DSM-IV Use in The Clinical Practice
DSM-IV Use in The Clinical Practice
DSM-IV Use in The Clinical Practice
* PhD, Professor, Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry, Medical Sciences School,
Received January 14, 2005. Revised January 18, 2005. Accepted August 1, 2005.
In ancient Greece, 5 b.C., Hippocrates tried to establish a classification system for mental
illnesses. Words such as hysteria, mania and melancholy were used to characterize some of them.
Over the centuries, a number of terms have been incorporated into the medical jargon, as for
example: circular madness, catatonia, hebephrenia, paranoia, etc. The first system including a
comprehensive classification and with real scientific profile arose with the studies by Emil
Kraepelin (1856-1926), who gathered different mental disorders under a single denomination –
dementia praecox, later termed schizophrenia by Bleuler – together with other psychotic disorders,
separating them from the clinical status of manic-depressive psychosis.1 Almost at the same time,
Freud (1895) differentiated a syndrome from neurasthenia, named anguish neurosis, which started
to be classified and studied with other types of neurosis: hypochondriac, hysteric, phobic and
In 1952, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) published the first edition of the
“Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (DSM-I). The next editions, published in
1968 (DSM-II), 1980 (DSM-III), 1987 (DSM-III-R) and 1994 (DSM-IV) were reviewed, modified
and enlarged.3
The DSM-III (1980) was the most revolutionary of all and became a landmark in the history
of modern psychiatry. New diagnostic categories were created, such as: the split of anguish neurosis
into panic disorder with and without agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder; the social
phobia became a nosologic entity; manic-depressive psychosis became bipolar I disorder, with or
without psychotic symptoms. Many words started to be avoided. The term neurosis, for example,
was no longer used, so that etiologic issues were not invoked; the word hysteria was vanished from
the text for the same reason, and the expression mental disorder replaced mental illness, etc.
diagnosed as schizophrenic, for example, could not be simultaneously diagnosed as having panic
disorder. Schizophrenia, a more severe pathology, was considered superior than the panic disorder.
Such hierarchy followed the well-known practice of medicine that recommends the identification of
In 1987, with the publication of the DSM-III-R, such hierarchy was abolished, and the
manual started to recommend that two or more diagnoses were made for the same patient.
This allowed for the arousal of the concept of comorbidity in psychiatry, later confirmed by
In fact, the concept of comorbidity dates back to 1970, when Feinsten employed it for the
first time to define “any additional clinical entity that exist or that can occur during the clinical
course of a patient.”4 We will approach this issue again later in this article.
The DSM-IV is, therefore, a diagnostic and statistic manual adopted by the APA5 and
correlated with the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders,6 by the World
Health Organization (WHO). It was published in the 1990s, considered the “brain decade” by the
WHO. The DSM-IV uses a multiaxial approach to diagnoses organized in 16 distinct classes, which
are assigned specific number codes and distributed in five major axis:
Axis I: Describes the clinical disorders. For example: panic disorder without agoraphobia
(300.01), major depressive disorder, recurrent (296.3), delusional disorder (297.1), Alcohol
Axis II: Describes mental retardation. For example: severe mental retardation (318.1) and
personality disorders, which were grouped in three clusters. Group A: individuals with strange or
bizarre traits – for example, schizoid personality disorder (301.20); Group B: individuals with
dramatic and unstable traits – for example, histrionic personality disorder (301.50); and, Group C:
insecure and anxious individuals – for example, dependent personality disorder (301.6).
Axis III: Describes general medical conditions. For example: recurrent otitis media
Axis IV: Approaches the psychosocial and environmental problems associated to a mental
Axis V: It is a global assessment of functioning (AGF) scale that is assigned a number. For
The main features of DSM-IV are: 1. description of mental disorders; 2. definition of precise
diagnostic guidelines through a list of symptoms that configure diagnostic criteria; 3. atheoretical
model, without any concern with the disorders etiology; 4; description of pathologies; associate
evolution, differential diagnosis and resulting psychosocial complications; 5. search for a common
language in order to provide adequate communication among professionals from the mental health
The DSM-IV reached many of its objectives. In the clinical practice there is a number of
examples. Individuals firstly described as having “hysteria” were mocked in the emergency rooms,
because physicians did not understand their suffering. Derogative terms were used to refer to them.
