INTRODUCTION: Throughout the day, we listen the various types of sounds like our father’s voice,
our mother’s voice, our teacher’s voice, chirping of birds, ringing of a school bell a telephone ringing,
a guitar being played, a siren, a jet engine roaring in the sky, buzzing of a mosquito, a gun, shot etc.
These sounds stimulate the auditory nerve in the human ear and the brain interprets the sound, Now let
us define sound.
Sound is a from the energy which produced the sernation of hearing in our ears.
Perform the following activities to produce sound.
1. The a plastic scale or ruler from your geometry box. Hold it flat on your desk to tale with about half
its length protruding ( stick out fro the surface) over the edge. Now bend it down and release it. Will
move up and down rapidly (i.e . it will vibrate) and produce the sound at the same time. The sound
will last as long as the vibration
2. Take a tuning fork. Hold it form its stem and strike it with
a rubber pad or hammer. You will observe that the prongs
of the tuning fork vibrate and the at same time sound is
produced (Figure). Vibrating Tuning Fork
instrument and hence sound is produced. Sound is also
produced when the birds flap their wings during the flight.
When a pebble is thrown in pond of still water, we observe that ripple known as waves move outward
on the surface of water as shown in a figure.
Water Ripples
The movement the disturbance through a medium due to the repeated periodic motion of the
particle of the medium about their mean positions is known as a wave.
A mechanical wave is periodic distance which requires material medium (i.e. solid, liquid or
gas) from its propagation.
In other words. Waves that the characterized b the motion of particles of a medium called
mechanical waves.
Examples of mechanical waves.
(i) Sound waves in air
(ii) Water waves
(iii) Waves produced due to the earthquake (Known as seismic waves)
(iv) Waves produced by supersonic jet planes (Known as shock waves)
(v) Waves produced in a stretched string.
(vi) Waves produced in a slinky long spring.
Wave are of two types :
(i) Transverse wave
(ii) Longitudinal wave
f the particles of a medium vibrate or oscillate about their position at right angles to the
Describle and activity to show the formation of a transverse wave.
Fix one and of a thin rope and give up the down jerk to the free and to the rope.
The rope osciilates or vibrates up and down as shown in figure. The disturbance travels form the free
and to the fixed and but the rope vibrated up and down. This wave is known as transverse wave.
When transverse wave travels through the medium, the shape of the medium changes. At some
positions. The particles of the medium go down (or depressed) below their mean positions…
The point on the elevation of the medium whose distance from the mean position is maximum is
known as crest (C). On the other hand, the point on the depression of the medium whose distance
from the mean position is maximum is know as trough (T). Thus crests and troughs are formed when
a transverse wave travels through a medium (Figure). ]
If the particles, of a medium vibrate or oscillate to and fro about their mean positions along the direction of
propagation of the disturbance then the wave is called longitudinal wave.
Describe an activity to show the formation of longitudinal wave. Take a
slinky or long which can be easily with a and extended as shown in figure
(a). Fix one end of the slinky with a rigid support. Now push the free and
of the slinky in the downward direction and release it. It is observed that the
slinky begins to move up and down (i.e. “to and fro”) as shown in figure
(b). The disturbance travels from the free end to the fixed end the parts of
the slinky vibrate along the direction of the propagation the disturbance.
This wave is known as
longitudinal wave.
When a longitudinal wave passes through a medium, the medium is divided
into the region of compressions (C) and rarefaction (R) as shown in figure
COMPRESSION. The part or region of a medium where the density of the medium is maximum or where
the particles of the medium are very close the each other is known as compression. It is denoted by C.
REAEFACTION. The part or region of a medium, where the density of the medium is minimum or where
the particle of the medium are far apart from each other is known as rarefaction. It is denoted b R.
A vibrating body produces sound. Now we shall study, how the sound travels from one place to another place.
When a body vibrates, than the particles of the medium (say air) around vibrating body are set into vibtations.
The particles of the medium which are very close to the vibrating body pushed away from the body. These
particles of the medium strike against the neighbouring particles. Hence the number particle of the medium in
the region were the displaced particle strike against the neighouring particles is large. This region is known as
compression (C). Since pressure is directly proportional to the number of particles, so the compression is a
region of high pressure or high density. When the vibrating body moves backward, a region of emptiness
known as rarefaction (R) or a region of a low pressure or Low density is created. The displaced particle of the
medium rebound into the region of low pressure or rarefaction. At the same time, compression is followed
outwards. Therefore, when body vibrated to produce sound, compression and rarefactions follow one another
as the sound waves travel through the’ medium away from the vibrating body. When a sound wave
travels through a medium. The particle of the medium simple vibrate about their rest positions a hay
do not move from one place to another place I the medium.
