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Best Practices

Mike Johnson / Contributing Editor

Positive Displacement
Selecting the correct lubricant

Photo Credit: Ariel Compressor Corp.

Key concepts:
Compressor design and application type have tremendous
influence over lubricant selection decisions
• Each of the two types of compres-
sor design, positive displacement
and dynamic, has distinct charac-
teristics that must be considered
when selecting a lubricant.
C ompressors are mechanical devices that pressurize and circulate air and
various gases for applications that provide power for controls, maintain
mechanical tension, enable chemical reactions, move raw materials and sup-
ply energy through gas pipelines to homes scattered throughout industrial-
ized nations.
• Responsibilities for compressor
Without refrigeration compressors, the ability to supply food to entire
lubricants in every component
nations would be lost. These same types of compressors make living in hot,
application include reducing humid climates more tolerable by supplying cool air for homes and offices.
friction and wear, removing heat There are many different designs that enable this work to be done. Each
and contaminants and preventing design has strengths and weaknesses that make it suitable for its respective
corrosion. application. Compressors may be classified according to the following out-
put or discharge pressures:
• Lubricant selection for rotary
helical-lobed compressors is • High pressure, greater than 2,000 kPa, gauge/290 PSIG
different from reciprocating • Intermediate pressure, equal to 800–2,000 kPa, gauge/116–290 PSIG
machines because of the continu- • Low pressure, equal to 100–800 kPa, gauge/14.5–116 PSIG1
ous interaction of the compressed
gas and the lubricant. Blowers and fans provide gas at large volumes but at pressures below 100
kPa, gauge.


Continuous flow compressors are like fans. Fans create pressure and
flow by pushing the gas with a blade.

Gas pressure can be created using a single or multiple

cylinders (single-stage, multistage). Low-hp, shop-type
air compressors are typically single-stage. As the expected
amount and pressure of the gas increases, multiple compres-
sion stages are typically employed. A multistage compressor
works the same as a single-stage unit, except that it contains
two or more cylinders and pistons working in unison.
Single-stage units are employed where air volume re-
quirements are low, and pressure requirements are less than
Figure 1 | Compressor Types and Descriptions 100 PSIG (pounds per square inch gauge. 1 PSIG = 14.7
pounds per square inch atmosphere. Normal air pressure
There are two categories of designs: positive displace- at sea level is 14.7 psia). When the amount of compressed
ment and dynamic (continuous flow). This article differenti- air increases and when the air pressure is above 100 PSIG,
ates between the two types and addresses lubricant selection then gas compression involving two or more stages is more
for the positive displacement designs, which is most com- energy-efficient.
mon for industrial plant service. Next month we’ll address Two-stage, double-acting compressors have been used in
dynamic compressors. industrial environments to provide plant air for many years.
In these units, the first stage pressurizes the gas to 25-40
TYPES AND DESIGNS PSIG. The gas is cooled and then directed to the second
There are a variety of compressor types and designs. As stage to bring the gas to operating demand pressures (100–
shown in Figure 1, the first broad division between compres- 200 PSIG). Efficiency and compressor longevity is achieved
sor types is continuous flow type vs. positive displacement- by allowing the heat to dissipate from the gas with the use of
type designs. A difference in lubricant construction and se- an intercooler positioned between the stages.
lection requirements begins at this point. Continuous flow
compressors are like fans. Fans create pressure and flow by
pushing the gas with a blade. Under normal operation, the
lubricant doesn’t interact with the air or gas being pushed
through the machine.
Positive displacement compressor designs include re-
ciprocating, sliding vane and rotary screw compressors and
lobed blowers. In these designs, gas is drawn into a fixed
volume cavity, a cylinder or chamber, and then is squeezed
by the motion of the mechanical components into a smaller
unit area, creating pressure.

