-in-charge, or the Department or their representatives.
10. Notwithstanding the above clause (1) to (9) there is nothing in these to except the
contractors to exclude the operations of any other act or rule in force in the Republic of
Tender Items
Item Type:
Estimated Value:
EMD Value:
Time Period:
FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE/CULVERTS: Notwithstanding provisions of clause 901.1 of the
specifications, if would be optional for the contractor to set up his own field laboratory near the site of
work, if the amount of contract inclusive of tender premium does not exceed Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
For Building Works:i) Rates include the element of testing of samples of various materials brought
by the contractor for use in the work as per list of mandatory tests attached herewith. Frequency of
such tests to be carried out shall not be less than the prescribed frequency. Contractor shall also
have to establish a field laboratory at site to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The tests shall
have to be conducted by the contractor’s material under the supervision of Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized representative. A record of such tests shall be maintained in a duplicate register at site of
work Duplicate copies of such tests shall be submitted to office alongwith running account bills. The
original register shall also be submitted along with the final bill. Failure to conduct any of the test or
not up to the prescribed frequencies would invite following consequences.
The Engineer-in-charge may reject the work, but if in his opinion the work can be accepted
despite the aforesaid shortcomings, then he may do so subject to a recovery of Rs. 100/- for each
default and simultaneously inform the Superintending Engineer. However, it would be optional for
the contractor to set up his own laboratory if the amount of contract (inclusive of tender premium)
does not exceed Rs. 5.00 Lakhs.
ii) As regards steel reinforcement;
a) Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars shall confirm to IS: 432 (Part-1)
d) Hard drawn steel wire fabric shall confirm to IS: 1566 and
e) Rolled steel made from structural steel shall confirm to IS: 226.
All reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scales, loose rust and coats of paints, oil, mud
or other costing which may destroy or reduce bond.
Only such steel as is obtained from main producers of steel e.g.. SAIL, TISCO, TISCO or such
steel rolling mills as are having license from the B.I.S. to manufacture steel for reinforcement,
shall be allowed to be used in the work.
The contractor shall have to produce Test Certificate in the Performa prescribed/approved by
B.I.S. from the manufacturer for every batch of steel brought to site of work.
Before commencement of use of steel, from any batch, brought to site of work by the
contractor, the Engineer-in-charge shall arrange to get samples tested for nominal mass,
tensile strength, bend test and rebind test from any Laboratory of his choice at the cost of
contractor. The selection of test specimens and frequency shall be as per relevant. I.S.
Specification of steel to be used.
iii) Where, contract provides for cement to be arranged by the contractor himself, only I.S.I.
marked cement of relevant I.S. standard specifications shall be allowed to be used in the work
subject to the following tests. The arrangement for necessary equipment and testing shall
have to be made by the contractor, himself at a site to be decided by the Engineer-in-charge.
All expenses shall be borne by the contractor. Any lot of cement brought to site by the
contractor would be permitted to be used in the work. Under the supervision of the Engineer-
in-charge or his authorities. Representative as hereinafter. The record of the tests results shall
be maintained in the register referred in subsequent para.
A Duplicate register as per format hereunder shall be maintained at site of work. Extract
certified copies of the entries for each month shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge by
the contractor. The original register shall also be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge on
completion of the work by the contractor.
Name Signatur e of Result
No Results
and e of authoris of tests
of test
Place of address contract ed for
receipt No. of of firm or or his represe compres
initial Remark
of bags from authoris ntative sive
and final
cement whom ed of strength
purchas represe Enginee of
ed ntative r- in- cement.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
When the strength of concrete required is up to M-20, then O.P.C. conforming to I.S.: 269-
1989 or P.P.C. conforming to IS : 1498-1976 May be used.
When the strength of concrete required is more than M-20 but up M-30, the O.P.C.
Conforming to IS: 8112-1989 shall be used.
For prestressed concrete works and when the strength of concrete required is more than M-
30, the OPC conforming to IS: 12269-1989 shall be used.