Figure represents the regions of compression (or high pressures) and o rarefactions (or low pressures)
as the sound propagates in the medium
When a sound wave travels through a material medium, then the density or pressure of the medium
changes continuously from maximum value to minimum value and vice-versa. Thus, the sound wave
propagating in a medium can be represented as shown in figute.
(v) LOUDNESS. Loudness of a sound depends on amplitude of the vibrating body producing the sound.
A sound produce by a body vibrating with large amplitude is a loud sound. On the other hand, a
sound produced by body vibrating with small amplitude is a feeble or soft sound. Loud sound and soft
or feeble sound are represented as shown in Figure (a) and (b) respectively.
(vi) TIMRE OR QUAITY. Quality or timbre is as characteristic (i.e. a typical feature) of a sound which
enables us to distinguish between the sounds of same loudness and pitch.
This characteristic of sound helps up to recognize or friend from his voice without seeing him.
This quality of two sounds of same loudness and pitch produced by two different sources are
distinguishable because of different waveforms produced by them. The waveforms produced by a
vibrating tuning fork, violin and flute (Bansuri) are shown in figure.
(vii) INTENSITY. Intensity of a sound is defined as the sound energy transferred per unit through a unit
area placed perpendicular to the direction of the propagation of sound.
That is intensity of sound =
Intensity of a sound is an objective physical quantity. It does not depend on the response of our ears. In
S.I. unit of intensity of sound is joule s-1 m-2 or watt m-2 (1Js-1 = 1 W)
Or v= …………(2)
As per definition.
Frequency of the wave. v =
So. Eq. (2) can be written as. Wave velocity = Wavelength of the wave x Frequency of the wave
Or v = × v
1. A gun is fired at a distance. Why is the sound heard after the flash is seen ?
Ans. The velocity of sound in air is 344m/s, whereas the velocity of light is 3 × 10 8 m/s. So light waves
travel much faster then the sound waves. As a result, the sound due to gun fire is heard after the flash
It is due to this reason that during a thunder storm, one sees the light much before one hears the
thunder (sound).
2. Which of the following is carried by the waves from one place to another?
(a) mass (b) velocity (c) wavelength (d) energy
Ans. The correct answer is (d).
3. At the surface of the moon, there is not atmosphere. Suppose you and your friend land on the moon.
Would you and your friend be talk to each other ? Why ?
Ans. No. Peple cannot talk, on the moon. This is because there is no atmosphere (or medium) on the moon,
and the sound needs a medium to travel.
4. Sound needs a medium to travel.
(a) longitudinal (b) transverse
(c) partly longitudinal and partly transverse (d) sometime longitudinal, sometimes transverse
Ans. Sound waves are longitudinal waves. So answer (a) is correct.
5. State two properties to the medium required for wave propagation.
Ans. Any medium required for wave propagation should have the following characteristics.
(i) It should be a material medium.
(ii) The medium should be elastic.
6. The sound waves longitudinal in nature ?
Ans. The sound wave is longitudinal because it propagate is nay material medium as a series of
compression and rarefaction.
During the propagation of a sound wave. the particles to the medium back and forth about their mean
Position in the direction of sound propagation.
Air (0 C) 331
Air (20oC) 343
Oxygen (0oC) 317
Helium (0oC) 972
Hydrogen (0oC) 1286
Water (25 C) 1443
Sea water (25oC) 1533
Methy alcohol (25oC) 3560
Blood (37oC) 5130
Aluminium (20 C) 5100
Copper (20oC) 3560
Iron (20oC) 5130
Vulcanized rubber 54
Glass (20oC) 5170
Granite (20oC) 6000
When a sound wave traveling in a medium bounces back to the same medium after striking the
second medium, reflection of sound wave. is said to take place. The reflection of sound wave is similar
to the bouncing back of a rubber ball after striking a wall or the surface of a floor.
Just like light, sound is reflected by the solid and liquid surface. The reflection of sound obeys the
laws of reflection.
The laws of reflection of sound are a following :
(i) Incident angle = Reflection angle and (ii), The direction of sound, reflected direction of sound and
the normal to the point of incidence all lie in the same. Plane
If we clap hands while standing at some distance from a high and huge wall or hill, we hear
the clapping of our hands again after some short interval of time. The sound of clap heard by
us known as echo. Echo is produce due to the reflection of sound.
