Rockschool Drums Grade 1
Rockschool Drums Grade 1
Rockschool Drums Grade 1
Telephone: +44 (0)345 460 4747
I Title Page
2 Acknowledgements
3 Table of Contents
4 Welcome to Rockschool Drums Grade 1
Hit Tunes
Rockschool Originals
29 'Kaiser Roll'
33 'Bend And Snay'
37 '|angle Road'
4L 'West Coast Rollin'
45 'Deep Troubld
49 'Munky Fusic'
Technical Exercises
Supportirg Tests
54 Sight Reading
55 Improvisation & Interpretation
56 Ear Tests
57 General Musicianship Questions
Additional Infornrration
Drum Exams
At each grade, you have the option of taking one of two different Qpes of examination:
. Grade Exam: a Grade Exam is a mixture of music performances, technical work and tests. You prepare three pieces
(two ofwhich may be Free Choice Pieces) and the contents ofthe Technical Exercise section. This accounts for 75Vo
of the exam marks. The other 25% consists of: either a Sight Reading or an Improvisation & Interpretation test (10%),
a pair of instrument specilc Ear Tests (10%) and finallyyou will be asked five General Musicianship Questions (57o).
The pass mark is 607o.
. Perfonnance Certificatq in a Performance Certificate you play five pieces. Up to three of these can be Free Choice
Pieces. Each song is marked out of 20 and the pass mark is 60/o.
Book Contents
The book is divided into a number of sections. These are:
. Exam Pieces: in this bookyou will find six specially commissioned pieces of Grade 1 standard. Each of these is
preceded by a Fa ct File.Each Fact File contains a summary of the song, its style, tempo, key and technical features,
along with a list of the musicians who played on it. The song itself is printed on two Pages. Immediately after each
song is a Walkthrough. This covers the song from a performance perspective, focusing on the technical issues you will
encounter. Each song comes with a full mix version and a backing track Both versions have spoken count-ins at the
beginning. Please note that any soios played on the full mix versions are indicative only.
. Technical Exercises: you should prepare the exercises set in this grade as indicated. There is also a Fill test that should
be practised and played to the backing track
. Supporting Tests and General Musicianship Questions: in Drums Grade I there are three suPPorting tests - either a
Sight Reading or an Improvisation & Interpretation test and two Ear Tests - and a set of General Musicianship Questions
(GMQs) asked at the end of each exam. Examples of the tlpes of tests likely to appear in the exam are printed in this book
Additional er<amples of both types of test and the GMQs can be found in the Rocks chool Companion Guide 'Io Drums.
. Additional Information: finally, you will find information on exam procedures, marking schemes, and the ftrll
notation and backing track ofa piece from tJre next grade as a taster.
Audio is provided in the form of backing tracks (ininus drums, and in two versions: click and no-ciick ) and examples
(including drums) for the pieces and the supporting tests where applicable. Audio files are supplied in MP3 format to enable
playback on a wide range of compatible devices. Digital versions of the book include audio files in the download. Download
audio for hardcopy books from RSL directly at yon will need to inPut this code when
prompted: GBEAT4VFMS
Syllabus Guide
AII candidates should read the accompanying syllabus guide when using this grade book This can be downloaded from the
RSL website:
Updates and changes to Rockschool books are documented online. Candidates should check for errata periodically while
studying for any examination. Further details can be found on the RSL website:
J ='t 09 Rock
BACXGROIIND INI'O their reaction. 'I \{ant To Break Fred followed the
hugely successful 'Radio Ga-Ga', written by drummer
'I Want To Break Free' was reieased in April 1984 Roger Taylor.
and achieved great success. T'he song tvas rrritten
by Queen's bassist Iohn Deaccn and featured on Queen released 18 no.1 albums, 18 no.1 singles
the album The Worl<s.In 1984 Queen were a hugely and 10 no.1 DVDs. Their record sales are over 150
popular band with a varied catalogue of highly million with some estimates mentioning over 300
successful and influential recor:ds under their belt. million units. Their 20A6 Greatest Hits is the best-
selling album in the UK, rvith sales nearing 5.5
The video for'I Want To Break Free', released at million copies.