Nominal mix would be adopted for Cement concrete M-7.5 M-10 M-15 and M-20 Design mix
shall have to be adopted for concrete of higher strengths.
iv) If any item of work is found to be substandard by the Engineer-in-charge is to the opinion that
the same is structurally adequate and can be accepted at a reduced rate, then in such cases,
the Engineer-in-charge shall have to submit proposals for appropriate reduction of rates
supported by an analysis, in justification thereof, though a D.O. Letter to the Superintending
Engineer concerned to obtain his approval expeditiously (ordinarily with in 15 days) The
approved analysis alongwith orders of the Superintending Engineer shall have to be
appended to the bills of the contractor.
v) The Contractor shall have to be provided a ruled duplicate register at site named “Site Order
Book” it shall be in the custody of departmental supervisory staff. The Engineer-in-charge or
his authorized representative may record their instruction in this book, which shall be noted by
the contractor or his authorized representative for compliance.
List of mandatory Tests.
Material Test
Relevant IS code Field Minimum Frequency of
of testing Laboratory Quantity of testing
Test material
work for
carrying out
1 2
3 4 5 6
Cement Slump Test IS: 1199 Field 15 Cum 15 Cum or part
concrete or more there frequently
reinforced by Engineer
cement Incharge
concrete not
leaner than M-
Reinforced a)Cube strength For Building IS; 456 Field 15 Cum in 15 Cum
cement for Bridges/Culverts slab 5 cum
concrete IRC: 21-1987 on columns.
List of contracts already held by the Contractor in P.W.D. and other Departments at the time of
Submission of this tender as required vide Clause 2.30 of the N.I.T.(Chapter - iv)
1. S.No. 2. Name of Work 3. Amount 4. Value of 5. Value of 6. Amount of
of contract work done balance Solvency at
Excluding near work the time of
higher / excluding excluding registration
lower percentage percentage
if any
who are near relative to Gazetted officer mentioned in column(2)
Annexure - "M"
Brief Description of the work as per Departmental Design and Specifications :-
A. Bridge
1 Outline Drawing No. : Enclosed:- G.A.D, Site Plan, L-Section of Approach road.
2 Length of Bridge : 04 SPAN OF 15.000 M LENGTH = 60.00 M
Both side Box Type Abutment 2 x 5.50 = 11.00 M (With
Granular Filling as per MORT&H Specifications)
3 Width of Bridge : 1. Overall Width – 8.40 M
2. Clear Carriage Way – 7.50 M
4 Description of site : Enclosed
along with site plan
5 Foundation Strata : Hard Rock
6 Type of Foundation : Open Foundation
7 Foundation Level : (i) Abutment :– A1- R.L. 90.500 M & A-2 - R.L. 91.500 M.
(ii) Piers :– P-1 To P-3- R.L. 90.800 M
8 Substructure (i) Piers : R.C.C. Solid Circular type
(ii) Abutments : R.C.C. Box type
9 Formation Level : R.L. 101.175 M.
10 Soffit Level : R.L. 100.200 M.
11 Superstructure : R.C.C. Solid Slab
13 Wearing Coat & : . 75 mm thick Wearing Coat(25MM Mastic Asphalt & 50MM
Drainage spouts BC) & Drainage spouts as per MORT&H Standard Drawings
& Specifications.
14 Crash Barrier i/c : R.C.C. Railing as per MORT&H specifications and Approved
Painting drawings.
(ii) For non load bearing abutments and at foundation other than specification in NIT. The
safe bearing capacity shall be ascertained from load test result. In absence of Load Test
the SBC will be assumed as 20T/M2
Diversion Road :- As per Details shown in Annexure "M" & Departmental Drawing
4. Design loading: :-
4.1 Live loads: - One lane of Class 70R OR two lanes for Class A loading, whichever
produces the most severe effect as specified in I.R.C.-6-2017.
4.2 Buoyancy: Buoyancy to be allowed for in the design of the bridge foundations shall be 50% for
foundation resting on rock and 100% for foundations resting on soil.
4.3 Seismic effect : The effect of seismic forces shall be in accordance with provision of IRC-06-2017
The Bridge is located in Zone - Two
Importance factor shall be - 1.0
4.4 Soil properties to be taken for design purpose
C = Zero
Phi = 300
Delta = 150
5 Fixed Item:-Wearing Coat, Kerb, Expansion Joint, Approach Slab, Railing, Drainage Spouts, Name
Plate etc. complete as per Annexure "M"
6 Approach Road: -
Approach road :- As per Details shown in Annexure "M" & Departmental Drawing
i) Retaining Wall :- As per Detail shown in Annexure "M"
ii) Filter Media :- As per Detail shown in Annexure "M"
iii) Direction and Place Identification :- As per Detail shown in Annexure "M"
Sign upto 0.9 Sqm. Size Board
7 Hollow circular Pier not allowed.
8 Only R.C.C. Box type Abutment shall be allowed.
9 It is Mandatory to provide Strip seal expansion joint.
10 Minimum number of Piles in each Pier shall be 4 and 6 for Abutment's & Minimum Diameter of Pile
shall be 1000 mm for Pier's and 1200 mm for Abutment's.