Thus, echo is repetition of sound due to the reflection of original sound by a large and
herd obstacle.
We can hear the two sounds separately if the time gap between these two sounds is more than 1/10 s or
.1 s. heard time interval equal to 0.1 s is known as persistence of hearing. This means, the impression
f any sound heard by us remains for 0.1 is our bran if any other sound enters our ears before 0.1 s, then
he second sound will no be heard by us. Thus, the echo will be heard if the original sound reflected by
bstacle reaches our ears after 0.1 s.
Minimum distance between the observer and the obstacle of echo be heard
Distance between the observer and the obstacle = d
Speed sound (in the medium) = v
Time after which echo is heard = t
Then, t=
We know
Speed of sound in air at 25oC = 343 m-1
For an echo to be heard distinctly
t 0.1 s
Then d
Or d 17.2 m
Thus, the minimum distance (in air at 25oC) between the observed and the obstacle for the echo to be
heard clearly should be 17.2 m.
The speed of sound increases with a rise in temperature. Therefore, the minimum distance in air
between the observer and the obstacle for an echo to e heard clearly at temperature higher then 25 oC is
more then 17.2m In rooms having walls lass than 17.2m away from each other, no echo can be heard.
For the formation of an echo, the reflecting surface or the obstacle. Must be rigid such as a building,
hill or a cliff.
Echoes an be produced if the size of the obstacle reflecting the sound is quite large.
The repeated reflection that results in the persistence of sound is large hall is called reverberation .
Excessive reverberation in any auditorium/hall is not desirable because the sound becomes blurred and
distorted the reverberation can be minimized/reduced by covering the ceiling and walls with sound
absorbing materials such as, fiber-board, rough plaster, draperies, perforated carboard sheets etc.
1. MEGAPHONE. Megaphone is a used to address
public meeting. It is horn-shaped. When we speak
through megaphone, sound waves are reflected by
the megaphone. These reflection sound wave are
directed towards the people (or audience) without
much spreading
2. HERIGN AID. Hearing aid is used by a person who is herd of hearing. The sound waves falling on
hearing aid are concertrated into a narrow bean of sound waves by reflection. This narrow bean of
sound waves is made to fall on the diaphragm of the ear. Thus, diaphragm of the ear vibrates with
large amplitude. Hence, the hearing power of the person is improved.
3. SOUND BOARDS. Sound boards are curved surface (concave) which are used in a big hall to direct
the sound wave towards the people sitting in a hall. The speaker is (i.e. source of sound) placed at the
focus of sound board as shown in figure.
Sound waves from the speaker are reflected by die sound board and these reflected waves are directed
towards the people (or audience)
4. STETHOSCOPE. Stethoscope is a device used by doctor to listen the sound produced by heart and
lungs. The sound produced by hearth beat and lungs of a patient reaches Sc the ears of a doctor due to
multiple reflection of sound.
5. CHILINGE OF CONCRET HALLS ARE CURVED. The ceiling of concert halls and auditoriums
are made curved. This is done so that the sound reaches all the parts of the hall after reflection from
the ceiling shown in figure. Moreover, these ceilings are made up of sound absorbing materials to
reduce the reverberation.
All vibrating bodies produce waves. Each wave has its frequency of a wave is equal to the frequency
of the vibrating body producing sound. when a women speaks, the waves produced by the vocal cords
in her throat have difference frequency then the frequency of the waves produced by vocal cords f a
man. Can human ears hear can hear all the frequency produced by the vibrating bodies ? the answer is
No. In fact, normal human ears can hear only those wave whose frequency lies between 20 Hz and
20.000 Hz. The waves having frequency between 20 Hz and 20.000 Hz are known as sound
waves. Thus, the audible range of frequency is 20 Hz to 20.000 Hz.
The waves of frequency less then 20 Hz known as infrasonic waves.
The infrasonic waves are produced by large vibrating bodies.
For example, infrasonic waves are produced by the vibration of the earth’s surface during the
earthquake. Some animals like elephants, rhinoceroses and whales etc. also produce infrasonic waves.
These waves are not audible to a human ear.
It has been observed that animals behaviour becomes unusual before the tremor is felt. This is between
the animals has the ability to detect infrasonic waves produced at the time of tremor.
The waves of frequency greater then 20,000 Hz are known as ultrasonic waves or ultrasound. These
waves are not audible to a human ear but they can be heard by animal and birds.