the peak of the MTV era, featured all band members
dressed in women's clothirg. The idea was devised Drummer Roger Thylor is also a multi-
by drummer Roger Taylor as a parody of the long instrumentalist and song\{riter - he composed at least
running soap opera Coronation Street.The video was one track on every Queen album. He is recognizedfor
banned by MTV America and various radio stations his unique drum sound and style and has mentioned
in the US - this played a significant role in the low Mitch Mitchell and Keith Moon as early influences. In
ranking of the song in that territory. It reached the D7A Taylor turned down a chance to become Genesis'
Top 10 in most European countries and, in parts drummer which led to Phil Collins joining instead.
of South America and South Africa, the song was Tay'or's vocal range is legend*y, he is known to
adopted as an anthem against social oppression. reach very high notes live in full voice, whilst playing
drums. The raspiness of his delivery and high falsetto
In Brazil the reaction to the video was diametrically make his singing immediately recognisable.
oppcsed to the success of the song. In 1985 Queen
performed in front of an audience of 325,000 at Rock
In Rio and when Freddie Mercury started singing the
song wearing a female outfit stones were thrown at
him. He realised that his outfit was the reason and
so he removed it and calmed the audience down.
Mercury remained puzzled and disappointed about
I Want to Break Free
Words & Music by iohn Deacon
J=109 Rock
J=112 Soul
J=113 Soul
Vamp (Bar 5)
Bar 5 sees the introduction of main groove which features
an eighth-note feel played between the bass drum, snare
drum and hi-hats. Notice the crash on beat 1 - this means
getting straight back to the hi-hats for: the second eighth-
note of the bar.
Verse (Bar 9)
The eight-bar verse begins in bar 9, however, there is no
change in the drum part to signi$, this. This section ends
with a slight variation in the basic feel, with an additional
snare drum on the last eighth-note of the bar, which works
as way of signalling the transition into the chorus.
J= 90 Hip Hop
BACXGROI]ND INFO that touch upon love, relationships and lifesfle, and
much of what he sings about is autobiographical.
'Yeah' was the lead single from Usher's fourth Usher says he is profoundly influenced by Michael
album Confessions.It topped the Billboard charts for |ackson and Prince. His vocal technique is highly
twelve weeks until Usher's following single, 'Burn', developed and rather unusual for someone in the
replaced it at the top spot. 'Yeah' also reached the R&B/rap genre - this gives his music a wide reaching
top of the charts in twelve other countries including appeal and a melodic dimension unusual in the style.
the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Usher's performances are typically sleek productions
Germany and Norway. The song won a Grammy with a great deal of showmanship and choreography.
Award for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration and sold over He is an outspoken social commentator, known to
4 million copies in the US alone. support feminism and eryoy art, which he collects.
In the Autumn of 2A$ Usher finished Confessions Usher owns a record label, RBMG, which counts
and submitted it to the record company. Upon Iustin Bieber as one of its acts. Ln2010 he joined
hearing it Arista's president, L.A Reid, felt the album the American TV show The Voice and also made
lacked a lead single and asked Usher to record a few an appearance on Britainb Got Talent. Usher had
more tracks. 'Yeah' was recorded in the sessions that a role in the film Hands Of Stone, a bicpic about
followed, produced by Lil Ion. The song gained a the Panamanian boxer Roberto Durdn. He acted
great deal of praise from music critics. 'Yeah's' mix alongside Robert De Niro, Edgar Ramire z, Ana de
of hip hop, soul and ballad made it interesting yet Armas and Ellen Barkin.
accessible and that captured the public's imagination.
The video for'Yeah' won two awards for Best Dance
Video and Best Male Video at the 2005 MTV Video
Music awards
@ Copyright 20o4 Air Control Music lncorporated/Hitco Music/Hitco South/Christopher G-a11ett's/Christopher lr'Iatthew Music/Basajamba
Ludacris Music Publishing Incorporated/Me And Marg Music/EMI April Music Incorporated/Reservoir_4l5.
Manag.*";1,,if;1;i:J"i:fl#l[t*:lfdj;tfid/B.MGx'i8hs Management (us) LLC'
Reservoir Media
Bar glOpenhi-hat
On the last eighth note of bar 9 there is a small circle
above the hi-hat note. This means to open the hi-hai using
the foot on the pedal while playing the hi-hat with the
hand. Try not to lean back or rock to the side when Playrng
either the bass drum or hi-hat pedal. Keep the body as
centred as possible.
