1 s2.0 S0160791X23001264 Main
1 s2.0 S0160791X23001264 Main
1 s2.0 S0160791X23001264 Main
Technology in Society
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/techsoc
Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI) innovation in healthcare has emerged as an increasingly significant area of research.
Artificial intelligence AI, digital data collection, and computer infrastructure advancements have empowered humans to address
Innovation complex healthcare challenges. This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) of peer-reviewed journal
articles at the intersection of AI, innovation, and healthcare to offer research directions for scholars and leaders
Systematic review
in healthcare management. To achieve this, the systematic review identified and analyzed 378 published studies
on AI innovation in healthcare. Evaluating these publications based on inclusion and exclusion criteria yielded
75 studies ultimately selected for comprehensive analysis. This research adds to the scope of previous in
vestigations by aiming to 1) emphasize the most crucial AI-based healthcare applications, 2) explore challenges
associated with AI integration in healthcare, and 3) examine student adoption and incorporation of AI into
existing healthcare curricula. We also conducted an exploratory study of over 2700 AI-enabled healthcare
startups worldwide to supplement our literature review. The SLR reveals several gaps within the research scope
and proposes corresponding future research directions. These future research directions will assist researchers
and enable healthcare professionals to develop legislation that accelerates the adoption of AI solutions in
healthcare, ultimately enhancing public access to efficient and effective healthcare services.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ahmed.zahlan@um6p.ma (A. Zahlan), ravi.ranjan@um6p.ma (R.P. Ranjan), david.hayes@um6p.ma (D. Hayes).
Received 24 April 2023; Received in revised form 4 July 2023; Accepted 4 July 2023
Available online 5 July 2023
0160-791X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
barriers to enhancing the field’s quality [22]. • A better understanding of AI innovation in healthcare research
Researchers envision the future of AI in healthcare according to three findings: We present the most common themes associated with the
possibilities [18]. The first possibility foresees no need for doctors: AI topic, including the use of AI in healthcare studies, the adoption of AI
will diagnose all patients. The primary reason for this position is in healthcare by different stakeholders, and the challenges facing the
centered on cost savings but with comparable patient outcomes. A sec inclusion of AI in healthcare, including privacy, ethics, and trust.
ond possibility is that more patients can be analyzed with AI, with These findings address our first and second research questions.
doctors examining fewer patient cases, thus reducing the number of • The ecosystem factors for AI healthcare startups: We attempt to
people treated by doctors and decreasing healthcare system spending answer the third research question by augmenting our SLR findings
[23]. A final possibility is that AI will aid clinicians by helping doctors with an analysis of more than two thousand global AI healthcare
make better clinical choices, improving patient outcomes and cost startups, demonstrating the limited availability of external financing
efficiencies. and unequal geographical distribution of AI healthcare companies.
In this paper, we present the current research concerning a) the state The findings from this study lead us to present a future research
of AI innovation in healthcare, b) its adoption, c) the development and avenue of exploring the factors that impact the development and
growth of AI-based healthcare startups globally, and d) future research sustainability of AI innovation healthcare startups.
directions for AI-healthcare researchers and leaders and delve into the • Future directions for healthcare leaders and researchers: We outline
implications of our findings for global public health. By connecting the promises of the field and potential research questions from three
research with real-world applications, we aim to highlight the value of different perspectives. First, we aim to present future avenues for
our paper for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and industry researchers to contribute to the theoretical knowledge regarding AI
stakeholders. healthcare. Second, we detail opportunities for healthcare leaders,
investors, and stakeholders to act in integrating AI to improve effi
1.2. Research questions ciencies and costs. Third, to our knowledge, no existing studies have
established a connection between the growth of AI healthcare
Due to the rapid development and constant evolution of AI tech startups and the limited research available on these ventures. This
nologies [24], we aim to research the tools and trends used in AI in research adds insights into the issue and provides research directions
healthcare by examining the latest trends and algorithms applied in this for future investigations.
