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Lab Report - UWC

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Identifying and Synthesizing the Unknown

White Compound Via the Flame, Ion,

Conductivity, Solubility, and PH tests
Harper McPhee, Sienna Huynh, Myriam Blagui, Teddy Johnson

October 25th, Fall 2024


The objective of the experiment was to identify and synthesize a gram of an unknown white
compound. This included conducting the flame, ion, and PH tests on solutions of deionized water
and our unknown compound to compare results with the list of known compounds. After a
known compound was chosen as a potential match, the conductivity and solubility tests were
performed to determine how closely the two compounds were related. After receiving
confirmation on the identity of the compound, a balanced formula for synthesizing the known
compound was found, which included both forming a gram of the known compound and
comparing the color of a flame exposed to our synthesized compound with that of the previously
unknown compound. The unknown compound was determined to be closely related to, and
turned out to be, sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). About 0.93 grams of the compound was synthesized,
and the synthesized compound was proven to be Na2SO4 via the flame test.


Being able to identify an unknown substance through its chemical properties is extremely
important. Without it, much of our knowledge on compounds and elements would be guesswork.
For example, suppose Arm & Hammer accidentally labeled a shipment of white powder laundry
detergent as baking soda, and couldn’t tell the two apart. At that point, a grandmother’s next
batch of cookies ends in a family tragedy. Different compounds can be harmful, both to the
environment and humans, and so it is extremely important that we are able to differentiate
between compounds based on more than just sight. It is also important to be able to synthesize
compounds. Without that ability, the world would be left with only the elements and compounds
that occur in nature. 1 Almost every product in a store is made up of compounds, which have
often been synthesized manually. Without that ability, humanity would be decades, if not over a
century, behind where it is in our present day. Using these complex compounds mixed together
and their specific properties is how we have obtained our vast quantity of products since the
industrial revolution. There are numerous studies and experiments on the synthesization of
compounds, as well as identifying them. These techniques can be used to determine a wide
variety of substances, including the unknown white compounds that are the subject of this lab
report. 2 This report goes over one example of identifying and synthesizing that compound.


Two different solutions were created involving the identification of our unknown
compound, one for the flame test, and one for all other tests conducted. For the flame and
solubility tests, .2 grams of the solid unknown compound were combined with a few drops of
liquid deionized (DI) water in a beaker to create a solution with a sludge-like consistency. For
the other tests, the solutions were made with a ratio of .3 grams of the compound being tested
with 10 ml of deionized water in a beaker. For the ion and PH tests, only the base .3 g to 10 ml
were combined, whereas for the conductivity test .6 grams were combined with 20 ml.

For the flame test, the Bunsen burner was placed under the hood and hooked up to gas via
a tube. The nichrome wire was cleaned with liquid HCl and rinsed with DI water, and finally
heated in the Bunsen burner flame. Then, after the wire cooled, it was dipped with part of the
wire in the solution. Note down the color of the flame while the wire is held in the flame. The
results of the unknown solution’s test were compared to those of the known compounds. The
color of the flame differs based on the type of metallic ions in each compound.

There were three different trials of the ion test. In the sulfate trial 1 ml of the UWC
solution, 1 ml of liquid 6M HCl, and 1 ml of solid 0.1M BaCl2 were combined in a clean beaker.
In the halides trial, 1 ml of the UWC solution, 1 ml of liquid 6M HNO3 and 1 mL of liquid 0.1M
AgNO3 were combined in a clean beaker. Finally, during the carbonate trial, 1 ml of the UWC
solution with a few drops of liquid 6M HCl were combined in its own clean beaker. It was
suggested in the Lab Archives description of the ion test that a fourth trial to test for ammonium
ions should be conducted. However, the flame test revealed there was a discernable color in the
flame when exposed to the compound, and therefore it was determined the ammonium trial was
not necessary.

For the solubility test, a beaker was placed on the scale. The scale was then zeroed to
accurately measure the unknown compound in grams. A scopula was used to measure out the .2
grams needed for the solution in the beaker. A second beaker was filled with DI water until a
pipette could be used to retrieve drops. The solution was mixed for about 1 minute so it could be
thoroughly combined. Whether or not the known compound is soluble compared to the unknown
compound indicates a relationship between the two.

For the conductivity test, the solution listed above was created and the probe was set up with
logger pro. The probe was then inserted into the solution, avoiding bubbles near the bottom. Data
was collected, with the average measurements of each trial calculated. This process was done
with the unknown compound first, and then repeated with any compounds that the UWC may

Finally, for the PH test, a portion of the mixture was separated into a clean beaker, and a PH
strip was placed inside, without touching the sides or bottom of the beaker. The resulting color
indicated the PH of the UWC solution and was compared to those expected of our list of
potential known compounds the UWC could be related to.