Ovm\rrE\'l The Small Faces and The Kinks. Later in the band's
career, their music had a touch of northern soul
'Kaiser Roll' is written in the style of mod- as well as punk as their catchy, guitar driven songs
influenced British indie groups including BIur, Kaiser boasted memorable hooks and driving drum beats.
Chiefs and Ocean Colour Scene. It should be played
with the energy of rock and its techniques include 'fhe Jam's frontman Paul Weller turned his back on
open hi-hat and moving between cymbals. the mod scene rvhen he formed 'Ihe Sryl. Council,
only to return to the fold in the 1990s with acclaimed
albums Wild Wood (1993) and Heavy Scul (1997).
The Kaiser Chiefs picked up where The Iam ended
This style of drumming takes its lead from \^rith a sound dominated by crunchy guitars. Later,
mod music of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Mod the band replaced their punk influences with pop
drummers had more finesse than their punk peers sensibilities inspired by the great Ilritish bands of the
and looked to the grooves of northern soul for 1 980s, especially Madness.
A Section (Bars L-LZ) which includes four eighth notes followed by a quarter note.
This is the A section of the piece which, in most rock songs, There are two sticking options for this snare filL alternate
is referred to as the verse. The groove is introduced straight sticking starting with your ieading haud (R L R L R) or play
away with eighth note hi-hats, backbeat snare and a varied all strokes with your leading hand (R R R R R). Whichever
bass drum pattern. The open/closed hi-hat is added from sticking option you decide to use, ensure that the rhythms
bar 9 and there is a snare/bass drum fiIl in bar L2. are accurate and co-ordinated well with *.he bass drum (Fig.
2 with two sticking opticns).
Bars l-4 I Groove
The snare and bass drum pattern follows the guitar riff, so B Section (Bars L3-20)
pay attention to what is played on the track. Isolating each This is the second section of the piece, usually referred to as
beat and focusing upon the bass drum pattern is a gcod the chorus in rock music. The groove is played on the ride
starting point when working on this section. On beat 1 there cymbal \^rith a few crash cymbal hits.
are two consecutive bass drums to play. Remember that
these must be performed evenly and, as long as you focus on Bar 13 | Crash cymbal
the balance and do not stop the natural bounce of the bass The first cymbal note in this bar indicates the crash cymbal
drum beater, this should be achieved. should be played. Co-ordinating the crash \ rith the bass
drum is an important and useful skill for every drummer.
Bar I I Quarter-note rest
In the third beat of the bar there is a quarter-note rest. This Bar 13 | Ride cymbal
means that nothing will be played at the bottom part of the Apart from the crash hits, all the cymbal notes in this section
stave. However, the hi-hats notated above the rest should tell you that the ride cymbal should be played. The ride
be played. These will also help you maintain a steady and will replace the natural part of the hi-hat in the groove and
consistent pulse. should be played with accuracy and in unison.
@ Copyright 2012 Rock School Ltd. This music is copyright- Photocopf ing is illegal.
This music is copyrighr Photocopy'ing is illegal.
but instead of playrng the hi-hat with your hand at the same
Bar 5 | Crash on beat 1 time simply hit a different cymbal. In this particular case, the
Playing the crash cymbal on the first beat ofthis bar '+' above the ride cymbal note indicates that the ride needs
indicates the beginning of a new section. The crash is played to be played and co-ordinated with closing the hi-hat with
with a bass drum in order to make this statement more your foot (Fig. 2).
J=95 Hip Hop
OVER\TIEW 1970s funk and 1980s electro funk held sway, whereas
in New York (the birth place of hip hop) producers
'West Coast Rollirt'' is a hip hop track in the G-funk were more likely to sample jazz or early funk records.
