s10853 022 07699 3
s10853 022 07699 3
s10853 022 07699 3
I N N O V A T I O N Iin
N MMaterials
A T E R I A L S P RProcessing
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India
Research and Development, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
Department of 3D Printing, Korean Institute of Machinery and Materials, Daejeon, South Korea
Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, RIST, Pohang, South Korea
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:18178–18194 18179
were chosen, which lie in the GaTe-InTe and Ga2Te3- 1 1 2nii 1 2nij
In2Te3 quasi-binary sections. Microstructure and ¼ þ i ð6Þ
Zi Ziii 2nii þ nij Zij 2nii þ nij
thermal analysis of the as-cast alloys is carried out
using a combination of optical, scanning electron where Zii is the value Zi when all nearest-neighbor
microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and dif- atoms of atom i are atoms i, and Zij is the value of Zi
ferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). when all nearest neighbors are j atoms.
Considering all relations through Eq. 1–6, the DgAB
Thermodynamic models can be determined as a function of the pair fraction as
The thermodynamic properties of liquid solution X X 0j j
were analyzed using the MQM which accounts for DgAB ¼ DgAB þ Dgi0
the short-range ordering (SRO) in terms of the pair i1 j1
approximation as follows:
where DgAB , Dgi0
AB , and DgAB are the MQM parame-
ðA A Þ þ ðB B Þ ¼ 2ðA B Þ; DgAB ð1Þ ters in the A–B binary liquid solution.
The CEF is used to describe the Gibbs energies of
where (i-j) represents the first-nearest neighbor
solid solution phases such as the BCT structure in the
(FNN) pair between components i and j. DgAB is the
Ga-In binary system and two line compound phases
Gibbs energy change of formation of two moles of (A
of GaTe-InTe and Ga2Te3-In2Te3 in the Ga-In-Te
B) pairs in a binary A-B liquid solution. The Gibbs
ternary system. In the CEF, a solid solution is mod-
energy of the liquid solution can be expressed by the
eled with proper consideration of sublattices [16]. The
following equation:
Gibbs free energy of two sublattice structure,
L ¼ nA gA þ nB gB TDS
þ ðnAB =2ÞDgAB ð2Þ ðA; BÞn ðC; DÞm can be expressed as:
0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00
where nA , nB; and nAB are the moles of A, B, and (A-B) Gsol
S ¼ yA yC GA:C þ yA yD GA:D þ yB yC GB:C þ yB yD GB:D
þ nRTðy0A ln y0A þ y0B ln y0B Þ þ mRT(y00C lny00C + y00D lny00D Þ
pair, respectively. gA and gB are the molar Gibbs
energies of the pure A and B components, which + y0 y0 y00 L + y0 y00 y00 L
i;j;k i j k i;j:k i;j;k k i j k;i:j
were taken from Scientific Group Thermodata Eur-
ope (SGTE) database [17]. ð8Þ
DSconfig is the configurational entropy of mixing in where yi and y00i are the site fraction of species i in the
the MQM. As can be seen in Eq. 3, the random dis- corresponding sublattice. Gi:j is the Gibbs free energy
tribution of the (A-A), (B-B), and (A-B) pairs were of an end-member, the Li;j:k and Lk:i;j are the CEF
intrinsically considered based on the ideal entropy of parameters to be determined.
mixing term. FactSage thermochemical software [18] was used to
DSconfig ¼ RðnA lnXA þ nB lnXB Þ determine the model parameters. More detailed
! ! ! notations and correlation of equations in MQM and
R nAA ln þ nBB ln þ nAB lnð Þ CEF can be found elsewhere [13, 14, 16]. The self-
Y2A Y2B 2YA YA consistent thermodynamic parameters from the pre-
ð3Þ sent optimization is given in Table 1.
Table 1 Optimized model parameters of the Ga-In-Te system (All values are in J/mol)
Line compounds
(Ga,In)2(Te)3 GGa:Te ¼ GGa2 Te3
GIn:Te ¼ GIn2 Te3
L0Ga;In:Te ¼ 4500 þ 12T
L1Ga;In:Te ¼ 1000 - 7 T
(In,Ga)(Te) GInTe ¼ GInTe
GGaTe ¼ GGaTe ?50
L0Ga;In:Te ¼ 6000 þ 18T
L1Ga;In:Te ¼ 2000 þ 15T
Modified quasichemical model
Compound energy formalism
Table 2 Target alloy compositions and the measured data using SEM–EDS analysis (at%)
Alloy In Ga Te
Nominal compositions
IGT1 25 25 50
IGT2 20 20 60
IGT3 35 15 50
EDS analysis
IGT1 23.64 ± 1.55 26.36 ± 2.04 49.89 ± 2.5
IGT2 18.78 ± 2.17 23.74 ± 2.18 57.48 ± 1.43
IGT3 36 ± 1.5 14.7 ± 2 49.19 ± 1.3
mentioned in Table 2 along with the compositions Leica-DM2500M optical microscope along with SEM
measured using the EDS analysis at the 5X magnifi- Supra 40 equipped with EDS were used for the
cation of all the alloys. More than 20 area analysis microstructure and composition analysis of the
were performed to calculate the average composition. solidified alloys. XRD analysis was performed using
18182 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:18178–18194
The In-Te system was thermodynamically optimized Figure 1 Calculated phase diagram of In-Te system along with
experimental data and calculated by Oh and Lee [19].
