qt5g2676p2 Nosplash
qt5g2676p2 Nosplash
qt5g2676p2 Nosplash
in Electrical Engineering
© 2023 Jorge De La Torre Martı́n
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 5
2.1 Swarm intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Robustness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Graph Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3.1 Graph Neural Network Usage on Swarm Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Problem formulation 11
4 Experimental part 14
4.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.1.1 Ground truth controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.2 Baseline controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.3 GNN controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Experimental design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5 Conclusion 28
5.1 Acquired competences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Bibliography 31
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
AI Artificial Intelligence. 4
GNNs Graph Neural Networks. iv, viii, 3, 4, 7–12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29
ML Machine Learning. 9, 29
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my thesis advisor, Shih-Yuan Yu, for his in-
valuable support and encouragement throughout this research project. I am really grateful
for his guidance, insights, and feedback throughout the writing of this thesis.
I am also grateful to the faculty members of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sci-
ence Department, for their knowledge, expertise, and academic support, which have allowed
me to be involved in this thesis project and jump into the research world.
I would like to express my thankfulness to my family and friends for their help and mo-
tivation, which have sustained me throughout this challenging process and without whom it
would have been psychologically harder.
I am immensely thankful to all who have contributed to make this project and thesis pos-
sible, in particular to the UCI Professor Mohammad Al Faruque, their support has been
invaluable to my academic journey.
Thank you.
Chapter 1
Unmanned Airborne System (UAS) reduces life risks by performing tasks that manned
systems cannot do. The UAS development has attracted research attention due to its high
capacity and applications, as shown in military and commercial uses, such as photography,
cinematography, precision agriculture, surveillance security, natural disaster recovery, and
search and rescue operations [2]. An individual UAS can have limited capabilities and thus
cannot perform large-scale tasks. Many natural examples exist, such as bees coordinating
to complete a task or flocks of migrating geese coordinating in an efficient flight pattern
to achieve their migration. Therefore, Swarm Intelligence (SI) has become increasingly
popular, where drones are coordinated collaboratively to achieve their mission. Applying SI
for a UAS swarm can have advantages, such as faster task completion due to the paralleliza-
tion or execution of collaborative tasks. However, the development of these systems is still
in its early stages.
Several research challenges exist in developing SI for UAS. However, the main focus is,
as introduced by [4], on Robustness (the swarm has the capability of completing the tasks
even being affected by failures), Flexibility (the swarm can be rearranged and readjusted
Chapter 1. Introduction
to form different patterns), or Scalability (the swarm can grow and shrink in size, and
still be able to complete its task). These challenges may also lead to the issue of what con-
troller architecture might be the most suitable, as depending on the application’s specific
requirements, it may be necessary to choose between different communication structures. As
introduced by [2] and [3], there are some common approaches used, such as Infrastructure-
based Swarm communication architecture (centralized, at the cloud level) represented in
Figure 1.1a, or Flying Ad-hoc NETwork (FANET) which supports higher autonomy as the
follower agents, of the leader-follower structure, make their own decision in a distributed
manner (at the edge level) as in Figure 1.1b.
On the one hand, centralized controllers are based on the idea that a single entity controls
the swarm, exchanging real-time information with each agent and making decisions for the
swarm by itself. Indeed, centralized controllers make it possible to access and manage all
the swarm information globally, enabling them to achieve more precise tasks.
On the other hand, decentralized controllers are systems where decision-making is distributed
across all the agents. Every agent gathers local information from sensors and actuators (local
Chapter 1. Introduction
observation) from its neighbors, enabling these systems to be used in more flexible environ-
ments. The problem arises when a UAS swarm grows in scale, making a decentralized
controller more beneficial than a centralized one. Decentralized control may become even
more critical when operating in restricted communication areas where global communication
may seem impossible.
