Chapter 5

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A survey through structured questionnaire is conducted in two major cities of

Karnataka i.e., Bengaluru and Mysuru. Four banks- two from private and two
from public sector are selected. From the public sector bank, SBI and BOB and
from private sector banks, HDFC and ICICI are selected. Data is collected from
both bank customers and bank employees. Collected data is analyzed for a sample
size of 426 customers and 40 employees.

This chapter of the research is related to analysis of data collected from customers
and employees through questionnaire method. In this study, data analysis process
is carried out in two ways: qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.
Qualitative analysis is performed by the means of Thematic Analysis, which is
carried out in order to understand the awareness and perception of Green Banking
among respondents (Customers and Employees). In this analysis, certain themes
are prepared in order to identify and analyze the patterns within the data. The
responses received from filled questionnaires is on the basis of various themes
through which the perceptions of customers and employees are analyzed. For
customers, a total of 16 themes have been prepared and for employees, 22 themes
were prepared.

The quantitative analysis applies various statistical tools in finding out the
outcome of the study. In this study, T- test, Chi Square test and Regression
analysis is done by using the SPSS software in order to test the dependency
demographic characteristics of respondents and usage/adoption of Green Banking.
This analysis also focuses on the flaws of traditional banking system and benefits
offered by Green Banking approach. Moreover, the analysis helps in
understanding the obstacles which are faced by customers and employees for
adopting the Green Banking practices.
5.2 : Thematic Analysis

5.2.1 : Awareness and Perception of Customers

Theme 1: Approximately equal number of customers was selected

from both public and private sector banks

103 104


108 111

Figure 5: Number of Respondents with each Bank under Study

From the above Pie chart, it can be seen that 215 respondents of 426 respondents
were inclined towards public sector banks. Out of these 215 respondents, 104
respondents were from SBI bank, and 111 respondents were from Bank of
Baroda. Further, 211 respondents were inclined towards the private sector banks
that are HDFC and ICICI bank. Out of these 211 respondents, 108 respondents
have their account in the HDFC bank, and 103 respondents have their account in
ICICI bank. Thus, it can be said that the people are now using banking services
for their transactions and are opening their accounts with banks. Also, by looking
at the number of customers of the private sector banks, it can be said that people
are now also trusting private sector banks equally.
Theme 2: It takes maximum 20 to 30 minutes for a person to visit
the account holding bank

For the purpose of the study, questionnaire had one question that is concerned
with how far is the banks from the place of the customer. The result of the survey
showed that it takes a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes for the people to visit the
account holding bank from their place.

52 62


10- 20 mins

20-30 mins

More than 30 mins

163 149

Figure 6: Time taken by Customers to reach Bank

From the above chart, it can be seen that 163 respondents said, they require 20-30
minutes to visit the account holding bank. 149 respondents answered that it takes
10-20 minutes to visit the bank and 52 respondents said that the accounting
holding bank is far away and it requires more than 30 minutes to visit the bank. 62
respondents said that the account holding bank is nearby and it takes them less
than 10 minutes to visit the bank. This means that people are required to take out
at least 45 minutes and more from their daily schedules to conduct their banking
activities of withdrawing, depositing, transferring and many more through
traditional banking. Thus, it can be said that going to the banks and conducting the
banking activities through traditional banking can be time-consuming for the
customers of the bank.
Theme 3: People visit their bank twice in a week

The bank customers from Bengaluru and Mysuru responded that for banking
activities they require to visit the banks at least twice a week.



Twice in a week

231 158

Figure 7: Frequency of Customer’s Bank Visit

The above chart showed that the people are required to visit the banks for carrying
out bank activities like withdrawing and depositing. Out of the 426 respondents,
158 respondents visit their banks at least twice a week. 37 respondents visit their
banks daily for some or the other activity. 238 people respondents answered that
they visit their bank once in fortnightly, twice a month, once a month or even once
in two months. This means that people are getting diverted from traditional
banking activities and replacing traditional banking by adopting Green Banking
services like internet banking, mobile banking, Banking through ATMs.
Theme 4: Primarily people visit bank for cash withdrawal, cash deposit,
cheque deposit and money transfer

100 96


40 30
26 29

20 10

Figure 8: Purpose of Customer’s Bank Visit

The results of the survey conducted on the Green Banking showed that out of 426
respondents, maximum people visit the bank for issuing and depositing cheques
(101). The second next activity is to deposit the money (96) in the bank accounts.
This is followed by the people who visit banks for money transferring activities
(89). Only 26 respondents answered that they visit the bank for withdrawal and 30
respondents answered that they visit for investment purpose. Further, for a
combination of activities 45 respondents have opted for any of either 2 activities,
29 respondents selected the option of any 3, and 10 respondents chose all the
activities. Thus from the above graph, it can be interpreted that the people have
started using the Green Banking services that are provided by the banks. For
withdrawal, people have started using ATM services that are being provided by
the banks. Further for investment and money transfer, people are using net
banking services and mobile banking.
Theme 5: SBI, BOB, HDFC and ICICI Banks are providing Green
Banking services

In order to identify whether the banks are adopting Green Banking services or not,
questionnaire included a question regarding this. The result of the survey was as








50 28
Yes No No aware

Figure 9: Green Banking Services provided by Banks

Out of 426 respondents from all the banks, 398 respondents answered that their
bank is providing Green Banking services and is thereby helping in reducing the
traditional banking activities. Further, 28 people responded that they are not aware
whether their bank is providing Green Banking services or not. Thus, it can be
said that the customers of the banks are aware of their banks providing Green
Banking services and are fulfilling the social responsibility towards the
environment. They are aware of the concept Go Green and paperless banking.
Moreover, from the above graph, it can also be interpreted that the customers are
supporting banks to reduce the carbon footprint and to become environmentally
Theme 6: Maximum people think that the concept of Green Banking is
essential and it is important for the banks to Go Green.