field, and we provide an updated and comprehensive understanding of
the state-of-the-art methods employed in AI-driven healthcare solutions. Overall, we hope the review assists stakeholders such as medical
This research is crucial for various stakeholders, including researchers, schools, clinics, engineers, and governments in designing a plan for
healthcare professionals, and policymakers, as it offers valuable insights enhancing AI innovation in healthcare for emerging markets. The rise of
into the most effective AI tools and methodologies that can enhance AI-based healthcare businesses will improve information availability,
patient care, streamline operations, and optimize resources; thus, we enhancing the recommended research areas.
present the first research question. The paper’s structure is outlined as follows: Section 2, Systematic
Review Methodology, elucidates the methodology employed for the
Research Question 1. What are the current AI techniques and algorithms
review and selection of papers. Section 3, Descriptive Results, provides a
employed in healthcare, and what potential trends can be observed in their
comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the chosen articles. Section 4,
SLR Findings: State, Concepts, and Trends, expounds upon the state-of-
Due to the adoption challenges and resistance associated with AI in
the-art in artificial intelligence (AI) within healthcare and the limita
various fields, particularly in healthcare [25], it is crucial to investigate
tions concerning technology integration and adoption by various
these challenges and identify potential solutions. By gaining insights
stakeholders, and Section 5, AI Healthcare Startups: An Exploratory
into the obstacles faced during AI adoption, we can build well-founded
Analysis, fills a gap in the limited available studies regarding AI
recommendations for practitioners in the medical field who are
healthcare startups. Section 6, Discussion, delves into the present state
considering or currently implementing AI technologies in their organi
of AI healthcare startups globally while highlighting the scarcity of
zations. Consequently, we attempt to answer the following question.
research on AI medical startups and presents future research directions
Research Question 2. What are the main challenges in adopting and potential research questions. Lastly, Section 7, Conclusions, offers
and integrating AI in healthcare, and what potential solutions can final reflections.
address these challenges?
Startups play a significant role in innovation [26,27]. We want to 2. Systematic Review Methodology
explore how these startups contribute to AI healthcare innovation and
the current state of research about AI healthcare startups. This under To maintain the quality of our study, we implemented a two-step
standing is essential for founders, healthcare professionals, and policy approach. First, we adhered to the guidelines proposed by Kuckertz
makers, as it helps them grasp the AI healthcare landscape through the and Block [28] by addressing all the questions for conducting a litera
lens of startup activity. Thus, we explore this topic through the following ture review. The authors provided ten essential questions and criteria
question. that reviewers should consider when evaluating systematic literature
reviews. Consequently, we responded to the questions in Table 1 to
Research Question 3. What are the trends in the current landscape of
fulfill the SLR requirements.
AI healthcare startups, including their funding, focus areas, and
The second step of the review is illustrated in Fig. 2, where we per
formed a systematic process following the Preferred Reporting Items for
We wish to study these topics through a systematic evaluation of the
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement [29] to
relevant literature and select articles that address these questions.
select research articles for inclusion in this SLR. In the first stage of our
investigation, we looked through the keywords listed in Table 2. The
1.3. Contribution
search was conducted with the selected keywords in different digital
libraries, including PubMed and Scopus; we also conducted supple
This SLR contributes to the growing research interest in AI innova
mentary searches using Google Scholar. Pubmed was selected based on
tion in healthcare in three ways. It provides.
their notable frequency of research publications on AI in healthcare
[30]. Scopus encompasses a broader range of journals compared to
PubMed and Web of Science, offering faster citation analysis that covers
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
Table 1 criteria resulted in the elimination of 246 papers and the retention of
Step suggested to be followed by Kuckertz and Block [28] to present an SLR. 132 articles.
Question Answered Additional papers were not included in the review because they did
not directly answer our research questions, were still in press, or did not
“Does the SLR acknowledge previous The SLR acknowledges previous
literature reviews (including meta- literature reviews. provide a complete text for review. As a result, we narrowed our focus
analyses)?” and identified 69 papers remaining for inclusion in the review.
“Does the SLR have an explicit and well- All the research questions are cited in Lastly, additional articles [32–37] were considered for inclusion in
explained research question that is also section 1.2 the SLR using (Connectedpapers.com)3 tool (examples in Figs. 3 and 4).
