2. secluded: hard to reach, hidden away goods 3. fluctuate: to rise and fall irregularly 46. sporadic: scattered, irregular, unpredictable 4. exalt: to praise, to worship 47. suffrage: the right to vote 5. admonish: to warn or scold someone 48. incredulous: unwilling or unable to believe 6. abrupt: sudden, unexpected, without warning something 7. content: satisfied 49. idealistic: unrealistically aiming for perfection 8. eccentric: uncommon, strange 50. conflate: to mix or combine into one (typically 9. mired: stuck in mud ideas) 10. colloquial: used in casual conversation 51. paucity: poverty, scarcity 11. reconcile: settle one’s differences, make 52. ephemeral: temporary, short-lived compatible, bring back to peace 53. prompt: to cause (someone) to take a course of 12. alienate: to cause someone to feel isolated or action lonely 54. reverence: deep respect for someone or 13. distinguish: to tell the difference between something 14. adequate: sufficient, enough, acceptable 55. disparity: a great difference 15. contend: 1) to deal with someone or something 56. dispassionate: not influenced by strong 2) to claim or state a belief confidently emotion, fair-minded 16. sceptical: having doubts 57. phenomenon: a noteworthy occurrence or 17. enfranchise: to give the right to vote situation 18. sophisticated: 1) having a lot of worldly 58. boast: to brag, to show off experience and knowledge 2) complicated 59. irksome: irritating, annoying 19. radical: 1) thorough, complete, extensive 2) 60. allude: to suggest or call attention to indirectly, fundamental, essential 3) revolutionary, extreme to make a reference to something 20. formulate: to create or think up 61. omnipotence: having unlimited or great power 21. attest: to confirm or verify 62. provoke: to cause a reaction or emotion 22. vexing: annoying, irritating (usually anger); to trigger 23. unassuming: humble, low-key 63. indulge: to allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure 24. coerce: to pressure or force someone to do of something 64. entrenched: firmly established and unlikely to 25. adept: very skilled at something change 26. eloquent: fluent or persuasive in speaking or 65. inherent: built-in, existing in something as a writing permanent or essential characteristic 27. austere: plain and without decoration, comforts, 66. vernacular: everyday informal language, local or anything extra dialect 28. dread: to fear, be afraid of 67. inquisition: interrogation, questioning 29. inevitable: unavoidable 68. anecdote: a short personal story 30. to stress: to emphasise 69. malign: evil in nature, harmful 31. spawn: to produce, generate, or create 70. anomaly: oddity, something that is not normal 32. renounce: to give up, deny, or surrender 71. inhibit: to hold someone or something back, to something suppress, to prevent 33. unprecedented: never done or known before 72. mutable: changeable 34. broach: to bring up a difficulty subject for 73. petty: 1) of little importance 2) caring too much discussion about trivial matters 35. proxy: a person authorised to act on behalf of 74. avid: passionate about something another; substitute 75. invoke: to call on or refer to something 36. detrimental: harmful, damaging 76. imprudent: foolish, reckless 37. secular: having no religious or spiritual basis 77. tenacity: persistence, determination 38. innovative: new and different 78. venerable: respected 39. tangible: real and able to be shown or touched 79. authoritarian: enforcing strict obedience to 40. disseminate: to spread widely (particularly authority information) 80. quarrel: an angry argument or disagreement 41. delegate (verb): to assign a task to another 81. yield: 1) to produce or generate (a result) 2) to person surrender 42. apparent: clearly visible or understood; obvious 82. ambivalent: having mixed feelings 43. postulate: to suggest or propose something 83. endeavour: to try hard to do something 44. speculate: to guess, to form a theory without 84. insurrection: a violent uprising or rebellion firm evidence 85. contemplate: to think about for a long time 86. compel: to force someone to do something 127. emigration: the act of leaving one’s own 87. feasible: possible to do easily or conveniently country 88. conjecture: an opinion or conclusion that is 128. irate: angry, furious unproven, a guess 129. tentative: unconfirmed, subject to change 89. arbitrary: based on random choice or personal 130. merely: only; just impulse, rather than any reason or system 131. deceive: to trick or mislead someone 90. reinforce: to make stronger 132. trifling: unimportant, insignificant 91. to temper: to serve as a neutralising or 133. labyrinthine: complicated or confusing counterbalancing force to something 134. decrepit: 1) weak, disabled 2) in a run-down 92. decree: an official order or command state, decayed 93. brevity: concise use of words in writing or 135. corroborate: to confirm, to verify speech 136. obstinacy: stubbornness, unwilling to change 94. equivocal: open to more than one 137. confinement: imprisonment, captivity interpretation; unclear 138. monotony: boredom, dullness, lack of variety 95. stronghold: a place that is strongly defended, a 139. degrade: treat with disrespect fortress 140. dilemma: a situation in which a difficult choice 96. conceive: to form or create a plan or idea has to be made between 2 or more alternatives 97. vanity: excessive pride in one’s own 141. conventional: traditional, accepted, appearance or achievements mainstream, standard 98. sluggish: slow-moving 142. proliferate: increase or grow rapidly 99. intuition: instinct, the ability to understand 143. aesthetic: concerned with beauty or the something immediately appreciation of beauty 100. inexorable: impossible to stop or prevent 144. prominent: important; famous 101. engender: to cause or give rise to (a feeling, 145. unwieldy: difficult to carry or move situation, or condition) 146. unilaterally: used to indicate that something is 102. temperament: a person’s nature, character, or done by only one person or group, without the frame of mind agreement of others 103. upheaval: a sudden change or disruption, 147. stimulate: to trigger, spark, or activate; to chaos excite 104. embrace: to welcome with open arms, to 148. abate: to become less intense or widespread accept or support willingly 149. diligent: hard-working 105. substantiate: to show to be true 150. relegate: to downgrade, to lower in rank or 106. superficial: shallow, on the surface status 107. sovereignty: supreme power or authority 151. demur: to raise doubts or to protest 108. lavish: luxurious 152. novel: new or unusual in an interesting way 109. crux: the essence, the main point 153. abstract: existing in thought or as an idea but 110. indifference: lack of interest and concern not having a physical or concrete existence; 111. tact: skillfulness and sensitivity