The results of the survey conducted on Green Banking in the cities of Bengaluru
and Mysuru showed that the people think the concept of Green Banking is
essential as it is for the betterment of the society. The alarming effects have
made people understand the amount of destruction done to the environment.
Hence, for the survival and healthy environment, it is important that the concept of
going green is adopted.






Essential Not needed Cannot Say

Figure 10: Essentiality of Green Banking Concept

From the above graph, it is seen that 356 respondents of 426 respondents think
that Green Banking is an essential concept and it needs to be adopted. 50
respondents hold an opinion that Green Banking as a new system is not at all
required and it is making banking activities more complex. Remaining 20
respondents have picked the option of cannot say which means that they are not
aware why the concept of Green Banking is important and why it needs to
followed. Through this, it can be interpreted that the maximum number of people
are concerned with how the amount of carbon footprint emitted is harming the
Theme 7: Bank o f f i c i a l , online advertisements,
television and print media has played an important role in
helping people to know about the Green Banking services.

The bank customers hold an opinion that bank officials, online advertisements,
print media and television played an important role in helping them to know about
the Green Banking services provided by the banks.

80 74


40 35 31


Figure 11: Sources of knowledge regarding Green Banking

From the above graph, it shows that 103 respondents came to know about the
Green Banking services through bank officials. 97 and 86 respondents said that
they came to know through print media and online advertisement respectively.
Rest of the 74, 35 and 31 respondents came to know from television, family
members and friends respectively. From this, it can be interpreted that different
ways of advertisements have helped banks in spreading the knowledge of Green
Banking and its services that are provided. Further, as the bank official also
played an important role in spreading this, it can be said that it is necessary for the
banks to have a good relationship with its employees.
Theme 8: Respondents have an opinion that their banks provide almost
all kinds of Green Banking services.

120 108

41 38
40 28
20 13 13

Figure 12: Various Green Banking Services provided by Banks

The above graph shows a maximum number of respondents have answered that
their bank provides almost all kinds of Green Banking services ranging from
Online Banking, Mobile Banking, Banking through ATMs, Green Deposits,
Green Mortgages and Loans to Green Credit Cards and Green Reward Checking
Accounts. Out of 426 respondents, 97 respondents answered that their banks
provide all Green Banking services. 108 respondents answered that their bank
offers ATM services, 83 people responded that their bank provides Mobile
banking, 38 members opted for Green Credit Cards, 41 people chose Online
Banking, 13 customers responded for Green Deposits and Green Reward
Checking Accounts and 5 responded for Green Mortgages and Loans. Remaining
28 customers replied none of the above. These are customers unaware regarding
any of the Green Banking services provided by banks. Thus, it can be interpreted
that the banks are taking initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint and to help the
government in making the earth a better place to live.
Theme 9: Customers of the banks are using Green Banking services
for balance inquiry and withdrawal activities.

In the survey conducted, the customers of all the 4 banks (SBI, BOB, ICICI and
HDFC) responded that they are using Green Banking services mainly for
withdrawal activities and balance enquiry.

97 99
60 50
40 33 29
20 13

Figure 13: Financial Activities under Green Banking

From the above graph, it can be seen that maximum customers use the Green
Banking services for withdrawal of money from their bank accounts. Out of 426
respondents, 97 respondents are using Green Banking services for the withdrawal
activities. 99 respondents are using the Green Banking activities for inquiry of the
balance of money in their bank's accounts. This means that approximately 46
percent of the customers are using services for their basic and daily transactions.
Further, 150 respondents are using the Green Banking services for the activities
like money transferring (59), deposit (41) and investment (50). This comes to the
total of approximately 35 percent. 5 respondents opted for cheque services. The
remaining of 75 respondents are using all the Green Banking services or any 2 or
any 3 of the services. This comes to approximately 17 percent of the bank
customers. Thus, it can be said that to a large extent, people are taking advantage
of services that the banks are providing and are saving their time in travelling.
Further, this will also be helpful in saving the non-renewable resource like fuel
Theme 10: It was found that the customers of SBI, BOB, ICICI and
HDFC bank are comfortable with operating the Green
Banking services provided by their banks.