Reciprocating compressors achieve increased gas pressure by
drawing gas into a fixed dimension chamber and then mov-
ing a piston to squeeze the gas into a smaller area. The ori-
entation of the cylinder and movement of the piston can be
vertical (perpendicular to the ground) horizontal or at an
angle. Figure 2 | V-Type Double-Acting, Two-Stage Compressor Showing Key
The temperature of the squeezed gas increases in a highly Components (Courtesy of ExxonMobil Oil Corp.)
predictable manner. Gas can be squeezed on only one side of
a cylinder (single-acting) or on both sides (double-acting).
Reciprocating compressors may operate with or without oil
in the compression chamber. Units without oil are referred Figure 2 provides a view of the internal components of
to as oil-free compressors, but the oil-free condition does not a large, V-type double-acting, multistage reciprocating com-
apply to the bearings, crank and crosshead components used pressor, including views of the compression cylinder, the
to cycle the pistons. crosshead and the crankcase and main crank.2


Rotary sliding vane compressors are comprised of a rotor
mounted offset within a cylindrical housing. The rotor con-
tains multiple vanes that slide in and out of the rotor as it
turns within the housing. Vane materials are both metallic
and non-metallic. The vanes press against the cylinder walls
by centrifugal force. As the rotor turns, the air trapped in the
quadrant between the vanes is squeezed into a smaller space
by the convergence of the rotor with the cylinder wall. The
Figure 3(a) | Operation of a Vane Compressor Suction, Pressurization and compressed air is released when the leading vane crosses the
Discharge Cycles delivery port, as shown in Figure 3(a). Figure 3(b) describes
the normal position of vane placement within a rotor under
operating conditions.
The action of the vane sliding against the cylinder wall at
high-speeds creates high surface rubbing conditions between
the face of the cylinder and the end (tip) of the vane. The
sliding frictional condition creates a hydrodynamic oil film.
The rotor is supported by element bearings and an elastohy-
drodynamic oil film. Further, the heat of compression can
be high and can cause lubricant degradation and formation
of oil deposits and residues.
Maintaining an adequate oil supply volume is crucial to
avoid friction and bearing and vane wear. An automatic oil
supply system provides a constant supply to the cylinder and
Figure 3(b) | The Position of Vane Placement Within a Rotor Under bearings, with the volume based on the total amount of cyl-
Operating Conditions inder surface in contact with the sliding vane. Fixed oil feed
rates are provided by the compressor manufacturer based on
machine speeds, rotor or piston size, maximum air pressures
and discharge temperatures. The lubricant is discharged with
The piston is driven by a rotating shaft that is attached the gas and must be separated from the gas to assure that it
through a connecting rod and a crosshead. The crosshead is a doesn’t interfere with plant processes. For this reason, opti-
stabilizing component designed to minimize transverse forc- mizing the lubricant supply is important.
es to the piston since the connecting rods move from side-
to-side with the rotary motion of the crank. Transverse forces ROTARY SCREW COMPRESSORS
could cause significant wear on the piston and cylinder, as Rotary screw compressors were initially developed in the
well as increasing overall friction and reducing compressor 1930s but did not become commonplace in manufacturing
efficiency if not eliminated, particularly for double-acting and industrial environments until the 1960s. This compres-
machines. The crosshead converts all rotary motion to pure sor type could be more accurately described as a helical-lobed
linear motion. compressor, but the term rotary screw is commonplace.

Figure 4 | Single-Lobe Diagram Explaining the Motion of the Screw Compressor


Rotary screw compressors were initially developed in the 1930s but did not become
commonplace in manufacturing and industrial environments until the 1960s.