in dealing with conceptual others or difficult issues 154. vestigial: undeveloped, nonfunctional 112. abundant: plentiful 155. preoccupied with: obsessed with something 113. viable: capable of working successfully, 156. optimistic: hopeful and confident about the realistic, doable future 114. scorn: contempt, the feeling that someone or 157. remembrance: the act of remembering something is worthless something; a memory 115. transgress: misbehave, disobey 158. retain: to keep, to hold on to 116. analogy: a comparison between two things 159. susceptible: easily influenced or harmed by 117. objection: a reason for disagreeing something; vulnerable 118. construe: to interpret in a particular way 160. strenuous: difficult, exhausting 119. procure: obtain, acquire 161. enchantment: magic, charm, fascination 120. evoke: to bring to mind 162. subservient: prepared to obey others, 121. depiction: portrayal, illustration submissive, less important 122. burden: a difficulty, problem, or responsibility 163. empirical: based on experience rather than 123. recollection: a memory; the act of theory or pure logic remembering 164. hostile: unfriendly, threatening 124. tumult: confusion or disorder 165. promulgate: to make widely known, to 125. concede: admit that something is true after publicise first denying it 166. enact: to make law, to put into practice (a 126. demeanour: manner, attitude, appearance belief, idea, or suggestion) 167. abject: miserable, hopeless, awful 205. glut: an excess supply of something 168. expend: to use up, to consume 206. antipathy: hatred, dislike 169. yielding: giving in to or complying with the 207. perilous: dangerous requests of others 208. conception: 1) origin or beginning 2) an idea 170. ignominious: embarrassing, shameful or concept 171. naive: showing a lack of experience, wisdom, 209. repose: rest, relaxation or judgement 210. impede: to create difficulties for someone or 172. acquisition: something that is bought or something, resulting in delay obtained, an act of purchase 211. contradiction: a combination of statements or 173. affluent: wealthy ideas that are opposed to one another; 174. consolidate: 1) strengthen 2) combine or inconsistency unite 212. judgmental: having an excessively critical 175. pious: very religious or spiritual point of view; disapproving 176. aggregate: collection or sum total 213. dismal: depressing, gloomy 177. scatterbrained: disorganised, forgetful 214. ambiguous: open to more than one 178. yearn: to have an intense feeling of longing for interpretation; unclear something 215. wayward: difficult to control or predict because 179. consummate (adj.): complete or perfect, of unusual behaviour having a high degree of skill 216. implication: 1) a conclusion that can be drawn 180. endorse: to support from something 2) a consequence or result 181. ascertain: to find (something) out for certain 217. deploy: to bring into effective action 182. onerous: involving a lot of effort, difficult 218. credibility: believability, authority 183. objective (adj.): fair-minded, not influenced by 219. complacent: overly satisfied or pleased with personal feelings oneself 184. aspire: to hope to achieve something or be 220. convoke: to summon, to call together successful 221. mocking: making fun of someone or 185. obsolete: no longer produced or used; out of something in a cruel way date 222. prospect: the possibility or likelihood of some 186. inflammatory: arousing angry or violent future event occurring feelings 223. amicable: friendly 187. sentiment: a view of or attitude towards a 224. predecessor: someone or something that situation or event; a general feeling or opinion came before 188. candour: honesty 225. deter: to discourage (someone) from doing 189. materialistic: excessively concerned with something material possessions or money 226. indignation: anger or annoyance 190. prejudice: a dislike or unfair opinion (of 227. fetter: to restrict or restrain, to put in chains someone) that is not based on reason or actual 228. rigid: stiff, firm, unchangeable experience 229. cultivate: to grow, to develop 191. distinct: clearly separate and different 230. juvenile: young, childish, immature 192. deference: respect 231. convulsion: a sudden, violent, irregular 193. extensive: large in amount or scale movement of the body 194. impose: 1) to force the acceptance of 232. devise: to plan or invent by careful thought something 2) to cause inconvenience to someone 233. immure: to imprison someone against their 195. articulate: having the ability to speak fluently will and persuasively 234. perturb: to make someone anxious or 196. pristine: original and pure; not spoiled or worn unsettled; to disturb from use 235. solicitude: care or concern for someone or 197. veranda: a porch or balcony something 198. atypical: unusual, uncommon 236. pervasive: spreading widely throughout an 199. subjugate: to bring under domination or area or group of people control, to conquer 237. tyranny: cruel and abusive government or rule 200. ubiquitous: everywhere, universal 238. apprehensive: anxious or fearful that 201. altercation: a noisy argument or disagreement something bad or unpleasant will happen 202. robust: strong and healthy, durable 239. provision: 1) a condition or requirement in a 203. subvert: to damage or weaken the authority of legal document 2) the act of providing services or an established system resources 204. melodramatic: exaggerated, sensationalised, 240. insolent: showing a rude lack of respect or overemotional 241. consensus: general agreement 242. discord: disagreement between people 274. actuate: 1) to cause (a machine or device) to 243. complement (verb): to add to (something) in operate 2) to cause (someone) to act in a particular a way that enhances or completes it way 244. mortify: to cause (someone) to feel 275. versatility: ability to adapt to many different embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated functions or activities 245. dissipate: to disappear or evaporate 276. proclaim: to announce officially or publicly 246. doctrine: a belief or set of beliefs 277. obeisance: deep respect 247. incomprehensible: not able to be understood 278. modest: 1) humble, not showy 2) not large in 248. recount: to tell someone about something, to size or amount give a report of an event 279. adorn: to decorate 249. inefficacious: unable to produce the intended 280. solitude: the state or situation of being alone result 281. deplete: to use up the supply or resources of 250. adversary: one’s opponent or enemy 282. solemn: having or showing serious purpose 251. endow: to provide, to supply and determination; formal 252. confound: to cause surprise or confusion in 283. proponent: a person who supports an idea, someone plan, or cause 253. assert: to state a fact or belief confidently and 284. keen: sharp; highly developed (usually the forcefully senses) 254. undermine: to gradually damage or weaken 285. engulf: to surround and cover completely someone or something 286. diverge: to go in different directions from the 255. paradox: a statement or situation that may be same point, to become different true but seems impossible or difficult to understand 287. squalid: extremely dirty, poor, and unpleasant because it contains two opposite facts or 288. hypothetical: imagined or suggested but not characteristics necessarily real or true 256. apt: appropriate or suitable in the 289. pressing: urgent or needing to be dealt with circumstances immediately 257. competent: having the necessary ability, 290. solicitation: a request for money, information, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully or help 258. severity: the quality of being very unpleasant, 291. meddle: interfere in something that is not unkind, or difficult one’s concern 259. dismay: a feeling of shock and unhappiness 292. coarse: 1) rough, not smooth 2) rude or 260. usurp: to take power or control of something offensive in manner or speech by force or without the right to do so 293. reproach: to criticise or express disapproval 261. nostalgic: feeling happy and also slightly sad with someone when you think about things that happened in the 294. immerse: 1) to put something completely past under a liquid 2) to involve someone completely in 262. ornate: having a lot of complex patterns or an decoration activity 263. hierarchy: a system in which people or things 295. clout: power and influence (especially in are put at various levels or ranks according to their politics or business) importance 296. exacerbate: to make something that is already 264. irrational: not logical or reasonable bad worse 265. bluster: talk intended to seem important or 297. dubious: doubtful threatening but which is not taken seriously and has 298. plausible: possibly true, able to be believed, little effect reasonable 266. subordinate: having a lower or less important 299. notion: a belief or idea position 300. impartial: able to judge something fairly 267. malicious: intending to cause harm; evil 301. swath: a long strip or area of something 268. amend: to revise, to make changes 302. dabble: to try an activity in a casual way 269. conform: to behave according to an 303. earnest: sincere and serious expectation or rule 304. vitality: life, energy, and strength 270. tout: to advertise or praise something (often to 305. mimic: to imitate or copy (someone’s actions sell it) or words) 271. permeate: to spread throughout something 306. agitate: 1) to make someone troubled or 272. incantation: a series of words said as a magic nervous 2) to campaign for something in public spell or charm 307. practical: likely to succeed or be effective in 273. impervious: not able to be influenced, hurt, or real circumstances, relating to actual experience damaged rather than knowledge only 308. ominous: suggesting something unpleasant 340. gregarious: fond of company; sociable will happen 341. exert: to use power or the ability to make 309. dominion: 1) control over a country or people something happen 2) the land that belongs to a ruler 342. vigorous: strong, healthy, and full of energy 310. pretence: a false display, an attempt to 343. entreat: to ask someone sincerely or anxiously deceive to do something 311. egocentric: thinking only of oneself; 344. desolation: a state of complete emptiness or self-centred destruction 312. exploit: to make full use of (a resource), to 345. notorious: famous for something bad use (a person) in an unfair or selfish way 346. induce: 1) to persuade someone to do 313. comprise: to consist of or to be made up of something 2) to cause something to happen 314. plight: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise 347. pompous: feeling that one is better or more unfortunate situation important than other people 315. exemplify: to be a typical example of 348. disparage: to criticise someone or something something in a way that shows a lack of respect 316. momentous: very important (in reference to a 349. intact: complete and in the original state; not decision or event) damaged 317. reverberate: to continue to be heard; to echo 350. verdict: an opinion or judgement repeatedly 351. mundane: ordinary and dull 318. paternal: behaving or feeling as a father does 352. spur: to encourage an activity or development, toward his child to cause something to develop faster 319. lament: to express sadness and regret about 353. sentinel: a guard whose job is to stand and something keep watch 320. mediation: the process by which someone 354. convey: to make (an idea or feeling) known or tries to end a disagreement by helping the two sides understandable to someone; to communicate to talk 355. render: to cause someone or something to be about and agree on a solution in a particular state 321. miser: someone who has a great desire to 356. manifest: to show something clearly, through possess money and hates to spend it signs or actions 322. supple: bending or able to be bent easily; not 357. continuum: a continuous sequence; a range stiff; flexible 358. redress: to correct a wrong 323. oblivious: not aware of what is happening 359. underscore: to emphasise the importance around you something 324. sullen: silent and unpleasant; depressed; 360. enfeeble: to make someone or something very gloomy weak 325. imperative: 1) extremely important or urgent 361. disdain: dislike of someone or something that 2) something that needs to be done immediately one feels does not deserve respect 326. reminisce: to talk about the past with pleasure 362. flatter: to praise someone in order to please 327. tranquil: calm, quiet, and peaceful him or her 328. cleave: to cut or split into at least two parts 363. posterity: all future generations of people 329. reluctance: an unwillingness to do something 364. sustain: to strengthen or support; to keep 330. misgiving: a feeling of doubt, uncertainty, or alive worry about a future event 365. sheer: 1) not mixed with anything else; pure or 331. sparse: small in number, often spread over a complete 2) very large large area; scarce 366. assess: to judge the quality or importance of 332. progenitor: originator, creator, founder something 333. absurd: ridiculous or completely unreasonable 367. artisan: a person who does skilled work with 334. premise: an idea or theory on which a his or her hands statement or action is based; an assumption 368. subtle: not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious 335. scrutinise: to examine someone or something 369. repudiate: to refuse to accept something or very carefully someone; to reject 336. supplemental: added to something else in 370. meander: to follow a route that is not straight order to improve it or complete it or direct 337. poignant: causing a feeling of sadness 