ORMAZABAL Transformer User Manual
ORMAZABAL Transformer User Manual
ORMAZABAL Transformer User Manual
3 system
Medium-voltage cubicles with integrated
insulation in SF6 gas up to 40.5 kV in
accordance with IEC Standard with rated
current up to 630 A.
General Instructions
IG-136-EN, version 13, 23/04/2020
When medium-voltage equipment is operating, certain components are live, other parts may be in movement and some may
reach high temperatures. Therefore, the use of this equipment poses electrical, mechanical and thermal risks.
In order to ensure an acceptable level of protection for people and property, and in compliance with applicable environmental
recommendations, Ormazabal designs and manufactures its products according to the principle of integrated safety, based on
the following criteria:
• Elimination of hazards wherever possible.
• Where elimination of hazards is neither technically nor economically feasible, appropriate protection functions are
incorporated in the equipment.
• Communication about remaining risks to facilitate the design of operating procedures which prevent such risks,
training for the personnel in charge of the equipment, and the use of suitable personal protective equipment.
• Use of recyclable materials and establishment of procedures for the disposal of equipment and components so
that once the end of their service lives is reached, they are duly processed in accordance, as far as possible, with the
environmental restrictions established by the competent authorities.
Consequently, the equipment to which the present manual refers complies with the requirements of section 11.2 of Standard
IEC 62271-1. It must therefore only be operated by appropriately qualified and supervised personnel, in accordance with the
requirements of standard EN 50110-1 on the safety of electrical installations and standard EN 50110-2 on activities in or near
electrical installations. Personnel must be fully familiar with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual and in other
recommendations of a more general nature which are applicable to the situation according to current legislation[1].
The above must be carefully observed, as the correct and safe operation of this equipment depends not only on its design but also
on general circumstances which are in general beyond the control and responsibility of the manufacturer. More specifically:
• The equipment must be handled and transported appropriately from the factory to the place of installation.
• All intermediate storage should occur in conditions which do not alter or damage the characteristics of the equipment
or its essential components.
• Service conditions must be compatible with the equipment rating.
• The equipment must be operated strictly in accordance with the instructions given in the manual, and the applicable
operating and safety principles must be clearly understood.
• Maintenance should be performed properly, taking into account the actual service and environmental conditions in
the place of installation.
The manufacturer declines all liability for any significant indirect damages resulting from violation of the guarantee, under any
jurisdiction, including loss of income, stoppages and costs resulting from repair or replacement of parts.
The manufacturer guarantees this product against any defect in materials and operation during the contractual period. In the
event that defects are detected, the manufacturer may opt either to repair or replace the equipment. Improper handling of this
equipment and its repair by the user shall constitute a violation of the guarantee.
Registered Trademarks and Copyrights
All registered trademarks cited in this document are the property of their respective owners. The intellectual property of this manual
belongs to Ormazabal.
For example, in Spain the “Regulation on technical conditions and guarantees for safety in high-voltage electrical installations” – Royal Decree
337/2014 is obligatory.
In view of the constant evolution in standards and design, the characteristics of the elements contained in this manual are subject
to change without prior notice. These characteristics, as well as the availability of components, are subject to confirmation by
General Instructions Contents
cgm.3 system: Medium-voltage cubicles with integrated
insulation in SF6 gas up to 40.5 kV in accordance with
IEC Standard with rated current up to 630 A.
1. General description
Ormazabal's cgm.3 system, designed following the with full SF6 gas insulation, which can be used to configure
requirements set out in the standards of the International different secondary distribution configurations in medium
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), is made up of different voltage up to 40.5 kV.[2]
unifunctional and multifunctional switchgear models,
1.1. Models
Unifunctional Multifunctional
Function Functions
switchgear switchgear
cgm.3-l Feeder cgm.3-2lp 2 feeder functions and 1 fuse protection
cgm.3-s Busbar switch cgm.3-2lv 2 feeder and 1 vacuum circuit-breaker functions
Busbar switch with earth connection on the right Busbar rise function, 1 feeder function and 1
cgm.3-s-pt cgm.3-rlv
(-ptd) or on the left (-pti) vacuum circuit-breaker function
cgm.3-p Fuse protection Table 1.2. Multifunctional switchgear
cgm.3-v Vacuum circuit-breaker
cgm.3-rb Busbar rise
cgm.3-rb-pt Busbar rise with earth connection
cgm.3-rc/-r2c Cable rise / double rise
cgm.3-m Metering
cgm.3-ma Metering and auxiliary services
Standard Description
IEC 62271-1 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear standards.
IEC 62271-100 High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers.
IEC 62271-102 Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches.
IEC 62271-103 High-voltage switches for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV.
IEC 62271-105 Alternating current switch-fuse combinations.
IEC 62271-200 Alternating current metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV.
IEC 62271-206/IEC 61243-5 Live voltage indicating systems.
IEC 60529 IP ratings for enclosures.
IEC 60282-1 Current-limiting fuses.
Further information at www.ormazabal.com.
1 Gas tank
1.1 Side connection female bushings
2 Driving mechanisms area
2.1 Name plate
2.2 Operating sequence plate
2.3 Actuating shafts (see mimic diagram for each model).
2.4 live voltage detector*
2.5 acoustic earthing prevention alarm unit*
3 Base
3.1 Cable compartment access cover
3.2 Medium-voltage cable fixing bracket
3.3 Gas relief compartment
3.4 Earth collector
3.5 Front cable connection bushings
* Optional elements.
This is the compartment in which the switch-disconnector, The mimic diagram includes all the position indicators for
earthing switch or circuit-breaker is driven, depending on the driving elements.
the type of function.
The cgm.3 system has, in line with the cubicle model, the
The mimic diagram for the main medium-voltage circuit is following types of driving mechanism:
displayed on the cover of this compartment.
These elements are operated independently, i.e. their positions (closed-opened-earthed). While the driving
actuation speed does not depend on the speed of the mechanism is withdrawn, these positions of the switch can
manual operation. be blocked using a coupling device, whether in service or not.
1.3.3. Base
Made up of the cable compartment and the gas relief Gas relief compartment
Ormazabal's cgm.3 is designed and constructed to
Cable compartment withstand at least the thermal and dynamic effects of an arc
of 16 kA for 0.5 seconds should a defect result in an internal
arc in the gas compartment. The system conducts the gases
This is located in the bottom front section of the cubicle
generated in a fully controlled manner to avoid any possible
and has a cover interlocked with the earthing switch, thus
injury to people in the equipment operation area.
allowing front access to the medium-voltage cables.
As standard, it is designed to contain up to: Optionally, a flue can be fitted in the rear of the
cubicle to redirect the gases to the top. Please check
• Two shielded screw-in terminals (reduced) per phase with Ormazabal.
or one terminal (reduced) plus surge arrester (reduced)
with space for the corresponding incoming power
• Cable ties for the power cables.
• Earthing bars.
As an option:
Name plate
N° Cubicle serial number*
Type Ormazabal cubicle system.
Designation Cubicle model
Standard Standards applied to the equipment
Name Equipment name
Ur Equipment rated voltage (kV)
Up Lightning impulse withstand voltage (kV)
Ud Power frequency withstand voltage (kV)
fr Equipment rated frequency (Hz)
Ir Equipment rated current (A)
Instructions Manual General Instructions Manual (IG) for the system
Class Driving mechanism class according to IEC 62271-103
N Number of mainly active load breaking operations
Ik/Ip Short-time withstand current/short-time withstand peak value
tk Short-time withstand current time
Pre Gas pressure inside the gas tank (MPa)
Pme Minimum operating gas pressure (MPa)
SF6 Insulating fluid mass (kg)
CO2e Equivalent CO2 fluid mass (t)
Year Year of manufacture
TC Minimum working temperature
IAC Internal arc classification
The values set out in this table are general for the
cgm.3 system and are only valid when confirmed by
Ormazabal. Some cubicle models can withstand
partial values. For more detailed information, check
the table for each cubicle model in Ormazabal's
CA-112 catalogue.
Width (a) Depth (f) Height Bushings height (g) Cable fastening height (i) Weight
[mm] [mm] (h) [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
1400 697 234 147
-l 418 850(1)
1745 1042 580 162
-s 418 850 1745 - - 143
-s-pt 600 850 1745 - - 185
1400 215
-p 480 1010 180 - 128
1745 230
1400 350 20 240
-v 600(2) 850
1745 695 282 255
367 831 1745 1590 1087 42
-r2c 550 831 1745 1590 1087 65
418 850(1) 1745 1042 580 158
1100 258
-m 1160 1800 - -
900 300
-ma 595 1028 1800 - - 125
-l -p -l -p
1400 460
-2lp 1316 1010(1) 697 180 234 - 128
1745 1042 525 580 234 490
-l -v -l -v
-2lv 1436 850 1745 547
1042 695 580 282
-rlv 1436 850 1745 1042 695 580 282 547
In the case of double symmetrical terminal, the switchgear is an extra 80 mm deep.
As an option, there is also a 595 mm wide cgm.3-v cubicle module available. Please check with Ormazabal.
Installation Indoor
Maximum ambient temperature + 40 °C
Minimum ambient temperature - 5 °C /- 30 °C(b)
Maximum average ambient temperature, measured over a 24-hour period + 35 °C
Maximum mean relative humidity, measured over a 24-hour period < 95%
Maximum mean relative humidity, measured over a 1-month period < 90%
Maximum mean vapour pressure, measured over a 24-hour period 2.2 kPa
Maximum mean vapour pressure, measured over a 1-month period 1.8 kPa
Maximum height above sea level 2000 m
Solar radiation Negligible
Ambient air pollution (dust, smoke, corrosive and/or flammable gases, vapours or salt) Insignificant
Vibrations caused by causes external to the switchgear or by seismic movements Insignificant
Storage: - 40 °C.