Graph Neural Networks can be an excellent tool for accomplishing these tasks, as they
can represent swarm data as a graph. Indeed, they are specifically designed to process
graph-structured data so that they can have a better understanding of complex scenarios
and relationships between agents, as well as be able to handle them in a very efficient man-
ner. Besides that, they can be trained to clone global policies via imitation learning, as
introduced by [16], bringing together the beneficial points of the centralized controller but
performing their actions from a decentralized perspective. For the sake of this study, it all
comes down to flocking tasks in which dynamic communication networks play their role.
As mentioned before, there are many examples of natural swarms, such as geese taking ad-
vantage of collaborative control to carry out flocking tasks more efficiently, making it more
attractive to keep exploiting these areas unstudied.
Recent works have made important progress in the usage of GNN techniques to improve
information exchanges and study procedures to avoid using the Global Navigation Satel-
lite System through implementing vision-based controllers [5], or even more, developing
decentralized path planing controllers as in [7]. Even so, few studies have approached the
robustness problem and how using GNNs could enhance performance in the area of UAS
In our work, we focus on decentralized control architectures for controlling the flocking
behavior of a group of flying drones. The overall idea or architecture can be illustrated in
Chapter 1. Introduction
Figure 1.1b. This type of architecture uses local information about the neighbors to output
some control over the agents. As a general introduction to our approach, we aim to assess
how different types of controllers affect the robustness of the swarm while carrying out flying
tasks. As will be later defined, the main concept of robustness for swarm application is
a system’s capability to perform even if failure involves it. Therefore, we aim to compare
and demonstrate how GNNs controllers can help enhance a swarm’s robustness while flying.
As already stated, as a graph learning model, this project needs some inputs to extract its
outputs. The model’s inputs will be all the sensor state data gathered from each drone,
and the generated outcomes will be an action prediction. This work offers to enhance the
robustness and enable better Swarm Intelligence by embedding Artificial Intelligence
(AI) into communication controllers. More precisely, it is proposed to integrate GNNs into
UAS swarms in a decentralized manner, making it possible to adapt the flocking formation
to the faults, avoiding disconnections or other desirable swarm behavior. Doing so can help
the swarm have a more robust behavior and better agent communication.
Chapter 2
As a first introduction to the concept of swarm control, the concept of a swarm should be
defined and explained why it is so relevant nowadays. A swarm is often seen as a cluster
of agents moving together or just being together and standing by. However, this might not
be the exact definition of a swarm. A swarm is a group of agents coordinated individu-
ally to carry out a particular global task, without a central controller or Ground Control
Station (GCS) having to send a unique control action for all the individuals. Indeed, it is
a decentralized collaborative behavior where everyone shares the same mindset and objective.
Some models have been developed to make SI possible. Craig Reynolds was a pioneer
in this area of study, introducing what is known as the Boids model, where all the agents
should follow some rules to complete their global task, more precisely, the flocking task. This
model was first introduced in 1987 by [14] as an approach to simulate the flocking behavior
of natural swarms, such as birds. It is mainly based on three rules defining the flocking
Chapter 2. Background
behavior that every agent should follow: separation, cohesion, and alignment. The Boids
model can also be applied to situations where goal-seeking is needed, an additional rule for
the model that makes the agents move toward a specified target. More recently, there have
been improvements on those former rules, introducing new rules that target other aspects of
the flocking behavior, such as prey and predator interaction [1]. The three rules defined by
[14][6] to approach the flocking problem
• Separation: keep a minimum distance between agents so everybody has enough room
to fly, avoiding collisions.
• Alignment: steer towards the average path of the neighbors so that every single agent
will be heading in the same direction.
• Cohesion: move toward the average position of the neighbors, keeping the group to-
gether and avoiding disturbances in the swarm.
Chapter 2. Background
Studying this natural phenomenon in some animals, such as birds, has inspired new intellec-
tual brains to replicate this phenomenon in the drone area of study. It is known that drone
swarms can help enhance numerous daily activities, or even more, military activities such
as drone attacks. In fact, in the case of military activities, swarms can be a very powerful
and harmful tool since they can spread out in a broader area, collaborating all together.
