Easa Ad 2024-0197 1

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: 2024-0197

Airworthiness Directive
AD No.: 2024-0197
Issued: 18 October 2024
Note: This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued by EASA, acting in accordance with Regulation
(EU) 2018/1139 on behalf of the European Union, its Member States and of the European third
countries that participate in the activities of EASA under Article 129 of that Regulation.
This AD is issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) 748/2012, Part 21.A.3B. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex I Part M.A.301, or
Annex Vb Part ML.A.301, as applicable, the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft shall be ensured by accomplishing any applicable ADs. Consequently,
no person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies, except in accordance with the requirements of that AD, unless otherwise specified by the
Agency [Regulation (EU) 1321/2014 Annex I Part M.A.303, or Annex Vb Part ML.A.303, as applicable] or agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry
[Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, Article 71 exemption].

Design Approval Holder’s Name: Type/Model designation(s):

AIRBUS S.A.S. A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, and A340

Effective Date: 01 November 2024

TCDS Number(s): EASA.A.064, EASA.A.004 and EASA.A.015
Foreign AD: Not applicable
Supersedure: This AD supersedes EASA AD 2023-0094 dated 08 May 2023.

ATA 35 – Oxygen – SafeLav Gaseous Oxygen Container – Replacement

Airbus, formerly Airbus Industrie

Airbus A318-111, A318-112, A318-121, A318-122, A319-111, A319-112, A319-113, A319-114,
A319-115, A319-131, A319-132, A319-133, A319-151N, A319-153N, A319-171N, A320-211,
A320-212, A320-214, A320-215, A320-216, A320-231, A320-232, A320-233, A320-251N, A320-252N,
A320-253N, A320-271N, A320-272N, A320-273N, A321-111, A321-112, A321-131, A321-211,
A321-212, A321-213, A321-231, A321-232, A321-251N, A321-251NX, A321-252N, A321-252NX,
A321-253N, A321-253NX, A321-253NY, A321-271N, A321-271NX, A321-272N and A321-272NX
aeroplanes, all manufacturer serial numbers (MSN); and

Airbus A330-201, A330-202, A330-203, A330-223, A330-223F, A330-243, A330-243F, A330-301,

A330-302, A330-303, A330-321, A330-322, A330-323, A330-341, A330-342, A330-343, A330-841
and A330-941 aeroplanes, all MSN; and

Airbus A340-211, A340-212, A340-213, A340-311, A340-312, A340-313, A340-541, A340-542,

A340-642 and A340-643 aeroplanes, all MSN.

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EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

For the purpose of this AD, the following definitions apply:

The AOT: Airbus Alert Operators Transmission (AOT) A35N017-22 Revision 02 (for A318, A319, A320
and A321 aeroplanes) and AOT A35L018-22 Revision 02 (for A330 and A340 aeroplanes), as

Affected part: SafeLav gaseous oxygen container (SLGOC) having Part Number (P/N) and serial
number (s/n) as listed in Appendix 1 of this AD, installed at locations identified by Airbus Functional
Item Numbers (FIN) 29WR, 31WR, 31WR1, 34WR, 34WR1, 37WR, 37WR7, 38WR, 50WR, 72WR and
FIN 73WR (for A318, A319, A320 and A321 aeroplanes); and FIN 51WR to 60WR, FIN 63WR to
69WR, FIN 71WR, 72WR, 75WR, 76WR, 80WR, 87WR and FIN 88WR (for A330, and A340

Note 1: A review of maintenance records is acceptable to identify the installed SLGOC P/N and s/n,
provided those records can be relied upon for that purpose, and the P/N and s/n of the installed
SLGOC can be conclusively identified from that review.

Serviceable part: SLGOC eligible for installation in accordance with Airbus instructions, which is not
an affected part.

Aeroplane date of manufacture: The date of transfer of title (ownership) of the aeroplane upon
delivery by Airbus to the first operator, which is referenced in Airbus documentation.

Groups: Group 1 aeroplanes are those that have an affected part installed.