371. effectual: successful in producing the 338. obscure: not known to many people, difficult intended results to understand 372. meagre: very small in amount or number 339. ancestral: belonging to or inherited from one’s 373. tedious: boring, slow, and tiring ancestors 374. calibrate: to carefully measure or adjust 375. potent: powerful, persuasive, or effective 376. conducive: providing the right conditions for something to happen or exist; to help bring about 377. reserved: tending to keep feelings or thoughts private; quiet 378. medley: a mixture of different things 379. advocate: 1) to support an idea 2) a person who publicly supports an idea 380. undulate: to move with a smooth wavelike motion 381. magnitude: 1) the great size or importance of something 2) the extent or degree of something 382. aggrandize: to make someone more powerful or important 383. pummelled: to hit someone or something repeatedly 384. timid: easily frightened; shy 385. bias: an unfair personal opinion that influences your judgement 386. refine: to improve something by making small changes 387. oscillate: to swing back and forth 388. esteem: respect and admiration for someone 389. displace: to force something or someone out of its usual or original place 390. pulpit: a raised platform in a church from which the preacher speaks 391. ingenious: clever, original, and inventive (in reference to a person) 392. constitute: to be the parts that form something 393. insatiable: impossible to satisfy 394. volition: the power to make one’s own decisions 395. relish: to like or enjoy something 396. facilitate: to make (an action or process) possible or easier 397. threshold: the level or point at which something starts 398. reform: to make changes in something in order to improve it 399. sneer: to make a facial expression that shows disapproval or disrespect 400. profound: 1) intense, extreme 2) requiring deep thought Speculates - form a theory or conjecture Peripheral - relating to or situated on the about a subject without firm evidence. edge or limits of something. Impartial - treating all rivals or disputants Renounce - reject and stop using or equally; fair and just. consuming. Circumvents - find a way around (an Catastrophic - involving or causing obstacle). sudden great damage or suffering. Eclipses - an obscuring of the light from Elusive - difficult to find, catch, or achieve. one celestial body by the passage of Abrupt - sudden and unexpected. another between it and the observer or Imminent - about to happen. between it and its source of illumination. Predetermined - established or decided in Discernible - able to be discerned; advance. perceptible. Latent - (of a quality or state) existing but Inconclusive - not leading to a firm not yet developed or manifest; hidden or conclusion; not ending doubt or dispute. concealed. Unbiased - showing no prejudice for or Replicable - able to be copied or against something; impartial. reproduced exactly. Synchronisation - the operation or activity Waive - refrain from insisting on or using of two or more things at the same time or (a right or claim). rate. Refute - prove (a statement or theory) to Hibernation - the condition or period of an be wrong or false; disprove. animal or plant spending the winter in a Overshadowed - tower above and cast a dormant state. shadow over. Repudiates - refuse to accept or be Disorienting - causing a feeling of associated with. confusion. Foretells - predict (the future or a future Tenuous - very weak or slight. event). Nuanced - characterised by subtle shades Nonetheless - in spite of that; of meaning or expression. nevertheless. Characterization - a description of the Moreover - as a further matter; besides. distinctive nature or features of someone Sceptical - not easily convinced; having or something. doubts or reservations. Commercialization - the process of Disconcerting - causing one to feel managing or running something principally unsettled. Imperceptible - impossible to for financial gain. perceive or notice. Collaborative - produced or conducted by Substantial - of considerable importance, two or more parties working together. size, or worth. Resilient - (of a person or animal) able to Beneficially - in a favourable or withstand or recover quickly from difficult advantageous way; so as to have a good conditions. effect. Inadequate - lacking the quality or quantity Interjected - say (something) abruptly, required; insufficient for a purpose. especially as an aside or interruption. dynamic (of a process or system) Prescribed - recommend (a substance or characterised by constant change, activity, action) as something beneficial. or progress. Prevail - prove more powerful than Invalidate - deprive because of opposing forces; be victorious. contravention of a regulation or law. Succumb - fail to resist pressure, Predatory - to make invalid especially : to temptation, or some other negative force. weaken or destroy the cogency of Diverge - (of a road, route, or line) Obscure - not discovered or known about; separate from another route, especially a uncertain. main one, and go in a different direction. Inexplicable - unable to be explained or Innocuous - not harmful or offensive. accounted for. Novel - new or unusual in an interesting Mystifying - utterly bewildering or way. puzzling. Impractical - (of an object or course of Infrequent - not occurring often; rare. action) not adapted for use or action; not Ensured - make certain that (something) sensible or realistic. shall occur or be the case. Unobtrusive - not standing out or attracting attention. Implement - a tool, utensil, or other piece Infallible - incapable of making mistakes of equipment, especially as used for a or being wrong. particular purpose. Atypical - Not normal. Describes a state, Presume - suppose that something is the condition, or behaviour that is unusual or case on the basis of probability. different from what is considered normal. Mimic - imitate (someone or their actions Lucrative - producing a great deal of or words), profit. especially in order to entertain or ridicule. Tedious - too long, slow, or dull; tiresome Grapple - engage in a close fight or or monotonous. struggle without weapons; wrestle. Validated - demonstrate or support the Indecipherable - not able to be read or truth or value of. understood. Proponent - a person who supports a Ornamental - serving or intended as an theory, proposal, or project. ornament; decorative. Annotate - add notes to (a text or Obscure - not discovered or known about; diagram) giving explanation or comment. uncertain. Buttress - a projecting support of stone or Intricate - very complicated or detailed. brick built against a wall. Contrived - created or arranged in a way Reciprocate - respond to (a gesture or that seems artificial and unrealistic. action) by making a corresponding one. Interchangeable - apparently identical; Disengage - separate or release very similar. Paucity - small or insufficient (someone or something) from something quantities or amounts; scarcity. to which they are attached or connected. Verisimilitude - the appearance of being Indeed - used to introduce a further and true or real. stronger or more surprising point. Convey - make (an idea, impression, or Beneficiary - one who benefits from feeling) known or understandable to something; a person who left money or someone. other property in a will or the like Depict - show or represent by a drawing, Advance - to move forward / can be used painting, or other art form. like Beneficially - in a favourable or Assert - to declare or state as truth, advantageous way; so as to have a good maintain or defend effect. Conjecture - an opinion or conclusion Perceive - become aware or conscious of formed on the basis of incomplete (something); come to realise or information understand. Posit - to put forth; assert Ambivalence - the state of having mixed Proffer - to present or offer / claim feelings or contradictory ideas about Hypothesise - to reach a conclusion something or someone. based on an assumption Renunciation - the formal rejection of Bolster - support; prop up something, typically a belief, claim, or Substantiate - (v.) to establish by course of action. evidence, prove Nevertheless - in spite of that; Concede - to admit as true; to yield, notwithstanding; all the same. submit Evaluate - form an idea of the amount, Scepticism - the idea that nothing can number, or value of; assess. ever be known for certain Reveal - make (previously unknown or Rebut - to offer arguments or evidence secret information) known to others. that contradict an assertion; to refute Consequently - as a result. Grapple with - to struggle with, to deal Regardless - without paying attention to with the present situation; despite the prevailing Mull over - think carefully about something circumstances. over a period of time Irregardless - without paying attention to Ruminate about - think deeply about the present situation; despite the prevailing something circumstances. same as regardless Converge - to come together Conceptualise - form a concept or idea of Integrate - o bring together and make (something). whole Neglect - fail to care for properly. Intersect - to cut or pass through, to cross Infer - to find out by reasoning; to arrive at Regenerate - to grow back a conclusion on the basis of thought; to Replicate - to repeat, to copy, or to hint, suggest duplicate Surmise - to think or believe without Saturate - soak thoroughly certain supporting evidence; to conjecture Simulation - an imitation of a possible or guess; situation / realistic model Attribute (n) - characteristic Stimulus - any event or situation that Cite - to quote; to mention; to summon to evokes a response appear in court; to commend, recommend Symbiosis - A relationship in which two Multitude - a great number of things or different organisms live in close people association with each other Profusion - an abundance or large Taxonomy - the science of classifying quantity of something organisms Dearth - a lack, scarcity, inadequate Trait - specific characteristic of an supply; a famine individual Disparate - fundamentally different; vegetation plant life entirely unlike Velocity - the speed of an object in a Heterogeneous - different; dissimilar particular direction Eclectic - selecting from or made up from Astronomy - the study of stars and a variety of sources planets Conspicuous - easily seen or noticed Botany - study of plants Distinctive - clearly different from others Cognitive science - science of the brain of the same kind Neuroscience - study of the nervous Salient - most noticeable or important system / Brain Benign - harmless Ecology - the study of the natural world Inherent - existing as a natural part / Entomology - study of insects inborn Epidemiology - science of genetics Innate - inborn; natural Genetics - the study of heredity / genes Intrinsic - belonging naturally; essential Geology - the study of earth and rocks Advantageous - giving an advantage / Ornithology - study of birds favourable Palaeontology - the study of fossils Empirical - based on observation or Zoology - the study of animals experiment Anthropology - the study of humans Fauna - animal life Archaeology - the study of the past based Hierarchy - a system or organisation in on what people left behind which people or groups are ranked one Economics - the study of monetary above the other according to status systems/money or authority. Ethnography - the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and Isotope - each of two or more forms of the cultures. same element that contain equal numbers Folklore - the traditional beliefs, myths, of protons but different numbers of tales, and practices of a people, neutrons in their nuclei, and hence differ in transmitted orally. relative atomic mass but not in chemical Sociology - the systematic study of properties; in particular, a radioactive form human society of an element. Adept - skilled; expert at Indigenous - native Align - support or adopt the position of Inhibit - to prevent, restrain, stop Authentic - genuine; true Metabolism - the chemical processes that Centrality - essential, important occur within a living organism in order to Complement - something that completes maintain life. or makes perfect Methodology - a system of methods used Comprehensive - thorough; complete in a particular area of study or activity Contingent - dependent upon Microbial - related to microbes or Confer - consult, compare views; bestow microscopic organisms or give Pigment - A chemical that produces colour Cultivate - prepare and use (land) for Predisposed to - tending to behave in a crops or gardening; grow particular way Elucidate - to make clear Esteemed - highly regarded Critic/criticism - a person who writes Invigorating - making one feel strong, commentary about literature or art. That healthy, and full of energy commentary can be either positive or Extant - still in existence negative. Fervour - intense feeling; excitement Incentivize - provide (someone) with an Innovative - showing creativity and incentive for doing something. originality; new Immune, invulnerable - safe from harm; Mirth - happiness and laughter protected Mitigate - to make less severe Improvise - to do without preparation Precocious - talented beyond one's age Incisive - sharply cutting; direct and Prevail - to triumph over; to succeed; to powerful exist widely, be in general use; to get Induce - to cause, bring about; to someone to do something by urging persuade Sovereignty - the supreme and absolute Infuse - to inject; to fill something or authority within territorial boundaries; self someone with governing Ingenious - clever; resourceful Adversary - enemy, opponent Inimitable - unique, one of a kind Bureaucracy - large, complex Invaluable - priceless organisation composed of appointed Unqualified - without hesitation; complete officials; negative and total Conventional - in line with accepted ideas Afford - to be able to pay for / 2nd or standards; trite; meaning: grant Displace - to force to move or flee; to move out of position Second Meaning Disparity - a great difference; gap Feign - to pretend, to fake Arrest - 2nd meaning: to stop; to seize Fruitful / fruitless - productive / Assume - to take for granted; 2nd unproductive meaning: to take Haphazard - by chance; not planned; responsibility for lacking order, Austerity - severity; strictness / 2nd careless meaning: reduce spending Impede - to slow the progress of, prevent Badger - 2nd meaning: to pester, nag, Impenetrable - impossible to understand annoy persistently or access Bent - 2nd meaning: Personal inclination Marginal - insignificant, unimportant or tendency Rudimentary - basic, elementary trivial Capacity - 2nd meaning: ability unimportant Chance - 2nd meaning: attempt Acquisition - something received or Channel - 2nd meaning: to direct purchased something toward a purpose Constitute - to make up; be the parts of Check - 2nd meaning: to restrain or block Corollary - something that follows; a Coin - 2nd meaning: to invent natural consequence Compromise - 2nd meaning: to endanger Contemporary - current, modern or make vulnerable Contrive - to plan cleverly; to think up Constitution - 2nd meaning: build (A Disposition - attitude or mood, personality football player has a solid constitution) Ethics - moral values Conviction - 2nd meaning: certainty, Epistemology - theory of knowledge determination Ideology - a system of beliefs Couch - 2nd meaning: to hide Lineage - direct descent from an ancestor; Discriminating - able to see differences derivation Doctor - 2nd meaning: to tamper with, Judicial - related to a court or judge. alter Magnitude - the great size or importance Economy - 2nd meaning: thrift, of something "economical" style of writing using few Preliminary - introductory, preparatory words Premeditated - considered beforehand, Embroider - 2nd meaning: falsify, make deliberately planned up Successor - person who inherits a title or Execute - 2nd meaning: to carry out office Exploit - 2nd meaning: to make use of, not negative in this definition Facility - 2nd meaning: ability to do something easily Foil - 2nd meaning: put a stop to Grave/gravity - 2nd meaning: seriousness Grill - 2nd meaning: question severely (police officers grill a suspect) Hamper - 2nd meaning: hinder; obstruct Harbor - 2nd meaning: to possess, hold Hobble - 2nd meaning: prevent, to hold back the progress of something Plastic - 2nd meaning: able to be moulded, altered, or bent Provoke - 2nd meaning: to elicit a reaction Realise - 2nd meaning: to achieve (a goal) Reconcile - 2nd meaning: to bring together opposing or contradictory ideas Relay - 2nd meaning: to pass on to someone else (relay information) Relate - 2nd meaning: to tell Reservations - 2nd meaning: misgivings or doubt Reserve - 2nd meaning: to hold off on (reserve judgement) Ruffled - 2nd meaning: flustered, nonplussed Sap - 2nd meaning: to drain (of energy) Scrap - 2nd meaning: to eliminate, get rid of Shelve/table - 2nd meaning: to reject or discard (an idea) Solvent - 2nd meaning: able to pay all debts Sound - 2nd meaning: firm, stable, reliable, valid Spare, severe - 2nd meaning: plain, unadorned Static - 2nd meaning: unchanging Sustain - 2nd meaning: to withstand, to resist Uniform - 2nd meaning: constant; without variety Upset -2nd meaning: to interfere with an expected outcome 26. Calibrate: mark (a gauge or instrument) DSAT VOCABULARY FOR with a standard scale of readings. EBRW 27. Callisthenics: gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement. 1. Abject: extremely bad, unpleasant, or 28. Capacity: the maximum amount that degrading. something can contain. 2. Abode: a place of residence; a house or 29. Celestial: positioned in or relating to the home. sky, or outer space as observed in 3. Abstract: existing in thought or as an idea astronomy. but not having a physical or concrete 30. Censure: express severe disapproval of existence. (someone or something), typically in a 4. Adapt: make (something) suitable for a formal statement. new use or purpose; modify. 31. Circulation: movement to and fro or 5. Admonition: a firm warning or reprimand. around something, especially that of fluid 6. Affluent: Having a great deal of money; in a closed system. wealthy. 32. Coerce: persuade (an unwilling person) to 7. Agitate: make (someone) troubled or do something by using force or threats. nervous. 33. Cognition: the mental action or process of 8. Aggrandize: increase the power, status, or acquiring knowledge and understanding wealth of. through thought, experience, and the 9. Aggregate: formed or calculated by the senses. combination of many separate items; total. 34. Colloquial: used in ordinary or familiar 10. Alternation: the action or process of conversation; not formal or literary. alternating or being alternated. 35. Commercial: concerned with or engaged in 11. Amicable: characterised by friendliness commerce. and absence of discord; friendly. 36. Complementary: combining in such a way 12. Analogous: comparable in certain as to enhance or emphasise the qualities respects, typically in a way that makes of each other or another. clearer the nature of the things compared. 37. Complimentary: expressing a compliment; 13. Analogy: a comparison between one thing praising or approving. and another, typically for the purpose of 38. Conflate: combine (two or more texts, explanation or clarification. ideas, etc.) into one. 14. Anomaly: something that deviates from 39. Conjure: make (something) appear what is standard, normal, or expected. unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere 15. Antipathy: a deep-seated feeling of dislike; as if by magic. aversion. 40. Consensus: general agreement. 16. Apparition: a ghost or ghostlike image of a 41. Conservator: a person responsible for the person. repair and preservation of works of art, 17. Arbitrary: based on random choice or buildings, or other things of cultural or personal whim, rather than any reason or environmental interest. system. 42. Constitution: a body of fundamental 18. Ascertain: find (something) out for certain; principles or established precedents make sure of. according to which a state or other 19. Aspire: direct one's hopes or ambitions organisation is acknowledged to be towards achieving something. governed. 20. Autocratic: relating to a ruler who has 43. Convoke: call together or summon (an absolute power. assembly or meeting). 