June 2018 MS - Paper 1 Edexcel Physics AS-level

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2018

Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE

In Physics (8PH0)
Paper 01Core Physics I

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Summer 2018
Publications Code 8PH0_01_1806_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2018

General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark
the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised
for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to
their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme
should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the
answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared
to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit
according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the
principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark
scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.
 Mark schemes will indicate within the table where, and which strands
of QWC, are being assessed. The strands are as follows:

i) ensure that text is legible and that spelling, punctuation and

grammar are accurate so that meaning is clear
ii) select and use a form and style of writing appropriate to purpose
and to complex subject matter
iii) organise information clearly and coherently, using specialist
vocabulary when appropriate

Mark scheme notes

Underlying principle
The mark scheme will clearly indicate the concept that is being rewarded, backed
up by examples. It is not a set of model answers.

1. Mark scheme format

1.1 You will not see ‘wtte’ (words to that effect). Alternative correct
wording should be credited in every answer unless the MS has
specified specific words that must be present. Such words will
be indicated by underlining e.g. ‘resonance’
1.2 Bold lower case will be used for emphasis e.g. ‘and’ when two pieces of
information are needed for 1 mark.
1.3 Round brackets ( ) indicate words that are not essential e.g. “(hence)
distance is increased”.
1.4 Square brackets [ ] indicate advice to examiners or examples e.g. [Do
not accept gravity] [ecf].

2. Unit error penalties

2.1 A separate mark is not usually given for a unit but a missing or
incorrect unit will normally mean that the final calculation mark
will not be awarded.
2.2 This does not apply in ‘show that’ questions or in any other question
where the units to be used have been given, for example in a
2.3 The mark will not be awarded for the same missing or incorrect unit
only once within one clip in epen.
2.4 Occasionally, it may be decided not to insist on a unit e.g the candidate
may be calculating the gradient of a graph, resulting in a unit
that is not one that should be known and is complex.
2.5 The mark scheme will indicate if no unit error is to be applied by means of
[no ue].

3. Significant figures
3.1 Use of too many significant figures in the theory questions will not be
prevent a mark being awarded if the answer given rounds to
the answer in the MS.
3.2 Too few significant figures will mean that the final mark cannot be
awarded in ‘show that’ questions where one more significant
figure than the value in the question is needed for the
candidate to demonstrate the validity of the given answer.
3.3 The use of one significant figure might be inappropriate in the context
of the question e.g. reading a value off a graph. If this is the
case, there will be a clear indication in the MS.
3.4 The use of g = 10 m s-2 or 10 N kg-1 instead of 9.81 m s-2 or 9.81 N kg-
will mean that one mark will not be awarded. (but not more
than once per clip). Accept 9.8 m s-2 or 9.8 N kg-1
3.5 In questions assessing practical skills, a specific number of significant
figures will be required e.g. determining a constant from the

gradient of a graph or in uncertainty calculations. The MS will

clearly identify the number of significant figures required.

4. Calculations
4.1 Bald (i.e. no working shown) correct answers score full marks unless in a
‘show that’ question.
4.2 If a ‘show that’ question is worth 2 marks. then both marks will be available
for a reverse working; if it is worth 3 marks then only 2 will be
4.3 use of the formula means that the candidate demonstrates substitution of
physically correct values, although there may be conversion
errors e.g. power of 10 error.
4.4 recall of the correct formula will be awarded when the formula is seen or
implied by substitution.
4.5 The mark scheme will show a correctly worked answer for illustration only.

5. Quality of Written Communication

5.1 Indicated by QoWC in mark scheme. QWC – Work must be clear and
organised in a logical manner using technical wording where appropriate.
5.2 Usually it is part of a max mark, the final mark not being awarded unless
the QoWC condition has been satisfied.

6. Graphs
6.1 A mark given for axes requires both axes to be labelled with quantities
and units, and drawn the correct way round.
6.2 Sometimes a separate mark will be given for units or for each axis if the
units are complex. This will be indicated on the mark scheme.
6.3 A mark given for choosing a scale requires that the chosen scale allows all
points to be plotted, spreads plotted points over more than half of each
axis and is not an awkward scale e.g. multiples of 3, 7 etc.
6.4 Points should be plotted to within 1 mm.
 Check the two points furthest from the best line. If both OK award
 If either is 2 mm out do not award mark.
 If both are 1 mm out do not award mark.
 If either is 1 mm out then check another two and award mark if both
of these OK, otherwise no mark.
For a line mark there must be a thin continuous line which is the
best-fit line for the candidate’s results.