“Is the research question correctly The research terms are presented in
We evaluated these additional publications based on our selection
translated into a (relevant) set of Section 2 criteria. For instance, the visual representation of papers associated with
search terms?” [38] contains papers unrelated to answering our research questions;
“Is the database selection explained and Database selection is explained in hence, they were eliminated from our review (Fig. 3). In contrast [33],
based on a clear rationale?” Section 2
was connected directly to Ref. [39], which was included in our review
“Is the literature selection up to date?” The publications are up to date
(including 2023 publications) since it meets all inclusion requirements (Fig. 4). After applying
“Does the SLR clearly express its The exclusion and inclusion criteria are Connectedpapers.com to our review, we ended with 75 papers in the
inclusion and exclusion criteria?” explained in section 2, Fig. 2 research.
“Does the SLR include one or more Answered in section 3. Descriptive
overview tables characterizing each results
study in the sample?”
3. Descriptive Results
“Does the SLR employ a particular The aggregation method is explained in
aggregation and presentation Section 2 Although AI innovation in the healthcare industry is a relatively new
method?” topic in the scientific literature, the results indicate a growing trend in
“Does the SLR contribute beyond merely The SLR presented AI’s state of the Art in
the number of articles researched on this subject. Our paper selection
offering an analysis of the status quo of healthcare and went beyond meta-
the literature?” analysis. resulted in 75 papers, which indicates a noticeable increase in the
“Does the SLR provide implications for The SLR presents future research in number of studies published per year from 2017 onwards, with a peak in
(future) research and practice?” section 6 2019. While there is some fluctuation in the count for subsequent years,
the overall trend demonstrates a growing interest and research output in
the field (Fig. 5).
Table 2 The 75 papers appeared in 56 distinct journals. The journals that
Search string. include the most papers on the topic are Artificial Intelligence in Med
Digital String
icine (8 articles), BMC Health Services Research (3 articles), Npj Digital
Database Medicine (3 Articles), Intelligence-Based Medicine (2 articles), Journal
of the American Medical Association (2 articles), and Journal of the
Scopus ((Artificial AND intelligence) OR (Machine AND Learning)) AND
Innovation AND Health* American College of Surgeons (2 articles). The scientific journals that
PubMed Artificial Intelligence innovation in healthcare publish the most articles on the topic are often positioned in the top
quarter of their category (Table 3), indicating the importance and
relevance of these publications and the topic. Otherwise, the dominance
more articles than the citation analysis provided by other sources [31]. of medical journals in the table suggests that research in AI innovation
Our findings reveal crucial insights into publication trends and pat within healthcare has primarily been focused on the medical and clinical
terns. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the number of published papers increased aspects rather than business and management topics.
ten times from 2018 to2022,1 demonstrating an exponential increase in Within the literature, 67% are open access (Table 5); moreover, case
scholarly attraction to this emerging research field. The number of AI studies research predominates (29 out of 75 articles) the literature on AI
innovation in healthcare-related publications has increased exponen in healthcare, followed by review articles (22) and quantitative studies
tially since 2013 (n = 11X). It has nearly doubled in 2022 (n = 1136) (11), with the total number of articles per document type listed in
since 2021 (n = 737), as indicated by the statistical charts (Fig. 1). This Table 4. In terms of geographical distribution, the articles focus pri
growth trendline demonstrates that AI In healthcare has garnered sig marily on applications in the US (28 out of 75 Articles), the United
nificant attention from businesses and academics over the past ten years. Kingdom (10), Canada (6), and Germany (5); the complete list is pre
The initial screening of the outcomes started by employing keyword- sented below (Table 6).
based filters, targeting titles and abstracts that encompassed both “AI” or Among the articles reviewed, we observed that the most researched
“Artificial Intelligence” and “healthcare” keywords, which resulted in AI in healthcare concepts are the implementation of AI in healthcare, the
378 papers. Only article citations that met the following criteria were future of healthcare studies with AI, and privacy and ethical concerns
included: (a) peer-reviewed published journal articles classified in Q1 regarding applying AI in healthcare. Table 1 details the distribution of
journal based on (scimagojr.com)2 rather than working/conference pa concepts found in the SLR.
