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The Effectiveness of Using AREL Technique

in Teaching Writing of Analytical Exposition Text
to the Eleventh Graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo
in the School Year of 2017/2018


Written By:
Dina Asfarina Atras




The Effectiveness of Using AREL Technique
in Teaching Writing of Analytical Exposition Text
to the Eleventh Graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo
in the School Year of 2017/2018

Dina Asfarina Atras

English Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training,
Tidar University

English is one of the languages which is regarded as an international language. In education,
english has four skills, one of which is writing. Writing is the way to express what the writer wants
to write and convey intended messages for the readers. The score of writing test of the eleventh
graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo still under the KKM. The KKM in that school is 67.
There are two main objectives in this research. The first is to know whether or not there is a
significance difference in writing of analytical exposition text before and after using AREL
technique. The second is to know whether or not the students have better motivation in writing of
analytical exposition text after using AREL technique.
The writer used mixed method procedure in this reaearch and took class XI IPS 1 consisting
of 20 students as the subject of this research. The writer carried out two steps in this research. In
pre-test the writer gave the students questionnaire for pre-test and dirrectly asked them to write
analytical exposition text. In post-test the writer explained about the use of AREL technique in
teaching writing of analytical exposition text, then asked them to write analytical exposition text by
using AREL technique, and gave them questionnaire for post-test.
The result of this research is suficiently great. The mean score in pre-test is 62.5 and the
mean score in post-test is 82.5. The difference of the mean score is significance that is 20. From the
data of questionnaire it can be seen that 85% from the students of XI IPS 1 have better motivation
to write analytical exposition text after using AREL technique.
Based on the above data, the writer concludes as follows: the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri
1 Candimulyo have a significance difference in writing of analytical exposition text before and after
the implementation of AREL technique and they have better motivation in writing of analytical
exposition text after the implementation of AREL technique. The writer also would like to give
suggestion to the english teachers and students to practice writing of analytical exposition text by
using AREL technique in order to get better result in teaching-learning activity.

Key words : Analytical Exposition Text, AREL Technique, Writing

The Effectiveness of Using AREL Technique
in Teaching Writing of Analytical Exposition Text
to the Eleventh Graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo
in the School Year of 2017/2018

Dina Asfarina Atras

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Tidar

Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang dianggap sebagai bahasa internasional. Di
bidang pendidikan, bahasa Inggris memiliki empat keterampilan, salah satunya adalah menulis.
Menulis adalah cara untuk mengekspresikan apa yang penulis ingin tulis dan menyampaikan pesan
yang dimaksudkan untuk para pembaca. Nilai tes menulis siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo
masih di bawah KKM. KKM di sekolah itu adalah 67.
Ada dua tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah untuk mengetahui apakah
ada perbedaan signifikan dalam penulisan teks eksposisi analitis sebelum dan sesudah
menggunakan teknik AREL. Yang kedua adalah untuk mengetahui apakah siswa memiliki motivasi
yang lebih baik dalam menulis teks eksposisi analitis setelah menggunakan teknik AREL.
Penulis menggunakan metode mixed method dalam penelitian ini dan mengambil subjek
penelitian ini adalah kelas XI IPS 1 yang terdiri dari 20 siswa. Penulis melakukan dua langkah
dalam penelitian ini. Dalam pre-test penulis memberikan angket siswa untuk pre-test dan secara
langsung meminta mereka untuk menulis teks eksposisi analitis. Dalam post-test, penulis
menjelaskan tentang penggunaan teknik AREL dalam pengajaran menulis teks eksposisi analitis,
kemudian meminta mereka untuk menulis teks eksposisi analitis dengan menggunakan teknik
AREL, dan memberi mereka kuesioner untuk post-test.
Hasil penelitian ini cukup bagus. Skor rata-rata dalam pre-test adalah 62,5 dan skor rata-
rata dalam post-test adalah 82,5. Perbedaan nilai rata-rata adalah signifikan yaitu 20. Dari data
kuesioner dapat dilihat bahwa 85% dari siswa XI IPS 1 memiliki motivasi yang lebih baik untuk
menulis teks eksposisi analitis setelah menggunakan teknik AREL.
Berdasarkan data di atas, penulis menyimpulkan sebagai berikut: siswa kelas XI SMA
Negeri 1 Candimulyo memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dalam penulisan teks eksposisi analitis
sebelum dan sesudah penerapan teknik AREL dan mereka memiliki motivasi yang lebih baik dalam
menulis teks eksposisi analitis setelah penerapan teknik AREL. Penulis juga ingin memberikan
saran kepada para guru bahasa Inggris dan siswa untuk berlatih menulis teks eksposisi analitis
dengan menggunakan teknik AREL untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dalam kegiatan