The switchgear must always be kept upright, directly on the To handle assemblies of up to four cgm.3 functional units,
ground or on a pallet depending on the type of handling one of the following methods must be used:
Position the rear of the cubicle facing the driver, to avoid damaging the front.
3. Storage
If it needs to be stored, the equipment must be placed on After prolonged storage, clean all the insulating parts
dry ground or on top of damp-proof insulating material, still carefully before commissioning the equipment. The
in its original packaging. enclosure should be cleaned with a clean, dry lint-free cloth.
Storage must always be INDOORS, with the following 6. The switchgear must be protected from the rain, and
conditions recommended: the humidity conditions should be as follows:
a. the mean relative humidity value, measured over a
1. Ambient air temperature should not exceed 40 ºC
period of 24 hours, must not exceed 95 %.
and its mean value, measured in a period of 24 hours,
should not exceed 35 ºC. b. the mean water vapour pressure value, measured in
a period of 24 hours, must not exceed 2.2 kPa.
2. The ambient air temperature should not drop below
- 5 °C. There are also cubicles with storage temperature c. the mean relative humidity value, measured over a
up to - 40 °C. period of one month, must not exceed 90 %.
3. The switchgear must be protected from direct solar d. the mean water steam pressure value, measured
radiation. over a period of one month, must not exceed
1.8 kPa.
4. Altitude, both in transport and in storage, must not
exceed 2000 m. 7. During transport, vibrations caused by external factors
or seismic movements must be insignificant.
5. The environmental air must not have any significant
contamination from dust, smoke, corrosive and/or
Any other conditions must be notified beforehand,
inflammable gases, vapours or salt. since the equipment must be factory-adjusted to the
atmospheric pressure. Otherwise, the needle may
indicate an incorrect value (red scale), even though
the value of the equipment internal pressure is correct.
Otherwise, the pressure gauge needle may indicate
an incorrect value, even if the equipment's internal
pressure is correct.
4. Installation
The cgm.3 system switchgear is supplied as standard 6. Unpack the accessory box located at the rear or on top
protected by plastic packaging. of the cubicle.
7. Remove the self-adhesive protective plastic from the
On receiving the equipment, check that the goods supplied
cable compartment cover.
correspond to the order and associated documentation. If
this is not the case, contact Ormazabal immediately.
The self-adhesive plastic must be removed from the
The disassembly process for the equipment is as follows: cable compartment cover so that the equipment
enclosure's earth connection may have the proper
1. Using a blade, cutter or similar tool, cut the cellophane electrical continuity.
the cubicle is wrapped in[4].
8. Dispose of any waste in an environmentally friendly
2. Completely remove the cellophane. manner.
3. Detach the white polystyrene corner pieces.
It is advisable to make a visual inspection of the equipment
4. Unscrew the fixings between the base and the pallet.
to check whether it has suffered any damage in transit. If
5. Remove the pallet, handling the cubicle as indicated in damaged, contact Ormazabal immediately.
section 2.1.
It is advisable to cut the cellophane at the rear of the cubicle or at the corner to avoid scratching the surface.
The minimum distances to the walls and roof which must Minimum distances [mm]
be maintained in the facility are as follows: Side wall (a) 100
Height 1400 mm 600
Ceiling (b)
Height 1745 mm 550
Front clearance (c) 500*
Function Rear wall (d)**
cgm.3-l/-s/-v/-2lv/-rlv/-rb/-rc 100/160***
cgm.3-p/-2lp 0
IAC classification
IAC classification
* An operating clearance of 1000 mm is recommended.
(**) Cubicles with classification IAC AFLR: d = 800 mm.
*** Configurations with p and 2lp cubicles.
**** for classification IAC 21 kA-1 s.
For any doubts, please ask Ormazabal.
Minimum recommended dimensions based on the trench IEC 62271-200. These dimensions may vary in accordance
dimensions used in the tests in accordance with Standard with the radius of curvature of the cables used[6].
Figure 4.4. Dimensions [mm] of the cable trench for cgm.3-l, cgm.3-rb
and cgm.3-rc
Trench necessary for the feeder, busbar rise and cable rise function
Cable data Approximate Minimum depth
Cable Cable radius of
Cable curvature* D1 D2
Cable type section diameter
insulation [mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm2] [mm]
< 150 41 555 200 500
185 43 590
200 550
One-core 18/30 kV 240 45.2 640
Dry insulation 300 47.5 685
300 660
400 48 745
Three-core 18/30
< 150 92.7 805 650 650
* Check against the data of the manufacturer of the cable used.
Table 4.2. Trench necessary for the feeder, busbar rise and cable rise function
In each case, bear in mind which cable is to be used in the particular installation.
Tests carried out with a test current of 21 kA.
Figure 4.6. Dimensions [mm] of the cable trench for cgm.3-v with AV/RAV
driving mechanism.
Trench necessary for the circuit-breaker with AV/RAV driving mechanism function
Cable data Approximate Minimum depth
Cable Cable radius of
Cable curvature* D1 D2
Cable type section diameter
insulation [mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm2] [mm]
<150** 41 555 400 400
185 43 590
400 500
One-core 18/30 kV 240 45.2 640
Dry insulation
300 47.5 685
500 600
400 48 745
Three-core 18/30 kV < 150 92.7 805 850 850
* Check against the data of the manufacturer of the cable used.
** 150 mm2 cable valid up to 21 kA.
Table 4.4. Trench necessary for the circuit-breaker with AV/RAV driving mechanism function
Figure 4.7. Dimensions [mm] of the cable trench for cgm.3-l, cgm.3-rb
and cgm.3-rc
Trench necessary for the feeder, busbar rise and cable rise function
Cable data Approximate Minimum depth
Cable Cable radius of
curvature* D1 D2
Cable insulation Cable type section diameter
[mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm2] [mm]
< 150** 41 555 500 800
1400 mm***
185 43 590
550 900
One-core 18/30 kV 240 45.2 640
Dry insulation
300 47.5 685
650 1000
400 48 745
Three-core 18/30 kV < 150 92.7 805 950 950
< 150** 41 555 370 500
1745 mm
185 43 590
370 550
One-core 18/30 kV 240 45.2 640
Dry insulation
300 47.5 685
370 660
400 48 745
Three-core 18/30 kV < 150 92.7 805 650 650
* Check against the data of the manufacturer of the cable used.
** 150 mm2 cable valid up to 21 kA.
*** Exclusively for cgm.3-l and cgm.3-2lp cubicles.
Table 4.5. Trench necessary for the feeder, busbar rise and cable rise function
In each case, bear in mind which cable is to be used in the installation.
70 36.5 460
One-core 18/30 kV 900 900
Dry insulation 95 38 500
150 41 555 950 950
Three-core 18/30 kV < 95 86 735 1400 1400
< 50 35 430 500 500
1745 mm
70 36.5 460
One-core 18/30 kV 550 550
Dry insulation 95 38 500
150 41 555 600 600
Three-core 18/30 kV < 95 86 735 1050 1050
* Check against the data of the manufacturer of the cable used.
Figure 4.9. Dimensions [mm] of the cable trench for cgm.3-v with AV/RAV
driving mechanism.
Trench necessary for the circuit-breaker with AV/RAV driving mechanism function
Cable data Approximate Minimum depth
Cable Cable radius of
curvature* D1 D2
Cable insulation Cable type section diameter
[mm] [mm] [mm]
[mm2] [mm]
< 150** 41 555 750 750
1400 mm***
185 43 590
800 800
One-core 18/30 kV 240 45.2 640
Dry insulation
300 47.5 685
850 900
400 48 745
Three-core 18/30 kV < 150 92.7 805 1200 1200
< 150** 41 555 400 400
1745 mm
185 43 590
400 500
One-core 18/30 kV 240 45.2 640
Dry insulation
300 47.5 685
500 600
400 48 745
Three-core 18/30 kV < 150 92.7 805 850 850
* Check against the data of the manufacturer of the cable used.
** 150 mm2 cable valid up to 21 kA.
*** Exclusively for cgm.3-v cubicles.
Table 4.7. Trench necessary for the circuit-breaker with AV/RAV driving mechanism function
Table 4.9. Trench necessary for the metering function and auxiliary services
Before assembling the cubicles, the floor must be carefully The cubicles can be fastened to the floor in two ways:
levelled to prevent any deformation which may make it
difficult to connect the cubicles to one another.
a M10 x 25 bolt
b 65 x 65 x 4 mm profile
c Anchoring bracket
If the floor of the facility is level enough, it is advisable to The sequence for anchoring the cubicles to the floor is as
install the medium-voltage cubicle anchored directly to the follows:
1. The cubicle's switch must be in earthing position[9].
See section 5. Operations Sequence
Figure 4.14. Anchoring points in cgm.3 -l, -s, -s-pt, -p,-v, -rb, -rb-pt Figure 4.16. Anchoring points in cgm.3 -l, -s, -s-pt, -p, -v, -rb,-rb-pt double
cubicles measuring 1745 mm high cable cubicles measuring 1745 mm high
Figure 4.15. Anchoring points in cgm.3 -l, -p, -v cubicles measuring Figure 4.17. Anchoring points in cgm.3-rc cubicles.