Therefore, it can be inferred that SI is a potent tool where all the agents can make their
own choices but always follow a specific set of rules that makes them fly in a structured and
organized manner.
2.2 Robustness
In the context of drone swarm control, robustness can be defined as the ability to demonstrate
vigor, strength, firmness, or even more, the capability of performing a task in the presence, or
not, of failure. Moving this property into a system, the robustness of a system is determined
by its ability to tolerate perturbations that may arise in the system. These disturbances or
perturbations in the system may come from multiple sources, such as environmental factors,
sensor noise or failure, disconnections or connection delays, etc. How these perturbations
are handled and their assessment is essential for the system to carry out its task without
any breakdown.
By definition, GNNs processes graphical data, making node, edge, or graph-level predic-
tions. Graph Neural Networks can generally be used for several purposes, mainly when the
information is gathered in graphs. The applications of GNNs can be adjusted to node level
predictions, where node features are updated based on the training; edge level predictions,
Chapter 2. Background
where links between nodes are the ones being updated; or graph level predictions, where up-
dated node features are pooled to generate a global feature that represents the entire graph.
• Node classification: the task is to predict the node embedding for every node in the
• Link prediction: the task is to understand and predict the relationships or connections
between nodes in the graph.
• Graph classification: the task is to classify the whole graph into different categories.
Given a graph, some features could be extracted from it.
• Clustering: the task is to detect the different clusters formed within a graph.
Chapter 2. Background
Figure 2.2: Illustration of message passing in GNNs between multi-hop neighbors and node
level prediction.
Graph Neural Networks are a novel Machine Learning (ML) technique that is still under
research. Many recent studies have been focusing on this topic, such as [22, 8, 9, 10] leveraging
GNNs to produce Spatio-temporal embeddings, used in this work, which can potentially
lead to an enhancement in the safety of Autonomous Driving Systems and yield better
transferability. Moreover, there have been other studies regarding security assurance using
GNNs [20, 19, 23, 18] which can result in an interesting topic for the drone swarm control
field to be studied in future works. In essence, Graph Neural Networks are a good solution
to many industrial applications [21, 12] with or without graph classification and clustering
In the drone swarm control domain, GNNs can help to enhance the robustness of a swarm
of drones for several reasons. Graph Neural Networks can pass information in multi-hop
exchanges, which makes each agent gather more information about the global group. Graph
Neural Networks, due to its prediction task, can detect when a drone is not working as it
should, also known as fault detection. By the behavior of a particular agent not operating
on its correct path, the GNNs can learn that these variations are due to a failed agent.
Chapter 2. Background
Graph Neural Networks can learn how to deal with this failing drone so it won’t affect the
swarm performance by making a simple change in the trajectory of the swarm, attempting
to isolate the failed agent. The decision-making is carried out by the GNNs, which is the
main advantage of using GNNs for this type of task. Graph Neural Networks can make
predictions very quickly based on the position and velocity of the agents themselves, as well
as the observations of the neighbors, making the response time much shorter due to their
intrinsic capability of storing the data provided at the time of training. This storing feature
results in the ability to remember certain behaviors, making the model adjust better to
the problem. Hence, the robustness of the swarm increases as the model learns to avoid
efficiently failing agents on the swarm. Besides that, Graph Neural Networks can be trained
in the presence of disturbances so that the model learns how to respond in certain situations
with acting perturbations.
Chapter 3
Problem formulation
In this work, we advocate demonstrating the possibility of cloning an optimal policy from
a Ground Truth model into GNNs to enhance the robustness of the flocking behavior. In
the work, we focus on the follower side of the leader-follower structure represented in Figure
1.1b, which is the side with the highest autonomy and ability to make decisions based on
local information. The Ground Truth model is based on a centralized architecture where full
access to global information is assumed. Hence, the objective of the proposed GNN control
system attempts to choose among all the possible outputs the most optimal one, known as
an optimal policy u∗i (t) = π(si (t)). In such a case, the optimal policy depends on the global
information of the swarm obtained from the Ground Truth model.