Kata kunci: Menulis, Teknik AREL, Teks Eksposisi Analitis

A. Background of Study
English is one of the languages in the world which is regarded as an
international language. It should be learnt by Indonesian students because
it is very important to almost every field. Students are expected to acquire
the four language skills in learning English, i.e. listening, speaking, reading,
and writing skills. Both of writing and speaking are also known as
language productions.
In the context of education, writing is very important since in most of
exams, whether they are testing foreign language abilities or other skills,
often rely on the students’ writing proficiency in order to measure their
knowledge. However, most of the students consider that writing is the
most difficult language skill to master among the other skills. The writer
could see this problem when she had her teaching training (PPL) in SMA N
1 Candimulyo and in that school is using curriculum 2013.
The students complained if they were asked to make writing about a
certain topic, even some of them refused to do it in by making reasons that
they would never be able to write. The biggest problem for the students
which causes them not being able to write are as follows. They do not
know what to write. They are afraid to make mistake in writing and even
though few of them know what to write. They do not know how to write.
They have limited vocabulary. The problem is even getting bigger for the
students when they are assigned to write Analytical Exposition which
contains about the issues which is usually controversial and needs logical
and critical thinking about it. Sometimes they have some ideas but they
are confused how to write it well in analytical exposition text.
In order to overcome this problem, the writer proposed AREL
technique to improve the students’ ability in writing analytical exposition
text. The writer chooses this technique because it stimulates the students
to think critically about an issue, so the result of their thinking can be used
as the starting idea to write. Besides, it provides the detail format which
will be able to lead the students to write their ideas.
In writing the ideas, they use some steps called as AREL which stands
for Assertion, Reasoning, Evidence, and Link back. AREL format can help
the students improve their writing ability because it directs the students
to focus on what should be written. The focus of using this technique is to
stimulate the students to think critically about an issue, so the result of
their thinking can be used as the starting idea to write. Besides, the detail
format will be able to lead the students to write their ideas.

B. Identification of Problems
Based on the background of the study, the writer identifies the
problem of writing analytical exposition text in SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo,
they are :
1. The students write analytical exposition incorrectly.
2. The students have limited vocabulary in writing english.
3. The students are afraid of making mistakes in writing.
4. The teacher uses of monotonous technique in teaching analytical
exposition text.
C. Limitation of the Problem
Referring to the identification of the above study, the writer wants to
limit the discussion in order to avoid the prejudice of the study. The
limitation of the problem is that the teacher uses of monotonous technique
in teaching analytical exposition. So, the writer focuses her research on the
AREL technique. The writer limits the discussion only on the effectiveness
of using AREL technique in teaching writing of analytical exposition text to
the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in school year of
D. Formulations of the Problem
Based on the identification and limitation of the problem, the writer
formulates the problem of the study as follows :
1. Is there any significant difference of the eleventh graders of SMA
Negeri 1 Candimulyo in 2017/2018 school year in writing analytical
exposition text before and after the implementation of AREL
2. Do the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in 2017/2018
school year have better motivation in writing skill of analytical
exposition text after the implementation of AREL technique?
E. Objective of the Study
Based on formulation of the above problem, the objectives of the
research are described as follows :
1. To know whether or not there is a significant difference of the
eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in 2017/2018 school
year in writing analytical exposition text before and after the
implementation of AREL technique.
2. To know whether or not the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1
Candimulyo in 2017/2018 school year have better motivation in
writing skill of analytical exposition text after the implementation of
AREL technique.
F. Significance of the Study
The final results of this study are expected to be useful for :
1. The writer, she expects that this study will be able to increase her
knowledge especially in writing analytical exposition by using AREL.
2. The teacher, the findings of the research can be an input and learning
information for teacher to teach writing arguments in a correct way to
the eleventh graders with material analytical exposition through AREL
technique. Beside that, it makes the teacher be more creative to teach
material analytical exposition through AREL technique.
3. The students, it helps students write argument easily through AREL
technique and provides students’ learning experience and make
students improve their courage and motivation. In addition, it makes
the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo apply the AREL
technique to increase their writing in analytical exposition text.
4. The readers, it becomes the reference to understand what the AREL
technique is, whether it is effective using AREL technique in teaching
writing of analytical exposition text.