style popularised by artists like Dr Dre, Snoop Doggy
Dogg and Warren G. It has a solid yet chilled out West Coast producers like Dr Dre and DJ Quik
backbeat feel and features open hi-hats, snare drum pioneered the signature G-funk bounce and began
fills and other techniques. to move away from sampling towards the use of
live musicians who wouid generate new grooves or
replicate loops sampled from old records. G-funk
STYIE I'CCIIJS continues to influence contemporary artists including
50 Cent and Mann, whose single'Buzzii'was an
Early G-funk borrowed from the feel of George international hit and, in its sampling of Nu Shooz'
Clinton's P-funh especially the basslines of later
Parliament and Funkadelic records. These synth- production style. '
laden bass sounds formed a rich, full sound which,
when coupled with eighth-note feel instrumentation,
gives this style the core of its groove. Beats two and RECOI IMEIrDED rrsTE]rING
four (the backbeat) routinely have the usual snares
layered with hand claps to create a bigger sound and Dr Dre's classic solo album The Chronic (1992)
place more emphasis on these beats. It is not unusual was G-funk's first major release. The tracks 'Dre
for the drum part to play a solid backbeat feel for the Dayi 'Nuthin' But A G Thang' and'Let Me Ride' are
majority of the track and to use fills sparingly. essential listening. Dre also produced Snoop Dogg's
controversial debut Doggystyle (L993), which brought
G-funk to the mainstream. 2Pac began his career
[}IE STGCF,R. PiC.TIIRE as a member of Digital Underground and is a key
figure. 1995's Me Against The World was popular
The West Coast hip hop scene, of which G-funk with an audience beyond G-funk's native West Ccast.
from that of America's East Coast.
was a part, differed Warning: these records ma), contain content that is
From Los Angeles to San Francisco's Bay Area, late un suit able for childre n.
Neel Dhorajiwala
@ Copyright 2ol2 Rock School Ltd- This music is copyrighl Photocopf ing is illegal.
This music is copyright Photocopying is illegal.
A Section (Bars 1-8) the follo*ing rhythmic phrase: "1 & rest &.3 4". Count the
The first section of this piece features a basic hip hop groove. eighth notes in the bar in order to understand the rhythmic
There are consistent eighth note hi-hats, with occasional values and rest that are used. When playrng phrases like this
open/closed marks, backbeat snare, a straight bass drum one on the drum kit it is recommended tc experiment with
pattern and one crash cymbal hit in bar 1. different sticking options until you find the one that works
best for you. In order to develop reliable hand technique,
Bar | | Crash on beat 1 try using the following sticking: R L rest L R L. Alternate
Drummers employ this technique frequently so it is worth sticking such as the one suggested here will help you to
practising it until it becomes second nature. You must Play develop a more accurate and even single stroke roll. (See
the crash cymbal and bass drum in unison while ensuring Fig. 2 for sticking example.)
accurate timing and secure co-ordination. The craslt and
bass drum hit on beat 1 generally indicates the start of a ne\ " C Section (Bars 17 -25)
section (Fig. 1). This is the reprise of the A section and the groove features
crash cymbals and open/closed hi-hats. The drum part in
Bar I Open hi-hats on offbeats bars 24 and 25 follows the rhythms played on the backing
In order to produce a solid open hi-hat sound you will need track by the other instruments.
to co-ordinate your hi-hat foot movement with your hand
that plays the hi-hat. In this bar the open hi-hats are played Bars 24-25 | nnding phrase
on the offbeats of beats 3 and 4 (the offbeat is the second The rhythm of this phrase is straightforward: six consecutive
eighth note of each beat, which is generally counted as "&"). quarter notes are played and followed by a rest on the final
The hi-hat should be played as closed in the following eighth two beats. In bar 24 ail, four quarter notes are played with the
notes, so co-ordinate the movement of your hi-hat foot bass drum and open hi-hat, and in bar 25 both quarter notes
with the bass drum, which needs to be played at the same are played with the bass drum and crash cymbal. Apart from
time. When working on this technique it is vital that you maintaining a consistent open hi-hat sound and keeping
remember this principle: in order to achieve a solid pulse, your posture balanced, you need to focus on moving your
your body should remain balanced; therefore, avoid leaning hand in time between the cymbals.
backwards, sideways or forwards.
Bars 24-25 | Moving between kit parts
Bar 8 I Fill The ability to move your hands accurately between the
In bar 8 there is a snare fill of four consecutive eighth notes. drums and cymbals is integral to drumming. Ensure that
There are a few sticking options for you to choose from: your drum kit is set in the most comfortable way so that it is
singles (R R R R or L L L L); alternate (R L R L or L R L R); easy for you to reach each part of the kit.
or doubles (R R L L or L L R R). Try them ail and see which
feels most comfortable and works best with your technique.
Counting the eighth notes in these bars as "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &"
will help you to lock in with the cUck or track.