11 For Abutment – Minimum thickness of Abutments outer wall shall not be less than 300 mm and inner
wall thickness not be less than 250 mm.
12 It will be sole responsibility of contractor to construct and maintain the temporary diversion road
during construction period within Lump-sum. The contractor will fully responsible for any accident,
damage and losses occurred due to negligence.
13 During construction of bridge & approaches work necessary safety precaution i/c caution
board/informatory board for safe traffic movement will be provided by the contractor within Lump-
sum cost.
14 It shall be sole responsibility of contractor to dispose of the surplus excavated material at least up to
1.0 Km. away from the site of work as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge, nothing extra shall be
payable to the contractor on this account.
15 For construction of camp office, store yard, store hutment etc. the arrangement of land rest with
contractors at his own expenses.
16 Electrical power supply arrangement required will be made by the contractor at his own cost for the
construction activities. No claim/compensation on this account will be entertained by the department.
17 It shall be sole responsibility of contractor to restore the original shape of existing bank and other
ground location where ever damage occurred it should be corrected within Lump-Sum Cost. No
claim/compensation on this account will be entertained by the department.
18 The details of work mentioned in Annexure - "M" and details enclosed drawing will be executed
within Lump-Sum cost.
19 Any discrepancy found in alternative GAD all details of Annexure "M" & "N" shall be binding.
2. General arrangement Drawing, approval of design: The tender drawing containing general
arrangement of structure must give one type of structural component out of the acceptable
types as stipulated in the N.I.T or in these special conditions. No option is acceptable.
However, change in design at later data will examine in accordance with clause 4.16 of N.I.T.
Programme of submission & approval of detailed design shall be mutually on award of the
3. Details in General Arrangement Drawing: Type of pier, abutment and returns and their
foundation levels should be clearly shown in the general arrangement drawing of the
4. Conditions of Exposure: The condition of exposure shall be treated as moderate for this
5. Consultant: A contractor who offers alternative designs should declare the name and
address of the consultant. If the said consultant has not done any work of bridge in M.P.P.W.D
or SetuNirman Nigam, his qualification and experience in design work must be stated.
7. Design of box for temperature difference: The additional stresses generated by the
temperature difference may be calculated in accordance with the method contains in a paper
entitled “Temperature stresses in concrete bridge decks simple design method by Dr. V. K.
Raina published in Bridge and Structural Engineer. If such additional temperature stresses are
taken into account, the permissible increase of stresses will be 15% in accordance, with
Clause 203 of IRC – 6 of 1986.
8. Land for construction Camp: Land for construction camp shall be arranged by the
9. Security deposit Clause 1.1 and 2.8 of N. I. T.: Fifty percent of the security deposit will be
refunded on completion, testing and handing over of the bridge, to the department. Remaining
fifty percent will be refunded six months after completion or after one monsoons, whichever is
10. Supply of detailed drawing:The detailed drawing of various component of bridge shall be
supplied to the contractor in parts as per the progress of the work. In case the contractor’s
lump sum offer based on departmental General Arrangement Drawing, he will have to submit
detailed design & drawing of various components for approval as per clause 4.3
11. Revision in design: Due to basic data being changed. If, on award of work, it is considered
necessary to increase the length of bridge or vary the foundation and / or formation level due
to change in the basic hydraulic and sub soil data, the contractor shall, submit revised design
to suit the change as ordered without any extra cost on account of the additional design work.
But in case there are major changes in the data and the contractor is required to redesign the
bridge, the C.E. may at his discretion allow extra payment for design may be commensurate with
the extra work involved in the design.
(12) If the tenderer, whose tender has been accepted, and after signing the agreement, (i) does not start
regular actual physical items of work within
25% (twenty five percent) of the time allowed for completion, or abnormally slowdown the work or (iii)
abandons the work, or (iv) merely goes on applying for extension of time; the Executive Engineer shall
serve a "show cause" notice with details to the contractor in this regard and if the contractor does not reply,
or if his reply is considered not satisfactory (at the sole discretion of the Executive Engineer), his earnest
money and the performance security money or the Bank Guarantee in this regard shall be forfeited in favor
of the Govt. If the contractor has committed a similar default on earlier occasion (s) in previous three
consecutive years the contractor shall be debarred from participating in any future tender of any
P.W.D.Division in the State of Chhattisgarh for a period of 2 (two) years from the date of such order, by
the authority which had registered him/her.