Consider a graph formed by a set of N agents distributed on the space forming a set of
vertices of a graph V ={1,2,3,...,N }, and a set of edges E. For the sake of our work, consider
a dynamic networked system where these edges represent the flow of information among
agents, depending on the range of communication of a certain sensor with other agents. In
this way, the neighborhood of an agent can be defined as those agents positioned within the
radius of communication of one agent of the swarm, indeed R < 4m. Therefore, the set of
Chapter 3. Problem formulation
Moreover, consider the dynamics of each agent i described by its position vector si (t) =
[xi (t), yi (t)]T ∈ R2 , relative position with respect to their neighbors rij (t) = [xj (t)−xi (t), yj (t)−
yi (t)]T ∈ R2 , a velocity vector vi (t) = [vx,i (t), vy,i (t)]T ∈ R2 , and an acceleration vector
ui (t) = [ux,i (t), uy,i (t)]T ∈ R2 . For each drone in the network, the acceleration ui (t) = v̇i (t)
can be considered controllable so that changes in the velocity of each agent i can be achieved.
The parameter t is considered a time-discrete index representing consecutive time samples
of interval T.
Our primary focus is to compare the performance of GNNs against the Boids model. Indeed,
we have demonstrated the ability of the new controller to outperform the Boids model, han-
dling the problem of flocking behavior. To do so, one of the metrics from the literature which
measures the flying performance of a UAS swarm is from [6], where they used the average of
the rewards as their primary metrics. One of the main rules of the flocking problem is flock
centering, where all the agents attempt to stay close to their nearby flock-mates [13]. As our
metrics, we have defined flock centering as the Level of Cohesion (LoC), calculated by
averaging the distances between every flying drone and the Center of Mass (CoM) of the
group. Ideally, a swarm flocks cohesively [14]. In order words, agents should stay as close
as they can to the CoM, which can be calculated as in (3.2), by summing up the position of
each agent and averaging the positions of the whole network by the number of agents N.
x1 (t) + ... + xN (t) y1 (t) + ... + yN (t) z1 (t) + ... + zN (t)
CoM (t) = , , (3.2)
Moreover, the distance between each drone of the swarm and the CoM (t) has to be calcu-
lated. Where the distance is the module of the vector or the Euclidean norm || ||, between
Chapter 3. Problem formulation
the current position of each drone si (t) and the CoM (t). As a result, a cohesion vector is
generated, illustrated in (3.3).
Coh = [||[x1 (t), y1 (t), z1 (t)], CoM (t)||, ..., ||[xN (t), yN (t), zN (t)], CoM (t)||] (3.3)
By averaging the cohesion vector by the number of agents, the Average Cohesion (AvC)
can be computed. This is a main representation of the LoC on each time step. Equation
(3.4) introduces the mathematical expression of the AvC.
1 X
AvC(t) = ||[xi (t), yi (t), zi (t)], CoM (t)|| (3.4)
N i=1
Finally, AvC has to be averaged over the whole analyzed time period, giving a measurement
of the global AvC among all the time steps, defined as LoC, which takes into account those
time steps where some of the drones are acting under failure.
LoC = AvC(t) (3.5)
t t=0
Chapter 4
Experimental part
In our work, we demonstrate that the GNN approach can improve robustness. To do so, it
is important to define first a comparative model to which GNN outperforms. This former
model is the baseline of our approach, the Boids model previously introduced. Currently,
[16] gives some insight into robustness and how flocking tasks can be made. Additionally,
the authors of [16] have open-sourced the implementation1 for public access, which we have
made use of as a base for our algorithm implementation.