pers or unpublished material; (b) primarily focused on algorithms and As shown in Table 7, most of the selected publications focus on the
tools used in terms of AI in healthcare, focusing on challenges facing the use of AI in healthcare, AI healthcare studies in healthcare, and trust,
integration of AI in healthcare, AI in medical curriculum, and AI privacy, and ethics in the field of AI in healthcare. Additionally, the SLR
healthcare startups; and (c) paper written in English, these selection demonstrates a lack of research concerning AI-based healthcare ven
tures, identifying just three publications that study AI-based healthcare
The following presents findings from our literature review related to
This paper analyses literature through June 2023; we consider complete the most studied SLR concepts.
year-to-year comparisons in this observation, so the partial results for 2023 are
Scimago Journal & Country Rank (Scimagojr.com) is a website that pro
vides information and metrics related to scientific journals and research in
stitutions. It offers a comprehensive ranking database of scientific journals Connectedpapers.com is an innovative visual tool designed to assist re
based on various factors, including citation metrics, scholarly output, and in searchers and applied scientists in locating and examining papers pertinent to
ternational collaboration. their field.
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
Fig. 1. Growth trend of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare literature for the last decade.
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
Fig. 4. “Connectedpapers.com” tool for included papers related to the research [39].
4. SLR findings: state, concepts, and trends surgeries. Several areas of healthcare have been transformed by AI, as
outlined below.
In this section, we present details and findings from our SLR. First, Radiology has seen tremendous growth in the last few decades. Some
we summarize the concepts extracted from the literature review and AI (deep learning methods) allow radiologists to detect cancers using AI
then list the relevant applications of AI in different healthcare specialties successfully, such as by analyzing mammogram data sets with a detec
and diseases. Then, we outline the challenges to adopting AI in health tion rate of 0.90 [42]. In addition, researchers [82] have applied ma
care. Finally, we discuss AI adoption in healthcare education. chine learning techniques to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
enabling 98% accurate detection and segmentation of meningiomas
surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
4.1. State of the art - AI algorithms and their application in healthcare Cardiologists have used AI for coronary collapse early detection by
utilizing the gated recurrent unit (GRU) model, an extension of the
AI is transforming how physicians deal with patients and their con machine learning method. Additionally, researchers have been able to
ditions. AI brings various breakthroughs in the healthcare industry, predict impending heart failure in more than 88% of their research data,
including imaging, tracking, monitoring, and performing complex
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
thanks to data gathered by AI devices [87]. More conventionally, AI has AI in healthcare. These challenges include a need for more trust, privacy,
enabled researchers to create cardiologist-friendly wireless, remote MCT and ethics regarding the use of AI in healthcare and potential accuracy
(mobile cardiac telemetry) to capture, track, and relay various cardiac issues that arise when applying AI technology from the development
conditions of patients [99]. A study comparing MCT to Holter or Event perspective.
Monitors [100] reveals that employing MCT saves $141,811 on pro
cedures and surgeries compared to Holter monitors. Patients using MCT
4.2. Challenges for AI healthcare adoption
are better tracked (61% higher) than those using Holter or Event
Patients often opt for electronic devices to gather information about
AI shows high performance in oncology and outperforms pathologist
their healthcare [101]. Additionally, they believe that technology
diagnoses. For example, a team of researchers applied a neural network
should conform to established regulations and laws, uphold innovative
process (AI algorithm) to an extensive series of images; rapidly
principles, and safeguard freedom of expression to serve the general
analyzing the photos, the algorithm identified breast cancers with a 93%
public’s best interests. However, numerous obstacles hinder the wide
detection accuracy [39]. The neural networks method took only a few
spread integration of AI in healthcare. A significant concern revolves
seconds to accomplish the task, while a pathologist would take
around the potential unauthorized access to patients’ information, thus
approximately 30 h to achieve the same task. Another study utilizing
necessitating the resolution of such challenges [102]. Commercial
data from the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service
business manipulation and behavioral marketing of personal data have
(NCRAS) in England found that machine learning accurately predicted
eroded patients’ confidence in how private and public organizations use
the diagnosis of lung and colorectal cancers with nearly 90% accuracy
their data [51]. This matter poses a significant concern for the patients
[16]. AI can also capture physical and mental health states; an AI-based
and impacts the adoption of the technology.