Note 2: A318, A319, A320 and A321 aeroplanes having Airbus modification (mod) 155409 or mod
155338, and A330 and A340 aeroplanes having mod 203608, 203609 or mod 205507, embodied in
production are known to have an affected part installed.

Group 2 aeroplanes are those that do not have an affected part installed.
An A321-253NY aeroplane is a Group 2 aeroplane, provided that no affected part has been installed
on that aeroplane since the aeroplane date of manufacture.

A production deficiency of some SLGOC batches was identified during production testing of newly
manufactured oxygen containers. Subsequent investigation identified missing heat treatment of the
actuation pin of the SLGOC, which could cause its jamming, with consequent failure of oxygen flow

This condition, if not corrected, could prevent supplemental oxygen supply in case of
decompression in the cabin/lavatory, possibly resulting in injury to lavatory occupants.

To address this potential unsafe condition, Airbus issued the AOT, as defined in this AD, to provide
instructions to identify and replace each affected part with a serviceable part. Consequently, EASA
issued 2023-0094 to require removal from service of each affected part. That AD also prohibits
installation of an affected part on any aeroplane.

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EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

Since that AD was issued, a new aeroplane model (A321-253NY) has been certified, on which
affected parts could be installed in service. On the issue date of this AD, no A321-253NY aeroplanes
have been delivered yet to operators.

For the reason described above, this AD supersedes EASA AD 2023-0094, and extends the
Applicability to the A321-253NY aeroplanes to prohibit installation of affected parts on those
aeroplanes in service.

For aeroplanes previously affected by EASA AD 2023-0094, this AD retains the requirements of that
AD, with no additional actions.

Required Action(s) and Compliance Time(s):

Required as indicated by this AD, unless the action(s) required by this AD have been already

(1) For Group 1 aeroplanes: Within 8 months after 22 May 2023 [the effective date of EASA AD
2023-0094], replace each affected part with a serviceable part, as defined in this AD, in
accordance with the instructions of the AOT.

(2) Replacement of each affected part with a serviceable part, before the effective date of this AD,
in accordance with the instructions of original issue or Revision 1 of Airbus AOT A35N017-22 or
Airbus AOT A35L018-22, as applicable, is an acceptable method to comply with the
requirement of paragraph (1) of this AD.

Part(s) Installation:
(3) For Group 1 and Group 2 aeroplanes: From the effective date of this AD, do not install an
affected part on any aeroplane.

Ref. Publications:
Airbus AOT A35N017-22 original issue dated 29 November 2022, or Revision 01 dated 19 January
2023, or Revision 02 dated 14 February 2023.

Airbus AOT A35L018-22 original issue dated 29 November 2022, or Revision 01 dated 19 January
2023, or Revision 02 dated 14 February 2023.

The use of later approved revisions of the above-mentioned documents is acceptable for
compliance with the requirements of this AD.

1. If requested and appropriately substantiated, EASA can approve Alternative Methods of
Compliance for this AD.

2. Based on the required actions and the compliance time, EASA have decided to issue a Final AD
with Request for Comments, postponing the public consultation process until after publication.

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An agency of the European Union
EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

All interested persons may send their comments, referencing the AD Number, to the E-mail
address specified in below Remark 3, prior to 15 November 2024. Only if any comment is
received during the consultation period, a Comment Response Document will be published in
the EASA Safety Publications Tool, in a compressed (‘zipped’) file, attached to the record for this

3. Enquiries regarding this AD should be referred to the EASA Safety Information Section,
Certification Directorate. E-mail: ADs@easa.europa.eu.

4. Information about any failures, malfunctions, defects or other occurrences, which may be
similar to the unsafe condition addressed by this AD, and which may occur, or have occurred on
a product, part or appliance not affected by this AD, can be reported to the EU aviation safety
reporting system. This may include reporting on the same or similar components, other than
those covered by the design to which this AD applies, if the same unsafe condition can exist or
may develop on an aircraft with those components installed. Such components may be
installed under an FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA), Supplemental Type Certificate
(STC) or other modification.

5. For any question concerning the technical content of the requirements in this AD, please
contact: AIRBUS – Airworthiness Office – 1IASA; E-mail: account.airworth-eas@airbus.com.