As for the evaluating platform, we selected AirSim because evaluation with actual drone
flyers might be too costly to accomplish similar results. AirSim is a real-time open-source
simulator that enables us to test the controllers with higher-order dynamics and lower delay
time between control actions. As introduced in [16], controllers can be modeled in different
scenarios and simulators, but AirSim gives an excellent approximation of the real flying
Chapter 4. Experimental part
This work defines a Ground Truth model to be cloned by GNNs. A graphical representation
of the algorithm used for the Ground Truth model is described in Figure 4.1. Inspired from
[14], we present a centralized version of the Boids model in which global information of the
graph is assumed; indeed, the range of vision is amplified to the whole graph. The dynamics
of the agents on this model can be characterized by the already introduced separation,
alignment, and cohesion rules, illustrated in Figure 4.2, which have also been used for the
Boids model implementation to achieve the flocking behavior on a decentralized architecture.
Consider the previously defined position, velocity, and acceleration vectors for each agent in
the network at each simulation time step. To implement these three rules into our algorithm,
we use the Ground Truth math model defined below, where the control actions are described
using differential equations; indeed, velocity and position vectors for each of the agents in
Chapter 4. Experimental part
Consider the separation rule, which accounts for the minimum distance between Boids or
agents so that every agent can avoid collisions and leave some space for them to move and
react to changing actions freely. Repulsion force can be calculated as indicated in (4.2),
summing up the weighted inverted distance (defined by the Euclidean norm || ||) between
the agent and its neighbors, being stronger as agents come closer.
∗ si (t) − sj (t)
v̇separation,i (t) = wsep (4.2)
||si (t) − sj (t)||
The alignment rule aims to ensure that each swarm agent aligns its velocity with its neigh-
bors’ velocities moving in the same direction as a group. Indeed, it represents the averaged
velocity of its neighbors as introduced in (4.3).
vj (t)
∗ j
v̇alignment,i (t) = walign (4.3)
The cohesion rule is responsible for moving each agent towards the Center of Mass (CoM Ni (t))
of its neighbors at each time step t. Indeed, it ensures that all the agents flock cohesively
within their neighborhood. Equation (4.4) describes the attraction force between agents in
a neighborhood.
v̇cohesion,i (t) = wcoh (CoM (t) − si (t)) (4.4)
The three rules are adjustable by their corresponding weights wsep , walign , and wcoh , describ-
ing the interaction between agents. These weights are used to determine and control the
influence of each of the three rule forces, making it possible to achieve the desired flocking
behavior. In our work, we adjust the weights so that the declarative model matches the
centralized model behavior without agent failures. Indeed, flocking more clustered enables
Chapter 4. Experimental part
maintaining an active connection between agents while flocking without dealing with swarm
segmentation. Equation 4.5 represents the sum of the three rules. Even more, it represents
the control action to be taken by each agent on the Ground Truth model, in essence, the
optimal action to be cloned or imitated by GNNs.
The Boids model has been defined as the baseline approach of our work as it is a commonly
used algorithm for simulating the collective and collaborative motion of agents. Moreover,
this model has low computational requirements and high flexibility to be adjusted to differ-
ent environments, making it even more attractive for use.
Figure 4.2: Illustration of the three rules that govern the flocking behavior.
Consider the three rules of the Boids model, represented in Figure 4.2, whose mathematical
representation was introduced by [11]. The mathematical expression for the separation rule
is described by (4.6). As in the Ground Truth model, this rule accounts for the minimum
distance between Boids or agents so that agents can avoid collisions and leave some space to
Chapter 4. Experimental part
si (t) − sj (t)
v̇separation,i (t) = wsep (4.6)
||si (t) − sj (t)||
In contrast to the Ground Truth model, the alignment rule only considers the velocity of
its closest neighbors, so the alignment is only produced within the radius R. Equation (4.7)
introduces the alignment rule of the decentralized architecture.
vj (t)
v̇alignment,i (t) = walign (4.7)
Equation (4.8) describes the attraction force between agents in the neighborhood. The
cohesion rule is responsible for moving each agent towards the Center of Mass (CoM Ni (t))
of its neighbors at each time step t, as already defined. However, in the Boids model,
the neighborhood of each agent Ni is reduced so that only the agents within the radius of
communication between agents are considered.