160 151

60 55

40 25
20 13

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Figure 14: Comfortability in using Green Banking Services

The survey summarized that the customers are comfortable with operating the
Green Banking services provided by the bank. 334 (183+151) respondents
answered that they are very much comfortable and happy with the kind of Green
Banking services offered by their banks. This amounts to the total of 78.4 percent
of customers of the ICICI, BOB, SBI and HDFC banks. The remaining of the 92
respondents chose to stay neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. This means that
21.5 percent of the customers are still not comfortable with operating the Green
Banking services like internet banking, mobile banking, telephone banking and
using ATMs. Thus, it can be interpreted that the banks further need to work more
on technology and their system to reach the figure of 100 percent from 78.4
Theme 11: People have been using Green Banking services more from
past 2-3 years

180 169

140 133



80 70


20 13

Less than 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years More than

Figure 15: Tenure of using Green Banking

People are using Green Banking services and the green products offered by their
respective banks from past 2-3 years. Out of 426 respondents, 169 respondents
answered that they are using the Green Banking services and its products from the
last 2-3 years.133 respondents answered that they are using these from the past 1-
2 years only. 70 respondents have just started using these services and the
remaining. 41 respondents answered that it had been 3-5years and 13 respondents
answered that it had been more than 5 years that they are using green products and
services. This suggests that since Green Banking is still in its early stages, there is
a need to raise awareness and expand its reach to a wider audience. Banks needs
to take effective initiatives in order to make their customers and clients aware
about the online transactions in order to reduce the paperwork and other resources.
Theme 12: Customers of the respective banks stated problems faced by
them while they are using Green Banking services and

120 103

80 59



No personal Fear about Computerized No direct Server
advice on security transactions, lack communication issues, bank
banking of knowledge with banking site does not
transactions personnel work properly

Figure 16: Hurdles while using Green Banking Services

From the above graph, it can be observed that 116 respondents have answered that
they face problems related to the personal advice while using Green Banking
facilities. They stated that sometimes they require the guidance in carrying out
some activities or transaction as they stuck with the queries regarding the
transaction. 103 respondents answered that they fear security of their personal
information as the leaked information can be misused. Hence, they hesitate to
conduct Green Banking services like internet banking, mobile banking and
telephone banking. Further 59 respondents said that, while conducting Green
Banking services, there is no direct communication with the bank personnel and
they face problems as those activities are tech-based. Remaining 51 respondents
answered that as the Green Banking products are technology oriented, it requires
them to have computerized knowledge and since they lack such knowledge, it
becomes difficult for them to carry out activities. Thus, it can be interpreted that
banks need to come up with solutions to offer services, so that they are easily
accessible by their customers.
Theme 13: Security concerns and privacy issues related to personal data
are the major reasons that customers hesitate to adopt the
Green Banking services.

120 113


60 54



Security Not aware of E High fees Trust issue Privacy issue
Concerns banking services involved for relating to E relating to
adopting green banking services personal data
banking services

Figure 17: Reasons of not adopting Green Banking Services

In the survey, the customers of the banks were asked regarding the specific reason
of not adopting Green Banking services. Out of 426 respondents, 121 respondents
answered that due to security concerns, they hesitate to adopt the Green Banking
services. They fear that their accounts could be hacked and misused. 113
respondents answered that they are having trust issues relating to E-banking
services. They also think that fraud might occur while transferring the money to
the concerned account Further, 99 people answered that they hesitate to adopt the
services as they are concerned with the privacy issues and think that their personal
data might be misused. 54 respondents answered that they are not at aware of the
E-banking services and 39 answered assume that high fee is involved, so they do
not adopt Green Banking services. Thus, it can be interpreted that there are many
reasons that people are not adopting for Green Banking services and actually
banks need to work upon this to attract motivate customers towards Green
Theme 14: Maximum people answered in the survey that they are satisfied
with the Green Banking services that are provided by their







Yes No No Comment

Figure 18: Satisfaction with Green Banking Services

Out of 426 respondents, 320 respondents answered that they are satisfied with the
Green Banking services provided by their banks. They said that they are happy
with their banks as they are concerned about the environment and helping the
government in accomplishing the motive of Go Green. They also said that the
Green Banking services save their time and complex procedure with all the
paperwork. Further, they also said that as the Green Banking services are
available 24*7, it can be easily accessible at any time even during holidays.
However, still, 93 respondents answered that they are not satisfied with the Green
Banking services provided by their banks and 13 respondents gave no comments
regarding this. As this comes to the total of 106 respondents, it means that the
banks are required to have interaction with their customers to know the reason
behind why their customers are not satisfied and if banks need to work on making
the services customer-oriented.
Theme 15: Majority of the customers have an opinion that their banks
have become more efficient after adopting the Green Banking





50 39
Strongly agree Agree Disagree No opinion Strongly

Figure 19: Efficiency of banks after adopting Green Banking Services

Out of 426 respondents, 327 (211+146) respondents possess the opinion that their
banks have become more efficient after adopting the Green Banking services.
They said that the time taken to carry out the work has been reduced currently and
also the banking work has become an easy task. However, 60 respondents still
feel that their banks have not become efficient by adopting the Green Banking
services. They still feel that the banking activities are complex and their banks
take a lot of their time in conducting such activities.
Theme 16: Customers gave suggestions regarding how Green Banking
services can be improved and how banks can develop customer

Customers of both (public and private) sectors banks hold an opinion that the
banks should improve their service quality in terms of communication,
understanding and responsiveness. They said that the banks should also invest in
training its employees to make them stay updated and also help their customers in
staying updated with sophisticated information. The banks should provide the
modern facilities to its customers and should invest a in web designing to provide
all the updated information to its customers through their webpage. Further, the
respondents said that through conducting workshops and seminars with the
customers, the banks could improve the awareness among the Green Banking
services. Moreover, through advertisements also banks can publicize about the
Green Banking services.
5.2.2 : Awareness and Perception of Employees