Figure 5 | Cutaway View of a Piston and Lube Rotor Set, including Timing Gear

The rotary screw is a constant-discharge positive dis- Screw compressor designs include lubricated and non-lu-
placement machine. As shown in Figure 4, profiled rotors bricated lobes. A non-lubricated lobe configuration requires
in close-fitting case mesh to form cylinders and pistons in the use of a timing gear to drive the two lobes in sequence
rotary screw machines.3 In this illustration, the rotor shows and will tend to run at higher speeds than lubricated ver-
only a single mesh. Air is supplied at the end of the rotor sions. Dry screw compressors may be attractive for process
where the rotor and helical receiver mesh. As the meshing applications that would be harmed by accidental contamina-
rotors turn, the gas is compressed and moved toward the dis- tion with a lubricant such as with blow molding containers
charge section of the end off the rotor. for use in food processing.
Most compressors have two rotors. One rotor will have When the lobes are lubricated, the compressor is called a
four or five rounded lobes, and the other will have a com- flooded screw and may or may not incorporate the use of a
pliment of helical-shaped pockets that receive the lobes. By timing gear. Flooded screw compressors operate with an oil
design the lobes mesh with the helical pocket and the air in injector supplying a spray of oil into the chamber at the suc-
each pocket is compressed. When the appropriate air pres- tion inlet. The oil is the same as that used to protect bearings
sure is achieved, air passes to the discharge port and into the and the timing gear. Figure 5 provides a cutaway view of a
system piping. With the lobes compressing and discharging standard configuration, including the use of the bearings and
five or six times per rotation, and rotating at 20 times per timing gear.
second, the discharge is nearly constant.4


LUBRICATING POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT on several factors, and the flow rate is calculated and should
COMPRESSORS be tightly controlled. Cylinder feed rates will be addressed in
The lubricant has four key responsibilities in every lubricat- a subsequent article.
ed component application, including reducing friction and The cylinder lubricant operates in a continuous thin film
wear, removing heat, removing contaminants and preventing condition at a purely sliding frictional interface. Although
corrosion, which is essential to production of clean, pressur- the cylinder walls are generally liquid-cooled, the heat from
ized air and long component lifecycles. There’s a fifth routine compression is still very high and is transferred into the sur-
lubricant function, providing hydromechanical power trans- face cylinder metals, piston and suction and discharge valves.
fer, but it does not apply. Cylinder lubricants must withstand these highly oxidizing
Appropriately selected and applied lubrication is essen- and degrading conditions.
tial to: The cylinder lubricants’ primary tasks are to control fric-
tion and wear, create and maintain a seal between the piston
Reciprocating Compressors. Lubrication requirements and cylinder wall, or between the piston rod and the pack-
for reciprocating machines fall into three categories. ing, and to control corrosion. For reciprocating cylinders,
the maximum stress on the lubricant occurs when the piston
• Cylinder lubricant, which addresses all parts that come in reaches the end of the stroke and must change directions.5
contact with pressurized air, including the piston rings, Loss of continuous movement may cause momentary loss of
cylinder walls, suction and discharge valves and packing. oil films and metallic contact.
The cylinder area is supplied by an automatic lubricator To combat these well understood conditions, the cylin-
designed to provide a constant volume of lubricant per der lubricant should be highly fortified for wear resistance,
each square foot of swept surface area. oxidation resistance and deposit formation resistance. It is
The lubricant functions for the cylinder in the sliding a good idea to consult with highly reputable lubricant sup-
vane compressor are very similar to that of a reciprocating pliers, preferably with extensive experience in compressor
cylinder. Both operate in thin film hydrodynamic condi- lubricant development, when selecting the cylinder lubri-
tions, are exposed to high rates of evapo-
ration and highly oxidizing conditions
and require a carefully optimized sup- Figure 6 | DIN 51 506–VDL Lubricating Oil Minimum Performance Requirements
ply rate to avoid fouling the downstream
components and piping.

• Bearing and crankshaft lubricant, which

addresses all mechanical parts associated
with the rotating action of the machine,
including the main crank bearings, the
connecting rod bearings and pins and the
crosshead. The crankshaft and crosshead
components operate with either a pres-
surized oil supply or are splash lubricated
by components running in a bath of oil.
Higher speeds and higher break horse-
power machines warrant forced-feed oil

• Combined splash lubrication is common

for low-hp compressors and includes all
components in the crankcase and cylin-
der area.