Answer Mark
1 D power kg m2 s−3 1
Incorrect Answers:
A – Coulombs is not an SI base unit
B – Incorrect, as the unit for charge in SI base units is A s
C – J s1 is not in SI base units
2 1

Incorrect Answers:
A – this is the trajectory for a ball kicked at an angle greater than , at a greater speed
C – this is the trajectory for a ball kicked at an angle greater than , at a greater speed
D – this is the trajectory for a ball kicked at an angle lower than , at a lower speed
3 A amplitude of the vibrations of the lattice ions 1
Incorrect Answers:
B – the distance travelled by charge carriers between collisions will decrease if the temperature increases
C – the drift velocity of conduction electrons will decrease if the temperature increases
D – the number of conduction electrons per unit volume will remain constant if the temperature increases
4 B filament bulb 1
Incorrect Answers:
A – this is not the graph for a diode
C – this is not the graph for an ohmic resistor
D – this is not the graph for a thermistor
5 C ± 0.1 % 1
Incorrect Answers:
A – the calculation has not been multiplied by 100 to give the % uncertainty i.e. = 0.001
B – the uncertainty in mm has not been converted to cm and the calculation has not been multiplied by 100 i.e. = 0.01
D – the uncertainty in mm has not been converted to cm i.e. 100 = 1

6 C 190 kJ 1
Incorrect Answers:
A – The velocity was not squared when using the formula Ek = ½ mv2 e.g. ½ (1.2  103)(18) = 11 kJ
B – The velocity was not squared and the ½ was omitted when using the formula Ek = ½ mv2 e.g. (1.2  103)(18) = 22 kJ
D – The ½ was omitted when using the formula Ek = ½ mv2 e.g. (1.2  103)(18)2 = 390 kJ
7 A 1

Incorrect Answers:
B – the ammeter would measure the current in the cell, but the voltmeter would not be measuring the p.d. across the cell
C – the voltmeter would measure the p.d. across the cell but the ammeter would not be measuring the current in the cell
D – the voltmeter would measure the p.d. across the cell but the ammeter would not be measuring the current in the cell
8 C 42 m 1
Incorrect Answers:
A – 141 m is ¾ of the internal circumference of the track (¾  2    30 = 141 m)
B – 141 m is ¼ of the internal circumference of the track (¼  2    30 = 47 m)
D – 30 m (the radius) is the displacement travelled in one direction (downwards from the start position)
(Total for Multiple Choice Questions = 8 marks)

Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
Example of calculation
 A statement applying the conservation of energy to (1)
ε = V1 + V2 +V 3
the circuit
 Use of Ohm’s law for each term /individual pd leading ε = IRT = IR1 + IR2 + IR3
to the cancelling of currents in the equation (1)
RT = R1 + R2 + R3
 RT = R1 + R2 + R3 3

9(b) Either
 Use of equation(s) to determine the total resistance of the Example of calculation
voltmeter and 40 Ω resistor in parallel (34.3 Ω)
i.e. potential divider formula or Ohm’s law
6 V = 1.8 V
 Use of
(1) R = 34.29 Ω
 Rv = 240 (Ω) (1) 1 1 1
34.29 Ω 40 Ω 3
 Use of Ohm’s law to determine the current through RV = 240.2 Ω
voltmeter (0.0075 A)
i.e. current in 40 Ω resistor calculated (0.045 Ω) and
subtracted from current in 80 Ω resistor (0.0525 Ω) (1)

 Use of Ohm’s law with 1.8 V to calculate the resistance of

the voltmeter (1)

 Rv = 240 (Ω) (1)

(Total for Question 9 = 6 marks)


Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
 Weight of the picture is equal to the vertical component of MP1: may be implied in an equation, accept mg = Tcosθ
tension (1)

 mg/2 = Tcosθ MP1/2: mg/2 = Tcosθ with θ defined scores 2 marks

where θ is the angle between the wire and the vertical (1)
MP2/3: the angle used must be defined in words or on the
 As the angle (to the vertical) is the smaller in arrangement 1, diagram. Answer can be in terms of sin θ if θ defined as
the cosine of the angle will be larger (1) the angle between the wire and the horizontal

e.g.MP2: mg = 2Tsinθ
MP3: angle larger in 1 so sine of angle is larger
 Arrangement 1 as the tension in the wire is lower than in (1) 4
arrangement 2 MP4 conditional MP2 or MP3