Theme 1: To save environment, banks are adopting Green Banking services

10% 5%

13% Government Pressure

15% Own willingness
For saving
environment Necessity


Figure 20: Factors responsible for implementing Green Banking Services

The first question of the questionnaire was asked to find the reason behind the
adoption of Green Banking services by the banks. Two employees (5%) chose that
bank was adopting Green Banking due to government pressure. One employee
(2%) provided bank’s own willingness to go for Green Banking. Five employees
(13%) believed that at the bank was opting Green Banking due to competition
with other banks. Twenty-two employees (55%) responded that bank was opting
Green Banking in order to save the environment. Another six employees (15%)
cited the necessity for the bank to persuade for Green Banking, whereas another
four employees (10%) viewed that this step adopted by the bank was inevitable.

The result proved the main factor for the bank to adopt Green Banking was that
banks were a major contributor to environment degradation and it could improve
only when banks would opt for going green in their working environment.
Theme 2: Online Banking and Banking through ATMs are the most
preferred Green Banking Services provided by the banks

10 10
10 9

6 5

4 3
2 1

Online Mobile Banking Green Green Green Green
Banking Banking through Deposits Mortgages Credit Cards Reward
ATMs and Loans Checking

Figure 21: Most Preferred Green Banking Services

The study was conducted to analyze which kind of Green Banking services are
being provided by the bank. Ten employees responded that Online Banking and
Banking through ATMs were given major preference. Nine employees stated that
there was provision of Mobile Banking by the banks. Another two employees
stated that banks provide green deposits in their campaign to promote Green
Banking. Another five employees responded that the banks provide Green
Banking services in the form of Green Credit Cards. And remaining 3 respondents
opted for Green Reward Checking Accounts.

Therefore, the result showed that major Green Banking services provided by the
banks were Online Banking and Banking through ATMs, followed by Mobile
Banking and Green Credit Cards. The reason for giving more preference to Online
Banking and Banking through ATMs was that they were helpful in reducing the
carbon footprint of each and every customer.
Theme 3: Bank Officials are major part of bank’s strategies to create
customer awareness

14 13



6 5


Print Media T.V. Ads Radio Ads Bank Officials Mails &

Figure 22: Bank’s Strategies of creating Customer’s Awareness

The study was conducted taking 40 employees into consideration. The question
was asked to find out the strategies used by the banks to create awareness among
customers regarding the use of Green Banking.

All respondents answered the question and replied it with how they provide
information to spread awareness. Six employees replied that their banks were
taking help of print media to create consumer awareness. Five employees replied
that their banks were using T.V. ads for customer awareness. One-third of the
employees (14 employees) considered bank officials as the most important
strategists to create awareness among consumers followed by emails and
messages as responded by thirteen employees as strategies used to spread
awareness among consumers regarding Green Banking.

Therefore, the given result implied that the main strategies used by the banks were
to use bank officials as main tools to create awareness about Green Banking,
which was closely followed by emails and messages to spread awareness among
Theme 4: Above 30% of customers had opted for Green Banking

20 19


16 15





0-10% 10-20% 20-30% Above 30%

Figure 23: Percentage of Customers opting Green Banking

The question was answered by all forty respondents and was included in the
questionnaire to provide number of customers in the percentage who had opted for
Green Banking.

Two employees strongly agreed in replying that 0-10% of customers have opted
for Green Banking. Another four employees replied that 10-20% of employees
had adopted Green Banking. Fifteen employees have stated that 20- 30% of
customers have opted for Green Banking. Almost half of the employees (19)
replied that above 30% of employees have opted for Green Banking.

The result obtained defined that above 30% of the customers have gone green by
opting for Green Banking. This signified that consumers have now become aware
and are ready to go green.
Theme 5: Majority of customers in the age group of 31-40 years opted for
Green Banking


4 3

2 1

21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-60 years Above 60 years

Figure 24: Age Group of Customers opting Green Banking Services

The question was answered by all forty employees and was asked to find which
age group have mostly opted for Green Banking.

More than a third of employees (14) gave their favor for the age group of 31-40
years in opting for Green Banking. Also, twelve employees stated that age group
of 21-30 years have mostly opted for Green Banking. Another ten employees
replied that, age group of 41-50 years have mostly opted for Green Banking.
While three employees said that people from 51-60 years age group have opted
for Green Banking, only one employee stated that above 60 years of age group
have opted for Green Banking.

The study displayed that majority of customers in the age group of 31-40 years
have opted for Green Banking. This showed that they are more concerned for the
environment and are going green via banks.
Theme 6: Highly significant change in working environment due
to Green Banking





10 8
High Moderate Neutral Unchanged

Figure 25: Change in Working Environment of Banks

The study was conducted with forty employees from different banks across two
cities, and it was done to find out the impact of the working environment of banks
due to Green Banking and to identify the extent it has changed.

Almost two-third of the employees (25) asserted that there was a significant
change in working of banks due to Green Banking. Eight employees replied that
there is a moderate change in working environment. Another six employees stated
that they were unable to signify any change occurring in the working environment
of banks, so they were neutral. Only one person stated that there had been no
change in the working of the banks due to Green Banking.