1400 mm high
Figure 4.18. Anchoring points in cgm.3-r2c cubicles Figure 4.20. Anchoring points in cgm.3-ma cubicles
Figure 4.19. Anchoring points in cgm.3-m cubicles. Figure 4.21. Anchoring points in cgm.3-2lp cubicles measuring
1745 mm high
Figure 4.22. Anchoring points in cgm.3-2lp double cable cubicles Figure 4.24. Anchoring points in cgm.3-2lv, -rlv cubicles
measuring 1745 mm high
Earthquake equipment
The cgm.3 system has earthquake resistant equipment
as an option.
The earthquake resistance of this type of switchgear
does not only depend on the equipment construction
and design, but also on the facility.
In order to anchor this type of cubicles properly, use
the six points indicated in the figure below.
For further information, please ask Ormazabal.
The cubicles must be joined as indicated in Ormazabal's supplied with the materials kit for connecting cubicles.
RA-163 spares and accessories document, which is
When connecting the general earth collector, follow the 1. Bolt the earthing flatbar between every two medium-
figure below. voltage cubicles, in the rear section, using two
hexagonal M8 x 20 bolts. Apply a torque of 15 Nm.
13 mm Open-end wrench
Torque wrench with 13 mm adapter.
The medium-voltage incoming and outgoing feeders are Never touch live connectors, not even screened
linked to the transformer or, occasionally, other cubicles connectors. Screening does not constitute a protection
via cables. These cables and the corresponding bushings in against direct contact.
the cgm.3 system cubicles can be connected with simple When the equipment is in service and a reserve cubicle
(plug-in) or reinforced (screw-in) connecting points, either is left with voltage in the upper busbar and without
IEC type or IEEE-386 compliant[10]. the cables in the bottom bushings, insulating plugs
must be placed in the bushings (EUROMOLD type) or
The cable compartment contains the connecting cable close the earthing switch and lock that position with
bushings for the incoming and outgoing feeders, as well as a padlock.
for the outgoing feeders to the transformer.
The terminals recommended for networks with Un = 36 kV
The size of the cable compartment allows the use of both are detailed below.
insulated and partially insulated terminals[11].
36 kV
Cable type Rated current [A] Manufacturer Connector
Connector type Section [mm2]
400 M400LR 35-240
Dry insulation 630 EUROMOLD* Screened M400TB 35-240
630 M440TB 185-630
* Connectors recommended for Ormazabal’s cgm.3 system cubicles.
Apart from the list above, CENELEC terminals are also valid.
For other values, check with Ormazabal.
In accordance with figure 13 of Standard IEEE 386: "600 A dead-break interface Nº 1, 21.1 kV".
It is advisable to use fully insulated connectors for voltages of 36 and 40.5 kV, according to HD 629.
The voltage and current metering transformers are housed For further information on the installation and
in tracks installed in Ormazabal's cgm.3-m modular connection of cgm.3-m metering transformers by
metering cubicle. Ormazabal, check Operations manual MO-082
"Installation of transformers and busbars in metering
The layout and connection of these transformers (maximum cubicles".
three voltage transformers and three current transformers
per metering cubicle) will correspond to the order
configuration and the type of transformers to be installed.
4.10. Assembling and connecting metering and auxiliary services transformers in cgm.3-ma
The metering transformers and the auxiliary services For further information on assembling and connecting
transformers are located on tracks installed in Ormazabal's Ormazabal's cgm.3-ma metering and auxiliary
cgm.3-ma modular metering cubicle. services transformers, see operations manual MO-145
"Assembling transformers and connections in cgm.3-ma
These transformers will be laid out and connected in cubicles.
accordance with the diagram and the type of transformers
to be assembled.
Ormazabal has two live voltage indication options: The purpose of the test points for the three phases and
earth is to make it easier to check the phase concordance[12]
• ekor.vpis unit for detecting voltage, designed in between cubicles. Ormazabal's specific phase comparator
accordance with Standard IEC 62271-206. The "live ekor.spc can be used to do this.
voltage" indicator is therefore displayed when the line-
to-earth voltage is equal to or greater than 45 % of the
With the ekor.vpis, if the indicators do not light up, use
rated voltage and is not visible when the line-to-earth
other means to check that there is no voltage.
voltage is less than 10 % of the rated voltage.
• The ekor.ivds unit for detecting voltage is designed in
accordance with Standard IEC 61243-5. Therefore, the
"live voltage" detection is displayed when the line-to-
earth voltage is between 45 % and 120 % of the rated
voltage and is not visible when the line-to-earth voltage
is less than 10 % of the rated voltage.
See section "5.3. Phase concordance check".
Figure 5.6. There is NO indication in the comparator. Figure 5.7. There IS indication on the comparator
Optionally, other comparison devices which comply with Standard IEC 62271-206 may be used.
See section "5.2. Live voltage indicator" of these General Instructions.
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation. Insert the lever in the earthing
switch actuating shaft, move the driving arm to the
end and turn anti-clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanism). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation (B driving mechanism). Insert
the lever in the switch access (grey area), move the
actuating arm to the end and turn clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanisms). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation (B driving mechanisms). Insert
the lever in the switch access (grey area), move the
actuating arm to the end and turn anti-clockwise
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanisms). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation. Insert the lever in the earthing
switch actuating shaft, move the driving arm to the
end and turn clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanism). Activate the corresponding operation
These driving mechanisms allow the operation 3. Open the bottom cover to access the cable
of going from earthing switch closed to switch- compartment.
disconnector open, even when the cable compartment 4. With the lever in the earthing switch access, follow
cover is open. Thus, the switch-disconnector cannot the steps in section "5.4.3. Opening operation from
be changed to the closed position until this cover has earthing position".
been put back.
5. Carry out the cable test.
The cable test can only be carried out in cgm.3
feeder functions which include B/BM/B2M driving 6. To return to earthing position, follow the steps in
mechanisms with this characteristic. Please check with section "5.4.6. Earthing operation from open position".
Ormazabal. 7. Close the bottom cover to access the cable
1. Follow the steps in section "5.4.6. Earthing operation compartment.
from open position".
2. Leave the lever in the earthing switch access (yellow
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation (B driving mechanism). Insert
the lever in the switch access (grey area), move the
actuating arm to the end and turn clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM driving mechanism).
Activate the corresponding operation command.
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation (B driving mechanism).
Insert the lever in the switch access (grey area),
move the actuating arm to the end and turn
anti-clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM driving mechanism).
Activate the corresponding operation command.
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation. Insert the lever in the earthing
switch actuating shaft, move the driving arm to the
end and turn anti-clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanism). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation. Insert the lever in the switch
access (grey area), move the actuating arm to the
end and turn clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanisms). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation. Insert the lever in the switch
access (grey area), move the actuating arm to the
end and turn anti-clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanisms). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation. Insert the lever in the earthing
switch actuating shaft, move the driving arm to the
end and turn clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM/B2M driving
mechanism). Activate the corresponding operation
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation (B driving mechanism). Insert
the lever in the earthing switch actuating shaft,
move the driving arm to the end and turn anti-
clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM driving mechanism).
Activate the corresponding operation command.
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation (B driving mechanism).
Insert the lever in the earthing switch actuating
shaft, move the driving arm to the end and turn
clockwise 90º.
b. Motorised operation (BM driving mechanism).
Activate the corresponding operation command.
2. Opening operation:
a. Manual operation
Insert the lever in the earthing switch actuating
shaft, move the drive arm to the end and press
inwards on the head of the lever with one hand, and
turn 90º anti-clockwise with the other hand.
b. Motorised operation (BR-A2M driving mechanism).
Activate the corresponding operation command.
5.8.4. Spring charge operation and closing of the switch-disconnector from isolating position
2. Closing operation:
a. Manual operation.
Insert the lever in the earthing switch actuating
shaft, move the drive arm to the end and press
inwards on the head of the lever with one hand, and
turn 90º clockwise with the other hand.
b. Motorised operation (BR-A2M driving mechanism).
Activate the corresponding operation command.
Make sure that the end of the new fuse with the
striker faces the carriage insulator end. It is advisable
to change all three fuses, even if only one of them
appears to be damaged.
Close the cover and check that all the strikers have been
The fuses recommended for use in the fuse protection out by the manufacturers. The following table shows the
functional unit are defined according to tests carried recommended fuse ratings according to the Ur/Ptransf. ratio:
• Recommended fuses: SIBA 20/36 kV, type HHD, medium The transfer currents have been tested in accordance with
type striker, for functional units up to 36 kV and SIBA the following parameters:
HHD TB 40.5 kV, medium type striker, for functional units
up to 40.5 kV (conforming to IEC 60282-1). Ur Fuse Ur Cubicle Ir Fuse Itransfer
[kV] [kV] [A] [A]
• For other makes and overcharge protection, check with
36 36 Type SSK 80 820
40.5 40.5 Type HHD 63 700
Table 5.14. Transfer currents
6. Safety elements
6.2. Interlocks
The switchgear is provided with interlocks, which ensure 2. The cubicles have an interlock which prevents access
the following conditions: to the medium-voltage cable compartment unless
the earthing switch is closed. In normal operation,
1. The switch-disconnector and the earthing switch this earthing switch cannot be opened if the cable
cannot both be in closed position at the same time. compartment cover is not in place.
Incompatible with use of ekor.ivds units
7. Maintenance
For safety reasons, maintenance operations performed extreme conditions (dust, salt, pollution). It is advisable to
directly on the driving mechanism must be performed carry out at least one operation during the inspections.
WITHOUT any driving levers inserted.
Components manufactured from galvanised sheet steel
The live parts of the main circuit and switching equipment have been painted to ensure their resistance to corrosion.
do not require inspection or maintenance, as they are Any scratches, dents or similar on them must be repaired to
completely insulated in SF6, and therefore free from any prevent corrosion.
influence from the external environment.
