E-SHE Sign Up Instructions - MS Office Workspace
E-SHE Sign Up Instructions - MS Office Workspace
E-SHE Sign Up Instructions - MS Office Workspace
This document will help you complete the registration and setup of your e-SHE
eLearning account.
Since it is assumed that your university has created a separate institutional email
account for you, please find the instructions below required to complete the account
Step 1: You’ll receive an email containing instructions to activate your e-SHE eLearning
account for your e-SHE Portal. Click on the “Welcome to e-SHE Registration Portal” link
Step 2: Once you’re on the portal’s front page, click “New User” to get started
Step 5: Again, enter the institutional email your university gave you and click “Next”
Step 6: Enter the password for email and click “Sign in”
Step 7: If you’re using a personal computer, you can choose the option “Yes” for the
prompt “Stay signed in?” But if you’re on a shared computer (i.e a library computer),
please choose the option “No”
Step 8: Wait for the system to finish creating your account and click “Go to portal”
ℹ️ Don’t forget as you navigate your e-learning journey, to use the knowledge and skills
that you learned from taking the success suite of courses to help you continue to build a
successful online learning experience.
Need assistance? Visit the e-SHE Help Center and/or university-level system
administrator help desk where you can easily find solutions and ask questions to get