The result showed that majority of the employees assured that Green Banking has
changed the working environment of banks to a greater extent as evident from
removal of traditional practices by the banks and adoption of new online practices.
Theme 7: Unsatisfied customer is the major challenge in adopting Green
Banking system by bank

Server Error Delay in processing Installation Errors Unsatisfied Customers




Figure 26: Challenges faced by Banks in adopting Green Banking

The study was conducted to find out which major challenges affect banks from
adopting Green Banking system. The question was answered by all forty

Two employees (5%) stated server error as a major challenge. Five employees
(12%) described a delay in processing as a major challenge. Nine employees
(23%) said installation error was one of the major challenges. However, twenty-
four employees (60%) revealed that dissatisfaction among customers as a major
challenge faced by the banks.

Thus result signified that the major challenge as described by most of the
employees is dissatisfaction among customers as they are still not ready to adapt
to Green Banking and resist changes occurring in the banking system.
Theme 8: Customer handling is the major unsatisfactory factor
affecting traditional banking


Time taken in processing

12% Cost of Operation

Data Handling

45% Customer Handling



Figure 27: Factors affecting Traditional Banking

The reason for asking this question was to get access to factors which affect
traditional banking. Five employees (12%) stated that time taken in processing
and cost of operation as a major factor affecting banking. Two employees (5%)
cited infrastructure as a major affecting factor. Seven employees (18%) found data
handling as a major hurdle. Eighteen employees (45%) found customer handling
as a major affecting factor. Remaining three employees (8%) found inconvenience
as a major factor.

So, it was found that customer handling had been a major challenging factor
affecting traditional banking as it did not satisfy customer needs.
Theme 9: Processing time is the major factor affecting the usage Green
Banking among employees.


12 11


4 3

Processing Customer Convenience Customer Operation Data Handling
Time Satisfaction Handling Cost

Figure 28: Factors affecting Green Banking

Fourteen employees said that Processing time is a major factor affecting Green
Banking. Eleven employees replied that customer satisfaction is one of the major
factors affecting the usage of Green Banking for customers. Six employees
highlighted convenience as a major factor. Further, four employees cited customer
handling as a major factor. And remaining employees focused operational cost
and data handling as major factor affecting Green Banking. Thus, the research
concluded that concern regarding processing time was high among employees
regarding Green Banking.
Theme 10: Most of the employees use Green Banking every time





10 9

Once in a month Twice in a month Every time Never

Figure 29: Use of Green Banking by Employees

The present question was asked in the questionnaire to found out how often
employees themselves use Green Banking in their working environment.

Five employees responded using Green Banking once a month. Another nine
employees replied that they use Green Banking twice in a month. About two-third
of the employees (25) replied that they used Green Banking every time. Only one
employee said that he had never used Green Banking.

The result demonstrates that majority of the employees use Green Banking which
signifies that they are aware of banks initiative towards Green Banking in their
working environment.
Theme 11: All the given factors persuaded employees to go for
Green Banking

Made Mandatory by Bank

15% Own Willingness


Setting an example for

Part of the campaign

All of these

Figure 30: Reason of using Green banking by Employees

The aim of the researcher was to evaluate the reason behind the usage of Green
Banking by the employees through this question. Four employees (10%) opted for
bank’s decision to make Green Banking mandatory in their working. Six
employees (15%) cited their own willingness to go green by using this type of
banking. Another twelve (30%) said that they wanted to set an example for the
customer by going green in banking. Furthermore, two employees (5%)
considered using it as a part of a campaign to promote Green Banking. Remaining
sixteen (40%) replied that all above factors were responsible for persuading them
to opt for Green Banking.

Thus, the result proved that majority of employees went for Green Banking as
they considered all other options provided to them as necessary to go for Green
Theme 12: ATM pin is the best security measure for safe transaction

OTP password sent through
25% registered mobile number
3D Password System

22% ATM Pin

Security Password set by
All of these


Figure 31: Security Measures for Green Banking

This question was asked to analyze the best security measures adopted by banks
for the safe transaction through Green Banking. Ten employees (25%) disclosed
that best security measure was OTP password sent through registered mobile
number of the customers. Another two (5%) favored 3D password system as a
better security measure for Green Banking. Furthermore, fourteen employees
(35%) replied that generation of ATM pin is the best security measure. Nine
employees (22%) stated that security password set by the client is a better security
measure, while only two employees (13%) cited all security measure provided by
the researcher are suitable for safe transaction.

The result obtained points towards ATM pin as the best security measure for the
safe transaction via Green Banking, as it ensures that only account holder has
information about their account and no one could get access to their account
Theme 13: Employees generally convince the client verbally to opt for
Green Banking





5 3

Verbally Presentations Displaying Taking the help All of these
through of Manager
standees in the

Figure 32: Ways to convince Customers to opt for Green Banking

The question was asked to find out how employees convince their customers to
opt for Green Banking. Exactly half of the employees, i.e. 20 replied that they
convince the customers by verbally explaining the benefits of Green Banking.
Two employees stated that they convince their customers by giving presentations
about Green Banking. Ten employees stated that, they convince by displaying
through standees in the branch about Green Banking for customers. Furthermore,
three employees cited that taking help of manager is important to convince the
customers about Green Banking. Remaining five employees considered all above
factors necessary to convince customers about Green Banking.