study predicted the development of psychosis with 100% accuracy in
The number of users who trust the privacy of AI data significantly
participants, a rate higher than clinician predictions [88].
impacts how much they rely on it [103]; most patients prefer a human
Interestingly, AI also predicts conditions before manifestation, such
physician rather than a robot doctor. To examine this preference, [57]
as type 2 diabetes and Celiac disease. Again, using machine learning
conducted several studies investigating patients’ healthcare acceptance
models on a “de-identified dataset,” researchers conducted a study that
of AI. In the first study, researchers studied whether respondents are less
yielded an 83% accuracy when diagnosing type 2 diabetes [41]. In a
likely to seek medical attention from automated services with equal
similar study, gastrologists utilized five AI techniques to create a clinical
performance with human assistance. Just around 27% signed up for the
decision-support system algorithm, trained on 178 clinical issues, to
automated services program, while 73% signed up for the human ser
predict Celiac disease [70]. This study yielded an eighty percent pre
vice. In a second study by the researchers, respondents indicated that
diction accuracy.
they would pay more for medical treatment by a human versus treat
AI has also been applied in dentistry to detect cavities and oral
ment from an AI-automated service, even if the automated service has
cancers and aid dentists. For instance, researchers trained complex
high accuracy.
neural networks (CNNs) on various dental pictures to detect cavities
To understand the reasons behind this resistance towards using AI in
from dental images [81]. They attained 88% and 89% diagnostic accu
healthcare, researchers conducted another study with 1421 re
racy for premolars and molars, respectively.
spondents, demonstrating that “individual” is a resistance to adopting
Based on the presented results, AI is progressively impacting the
AI. These findings are consistent with the belief that AI innovation ser
provision of healthcare services. Deep learning and neural networks
vices cannot account for individual characteristics or needs; respondents
have accelerated research in numerous fields, including biology. AI also
believe AI treats everyone the same way. Furthermore, the researchers
helps researchers treat crucial patients more successfully by increasing
suggest that this resistance could also be due to the affirmation of
their surveillance capabilities. These examples show that AI has started a
Promberger and Baron [104] that patients do not want to be accountable
new era in the disease control domain. Despite these successes, AI
for tough medical choices and therefore try to transfer blame to another
innovation in healthcare faces several obstacles, as outlined in the next
individual. Because humans are shown to take responsibility while
section. Our SLR finds that challenges exist concerning the adoption of
computers do not, patients are more likely to adopt a doctor’s advice
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
Table 7
SLR Concept matrix for AI innovation in healthcare.