A. Theoretical Background
1. Motivation
According to Ball (2012), Motivation can be defined as forces
acting either on or within a person to initiate behaviour. It’s what gets
you going. And in the context of this ebook: it’s what potentially makes
you truly enjoy your job.
2. Writing
According to Elbow in Brown (2001: 337), writing is a transaction
with words whereby you free yourself from what you presently think,
feel, and perceive. Writers are not only required to transmit a message
but also to grow and cook a message.
3. Benefits of Writing
McArthur, Graham, and Fitzgerald (2006) states that writing
might be beneficial to cognitive skills because it requires focusing of
attention, planning and forethought, organization of one’s thinking,
and reflective thought, among other abilities; thereby sharpening
these skills through practice and reinforcement. Readers interested in
learning more about how writing contributes to intellectual and
cognitive abilities are encouraged to read.
4. Aspects of Writing
In writing, there are several aspects which should be considered
by students in order to write well. Brown (2001: 15) proposes six
major aspects of writing that have to be required by a writer in
producing a written text namely content, organization, discourse,
syntax, vocabulary, and mechanics.
5. Genres of Writing
Brown (2004: 219) classifies three written language genres; they
are academic writing, job-related writing, and personal writing. The
genres of academic writing include papers, general reports, essays.
The genre of job-related writing is messages, while the genre of
personal writing is calender entries, shopping list, reminders, financial
6. Characteristics of Writing
According to Boardman (2008: 18-25) in Saragih, Silalahi, &
Pardede (2014: 57), there are three characteristics in writing a good
text or paragraph. The first one is coherence, second is cohesion, and
the last is unity.
7. Text
Zainurrahman (2011: 128). The text is systematic and has a
regular structure with elements that if there is a change in one
element then it will have a systemic impact. The text can be a word,
sentence, paragraph, or discourse, which has certain characteristics
that are conventionally accepted, and cognitively understood which
then characterizes the text itself is called texture (texture).
8. Analytical Exposition Text
Wahidi (2009) defines an analytical exposition as a text that
elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Therefore, through the text, a writer persuades the readers that the
writer’s idea is an important matter.
9. AREL Technique
Yusuf (2013), states that AREL is Assertion, Reasoning, Evidence,
and Link back. The first one is assertion, assertion is the main
sentence or topic sentence of the opinion we will present. The second
one is reasoning, reasoning is an explanation as to why that claim is
true. The ‘because’ of your statement or the reason why we issue
opinions in the main sentence. The Reasoning is elaboration of
assertion, here can answer “why” and “how” question.
The third one is evidence, evidence is give supporting facts to
strengthen the reasoning or proof the sentence which we put out.
Evidences are providing with examples or facts but sometimes it can
be “analogy”.
The last one is link back, link back is a conclusion of the entire
argument as to why it proves / negates the given motion or the
statement of the main sentence re-repeated and affirmed essentially.
Link back is the conclusion, and it also can be paraphrase or
summarizing or link back is conclusion which can be rewrite first
paragraph or the topic sentence.
10. Steps of AREL Technique
The first teacher should explain about analytical exposition text.
Second, teacher explain about what AREL technique is. Third, teacher
must connect between analytical exposition and AREL technique, in a
way explain that AREL is an abbreviation of assertion, reasoning,
evidence, and link back while the generic structure of analytical
exposition are thesis, arguments, and reiteration. While, the assertion
is simply can be called as the main statement of an argument or idea. It
is same with thesis. The reasoning is the same with arguments,
evidence is just as an amplifier of reasoning. The last is link back, link
back is the same with reiteration. Fourth, teacher explains if the
students write analytical with AREL technique can write analytical
exposition in sequence, according to the generic structure of analytical
exposition. vvvv
11. Advantages of AREL Technique
AREL gives the students to write argument with various types, it
means that the students can write assertion, reasoning, and evidence
or the students just write assetion, reasoning, and link back without
evidence. AREL makes the readers easy to read analytical exposition
text sequentially. AREL gives the details in every information that
given by the writer. AREL can help the students improve their writing
ability because it directs the students to focus on what should be
12. Disadvantage of AREL Technique
The students can write analytical exposition text minimal only
four sentences. One sentence shows the assertion, the other three
sentences show reasoning, evidence, and link back. So, one sentence
represents about one of the content of AREL.
13. AREL Technique to Write Analytical Exposition Text
Thesis are the sentences that contain the focus of the text and tell
the readers what the text is going to be about. While, arguments are
the opinion’s writer that support the topic sentence. In this part AREL
is very important cause nowadays in analytical exposition not teach
the way to write argument correctly. Whereas, in analytical arguments
are very important things. (Arguments must be backed up with
evidence and reasoning). Reiteration is the writer rewrite the topic
sentence that contain in first paragraph. Reiteration means
B. Conceptual Framework
Analytical exposition is text which includes the arguments that are
sustainable. Writing analytical exposition needs the technique, so that the
text can be more easy to read.
AREL is consist of assertion, reasoning, evidence, and link back. The
writer tries to use AREL in teaching analytical exposition to write
arguments correctly. Making an analytical exposition is to express a point
of view on a subject and writing analytical exposition text must be written
in a correct way. In fact, some of the students still have many mistakes in a
written it. Many students usually write analytical exposition without see
the way to write argument correctly.
Writing analytical exposition should be in correct way, because by
writing in correct way, the readers can catch the meaning of the analytical
exposition and to avoid misunderstanding.