Bats can produce by the bats after reflection from their wings. They can also detect these waves. The
ultrasonic waves produced by the bats after reflection from the obstacles like buildings guide them to
remain away from the obstacles during their flight. Hence, they can flu during night without hitting the
obstacles. Bats also catch their pre during with the help of ultrasonic waves. The ultrasonic waves
produced by a ….. out. These waves after reflecting from a prey sayan insect reach the bat. Hence the
bat easily locate its prey. Dolphins also produce ultr.lsonic waves. They can also detect the ultrasonic
waves. They catch their prey like a fish due to their ability to detect the ultrasonic waves reaching
them after reflecting from a fish.
4. Ultrasonic vibrations used for imaging internal organs of human body. In fact they are even used to
study the growth of foetus in mother’s womb.
5. Ultrasonic vibrations are used in relieving pain in joint sand muscles.
6. Ultrasonic vibrations are used in detecting flaws in article made from metals. They are also used in
finding the thickness of various parts of metallic component.
SONAR stands for sound Navigation and Ranging.
It is a devise which is used in the ships to locate rocks, icebergs. Submarines, old ship sank in sea ete.
It is al 0 used to measure the depth of sea.
PRINCIPLE. It is based on the principle of the reflection of sound wave (i.e. echo)
Determination of the Depth of a sea using Sonar
A bean of ultrasonic waves from the transmitter of a SONAR fitted on the ship is sent towards the
bottom of the sea. This bean reflected back from the bottom of the sea and is received by the receiver
of the SONAR on the ship
The time taken by the ultrasonic waves to go from the ship to the bottom of the sea and them back to
the ship is noted. Let it be ‘t’ second. Therefore, the time taken by the ultrasonic waves to go from the
ship to the bottom of the sea is seconds.
Using the following formula s = v . we can find the depth of the sea.
Here u = speed of ultrasonic wave in water.
s = depth of the sea
In this article we will learn about the acoustics of hearing. We will see how a human ear converts
sound energy into mechanical energy and then to nerve impulse which is transmitted to the brain.
The human ear consists of (a) the outer ear (pinna), (b) the middle ear. (c) the inner ear. Each part has
a specific take to perform. The outer ear, collects the sound and guides it to the middle ear. In the
middle sound energy is converted into mechanical energy in the for of internal vibrations of the bdne
structure. These vibration are then transferred into the inner ear which converts the vibrations into
nerve impulses.
The outer ear has an approximately 2 cm tong ear canal. Here the sound is collected and amplified. It
is in the form of pressure waves with alternate high pressure and low pressure regions.
The middle ear consists of eardrum (tympanic membrane) three tiny inter connected bones-the
hammer (mallens). Anvil (incus) and stirrup (stapes.) . The eardrum is a tightly stretched membrane.
As the incoming pressure wave from the outer ear strikes, the ear drum starts to vibrate. A
compression force the eardrum inwards whereas a rarefaction force the eardrum outwards. This mean
that the eardrum vibrates at the same frequency as the of the sound waves. The eardrum is connected
to hammer which in turn is connected to anvil and stirrup. The motion of eardrum will set the hammer,
anvil and stirrup into motion at same frequency as the of eardrum. The three-bone system amplifies the
sound further.
The stirrup is connected to the inner ear which consists of cochlea semi circular canals and the
auditory nerve. The vibrations are turned into electrical signals in inner ear which are sent to the brain
via the auditory nerve. The brain interprets the sound by the electrical impulses it receives.
1. A Source of wave produces 40 crests and 40 troughs in 0.4 second. Find the frequency of the wave
Sol. Number of crests and trough produced by the wave = 40
Number of waves formed = 40
Time taken = 0.4s
Frequency = ?
Number of waves produced in one second = = 100 s-1
Frequency of the wave = 100 Hz
2. A person has a hearing range fro 20 Hz to 20 kHz. What are the typical wavelengths of sound
waves in air corresponding to these two frequencies ? Take the speed of sound in air as 344 m s-1
Sol. Hearing range = 20 Hz to kHz = (=2000Hz)
Speed of sound in the air = 344 m s-1
For a wave
Wavelength =
or =
So, for v = 20 Hz = 20/s
= = 17.2m
= 0.172m = 1.72 cm
3. Calculate the wavelength of a sound wave whose frequency is 220 Hz and speed is 440 m/s in
given medium
Sol. Frequency, v = 220 Hz
Speed of sound, v = 440 m/s
The wavelength can be described by the relationship
Wave velocity = Wavelength of the wave x Frequency of the wave
440 m s -1 = × 220 Hz = × 220 s-1
So = =2m
Time period, T =
So T= = = 0.02 m
The successive compression will reach the person after every 0.02 s.