Facilities which operate under severe climate
The operating mechanism for the cgm.3 system cubicles conditions, in excess of those defined as normal
driving devices does not require lubrication for correct service conditions (IEC 62271-1), must carry out the
operation throughout its estimated lifetime, according to regular preventive maintenance tasks required. Check
the service conditions specified in IEC 62271-1. with Ormazabal for the environmental conditions of
the facility.
These mechanisms must be inspected when used under
The driving mechanisms and other elements outside Maintenance should be carried out every 5 years or 2000
the gas tank may require preventive maintenance; the operating cycles, unless, based on the conditions of use, the
frequency of this maintenance depends on the existing user, together with Ormazabal, considers otherwise.
environmental conditions (harsh environments, dust,
extreme temperatures, etc.) and must be established in line The recommended preventive maintenance sequence
with the experience and responsibility of the installer. is described in Operations Manual MO-079 by
Although the cubicles have been designed for a service life ordered, and the instructions given in the corresponding
in accordance with IEC 62271-200, certain components can documentation must be followed.
be replaced and installed for various reasons.
Certain spares and accessories must be installed in the
If any of the stated auxiliary components need to be cubicle by specialised personnel. Please check with
changed, the corresponding spare parts kit must be Ormazabal.
-rb/- -rc/-
Interlocks and locks -l -p -s -s-pt -v -m -2lp -2lv
rb-pt r2c
Earth connection OPEN O O - O O - O - O O
Earth connection CLOSED O O - O O - O - O O
Switch OPEN O O O O O - - - O O
Circuit-breaker CLOSED O - O O - - - - O O
Earth connection CLOSED + OPEN O O - O O - O - O O
-rb/ -rc/
Others -l -p -s -s-pt -v -m -2lp -2lv
-rb-pt -r2c
Access cover opening - - - - - O - O - -
Control box O O O O O O O - O -
Auxiliary profiles for floor fastening O O O O O O O O O O
Side incoming cable box O O O O O - O - O O
Medium-voltage connection bridges - - - - - X - - - -
Voltage transformer connection braids - - - - - X - - - -
Voltage transformers - - - - - O - - - -
Current transformers - - - - - O - - - -
Female bushing-bushlink bushing converter - - - - - - - O - -
Operating sequence plate X X X X X - X - X X
Name plate X X X X X X X X X X
Components which can only be replaced by specially qualified Ormazabal personnel.
Cable compartment access cover and compartment.
In the case of self-powered protection units, the self-power sensors are supplied on their own, for assembly when installing the cubicles in the medium-
voltage cables.
O Optional equipment
X Basic equipment
- Not available
9. Environmental information
cgm.3 cubicles are defined as a pressure-sealed system, it being released into the atmosphere. Extracting and
according to IEC 62271-1, which contains hexafluoride handling of SF6 must be carried out by qualified personnel,
(SF6)[16]. using a sealed piercing system.
SF6 is included in the Kyoto Protocol list of greenhouse For the usage and handling of the SF6, the indications listed
gases. SF6 has a GWP (Global Warming Potential) of 22,200 in IEC 62271-303 must be followed.
units. (TAR, IPCC 2001).
Management and treatment of the rest of materials must
At the end of the product's life, the SF6 contained in it be carried out in accordance with the country’s current
must be recovered for processing and recycling, to prevent legislation.
This information is given on a label on the equipment itself.
General Instructions
IG-159-EN, version 08, 15/07/16
When medium-voltage equipment is operating, certain components are live, other parts may be in movement and some may
reach high temperatures. Therefore, the use of this equipment poses electrical, mechanical and thermal risks.
In order to ensure an acceptable level of protection for people and property, and in compliance with applicable environmental
recommendations, Ormazabal designs and manufactures its products according to the principle of integrated safety, based on
the following criteria:
• Elimination of hazards wherever possible.
• Where elimination of hazards is neither technically nor economically feasible, appropriate protection functions are
incorporated in the equipment.
• Communication about remaining risks to facilitate the design of operating procedures which prevent such risks,
training for the personnel in charge of the equipment, and the use of suitable personal protective equipment.
• Use of recyclable materials and establishment of procedures for the disposal of equipment and components so
that once the end of their service lives is reached, they are duly processed in accordance, as far as possible, with the
environmental restrictions established by the competent authorities.
Consequently, the equipment to which the present manual refers complies with the requirements of section 11.2 of Standard
IEC 62271-1. It must therefore only be operated by appropriately qualified and supervised personnel, in accordance with the
requirements of standard EN 50110-1 on the safety of electrical installations and standard EN 50110-2 on activities in or near
electrical installations. Personnel must be fully familiar with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual and in other
recommendations of a more general nature which are applicable to the situation according to current legislation[1].
The above must be carefully observed, as the correct and safe operation of this equipment depends not only on its design but also
on general circumstances which are in general beyond the control and responsibility of the manufacturer. More specifically:
• The equipment must be handled and transported appropriately from the factory to the place of installation.
• All intermediate storage should occur in conditions which do not alter or damage the characteristics of the equipment
or its essential components.
• Service conditions must be compatible with the equipment rating.
• The equipment must be operated strictly in accordance with the instructions given in the manual, and the applicable
operating and safety principles must be clearly understood.
• Maintenance should be performed properly, taking into account the actual service and environmental conditions in
the place of installation.
The manufacturer declines all liability for any significant indirect damages resulting from violation of the guarantee, under any
jurisdiction, including loss of income, stoppages and costs resulting from repair or replacement of parts.
The manufacturer guarantees this product against any defect in materials and operation during the contractual period. In the
event that defects are detected, the manufacturer may opt either to repair or replace the equipment. Improper handling of this
equipment and its repair by the user shall constitute a violation of the guarantee.
Registered Trademarks and Copyrights
All registered trademarks cited in this document are the property of their respective owners. The intellectual property of this manual
belongs to Ormazabal.
For example, in Spain the “Regulation on technical conditions and guarantees for safety in high-voltage electrical installations” – Royal Decree
337/2014 is obligatory.
In view of the constant evolution in standards and design, the characteristics of the elements contained in this manual are subject
to change without prior notice. These characteristics, as well as the availability of components, are subject to confirmation by
General Instructions Index
ekor.rpg and ekor.rpt
1.1. General functional characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7.1. Description of models vs. functions. . . . . . . . . .27
1.2. Parts of the unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7.1.1. ekor.rpt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
1.2.1. Electronic relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7.1.2. ekor.rpg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
1.2.2. Current sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7.2. Relay configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
1.2.3. Power supply and test board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7.3. ekor.rpt Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
1.2.4. Bistable trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 7.3.1. Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
1.3. Communications and programming 7.3.2. Características técnicas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 7.3.3. Installation in a cubicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
7.3.4. ekor.rpt electrical diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
2. Applications .............................................................12 7.3.5. Installation of toroidal-core current
transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
2.1. Transformer protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 7.3.6. Checking and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
2.2. General protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 7.4. ekor.rpg Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
2.3. Line protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 7.4.1. Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
7.4.2. Technical characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
3. Protection functions ................................................15 7.4.3. Installation in a cubicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
3.1. Overcurrent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 7.4.4. ekor.rpg electrical diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
3.2. Thermometer (external trip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 7.4.5. Installation of Toroidal-core current
3.3. Earth ultrasensitive device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
7.4.6. Checking and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
4. Metering functions ..................................................20
8. Setting and handling menus...................................46
4.1. Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
8.1. Keypad and alphanumeric display . . . . . . . . . . .46
5. Sensors......................................................................21 8.2. Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
8.3. Parameter setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
5.1. Current sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 8.3.1. Protection parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
5.1.1. Functional characteristics of current sensors .22 8.3.2. Parameter setting menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
5.1.2. Vector sum/zero-sequencewiring. . . . . . . . . . . .24 8.4. Trip recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
8.5. Error codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
6. Technical characteristics..........................................25 8.6. Menu map (quick access). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
6.1. Rated values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 9. MODBUS protocol for ekor.rp range units .............58
6.2. Mechanical design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
6.3. Insulation tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 9.1. Read / write functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
6.4. Compatibilidad electromagnética . . . . . . . . . . .25 9.1.1. Data reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
6.5. Climatic tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 9.1.2. Data writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
6.6. Mechanical tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 9.1.3. Response in case of error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
6.7. Power tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 9.2. Password-protected register writing . . . . . . . . .59
6.8. Ce conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 9.3. CRC generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
9.4. Register map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
10.1. Brief guide for commissioning the 11.1. Brief guide for commissioning the ekor.rpg
ekor.rpg unit in cgmcosmos-v & cgm.3-v . . .63 unit in cgmcosmos-v & cgm.3-p. . . . . . . . . . . . .69
10.1.1. Verify the power to be protected . . . . . . . . . . . .63 11.1.1. Verify the power to be protected . . . . . . . . . . . .69
10.1.2. Toroidal-core current transformers 11.1.2. Toroidal-core current transformers. . . . . . . . . . .70
already installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 11.1.3. Connect the HV terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
10.1.3. Connect the HV terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 11.1.4. External connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
10.1.4. External connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 11.1.5. Set relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
10.1.5. Set relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 11.1.6. Trip test with current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
10.1.6. Trip test with current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 11.1.7. External trip test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
10.1.7. External trip test:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 11.1.8. Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
10.1.8. Commissioning:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 11.1.9. What to do in the event of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
10.1.9. What to do in the event of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
1. General description
The ekor.rp (ekor.rpg and ekor.rpt) range of protection, Designed to be integrated in a cubicle, the ekor.rp units
metering and control units brings together an entire family also provide the following advantages over conventional
of different equipment, which depending on the model, may devices:
incorporate protection functions as well as other functions
1. Reduction in handling of interconnections when installing the
such as local control, remote control, electrical parameter cubicle. The only connection required is limited to MV cables.
metering, automation, etc., related to the current and future
2. Minimisation of the need to install control boxes on the
automation, control and protection needs of transformer cubicles.
and switching substations 3. Avoidance of wiring and installation errors; minimisation of
commissioning time.
