Class Xii Practical Work Lab Manual 8-9-24

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XII on

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Phy O R K
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
a). Purpose: To Determine Speed
b). Equipment Required: Measuring Tape
to Marked Track, 2 Stop Watches.
c). Procedure: An area of 50 m is marked
on a track. Two parallel lines are drawn
50m apart considering one as the starting
line. The subject takes the starting
position behind
the starting line. The starter commands
‘Ready’ and ‘Go’. The word Go is
accompanied by a downward sweep of
the starters arm as a signal to the timer.
Two subjects can run
at the same time if there are two
d). Scoring: The score is recorded in

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

2. 600 M RUN/WALK
a) Purpose: To Measure Endurance.
b) Equipment Required: 600 MTS Track
And Stopwatches.
c) Procedure: The subject takes the
position of standing right behind the
starting line at the
signal of ready and go the subject starts
running. During the course of running
he/she may walk also. Many students can
run at a same time.
d) Scoring: Time is recorded in minutes
and seconds.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

The sit-and-reach test was first propounded by Wells and
Dillon in 1952.
a) Purpose: To measure the flexibility of hip region
including the lower back and hamstring muscles.
b) Equipment Requirement: sit and reach box or a
makeshift ruler and a box may be used in which the zero
mark can be adjusted for each individual according to their
sitting reach level because there is a variation of lengths of
individual’s arms and legs.
c) Procedure:-first of all, Shoes should be removed. Then
sit down on the floor with legs stretched out straight
ahead. The soles of the feet should be kept flat against the
box. Both the knees should be locked and pressed flat to
the floor. An assistant may hold the knees down. Palm
should be facing downwards. Hand should be on top of the
each other or side by side. The individual, whose flexibility
is to be measured tries to extend his/her both hands
forward along the measuring line on the box as far as
he/she can extend.
d) Scoring: the score is recorded to the nearest centimeter
or half inches based on the distance reached by the
fingertips of both hands.
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
a) Purpose: To test the strength and endurance of
abdominal muscles.
b) Equipment’s required: A flat clean and cushioned
surfaced, recording sheet and pen.
c) Procedure: First of all, the complete test procedure is
explained to the subject. After that the subject lies in
supine on cushioned surface the knees should be flexed
and feet
should be 12 inches from the buttocks .Both the feet’s
should be slightly apart. Arms are extended and rested
on thighs. Head should be in neutral position. This is the
starting position. Then, the subject curls up with a slow
controlled movement, until his/her shouldered come off
the cushioned surface or mat two inches then back down
d) Scoring: Record the total no of partial curl ups. It
should not be counted if the shoulders are not raised up
by two inches.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

a) Purpose: To measure the upper body strength
and endurance.
b) Equipment required: A mat and paper to record
the basic information like age, gender and push-ups
c) Procedure: The subject is asked to take starting
positions, for modified push-ups hands and knees
should touch the mat/floor. Both hands should be
shoulder width apart and elbows fully extended. The
body from the knees, to the hips and to the
shoulders should be in a straight line. While
keeping this position, the subject should lower her
upper body, so that elbows may bend to 90 degree.
Then the subject returns back to the starting
d) Scoring: Count the total number of modified
push-ups for record.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

a) Purpose: To test or measure the upper body
strength and endurance.
a) Equipment Required: A floor mat and a paper to
record basic information such as age, gender and
total number of push-ups performed.
b) Procedure: After proper warming up, ask the
subject to take position. In a push up position
hands and toes should touch the mat/floor. Hands
should be shoulder width apart.
The upper body and legs should be in a straight
Elbows should be fully extended keeping the back
and knees straight, the subject lowers the upper
body so that elbows may bend to 90 degrees or
chest may touch the mat /floor, then returns back to
the starting position with the arms extended
c) Scoring: Count the total number of push-ups for

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

a) Purpose: To measure explosive strength/
power of legs.
a) Equipment required: A sandy long jump
pit and a measuring steel tape.
b) Procedure: A take-off line is marked on
the ground. Subject stands just behind the
takeoff line with the feet several inches
apart. The subject swings the arms and
bends the knees to take a jump in the long
jump pit.
c) Scoring: The measurement is noted in
feet and inches.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