5. A human heart, on an average is found to beat 75 times a minute. Calculate its frequency
Sol. No of beat of human heart = 75 min-1 = = 1.25 s-1
So, Average frequency of human heart beating = 1.25 s-1
6. A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose consecutive crests are 100 m apart. The wave
velocity of the moving crests is 20 m/s. What is the frequency of rocking of the boat ?
Sol. Distance between two consecutive crests = 100 m
Wave velocity v = 2 m/s
The distance between two consecutive is equal to the wavelength of the wave SO,
Frequency = = = 0.2 s-1
7. A longitudinal wave is produced on a toy slinky. The wave travels at a speed of 30 cm/s and the
frequency of the wave is 20 Hz. What is the minimum separation between the consecutive
compression of the slinky ?
Sol. Wave speed, v = 30 cm/s
Frequency of the wave, v = 20Hz = 20 s-1
The minimum separation between the consecutive compression is equal wavelength. Therefore.
Wavelength = = = 1.5 cm
Thus, the minimum separation between consecutive compression of the slinky is 1.5 cm.
8. A bat can hear sound at frequencies up ot 120 kHz. Determine the wavelength of sound in the
air at this frequency. Take the speed of sound in the as 344 m/s
Sol. Frequency, v = 120 kHz = 120 × 103 Hz = 120 × 103 s-1
Velocity of sound I the air, v = 344 m/s
Wavelength of the sound wave, = ?
We know.
Wavelength, = =
344 m/s =
Velocity =
1498 m/s =
This given,
D = 1498 m/s × 1s = 1498 m
Thus, the dept of water is 1498 m.
14. A wave moves a distance of 8 m in 0.05 s.
(a) Find the velocity of the wave
(b) What is the wavelength of the wave its frequency is 200 Hz ?
Sol. (a) Velocity = = = 160 ms-1
(b) v = v = = 0.8m
15. Two children are at opposite ends of an iron pip. One strikes his end of the iron pipe with a
stone. Fine the times taken by the sound waves in air and iron to reach the other child. Given
velocity of sound in air is 344 m-1 and that in iron is 5130 ms-1
Sol. For air Va = ………….(1)
Where Va is velocity of sound in air
And Ta is the time taken for the sound to travel in air through the length of pipe x.
For pipe Vp = ……….(2)
Where vp is the velocity of sound in iron pipe.
Tp is the taken for the sound to travel in iron pipe through the length of pipe x On dividing (1) and (2).
= =
= = 14.9
In other words, according to the example, sound travels 14.9 tie through iron than through air.
16. A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose consecutive crests are 100 m apart. The wave
velocity of the moving crests is 20 mfs. What is frequency of rocking of the boat ?
Sol. Given = 100 , v = 20 m/s
Now v = v
V= = 0.2 Hz
17. A stone is dropped in a wall 44.1 m deep. The splash is heard 3.13 seconds after the stone is
dropped . Find the velocity of sound in air.
Sol. Stone falling from A to B
u = 0, S = 44.1 m, a = 9.8 ms-2. t = ?
s = ut + at2
44.1 = × 9.8 × t2
Sound produced at B, due to sound produced by the stone
falling on the surface of water, travels form B to A. The
sound moves with constant velocity.
Speed =
It is given that the total time is 3.13 second.
i.e. t + t = 3.13
3+ = 3.13
= 0.13
v= = 339.2 ms-1 s
18. Using sonar, sound pulses are emitted at the surface of water. These after being reflected from
water bottom are detected. If the time interval from the emission to detection of the sound pulse
is 2 seconds find the detection of the sound pulses is 2 seconds. find the depth of the water.
[speed of sound in water = 1531 m/s given].
Sol. t=2s
Speed =
1531 =
x = 1531 m.
1. Sound energy is basically.
(A) mechanical energy (B) electromagnetic energy
(C) potential energy (D) electrical energy
2. The transfer of energy in a material medium due to the periodic motion of its particles is called:
(A) wave fornt (B) wave motin (C) pulse (D) none of the above
3. Which is not the condition for nearing sound ?
(A) There must be a vibrating body capable of transferring energy
(B) There must have a large density
(C) There medium must have a large density.
(D) There must be receiver to receive the energy and interpret it.