A. Type of the Research
The type of this research is mixed method. According to Sugiyono
(2013:404) mixed method is a method that combines both qualitative
and quantitative approaches in terms of methodology (as in the data
collection phase), and mixed model studies incorporates two
approaches in all stages of the research process.
B. Subject of the Research
The subject of the research is the whole of class XI IPS 1 of SMA
Negeri 1 Candimulyo. The total number of the samples are 20
C. Data Collection Technique
The technique of collecting is the way to collect data as objective
as possible. It is regarded as an important step in scientific method.
The instrument that is used to collect the data in this research are
documentation, writing test, and questionnaire motivation.
D. Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis method used in this research is comparative
analysis. So, the writer knows whether or not there is a significant
difference in the result of the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1
Candimulyo in 2017/2018 school year in writing skill of analytical
exposition text before and after the implementation of AREL
technique and to know whether or not the eleventh graders of SMA
Negeri 1 Candimulyo in 2017/2018 school year have better
motivation in writing skill of analytical exposition text after the
implementation of AREL technique. The writer uses the formulation
below to find the value of t-test.
𝑥̅ − 𝜇𝑜
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 =
Where :
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 = the t value
𝑥̅ = the average of sample
𝜇𝑜 = the parameter values
𝑠 = the standard deviation sample
𝑛 = the number of sample
If the result shows that t is less than or equal with t-table, the
hypotheses stated that the ability level of the whole students of XI IPS
1 is accepted. The writer also uses the same procedure to know
whether there is significant difference of the eleventh graders of SMA
Negeri 1 Candimulyo in 2017/2018 school year in writing skill of
analytical exposition text before and after the implementation of AREL
From the qualitative data which form the questionnaire, the
writer uses 5% (Ho) the result is accepted if the result of t-test is
higher than the figure shown on t-table. However, if the result of t-test
is more r equal with the figure on the questionnaire after using AREL
technique, Ho is refused and Ha is accepted.


1. The Results of Analytical Exposition Text in Teaching Writing Before
and After Using AREL technique
The writer analyzed the score of pre-test and post-test to find out the
different results of pre-test and post-test between before and after the
implementation of AREL technique in teaching writing of analytical
exposition text to the students. Besides, the writer also analyzed the data
of questionnaire to find out the effectiveness of AREL technique in
improving the motivation of the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1
Candimulyo in writing skill of analytical exposition text before and after
the implementation of AREL technique. In pre-test the mean score of class
XI IPS 1 is 62.5 while the mean score in post-test is 82.5. It can be seen in
table below.
Pre-Test Post-Test
Score Quantity Score Quantity
1 95 0 95 4
2 90 0 90 5
3 85 0 85 2
4 80 2 80 4
5 75 2 70 3
6 70 1 60 2
7 65 1 - -
8 60 7 - -
9 55 7 - -

AREL technique can help the students increase their score in writing
analytical exposition text, they can more easy to write analytical
exposition, they can more have creatifity to write analytical exposition by
themselves, and they can give details in every information in analytical
exposition text which they make. The writer uses the formulation below to
find the value of t-test.

𝑥̅ − 𝜇𝑜
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 =
Where :
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 = the t value
𝑥̅ = the average of sample
𝜇𝑜 = the parameter values
𝑠 = the standard deviation sample
𝑛 = the number of sample

The calculation of thit in pre-test.