Its use in Ormazabal’s cgmcosmos and cgm.3 cubicle
4. All the units are factory installed, adjusted and checked; each
systems allows the configuration of customised products piece of equipment (relay + control + sensors) also undergoes
for meeting the diverse needs of the different installations. a comprehensive check before being installed. The final unit
tests are carried out once the unit is incorporated in the
The ekor.rp protection, metering and control units have cubicle before delivery.
been designed to meet the national and international 5. They protect a broad power range with the same model (e.g.:
standard requirements and recommendations that are ekor.rpg from 160 kVA up to 15 MVA, in cgmcosmos system
applied to each of the parts that make up the unit: cubicles).
They are equipped with keypad for local display, setup and
operation of the unit, as well as communication ports to
handle these functions from a computer, whether locally
or remotely. A user-friendly design has been employed, so
that the use of the various menus is intuitive.
The electronic relay has keys and a display to set and view
the protection, metering and control parameters. It includes
a seal on the SET key to ensure that once the settings have
been made they cannot be changed unless the seal is
1 ekor.ccp
2 ekor.bus
3 ekor.rci
4 ekor.rci
5 ekor.rpt
6 ekor.rpg
For more information about the ekor.soft program, consult
Ormazabal’s IG-155 document.
2. Applications
cgmcosmos cgm.3
system system
Type of
Unit Power ranges to protect
ekor.rpt combination 50 kVA...2000 kVA 50 kVA...1250 kVA
ekor.rpg 50 kVA...15 MVA 50 kVA...25 MVA
breaker 1 Busbars
See tables 7.3.2 and 7.4.2 2 Overcurrent protection
The client supply installations require general protection to The following protection units provide the above-
ensure that an installation is disconnected from the rest of mentioned functions:
the network in the event of a fault. In this way, the utility’s
supply line will remain energised and other clients will cgmcosmos cgm.3
remain unaffected. It also protects the client’s installation system system
by disconnecting it from the power source in the event of Type of
a fault. Unit Power ranges to protect
In this type of protection, all the faults detected in the ekor.rpt combination 50 kVA...2000 kVA 50 kVA...1250 kVA
substation’s main circuit breaker should be simultaneously switch
detected in the transformer substations so that they can be Circuit-
ekor.rpg 50 kVA...15 MVA 50 kVA...25 MVA
cleared before the line trips (protection selectivity). breaker
1. 50 { Instantaneous phase overcurrent. Protects against See tables 7.3.2 and 7.4.2
short-circuits between phases.
Table 2.2. Type of protection
2. 51 { Phase overload. Protects against excessive overloads,
which can deteriorate the installation. It is also used as a
limiting device to control the supply’s maximum power.
3. 50N { Instantáneo de tierra. Protects against phase-to-
earth short-circuits.
4. 51N { Fuga a tierra. Protects against highly resistive faults
between phase and earth.
The purpose of the line protection is to isolate this part of Line protection is mainly accomplished by the following
the network in case of fault, without it affecting the rest functions:
of the lines. Generally, it covers any fault that originates
1. 50 { Instantaneous phase overcurrent. Protects against
between the substation, or switching substation, and the short-circuits between phases.
consumption points.
2. 51 { Phase overload. Protects against excessive overloads,
which can deteriorate the installation.
The types of fault that occur in these areas of the network
primarily depend on the nature of the line, overhead line or 3. 50N { Instantaneous earth fault. Protects against phase-
to-earth short-circuits.
cable and the neutral used.
4. 51N { Earth leakage. Protects against highly resistive faults
In networks with overhead lines, most faults are transitory. between phase and earth.
Hence, many line reclosings are effective. 5. 50Ns { Ultrasensitive earth instantaneous overcurrent.
Protects against phase to earth short-circuits of very low
On the other hand, in case of phase-to-earth faults in value.
overhead lines, when the ground resistance is very high, 6. 51Ns { Ultrasensitive earth leakage protection. Protects
against highly resistive faults between phase and earth of
the zero-sequence fault currents have a very low value In
very low value.
these cases, an ‘ultrasensitive’ neutral current detection is
required. Unit that includes the above mentioned functions:
The underground cables have earth coupling capacities,
cgmcosmos / cgm.3 systems
which causes the single phase faults to include capacitive
currents. This phenomenon makes detection difficult in Maximum rated
Unit Type of cubicle
isolated or resonant earthed neutral networks and thus current
requires the use of the directional function. ekor.rpg Circuit-breaker 630 A
Table 2.3. Line protection with circuit breaker
3. Protection functions
3.1. Overcurrent
The units have an overcurrent function for each one of the 5. Pick-up current value of NI, VI, and EI curves = 1.1 x In x I>
phases (3 x 50 - 51) and, depending on the model, they may 6. Pick-up current value of DT curve = 1.0 x In x I>
have another one for earth (50N-51N). The implemented 7. Instantaneous pick-up current value = In x I> x I>>
protection curves are the ones listed in standard IEC 60255. In the case of earth settings, the parameters are similar to the
phase settings. Each of them is described below.
Overcurrent functions that can be performed depending
on the model: to(s) { Theoretical tripping time for an earth fault which
evolves with a constant current value I0
1. Overload multicurve protection for phases (51)
Io { Actual current flowing to earth
2. Protection of phase-to-earth multicurve faults (51N)
3. Short-circuit protection (instantaneous) at a defined time In { Rated phase setting current
between phases (50) Io> { Withstand earth leakage factor (phase)
4. Short-circuit protection (instantaneous) at a defined time
between phase and earth (50N) Ko { Curve factor
Meaning of the curve parameters for phase settings: Io>> { Short-circuit current factor (instantaneous)
t(s) { Theoretical tripping time for a fault which evolves with T0>> { Short-circuit delay time (instantaneous)
a constant current value 8. Pick-up current value of NI, VI, and EI curves = 1.1 x In x Io>
I { Actual current flowing through the phase with the largest 9. Pick-up current value of DT curve = 1.0 x In x Io>
amplitude 10. Instantaneous pick-up current value = In x Io> x Io>>
In { Rated setting current
I> { Withstand overload increment
K { Curve factor
I>> { Short-circuit current factor (instantaneous)
T>> { Short-circuit delay time (instantaneous)
0,14* K 13,5* K
t(s) = 0,02
t(s) = 1
⎛ I ⎞ ⎛ I ⎞
⎜ ⎟ −1 ⎜ ⎟ −1
⎝ In* I > ⎠ ⎝ In* I > ⎠
Earth time delay: Earth time delay:
0,14* K0 13,5* K0
t0 (s) = 0,02
t0 (s) = 1
⎛ I0 ⎞ ⎛ I0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ −1 ⎜ ⎟ −1
⎝ In* I0 > ⎠ ⎝ In* I0 > ⎠
Figure 3.1. Normally inverse curve Figure 3.2. Very inverse curve
80 * K t(s) = 5 * K
t(s) = 2
⎛ I ⎞
⎜ ⎟ −1 Earth time delay:
⎝ In* I > ⎠
t0 (s) = 5 * K0
Earth time delay:
In this situation, the relay will not trip the switch but a 1 External trip contact
flashing arrow will appear at the top of the display screen 2 Switch trips
to show that the external trip contact is closed (see section
3 External contact closing
4 Tryp switch
The purpose of this function is to protect the transformers’ Figure 3.5. Tryp switch
maximum temperature. The trip input is associated to
contact of the thermometer which measures the oil’s
temperature and when the maximum set value is reached,
its associated contact closes and the switch trips. Unlike
conventional coils, it has the advantage of not having
low-voltage network connections with the consequent
overvoltages generated in the control circuits.
On the other hand, in the lines, whose cable stretches are 1 Voltage and current sensors
usually long, it is necessary to identify the fault direction. 2 Zero-squence toroidal transformer
Otherwise, trips can occur due to capacitive currents from Figure 3.6. Sensors
other lines, when there is not any fault in the line.
4. Metering functions
4.1. Current
5. Sensors
Figure 5.4. Detection of earth current by vector sum Figure 5.5. Detection of earth current by zero-sequence toroidal
6. Technical characteristics
IEC 60255-22-3 Radiated fields 10 V/m
(IEC 61000-4-3, class III)
IEC 60255-22-4 Bursts - Fast transients ±4 kV
(IEC 61000-4-4)
IEC 60255-22-5 Overvoltage pulses 4 kV; 2 kV
(IEC 61000-4-5)
IEC 60255-22-6 Induced radio frequency 150 kHz...80 MHz
signals (IEC 61000-4-6)
IEC 61000-4-8 Magnetic fields 100 A / m; 50 Hz constant
1000 A / m; 50 Hz short- time (2 s)
IEC 61000-4-12 Sinusoidal damped wave 2,5 kV; 1 kV
IEC 60255-25 Electromagnetic emissions 150 kHz to 30 MHz (conducted)
(EN61000-6-4) 30 MHz to 1 GHz (radiated)
Table 6.4. Electromagnetic compatibility
6.8. CE conformity
7.1.1. ekor.rpt
7.1.2. ekor.rpg
ekor.rp –
g – For protection cubicle with circuit-breaker
t – For fuse protection cubicle
Protection functions:
10 – Three phases (3 x 50/51)
20 – Three phases and neutral (3 x 50/51 + 50 N/51 N)
30 – Three phases and sensitive neutral (3 x 50/51 + 50 Ns/51 Ns)
Toroidal-core current transformers:
0 – Without toroidal transformers
1 – Range 5 – 100 A
2 – Range 15 – 630 A
Power supply:
A – Self powered
B – Auxiliary power supply (battery, UPS, etc.)