(A) Artificial (B) (C) Specialty (D) (E) Disease (F) Clinical (G) AI (H) (I) (J) (K)
intelligence Healthcare (Radiology Machine (Diabetes, decision Healthcare Healthcare Ethics Privacy Trust
et al.) Learning Cancer, DSM support startups Education
[1] ✓
[5] ✓ ✓ ✓
[12] ✓ ✓ ✓
[14] ✓ ✓
[15] ✓ ✓
[16] ✓
[17] ✓ ✓
[18] ✓ ✓
[32] ✓ ✓
[33] ✓ ✓ ✓
[34] ✓ ✓ ✓
[35] ✓ ✓ ✓
[36] ✓ ✓
[37] ✓ ✓
[38] ✓ ✓ ✓
[39] ✓ ✓
[40] ✓ ✓ ✓
[41] ✓ ✓
[42] ✓ ✓
[43] ✓ ✓
[44] ✓ ✓ ✓
[45] ✓ ✓ ✓
[46] ✓ ✓
[47] ✓ ✓
[48] ✓ ✓ ✓
[49] ✓ ✓ ✓
[50] ✓ ✓ ✓
[51] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[52] ✓ ✓ ✓
[53] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[54] ✓ ✓
[55] ✓ ✓
[56] ✓ ✓ ✓
[57] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[58] ✓ ✓
[59] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[60] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[61] ✓ ✓
[62] ✓ ✓
[63] ✓ ✓ ✓
[64] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[65] ✓ ✓
[66] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
[67] ✓ ✓ ✓
[68] ✓ ✓
[69] ✓ ✓
[70] ✓ ✓ ✓
[71] ✓ ✓
[72] ✓ ✓
[73] ✓ ✓
[74] ✓ ✓ ✓
[75] ✓ ✓
[76] ✓ ✓
[77] ✓ ✓
[78] ✓ ✓
[79] ✓ ✓ ✓
[80] ✓ ✓ ✓
[81] ✓ ✓ ✓
[82] ✓ ✓
[83] Ć ✓
[84] ✓ ✓
[85] ✓ ✓ ✓
[86] ✓ ✓
[87] ✓ ✓
[88] ✓ ✓
[89] ✓ ✓ ✓
[90] ✓ ✓
[91] ✓ ✓
[92] ✓ ✓ ✓
[93] ✓ ✓
(continued on next page)
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
Table 7 (continued )
(A) Artificial (B) (C) Specialty (D) (E) Disease (F) Clinical (G) AI (H) (I) (J) (K)
intelligence Healthcare (Radiology Machine (Diabetes, decision Healthcare Healthcare Ethics Privacy Trust
et al.) Learning Cancer, DSM support startups Education
[94] ✓ ✓
[95] ✓ ✓ ✓
[96] ✓ ✓ ✓
[97] ✓ ✓
[98] ✓ ✓ ✓
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
like Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Israel, India, South Korea, and
Table 9a
Japan contribute significantly to this industry. Interestingly, smaller
Top 20 countries in the number and funding amount for AI healthcare startups
countries such as Israel, Singapore, and Switzerland have dispropor
Country Number of AI HC Startups Funding (Million USD) tionately high numbers of startups compared to their population size.
United States 1197 32569.98 Emerging markets like Brazil, India, and South Africa show potential for
United Kingdom 177 2901.32 future growth. At the same time, regions like Africa, Central America,
China 145 7148.81 and South America are underrepresented, signaling untapped potential
Israel 131 1647.39
Canada 130 498.80
and opportunities for investment in AI healthcare initiatives (Table 9–b).
India 122 765.77 The discrepancies in funding accessibility among diverse global regions
South Korea 84 631.33 are noteworthy and adhere to similar patterns identified in other
France 74 758.85 research focused on artificial intelligence investment [117].
Germany 59 313.91
Examining the total funding aspect, Table 10 highlights a generally
Spain 55 242.47
Singapore 52 355.47 upward trajectory in financial support for AI healthcare startups. A
Japan 48 609.04 notable surge occurred between 2017 and 2018, nearly doubling the
Switzerland 41 330.84 previous year’s amount, reflecting heightened investor enthusiasm for
Australia 41 260.05 AI in healthcare. 2021 marks a significant milestone, with total funding
Taiwan 31 41.31
Netherlands 30 42.73
reaching $12.2 billion, indicating robust growth and market confidence.
Brazil 24 9.67 However, a decline is observed in 2022, with both deal count and total
Italy 22 25.03 funding decreasing. The exact reasons for this reduction are unclear.
Sweden 22 45.37 However, they may be attributed to market saturation, economic fluc
Hong Kong 18 446.42
tuations, challenges specific to the AI healthcare sector, or a post-COVID
effect. Monitoring this trend will be crucial to determine if it represents a
temporary shift in the investment landscape.
Table9b Our analysis of global AI healthcare startups reveals a rapidly
The least 20 countries on the number and funding amount for AI healthcare growing industry with diverse applications across various sectors. The
startups. United States, the United Kingdom, and China dominate the landscape,
Country Number of AI HC Startups Funding (Million USD) reflecting well-developed ecosystems and significant investments. While
Malaysia 2 47.60 smaller countries and emerging markets show potential for future
Vietnam 1 0.00 growth, regions such as Africa, Central America, and South America
Jordan 1 0.00 remain underrepresented, indicating untapped opportunities.