In fact, many of them suffered with panic attacks and were demoralized because of their symptoms
of dying or loose control, among others – which were not well interpreted by care providers.7 Other
patients were wrongly diagnosed with schizophrenia, and were stigmatized because of that, instead
of being diagnosed with mood disorder with psychotic symptoms, which would change not only the
prognosis but also the therapeutic approach. The social phobia, neglected by all classifications prior
to the DSM-III, was described as a separate nosologic entity, and the subsequent studies showed it
is the most common of the anxiety disorders, affecting about 12% of the general population.
The dysthymic disorder could be understood as a clinical disorder that, in spite of its
clinical course, is not characterized as a personality trait, as it was firstly considered, but as a
pathologic state that can be diagnosed and treated.8 The obsessive-compulsive disorder is more
frequent than it was thought to be, reaching about 3% of the general population, and its association
with the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is not so frequent, different from what was
firstly postulated.
The development of research in the mental health area had an extraordinary impulse over the
last years. Attention to diagnosis and communication among different professionals – psychiatrists,
psychotherapists and psychologists – established a new partnership between the clinical psychiatry
and the behavioral, cognitive-behavioral (CBT) and interpersonal psychotherapies – that is unique
in the history of our specialty. Such an approach resulted in the development of new therapeutic
techniques, thus providing a great improvement of our patients’ life quality. Some findings have
been confirmed in the specialized literature. The obsessive-compulsive disorder, for example, can
be effectively managed with antidepressant drugs, which inhibit the Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors (IRSS), or with behavioral therapy. Original studies say that functional alterations found
through brain imaging before such procedures decrease after treatment.9,10 On the other hand, it is
well known that drugs have better results with obsessive ideas, while therapy is better to treat
compulsions. In several cases, both forms of treatment are indicated and one of them may be
chosen. The specific phobia does not improve with medication, but it has very good response to
behavioral therapy. Mild and moderate depression episodes have a good response to antidepressants
or CBT. Associating both procedures, however, may offer even better and long-lasting results.
Similarly, patients with social phobia may be indicated both forms of intervention – antidepressants
and CBT, because many of them, after remission of physical symptoms resulting from anxiety with
medication, need treatment to change behavior, improve assertiveness and increase the sociability.11
The use of the DSM-IV is limited and has also a number of disadvantages. The first one
concerns to the system itself, which produces an excessive fragmentation of the clinical states of
mental disorders. This is the reason why many patients are given many different diagnosis
simultaneously, once the symptoms overpass the rigid borders the manual proposes. Comorbidity
within an axis (or many of them) is almost a rule and not an exception. Eighty percent of
individuals with social phobia are given other correlate diagnosis.11 The panic disorder is associated
to depression in more than 50% of cases, and many times it is associated with generalized anxiety,
social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other personality disorder as well, from Axis II.12
The The recommendation of recording all diagnosis obviously poses a disadvantage. Besides, the list
of symptoms do not comprise all patient’s complaints. For example, headache, dry mouth, blurred
sight and cry outbursts are not described as symptoms of panic attack, although they are frequently
The second problem concerns the professional that will use the manual. The DSM-IV must
not be used as an infallible list that automatically provides psychiatric diagnoses after it is filled.
The results may be a disaster in non-experienced hands. Many symptoms overlap different clinical
conditions, and deciding their origin, or the state they belong is an action exclusively derived from
clinical judging, which comes from theoretical knowledge from psychology, psychopathology and
psychiatry areas, adequate training and experience accumulated with practice.13 The DSM-IV is not
a compendium of psychiatry and must not be used as the only source of reference. By listing
symptoms, the manual intends to help acknowledge mental disorders, but not to replace the
comprehensiveness of the clinical diagnosis, which is overall a result of intuition, perception and
feelings that arises from this unique relation between the therapist and the patient. The manual itself
warns the reader about such aspects, in the chapter “A word of caution” from the introduction, and
This shows that the DSM-IV is far from solving the diagnostic and statistic problems of our
specialty. It shows us there is a long way to run, which will be successfully accomplished, provided
that issues and prejudices of each area are left aside, and a joint effort is made to carry out a
collaborative work, gathering scientific findings of psychiatry, which include advances in the field
of neuroimaging and neurophysiology on the one hand, and the application, comparison and
Thus, the diagnostic systems – DSM-IV and ICD-10 – are nosographic and aim at listing
and classifying mental disorders, but they do not replace the clinical practice. The model of such
The scope of the categorical model allows for the inclusion of comorbidities. The concept of
comorbidity by Feinsten was extended by Klerman, in 1990, as a term that comprises the
“occurrence of two or more mental disorders or other medical conditions in the same individual.”14
Later, Frances et al. (1990) created the following schema for the arousal of comorbid disorders: 1.