Cylinder Lubricants, Sliding Vane Com-

pressors. Reciprocating and rotary vane type
cylinder lubricants are precisely metered into
the cylinder and packing gland area (if appli-
cable) of the compressor by an external sys-
tem. The amount of lubricant is dependent


cant. Additional impartial advice is available via the ISO/DP The lubricant also requires strong wear-resistance properties
6521 and DIN 51506 Standards. The VDL portion of the DIN and strong deposit and sludge formation resistance.
51506 Standard is shown in Figure 6. This pertains to the Lubricating properties noted in Figure 6 align favorably
product requirements for more severe service applications, for these requirements. Additional details for corrosion re-
recommending enhanced wear and deposit resistance perfor- sistance (ISO 3016, Minimum 1b), rust resistance (ISO/
mance. Viscosity grades are dependent on operating speeds DP7120A, No Rust), foaming tendency (ISO/DP 6247, Se-
and must be selected in accordance with the OEM guide- quence 1: Tendency, 300 ml max., Stability–nil) are impor-
lines. tant to round out rotary screw lubricant performance.6
Bearing and Crankshaft Lubricant. The mechanical Viscosity selection is machine dependent. Most flooded
functions of the balance of the machine are simplistic. Posi- screw compressors operate with initial viscosity grades be-
tive oil flows and splash dis- tween 32 and 68, with the
tribution enables thorough
coverage of linkage and rotat-
The cylinder lubricants’ primary final selection influenced by
cold-start conditions. At op-
ing components. Since there tasks are to control friction and erating temperatures, there is
is no interaction between the little difference in actual vis-
frame of the crankcase/cross-
wear, create and maintain a seal cosity between oils beginning
head and the compressed gas, between the piston and cylinder at ISO 32 and 68 grades.
the interferences common Most compressor manu-
with cylinder lubrication are wall and to control corrosion. facturers provide compres-
not present at the crankcase. sor oils based on synthetic
Simple AW/R&O circulation oils are typically adequate. polyalphaolefin, polyolester, diester and polyglycol type
Again, the viscosity question must be addressed in conjunc- basestocks. Each of these offers strengths and weaknesses,
tion with the OEM guidance for machine speeds. including that of gas solubility in the lubricant. Modern,
Combined Splash Lubrication. In many designs of small high-quality turbine oil based on hydrocracked Group II and
or portable compressors, the OEM designs cylinder lubrica- Group III mineral oil basestocks also offer attractive long-
tion to be performed from the crank reservoir. The lubricant term properties.
splashes or is pumped to the cylinder surfaces and drains
back to the sump. These small-hp machines are designed to
be lubricated by light-grade engine oils such as those used REFERENCES
for gasoline and diesel engines. While this is a long-standing 1. Totten, G.E. and Kazama, T. (2006), Handbook of Lubrica-
practice, some agents in the gasoline/diesel engine lubricants tion and Tribology, Vol. 1—Application and Maintenance, Sec-
hinder moisture separation. Long-term service with these ond Edition, Ch. 9., CRC Press (Taylor and Francis Group)
types of products may increase the risk of surface wear and and STLE, Park Ridge, Ill.
corrosive wear and shorten the lifecycle of some compressor
components. 2. Wills, J.G. (1980), Lubrication Fundamentals, Marcel
Again, viscosity selections are dependent on model and Dekker/Mobil Oil Corp., p. 372.
operating speed and to a large extent the risk of cold-start,
low flow conditions. Consult the OEM maintenance guide 3. O’ Keefe, W., “Air Compressors—A Special Report,” Power
when addressing these concerns. Magazine, June 1977, p. S-7.


Lubricant selection criteria for a rotary helical-lobed com-
pressor is quite different from a reciprocating machine due 5. Mang, T. and Dresel, W. (2007), Lubricants and Lubrica-
to the nature of the continuous interaction between the tion, Wiley-VCH Publishers, p. 301.
compressed gas and the supplied lubricant. In flooded screw
applications, the oil remains in direct contact with the gas 6. Ibid 4, ISO/DP 6521 Compressor Lubricants Performance
at design temperatures, typically 80 C-100 C. After mixing Requirements, p. 315.
with the gas, the lubricant is carried downstream and must
be removed from the gas by demisters and separators, and
returned to the supply tank.
The stress on the lubricant is appreciable. The oil must Mike Johnson, CLS, CMRP, MLT, is the principal
separate quickly from water and have a low tendency to cre- consultant for Advanced Machine Reliability
ate foam. If the compressed gas medium is air, exposure to Resources, in Franklin, Tenn. You can reach him
hot oxygen accelerates the oxidative stress and degradation. at mike.johnson@precisionlubrication.com.


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