To synthesize the compound after identification, a balanced equation was created, and the
molar mass of each compound involved was found. After determining what % one gram of the
identified compound would be compared to the molar mass, the resulting percentage was applied
to each molar mass of the other compounds in the formula, determining the quantities needed to
be combined to create a gram of the unknown compound. After the gram was synthesized, the
identity of the created compound was again determined via the flame test.


It was determined via the flame and ion tests that the unknow compound must be either sodium
sulfate or magnesium sulfate. There were only four compounds involving sulfate ions, and out of
those four only the two listed had the potential to give off a red-orange color during the flame
test. The PH test revealed our compound had a PH close to 7, so it was determined that sodium
sulfate was the most probable identity of our compound, with the remaining possibility that it
could be magnesium sulfate. The second day of experiments confirmed the identity was far more
likely to be sodium sulfate; while both were water soluble, magnesium sulfate had a much lower
level of conductivity measured than that of the UWC or sodium sulfate.

Table 1: Results of different identification experiments

> Unknown Compound Sodium Sulfate Magnesium Sulfate
Test (Results of tests) (Expected results) (Expected results)
Flame Test Red-Orange Color Red-Orange Color Red-Orange Color
(Color of
PH Test ~7 5.2-9.2 5.5-6.5
Conductivit 28410 μS/cm 25260 μS/cm 15546.67 μS/cm
y Test
Solubility Yes Yes Yes
(Is it water
soluble, yes
or no?)
Ion Test Sulfate ions Sulfate ions Sulfate ions
(What ions
to be

The following formula was determined to output a solution of sodium sulfate and water:

2NaOH + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + 2H2O

1 gram of Na2SO4 is about 0.7% of the molar mass, meaning that 2.3ml of 6M sodium
hydroxide (2NaOH) and 1.1ml of 6M sulfuric acid (H2SO4) were needed to synthesize 1 gram
of sodium sulfate. However, the experiment started by mixing the highest concentrations of
sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide together, meaning the slightest error in measurement led to
the PH not being the neutral 7 required of sodium sulfate. Smaller concentrations of the
compounds were added in drops, eventually leading to a neutral compound, though with a higher
volume of both substances leading to an impure mixture and imperfect PH. The resulting
solution was boiled down until only the white compound remained, though it was left on the hot
plate too long on too high a heat, burning away some of the compound. The final result was .93
grams of a impure Na2SO4 compound. We tested the compound by separating .2 grams of the
compound from the rest of the mixture and adding a few drops of DI water, creating a solution
suitable for the flame test. It revealed a darker orange color, though not the red-orange hue
emitted by a pure sodium sulfate solution.


The results in table 1 indicate the most probable identity of our unknown white
compound is sodium sulfate, with it having significantly closer properties and measurements to
the UWC than magnesium sulfate. The synthesized material was flawed due to slight errors
made during the measurement of a highly concentrated substance, causing the substance to
quickly jump between acidic and basic. Our percentage yield was also reduced because some of
the product was burned away during the boiling process, creating a smaller concentration of the
impure Na2SO4. However, the synthesized compound displayed attributes found in sodium
sulfate, including solubility, a similar flame color, similar PH, and the presence of sulfate ions,
proving you can carefully identify and synthesize organic compounds. The mixture of the acidic
H2SO4 and the basic 2NaOH had resulted in our neutral Na2SO4 compound, along with neutral
H2O. It has been proven that anyone can begin with an unknown compound, perform tests to
determine any discernable attributes, compare results to any known compounds, and synthesize
the previously unknown compound with carefully calculated chemical formulas. Reliably
recreating these rare compounds can change the way humans use these resources, allowing for
new science to be conducted with these materials. 3


The UWC was determined to give off a red-orange color when brought to a flame, a PH
near 7, involved the presence of sulfate ions, had a conductivity between 25000-30000 μS/cm,
and was determined to be water soluble. These factors helped identify the compound as sodium
sulfate, and, after being confirmed, proved that compounds may be identified from distinct
individual properties. The synthesization process also proved organic compounds may be formed
in a lab setting through chemical formulas. These methods of experimentation can ensure the
safety of products being made by foreign compounds, and the integrity of these compounds via
strict formulas. Businesses and stores use these formulas and identities to create the products in
homes worldwide. Without these sets of knowledge and processes, society would never have
managed to produce or develop the world seen today. And perhaps, developing this relatively
new discovery will aid humanity in overcoming problems faced in the world it has created.

1. National Research Council (US) Committee on Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the
21st Century. National Library of Medicine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207669/
(accessed Oct 18, 2024)

2. James Chickos; David Garin; Valerian D'Souza; Libretexts Chemistry

8:_Identification_of_Unknowns_(Experiment) (accessed Oct 18, 2024)

3. Chao-Jun Li; Barry M. Trost; Green Chemistry for Chemical Synthesis Chem. Green Chem.
2008, 105, 13197-13202

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