the disorder A predisposes disorder B; 2. the disorder B predisposes disorder A; 3. A and B are
happens by chance – for example, by the frequent occurrence of both disorders along life in the
The categorical model distinguishes also the primary disorder, the first in a time sequence,
and the secondary disorder. This is the case of depression secondary to panic disorder, as described
by Klein et al. (apud Gomes de Matos).16 It originates from the patient’s demoralization, when he or
she is not provided appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The patient is treated with indifference and
hostility by friends and family, backed by a wrong medical diagnosis, and is not able to evaluate the
degree of his/her suffering and the functional and social limitations resulting from the disorder.
Depression, in this case, has different characteristics than those of a typical (primary) major
depression episode, with more favorable progression, and remits with specific treatment for panic
On the other hand, the dimensional model gained momentum in the 21st century, especially
due to the studies by Kretschmer & Akiskal, who had their basis on Plato’s thoughts and on a
holistic view of the man. They described the mental disease as a unique dysfunction, which is
expressed in different ways. The typical symptoms of depression – according to the school by
Akiskal et al., for example – are in the extreme of a continuum that comprises anxiety, which on its
turn is in the other extreme of the same continuum. Intermediate disorders would be represented by
events with mixed symptoms of depression and anxiety. Thus, in the dimensional model, different
from the categorical one, depression and anxiety are considered the expression of the same
pathology. This makes us think of the concept of spectrum, term used as a metaphor of the physic
phenomenon of light decomposition, which takes place when it passes through a prism. Similarly,
the spectrum of a mental disorder, which the DSM-IV can not cover, includes predictive symptoms
that arise during childhood, and prodomal and peripheral symptoms, which occur together with
typical symptoms, or which appear with sufficient magnitude to mask them.18 The studies by
Kretschmer postulate that the schizothymic and cyclothymic temperaments are part of the
schizophrenia and mood disorder spectrum, respectively, and that schizoid and cycloid individuals
Under the point of view of the dimensional model, the clinical pictures are resulting from
alterations in quantity, which are expressed according to the degree of intensity, different from the
categorical model (includes the DSM-IV and the ICD-10), which considers mental disorders as
Today, several authors develop research with the goal of refining the categorical systems
(DSM-IV and ICD-10). Some groups will be sub-divided into other diagnostic categories, thus
widening even more the list of mental disorders. This is what is likely to happen with bipolar mood
disorders I and II. In DSM-IV they are characterized by phases of depression and mania or
hypomania, respectively, and two new categories shall be included, III and IV. The bipolar disorder
III is characterized by symptoms of patients who naturally develop only depression episodes and
start to have mania or hypomania episodes as well, which are triggered by antidepressant drugs. The
bipolar disorder IV seems to develop in people with hyperthymic temperament who develop
episodes of depression, which are in general very severe with high risk of suicide. The recovery of
alterations, firstly described by Kurt Schneider, is admirable from the scientific point of view.20
On the other hand, some disorders should be reorganized, such as the avoidant personality
disorder of Axis II, which may be grouped with the selective child mutism within social phobia, as
they present the same symptoms, progress and treatment response. The classic division of
schizophrenia into the subtypes (paranoia, hebephrenia, catatonia and simple) may be seen in a new
way, having as reference the positive symptoms (delusions and delirious ideas) and the negative
ones (cognitive deficits). This results from findings of studies performed with last generation
imaging techniques. The schizophrenic patients with predominantly negative symptoms have higher
frequency of alterations in some brain structures that act in a correlate way as compared to patients
with positive symptoms. The positron emission tomography (PET) allows for an in vivo evaluation
of the brain flow, which shows to be decreased in the prefrontal cortex, cerebellum and thalamus,
the information sensorial filter. The cerebellum coordinates cognition, language and motor skills.