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An agency of the European Union
EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

Appendix 1
List of Affected Parts (P/N and s/n)

22G15-0400 Series
P/N s/n P/N s/n P/N s/n
22G150150920400 A9FBA9001 22G150150460400 A9F8FF002 22G150150700400 A9FED6014
22G150150460400 A9F7C1001 22G150150320400 A9FA2A001 22G150150700400 A9FED6011
22G150150460400 A9F759001 22G150150460400 A9F9BC020 22G150150700400 A9FED6008
22G150150460400 A9F7C1002 22G150150460400 A9F95A002 22G150150700400 A9FED6006
22G150150460400 A9F7C1003 22G150150460400 A9F8FF001 22G150150700400 A9FED6010
22G150150460400 A9F759002 22G150150320400 A9FA2A003 22G150150460400 A9FED4004
22G150150460400 A9F759003 22G150150460400 A9F9BC018 22G150150460400 A9FED4002
22G150150920400 A9FBAA001 22G150150320400 A9F9C5002 22G150150460400 A9FED4005
22G150150920400 A9FBAA003 22G150150460400 A9F9C9001 22G150150460400 A9FED4007
22G150150920400 A9FBAA002 22G150150460400 A9F9BC019 22G150150460400 A9FED4006
22G150150460400 A9F7C1005 22G150150460400 A9F9C6002 22G150150700400 A9FED6019
22G150150460400 A9F7C1004 22G150150460400 A9F95A001 22G150150700400 A9FED6020
22G150150320400 A9F758001 22G150150460400 A9F9C9002 22G150150460400 A9FED4003
22G150150460400 A9F723001 22G150150320400 A9FA2A005 22G150150700400 A9FED6018
22G150150460400 A9F7A4001 22G150150460400 A9FAD0002 22G150150460400 A9FED4001
22G150150320400 A9F758002 22G150150460400 A9FDBB003 22G150150460400 A9FED4008
22G150150460400 A9F7A4002 22G150150460400 A9FAD0001 22G150150460400 A9FED4009
22G150150460400 A9F7A4003 22G150150460400 A9FB4C002 22G150150700400 A9FEC4001
22G150150460400 A9F723002 22G150150460400 A9FDBB005 22G150150700400 A9FEC4002
22G150150460400 A9F723004 22G150150460400 A9FDBB001 22G150150700400 A9FEC4006
22G150150460400 A9F723005 22G150150460400 A9F958001 22G150150700400 AA013B003
22G150150460400 A9F7C0012 22G150150460400 A9FB4C001 22G150150700400 AA013B002
22G150150460400 A9F7C0013 22G150150320400 A9FDC2001 22G150150700400 AA013B008
22G150150460400 A9F723003 22G150150460400 A9F958002 22G150150460400 AA00F7003
22G150150460400 A9F951005 22G150150460400 A9FDBB004 22G150150700400 AA013B001
22G150150460400 A9F951004 22G150150460400 A9FDBB002 22G150150700400 AA013B005
22G150150460400 A9F951003 22G150150460400 A9F957002 22G150150460400 AA00F7002
22G150150460400 A9F951002 22G150150460400 A9F957001 22G150150700400 AA013B004
22G150150700400 A9F8FB004 22G150150460400 A9F8FE002 22G150150460400 AA00F7001
22G150150700400 A9F952002 22G150150460400 A9F8FE001 22G150150320400 AA016A001
22G150150700400 A9F8FB005 22G150150460400 A9F959002 22G150150320400 AA016A002
22G150150700400 A9F8FB001 22G150150460400 A9F959001 22G150150700400 AA013B006
22G150150700400 A9FA45005 22G150150460400 A927C9004 22G150150700400 AA00F8001
22G150150700400 A9FA45004 22G150150460400 A927C9008 22G150150700400 A9FEC4008
22G150150460400 A9F951001 22G150150460400 A927C9011 22G150150700400 A9FEC4009
22G150150700400 A9F952001 22G150150460400 A927C9006 22G150150460400 AA02A3001
22G150150700400 A9F8FB003 22G150150460400 A927C9001 22G150150460400 A9FED5004
22G150150700400 A9FA45002 22G150150460400 A927C9007 22G150150700400 A9FEC4010
22G150150700400 A9FA45001 22G150150460400 A927C9010 22G150150700400 AA013B007
22G150150700400 A9F8FB002 22G150150460400 A927C9002 22G150150460400 A9FED5005
22G150150460400 A9FA84001 22G150150460400 A927C9003 22G150150700400 A9FEC4005