Cayman Islands 1 0.00
Peru 1 0.00
Belize 1 0.01 Table 10
Iceland 1 0.79 Amount of investment and deals per year for AI healthcare startups worldwide
Ivory Coast 1 0.04
from CB Insight [116].
Zimbabwe 1 0.03
Croatia 1 0.09 Year Deal Total Funding (Million USD)
Morocco 1 0.30 Count
Malta 1 0.00
2014 113 $1269.68
Georgia 1 0.00
2015 124 $1468.25
Kazakhstan 1 0.01
2016 198 $2010.25
Tunisia 1 0.00
2017 260 $3836.21
Slovenia 1 0.95
2018 337 $7701.88
Qatar 1 0.95
2019 373 $5383.27
Zambia 1 0.02
2020 441 $7154.19
British Virgin Islands 1 2.00
2021 511 $12,194.19
Mali 1 1.70
2022 482 $5923.97
2023 131 $1408.96
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
Furthermore, an upward trajectory in funding demonstrates the mar the causal factors behind investment constraints in AI healthcare inno
ket’s confidence in AI’s transformative potential for healthcare. Moni vation in these regions. This focus will contribute to a better under
toring the investment landscape and ongoing trends will be crucial in standing of the challenges and potential opportunities for AI innovation
understanding the future direction of this dynamic sector. in healthcare across diverse economic contexts.
The limited number of business management journals in the table
6. Discussion might indicate a need for greater interdisciplinary collaboration be
tween healthcare, AI innovation, and business management. Integrating
6.1. Observed research gaps business and management perspectives into AI-driven healthcare inno
vation can be crucial for addressing issues related to implementation,
About the selected journals, Table 3 demonstrates that out of 56 scalability, adoption, ethical considerations, and financial impact.
journals, only seven are related to business and management; the pre Additionally, to address the geographical gap for limited research in
ponderance of publications in medical journals suggests that the LMCIs, we encourage international collaboration and knowledge
research has primarily been focused on the medical and clinical aspects. sharing between researchers from high-income countries and LMICs. We
This disparity indicates a gap in the literature regarding the intersection promote inclusivity and diversity in AI research by actively seeking
of AI innovation in healthcare with business and management. Inter partnerships with researchers from LMICs and involving them in global
estingly, Young [98], a commentary paper addressing business man AI initiatives.
agement challenges faced by AI healthcare startups, was published in a This SLR shows the importance of gaining a more comprehensive
medical journal rather than a business or technology-focused understanding of the missing elements to drive healthcare innovation
publication. with AI. In a study [120] exploring innovation drivers in the United
Similarly, as detailed in Table 6, there is a lack of high-impact journal Kingdom, the author identifies shortening product life cycles, technol
publications from researchers in low-medium-income countries ogy, increasing global competition, and changing customer need as the
(LMICs). Notably, the USA and United Kingdom researchers authored sector’s primary innovation drivers in the private sector. The author also
half of the selected publications used in this SLR. This observation suggests that the critical drives for public firms to innovate include the
highlights a disparity in the representation of academic contributions growing demand for municipal services and fiscal constraints brought
and perspectives from various global regions. about by the recession. Those innovation drivers remain limited to a
Furthermore, the included exploratory study of 2747 startups un specific country and general for all domains.
covers an important research observation; despite the considerable Moreover, the SLR concludes that acceptance of AI in healthcare,
development and expansion of AI healthcare startups globally, there trust, a well-developed infrastructure for AI, and investment are essen
appears to be a relatively small number of research publications tial drivers for AI healthcare innovation. We assert that these drivers
explicitly addressing this subject. As seen in Table 7, only three publi need to be explored in more depth to understand better the impacts and
cations pertain to AI healthcare startups, signifying limited research in mechanisms of AI innovation in healthcare.