As described for the Ground Truth model, the output or control action can be obtained from
the sum of the three rules of the flocking behavior, as in (4.9). However, for the Boids model,
the action is not the optimal one, as explained further on, enabling us to make comparisons
between the optimal actions from the Ground Truth model against the actions to be taken
by the agents following the Boids model policy, Tables 4.1 and 4.2.
Chapter 4. Experimental part
Our proposed controller is based on GNNs configured to perform an imitation learning task.
GNN controller leverages the network’s structure and positioning to predict each agent’s
actions. In a UAS swarm network, every node has some features of dimensions F, which
can be gathered as a feature matrix of dimensions (NxF), denoted in (4.10). We have used
the features defined in [16] as our base for the GNN approach, even though we have added
an extra feature considering the velocity of each agent itself, that when introduced to the
NN is normalized as well as the rest of features to obtain better convergence and avoid the
overweight of one feature over the others.
Chapter 4. Experimental part
x (t)
X(t) = .
xN (t)
For the primary purpose of this work, we introduce the concept of Graph Shift Operator
(GSO), which is a critical component of GNNs used to propagate information within the
network, and, is a learnable parameter. The basic functioning of GSO is that it is a nonzero
value if and only if (i, j) ∈ E(t), E(t) meaning the connection between agents or edges of the
graph. The propagation equation is described in (4.11).
[S(t)X(t − 1)]i = sij (t)xj (t − 1) (4.11)
j∈Ni (t)
A valid GSO for this application can be a weighted and unweighted adjacency matrix or,
even more, weighted, unweighted, or normalized Laplacians. The Graph Shift Operator may
help in recursion to extract a sequence of signals from it, as defined in the following equation.
Meaning that each agent at k-hop distance will receive the information from their neighbors
at a (k-1)-hop distance following the previous equation, indeed, following the GSO at that
fixed time. Generally, an agent located at a k-hop distance of an agent considered the initial
one Yo (t) = X(t) will receive the information in the following fashion.
Chapter 4. Experimental part
Thus, the sequence of signals is aggregated into a single output matrix for each node i present
in the graph. Which can be expressed with the following mathematical representation (4.14).
The matrix Z(t) results from aggregating all the graph states. Its dimensions are N x k x
F, where N is the number of nodes in the graph, k is the number of hops made to gather all
the information, and F is the number of features of each node in the graph. As can be seen,
there is a delay in the matrix, known as delayed aggregation.
Finally, once all the information is aggregated in matrix Z(t). The last step is to apply
a Neural Network (NN) in which the input would be the aggregation matrix. The layers
of the NN are represented by (4.15). The output is given as the predicted action to be taken
by each agent in the network, defined by the matrix U (t).
Each layer’s l output is denoted by Zl , σl accounts for the activation function used for each
layer of the NN, and θl represent the learnable parameters of the NN. The overall expression
of the NN is given in (4.16).
