FS2 - Worksheet 1
FS2 - Worksheet 1
FS2 - Worksheet 1
My Learning Activities
Introduction : (Write short introduction about the learning episode you observed,
e.g. This learning activity includes observation, analysis and reflection that are
focused to the Principles of Learning applied by the resource teacher. It also cited
the learning experiences and teaching practices during observation that may
Learning is an active
Learning is the
discovery of personal
meaning and relevance
of ideas.
Learning is a
cooperative and
collaborative process.
Learning is enhanced in
an atmosphere of
cooperation and
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Republic of the Philippines
Sorsogon State University
College of Agriculture
Castilla Campus
Mayon, Castilla, Sorsogon
Tel. No.; 056 211-0103; Email Address: castilla.campus@sorsu.edu.ph
1.Which principle/s of learning was/were most applied?
2.Which principle of learning was least applied? Why was/were the principles not
very much applied? Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been
5.Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they
are not always correct?
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Republic of the Philippines
Sorsogon State University
College of Agriculture
Castilla Campus
Mayon, Castilla, Sorsogon
Tel. No.; 056 211-0103; Email Address: castilla.campus@sorsu.edu.ph
(Reflections and lessons learned from your resource teacher’s/s application/non-
application of the Principles of Learning, feel free to write your reflections outside
the given questions).
Among those practices that I observed, which practices will I adopt and
which ones will I improve on? What lessons did I learn?
Lesson learned
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Republic of the Philippines
Sorsogon State University
College of Agriculture
Castilla Campus
Mayon, Castilla, Sorsogon
Tel. No.; 056 211-0103; Email Address: castilla.campus@sorsu.edu.ph
(Photo documentations should include captions on what specific activities done
during observation. Further, captions must contain the description of the image.
When, where and what event it was generated may be included if necessary.)
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