Intro To Psych 15
Intro To Psych 15
Intro To Psych 15
What is
Think about the most
intelligent person you know or
have met. What makes them
Albert Einstein Socrates
"The true sign of "I know that I am
intelligence is not intelligent, because I
knowledge but know that I know
imagination." nothing."
Few people agree on exactly what
“intelligence” is or how to measure
it. The nature and origin of
intelligence are elusive, and the
value and accuracy of intelligence
tests are often uncertain.
Researchers who study intelligence
often argue about what IQ tests
really measure.
What is
outcome 1
Distinguish between
“intelligence” and “IQ”
A typical dictionary definition of intelligence is
“the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.”
Intelligence includes the ability to benefit from
past experience, act purposefully, solve
problems, and adapt to new situations.
Intelligence can also be defined as “the ability
that intelligence tests measure.” There is a long
history of disagreement about what actually
constitutes intelligence.
refers to the
broader ability of
acquiring and
utilising complex
mental skills.
Intelligence quotient (IQ) refers to a
numerical representation of the level of
an individual’s intelligence.
outcome 2
Provide an overview of the
history of intelligence
testing (pp.351-356).
The assessment, or testing, of intelligence represents an
attempt to assign a number to an individual's abilities,
allowing that person to be compared to others.
French government wanted an objective assessment of
Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon assumed that
relatively bright children behaved cognitively like older
children, while less intelligent children behaved like
younger children.
Devised items they believed would indicate children's
mental age relative to their peers.
Gave rise to modern intelligence tests.
The Binet-
Simon scale
Alfred Binet and his colleague Theodore
Simon devised this general test of mental
ability in 1905, and it was revised in 1908
and 1911. The test yielded scores in
terms of mental age. Mental age is the
chronological age that typically
corresponds to a particular level of
Percentile score: Percentage of people who score at or below the score one has obtained.
IQ scores
When a trait is normally distributed, most cases fall near the centre of the distribution.
•Dispersed in a fixed pattern, with the standard deviation serving as the unit of measure.
•Modern IQ scores indicate where one would fall in the normal distribution of intelligence,
not the number of questions answered correctly.
Reliability Validity
This refers to the measurement This refers to the ability of a test to
consistency of a test. measure what it was designed to
Do intelligence tests have
reliability and validity?
Reliability - The measurement consistency of a
psychological test. IQ tests are exceptionally
Validity - The ability of a test to measure what it
was designed to measure. IQ tests are valid
measures of the kind of intelligence necessary to
do well in academic work. If the purpose is to
assess intelligence in a broader sense, the validity
of IQ tests is questionable.
Do intelligence tests
predict vocational success?
•Intelligence is associated with vocational success.
•People who score high on IQ tests are more likely to end up in high-status jobs.
•IQ test measure academic ability fairly well, and school performance is important in
attaining certain occupations.
•Within an occupation, the correlation depends on the complexity of the job requirements.
•The association might not be strong enough to justify reliance on IQ testing in hiring
outcome 8
Provide an overview of
intelligence tests used in
South Africa (pp.361-363).
IQ testing in
South Africa
During the 1930s and 1940s, the apartheid
government established separate education
systems based on the idea that white children had
IQ scores superior to other groups tested.
Bieshevel contested this idea as early as 1943,
recognising the significant impact that
environmental factors such as economics and
nutrition would have on intelligence.
Cultural differences in IQ scores and
South Africa
Heritability Socioeconomic disadvantage
• Jensen incorrectly argued • Many social scientists argue that
differences in average IQ are poorer students’ IQ scores are
largely due to heredity. depressed because their
• Kamin’s analogy shows that environment is deprived.
group differences in average IQ • Many researchers argue that
could be caused by environmental ethnic differences in intelligence
factors. are really social class differences in
Read p366 “Cultural differences in IQ
scores and South Africa” and discuss the
following questions:
men women ?
Battle of the