U (t) = N N Θ (Z(t)) (4.16)
Training the GNN is a way of modeling the network to obtain the desired predictions. The
training aims to find the optimal previously defined controller with the highest possible
accuracy. To do so, it is necessary to introduce the concept of loss function (L), which it
is compared the optimal output with the predicted output resulting from the computation of
the GNN given a set of inputs. For this training task, we need training samples to be learned
by the controller. In this training phase, all the learnable parameters of the GNN and NN
Chapter 4. Experimental part
are adjusted to have the lowest prediction errors and the lowest value of L. For training
purposes, the training policy used to find the optimum parameters Θ∗ can be expressed in
∗ ∗
Θ = arg min L(U (t), U (t)) (4.17)
X(t),U ∗ (t)∈D
Chapter 4. Experimental part
For the baseline approach, we set the number of testing episodes to 50 and the number
of steps to 500. For each weight, we have made experimental adjustments, leading to the
most optimal result when wsep = 0.875, walign = 1.1, and wcoh = 1.25. Whereas for the
Ground Truth model, we have achieved the best result with wsep = 15.75, walign = 1.1, and
wcoh = 0.79, where the separation rule has a greater weight to balance the focus on the
nearest neighbors while the other rules account for the whole swarm.
On the other hand, for the GNN model, we set the number of k-hops over which the agent
information is passed to k = 4. The NN was built on convolutional layers, the input, the
first hidden layer, and the second hidden layer activated by the hyperbolic tangent. For
the output layer, a linear activation has been applied. Each hidden layer has been provided
with 128 neurons so that the model can understand every non-linear behavior of the flocking
model. The GNN model has been trained with a learning rate of 5 · 10−4 , over 300 episodes
with 500-time steps each; indeed, the total time spent on an episode was t = 500T .
To test the validity of our work, drone failures are randomly generated following several
patterns, as depicted in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. We have simulated a sequential failure pattern,
where only one agent failed at a time. Failures have been generated periodically with a
controllable frequency depending on the desired total number of failures. The second tech-
nique for simulating failures is a one-time failure of a controllable number of drones so that
a specified number of drones fail simultaneously at a certain time. We have used AirSim
software for gathering training data in an online learning setting described in [7]; more pre-
cisely, we have used the Dataset Aggregation (DAgger) algorithm defined by [15], with a
probability β = 1 of choosing the Ground Truth model. Hence, the Ground Truth action is
always preferred to be aggregated to the dataset D.
Chapter 4. Experimental part
4.3 Results
This section reports the most representative results obtained from the simulations. Com-
parisons have been made between the ground truth, baseline, and GNN approach with the
metrics (e.g., LoC). The expected results of these comparisons are the GNN model having a
higher level of accuracy when dealing with failure, indeed, being able to maintain the group’s
unity, as shown in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. First, we have compared the optimal actions of the
Ground Truth model against the Boids model in terms of LoC evaluating their performance
on different scenarios. Moreover, this comparison enables us to establish a range over which
the GNN model should be performing to prove the enhancement of the robustness of the
Performance (%)
Agent failures Ground truth Boids GNN Ground truth vs Boids Ground truth vs GNN
4 2.952 3.377 3.08 87.424 95.840
3 3.025 3.381 3.12 89.470 97.031
2 3.104 3.436 3.16 90.337 98.273
1 3.163 3.466 3.22 91.236 98.276
0 3.237 3.552 3.28 91.140 98.581
Table 4.1: Performance evaluation under sequential failure scenario as a function of LoC.
Performance (%)
Agent failures Ground truth Boids GNN Ground truth vs Boids Ground truth vs GNN
4 2.947 3.386 3.240 87.033 90.952
3 3.024 3.468 3.142 87.206 96.240
2 3.103 3.450 3.210 89.955 96.658
1 3.163 3.466 3.235 91.236 97.772
0 3.237 3.552 3.284 91.140 98.581
Table 4.2: Performance evaluation under one-time failure scenario as a function of LoC.
Chapter 4. Experimental part
As shown in Tables 4.1 and 4.2, performance in the Boids model, as well as in the GNN
model, starts to decay upon agent failures. However, the GNN model maintains a better
performance even with a large number of failures. As represented in the tables, LoC starts
to decrease with the number of agents, as they spread over a smaller area. However, as we
are not comparing the performance of the swarm on a single model but comparing several
models between each other, this fact can be neglected.
(a) Boids model simulation with no (b) GNN model simulation with no
agent failures. agent failures.