4. An instrument commonly used in laboratory to produce a sound of some particular frequency is
(A) sonar (B) electric ball (C) tuning fork (D) a stretched wire
5. The sound waves in a medium are characterized by the :
(A) liner motion of particles in the medium
(B) rotatroy motion of particle in the medium
(C) Oscillatroy motion of particle in the medium
(D) none of the above
6. The sound wave which travel in the air are called.
(A) transverse wave (B) longitudinal waves
(C) polarized wave (D) none of the above
7. When a sound wave travels in the air, the physical quantity which is transferred from one place to the
other is :
(A) mass (B) force (C) momentum (D) energy
8. In case of longitudinal wave, the particles of medium vibrate :
(A) in the direction of wave propagation
(B) opposite to direction of wave propagation
(C) at right angle to the direction of wave propagation
(D) none of the above
9. In case of transverse wave the particles of a medium vibrate :
(A) In the direction of wave propagation
(B) opposite to the direction of wave propagation
(C) at the right angle of direction of wave propagation
(D) none of the above
10. A longitude wave consists of :
(A) crest and troughs in the medium (B) compression and rarefactions in the medium
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) neither (A), nor (B)
11. A transverse wave consists of :
(A) crests and troughs in the medium (B) compressions and rarefaction in the medium
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) neither (A), nor (B)
12. The longitudinal wave can propagate only in :
(A) solids (B) liquids (C) gases (D) all the above
13. The transverse wave can propagate on only in :
(A) liquids (B) gases (C) solids (D) vacuum
14. A part of the longitudinal wave in which particle of medium are closer then the normal particle is
called :
(A) rarefaction (B) crest (C) trough (D) compression
15. In the compression region of the medium cases of longitudinal wave :
(A) the volume monetarily decreases (B) the density momentarily
(C) the pressure monetarily increases (D) all the above
16. A part of longitudinal wave in which particle of medium are father away then the normal particles is
(A) rarefaction (B) trough (C) compression (D) crest
17. In case of longitudinal wave, in the region of rarefaction :
(A) the volume of momentarily increases (B) the density momentarily decreases
(C) the pressure momentarily decreases (C) all the above
18. In the region of compression or rarefaction, in a longitudinal wave the physical quantity which does
not change is :
(A) pressure (B) mass (C) density (D) volume
19. A slinky can produce in laboratory :
(A) transverse wave only (B) longitudinal wave only
(C) both (A) the (B) (D) none of the above
20. In case of transverse wave :
(A) the hump on the + y axis is called crest
(B) The hum on the – y axis is called crest
(C) the highest point on the hump on + y axis is called crest
(D) the highest point on the hump on the – y axis is called crest
21. In case of transverse wave :
(A) the hump on the – y axis is called trough
(B) the lowest point the hump on the – y axis is called trogh
(C) the hump on + y axis in called trough
(D) the highest point on the hump on the + y axis is called trough
22. The wavelength is the liner distance between the :
(A) two consecutive compressions
(B) two consecutive rarefactions
(D) one compression and one rarefaction
(D) both (A) and (B)
23. In case of transverse wave the wavelength is the linear distance between :
(A) two consecutive troughs (B) two consecutive crests
(C) one crest and one trough (D) both (A) and (B)
4. The change in density/pressure of medium from maximum value of the minimum value and again to
maximum value, due to the propagation of a longitudinal wave is called complete :
(A) oscillation (B) frequency (B) amplitude (D) none of the above
25. The number oscillations passing through a point in unit time is called :
(A) vibration (B) frequency (B) wavelength (D) none of the above
26. The SI unit of frequency is :
(A) hertz (B) gauss (C) wavelength (D) none of the above
27. If the frequency of a wave is 25 Hz, the total number f compression and rarefaction passion through a
point in 1 second is
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) none of the above
28. Time period of a wave in a medium is the time taken by :
(A) a compression to pass through a point (B) a rarefaction of pass through a point
(C) an oscillation to pass through a point (D) none of the above
29. Amplitude of pass wave in point
(A) is the extent of which a medium gats compressed
(B) is the extent of which ka medium gats rarefied
(C) either (A) or (B)
(D) none of the above
30. Non – mechanical (electromagnetic) wave can propagate in :
(A) material medium as wall as vacuum (B) in vacuum, but not I material medium
(B) in material medium but not in vacuum (D) neither in material medium nor in vacuum
31. The linear distance between a compression and a rarefaction or a crest and trough is :
(A) (B) (C) (D)
32. A longitudinal wave travels in water from west to east. The direction which the particle of medium
(A) east of west (B) west to east
(C) north to south (D) south to north ]
33. A stretched string is plucked gently to produce a note. The string is producing :
(A) longitudinal wave (B) stationary wave
(C) transverse wave (D) both (A) and (C)
34. A stretched slinky is given a sharp push along its length, A wave travel from one end to another, the
wave so produced is :
(A) transverse wave (B) longitudinal wave
(C) stationary wave (D) none of the above
35. A longitudinal sound wave in air consists :
(A) a number of rarefaction pulses one after the other
(B) a number of compression pulses one after the other
(C) compression and rarefaction pulses alternating with each other
(D) a rarefaction pulse followed by compression pulse, separated by some distance
36. The density of air at some point in a longitudinal sound wave is minimum at an instant. The pressure
of air at that point is :