The ekor.rpt protection, metering and control unit is used When an overcurrent that is within the values that the load
for the protection of distribution transformers. It is installed break switch can open is detected, the relay acts upon a low
in fuse-combination switch cubicles so the electronic power bistable trigger that opens the switch. If the fault
system performs all the protection functions, except high current is greater than the breaking capacity of the load
polyphase short-circuit values, which are cleared by the break switch[3], the switch trip is blocked so that the fuses
fuses. will blow. On the other hand, the equipment is disconnected
and the fuses do not remain energised.
1200 A for cgmcosmos-p, 480 A for, 36 kV range cgm.3.
cgmcosmos System
Fuse rated Minimum transformer power Maximum transformer power
Line voltage
[kV] Fuse rating [A] [kVA] Fuse rating [A] [kVA]
6.6 3 / 7.2 16 50 160(1) 1250
10 6 / 12 10 100 160(1) 1250
13.8 10 / 24 16 100 100 1250
15 10 / 24 16 125 125(2) 1600
20 10 / 24 16 160 125 2000
442 mm cartridge,
125 A SIBA SSK fuse
cgm.3 System
Fuse rated Minimum transformer power Maximum transformer power
Line voltage
[kV] Fuse rating [A] [kVA] Fuse rating [A] [kVA]
( )
6.6 3 / 7.2 16 50 160 ¹ 1000
10 6 / 12 16 100 125 1250
13.8 10 / 24 10 100 63 800
15 10 / 24 16 125 63 1000
20 10 / 24 16 160 63 1250
25 24 / 36 25 200 80 (2) 2000
30 24 / 36 25 250 80 (2) 2500
442 mm cartridge
SIBA SSK fuse (check)
Selection process for the ekor.rpt unit protection To select the ekor.rpt unit protection parameters in
parameters in cgmcosmos-p cubicles: cgm.3-p cubicles, the steps to follow are similar to those
proposed in the paragraphs above, except for the first
1. Determine the required fuse rating to protect the transformer
in accordance with the fuse table in Ormazabal’s document
step. The fuse rating required to protect the transformer
IG-078. The maximum ratings that can be used are 160 A for is determined according to the fuse table of Ormazabal’s
voltages up to and including 12 kV, and 125 A for voltages up documents IG-034 and IG-136 respectively. Please take
to and including 24 kV. into consideration that the minimum protection powers are
2. Calculate the transformer rated current In = S/√3 x Un. listed in the table above.
3. Define the continuous overload level I>. Normal values
in transformers of up to 2000 kVA are 20 % for distribution In case of protecting a transformer with following
installations and 5 % for power generation installations. characteristics in cgmcosmos cubicle system:
4. Select the transitory overload curve. Coordination between
relay curves and LV fuses is performed with the EI type curve. S = 1250 kVA, Un = 15 kV and Uk = 5 %
5. Define the delay time in transitory overload K. This parameter Follow the procedure below for proper coordination
is defined by the transformer’s thermal constant. This way, the between the fuses and the protection relay:
greater the constant, the longer it takes for the transformer’s
temperature to increase under an overload condition; and 1. Fuse selection according to IG-078. 10 / 24 kV 125 A fuse
therefore, the protection trigger can be delayed longer. The
2. Rated current.
usual value for distribution transformers is K = 0.2, which
In = S / √3 x Un = 1250 kVA /√3 x 15 kV # 48 A
means that it trips in 2 s if the overload is 300 % in the EI curve.
3. Continuous withstand overload 20 %.
6. Short-circuit level I>>. The maximum value of the transformer’s
In x I> = 48 A x 1,2 # 58 A
magnetisation current must be determined. The current peak
produced when a no-load transformer is connected, due to 4. Extremely Inverse Curve type. E.I
the effect of a magnetised nucleus, is several times greater 5. Transitory overload factor. K = 0,2
than the rated current. This peak value, up to 12 times the 6. Short-circuit level. In x I> x I>> = 48 A x 1,2 x 7 # 404 A
rated value (10 times for more than 1000 kVA) has a very high
harmonic content, so its fundamental 50 Hz component is 7. Instantaneous time delay T>> = 0,4 s
much less. Therefore, a usual setting value for this parameter 8. Secondary short-circuit.
is between 7 and 10. Ics = In x 100/Uk = 48 A x 100/5 # 960 A
7. Instantaneous time delay T>>. This value corresponds with
the protection trip time in the event a short-circuit occurs. It
depends on the coordination with other protections and the
usual values are between 0.1 and 0.5 s. If the short-circuit
value is high, the fuses will act in the time determined by their
characteristic curve.
8. Determine the current value in case of secondary three-phase
short-circuit. This fault must be cleared by the fuses, and it
corresponds with the intersection point’s maximum value
between the relay and the fuse curves. If the intersection
point is greater than the secondary short-circuit value, the
settings must be adjusted to meet this requirement.
The earth unit setting depends on the characteristics of the selectivity with the main switch protections. Given the
line where the unit is installed. In general, the earth fault variety of protection criteria and types of neutral used in the
values are high enough to be detected as overcurrent. networks, it does not exist a single parameterisation; each
Even in isolated or resonant earthed neutral networks, the case requires a specific parameterisation. For transformers
fault value in transformer protection installations is clearly up to 2000 kVA, the settings below are given as a general
different from the capacitive currents of the lines. This way, example. It must be ensured that they properly apply to
the transformer protection ekor.rpt units are used in isolated the protections upstream (general, line or main switch
neutral networks that do not require the directional function. protections, among others.)
The values of the setting parameters must guarantee
Phase setting
Rated current Time delayed Instantaneous I> K I>> T>>
In = S / √3 x Un = 48 A EI DT 1.2 0.2 7 0.4
Earth setting
Type of neutral Time delayed Instantaneous I o> Ko Io>> To>>
Solid or impedant NI DT 0.2 0.2 5 0.4
Isolated or resonant NI DT 0.1 / Ig = 2 A (*) 0.2 5 0.4
* In case a zero-sequence toroidal transformer is used
The integral parts of the ekor. units are the electronic relay, The electronic relay is fixed to the cubicle driving mechanism
the power supply and test board, the bistable trigger and using anchors. The front of the equipment, which contains
the current sensors. the components of the user interface, display, keys,
communication ports, etc., is accessible from the outside
without the need to remove the mechanism enclosure.
The rear contains the X1 and X2 connectors, as well as the
wiring that connects it to the power supply board.
Figure 7.6. Example of installation of a ekor.rpt unit in fuse protecton Figure 7.7. ekor.rpt frontal and rear view
All of the signals that come from the relay go through the selfpowered relays. The signal transformers are connected
board. Hence, the board enables the unit to be checked. to the board’s J8 connector, the function being to inject
Furthermore, there is a volt-free contact (J3) which is current into the secondary in order to test the relay.
activated simultaneously with the relay trip. This enables to
use conventional current injection equipment for testing the The ekor.rpt protection, metering and control unit has three
protection relays. connectors (J1, J3 and J4) to which the user can connect.
They are situated on the upper part of the power supply
The selfpowered transformers are also connected to and test board and their functions are as follows.
the power supply board using the J7 connector in the
The ekor.rpt protection, metering and control unit is To perform this check, follow the steps indicated below:
designed to perform the operating test necessary for both a. Open the cubicle’s switch-disconnector and then earth the
commissioning and regular maintenance checks. Several output.
levels of checks are available depending on the possibility b. Access the cable compartment and pass a test cable
of interrupting service and accessing the MV cubicle cable through the toroidal-core current transformers.
c. Connect the test cable to the current circuit of the tester.
1. Check through the primary: This case corresponds to d. Connect the power supply board’s J3 connector to the
the tests that are performed on the equipment when it is tester’s timer stopper input.
completely shut down, since it involves actuating the switch-
e. Open the earthing switch and close the switch. Reset the
disconnector and earthing the cubicle outgoing cables.
When current is injected through the toroidal-core current latch and remove the actuating lever in order to leave the
transformers, you must check that the protection opens the cubicle ready for tripping.
switch within the selected time. In addition, you must make f. Inject the test currents and verify the tripping times are
sure that the tripping indications are correct and that all the correct. Check that the trips are correctly displayed.
events are being recorded in the history log.
For phase trips, the test cable must pass through two toroidal-
core current transformers. The cable must pass through each
To perform this check, the unit must be powered up.
of them in opposite direction; in other words, if in the first one
Hence more than 5 A must be injected, or it must
current flows up bottom, in the other it must flow bottom up
be connected to 230 Vac for self powered relays. As
so that the sum of the two currents equals zero and no earth
regards those which have auxiliary power supply, feed
trip occur.
the voltage through the board’s J4 connector..
For earth trips, the test cable is passed through a single
toroidal-core current transformer (zero-sequence or phase
toroidal, depending on whether a zero-sequence toroidal is
available or not). Trip tests must be performed for all toroidal-
core current transformers to check the proper operation of
the complete unit.
