Review and Update of Pediatric

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Review and Update of Pediatric 1. Esophageal obstruction or stricture
Transesophageal Echocardiography 2. Active gastrointestinal bleeding
3. Perforated viscus
Timothy M. Cordes, MD, Section of Pediatric Cardiology, Indiana University School of 4. Unrepaired tracheoesophageal fistula
Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana 5. Severe respiratory decompensation
6. Inadequate control of the airway
ransesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in infants,
T children and adolescents has made dramatic ad-
vances over the past 10 years. Early reports of the
pediatric application of single plane TEE began appearing in
1. Esophageal varices
2. Esophageal diverticulum
3. Cervical spine injury or deformity
4. Oropharyngeal distortion or deformity
1989 (1). Initial technology was limited to transverse plane 5. Postesophageal surgery
6. Severe coagulopathy
images. Subsequently, a monoplane probe with longitudinal
orientation was developed to overcome limitations of single
transverse plane imaging. Rapidly, by the early 1990s, the
development and use of biplane transesophageal probes to return to bypass for repair of residual defects in approxi-
occurred. Currently, miniaturization has led to small bi- mately 7– 8% of cases or more. Although pediatric transtho-
plane transesophageal probes (approximately 7–10 mm in racic echocardiography provides excellent and sufficient an-
diameter) that are appropriate for use in infants and small atomic and hemodynamic detail for presurgical evaluation
children. Still smaller biplane and multiplane probes are and planning in most cases, prebypass intraoperative TEE
being developed. Today, TEE is a common and invaluable may be useful in providing additional information in some
diagnostic tool of the pediatric cardiologist. cases (i.e., suboptimal transthoracic images). Prebypass TEE
Commonly accepted indications and contraindications may also allow more accurate pre and postoperative com-
for pediatric TEE are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively parisons of specific lesions, such as regurgitant or stenotic
(2). Specific guidelines and recommendations that address valve repair. Prebypass pediatric TEE was found to alter the
training for and performance of TEE have been published planned procedure in 11 of 104 patients in one study by
and summarized in previous reviews (3). O’Leary et al. (5). Rosenfeld et al. (6) evaluated the accuracy
Initial use of TEE was primarily performed in the operat- of residual defects found during immediate postbypass TEE.
ing room as an alternative to epicardial echocardiography. They compared the TEE findings with immediate postby-
Today, in pediatric patients, intraoperative imaging is still pass right or left ventricular outflow pressure gradients by
the most common application of TEE. It is seen as an pullback in the operating room, direct surgical inspection of
important means of assessing the adequacy of the surgical residual ventricular septal defects, pulmonary artery satura-
repair or palliation and to identify residual defects. It also tion and transthoracic echocardiogram performed within 40
provides additional information regarding cardiac function days of the operation. Although TEE was found to be very
and hemodynamics. Early studies have detailed the value of reliable for identifying residual ventricular septal defects,
postbypass TEE with regard to identification of residual mitral stenosis and mitral or aortic regurgitation (97–100%
lesions and/or the need to perform additional surgical palli- agreement with other data), the severity of residual right and
ation or repair (4). As described by Stevenson et al. (4) this left ventricular outflow obstruction was less reliable (87%
and other studies found an alteration in surgical plan or need and 96% agreement, respectively). Additionally in this
study, of the 11 patients that required immediate surgical
revision, TEE confirmed and quantified suspected residual
lesions in seven and identified unsuspected lesions in four.
Transesophageal echocardiography can also provide valu-
1. When transthoracic image/study quality is unsatisfactory able assessment of cardiac function during and immediately
2. When transthoracic window is impeded or unobtainable (i.e.,
following weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass (7). Many
intraoperative, catheterization laboratory, etc.)
3. Intraoperative evaluation, especially when residual cardiac abnormalities studies have viewed the identification of significant residual
are anticipated or suspected cardiac lesions as the quantifiable benefit to intraoperative
4. Intraoperative monitoring of ventricular function for patients with TEE. However, a more difficult to measure but perhaps
congenital heart disease undergoing noncardiac surgery equally significant value of intraoperative TEE is the imme-
5. Guidance of interventional procedures during cardiac catheterization diate feedback to the surgeon regarding the surgical pallia-
6. When vegetations or masses (which may be poorly-imaged from tion or repair and the early postoperative baseline for com-
transthoracic windows) are suspected to be present
parison with future studies.


© 1999 by the American College of Cardiology 56 1062-1458/99/$20.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S1062-1458(99)00020-3