(A) minimum (B) maximum
(B) equal t atmospheric pressure (D) none of the above
37. Which of the following is an elastic wave ?
(A) light wave (B) radio waves (C) sound wave (D) microwaves
38. Infrasonic vibrations have frequency :
(A) less then 10Hz (B) less then 20 Hz
(B) between 20 and 20,000 Hz (D) more then 20,000 Hz
39. The range of sonic waves is between
(A) 20 Hz to 2000 Hz (B) 20 Hz ot 10,000 Hz
(C) 20 Hz to 15,000 Hz (C) 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
40. The sound wave having a frequency more then 20,000 Hz are called :
(A) infrasonic wave (B) supersonic wave
(C) ultrasonic wave (C) hypersonic wave
41. The animal which cannot hear ultrasonic wave is :
(A) bat (B) cow (C) dog (D) dolphin
42. The bat hunts it prey by emitted and receiving reflected:
(A) super sonic waves (B) ultrasonic waves
(C) sonic waves (D) infrasonic waves
43. A sonic boom is produced in the air when an aircraft flies at a speed :
(A) equal to the speed of sound (B) more then the speed to sound
(C) less then the speed of sound (D) climbs vertically
45. A body sitting in a boat fires a gun. An observer P is at a distance of 50 from the boat. Another
observer Q is a diver, who is 50 m under water. Both hear the sound f gun:
(A) P hears the sound first
(B) Q hear the sound first
(B) Both P and Q hear the sound at the same time
(D) none of the above
46. When the lightning strikes, we hear multiple of cracks of thunder. These multiple reflections of sound
are called :
(A) echoes (B) reverberation (C) resonance (D) none of the above.
47. When the lightning strikes, we hear multiple of cracks of thunder. These multiple reflections of sound
(A) reverberation (B) resonance (C) echo (D) none of the above
48. For hearing an echo the minimum distance should be :
(A) less then the (B) between 10 m and 15 m
(C) 17 m or more (D) none of the above.
49. An echo is heard only, if the original sound after reflection should reach the ear in :
(A) less then (B) less then (C) more then (D) none of the above
50. A bullet is moving at a speed, more then the speed of sound. it is said to be moving at :
(A) supersonic speed (B) ultrasonic speed
(C) infrasonic speed (D) none of the above
51. Naval ships called “destroyers” can detect submarines is the sea. The device used by ships is called:
(A) ultra sonometer (B) sonar (C) ultrasonograph (D) none of the above.
52. Which is the following properties of a sound wave are effected by the change in temperature of air :
(A) frequency (B) amplitude (C) wavelength (D) intensity
53. Which of the following cases the sound travels fastest :
(A) hydrogen (B) helium (C) nitrogen (D) oxygen
54. The wave used in sonography as :
(A) microwaves (B) ultra-violet waves (C) ultrasonic waves (D) sound waves
55. The crack of thunder is hard after few second the lightning flash, because :
(A) crack of thunder and lightning are not produced at same time
(B) light travels extremely fast as compared to sound
(C) sound waves slow down on passing through air
(D) none of the above
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. A B C C C B D A C B A D C D D
Que. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. A D B C C B D D A B A B C C A
Que. 31. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 42 44 45
Ans. A B C B C A C B D C B B B C B
Que. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Ans. B C C C A B C A C B
17. In which is of the three medium: air, water or iron ; does sound fasted at a particular temperature.
18. An echo returned in 3 s. What is the distance of the reflection surface from the source given that speed
of sound is 348 ms-1
19. Why are ceilings of concert halls curved ?
20. What is the audible range of the average human ear ?
21. What is range of frequency associated with (a) infrasound (B) ultrasound?
22. A submarine emits a sonar pulse which returns from an underwater cliff I 1.02 s If. The speed of sound
in salt water is 1531 m/s, how far away is the cliff ?