 The weight does not act through the nail/pivot Accept centre of mass for centre of gravity
Or the centre of gravity is not in line/below the nail/pivot
Or there is a perpendicular distance between the weight (Allow annotations to a diagram with additional
and the nail/pivot explanation for MP1/3)
 There is now a moment of the weight
Or the anticlockwise moment is greater than the clockwise
moment (1)

 The idea that the picture stops moving when the c of g is MP3 Accept: the turning moment being 0 Or the
below the nail (1) clockwise moments equal to the anti-clockwise moments 3

(Total for Question 10 = 7 marks)


Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
11(a)  Use of v = s/t for the horizontal motion Example of calculation
Or see uh = 25 m s−1 (1)
horizontal motion:
 Use of s = ut + ½ at2 with s = 0 uh = = 25 m s−1
Or v = u + at with t = 1.0 s .
Or see uv = 9.81 m s−1
vertical motion:
 Combining of horizontal velocity and vertical velocity (1)
0 = (uv) (2.0 s) + ½(− 9.81 m s2)(2.0 s)2
. (1) uv = 9.81 m s−1
Or see tanθ =
 θ = 21° tanθ = = 4

θ = 21.4°
11(b)  Construction of vector diagram with 2 N/weight and 9N / (1)
catapult force labelled and all three directions shown 2.0 N
(1) 9.0 N
 Correct scaling of 9 N and 2 N forces
 Magnitude = 7.6 N to 8.0 N
MP2: Award if MP3 awarded. Otherwise, the ratio of the
 Direction = 27° to 31° 4
lengths should lie between 4.3 and 4.8

(if no diagram, only MP3/4 can be awarded if answers

obtained by calculation)
(Total for Question 11 = 8 marks

Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
12(a)  Use of p = mv (1) MP1: see 0.3 m, 0.7 m or 2mv

 Use of principle of conservation of momentum (1)

 Magnitude of velocity = 0.2 m s−1 with direction to the MP3: accept ‘in the initial direction of glider 2’ for
left (1) ‘to the left’ 3

Example of calculation
(taking the initial direction of glider 1 as positive)

0.3 m – 0.7 m = 2mv

v = − 0.2 m s−1

12(b)  Glider 1 exerts this force on glider 2, so according to N3 (1)

 Glider 2 will exert an (equal and) opposite force on

glider 1 (1)

 There is now a resultant force on glider 1 (1)

 Glider 1 accelerates according to N1

Or glider 1 now moves to the left according to N1 (1)

(Total for Question 12 = 7 marks)


Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
13(a)  The (voltmeter) reading will increase (1)

 Resistance increases (with length) Or resistance  length (1) MP2: accept idea of a potential divider i.e. the ratio of the 2
of BC to the total length AD will be greater, so the

proportion of the total voltage will be greater ( V)

MP2: Do not award if there is also a reference to

resistivity increasing

13(b)  Use of V = IR (1) Example of calculation

(1) Rmin = = 189.5 Ω
 Use of R = ρl/A .
Rmax = = 842.1 Ω
 (Min) resistivity = 160 (Ω m)
.  .
Or (max) resistivity = 730 (Ω m) (1) ρmin= = = 164.2 Ω m
.  .
 Compacted clay pathways and limestone are present in ρmax= = = 729.8 Ω m
the soil (1) 4
conclusion to be consistent with calculated values
(Total for Question 13 = 6 marks)

Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark

14(a)  Attempt to find area under the graph (1) MP1: use of triangles or counting squares

 Length from 18 000 m to 20 000 m (1)

 Comparison of calculated value to 23 km (1) MP3: conclusion to be consistent with calculated value 3

e.g. The length is long enough Example of calculation

Area under the graph (counting large squares)

= 18.7 × 100 m s1 × 10 s = 18 700 m

14 (b)(i)
 26 - 28 s (1) Unit required 1

14(b)(ii)  Use of gradient of the graph between 28 and 46 s (1) Example of calculation

 Acceleration = 16 - 17 m s−2 (1) Gradient of tangent =

Acceleration = 16.3 m s−2 2

14(b)(iii)  Use of ΣF = ma using a from (ii) (1) Example of calculation

(89 + 120) × 103 N - F = 7790 kg × 16.3 m s−2
 ΣF = (89 + 120) × 103 N − frictional force (1)
F = 82.0 × 103 N
 Frictional force = 80 kN to 84 kN (full ecf for acceleration) (1) 3