9. 4 × 10 M SHUTTLE RUN
a) Purpose: To measure agility
b) Equipment required: Two wooden blocks,
marker cones, measuring tape, stopwatch and a
flat surface with two lines 10 m apart
c) Procedure: Mark two parallel lines 3 meters in
length, 10 meters apart using marking tape or
cones, considering one line as starting line. On
the signal ‘go’ the subject runs to the wooden
blocks, lifts one block, returns to the starting line
and places the block behind the line.
Then the subject returns to the second block,
lifts it and then runs across the starting line on
the way back.
d) Scoring: Record the best time to complete the
test in seconds.
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
Anyon on IOA recognise
Spor /Gam of choic .
Labelle diagra of el &
Equipmen . Als mentio it
Rule , Terminologie & Skill .
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
Basketball was invented in 1891 by Dr James Naismith, a Canadian of Scottish
descent at
Springfield College Massachusetts.
The college was the International YMCA Training School and the game was
invented to provide an indoor activity for trainee YMCA leaders.
When the game was first played, peach baskets were nailed up at each end of the
as “goals”, hence the origin of the name “basketball”.
The first set of rules was published and distributed through the YMCA movement
in 1892 and this resulted in the game spreading rapidly throughout Canada and the
1892 also saw the game played in England for the first time at Birkenhead YMCA
after the Club President was the game played whilst on a business trip to Canada.
In 1893 the game was introduced into the Physical Training College in Hampstead
(now Dartford College of PE) by Madame Berman Osterberg.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

Changes to the game to suit the girls led to the first rules of netball being published in
By In 1924 it was introduced as a demonstration sport at the Paris Olympic Games and
Great Britain won the title. 1927 saw Abe Saperstein a Londoner from the world famous
Harlem Globetrotters and in 1931 FIBA the International Basketball Federation was
with a Welshman as its first secretary.
The England Basketball Association was formed in 1936, 13 years before the NBA was
formed in America, and by 1957 the English Schools Basketball Association was formed.
By 1990 there were 117 member countries in FIBA making basketball the second largest
of all
the world’s governing bodies and also the world’s fastest growing and largest
It is also used widely as a community activity as anyone of any age or gender can
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
1. Numbers of teams = 2
2. Numbers of court players in team = 5
3. Number of substitutes in a team = 7
4. Total players = 12
5. Size of basketball court = 28X15m
6. Radius of centre circle = 1.80m
7. Breath of boundary lines = 5cm
8. Thickness of black board = 3cm
9. Height of lower edge of board from the floor = 2.90m
10. Circumference of the ball = 75cm to 78cm
11. Weight of ball = 600gm to 650gm
12. Duration of basketball game = Four duration of 10 minute each
13. Interval between two duration = [10-2-10-10-10-2-10]
14. Officials = 5(1-Referee, 1-Umpire, 1-scores, 1-Time keeper, 1-24
Second operator)

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
1) Now the length of the basketball court is15mX28m.
2) Now the leather ball is used in basketball competitions.
3) The last 2 minute play before the end of the game should be played in real sense
and not to pass the time.
4) Now three time-outs are provided during the game to each team but in first half
only two time-out will be given to each team.
5) The poles should be at least 2m away from the end line.
6) Now the throw can be given from the end line.
7) 30 seconds ruled has been changed to 24 seconds.
8) Now there are four periods of the game that is 10-10-10-10 minutes.
9) A rectangular shaped restricted area has been introduced.
10) The distance of three points line has been extended to 6.75m whereas, earlier it
was 6.25m.
11) No charge semi-circle have been introduce. The radium of the circles shall be
1.25m frame the point on the floor beneath the exact centre of the inner edge of the

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

1. Handling the ball
2. Passing
(a)Chest or push pass (b)Baseball pass (c)Underhand (d)Overhead pass
(e)Two handed bounce pass (f)Hock pass (g)Flip pass (h)Tip or valley pass
(i)Back pass
3. Pivoting
4. Dribble (a)High dribble (b) Low dribble
5. Shooting (a)Two hand shot (b)Hook shot (C) Lay up shot (d) Jump shot
6. Rebounding
7. Defens
8. Dodge (a)To doge with single (b)By speed (c)By escape
9. Free throw
10. Offensive strategy
(a)Faking (b)Screening (c)Triangular attack (d)Zonal attack
11. Defensive Attack
(a)Blocking (b)Tracking (c)Zonal Defense (d)Guarding (e)Man to man