23. What is sound and how is it produced ?
24. Describe with the help of a diagram, how compression and rarefaction are produced in air near a
source of sound.
25. Give an experiment to show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation.
26. Why is sound wave called a longitudinal wave ?
27. Which characteristic of he sound helps you to identity your friend by his voice while sitting with
others in a dark room ?
28. Lightning and thunder are produced simultaneously. But thunder is head a few second after the flash is
seen. Why ?
29. Humans haves has a hearing range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. What are typical wavelengths of sound
waves in air corresponding to these two frequency ? Take the sound of sound in air as 344 ms-1
30. Two children are at opposite ends of an aluminium rod. One strikes the end of the rod with a stone.
Find the ratio of time taken by the sound wave in air and in aluminium reach the second child.
31. The frequency of a source of sound is 100 Hz. How many times does it vibrate in a minute ?
32. Does sound follow the same laws of reflection as light does ? Explain.
33. When a sound is reflected from a distant object, an echo is produced. Let the distance between the
reflecting surface and the source of sound waves.
34. Give two practical applications of reflection of sound waves.
35. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower 500 m high into a pond of water at the base of the tower.
When is the splash heard at the top? Give. g = 10 ms-2 and speed of sound = 340ms-1 [Ans. 11.47 sec]
36. A sound wave travels at a speed of 339 ms -1. If its wavelength is 1.5 cm what is the frequency of the
wave ? will it be audible ? [Ans. 22600 Hz, not be audible]
37. What is reverberation? How can it reduced ?
38. What is loudness of sound ? What factors does it depends on ?
39. Explain how bats use ultrasound to catch their prey.
40. How is ultrasound used for cleaning ?
41. Explain the working and application of a sonar.
42. A sonar device on a submarine sends out a signal and receives an echo 5 s later. Calculate the speed of
sound in water if the distance of the object from the submarine is 3625m. [Ans . 1450 m/s]
43. Explain in defects in a mater block be detected using ultrasound
44. Explain how the human ear works.
45. Which physical quantity is carried a wave ? [Ans. Energy]
46. Which of the following are mechanical wave ?
(a) sound wave, (b) light wave, (c) radio wave (d) water wave
47. What kind of waves are the sound waves ?
48. Can sound waves propagate through (a) soiled (b) liquids (c) gases ?
49. Show compressions and rarefaction in a longitudinal wave.
50. Two persons take on the surface of the moon. Will they be able to hear each other ?
51. Sound travels through solid, liquid and gas.
(a) In which medium is the velocity maximum ?
(b) In which medium is the velocity least ?
52. What is the frequency of wave with a time period of 0.05s ? [Ans. 20 Hz]
53. How is the wave velocity related to longitudinal and a frequency ?
54. Write down two difference between a longitudinal and a transverse wave.
55. Define the amplitude of a wave. Show it graphically. What does the amplitude of a wave describe? D
56. Show the wavelength of a wave with the help of a diagram.
57. A bat can hear sound of frequency 100 kHz. Find the wavelength of the sound wave in air
corresponding to this frequency. Give, speed of sound in air = 344 m-1 [Ans. 3.44mm]
58. A body heard a sound of frequency 100 Hz at a distance of 500 m from the source of sound. What is
the time period of oscillating particles of the medium? [Ans. time period = 0.01 sec]
59. The waves are produced at a frequency of 40 Hz. If the wavelength of these wave is 2.5 cm, calculate
the speed of the waves. [Ans. 1m/s]
60. A radio station transmits waves of wavelength 200 m. if the speed of the waves is 3 × 10 8 m/s, find
the frequency of the radio station. [Ans. 1.5 × 106Hz]
61. Calculate the time taken by a sound wave of frequency 1000 Hz and wavelength 50 cm to travel
distance of 500 m. [Ans. T = 15, v = 500 m/s]
62. Audible rage of frequency is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Find the rage of wavelength corresponding to this
frequency. Given, velocity of sound = 340 ms-1 [Ans. =17m]
63. A rock at the band of a coast is struck by water waves. Find the frequency of the wave striking the
rock, if the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs is 50 metre. Given velocity of water
wave = 50 ms-1 [Ans. 1 Hz]
64. A long spring whose one end is rigidly fixed is stretched from the other end then left. Longitudinal
wave of frequency 10 Hz produced. If the velocity of the wave is 25 ms -1, find the distance between
two consecutive compressions in the spring. [Ans. 2.5m ]
Important Notes