Thus, the result unveils that the majority of employees try to convince their
customers through directly communicating verbally with customers about Green
Theme 14: Still around 75% customers were using traditional banking


Below 25%
Below 50%
Below 75%
Above 75%


Figure 33: Percentage of Customers using Traditional Banking

This question analyzed the percentage of customers still using traditional banking.
Four employees (10%) stated that only below 25% customers still followed
traditional banking. Five employees (12%) stated that at least below 50% of
customers still use traditional banking. Overwhelmingly twenty-three employees
(58%) stated that slightly below 75% of customers opted for traditional banking.
Remaining eight employees (20%) stated that more than 75% of employees use
traditional banking.

The result displayed that up to 75% of customers still use traditional banking, due
to fear of security for their money, low awareness and resistance to change to
Green Banking.
Theme 15: Moderate training is required for employees for
handling Green Banking

30 28




5 4

Rigorous Moderate Very Less No training required

Figure 34: Training required by Employees for handling Green Banking

This question was replied by all respondents to get a view about the training
required by employees to handle Green Banking. Four employees said that
rigorous training is required for handling Green Banking; Twenty-eight
employees opted for moderate training, while six employees stated that they
required very less training. Only two employees said that no training was required.

The result helped the researcher to understand that most of the employees require
moderate training as only qualified employees are selected in banks to operate in
banking and could easily adapt to the new banking system with some training.
Theme 16: 0.5% of amount is charged for transaction via Green Banking
as transaction fee




4 3

2 1

0.5% of the 1% of the 1.5% of the No fees is Fees is charged
amount of amount of amount of charged only for few
transaction transaction transaction transactions

Figure 35: Fee charged for using Green Banking

The question was asked to find out the transaction charges for Green Banking.
Sixteen employees replied that 0.5% of amount is deducted from the transaction.
Another twelve employees answered that 1% of amount is deducted from the
transaction. While only one employee said that the deduction was as high as 1.5%
of amount, another three employees replied that no fees was charged for the
transaction. Remaining eight said that fees was charged for only few transactions.

The result revealed that majority of employees were charged 0.5% of the amount
of transaction for opting Green Banking. This showed that as Green Banking is a
relatively new concept, therefore it is required to charge some fee to maintain its
Theme 17: All transactions are chargeable under Green Banking system

16 15


10 9

4 3

2 1

RTGS NEFT Green None All

Figure 36: Chargeable Green Banking Activities

The question aimed to find out transactions which were chargeable under Green
Banking system. Nine employees replied that RTGS is chargeable, while another
twelve employees stated that NEFT is chargeable under this system. Only three
employees said that green mortgage is chargeable under Green Banking. One
employee stated that there are no charges for any transaction from Green Banking,
while fifteen employees replied that all transactions are chargeable.

The majority of result conveyed that all transactions are chargeable as the Green
Banking system is new and each bank require benefit at the initial stage to make
the system successful.
Theme 18: Banks are highly competitive bank in adopting Green Banking
according to employees

Highly Competitive Competitive Less Competitive Poorly Competitive




Figure 37: Competitiveness of Banks to adopt Green Banking

Through this question, the researcher wanted to found out the competitiveness of
the banks. Nineteen employees (47%) replied that their bank is highly
competitive. Nine employees (22%) replied that their bank is competitive. Seven
employees (18%) said that their bank is less competitive. And, five employees
(13%) found their bank poorly competitive.

The result implied that majority of employees considered that their bank is highly
competitive in adaption of Green Banking and thus increased their
competitiveness among other banks.
Theme 19: Lack of awareness is the main reason for less number
of customers using Green Banking




10 9

1 1
Fear of Fraud Doubt on the Lack of Fees involved Technical up Face to face
security awareness in transaction gradation is transaction is
mechanisms required preferred

Figure 38: Reasons of less use of Green Banking by Customers

The given question was asked so that researcher would be able to know about the
reason behind less customers using Green Banking. Seven employees stated that
fear of fraud was the reason which compelled the customers to stay away from
Green Banking. Nine employees cited that customers doubt the security systems;
another two employees stated that due to fees involved in the transaction;
customers are reluctant to use Green Banking. Twenty employees said that the
people still lack awareness about Green Banking and stay away from it. One
employee cited that the transaction fees and requirement of technical up-gradation
as the main reason for people resisting Green Banking.

Therefore, lack of awareness among customers about benefits of Green Banking is

found to be the main reason for customers not using Green Banking in their daily
bank services.
Theme 20: Lack of knowledge and confidence in handling updated
software and automation major hurdles for old

12 10
10 8

Lack of knowledge Lack of confidence in Customer grievance Grasping process
about updated handling automated b e c o m e s a little becomes slow
software bit transactions tough

Figure 39: Challenges faced by Old Employees

This question was asked to find out challenges faced by an old employee while
adapting to Green Banking environment. Thirteen employees cited lack of
knowledge about updated software as a major challenge. Ten employees said that
lack of confidence in handling automated transactions was a major problem for
old employees. Another eight employees opted that customer grievance as a major
challenge. Remaining nine employees said that it was a slow process of grasping

Thus, the result obtained is that lack of knowledge about new updated software
closely followed by lack of handling it are the major hurdles faced by old
employees as they are unaware about new software and automation required
precise working which is difficult for them to handle.
Theme 21: Green Banking: An Eco-Friendly practice to
protect environment for future

