Chicago Citations

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1. “Divorced couple fight for frozen embryos,” Guardian newspaper, November 6, 2024.

2. Gillet Andy, “Using English for Academic purposes,” Last modified May 6 2024.

3. SINCLAIR John, Corpus, Concordance and Collocation. Oxford University Press, Oxford

4. WIDDOWSON Henry George, Learning purpose and language use. Oxford University Press,
Oxford 1983.

5. Martinson Jane, “Microsoft faces defining moment,” The Guardian, November 6, 1994.

6. Collins COBUILD English language dictionary, HarperCollins, London 1987.

7. BIALYSTOCK E – SHARWOOD-Smith M, “Applied linguistics,” Interlanguage is not a state of

mind: An evaluation of the construct for second-language acquisition volume, 6. (1985) 101 –

8. CAMPBELL Robin – WALES Roger, “The study of language acquisition,” New horizons in
linguistics, J. LYONS (ed), 242 – 260. Penguin, London 1970.

9. Cooper Robert, “What do we learn when we learn a language?,” TESOL Quarterly vol. 4
(1970) 303-314.

10. MACKY W F, Language teaching analysis. Longman, London 1965.

11. CHOMSKY Noam, Aspects of the theory of syntax. MIT, Cambridge Massachusetts 1965.

12. BACHMAN Lyle F – PALMER Adrian S, Language testing inn practice. Oxford University
Press, Oxford 1996.

13. VATICAN COUNCIL II, Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum (18.11.1965), n. 8.

14. VATICAN COUNCIL II, Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Genium (4.12.1963), n. 10.

15. B. ROBINSON, “God and Humanity”, in H. ROCES et al (eds), World Biblical

Commentary, vol. 1, Word Books, Dallas - Texas 2000, 25.

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