(c) Boids model simulation with 4 agent (d) GNN model simulation with 4 agent
failures. failures.
These two tables represent that the Boids model has a similar performance under different
failing patterns due to the fact that the Boids model is more sensitive to disconnections be-
tween agents, leading to the segmentation of the initial group. In both the Boids and GNN
Chapter 4. Experimental part
models, disconnections are irreversible, meaning that once the segmentation of the swarm is
reached, the group cannot get together again.
(a) Boids model simulation with no (b) GNN model simulation with no
agent failures. agent failures.
(c) Boids model simulation with four (d) GNN model simulation with 4 agent
agent failures. failures.
The potential benefit of the GNN model could be reduced to the fact that information is
passed across the group so that every agent has information about k-hop neighbors, indeed,
local and global information about the group. Therefore, every agent can make decisions
based on the aggregated states of the k-hop neighbors. In fact, it eventually leads to better
performance and cohesive flocking due to the increased information collected by every drone.
Figures 4.3 and 4.4 give a good insight into how the GNN model is capable of maintaining
the flock in a more cohesive manner making disconnections less harmful to the swarm and,
Chapter 4. Experimental part
therefore more robust to failures. Nevertheless, Table 4.2 shows that the more critical the
failures are, the less likely the GNN model is to keep performing well, as more critical discon-
nections occur in the group that makes it impossible to maintain the cohesive behavior and,
therefore, more cluster separations. Hence, the benefits of using the GNN model become
smaller when critical failures arise even though it still outperforms the Boids model.
Chapter 5
The current research aims to improve the robustness of drone swarm control systems using
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). This project has been carried out with the help of Air-
Sim simulator, a software developed by Microsoft. It has been combined with Python 3.10
programming language, using the available Python API for AirSim, to build the required
scripts for running the simulations. To test the validity of our research, we have built three
models: the Ground Truth, Boids, and GNN. We have introduced two well-known commu-
nication structures used for SI applications, Infrastructure-based (Centralized) and FANET
(Decentralized). Even though our work has focused on the decentralized architecture because
of its autonomous capability. In the decentralized structure, we have introduced the idea of
a leader-follower structure. The follower side is our area of interest, on which we have built
the Boids and GNN model. The Boids model is a rule-based approach that simulates animal
and robot swarm collective behavior. The GNN model is the solution for handling com-
plex situations more robustly compared to the Boids model, as illustrated in Table 4.1 and
4.2. The main idea behind GNNs is leveraging the information passing throughout the group
by multi-hop exchanges to make predictions of each agent’s actions as accurately as possible.
Chapter 5. Conclusion
Besides, this work aims to answer the question of why we should attempt to compare the
Boids model directly against the GNN model instead of comparing it to another ML model.
The advantage of Graph Neural Networks is that they are specifically designed to process
graph-structured data so that they have a better understanding of complex scenarios and
relationships between agents and can handle them very efficiently. Therefore, they seem
to be an excellent approach to address the problem of flocking or, even more, flying in a
graph-structured manner.
This research has shown that Graph Neural Networks are an excellent solution to improve
the robustness of a swarm while flying autonomously from the follower side. They leverage
their capability to process graph-structured data to outperform previously used control algo-
rithms such as the Boids model. Therefore, GNNs may be a desirable algorithm for dealing
with collective behavior tasks in autonomous systems with communication constraints.
The development of this thesis has contributed to acquiring the following competencies:
Chapter 5. Conclusion
While this work has provided valuable insights into drone swarm control, there are several
avenues for future research and exploration. Some of the ideas for future works are:
• Transferring the knowledge from this work to real life, testing and evaluating the models
in real-life conditions.
• Search for new ways GNN can help improve the performance of the overall systems
working collectively, such as improving energy consumption.
• Study ways of achieving a more robust system on the leader side, as it has been done
on the follower side so that the overall robustness of the system can be improved.
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