The term cognitive dysmetria has been used to characterize such disorder found in schizophrenia.
If future studies confirm the cognitive loss of logic associations, they will be considered the main
signal for the diagnostic of schizophrenia, confirming Bleuler original description of the start of the
21st century.21
Other authors consider that some personality disorders (axis II) are in fact part of the
spectrum of other mental disorders. Thus, similarly to the dysthymic disorder – firstly
acknowledged as a personality disorder and later described as a category from axis I – the
borderline personality disorder would not be considered an isolated clinical condition anymore and
would be part of the bipolar disorder spectrum; the schizotypal personality disorder, schizoid and
Currently, several clinical research have been conducted with the goal of acknowledging and
grouping symptoms that are not typical, but that mix or blur the major symptoms and are not in the
DSM-IV list of diagnostic criteria. The objective is to narrow the gap between the categorical and
the dimensional models. In the year 2000, the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) implemented
an outpatient service, the Center for Treatment and Care of Anxiety Disorders (NATA - Núcleo de
Pisa, where the team formed by Professor Giovani Cassano developed a project for the study of the
mental disorders spectrum. The partnership between both universities will allow for comparisons
among different population. The first results will be published in a partnership, in the near future.
As an example, we will briefly describe the work developed with panic disorder that is currently
The Spectrum Project comprises the assessment of different anxiety and mood disorders.
Two scales of diagnostic evaluation were specifically developed for panic disorder. The first was
designed for the general population and the second for patients diagnosed with panic: SCI-PAS and
PAS-SR, respectively. Both comprise the following items: 1. use of DSM-IV criteria to identify
panic attacks; and 2. structured interview composed of several questions that evaluate: a) sensitivity
to separation during childhood (considered an important, though not specific, predictor of the panic
disorder); b) typical and atypical symptoms of panic (sensations of sight and hearing loss, sensation
of something tore within the brain, discomfort with darkness or fog, discomfort with noise, etc.); c)
sensitivity to stress (symptoms of physical anxiety, such as palpitations, sweating, trembling, etc., in
non-intense stress situations, such as excessive work, family problems, etc.); d) sensitivity or phobia
to drugs and other substances (intolerance to antidepressants, anxiolytics, coffee, perfume and other
smells, etc.); g) hypochondriac symptoms and disease phobia (sensation of being trapped or
suffocated when in the dentist’s chair, fear of medical procedures, such as electroencephalogram,
blood collection, visualization of a scalpel, etc.; and h) sensitivity to reassurance (look for help as
Adequately consulting and using the DSM-IV is extremely important for professionals that
work with mental health care. Over the last years, the use of the DSM-IV has provided significant
scientific advances in the clinical practice and epidemiologic study of mental disorders. It also made
possible a wide communication between psychiatrists and psychologists through a language that
could be understood all over the world. Its use, however, is limited, as it does not replace the study
of the classical treaties of psychology, psychopathology and psychiatry, nor the clinical experience
and the training resulting from practice. Hybrid models that try to join the categorical and
dimensional models, comprising psychiatrists and psychologists, have been currently developed,
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16. Gomes de Matos E. Contribuições ao estudo do distúrbio de pânico e prolapso de valva mitral
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Introduction: The DSM-IV is a diagnostic and statistical system for the classification of
mental disorders that follows a categorical model. It is used in the clinical practice and research in
the psychiatry area. The aim of this study was to analyze the use of the DSM-IV in the clinical
Methods: A wide bibliographic review was made to show the relevance of the topic. Some
probable changes were pointed out, which will be included in the next editions. A discussion on the
diagnostic models, both dimensional and categorical, was carried out as well. The paper was
divided into the following sections: history, concept, advantages and disadvantages of the DSM-IV,
discussion and conclusion. The article also presents a project developed by the Núcleo de
FCM/UNICAMP, which will use an instrument for the diagnostic of the agoraphobia disorder that
Title: Importance and constraints of the DSM-IV use in the clinical practice
CEP 13094-770
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E-mail: evandro@fcm.unicamp.br