@ Copyright 2012 Rock School Ltd- This music is copyright- Photocopying is illegal.
@ Copyright 2012 Rock School Ltd- This music is copyright- Photocopying is illegal.
Bar 7lClosedhi-hat
The '+' sign above the first hi-hat note in this bar indicates
that the hi-hat should be played in the closed position. This
technique is achieved by pressing the hi-hat pedal down
with your foot and tightening the hi-hat cymbals. Apart
from tightening your hi-hat foot, you will also need to hit
the hi-hat and the bass at exactly the same time. This specific
movement and use of voicing is common in drumming and
a valuable commodity to have in your tool bag, so take your
time and get comfortable with it.
)=1 05 Funk
Luke Aldridge
In this section the examiner will ask you to play a selection of exercises drawn from each of the three groups shown below.
In addition there is a Fill exercise which you will play using the designated backing track You do not need to memorise the
exercises (and can use the book in the exam) but the examiner will be looking for the speed of your resporse.
The stickings shown (L & R) are there as a guide for right handed drummers. Left handed drummers should reverse the
sticking patterns. Before you start the section you will be asked whether you would like to play the exercises along with the
click or hear a single bar of click before y,ou commence the test. Groups A-C should be playedat )=70.
Group C: Paradiddles
in 16e notes
Single paradiddle
Group D: Fill
In the exam you will be asked to play the three bar groove shown followed by one of the notated fills chosen by the
examiner. The fiils consist ofalternating eighth- and l6s-note single and double stroke ftlIs. You will perform this exercise to
the backing track. The tempo is J = 80.
)=80 Funk
Sight Reading
In this section you have a choice between either a Sight Reading test or an Improvisation & Interpretation test (see facing
page). you will Le asked to prepare a Sight Reading test which will be given to you by the examiner. The test is four bars long
*i pt"y.a on the snare drum. The examiner will allow you 90 seconds to PrePare it and will set the tempo for you. The
tempo is J=80.
Improvisation & Interpretation
You will be asked to play a written one bar groove, vary it in the following two bars and improvise a fill in the fourth bar.
The test will be played to a backing track using the trass drum, hi-hat and snare drum. You have 30 seconds to prepare then
you will be allowed to practise during the first playing of the backing track, before playing it to the examiner on the second
Pl"ytttg ofthe backing track This test is continuous with a one bar count-in at the beginning and after the practice session.
The tempo is J=80.
Ear Tests
There are two Ear Tests in this grade. The examiner will play each test to you twice. You will find one example of each type
of test printed below.
Each time the test is played it is preceded by a one bar count in. There will be a short gap for you to Practise. Next you will
hear the vocal count in and you will then play the fill to the click The tempo is J = 70.
Each time the test is played it is preceded by a one-bar vocal count-in. The tempo is J = 80.
General Musicianship Questions
Entering Rockschool Exams
Gneor Exeus I Drrur ro Gnaor,5 *
Bass drum Floor tom Medium tom High tom Ghost snare Rim'shot Cross stick Buzz snare
Repeat the previous bar. ln higher Repeat the previous two bars. ln
grades these may also be marked higher grades these may also be
sim. or cont. sim. marked sim. or cont. sim.
Play an individual, stylistic fill. Develop Extend the musical part in a stylistically
appropriate manner.
Continue in similar way but vary the Rit. (ritardando) Gradually slow the tempo.
pattern slightly.
Mechanical Copyright Information
The syllabus consists of 11 finely-tuned books:
Discover eve46hing you need to know The ideal preparation for students
about popular musical theory taking Rockschool theory exams
Regardless of your current level of technical The range of Workbooks, frorn Debut to
ability, or srylistic preferences, our Popular Grade B, serve as grade-specific, practice
Music Theory Guidebooks will provicle texts, which enable each student to practice
you with all of the information necessary and apply the knowledge gained through
to progress seamlessly through the the study of the Guidebooks, within the
Rockschool graded theory exams. same structure and format of the actual
Rockschool theory exams.
Acquire a hugely impressive knowledge of:
O Popular music composition Each book includes sample questions
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t How to read and analyse a rnusical score C Music notation
t Specialist notation and techniques for all I Popular rnusic harmony
band instrurnents O Bar,d knowledge
I Harmony, theory and key chord O Band analysis
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