Such orders & action shall be final binding and conclusive
(13). performance Guarantee:
(i) (As per the guidelines issued by Government of C.G. P.W.D. Departments Raipur
order n. F21-5/T/19/2012/Tender,Nava Raipur Dated 12.12.2019 )
The contractor shall also be responsible for performance of work carried out by him for a period of 60
(Sixty) month beyond the completion of work for which performance security has to be furnished by
him @5%(five percent) of amount of contract. For this purpose contractor has to submit to the
department a Bank Guarantee of 5% amount of the value of work done on every running and final bill
payable to him. If contractor fails to submit bank guarantee of 5% amount of the gross bill, then 5%
amount of bill shall be deducted from his running and final bill payment. However, the contractor can
get refund of such performance cash security amount deducted if he submits appropriate bank guarantee
valid for the period as stated above or 60 (Sixty) month after actual completion.
If require, the Executive Engineer shall ask the contractor to extend the validity period of the
Bank Guarantee(s) for such period which he considers it proper and the contractor shall extend the
validity period of such Bank Guarantee accordingly. If the contractor fails to extend the period
accordingly, the Executive Engineer shall encash the B.G. before the expiry of the validity period.
(ii) The contractor shall have to carry out all necessary "Rectification" of defects noticed, caused due
to any reasons at his own cost within 07 (Seven) days of communication notice from the Executive
Engineer/Sub Division Officers to him."
(iii) Failure of the contractor to rectify the defects properly in the given period, it shall be open for the
Executive Engineer/Sub Divisional Officer to get the defect(s) rectified either departmentally or
through other agency (without calling any tender /quotation) and recover the actual cost plus 15%
(fifteen percent) of such cost from the contactor from any sum, in any form, and available with the
department or can be recovered as "Arrears of Land Revenue"
(iv) (As per the guidelines issued by Government of C.G. P.W.D. Departments Raipur order
n. F21-5/T/19/2012/Tender,Nava Raipur Dated 12.12.2019 ) After three years of completion of
construction, 50% (fifty percent) of available performance Bank guarantee shall be returned to the
contractor subject to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer.
(v) (As per the guidelines issued by Government of C.G. P.W.D. Departments Raipur order
n. F21-5/T/19/2012/Tender,Nava Raipur Dated 12.12.2019) Remaining performance Bank
Guarantee as would be remaining (after recovery all cost plus 15% (Fifteen percent) for rectification of
defects, if done by the department or through other agency) shall be returned after 60 (Sixty) months of
completion. The performance guarantee will be in addition to the normal security to be deducted as
per clause 1 of agreement for the execution of contract.
In the event of withdrawing his/her after before the expiry of the period of
validity of offer or failing to execute the agreement as required by condition No.
2.4.3 and 2.34 of the notice inviting tender (N.I.T.) he/she will not be entitled to
tender for this work in case of recall of tenders. In addition to forfeited of his/her
earnest money as per provisions of condition No. 2.4.3 and 2.34 of N.I.T. as may
be applicable for the work, the registering authority will demote the contractor
firm for a period of one year. If the tenderer has committed a similar default on
earlier occasion (s) as well, then such demotion in registration will be
B). It is mandatory for the contractor(s) to get himself themselves registered with "C.G.
Building & Other construction welfare Board" as soon as the work order is issued to
him / them for the work amounting to Rs. 10.00 (Ten) Lakhs and above and submit a
copy of the same to the concern Executive Engineer, other wise no Payment will be
made under the contract.
C). Contractors are advised to go through the Notice Inviting tenders & the tender/P.Q./Bid
Capacity document thoroughly. Certificates, annexures, enclosures as mentioned in the
document will have to be submitted by the tenderers strictly in the prescribed format, at
the time of submission of Technical/Financial bid, failing which the contractor shall
disqualify for the work & his financial offer shall not be opened and no representation,
appeal or objection, what so ever in this regard shall be entertained by the department.
D). It is mandatory to submit online by the contractor the list of on-going works/ works in
hand. If any work is found delayed beyond one year from the stipulated date of
completion, the contractor will be disqualified for the reason of poor performance.