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

In order to contribute to basketball conversations, you’ll need to learn the
language. Below is a list of the most common basketball terms and phrases
alongside their definitions.
1) Assist: A pass directly leading to a made basket.
2) Block: Touching a ball before it reaches the hoop, preventing a made
3) Center: Typically the tallest player on the court who plays closest to the
4) Crossover: Switching the ball from one hand to the other while dribbling.
5) Defense: The team without possession of the ball.
6) Dribbling: Bouncing the ball off the floor repeatedly without picking it up.
7) Field goal: When the ball goes through the hoop on any shot other than a
free throw, worth either two or three points.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

8) Forward: The 2nd tallest players on the floor after the Center.
9) Free throw: A shot awarded after a player is fouled, worth one
10) Guard: The smaller players on the court who handle the ball most
and play away from the basket.
11) Offense: The team in possession of the ball.
12) Pass: To throw the ball to one’s teammates.
13) Rebound: To gather the ball after a missed shot.
14) Shot: An attempt to throw the ball into the hoop.
15) Three-point-line: The semi-circle surrounding the key. Shots
made from beyond this line count for three points.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

Procedur for Asana , Benefit
& Contraindicatio for an
tw Asana for eac
Lifestyl Diseas

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi


By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
a) Procedure :
Sit down with your legs stretching straight in front of you. Keep your head,
neck and spine erect and stretch hands upwards with a deep breath. Now,
exhale and bend your head and trunk slowly forward to catch the toes with the
thumb. Try to touch head, chest and stomach to the legs and elbows to the
b) Benefits :
i. It improves digestive system and much blocked gas get released.
ii. Improves the respiratory system.
iii. Improve the alignment of the vertebral column.
iv. Helps as a therapy for diabetic patient, with weak lever and kidney.
v. Benefits women during menstrual disorder.
c) Contraindications :
i. Avoid of having slip disc problem.
ii. Someone who is suffering from hernia should avoid this pose.
iii. Pregnant women should avoid this pose.
iv. Person having Spondylitis should avoid this pose

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

a) Procedure:
Sit and keep both legs straight bending the knee of the
right feet and put right heel below the left hip. Bend left
leg and placed the left foot to the right side of the right
knee. Keep left knee closed to the chest. Exhale from the
right nostril and turns towards left and touch the toe of
the left leg from the right hand. Body and head moves
towards the left. Repeat while changing the position of
b) Benefits :
i. Help nervous system and strengthen the back bone,
ii. Stretching improves flexibility and tones the muscles.
iii. Controls menstrual cycle in women and brings shine
on face.
iv. Also controls secretion from pancreas gland.
v. Reduces fat and helps in controlling obesity.
vi. This pose flexes the lower part of the body making the
hip stronger and toned.
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi


By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
This asana gets its name because while doing this asana body
resembles a cow face pose. In English it is called the cow face pose.
a) Procedure: Sit in sukhasana or dandasana pose. Place the ankle of left leg near right but under the anus. Place the
right leg over the left leg so that knees should place over left knee. Sweep your left hand behind your back, facing palms upwards.
Sweep your right hand over the right shoulder, bend your elbow and place it behind your back. Now inter lock fingers of both hands
behind your back. Now stretch both hands in their respective directions. Look straight. Repeat with changing leg position.
b) Benefits :
i. Helps in curing Asthma, reduce weight makes body flexible and
ii. It helps to make spine strong and erect.
iii. Helps to make abdominal organ function well.
iv. It helps to circulate blood to the entire body.
c) Contraindications :
i. Person having stiff shoulder should avoid this.
ii. Any kind of hip problem or knee, hamstring and quadriceps should
be avoided.
iii. If one has to sciatica problem, one should avoid this pose.
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
High blood pressure is a condition in which the strength of blood against the
walls of the artery is very high.
All these factors can lead to high blood pressure. The main function of the heart
is to supply pure blood to the various parts of the body through different arteries
when the heart contract it pushes the blood through blood vessels and
consequently the blood pressure increase in arteries this pressure is known as
systolic blood pressure it is represented by the first number the pressure
between two heartbeats is called diastolic blood pressure it is represented by
bottom or second number these two number of blood pressure are measured in
mm/Hg. Unit means millimeter of mercury.
The normal blood pressure of an adult is considered 120/80mm/ Hg.
The person whose blood pressure readings are beyond 140/90 mm/Hg are said to
be having hypertension.

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi


By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi
By Deepak Rana Lovely Public sr. sec school east delhi

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