2. Check through the secondary. In this case, the tests are g. Connect the test cable to the current circuit of the tester.
performed on the equipment when the cable compartment h. Connect the power supply board’s J3 connector to the
is not accessible. This occurs because the cubicle outgoing
tester’s timer stopper input.
cables are energised and cannot be connected to earth. In
this case, it is not possible to feed a test cable through the i. If the switch can be opened, put it in closed position.
toroidal transformers and current must be injected from the Reset the latch and remove the actuating lever in order
power supply board. This testing method is much better than to leave the cubicle ready for tripping and connect the
using testing equipment (normally more than 100 A). bistable trigger. If the switch cannot be operated, the
bistable trigger should remain disconnected and the
checking process should be performed as shown in next
section: “Check without switch operation”.
j. Inject the secondary test currents taking into account
that the transformation ratio is 300 / 1 A. Check that the
trip times are correct. Check that the trips are correctly
cgmcosmos/cgm.3 Systems
ekor.rpg with 5 - 100 A transformers ekor.rpg with 15 – 630 A transformers
Line voltage
[kV] P. mín P. máx
[kVA] [kVA] [kVA]
6.6 50 160 5000
10 100 200 7500
13.8 100 315 10 000
15 100 315 12 000
20 160 400 15 000
25(1) 200 630 20 000
30(1) 250 630 25 000
For and cgm.3 system cubicles
Selection process for the ekor.rpg unit protection 7. Instantaneous time delay T>>. This value corresponds with
parameters in cgmcosmos-v, and cgm.3-v cubicles: the protection trip time in the event a short-circuit occurs. It
depends on the coordination with other protections and the
1. Determine the system power to be protected and select the normal values are between 0.1 and 0.5 s.
ekor.rpg model in accordance with the table above. In the case of a general protection for two transformers,
2. Calculate the rated current In = S / √3 x Un. 1000 kVA each:
3. Define the continuous overload level I>. Normal values S = 2000 kVA, Un = 15 kV
in transformers of up to 2000 kVA are 20 % for distribution
installations and 5 % for power generation installations. The steps to follow for proper setting of the protection relay
are the following:
4. Select the transitory overload curve. Coordination between
relay curves and LV fuses is performed with the EI type curve. a. Rated current.
5. Define the delay time in transitory overload K. This parameter In = S / √3 x Un = 2000 kVA / √3 x 15 kV # 77 A
is defined by the transformer’s thermal constant. This way, the b. Continuous withstand overload 20 %.
greater the constant, the longer it takes for the transformer’s In x I> = 77 A x 1.2 # 92 A
temperature to increase under an overload condition; and
therefore, the protection trigger can be delayed longer. The c. Extremely Inverse Curve type. E.I.
normal value for distribution transformers is K = 0.2, which d. Transitory overload factor. K = 0.2
means that it trips in 2 s if the overload is 300 % in the EI curve.
e. Short-circuit level. In x I> x I>> = 77 A x 1,2 x 10 # 924 A
6. Short-circuit level I>>. The maximum value of the transformer’s
magnetisation current must be determined. The current peak f. Instantaneous time delay T>> = 0,1 s
produced when a no-load transformer is connected, due to
the effect of a magnetised nucleus, is several times greater The earth unit setting depends on the characteristics of
than the rated current. This peak value, up to 12 times the the network where the equipment is installed. In general,
rated value (10 times for more than 1000 kVA) has a very the earth fault values are high enough to be detected as
high harmonic content, so its fundamental 50 Hz component overcurrent. In the isolated or resonant earthed neutral
is much less. So, a normal setting value for this parameter
is between 7 and 10. In the case of general protections for
networks, when the fault value is very low, in other words,
several transformers, this value can be lower. when the earth protection is set to a value below 10 %
of the rated phase current, it is recommended that an
ultrasensitive earth protection be used.
The values of the setting parameters must guarantee up to 2000 kVA, the settings below are given as a general
selectivity with the main switch protections. Given the example. It must be ensured that they properly apply to
variety of protection criteria and types of neutral used in the the protections upstream (general, line or main switch
networks, it does not exist a single parameterisation; each protections, among others.)
case requires a specific parameterisation. For transformers
Phase setting
Rated current Curve Instantaneous I> K I>> T>>
In = S / √3 x Un = 77 A EI DT 1.2 0.2 10 0.1
Table 7.8. Phase setting
Earth setting
Type of neutral Curve Instantaneous Io> Ko Io>> To>>
Solid or impedant NI DT 0.2 0.2 5 0.1
Isolated or resonant NI DT 0.1 / Ig = 2 A (*) 0.2 5 0.2
* In case a zero-sequence toroidal transformer is used
The integral parts of the ekor.rpg units are the electronic power supply board. The signals that are operational for
relay, the power supply and test board and flip-flop trigger the user are located on a terminal block that can be short-
and the current sensors. circuited and accessed from the upper part of the cubicle.
Furthermore, there is a volt-free contact (G3-G4) which is
The electronic relay is fixed to the cubicle driving mechanism simultaneously activated with the relay trip. This enables to
using anchors. The front of the equipment, which contains use conventional current injection equipment for testing
the components of the user interface, display, keys, the protection relays.
communication ports, etc., is accessible from the outside
without the need to remove the driving mechanism The functionality of the terminal block G for connecting the
enclosure. The rear contains the X1 and X2 connectors (see user is described below
section 7.4.4) as well as the wiring that connects it to the
In cgmcosmos-v and cgm.3-v cubicles, the current The terminals that can be used with the toroidal-core current
transformers are installed in the cubicle bushings. Therefore transformers mounted in the bushings are as follows:
there are no problems with connection errors in the earthing
grid. Additionally, these toroidal-core current transformers are
equipped with a test connection for conducting maintenance
The ekor.rpg protection, metering and control unit is To perform this check, follow the steps indicated below:
designed to perform the operating test necessary for both a. Open the cubicle’s circuit-breaker. Close the earthing
commissioning and regular maintenance checks. Several switch and then close the circuit-breaker for an effective
levels of checks are available depending on the possibility earthing.
of interrupting service and accessing the MV cubicle cable b. Access the cable compartment and connect the test
compartment. cable to the test connector of the toroidal-core current
To perform this check, the unit must be powered up.
c. Connect the test cable to the current circuit of the tester.
Hence more than 5 A must be injected, or it must
be connected to 230 Vac for selfpowered relays. As d. Connect terminals G3-G4 to the tester’s timer stopper
regards those which have auxiliary power supply, feed input.
the voltage through the board’s J4 connector. e. Open the circuit-breaker. Open the earthing switch and
then close the circuit-breaker. To open the circuit-breaker
1. Check through the primary: In this case the tests are using the protection unit, the earthing switch must be
performed on the equipment when it is completely shut open.
down, since it involves actuating the circuit-breaker and
earthing the cubicle outgoing cables. When current is f. Inject the test currents and verify the tripping times are
injected through the toroidal-core current transformers, you correct. Check that the trips are correctly displayed.
must check that the protection opens the circuit-breaker In order to detect phase trips, the test cable must be connected
within the selected time. In addition, you must make sure that to the test bars of two toroidal-core current transformers. The
the tripping indications are correct and that all the events are current must go through each one in opposite directions. In
being recorded in the history log. other words, if the current flows up bottom in one of the test
cables, in the other it must flow bottom up so that the sum of
the two currents is zero and no earth fault trips occur.
For earth trips, the test cable is connected to a single
toroidal-core current transformer (zero-sequence or phase
toroidal transformer, depending on whether a zero-sequence
toroidal is available or not). Trip tests must be performed for
all toroidal-core current transformers to check the proper
Consult Ormazabal’s technical-commercial department. operation of the complete unit.
2. Check through the secondary with circuit-breaker f. Connect the test cable to the current circuit of the tester.
operation: g. Connect the G3-G4 connector to the tester’s timer stopper
In this case, the tests are performed on the equipment when input.
the cable compartment is not accessible. This occurs because h. If the circuit-breaker can be opened, put it in closed
the cubicle outgoing cables are energised and cannot be position. If the circuit-breaker cannot be operated, make
connected to earth. In this case, the test cable cannot be
sure the bistable trigger remains disconnected, and start
connected to the test connection in the toroidal-core current
the check as explained in the following section “check
transformers and the current injection is performed through
without circuit-breaker operation”.
the test terminal block. This testing method is also used when
the primary current values being tested are much greater i. Inject the secondary test currents taking into account
than those produced by test equipment (normally greater that the transformation ratio is 300 / 1 A or 1000 / 1 A,
than 100 A). depending on the model. Verify the tripping times are
correct. Check that the trips are correctly displayed.
3. Check through the secondary without circuit-breaker
operation: In many occasions, the protection cubicle circuit-
breaker cannot be operated and therefore, the maintenance
checks are performed exclusively on the electronic unit. In
theses cases, the following points shall be considered:
a. Always disconnect the bistable trigger. This way, the relay
can trip without acting upon the opening mechanism.
b. Inject the current according to the section above “check
through the secondary with circuit-breaker operation”.
c. The toroidal-core current transformers can be verified
if the approximate consumption is known. The current
that circulates through the G7 (blue), G8 (brown) and G9
(black) secondaries must correspond to the ratio of 300 /
1 A or 1000 / 1 A.
d. As regards selfpowered relays, check that the selfpowered
transformers provide the operating power needed by the
relay, if the primary current is greater than 5 A. To do this,
check that the voltage in connector J7 (between points
1 - blue and 2 - brown) is greater than 10 Vdc.
Figure 7.16. Checking terminal block
ESC: This key allows the user to return to the main screen
(‘display’) from any screen without saving changes made to
the settings up to this point. Using this key, the unit’s trip
indications can be reset.
Scrolling keys: The ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows enable the user to
scroll through the different menus and change values. The
‘right’ and ‘left’ arrows allow values in the ‘parameter setting’
menu to be selected for modification, as detailed later.