According to the researcher’s point of view, Green Banking is a noble concept

which promotes environment-friendly practices in order to reduce the carbon
footprint from banking activities. It supports green loans, mortgages, credit cards
for the promotion of paperless and online banking. The major advantage of this
type of banking is that it helps in saving a large number of trees from being cut
down and enhances social responsibility towards environment to enable
environmentally friendly business practices in the banking sector. At last, it is a
proactive idea to promote eco-friendly practices which would benefit future

Theme 22: Ways adopted by banks to improve customer awareness

To improve consumer awareness about Green Banking, banks must adopt a

strategic plan to perform green activities on a long-term basis. This is:

 Make customers aware about Green Banking through their website

 Promoting different forms of electronic banking
 Carbon footprint reduction by saving energy and paper
 Providing environment-friendly rewards to customers
 By financing environment-friendly projects
 Increase Social Responsibility services by banks
5.3 Quantitative Analysis

Hypothesis (H01): There is no statistically significant difference between the

benefits offered by traditional banking and Green Banking

Table 5: Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Std. Error

Mean N
Deviation Mean

Benefits of
2.80 426 .891 .043
Pair 1 Banking
Benefits of
3.11 426 .630 .031
Table 5 shows the descriptive statistics of the collected data. According to the
table, the mean value of benefits of traditional banking is 2.80 whereas the mean
value of benefits of Green Banking is 3.11. This shows that there is the difference
between the values of the two means. Table 5 also shows the standard deviation,
and standard error mean of the two samples and N represent the total number of

Table 6: Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Benefits of Traditional
Pair 1 Banking & Benefits of 426 .012 .809
Green Banking

Table 6 shows the correlation between the two samples. The correlation
coefficient 'r' is positive 0.012, which suggests that there is a weak positive
relationship between the two samples.
Table 7: Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

Sig. (2-
Std. Confidence T df
Std. tailed)
Mean Error Interval of the
Deviation Difference
Lower Upper

Benefits of
Banking -
Pair 1 -.317 1.085 .053 -.420 -.214 -6.029 425 .000
Benefits of

For this work, table 7 holds significance. It shows that the mean difference
between the two samples is -0.317 with a standard deviation of 1.085 and t-value
of -6.029. However, the most important thing to be noted is the significance
values. The significance value is coming out to be 1*10 -13. As a rule of thumb, if
the significant value is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis gets rejected, and
alternative hypothesis gets accepted. This means, there is a significant difference
between the mean values of the two samples. In this case, since the significance
value is less than 0.05, thus null hypothesis gets rejected, meaning that benefits
offered by two different banking systems are significantly different from each
other. The mean benefits of Green Banking are coming higher in comparison to
the traditional banking. This clearly shows that Green Banking provides more
benefits to the customers and the customers have started enjoying and practicing
Green Banking.
Hypothesis (H02) Customers usage/adoption of Green Banking Services is independent of
their demographic characteristics Gender V/s Usage

Table 8: Usage * Gender Cross tabulation

Gender Total

Female Male

Essential 71 74 145

Usage Not Needed 71 72 143

Cannot Say 61 77 138

Total 203 223 426

The above table 8 shows that out of 426 respondents, 223 are male and 203 are
female. Further, out of total participants, 71 females and 74 males essentially use
Green Banking, 71 females and 72 males do not use Green Banking and 61
females and 77 males were not sure about using Green Banking.

Table 9: Chi-Square Tests for Gender and Usage

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square .987a 2 .610

Likelihood Ratio .989 2 .610

Linear-by-Linear Association .628 1 .428

N of Valid Cases 426

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Table 9 shows the Pearson Chi-square is coming to be 0.987 with p-value or

significance value of 0.610. Now since the p-value or the significance value is
greater than 0.05, it tells that there is no statistically significant association
between Gender and Green Banking usage. Thus, the null hypothesis gets
accepted, and alternative hypothesis gets rejected.
Age V/s Usage

Table 10: Usage * Age Cross tabulation


Age group (in years) Total

21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Above


Essential 28 27 24 14 26 26 145

29 18 29 26 18 23 143
Usage Needed

27 28 24 18 22 19 138

Total 84 73 77 58 66 68 426

The above table 10 shows that out of 426 respondents, 84 are aged between 21
and 30 years, 73 are between 31 and 40 years, 77 are between 41 and 50 years,
58 are between 51 and 60 years, 66 are between 61 and 70 years and 68 are above
70 years. Further, out of total participants, 145 essentially use Green Banking, 143
do not use Green Banking, and 138 are not sure about using Green Banking.
Table 11: Chi-Square Tests for Age and Usage

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df

Pearson Chi-Square 9.374a 10 .497

Likelihood Ratio 9.506 10 .485

Linear-by-Linear Association .538 1 .463

N of Valid Cases 426

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Table 11 shows the Pearson Chi-square is coming to be 9.347 with p-value or

significance value of 0.497. Now since the p-value or the significance value is
greater than 0.05, it tells that there is no statistically significant association
between age and Green Banking usage. Thus, the null hypothesis gets accepted,
and alternative hypothesis gets rejected.