21. Automated: operated by largely automatic 44. Convulsion: a sudden, violent, irregular equipment or processes. movement of a limb or of the body, caused 22. Beget: give rise to; bring about. by involuntary contraction of muscles and 23. Benevolent: Well meaning and kindly. associated especially with brain disorders. 24. Bestow: confer or present (an honour, 45. Dawdle: waste time; be slow. right, or gift). 46. Decipher: convert (a text written in code, or 25. Biological: relating to biology or living a coded signal) into normal language. organisms. 47. Deficient: not having enough of a specified 74. Entrenched: firmly established and difficult quality or ingredient. or unlikely to change; ingrained. 48. Degrade: treat or regard (someone) with 75. Ephemeral: lasting for a very short time. contempt or disrespect. 76. Evince: be evidence of; indicate. 49. Demur: raise objections or show 77. Expenditure: the action of spending funds. reluctance. 78. Explanatory: serving to explain something. 50. Desolation: a state of complete emptiness 79. Extensive: covering or affecting a large or destruction. area. 51. Despoil: steal or violently remove valuable 80. Feature: a distinctive attribute or aspect of possessions from; plunder. something. 52. Deter: discourage (someone) from doing 81. Feeble: lacking physical strength, something, typically by instilling doubt or especially as a result of age or illness. fear of the consequences. 82. Fetter: a chain or manacle used to restrain 53. Disenfranchise: deprive (someone) of the a prisoner, typically placed around the right to vote. ankles. 54. Dissimilar: not alike; different. 83. Finite: having limits or bounds. 55. Doctrine: a belief or set of beliefs held and 84. Fiscal: relating to government revenue, taught by a church, political party, or other especially taxes. group. 85. Florid: having a red or flushed complexion. 56. Doldrums: a state or period of stagnation 86. Former: having previously filled a or depression. particular role or been a particular thing. 57. Domestic: relating to the running of a 87. Forum: a place, meeting, or medium where home or to family relations. ideas and views on a particular issue can 58. Dominion: sovereignty or control. be exchanged. 59. Dubious: hesitating or doubting. 88. Frantic: wild or distraught with fear, 60. Earnest: resulting from or showing sincere anxiety, or other emotion. and intense conviction. 89. Frequent: occurring or done on many 61. Eddy: a circular movement of water, occasions, in many cases, or in quick counter to a main current, causing a small succession. whirlpool. 90. Fundamental: forming a necessary base or 62. Effectual: successful in producing a core; of central importance. desired or intended result; effective. 91. Germinate: begin 63. Efficacy: the ability to produce a desired or 92. Glom: to grab onto something eagerly or intended result. aggressively. 64. Efficient: achieving maximum productivity 93. Glut: an excessively abundant supply of with minimum wasted effort or expense. something. 65. Embellish: make (something) more 94. Grievance: a real or imagined wrong or attractive by the addition of decorative other cause for complaint or protest, details or features. especially unfair treatment. 66. Emit: produce and discharge (something, 95. Haggie: there's no definition available for especially gas or radiation). this word, it might be a typo or a specific 67. Empathise: understand and share the term not commonly used. feelings of another. 96. Ignominious: deserving or causing public 68. Endearing: inspiring love or affection. disgrace or shame. 69. Endeavour: try hard to do or achieve 97. Illegible: not clear enough to be read. something. 98. Immured: enclosed or imprisoned within 70. Endow: provide with a quality, ability, or walls. asset. 99. Impel: drive, force, or urge (someone) to 71. Enhance: intensify, increase, or further do something. improve the quality, value, or extent of. 100.Inapplicable: not relevant or appropriate to 72. Enterprise: a project or undertaking, the subject. typically one that is difficult or requires 101.Incomprehensible: not able to be effort. understood; not intelligible. 73. Entice: attract or tempt by offering 102.Incontestable: not able to be disputed or pleasure or advantage. questioned; indisputable. 103.Incorporate: take in or contain (something) 131.Manipulate: handle or control (a tool, as part of a whole; include. mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful 104.Incredulous: unwilling or unable to believe manner. something. 132.Mantra: a statement or slogan repeated 105.Indifference: lack of interest, concern, or frequently. sympathy. 133.Marginalize: treat (a person, group, or 106.Indistinguishable: Not able to be identified concept) as insignificant or peripheral. as different or distinct. 134.Meander: Wander at random. 107.Ineffective: not producing any significant 135.Mechanisation: the process of changing or desired effect. from working largely or exclusively by hand 108.Inefficacious: not producing the desired or with animals to doing that work with effect; ineffective. machinery. 109.Inexplorable: not able to be explored or 136.Meddle: interfere in or busy oneself unduly investigated. with something that is not one's concern. 110.Ingenious: clever, original, and inventive. 137.Metastasize: (Of a cancer) spread to other 111.Innumerable: too many to be counted; sites in the body by metastasis. countless. 138.Mire: a stretch of swampy or boggy 112.Institution: a society or organisation ground. founded for a religious, educational, social, 139.Monotony: lack of variety and interest; or similar purpose. tedious repetition and routine. 113.Insurrection: a violent uprising against an 140.Motivation: the reason or reasons one has authority or government. for acting or behaving in a particular way. 114.Integrate: combine (one thing) with 141.Mundane: lacking interest or excitement; another so that they become a whole. dull. 115.Intend: have (a course of action) as one's 142.Mystify: to utterly bewilder or perplex purpose or objective; plan. (someone). 116.Intermittent: occurring at irregular 143.Net: remaining after expenses or other intervals; not continuous or steady. factors have been deducted from revenue. 117.Intuitive: using or based on what one feels 144.Notation: a series or system of written to be true even without conscious symbols used to represent numbers, reasoning; instinctive. amounts, or elements in something such 118.Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack as music or mathematics. of respect. 145.Nuance: a subtle difference in or shade of 119.Intolerable: unbearable; too severe or meaning, expression, or sound. extreme to be endured. 