Additional performance security (APS) shall be deposited by the successful bidder at the time
of signing of agreement when the bid amount is unbalance i.e less than estimated cost by
more than 10%. To 20% ,in such an event the successful bidder will deposit the additional
performance security (APS) to the extent of difference of 90% of the PAC and bid amount in
the shape of Bank Guarantee, issued by approved scheduled bank, for agreement period, in
favour of the Executive Engineer before signing the agreement. If the bid amount is seriously
unbalance j.e.less than the estimated cost by more than 20% in such an event successful bidder
will deposit the Additional performance security (APS) to the extent of difference of 90% of
the PAC and bid amount in the shapc of F.D.R., issued by approved scheduled bank, in favour
of the Executive Engineer before signing the agreement. The bank Guarantee/F.D.R. shall be
released/returned along with the normal S.D.after completion of work . If the contractor fails
to complete the work or left the work incomplete, this Additional performance security (APS),
shall be forfeited by the department, & the agreement shall be terminated and action shall be
taken in accordance with clause 1.14 of the agreement. In case the tenderer/contractor refused
to deposit Additional performance security (APS) then his bid will be rejected by the
sanctioning authority and earnest money shall be forfeited.
F). jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh Hkh foHkkx esa dkyh lwph ;k fMckj
fufonkdkjksa dks foHkkx ds fdlh Hkh fufonk esa Hkkx
ysus dk vf/kdkj ugha gksxkAfufonkdkj }kjk ;g Hkh
'kiFk&i= nsuk gksxk fd] os Hkkjrljdkj@vU; jkT;ksa ds jkT;
ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh Hkh foHkkx esas dkyh lwph esa
ugha Mkys x, gSa ;k fMckj ugha fd; sx;sgSaA
19. Qualification Criteria
(As per the guidelines issued by Government vide Letter n. F 21-7/T/2012/19/Tender Naya Raipur
(i) “Satisfactorily completed at least one bridge work equal in value 50% (fifty percent) of the
Probable amount of contract as on date of submission of financial offer”.
(ii) Satisfactorily completed at least two similar works each costing minimum 40% (forty
percent) of the probable amount of contract for which the tender is invited as on date of
submission of financial offer.
(iii) Satisfactorily executing at least one similar work having received payment of value not
less than 60% (sixty percent) of the value of probable amount of contract as on date of
submission of financial offer.
Note :- The value of completed work shall be updated to the value of current financial year @
compounded rate of 10% (Ten percent) per year from completion year of work. The
completion year shall be taken as base year.
a. He shall provide safety belts, helmets, flouroscent jackets to all the workers
deployed on the site. He shall arrange the same for all the officials/persons also
visiting the site.
b. He shall provide strong and stout stout scaffolding, centering and shuttering at site –
the design of which shall be got approved from the engineer in charge. The
contractor shall be held fully responsible for any accident if it occures due to not
following the above.
c. The complete site shall be fully lighted, watched, barricated and guarded untill
completion of work and taking over so as to forbid entry of any tresspasser.
d. All the excavated trenches (for foundation / septic tanks), bore holes shall be kept
properly guarded/fenced, all the time, to avoid falling of any persons their in.
e. The periphery area of building inside and outside shall be provided with temporary
shed structures, so as to safe guard the workers/officials passing by it from anything
falling from the work going on in the upper stones.
f. In case of road works the widening portion when excavated shall be provided with
all safety measures like safety ribbons, guard stones, cautionary sign boards
g. The contractor shall arrange good strong ladders etc to facilitate the departmental
officials in supervision.
h. The contractor shall get his workers fully insured their life against accidents.
i. The contractor shall work in such a manner that neither, the public & nor any
property (govt./public/private) is put to risk.
j. On the roads under constructions, the contractor shall ensure that no construction
material is kept/stacked on the road carriage way/ shoulder."
k. Comply with all applicable safety regulations.
l. Take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the site.
m. Use reasonable efforts to keep the site and works clear of unnecessary obstruction so
as to avoid danger to these persons.
n. Provide any temporary works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences)
which may be necessary, because of the execution of the works, for the use and
protection of the public and of owners and occupiers of adjacent land.
o. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the adequate safety of all site operations
and method of constructions.
p. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a detailed proposal covering safety
measures proposed to be adopted at site.
q. Breach of safety provision by the Contractor and his employees shall contitute a
sufficient cause for action.
r. Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent accidents from electric cables, while
digging operation is underway.
t. Those engaged in welding work shall be provided with welder protective shields.
u. All display boards shall be retro reflective material and of sizes mentioned in the
v. All vehicles will have reverse horns.
w. In addition, if directions are given by the "Engineer" to augment the safety
measures, the Contractor has to abide by his directions.
x. A safety officer shall be nominated by the Contractor to prepare safety programme
and after getting the approval from the Engineer, oversee the safety arrangement at
(i) It is Mandatory for the "B", "C" & "D" Class bidders, to submit affidavit (annexure 3,
enclosed) and the list of ongoing works/works in hand in the Annexure "2" (enclosed), If the
total value of works in hand is more than 2.5 times the capacity as specified for "B","C" and
"D" class bidders registration the bidder shall be disqualified.
(ii) It is Mandatory for the "A" Class bidder, to submit affidavit (annexure 3, enclosed) and
Bid capacity information (Appendix 1) along with information Annexure 1, 2. The bidder will
only be qualified if the available bid capacity is equal or more than the amount put to tender.
All the bidder shall have to submit the information of bid capacity (Appendix 1), information
in Annexure 2, 3 and affidavit (Annexure 3). They will only be qualified if the available bid
capacity is equal or more than amount put to tender.
(Appendix 1)
(By all class of contractors for tenders costing Rs. 1 crore to 5 crore, and by only "A"
class contractor for tender costing less than Rs. 1 crore)
Bidders will be qualified Only if their available bid capacity is more than the total
bid value The available bid capacity will be calculated as under:
Assessed Available bid capacity = (A*N*2.5-B)
A= Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in any one financial year
during the last five years (updated to the price level of current financial year,
as per enhancement factors indicated below) taking into account the completed
as well as works in progress. (As per Annexure-1)
Year - Enhancement factor
Last One - 1.10
Last Two - 1.21
Last Three - 1.33
Last Fourth - 1.46
Last Fifth - 1.61
N= Number of years * prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are invited.
(i) Period of Completion up to 6 months to be taken as 1/2 year.
(ii) Period of Completion from 7 months to 12 months to be taken as 1 year.
(iii) Period of completion more than 12 months to be taken as (Period of Completion in
months/12) years.
B= Value of existing commitments and on-going works to be executed during the
next................................. years * (period of completion of the works for which bids are
invited) (As per Annexure-2)
Note:-The statements showing the value of existing commitments and on-going works, as well as
the stipulated period of completion remaining, for each of the works so listed should be
counter signed by the Engineer-in-charge, not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or
The bidder shall have to submit an affidavit (Annexure 3) that all the information furnished
is correct in all respects.
Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be disqualified
if they have made misleading, incorrect or false representations in the forms, statements,
affidavits and attachments submitted in proof of the qualification requirements.
Note :- (i) Enclose certificates from Engineer (s) in charge (Not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent) for
value of work remaining to be completed, value of work done, anticipated date of completion.
(ii) Tenderer may attach certified copies of work order issued by Engineer in charge not below the rank of Executive
Signature of Contractor
Existing commitments and on going all classes of civil engineering construction works , by the
Prime Contractor
Note: (i) ** Enclose certificates from Engineer(s) in charge (Not below the rank of Executive
Engineer or equivalent) for value of work remaining to be completed, value of work done,
anticipated date of completion.
(ii) Tenderer may attach certified copies of work order issued by Engineer in charge not below
the rank of Executive Engineer.
(iii) Copy of acceptance letter (LOA).
'kiFk i=(Affidavit)
'kiFkdrkZ dk
gLrk{kj ,oa lhy
22. As per the guidelines issued by Government vide Letter no. F21-
5/T/19/2012/Tender Nava Raipur Dated 05-10-2019.
"Clause 1.13.2Incentive bonus and Clause 2.33 Escalation of Appendix 2.18 stands deleted
for all type of deposit works."
(In this document Pre-Contract Integrity Pact is added as Annexure P, as per the guidelines issued by Government
vide Letter no. 243/fo@fu@pkj@2013 u;kjk;iqj] fnukad 06 tqykbZ] 2013½
1. General
1.1 This pre bid-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made on ………the
day of the month of ………..20……………., between the Government Of Chhattisgarh,
acting through Shri……………………………….(Designation of the Officer, Department)
Government Of Chhattisgarh (hereinafter called the “BUYER” which expression shall mean
and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors in the office and assigns) and
the First Party, proposes to procure( name of the Store/ Equipment/ Work/ Service) and M/s
…………………………represented by Shri …………………………………………..Chief
Executive Officer (hereinafter called the “BIDDER/SELLER” which expression shall mean
and include, unless the context otherwise requires his successors an permitted assigns ) of the
Second Party, is willing to offer / has offered.