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An agency of the European Union
EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

P/N s/n P/N s/n P/N s/n

22G150150700400 A9FA45003 22G150150460400 A927C9005 22G150150700400 AA013B010
22G150150460400 A9FB41001 22G150150460400 A9FDC3002 22G150150700400 A9FEC4003
22G150150320400 A9FD36002 22G150150460400 A927C9009 22G150150700400 A9FEC4004
22G150150320400 A9FD36003 22G150150460400 A9FDC3001 22G150150700400 A9FEC4007
22G150150460400 A9FA31002 22G150150460400 A9FDC4001 22G150150700400 AA013B009
22G150150320400 A9FD36005 22G150150460400 A9FDC5002 22G150150640400 AA0140001
22G150150320400 A9FD36004 22G150150460400 A9FDC4002 22G150150460400 AA0122008
22G150150320400 A9FD36001 22G150150460400 A9FDC5001 22G150150640400 AA036F003
22G150150460400 A9FAD4003 22G150150320400 A9FDC2002 22G150150460400 AA0122005
22G150150460400 A9FA31001 22G150150460400 A927C9018 22G150150320400 AA010D003
22G150150460400 A9FB41002 22G150150700400 A9FED6002 22G150150460400 AA010E001
22G150150460400 A9FAD4002 22G150150460400 A927C9013 22G150150640400 AA036F001
22G150150460400 A9FA30002 22G150150460400 A927C9012 22G150150460400 AA010E003
22G150150460400 A9FA30001 22G150150700400 A9FED6005 22G150150320400 AA010D004
22G150150460400 A9FA84004 22G150150460400 A927C9019 22G150150640400 AA036F002
22G150150460400 A9FAD4001 22G150150460400 A927C9020 22G150150640400 AA036F004
22G150150460400 A9FA84003 22G150150460400 A927C9015 22G150150460400 AA0122001
22G150150460400 A9FA84005 22G150150700400 A9FED6001 22G150150640400 AA036F009
22G150150460400 A9FA84002 22G150150460400 A927C9014 22G150150640400 AA036F007
22G150150460400 A9F9BC010 22G150150460400 A927C9017 22G150150640400 AA036F006
22G150150460400 A9F9BC009 22G150150700400 A9FED6004 22G150150460400 AA0122004
22G150150460400 A9F9BC015 22G150150460400 A927C9016 22G150150460400 AA0122003
22G150150460400 A9F9BC012 22G150150320400 A9FEC3005 22G150150640400 AA036F005
22G150150460400 A9F9BC016 22G150150320400 A9FEC3002 22G150150460400 AA0122009
22G150150460400 A9F9BC013 22G150150320400 A9FEC3003 22G150150640400 AA036F008
22G150150460400 A9F9BC014 22G150150460400 A9FEC5002 22G150150460400 AA0122002
22G150150460400 A9F9BC011 22G150150460400 A9FEC5001 22G150150460400 AA0122007
22G150150460400 A9F9BC017 22G150150320400 A9FEC3004 22G150150320400 AA010D001
22G150150460400 A9F9BC007 22G150150460400 A9FACF001 22G150150460400 AA0122006
22G150150460400 A9F9BC001 22G150150460400 A9FACF002 22G150150460400 AA010E006
22G150150460400 A9F9BC003 22G150150320400 A9FEC3001 22G150150460400 AA0122010
22G150150460400 A9F9BC004 22G150150700400 A9FED6003 22G150150320400 AA010D005
22G150150460400 A9F9BC002 22G150150700400 A9FED6017 22G150150460400 AA010E004
22G150150460400 A9F9BC005 22G150150700400 A9FED6007 22G150150460400 AA010E005
22G150150460400 A9F9BC006 22G150150700400 A9FED6012 22G150150460400 AA010E002
22G150150320400 A9FA2A002 22G150150700400 A9FED6015 22G150150320400 AA010D002
22G150150460400 A9F9C6001 22G150150700400 A9FED6009 22G150150460400 AA0178009
22G150150320400 A9FA2A004 22G150150700400 A9FED6016 22G150150460400 AA013C001
22G150150320400 A9F9C5001 22G150150700400 A9FED6013 22G150150460400 AA013C003

