Phrasal Verbs Mini Dictionary
Phrasal Verbs Mini Dictionary
Phrasal Verbs Mini Dictionary
ask many
I asked around but nobody has
ask around people the
seen my wallet.
same question
We have to blow 50
blow something up add air
balloons up for the party.
functioning Our car broke down at the side of
break down
(vehicle, the highway in the snowstorm.
something a
I need to break these
break something in few times so
shoes in before we run next week.
that it doesn't
look/feel new
get to the
You'll have to run faster than that if
catch up same point as
you want to catch up with Marty.
someone else
arrive and
We will get the hotel keys when
check in register at a
wecheck in.
hotel or airport
look at
The company checks out all new
checksomeone/somethingout carefully,
volunteer for a
The woman came forward with
come forward task or to give
her husband's finger prints.
We had to cut the old tree in our
cut something down something fall
yarddown after the storm.
to the ground
pull in too
closely in front The bus driver got angry when that
cut in
of another carcut in.
start operating
(of an engine The air conditioner cuts in when
cut in
or electrical the temperature gets to 22°C.
remove with
The doctors cut off his leg because
cut something off something
it was severely injured.
remove part of
cut something out (usually with I cut this ad out of the newspaper.
scissors and
beat up,
He's lucky to be alive. His shop
dosomeone/somethingover ransack (Br.E.,
was done over by a street gang.
My teacher wants me to do my
do again
do something over essayover because she doesn't like
my topic.
come without
I might drop in/by/over for tea
drop in/by/over an
sometime this week.
thing I have to drop my sister off at
somewhere work before I come over.
and leave
them/it there
We ended up renting a movie
end up reach/do/decid
instead of going to the theatre.
to write
Please fill in the form with your
fill something in information in
name, address, and phone number.
blanks (Br.E.)
to write
information in The form must be filled out in
fill something out
blanks capital letters.
get along/on like each other I was surprised how well my new
girlfriend and my sister got
give something out give to many They were giving out free
people (usually perfume samples at the
at no cost) department store.
I am giving up smoking as of
give something up quit a habit
January 1st.
grow out ofsomething get too big for Elizabeth needs a new pair of
shoes because she has grown out
of her old ones.
grow into something This bike is too big for him now,
grow big
but he should grow into it by next
enough to fit
I had to hold my
prevent from
holdsomeone/somethingback dog back because there was a cat
in the park.
hold firmly
Hold onto your hat because it's
hold ontosomeone/something using your
very windy outside.
hands or arms
fail to support
I need you to be on time.
let someone down or help,
Don't let medown this time.
be punished for
That bully will pay for being mean
pay for something doing
to my little brother.
something bad
clothing/access Don't forget to put on your new
put something on
ories on your earrings for the party.
drive a vehicle
I accidentally ran over your
run oversomeone/something over a person
bicycle in the driveway.
or thing
You should sleep over tonight if
somewhere for
sleep over the weather is too bad to drive
the night
stop the
The light's too bright. Could
switch something off energy flow,
you switch itoff.
turn off
start the
We heard the news as soon as
switch something on energy flow,
weswitched on the car radio.
turn on
take something apart purposely He took the car brakes apart and
break into found the problem.
something Take off your socks and shoes and
take something off
(usually come in the lake!
pay for
someone to go My grandparents took us out for
take someone out
somewhere dinner and a movie.
with you
(often + to, When I think back on my youth, I
think back
sometimes + wish I had studied harder.
decrease the
volume or Please turn the TV down while the
turn something down
strength (heat, guests are here.
light etc)
stop the
Your mother wants you to turn the
turn something off energy flow,
TVoff and come for dinner.
switch off
start the
It's too dark in here.
turn something on energy, switch
Let's turn some lights on.
turn something up increase the Can you turn the music up? This is
volume or my favourite song.
strength (heat,
light etc)