8.2. Display
Parámetro Significado
I1. A Phase 1 current metering
I2. A Phase 2 current metering
I3. A Phase 3 current metering
I0. A Zero-sequence current metering
I> Phase curve type (NI, VI, EI, DT, disabled)
I0> Zero-sequence curve type (NI, VI, EI, DT, disabled)
I>> Instantaneous phase unit enabled/disabled
I0>> Instantaneous zero-sequence unit enabled/disabled
In. A Phase full load current
I> Phase overload factor
K Constant phase multiplier
I>> Phase instantaneous multiplier
T>> Phase instantaneous time delay
I0> Earth leakage factor
K0 Constant zero-sequence multiplier
I0>> Zero-sequence instantaneous multiplier
T0>> Zero-sequence instantaneous time delay
H2. A Current at last trip
H2 Cause of last trip
H2.TM Time delay of last trip, from start-up to the trip
H2.DT Last trip date
H2.YE Last trip year
H2.HR Hour and minute of last trip
H2.SE Last trip second
H1. A Penultimate trip current
H1 Penultimate trip cause
H1.TM Time delay of the penultimate trip, from start up to the trip
H1.DT Penultimate trip date
H1.YE Penultimate trip year
H1.HR Hour and minute of penultimate trip
H1.SE Penultimate trip second
DATE Current date
YEAR Current year
HOUR Current time
SEC Current second
Table 8.1. “Display” mode parameter sequence
The ‘parameter setting’ menu can be accessed from any When the relay is in the ‘parameter setting’ menu, the
screen of the ‘display’ menu by pressing the SET key. The indication SET on the lower middle section of the relay
protection remains operational with the initial parameters, screen allows the user to identify the menu quickly.
until the user returns to the ‘display’ menu by pressing on
the SET key again.
The ekor.rp units include two methods for selecting the transformer power (Pt), and line voltage (Tr). From these
setting parameters. manual and automatic. 2 pieces of data, the relay sets the parameters according to:
The rest of setting values are fixed (see the table below), the program from the manual mode.
although the user can change any of the values selected in
Once inside any of the two settings entry areas, the user
can move from one parameter to another using the ‘up’
and ‘down’ keys, the same as in the ‘display’ mode. Press
the ESC or SET key to exit this menu and access the ‘display’
menu. The ESC key will disregard all setting changes made
previously, whereas the SET key will save all data before
To change a setting, proceed as follows: The password can be modified by first entering the current
password. The process is explained graphically in the
1. Display the setting to be changed on the screen.
diagram on the right. As shown in this diagram, password
2. Press the ‘left’ or ‘right’ keys. The data will start to flash.
modification consists of four steps.
3. Adjust the value required with the ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys. If the
setting is numeric, the blinking number can be changed with
the ‘left’ or ‘right’ keys.
4. To exit, press SET (save and exit), or ESC (clear changes and
ekor.soft communication protocol
ekor.soft communication protocol.
To quit the ‘trip recognition’ menu, press the ESC key from
any of the menu screens. The relay recognises that the user
has checked the trip and then returns to the first screen of
the ‘display’ menu. In any case, the trip data will continue to Figure 8.11. Trip recognition
be available to the user from the ‘display’ menu until two
new trips have occurred. The following table shows the sequence in which the data
appear. As in the rest of the menus, the ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys
The various screens of the of ‘trip recognition’ menu are used to scroll throughout the various data:
provide two types of information. The initial screen shows
the current detected at the tripping moment, by phase Parameter Meaning
or earth depending on the tripped unit. Subsequent ‘trip Ix A Current at the tripping moment
Ix TM Time elapsed from unit start up to the trip
recognition’ screens display the date and time of the trip,
Ix DT Day and month on which the trip occurred
along with the time elapsed from the unit start up to the
Ix YE Year in which the trip occurred
Ix HR Time at which the trip occurred
Ix SE Second in which the trip occurred
Where subscript x depends on the cause of the trip: e1 f, e2 f, e3 f or
e0 f, for phase 1, phase 2, phase 3 or zero-sequence, respectively.
on the
230 Vca in the external trip input (this input is to be
ER 01
connected to a volt-free contact)
ER 03 Error when opening switch
Table 8.6. Error codes
Figure 8.12. Error display
The on-screen representation of the equipment for last and Fault history log
penultimate trips is detailed below: Hn Last trip (n = 2). Penultimate trip (n = 1)
Hn A | amp. Current at the moment of tripping (A = amps)
Reason for tripping:
X = Trip at phase 1 (R), 2 (S), 3 (T), or (neutral),
Hn |Fxy trip external (ext.)
Y = Trip. time delayed (>) or instantaneous
Hn TM | time Time elapsed from unit start up to the trip (mSg.)
Hn DT | date Day and month on which the trip occurred
Hn YE | year Year in which the trip occurred
Hn HR | time Time at which the trip occurred
Hn SE | sec. Second in which the trip occurred
Table 8.7. Fault history
Figure 8.15. View of last and penultimate trips on the menu map
The master addresses the slave, indicating its address in the 1 ekor.bus
respective field and the slave answers by indicating its own 2 Parametters settings
address. The ‘0’ address is reserved for the ‘broadcast’ mode so
Figure 9.1. MODBUS address
it can be recognised by all slaves.
The parameters are protected against writing by the user respective password has been transmitted again. If the
password. timeout period has elapsed, the process is aborted and
the system returns to normal mode. In normal mode, any
A write session of password-protected parameters starts attempt to write a protected registration will result in an
by entering the password in the respective address. The error code 2’. The write session is valid for only one port (the
write session ends with the update of registers once the one that entered the password has priority).
The cyclical redundancy check (CRC) field contains two The CRC is the remainder obtained when dividing the
bytes that are added to the end of the message. The receiver message by a binary polynomial. The receiver must divide
must re-calculate it and compare it with the received value. all bits received (information plus CRC) by the same
Both values must be equal. polynomial used to calculate the CRC. If the remainder
obtained is 0, the information frame is deemed correct.
10. Annex A
10.1. Brief guide for commissioning the ekor.rpg unit in cgmcosmos-v & cgm.3-v
cgmcosmos/cgm.3 Systems
ekor.rpg with 5 – 100 A transformers ekor.rpg with 15 – 630 A transformers
Line voltage
[kV] Min P Max P
[kVA] [kVA] [kVA]
6,6 50 160 5000
10 100 200 7500
13,8 100 315 10000
15 100 315 12000
20 160 400 15000
25(1) 200 630 20000
30(1) 250 630 25000
for cgm.3 system cubicles only
1 Bushing
2 Test flatbar
Protection and power supply toroidal-core current transformers
3 (already installed)
Figure 10.1. Toroidal-core current transformers already installed
Connected terminals (shielded). For non-shielded or plug-in 1 Connect braid to earth collector
1 terminals the current transformers (CT) must be installed on
the cable Figure 10.3. Earth collector
1. Automatic mode:
Installation kV and kVA
2. Manual mode:
Parameters: I>, I0>, I>>,...
Earth setting
Phase setting Type of Solid or Isolated or
neutral impedant resonant
Curve EI Curve NI NI
Instantaneous TD Instantaneous TD TD
0.1 /
I> 1.2 Io> 0.2
Ig = 2 A(*)
K 0.2 Ko 0.2 0.2
I>> 10 Io>> 5 5
T>> 0.1 To>> 0.1 0.2
10.1.8. Commissioning:
1. Check I1 ≈ I2 ≈ I3
2. Check I0 ≈ 0
3. Check 230 Vca connection (if available)
11. Annex B
11.1. Brief guide for commissioning the ekor.rpg unit in cgmcosmos-v & cgm.3-p
cgmcosmos System
Fuse rated Minimum transformer power Maximum transformer power
Line voltage
[kV] Fuse rating [A] [kVA] Fuse rating [A] [kVA]
6.6 3 / 7.2 16 50 160 1250
10 6 / 12 10 100 160 (1) 1250
13.8 10 / 24 16 100 100 1250
15 10 / 24 16 125 125 (2) 1600
20 10 / 24 16 160 125 2000
442 mm cartridge
125 A SIBA SSK fuse
cgm.3 System
Fuse rated Minimum transformer power Maximum transformer power
Line voltage
[kV] Fuse rating [A] [kVA] Fuse rating [A] [kVA]
6.6 3 / 7.2 16 50 160 (1) 1000
10 6 / 12 16 100 125 1250
13.8 10 / 24 10 100 63 800
15 10 / 24 16 125 63 1000
20 10 / 24 16 160 63 1250
25 24 / 36 25 200 80 (2) 2000
30 24 / 36 25 250 80 (2) 2500
442 mm cartridge
SIBA SSK fuse (check)
Installed on cables.
Connected terminals (shielded). For non-shielded or plug-in 1 Connect braid to earth collector
1 terminals the current transformers (CT) must be installed on
the cable. Figure 11.3. Earth collector
1. Remove the control box cover. 2. Connect to the power supply board:
c. J1: external trip (thermostat)
d. J4: 230 Vac or 48 Vdc (depending on model A or B)
1. Automatic mode:
Installation kV and kVA
2. Manual mode:
Parameters: I>, I0>, I>>
Phase setting
Curve Instantaneous I> K I>> T>>
IN = EI TD 1.2 0.2 7 0.4
(UN · 3)
Table 11.3. Table of Phase setting
Earth setting
Type of neutral Curve Instantaneous I o> Ko Io>> To>>
Solid or impedant NI TD 0.2 0.2 5 0.4
Isolated or resonant NI TD 0.1 0.2 5 0.4
11.1.8. Commissioning
1. Check I1 ≈ I2≈ I3
2. Check I0 ≈ 0
3. Check 230 Vca connection (if available)