1.2 WHEREAS the BIDDER is a Private company/Public company/Government
undertaking/Partnership/Registered Export Agency, constituted in accordance with the relevant
law in the matter and the BUYER is a Ministry/Department of the Government, performing its
functions on behalf of Government Of Chhattisgarh
NOWTHEREFORE, the BUYER and the BIDDER agree to enter into this pre- contract
agreement, hereinafter referred to as Integrity Pact, to avoid all forms of corruption by following a
system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and
subsequent to the contract to be entered into with a view to:-
2.1 Enabling the BUYER to obtain the desired Stores/ Equipment/ Work/ Service at a competitive
price in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the
distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement, and
2.2 Enabling BIDDERs to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practices in order to
secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from
bribing any corrupt practices and the BUYER will commit to prevent corruption, in any form,
by its officials by following transparent procedures.
3.2 The BUYER will, during the pre-contract stage, treat BIDDERs alike, and will provide to
all BIDDERs the same information and will not provide any such information to any
particular BIDDER which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in
comparison to other BIDDERs.
3.3 All the officials of the BUYER will report to the appropriate Government office any
attempted or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial
suspicion of such a breach.
In case of any such preceding misconduct on the part of such official(s) is reported by the
BIDDER to the BUYER with the full and verifiable facts and the same is prima facie found
to be correct by the BUYER, necessary disciplinary proceedings, or any other action as
deemed fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the BUYER and such a
person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such a
case while an enquiry is being conducted by the BUYER the proceedings under the
contract would not be stalled.
The BIDDER commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices,
unfair means an illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or post-
contract stage in order to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular
commits itself to the following:
4. 1 The BIDDER will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift,
consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the BUYER, connected
directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or to any person, organization or third party
related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in bidding, evaluation, contracting
and implementation of the Contract.
4. 2 The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give,
directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or
immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any
official of the BUYERor otherwise in procuring the Contract of forbearing to do or having
done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the Contract or any other Contract
with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person
in relation to the Contract or any other Contract with the Government.
4. 3 The BIDDER further confirms and declares to the BUYER that the BIDDER is the
original Manufacturer/Integrator/Authorized government sponsored export entity of the
stores and has not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to
intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the BUYER or any of its functionaries,
whether officially or unofficially to the award of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any
amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, firm or company
in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation.
4. 4 The BIDDER, either while presenting the bid or during pre- contract negotiations or
before signing the contract, shall disclose any payment he has made, is committed to or
intends to make to officials of the BUYER or their family members, agents, brokers or any
other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon
for such payments.
4. 5 The BIDDER will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the
transparency, fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and
implementation of the contract.
4. 6 The BIDDER will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice,
unfair means and illegal activities.
4. 7 The BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or
pass on to others, any information provided by the BUYER as part of the business
relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including
information contained in any electronic data carrier. The BIDDER also undertakes to
exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.
4. 8 The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any
other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.
4. 9 The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of
the acts mentioned above.
5. 1 The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact, with any other company in any country in
respect of any corrupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise
in India or any Government Department in India that could justify BIDDER’s exclusion
from the tender process.
5. 2 If the BIDDER makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER can be disqualified
from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such
iii. Any other mode or through any other instrument (to be specified in the RFP).
6.2 The Earnest Money/Security Deposit shall be valid upto a period of five years or the
complete conclusion of the contractual obligations to complete satisfaction of both the
BIDDER and BUYER, including warranty period ,whichever is later.
6.3 In the case of successful BIDDER a clause would also be incorporated in the Article
pertaining to Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions
for Violation shall be applicable for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision
by the BUYER to forfeit the same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for
violation of this pact.
6.4 No interest shall be payable by the BUYER to the BIDDER on Earnest Money/Security
Deposit for the period of its currency.
(i) To immediately call off the pre-contract negotiations without assigning any reason or
giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other
BIDDER(s) would continue.
