EG &V Mid Term Paper 2024-25 - RPA

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Mid -Term Test October,2024


School of Engineering and Technology

Subject: Engineering Graphics and Visualization Sub. Code: BTRPADS102T24

Time :2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 20

Semester -I
Q1 Students are required to attempt any 8 questions. The weightage of each question of
1 mark. (8x1=8)
i) Define Engineering graphics.
ii) What is the role of CAD in Engineering Graphics?
iii) How do you construct an angle bisector?
iv) What is the use of dashed line.
v) How are cutting plane lines used in engineering drawings?
vi) What is the difference between Isometric projection and Isometric view.
vii). What are the typical units used in engineering scales?
viii) How does an orthographic projection differ from an isometric projection?
ix) What is the surface development in geometry.
x) What is the formula for calculating the arc length in the development of a cone?
xi) Define orthographic Projection.
xii) How are angles represented in isometric projection?
Q2 Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. (3x2=6)
(a) The distance between two station is 240 km and its is represented on a map by a line
12 cm long. Find R.F. Draw a scale to measure 300 km. Show a distance of 267 km
on the scale.
. (b) Construct a plain scale to show meters, when 1 centimeter represents 6 meters and
long enough to measure upto 60 meters. Find the R.F. and mark on it a distance of
43 meters.
(c) Mention any four types of line with their use.
(a) Construct a diagonal scale to shown centimeters, decimeters and meters and long
enough to measure upto 8 meters. Measure a distance 5 m, 6 dm and 3 cm on the scale
and take R.F. = 1: 100.
(b) What is the convention representation of following materials:
Steel, Tin, Marble, Liquid
(c) Construct a plain scale to show kilometers and hectometers when 2.5 centimeters
are equal to 1 kilometer and long enough to measure upto 6 km. Find R.F. and indicate
distance 5 kilometers and 4 hectometers on the scale.

Q3 Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. (3x2=6)

(a) Draw the projection and state the quadrants in which the following points are
located. Assume any distances.
A-Front view below XY line and top view above XY line.
B- Front and top views are below XY line.

(b) To develop a right cylinder of base diameter 50 mm and height 100 mm.

(c) Mention any two methods of surface development.

(a) A cone of base 50 mm and height 65 mm rests with its base on H.P. Draw
its development.

(b) What is the difference between first angle and third angle orthographic projection.

(c) To develop a right cylinder of base diameter 50 mm and height 100 mm.

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