by Oh and Lee [19] using the ionic solution model to
explain the SRO exhibited in the liquid solution.
phase is a superstructure of the b-form with a high
Klemm and Vogel [20] reported a phase diagram of
density of stacking faults. No clear evidence is
the In-Te system for the first time utilizing thermal
reported on stability temperature and composition
and qualitative X-Ray analysis and identified three
range of the disordered phase. Therefore, no phase
compounds In2Te, InTe, and In2Te3. Grochowski et al.
transition in ordered In2Te3 has been considered in
[21] reported four new intermetallic compounds
the present study. The calculated phase diagram is
(In9Te7, In3Te4, In3Te5, and In2Te5) based on DTA,
shown in Fig. 1 along with experimental data and the
metallographic, and XRD analysis along with two
calculated one by Oh and Lee [19].
previously reported intermetallic compounds (InTe
The measured enthalpy of formation of inter-
and In2Te3). Wobst [22] measured the miscibility gap
metallic compounds at 298.15 K is summarized in
of the liquid solution on the In-rich side using DTA.
Table 3 and plotted in Fig. 2 along with the experi-
Glazov and Pavlova [23] measured the liquidus curve
mental data [25, 28–34]. The present optimization
using thermal analysis. Said and Castanet [24]
corresponded very well with all compound phases.
determined the liquidus line using DTA and
However, Oh and Lee [19]’s prediction, shown as
Calorimetry measurements. Zlomanov et al. [25]
dashed line in the figure, has a deviation from the
studied the system to resolve the discrepancies about
experimental data because they considered the dif-
intermetallic compounds. They reported only four
ferent compound phases such as In9Te7, In3Te4, and
intermetallic compounds, In4Te3, InTe, In2Te3, and
In2Te5 as stable compounds under standard condi-
The calculated mixing enthalpy is shown in
tions based on XRD and calorimetric analysis. The
Fig. 3(a) along with experimental data. The enthalpy
previously reported phases such as In2Te, In9Te7,
of mixing of liquid phase has been measured by
In3Te4, In3Te5, and In4Te7 [20, 21, 26] were not
Maekawa et al. [35] at 753, 843, and 998 K, and Lee
detected by their work. The intermetallic compounds
and Lee [36] at 976 and 891 K using high temperature
of In4Te3, InTe, In2Te3, and In2Te5 confirmed by
calorimetry. They reported the minimum of mixing
Zlomanov et al. [25] were considered in the present
enthalpy around 34–38 kJ/mole-atom at XTe = 0.6.
optimization. Zaslavskii and Sergeeva [27] have
Predel et al. [37] reported a much positive value of
reported two components of In2Te3 phase ordered a-
liquid -22 kJ/mole-atom at XTe = 0.51 using solution
In2Te3 and disordered b-In2Te3 using XRD data.
calorimetry at the temperature 1114 K. Said and
According to Zaslavskii and Sergeeva [27] a-In2Te3
Castanet [38] used the direct reaction calorimetry at
transform to b-In2Te3 at 893 K and is stable in very
987, 1123, and 1340 K. Their data shows the asym-
narrow temperature range. However, electron
metry at 987 K, and the minimum point gradually
microscope study shows two-ordered In2Te3 phase
shifted to near XTe = 0.5 at 1340 K. In order to
(In2Te3-I and In2Te3-II). The first ordered phase is a
reproduce the temperature dependence of symmetry
long period superlattice whereas the second ordered
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:18178–18194 18183
Ga-In system
Figure 3 Calculated a Enthalpy of mixing of liquid In-Te solution at 1300 K and 980 K, and b Activity at 900 K with respective
experimental data.
temperature (288.35–289.15 K) is under the general calculated activity is shown in Fig. 5b along with
agreement; however, there exists considerable scat- experimental data.
tering in eutectic composition (13.8–16.7 at%In).
Experimentally determined values of eutectic tem- Ga-Te system
perature and compositions are listed in Table 4. As
per the present optimization, the eutectic tempera- Irle et al. [68], Oh and Lee [69] and Liu et al. [70] have
ture and composition are 288.22 K and XIn = 0.16, optimized the Ga-Te binary system. Irle et al. [68]
respectively, which agree with the literature value as used the associate solution model with Ga2Te3 as an
discussed above. The calculated phase diagram in the associate component and obtained a reasonable
present study is shown in Fig. 4 along with experi- agreement with the measured mixing enthalpy
mental values and calculated one by Kulawik et al. [68, 71–73]. Oh and Lee [69] re-evaluated the system
[57]. using a two sub-lattice ionic model for the liquid
The enthalpy of mixing in liquid solution has been phase and considered experimental data that were
measured by Bros et al. [58] at 742 K, Bros at 423 K published after Irle et al. [68]’s work. Later, Liu et al.