(ii) To forfeit either fully or partially the Earnest Money Deposit (in Pre- Contract stage)
and/or Security Deposit/Performance Bond (after the contract is signed), as decided by
the BUYER and the BUYER shall not be required to assign any reason therefore.
(iii) To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any
compensation to the BIDDER.
(iv) To recover all sums already paid by the BUYER, and in case of an Indian BIDDER
with interest thereon at 2% higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate, while in
case of a BIDDER from a country other than India with interest thereon at 2% higher
than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the BUYER
in connection with any other contract such outstanding payment could also be utilized
to recover the aforesaid sum and interest.
(v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond, if
furnished by the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by the
BUYER, along with interest.
(vi) To cancel all or any other Contracts with theBIDDER and the BIDDER shall be liable
to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the BUYER resulting from such
cancellation/ rescission and the BUYER shall be entitled to deduct the amount so
payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER.
(vii) To debar the BIDDER from participating in future Bidding processes of the
Government of Chhattisgarh for a minimum period of five years, which may be further
extended at the discretion of the BUYER.
(viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any middleman or
agent or broker with a view to securing the contract.
(ix) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any
contract signed by the BUYER with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened.
(x) If the BIDDER or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the
BIDDER, either directly or indirectly, is closely related to any of the officers of the
BUYER, or alternatively, if any close relative of an officer of the BUYER has financial
interest/stake in the BIDDER’s firm, the same shall be disclosed by the BIDDER at the
time of filing of tender. Any failure to disclose the interest involved shall entitle the
BUYER to rescind the contract without payment of any compensation to theBIDDER.
The term ‘close relative’ for this purpose would mean spouse whether
residing with the Government servant or not, but not include a spouse separated from
the Government servant by a decree or order of a competent court; son or daughter or
step son or step daughter and wholly dependent upon Government servant, but does not
include a child or step child who is no longer in any way dependent upon the
Government servant or of whose custody the Government servant has been deprived of
by or under any law; any other person related, whether by blood or marriage, to the
Government servant or to the Government servant’s wife or husband and wholly
dependent upon Government servant.
(xi) The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary
dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the BUYER, and
if he does so, the BUYER shall be entitled forthwith to rescind the contract and all
other contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay compensation for
any loss or damage to the BUYER resulting from such rescission and the BUYER shall
be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER.
7.2 The decision of the BUYER to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Pact has
been committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive on the BIDDER.
However, the BIDDER can approach the Monitor(s) appointed for the purposes of this
8. 1 The BIDDER undertakes that if has not supplied/is not supplying similar products/
systems or subsystems at a price lower than that offered in the present bid in respect of any
other Department of the Government of Chhattisgarh or PSU and if it is found at any stage
that similar products/ system or sub-system was supplied by the BIDDER to any other
Department of the Government of Chhattisgarh or a PSU at a lower price, then that very
price, with due allowances for elapsed time, will be applicable to the present case and the
difference in the cost would be refunded by the BIDDER to the BUYER, if the contract has
already been concluded.
9. 1 The BUYER will appoint Independent Monitors (hereinafter referred to as Monitors)
for this Pact.
9. 2 The task of the Monitors shall be to review independently and objectively, whether and
to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this Pact.
9. 3 The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties
and perform their functions neutrally and independently.
9. 4 Both the parties accept that the Monitors have the right to access all the documents
relating to the project/procurement, including minutes of meetings. The Monitor shall be
under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the
BIDDER/Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality.
9. 5 As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will
so inform the Authority designated by the BUYER.
9. 6 The Monitor will submit a written report to the designated Authority of
BUYER/Secretary in the Department/ within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or
intimation to him by the BUYER/BIDDER and, should the occasion arise, submit
proposals for correcting problematic situations.
In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of
commission, the BUYER or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents
including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary
information of the relevant documents and shall extend all possible help for the purpose of
such examination.
This Pact is subject to Indian Law, The place of performance and jurisdiction shall be the
seat of the BUYER.
The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action
that may follow in accordance with the provisions of the any other law in force relating to
any civil or criminal proceedings.
13. 1 The validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from date of its signing and extend up to 5
years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both theBUYER and
the BIDDER/Seller, whichever is later. In case BIDDER is unsuccessful, this integrity
Pact shall expire after six months from the date of the signing of the contract.
13. 2 If one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this Pact
shall remain valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intentions.
14. The Parties hereby sign this Integrity Pact at __________ on ______________ .