Oil - 20 - 1679409763043
Oil - 20 - 1679409763043
Oil - 20 - 1679409763043
Positive Displacement
Selecting the correct lubricant
Reciprocating compressors achieve increased gas pressure by
drawing gas into a fixed dimension chamber and then mov-
ing a piston to squeeze the gas into a smaller area. The ori-
entation of the cylinder and movement of the piston can be
vertical (perpendicular to the ground) horizontal or at an
angle. Figure 2 | V-Type Double-Acting, Two-Stage Compressor Showing Key
The temperature of the squeezed gas increases in a highly Components (Courtesy of ExxonMobil Oil Corp.)
predictable manner. Gas can be squeezed on only one side of
a cylinder (single-acting) or on both sides (double-acting).
Reciprocating compressors may operate with or without oil
in the compression chamber. Units without oil are referred Figure 2 provides a view of the internal components of
to as oil-free compressors, but the oil-free condition does not a large, V-type double-acting, multistage reciprocating com-
apply to the bearings, crank and crosshead components used pressor, including views of the compression cylinder, the
to cycle the pistons. crosshead and the crankcase and main crank.2
Figure 5 | Cutaway View of a Piston and Lube Rotor Set, including Timing Gear
The rotary screw is a constant-discharge positive dis- Screw compressor designs include lubricated and non-lu-
placement machine. As shown in Figure 4, profiled rotors bricated lobes. A non-lubricated lobe configuration requires
in close-fitting case mesh to form cylinders and pistons in the use of a timing gear to drive the two lobes in sequence
rotary screw machines.3 In this illustration, the rotor shows and will tend to run at higher speeds than lubricated ver-
only a single mesh. Air is supplied at the end of the rotor sions. Dry screw compressors may be attractive for process
where the rotor and helical receiver mesh. As the meshing applications that would be harmed by accidental contamina-
rotors turn, the gas is compressed and moved toward the dis- tion with a lubricant such as with blow molding containers
charge section of the end off the rotor. for use in food processing.
Most compressors have two rotors. One rotor will have When the lobes are lubricated, the compressor is called a
four or five rounded lobes, and the other will have a com- flooded screw and may or may not incorporate the use of a
pliment of helical-shaped pockets that receive the lobes. By timing gear. Flooded screw compressors operate with an oil
design the lobes mesh with the helical pocket and the air in injector supplying a spray of oil into the chamber at the suc-
each pocket is compressed. When the appropriate air pres- tion inlet. The oil is the same as that used to protect bearings
sure is achieved, air passes to the discharge port and into the and the timing gear. Figure 5 provides a cutaway view of a
system piping. With the lobes compressing and discharging standard configuration, including the use of the bearings and
five or six times per rotation, and rotating at 20 times per timing gear.
second, the discharge is nearly constant.4