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Alcohol Section Assignment

Alcohol Is a Drug
Facts About Alcohol
1. List five depressant effects of alcohol on the brain and body.
a. _______________________________________________________________
decreased alertness
b. _______________________________________________________________
poor coordination
c. _______________________________________________________________
blurred vision
d. _______________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________

Section 15-4

Choosing Not to Drink

Abstaining From Alcohol
1. What are refusal skills?
Its when you resist peer pressure to do things


2. How can you prepare to resist being pressured to drink?

Say no!


3. What if others do not accept your decision not to drink?

You can stand your ground and still refuse

Long-Term Risks of Alcohol Damage to the Body
1. Complete the table about the effects of alcohol use on the body.

Organ or Body
System Effect of Alcohol Use

a. destroys nerve cells
Sensations and perceptions become unclear.
b. ______________________________________________

Liver Can lead to a build up fats

c. ______________________________________________
Fatty liver disease
d. ______________________________________________

Heart Heart rate and blood pressure increase

e. ______________________________________________
More blood flows to the skins surface
f. ______________________________________________

Digestive system Vomiting

g. ______________________________________________
Temperature increases
h. ______________________________________________

complete the graphic organizer about the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome

Increases the risk of miscarriage


Premature birth

Your'e baby having a low birth weight

3. Complete the concept map about alcoholism.

_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________

_____________ _____________
____ _________ _____________

4. List five possible effects of alcoholism on families.

Unpredictable behavior
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________________
Money problems
d. _______________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________

5. Describe three of the costs of alcohol abuse and alcoholism to society.

Legal problems
a. _______________________________________________________________

Public embarrassment
b. _______________________________________________________________


c. _______________________________________________________________


Treating Alcoholism
7. Complete the flowchart about the stages in treating alcoholism.

Knowing or realizing how much you intake



Removing all alcohol from your life



Learning to cope


8. Complete the table about three support groups that address problems of alcoholism.

Support Group Purpose

offers encouragement and support to

Alcoholics anonymous
a. _______________________________ help alcoholics stop drinking
AI-Anon helps adult friends and family members
b. _______________________________
learn to help alcoholics recover

provides help for teenagers living with

c. _______________________________ alcoholics

Alcohol’s Effects on the Body
Physical and Behavioral Effects
1. Complete the concept map about the effects of intoxication on body systems and

Memory loss



nervous system

excretory system

Blood Alcohol Concentration
2. Complete the table about the factors that affect a drinker’s blood alcohol
Factor Why It Affects BAC
Rate of
people who have fewer drinks have more BAC
consumption a. _____________________________________________

males usually have a lower BAC than females
b. _____________________________________________

Body size
Smaller people fell the effects more than bigger people
c. _____________________________________________

Amount of food in
increases the rate of absorption
the stomach d. _____________________________________________

Life-Threatening Effects
3. Complete the graphic organizer about the life-threatening effects of

Effect: Increased risk of death from




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