Education V/s Usage

Table 12: Usage * Education Crosstabulation


Education Total

Under Post Professional Any

Graduate Graduate Degree Other

Essential 36 34 34 41 145

Usage Not Needed 47 31 35 30 143

Cannot Say 29 37 35 37 138

Total 112 102 104 108 426

The above table 12 shows that out of 426 respondents, 112 are undergraduates and
102 are post graduates, 104 hold a professional degree, and 108 are having some
other degrees. Further, out of total participants, 145 essentially use Green
Banking, 143 do not use Green Banking, and 138 were not sure about using Green

Table 13: Chi-Square Tests for Education

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df

Pearson Chi-Square 6.517a 6 .368

Likelihood Ratio 6.494 6 .370

Linear-by-Linear Association .032 1 .858

N of Valid Cases 426

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Table 13 shows the Pearson Chi-square is coming to be 6.517 with p-value or

significance value of 0.368. Now since the p-value or the significance value is
greater than 0.05, it tells that there is no statistically significant association
between education and Green Banking usage. Thus, the null hypothesis gets
accepted, and alternative hypothesis gets rejected.

Occupation V/s Usage

Table 14: Usage * Occupation Cross tabulation


Business Service Retired

Essential 42 53 50 145

Usage Not Needed 51 42 50 143

Cannot Say 42 54 42 138

Total 135 149 142 426

The above table 14 shows that out of 426 respondents, 135 were from business
class, 149 were from service class, and 142 were retired. Further, out of total
participants, 145 essentially usage Green Banking, 143 do not use Green Banking,
and 138 were not sure about using Green Banking.

Table 15: Chi-Square Tests for Occupation

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 3.709a 4 .447

Likelihood Ratio 3.748 4 .441

Linear-by-Linear Association .337 1 .561

N of Valid Cases 426

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is

Table 15 shows the Pearson Chi-square as 3.709 with p-value or significance

value of 0.447. Now since the p-value or the significance value is greater than
0.05, it tells that there is no statistically significant association between occupation
and Green Banking usage. Thus, the null hypothesis gets accepted, and alternative
hypothesis gets rejected.

Hypothesis (H03): There is no statistically significant relationship between practicing

Green Banking and factors motivating Green Banking

Table 16: Model Summary

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

1 .116a .013 -.001 .816

a. Predictors: (Constant), Any Time Accessible, Convenience, Time

Effective, Save Travelling Time, Cost Effective, Less Time
Table 17: ANOVA

Sum of
Model Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 3.815 6 .636 .955 .456b

1 Residual 279.070 419 .666 - -

Total 282.885 425 - - -

a. Dependent Variable: Usage

b. Predictors: (Constant), Any Time Accessible, Convenience, Time Effective,

Save Travelling Time, Cost Effective, Less Time Consuming

Table 18: Coefficients

Unstandardized Standardized 95.0%

Coefficients Coefficients
Interval for B
Model t Sig.
Std. Lower Upper
B Beta
Error Bound Bound

(Constant) 1.768 .218 8.120 .000 1.340 2.196

Less Time
.028 .029 .048 .968 .334 -.029 .085

Convenience .015 .028 .026 .527 .598 -.040 .069

Cost Effective .013 .029 .023 .468 .640 -.043 .070

Time Effective -.041 .029 -.070 -1.418 .157 -.097 .016

Save Travelling
.021 .028 .036 .738 .461 -.034 .076

Any Time
.034 .029 .057 1.168 .244 -.023 .091

A. Dependent Variable: Usage

Table 16 shows the regression coefficient r 2 between Green Banking usage and
factors motivating for Green Banking comes out to be 0.013. This means, there is
a weak relationship between the Green Banking usage and the factors motivating
the Green Banking. Thus, it can be said that motivating factors such as less time
consumption, cost effective, convenient, time effective and anytime accessible do
not greatly motivate customers to adopt Green Banking. T-test showed that Green
Banking offers higher benefits in comparison to traditional benefits, yet people are
not inclined to it. The main reason behind this is a lack of awareness, training
and security feature. Table 17 shows the F value as 0.955 with significance value
or p-value of 0.456. It means that the result is not statistically significant. That is,
motivating factors for Green Banking do not have a significant impact on usage of
Green Banking. Thus, the null hypothesis gets accepted.
Table 18 shows the significant impact of individual motivating factors on the
Green Banking usage. It can be seen from the table 18 that the significance value
for all the factors motivating Green Banking is coming out to be greater than 0.05.
Thus, as a rule of thumb, if the p-value is more than 0.05, it means the
independent variable makes no significant contribution towards the dependent
variable. Thus, in this case, all the motivating factors do not significantly
contribute towards the customer retention. Further, on the basis of Table 18, the
regression equation between Green Banking usage and factors motivating for
Green banking comes out to be:
= 1.768 + +
0.028 ∗ 0.015
+ 0.013 ∗

+ 0.021 +

5.4 Conclusion

From the overall data analysis, it can be concluded that:

 H01: There is no statistically significant difference between the benefits

offered by traditional banking and Green Banking

The H01 gets rejected according to the responses, Green Banking offers
higher benefits in comparison to traditional banking.

 H02: Customers usage/adoption of Green Banking Services is independent

of their demographic characteristics

The H02 gets accepted according to the responses, Green Banking

service usage is independent of a demographic characteristic such as
gender, age, occupation and education of the customer.

 H03: There is no statistically significant relationship between practicing

Green Banking and factors motivating Green Banking

The H03 gets accepted according to the responses, there is no

statistically significant relationship between practicing Green Banking
and factors motivating Green Banking.

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