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EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

22G22-0400 Series
P/N s/n P/N s/n P/N s/n
22G220150460400 A9F770001 22G220150460400 A9FEC6001 22G220150700400 AA00BA001
22G220150460400 A9F79D002 22G220150460400 A9FED9002 22G220150460400 AA00BE002
22G220150460400 A9F79C001 22G220150460400 A9FED9001 22G220150700400 AA0304003
22G220150460400 A9F770002 22G220150460400 A9FED8001 22G220150460400 AA00BE001
22G220150460400 A9F79C002 22G220150460400 A9FEDB001 22G220150700400 AA00BA004
22G220150460400 A9F79D001 22G220150460400 A9FED8002 22G220150700400 AA00BA007
22G220150460400 A9FCFC008 22G220150460400 A9FEDB002 22G220150700400 AA00BA005
22G220150700400 A9FA56002 22G220150460400 A9FEDA001 22G220150460400 AA00BD002
22G220150460400 A9FCFC005 22G220150460400 A9FEDC001 22G220150460400 AA00BD001
22G220150020400 A9FA5F001 22G220150460400 A9FEDE002 22G220150460400 AA00BF001
22G220150460400 A9FCFC007 22G220150460400 A9FDA8001 22G220150700400 AA00BA003
22G220150460400 A9FCFC010 22G220150460400 A9FEDE001 22G220150700400 AA00BA009
22G220150460400 A9FCFC002 22G220150460400 A9FEDC002 22G220150700400 AA00BA008
22G220150460400 A9FCFC009 22G220150460400 A9FEDA002 22G220150700400 AA00BA002
22G220150460400 A9FCFC006 22G220150460400 A9FDA7001 22G220150700400 AA00BA006
22G220150460400 A9FCFC011 22G220150460400 A9FEDD001 22G220150460400 AA00E3005
22G220150460400 A9FCFC003 22G220150460400 A9FDA8002 22G220150460400 AA00E3010
22G220150460400 A9F95E002 22G220150460400 A9FDA7002 22G220150460400 AA00FD005
22G220150700400 A9FA56001 22G220150460400 A9FEDD002 22G220150460400 AA0190001
22G220150460400 A9F95E001 22G220150460400 A9FED1001 22G220150460400 AA00FD004
22G220150460400 A9FCFC004 22G220150460400 A9FED1002 22G220150460400 AA00E3001
22G220150460400 A9FCFC001 22G220150460400 A9FA5B007 22G220150460400 AA00FD002
22G220150460400 A9F95C002 22G220150460400 A9FF34002 22G220150460400 AA00E3007
22G220150460400 A9F8FD001 22G220150460400 A9FA5B006 22G220150460400 AA00E3002
22G220150460400 A9F95B002 22G220150460400 A9FA5B008 22G220150320400 AA010C001
22G220150460400 A9F95D002 22G220150460400 A9FF34001 22G220150460400 AA00E3009
22G220150460400 A9F8FD002 22G220150460400 A9FA5B005 22G220150460400 AA0190003
22G220150460400 A9F95D001 22G220150460400 A9FA5B002 22G220150460400 AA00E3003
22G220150460400 A9F95B001 22G220150460400 A9FA5B003 22G220150460400 AA00E3006
22G220150460400 A9F95C001 22G220150460400 A9FED3001 22G220150460400 AA0190002
22G220150460400 A9FA15008 22G220150460400 A9F9D1003 22G220150460400 AA00E3008
22G220150460400 A9FA15001 22G220150460400 A9FED2001 22G220150460400 AA00E3004
22G220150460400 A9FA15006 22G220150460400 A9FED2002 22G220150460400 AA00FD001
22G220150460400 A9FA15007 22G220150460400 A9FED3002 22G220150460400 AA00FD003
22G220150460400 A9FA15004 22G220150460400 A9FA5B001 22G220150460400 AA00FB002
22G220150460400 A9FA15005 22G220150460400 A9FA5B009 22G220150460400 AA010F005
22G220150460400 A9FA15002 22G220150460400 A9FA5B004 22G220150460400 AA010F006
22G220150460400 A9FA15003 22G220150460400 A9F9D1004 22G220150020400 AA00F1003
22G220150460400 A9FD38001 22G220150460400 A9F9D1002 22G220150460400 AA00FB001
22G220150460400 A9F76C001 22G220150460400 A9F9D1001 22G220150460400 AA00FA001
22G220150460400 A9FD3C004 22G220150460400 A9FDAB002 22G220150460400 AA010F001
22G220150460400 A9F76C003 22G220150460400 A9FECB002 22G220150460400 AA010F004
22G220150460400 A9FD3C003 22G220150460400 A9FEC9002 22G220150460400 AA00FA002
22G220150460400 A9FB53001 22G220150460400 A9FECB001 22G220150020400 AA00F1002