*14(c) This question assesses a student’s ability to show a coherent and logically The following table shows how the marks
structured answer with linkages and fully-sustained reasoning. should be awarded for structure and lines of
Marks are awarded for indicative content and for how the answer is
structured and shows lines of reasoning.
Number of
The following table shows how the marks should be awarded for indicative
awarded for
structure of
Number of indicative marking Number of marks awarded for answer and
points seen in answer indicative marking points sustained
6 4 line of
5-4 3 reasoning
3-2 2 Answer shows a coherent
1 1 and logical structure with
linkages and fully
0 0 2
sustained lines of
Indicative content
reasoning demonstrated
 At greater speed, the drag force is greater throughout
Answer is partially
 Resultant force decreases Or acceleration decreases structured with some
 When the rocket is started the (resultant) force/thrust increases linkages and lines of
 The mass/weight of the car decreases as fuel is used up Answer has no linkages
 Increasing the acceleration (for a given applied force) between points and is 0
 When the brakes are applied, there is a deceleration
Or when the brakes are applied the resultant force is in the opposite
Or deceleration (due to drag forces) decreases due to smaller drag
forces acting on the car at lower speeds
(Total for Question 14 = 15 marks)

Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
 No repeats Do not credit:
Or range too small more readings should be taken
Or readings should be repeated (and mean calculated) references to the number of decimal places
Or separations less than 0.50 m should be used
Or separations greater than 1.00 m should be used
Or distances should be recorded to the nearest mm
Or smaller intervals (for the separation) should be used (1) 1

 Axes labelled with quantities and units (1) Microphone
separation / m
 Suitable scale (1) 1.0
 Correct plotting
(1) 0.8
 Line of best fit 0.6
(1) 4
Microphone separation/ m Time interval / ms
1.00 3.2 Time interval / ms
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
0.90 2.8
0.80 2.4 Graph may be landscape and axes either way round
0.70 2.1
0.60 1.9 MP2: Suitable scale – plotted points take up at least half the graph
0.50 1.5 paper in both directions

MP1: only award for a y/x calculation if the graph passes

15(b)(ii)  Use of gradient through the origin
Or use of 1/gradient (if axes swapped) (1)
Example of calculation
 Speed of sound = 280 - 310 m s−1 (1)
. . 2
Speed of sound = = 307 m s−1
. .
15(c)  Value obtained is lower than accepted value (1) MP1: accept answer consistent with calculated value but do not
accept different for greater/lower
Max 2
 Measured times are too small (1)
 Large percentage uncertainty for time (1) Ignore references to temperature
 Parallax when reading from the metre rule (1)
 The distance not measured to same position on
each microphone (1) 3
(Total for Question 15 = 10 marks)

Acceptable answers Additional guidance Mark
16(a)(i) Accept:
 Oscillations/vibrations (of the light) are in one plane only (1)
 Oscillations/vibrations (of the light) are in one
 Plane includes the direction of energy transfer direction only
Or Plane includes the direction of travel/propagation (1) 2
 perpendicular to the direction of propagation/travel
Or perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer
Allow labelled diagrams for each marking point
 The (angle of polarisation of the) filters are 90° to one another (1)
 If plane of polarisation of light is rotated (by 90°) when it MP2: it must be clear as to whether the candidate is
passes through the crystal (with no p.d. across it), it can describing a light screen or a dark screen
still pass through the upper filter (1)

 If plane of polarisation of light is not rotated (by 90°) when
it passes through the crystal (with a p.d. across it), it cannot
pass through the upper filter
(1) 2

16(b)(i) Example of calculation

 Use of I = P/A (1) P = 7.8 W m−2 × 1.8 × 10−3 m2
P = 0.014 W 2
 P = 0.014 W (1)
 Use of P = VI (1) Example of calculation
Power input into LED = 3.6 V × 20 × 10−3 A = 0.072 W
 Use of efficiency = (1) Efficiency =
= 0.194
 Efficiency = 0.19 or 0.20 or 19 % or 20 % ecf from (b)(i) for the power output of LED
(1) 3

 X is brittle at greater stresses/forces (1)

 Y will deform plastically at greater stresses/forces


 The Young modulus for X is greater than Y (1) Accept converse for MP3 and MP4

 A screen made from material Y would be more suitable as

(1) MP4: accept less stiff for flexible.
it is more flexible
(Total for Question 16 = 13 marks)

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