Pli Circular 2024
Pli Circular 2024
Pli Circular 2024
F. No. FCIHQ-WRC/9/2022-PIR
Sub: Release of Final PLI for the year 2022-23 and PLI
advance for the year 2023-24.
The matter regarding payment of Final PLI for the year
2022-23 after adjustment and PLI advance for the year 2023-24
was placed before the FCI Board of Directors.
Approval of the Board of Directors has been conveyed for
the disbursal of final PLI for the year 2022-23 and payment of PLI
advance for the year 2023-24 to all eligible Category I and II
executives below Board level, Category III and IV employees and
the Departmental and DPS labourers (except FCI Departmental
labourers of Chennai and Vizag ports who are not eligible for PLI)
covered under the scheme.
i. 2/3rd of the eligible PLI amount for the financial year 2022-23
was released vide Circular No. WR-11-2023-07 dated
02.11.2023 to the Category I and II executives and cat- III &
IV staff of the Corporation subject to conditions enumerated
ii. The eligibility of Category I and II executives and Cat-III & IV
staff in regard to the PLI payable for the year 2022-23 is 2%
FCI HQ-WRC/9/2022-PIR I/1618330/2024
i. DPS labour eligibility for payment of PLI shall also include the
component mentioned as under:
• The piece-rate earning of the DPS workers based on
their actual output, forms part of the wages and therefore
may be considered for computing PLI amount.
• Interim relief of Rs.50/- per day per worker being paid to
DPS labour as per the order of NIT, Mumbai/ High court of
Bombay may also be taken as part of wages for
computing payment of PLI.
The other points to be kept under consideration while
releasing the PLI advance for the year 2023-24 are as
(a) Executives/Staffs/Labourers who retired, resigned, died
during 2023-24 shall not be paid PLI advance. PLI shall not
be admissible to the apprentices, trainees including
Management Trainees and FCI personnel working on
deputation/lien in other organizations during the year.
(b) PLI advance shall only be payable on furnishing of an
undertaking (Annexure-I) by the respective beneficiary to
refund the amount if it is decided by the FCI
Management/Government works out to less than the amount
already being released as advance for any reason. The
advance being paid is adjustable against final PLI payment
after closure of Final Accounts.
FCI HQ-WRC/9/2022-PIR I/1618330/2024
SIGNATURE ________________
DESIGNATION ________________
CPF No. ________________
STATION ____________
DATE _______________