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EASA AD No.: 2024-0197

P/N s/n P/N s/n P/N s/n

22G220150460400 A9FAD6010 22G220150460400 A9FECA002 22G220150460400 AA010F003
22G220150460400 A9FD3C002 22G220150460400 A9FEE0001 22G220150020400 AA00F1004
22G220150460400 A9FD3B001 22G220150460400 A9FEC9001 22G220150460400 AA00FB003
22G220150460400 A9FD35001 22G220150460400 A9FDAB001 22G220150020400 AA00F1001
22G220150460400 A9F76C002 22G220150460400 A9FDA9001 22G220150020400 AA00F1005
22G220150460400 A9FAD6002 22G220150460400 A9FDAA001 22G220150460400 AA010F002
22G220150460400 A9FD3C001 22G220150460400 A9FDA9002 22G220150700400 AA032B005
22G220150460400 A9FAD6003 22G220150460400 A9FDAA002 22G220150700400 AA032B002
22G220150460400 A9FA32001 22G220150460400 A9FEE0002 22G220150700400 AA032B003
22G220150460400 A9FAD6005 22G220150460400 A9FECA001 22G220150700400 AA032B006
22G220150460400 A9FD37001 22G220150460400 A9FED0001 22G220150460400 AA0109004
22G220150460400 A9FAD6006 22G220150460400 A9FECD002 22G220150460400 AA0109005
22G220150460400 A9FAD6008 22G220150460400 A9FECD001 22G220150460400 AA0109006
22G220150460400 A9FD37002 22G220150460400 A9FECF002 22G220150460400 AA0109003
22G220150460400 A9FAD6004 22G220150460400 A9FECE001 22G220150460400 AA0109002
22G220150460400 A9FD35002 22G220150460400 A9FED0002 22G220150460400 AA00F9004
22G220150460400 A9FAD6009 22G220150460400 A9FECC001 22G220150700400 AA0167001
22G220150460400 A9FA32002 22G220150460400 A9FECF001 22G220150700400 AA0167002
22G220150460400 A9FD39002 22G220150460400 A9FECC002 22G220150460400 AA00F9001
22G220150460400 A9FAD6007 22G220150460400 A9FECE002 22G220150460400 AA0109008
22G220150460400 A9FAD6001 22G220150460400 A9FEDF002 22G220150460400 AA00F9005
22G220150460400 A9FED7002 22G220150460400 A9FF9C001 22G220150460400 AA00F9003
22G220150460400 A9FD38002 22G220150460400 A9FEDF001 22G220150460400 AA0109001
22G220150460400 A9FD39001 22G220150460400 A9FF9C002 22G220150460400 AA0109007
22G220150460400 A9FED7001 22G220150460400 AA00BF002 22G220150460400 AA00F9002

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An agency of the European Union

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