146.Null: having no legal or binding force; 120.Invasive: tending to spread very quickly invalid. and undesirable or harmful 147.Obliterate: destroy utterly; wipe out. 121.Inversion: the action of inverting 148.Obstinate: stubbornly refusing to change something or the state of being inverted. one's opinion or chosen course of action, 122.Irk: irritate or annoy. despite attempts to persuade one to do so. 123.Labyrinth: a complicated irregular network 149.Oscillate: move or swing back and forth at of passages or paths in which it is difficult a regular speed. to find one's way; a maze. 150.Onerous: involving an amount of effort and 124.Laden: heavily loaded or weighed down. difficulty that is oppressively burdensome. 125.Latter: situated or occurring nearer to the 151.Panacea: a solution or remedy for all end of something than to the beginning. difficulties or diseases. 126.Liaison: communication or cooperation 152.Parasitic: of, relating to, or characteristic that facilitates a close working relationship of parasites. between people or organisations. 153.Parity: the state or condition of being 127.Magnitude: the great size or extent of equal, especially regarding status or pay. something. 154.Paradox: a statement or proposition that, 128.Malice: the intention or desire to do evil; ill despite sound (or apparently sound) will. reasoning from acceptable premises, 129.Malign: evil in nature or effect; malevolent. leads to a conclusion that seems 130.Manifest: clear or obvious to the eye or senseless, logically unacceptable, or mind. self-contradictory. 155.Partake: join in (an activity). 179.Rapacious: aggressively greedy or 156.Paternal: of or appropriate to a father. grasping. 157.Permeate: spread throughout (something); 180.Receptive: willing to consider or accept pervade. new suggestions and ideas. 158.Permutation: a way, especially one of 181.Redress: remedy or compensation for a several possible variations, in which a set wrong or grievance. or number of things can be ordered or 182.Reluctant: unwilling and hesitant; arranged. disinclined. 159.Perpetual: never ending or changing. 183.Remonstrate: make a forcefully 160.Perspective: a particular attitude toward or reproachful protest. way of regarding something; a point of 184.Repression: the action of subduing view. someone or something by force. 161.Perturb: make (someone) anxious or 185.Reverence: deep respect for someone or unsettled. something. 162.Pervading: spreading widely throughout an 186.Rhetoric: the art of effective or persuasive area or a group of people. speaking or writing. 163.Phenomena: a fact or situation that is 187.Sanction: a threatened penalty for observed to exist or happen, especially one disobeying a law or rule. whose cause or explanation is in question. 188.Scuttling: run hurriedly or furtively with 164.Pittance: a very small or inadequate short quick steps. amount of money paid to someone as an 189.Seamless: smoothly continuous or allowance or wage. uniform in quality; without any visible gaps 165.Plasticity: the quality of being easily or joins. shaped or moulded. 190.Sentiment: a view of or attitude toward a 166.Plenipotentiary: a person, especially a situation or event; an opinion. diplomat, invested with the full power of 191.Sentinel: a soldier or guard whose job is to independent action on behalf of their stand and keep watch. government, typically in a foreign country. 192.Sequence: a particular order in which 167.Posterity: all future generations of people. related events, movements, or things 168.Postulate: suggest or assume the follow each other. existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a 193.Shingled: covered with or consisting of basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief. shingles (small, thin pieces of building 169.Potent: having great power, influence, or material). effect. 194.Sceptic: a person inclined to question or 170.Prattle: talk at length in a foolish or doubt accepted opinions. inconsequential way. 195.Sluggish: slow-moving or inactive. 171.Predecessor: a person who held a job or 196.Squalid: extremely dirty and unpleasant, office before the current holder. especially as a result of poverty or neglect. 172.Preposterous: contrary to reason or 197.Squelch: crush or squash (something soft common sense; utterly absurd or or moist). ridiculous. 198.Stagnate: cease to flow or move; become 173.Primitive: relating to, denoting, or stagnant. preserving the character of an early stage 199.Stewardship: the job of supervising or in the evolutionary or historical taking care of something, such as an development of something. organisation or property. 174.Pristine: in its original condition; 200.Stupefied: astonished and shocked; unspoiled. stunned. 175.Proliferate: increase rapidly in numbers; 201.Subjugate: bring under domination or multiply. control, especially by conquest. 176.Promulgate: promote or make widely 202.Subordinate: lower in rank or position. known (an idea or cause). 203.Subsequent: coming after something in 177.Province: a principal administrative time; following. division of certain countries or empires. 204.Substantial: of considerable importance, 178.Psychological: relating to the mental and size, or worth. emotional state of a person. 205.Supplemental: added to something in order to complete or enhance it. 206.Sustenance: means of livelihood. 221.Usurp: take (a position of power or 207.Swayed: Influence (a person or course of importance) illegally or by force. action). 222.Validate: check or prove the validity or 208.Symmetric: made up of exactly similar accuracy of (something). parts facing each other or around an axis; 223.Vantage: a place or position affording a showing symmetry. good view of something. 209.Synthetic: made by chemical synthesis, 224.Verifiable: able to be checked or especially to imitate a natural product. demonstrated to be true, accurate, or 210.Sullen: bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy. justified. 211.Tactile: Of or connected with the sense of 225.Vernacular: the language or dialect spoken touch. by the ordinary people in a particular 212.Tout: attempt to sell (something), typically country or region. by pestering people in an aggressive or 226.Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to bold manner. many different functions or activities. 213.Transaction: an instance of buying or 227.Vestigial: forming a very small remnant of selling something; a business deal. something that was once much larger or 214.Transit: the carrying of people, goods, or more noticeable. materials from one place to another. 228.Virtuous: having or showing high moral 215.Traipsing: walk or move wearily or standards. reluctantly. 229.Wayside: the side of a road or path. 216.Tributary: a river or stream flowing into a 230.Yearning: a feeling of intense longing for larger river or lake. something. 217.Unrequited: not returned or rewarded. 218.Unseemly: not proper or appropriate. 219.Unstinting: given or giving without restraint; unsparing. 220.Unveil: remove a veil or covering from, especially uncover (something new or secret) for the first time.