𝑥̅ − 𝜇𝑜
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 =
62,5 − 80
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 =
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 =
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 =
𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑡 = −4,14
The value of significance (𝛼) = 0,01
d𝑓 = N – 1
d𝑓 = 20 – 1 = 19
thit < ttab = tidak berbeda secara signifikansi (H0 diterima)

It means that there is no significant influence between one

independent variable to the dependent variable. Because the writer has
not given treatment to the students so there is no significance difference in
the results of pre-test.
While, the result in post-test the writer uses the formulation below :
̅ )2
Variance (s2) = 𝑛−1 ∑𝑛𝑖−1((𝑥𝑗 − 𝑥𝑖) − 𝐷
= 19 (3050)
= 160,52

s = √𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
= √160,52
= 12,66
thit(post-test) = 𝑆𝐷
thit(post-test) = 12,66
thit(post-test) = 0,35
Because thit(post-test) (0.35) > to (-4.14) is concluded to reject Ho, it
means that the difference between the mean before and after using AREL
technique is significance. There is difference of student’s result which is
significant between before and after using AREL technique. It can be said
there is the effectiveness of using AREL technique in teaching analytical
exposition text to the class XI IPS 1 of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in the
school year of 2017/2018.
2. The Questionnaire Motivation Results of Analytical Exposition Text
in Teaching Writing Before and After Using AREL technique
The result from questionnaire before using AREL technique showed
that many students had difficulties to write analytical exposition text,
many students from the XI IPS 1 showed that they did not understand
analytical exposition well, they did not know how to write analytical
exposition correctly. The students felt their teacher taught with
monotonous learning and the students had low motivation to write
analytical exposition text. So, the students did not completely understand
of analytical exposition text well.
The content of the pre-test questionnaire is about the students
motivation in writing analytical exposition text. The class that have chosen
by the writer is XI IPS 1. The total students of XI IPS 1 is 20 students. They
have filled out the questionnaire that consist of ten questions.
Whereas, the result of the questionnaire after using AREL shows that
AREL technique can help the students write analytical exposition text
easily, it proven from the questionnaire that have filled by the students.
The students show by using AREL technique, they can write analytical
exposition text well, 85% from class XI IPS 1 have better motivation to
write analytical exposition text after using AREL technique.
Based on the result above, there is a significance difference of
student’s result between before and after using AREL technique. It can be
said there is the effectiveness of AREL technique to teach analytical
exposition text for class XI IPS 1 of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in the school
year of 2017/2018.aaaaa


A. Conclusion
1. Because thit(post-test) (0.35) > to (-4.14) is concluded to reject Ho. It
means that the difference between the mean before and after using AREL
technique is significance. There is difference of student’s result which is
significant between before and after using AREL technique. It can be said
there is the effectiveness of using AREL technique in teaching analytical
exposition text to the class XI IPS 1 of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo in the
school year of 2017/2018.
2. The result of the data analysis is that the mean score difference of pre-
test and post-test. The mean of score of post-test is higher than the mean
of scores of pre-test. The mean of scores of post test is 82.5, while the
mean of mean of scores of pre-test is 62.5. The mean difference between
them is 20. It proves that AREL technique is effective to be applied in
teaching writing of analytical exposition text.
3. Another result is from questionnaire before using AREL technique shows
that many students have difficulties to write analytical exposition text,
many students from the XI IPS 1 show that they do not understand
analytical exposition well, they do not know how to write analytical
exposition correctly and they feel their teacher teaches with monotonous
learninng. So from that, the students do not completely understand of
analytical exposition text well.
4. Whereas, the result of the questionnaire after using AREL shows that
AREL technique can help the students write analytical exposition text
easily, it is proven from the questionnaire that have filled by the
students. The students show by using AREL technique, they can write
analytical exposition text well, they can improve their writing skill, and
they have high motivation to write analytical expsition text after using
AREL technique.
5. So, from the results above the writer concludes that the implementation
of AREL technique can improve the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1
Candimulyo in the school year of 2017/2018 in writing skill of analytical
exposition text and AREL technique and can make the students have
better motivation to write analytical exposition text.
B. Suggestionvvvvv
By the end of this research, the writer would like to give suggestion for:
1. English Teachers
Teaching writing of analytical exposition text is not easy. The results of
this study indicate that AREL technique is effective to be applied in
teaching writing analytical exposition text. In this case, teachers can use
AREL technique in teaching analytical exposition text writing because
AREL technique have a positive effect in facilitating students to write
analytical exposition text so that students can understand analytical
exposition text well, even they can also make analytical exposition text
2. Other Writers
The writer hopes that the findings of this study will be used as the
starting point of future research studies on similar topics. There are
many other teaching media that can be studied for the effectiveness of
teaching media so that it can be applied in teaching writing analytical
exposition text as well understand the text of analytical exposition and
develop students' writing skills.

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