[59], Ansara et al. [60] at 995 K, Predel and Stein [52] [70] considered the latest lattice stability parameter of
at 623 K, Girard et al. [61] at 990 K using calorimetry. Te and revised the phase diagram by slight modify-
Mechkovskii and Vecher [62] used thermal analysis ing model parameters. The Ga-Te binary system was
to measure the mixing enthalpy at 443 K. Recently, optimized in our previous study [11] using the MQM
Dominika and Piotr [63] measured the mixing for the liquid phase to keep the thermodynamic
enthalpy along with partial mixing enthalpy of In in consistency for the ternary extension. In addition, the
liquid using high-temperature drop calorimetry at heat capacity of the solid compounds (GaTe, Ga2Te3,
1123, 1273, and 1423 K. The mixing enthalpy of liquid and Ga2Te5) was redefined based on available
data are consistent and agree well with each other experimental data [74–76]. The calculated phase dia-
except Dominika and Piotr [63]. Dominika and Piotr gram along with experimental data [20, 22, 23, 77–79]
[63] reported temperature dependency of mixing and mixing enthalpy of liquid at 1123 K along with
enthalpy between 1123 and 1423 K; however, the rest experimental data [68, 71–73] are shown in Fig. 6a
of the studies do not show such temperature depen- and b, respectively.
dency. The calculated mixing enthalpy is shown in
Fig. 5a along experimental data. The activity in liquid Ga-In-Te system
solution has been measured by Macur et al. [64] using
Kuliev et al. [80] studied the GaTe-InTe section using
Knudsen effusion method, Bergman-Desnuelle [65]
DTA and XRD. Wooley et al. [81] studied Ga2Te3-
using mass spectrometry, Klinedinst et al. [66] and
In2Te3 using thermal and X-ray analysis. According
Pong and Donaghey [67] using the EMF method. The
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:18178–18194 18185
In Te Ga
Figure 5 Calculated a Mixing enthalpy of Ga-In liquid at 900 K and b Activity of In and Ga in liquid at 1223 K along with respective
experimental data.
Figure 6 Calculated a phase diagram of Ga-Te and b Mixing enthalpy of Ga-Te liquid at 1223 K [11].
asymmetric component was used as a first approxi- enthalpy along the section of Ga0.4In0.6-Te in the
mation of Gibbs free energy of the ternary liquid ternary Ga-In-Te system at 1173 K is shown in Fig. 7c
solution in the Ga-In-Te system. Figure 7a and b together with experimental data [83]. The calculated
shows the calculated pseudo binary sections of InTe- liquidus projection in the Ga-In-Te system is shown
GaTe and In2Te3-Ga2Te3, respectively, along with in Fig. 8 along with the compositions chosen for
experimental data [80, 81]. As shown in Fig. 7a and b, experimental investigation. In addition, the calcu-
the present calculation reproduces well the experi- lated four point intersections or invariant reactions in
mental phase diagram data [80, 81] and the transition the Ga-In-Te are tabulated in Table 5. There are three
temperatures measured in this study. It is noted that monotectic, two eutectic, and four quasi-peritectic
no additional ternary liquid parameter was used for reactions in this ternary system.
the ternary calculations. The calculated mixing
J Mater Sci (2022) 57:18178–18194 18187
Figure 7 Calculated vertical sections of a GaTe-InTe and b In2Te3—Ga2Te3 along with the liquidus and solidus of the investigated alloys,
and c Enthalpy of mixing for the section Ga0.4In0.6-Te at 1173 K along with respective experimental data.
Figure 9 a Bright field optical microstructure of IGT1 at 200X, microstructure of the IGT2 and e Bright field optical
b SEM BSE mode image of the IGT1 at 388X, c Bright field microstructure of IGT3 at 200X, f SEM image of the IGT3 at
optical microstructure of as-cast IGT2 at 200X, d SEM BSE 748X.
Table 6 Compositions of the Ga-In-Te ternary alloys along with phases measured using SEM–EDS
In Ga Te In Ga Te
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(see Fig. 7a). Therefore, the liquidus as per the equi- data is required along the InTe-GaTe section to fix the
librium calculation (943.71 K) shown in Fig. 11d solubility of Ga in InTe phase. The comparison
matches well with the experimentally obtained value between the phase transitions obtained through DSC
(961.33 K). Moreover, equilibrium cooling also pre- data and the thermodynamic calculations is shown in
dicts the formation of GaInTe2 phase. In addition, the Table 7.
SEM–EDS and the XRD analyses suggest the
18190 J Mater Sci (2022) 57:18178–18194
Figure 11 a DSC curves for the IGT1, IGT2, and IGT3, and equilibrium cooling curves for b IGT1, c IGT2, and d IGT3.
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