The use of TEE has been previously described in a variety with biplane TEE. Lam et al. (15) reported the use of a 4 mm
of interventional procedures, including atrial and ventricu- diameter 17 element transverse monoplane TEE probe with
lar septal defect device closures, pulmonary and aortic bal- satisfactory results. Future potential applications being ex-
loon valvuloplasty, Brockenbrough transeptal procedures plored include dynamic three-dimensional TEE and fetal
and more. It continues to be increasingly valuable in the TEE using an intravascular ultrasound probe (16,17). Pedi-
catheterization laboratory as an adjunct to interventional atric transesophageal echocardiography has become a rou-
procedures. Several recent studies have reported the use and tine and integral part of pediatric cardiology. It is accepted as
benefit of TEE in Fontan fenestration closure and evaluation a reliable and valuable supplement to other diagnostic mo-
and guidance for dilation of systemic and pulmonary venous dalities. Continued technological advances and develop-
pathway obstructions in patients with Mustard or Senning ment promises an expanding role for and utility of pediatric
repair (8 –10). Kantoch et al. (11) compared the use of TEE TEE.
in radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of left-sided path-
ways with standard RF catheter ablation without TEE. They
found that TEE was beneficial in performing transeptal
puncture and in precisely identifying catheter tip location.
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The patients in the TEE-assisted group had slightly fewer RF echocardiography on pediatric cardiac surgery. Int J Card Imaging 1989;4:
pulses applied and significantly shorter fluoroscopy time. In 41–2.
addition, early thrombus formation was visualized in five 2. Snider A, Serwer G, Ritter S. Echocardiography in pediatric heart dis-
patients. ease, 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1997:99 –118.
The use of TEE in the pediatric intensive care unit is most 3. Fyfe DA, Ritter SB, Snider AR, et al. Guidelines for transesophageal
commonly applied to children who have undergone surgery echocardiography in children: From the Committee on Standards for
Pediatric Transesophageal Echocardiography, Society of Pediatric Echocar-
for congenital heart defects. Transthoracic imaging in these diography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1992;5:640 – 4.
patients is often limited due to bandages, chest tubes and 4. Stevenson G, Sorensen G, Gartman D, et al. Transesophageal echocar-
mechanical ventilation. Additionally, some patients may diography during repair of congenital cardiac defects: identification of
have an open sternum or may be receiving aggressive sup- residual problems necessitating reoperation. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1993;
port with the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. 6:356 – 65.
Wolf et al. (12) reviewed the use of TEE in infants and 5. O’Leary P, Hagler D, Seward J, et al. Biplane intraoperative transesoph-
ageal echocardiography in congenital heart disease. Mayo Clin Proc 1995;
children in the cardiac intensive care unit. Of 66 transesoph- 70:317–26.
ageal echocardiograms performed, 83% were in postopera- 6. Rosenfeld H, Gentles T, Wernovsky G, et al. Utility of intraoperative
tive patients. Important hemodynamic and anatomic infor- transesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of residual cardiac
mation was obtained, including residual shunts (24%), valve defects. Pediatr Cardiol 1998;19:346 –51.
regurgitation (43%), residual gradients (4%) and left ven- 7. Ninomiya J, Yamauchi H, Hosaka H, et al. Continuous transesophageal
tricular function or wall motion abnormalities (12%). Pear- echocardiography monitoring during weaning from cardiopulmonary by-
pass in children. Cardiovasc Surg 1997;5:129 –33.
son et al. (13) reported the use and benefit of TEE in aortic
8. Douglas D, Fyfe D. Use of miniature transesophageal echocardiography
and cardiac trauma in a level I pediatric trauma center. during pediatric atrial catheter interventional procedures. Am Heart J
Transesophageal echocardiography diagnosed aortic inju- 1996;132:179 – 86.
ries or provided additional anatomic detail in cardiac inju- 9. Gomez C, Lloyd T, Mosca R et al. Fontan fenestration closure in the
ries and aided in surgical management of the majority of the catherization laboratory-echocardiographic evaluation of residual right to
children reviewed. left shunts. Am J Cardiol 1998;82:1304 – 6.
The sedation requirements for young children in whom 10. Hashimi A, Hosking M, Teixeira O. Transesophageal echocardio-
graphic assessment of obstruction to the pulmonary venous pathway in
we perform TEE places special demands with regard to children with Mustard or Senning repair. Cardiol Young 1998;8:79 – 85.
personnel and monitoring. In addition, high-resolution
11. Kantoch M, Frost G, Robertson M. Use of transesophageal echocardi-
transthoracic echocardiograms are frequently complete and ography in radiofrequency catheter ablation in children and adolescents.
of excellent quality in children in the outpatient setting. For Can J Cardiol 1998;14:519 –23.
these reasons, TEE is less often performed in the pediatric 12. Wolfe L, Rossi A, Ritter S. Transesophageal echocardiography in in-
echocardiography laboratory compared with the adult echo- fants and children: Use and importance in the cardiac intensive care unit.
cardiography laboratory. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1993;6:286 –9.
Continued advances in ultrasound technology promise 13. Pearson G, Karr S, Trachiotis G, et al. A retrospective review of the role
of transesophageal echocardiography in aortic and cardiac trauma in a level
smaller probes and improving resolution. Sloth et al. (14) I pediatric trauma center. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1997;10:946 –55.
described their experience with a pediatric-sized (10.5 mm) 14. Sloth E, Hasenkam M, Sorensen K, et al. Pediatric multiplane echocar-
multiplane TEE probe in patients as small as 4.9 kg. They diography in congenital heart disease: New possibilities with a miniaturized
reported that the probe was easy to handle, provided excel- probe. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1996;9:622– 8.
lent images and offered additional information compared 15. Lam J, Nierotti R, Hardjowijono R, et al. Transesophageal echocardi-



ography with the use of a four-millimeter probe. J Am Soc Echocardiogr geal and intracardiac echocardiography utilizing intravascular ultrasound
1997;10:499 –504. techonology. Am J Cardiol 1996;77:899 –903.
16. Maeno Y, Benson L, Boutin C. Impact of dynamic 3D transesophageal
echocardiography in the assessment of atrial septal defects and occlusion by Address correspondence and reprint requests to Timothy M. Cordes, MD,
the double-umbrella device (CardioSEAL). Cardiol Young 1998;8:368 –78. Indiana University School of Medicine, Section of Pediatric Cardiology, 702
17. Kohl T, Szabo Z, VanderWall K, et al. Experimental fetal transesopha- Barnhill Drive, Riley Research Building 104, Indianapolis, IN 46202.



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