this domain. This finding is unexpected, particularly given the sub Another avenue for future research is understanding the acceptance
stantial market capitalization and investor investments in the field. The and adoption of AI innovation in healthcare by patients, physicians, and
lack of research in this area raises crucial questions, suggesting a po medical students, especially in emergent and low and medium-income
tential need for increased focus and investment of time to study and countries. Al Badi et al. [121] studied the challenges of AI adoption in
comprehend the impact, challenges, and opportunities presented by AI healthcare in the United Arab Emirates context. The challenges found by
healthcare startups. Expanding research in this field may offer valuable the authors include 1) accuracy, as the results need to be accurate and
insights into the efficacy, ethical considerations, and possible risks avoid any partial data; 2) privacy and security; and 3) personal
associated with incorporating AI technology into healthcare. healthcare record confidentiality. In future studies, researchers can
As evidenced by the table, the sparse number of research publica explore strategies for addressing the challenges associated with adopting
tions centered on AI healthcare startups emphasizes an underexplored AI in healthcare, particularly those highlighted in this literature. By
facet within the larger context of AI in healthcare. examining these obstacles, scholars can contribute valuable insights and
develop practical solutions for successfully integrating AI healthcare
6.2. Future research directions technology.
Moreover, Haider [122] presented the barriers to adopting AI
This systematic literature review study and the supplementary healthcare in India; the considerable expense, the initial investment, and
analysis presented in this paper indicate an increasing field of interest the necessary infrastructure to use AI in healthcare are significant bar
with considerable future potential for researchers and healthcare riers. In addition, new technologies, especially those involving artificial
leaders. Given the identified gaps, expanding research on the topic in intelligence, are often perceived as a threat by older people because of
several areas is crucial. their inability to trust and trustworthiness issues. Moreover, there is a
First, researchers should focus on identifying the characteristics of AI significant barrier to adopting AI solutions in healthcare due to an
healthcare startups to comprehend their role in expediting innovation incomplete mechanism for ensuring privacy, protection, consistency,
and their impact on potential healthcare system savings. The findings and accuracy. Future research could focus on developing an acceptance
indicate a necessity for heightened research efforts to bridge the gap model for AI in healthcare by either developing new theories or
between AI healthcare startup growth and academic comprehension of extending existing models, such as the Technology Acceptance Model
their implications concerning specialty areas, diseases, clinical decision (TAM) [123] and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Tech
support, and other essential aspects such as ethics, privacy, and trust. nology (UTAUT) [124], as suggested previously in related studies [125,
Researchers might also explore the distribution of high investment and 126].
the prevalence of AI healthcare startups in the USA, considering that the Finally, as medical students increasingly recognize the significance
American healthcare system is not ranked among the best in quality of AI in their future daily practices, they understand the need for a more
[118] despite being the highest in GDP expenditure on healthcare [119]. profound knowledge of AI and its practical applications. Consequently,
Future studies could assess the impact of AI on the American healthcare future research should propose effective methods for integrating and
system due to the presence of startups. implementing AI within healthcare settings, adhering to a pedagogical
We also observe minimal investment in AI-based innovation startups process that fosters learning and skill development. This research must
in emerging economies and low-medium-income countries. Conse consider that medical curricula have long been known for their exten
quently, we recommend that future research concentrate on pinpointing sive and demanding nature [127,128], which may pose challenges in
A. Zahlan et al. Technology in Society 74 (2023) 102321
incorporating AI-related content without exacerbating the existing Credit author statement
workload. To address these concerns, researchers should investigate
innovative teaching methodologies and curriculum design strategies AZ: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal Analysis,
that facilitate the seamless integration of AI education into medical Investigation, Data Curation, Writing – Original Draft, Writing – Review
programs. These educational initiatives should equip medical students & Editing, Visualization, Project Administration, RPR: Validation,
with the knowledge and skills to harness AI’s potential effectively and Methodology, Supervision, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review &
ethically, ultimately enhancing patient care and outcomes within the Editing, DH: Validation, Methodology, Supervision, Writing - Original
rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. Draft, Writing - Review & Editing.
Data availability
6.3. Limitations
Data will be made available on request.
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