Xi English - Doc M

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of pages - 12 (M)
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80



1. A) Healthcare, education and transportation 1

2. B) Efficiency, accuracy and accessibility 1

3. B) By helping doctors analyze medical cases 1

4. C) They can improve educational content to help students 1

5. Manufacturing and customer service 1

6. Identifying who is responsible for the actions taken by AI systems 1

7. Revolutionize healthcare by analyzing vast amounts of medical data to diagnose diseases

earlier and more accurately than human doctors. In education, AI can tailor educational

content to individual students’ needs through personalized learning systems, potentially

improving overall outcomes. 2

8. The key to harnessing AI’s benefits while mitigating its risks lies in fostering

collaboration among technologists, ethicists, policymakers and the public. 2

2.A. 1. Running 1

2. 18-25, appprox. 5 hours a day 1

3. 45% 1

4. It decreases with age 1

5. physical limitations and lifestyle changes 1

B. 6. C. 56-65 1

7. D. Attribute 1

8. C. 26-35 & 18-25 1

3. Note Making and Summarization based on a passage of approximately

200-250 words. 5+3=8

i. Note Making: 5 Marks

 Title: 1

 Numbering and indenting: 1

 Key/glossary: 1

 Notes: 2

ii. Summary (up to 50 words): 3 Marks

 Content: 2

 Expression: 1

4. (any 7)

(i) who live on the first floor 1

(ii) that you are hiding a truth 1

(iii) has been raining 1

(iv) had left 1

5.a) (v) Man has been exploiting the earth for countless years. 1

(vi) Nature teaches various lessons to mankind. 1

5.b) (vii) The teacher told Ajay that he would do the whole work that day itself. 1

(viii) The mother told her daughter that she was a very bright child. 1

6. Advertisement 3

3 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 1 / Expression: 1

A) Requirements:

- Pleasant personality

- Proficient in English

- Good communication skills

- Basic computer knowledge


- Welcome visitors

- Answer calls

- Manage reception

How to apply?

- Deadline

- Address

B) Requirements:

- Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management

- Minimum 5 years of experience

- Strong leadership and communication skills

Apply: Send resume to hr@hotelcitypark.com or call 012-3456789.

- Deadline

- Address

7. Short writing task –Poster up to 50 words. 3

3 marks: Format: 1 / Content: 1 / Expression: 1

a. -Clear and engaging headline

- Emphasis on benefits of yoga (mental and physical fitness, flexibility, stress


- Specific details (session timing, location)

- Invitation to all students and staff

- Instruction to bring yoga mat

- Concise and within word limit

- Attractive and motivating language

b. Clear and urgent headline

- Emphasis on the issue of water scarcity in summer

- Call to action: conserve water

- Practical tips (fix leaks, use water wisely)

- Encouragement to spread awareness

- Concise and within word limit

- Persuasive and impactful language

8. Long Writing task: Speech in 120-150 words 5

5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2

A. Proper greeting and self-introduction

- Definition and explanation of early rising

- Mention of physical benefits (e.g., exercise, health)

- Mention of mental benefits (e.g., increased productivity, focus)

- Use of studies or evidence supporting benefits

- Encouragement and motivation for audience to adopt early rising

- Conclusion summarizing key points

- Engaging and persuasive language

- Adherence to word limit (150-200 words)

- Proper structure and flow of speech

B. Clear introduction with greeting and self-introduction

- Reference to the article in The Hindu

- Importance of health care for Indian children

- Key points on why health care is essential (e.g., prevention of diseases, improved

quality of life, better academic performance)

- Mention of current health care challenges faced by Indian children

- Call to action for students to raise awareness and participate in health initiatives

- Conclusion summarizing the importance of health care

- Engaging and persuasive language

- Adherence to word limit (125-150 words)

- Proper structure and flow of speech

9. Debate based on visual/verbal inputs in 120-150 words 5

5 Marks: Format: 1 / Content: 2 / Expression: 2)


Introduction: Clear statement of position (for or against)

Arguments: Concise and logical points supporting the position

- For/Against: highlighting the different aspects of the impact social media is having on

the people .


Effects of Obesity-children get fitness training

Creates complexes in some students-academics affected-children get diverted

- Evidence: Relevant data and examples to substantiate arguments

- Counter Arguments: Addressing opposing views effectively

- Conclusion: Summarizing main points convincingly

- Persuasiveness: Using engaging language

- Use of supportive data

10.A. One Poetry extract out of two: 3x1=3

1. C. A thick piece of paper with a photo of the poet’s mother attached

2. Mother’s childhood, joy with cousins while paddling

3. B The poet’s mother


B. 1. A. Launches towards the sky

2. A. Still and silent

3. Subsides to empty

11.A. 1. Because she had been old and wrinkled for last twenty years 3x1=3

2. B Simile

3. C Attractive


B. 1. B. Head

2. C. Probe

3. Tourists from around the world had descended into the cramped, rock-cut tomb

some 26 feet underground to pay their respects

12. Answers: 4x1=4

A. i) a) her mother’s belongings

ii) b) It reminded her of a lost connection with her family.

iii) b) pain and nostalgia

iv) Things were not used in appropriate way and were kept roughly


B. 1. D. All of the above

2. C. By shouting at them

3. It is no harm; pay no attention to it.

4. His horse had been stolen and the surrey was of no use without the horse

13. 1. The poet’s mother and her two cousins Dolly and Betty 3x2=6

 snapshot taken by the poet’s uncle

 enjoying a seaside holiday

 In beautiful beach outfits

 without a care in the world


2. When the goldfinch enters the dense leaf cover of the laburnum tree to feed her


 The poet uses the metaphor of an engine to depict the stirrings, sounds, and

energy that can be heard.


 The ship’s speed was reduced down to prepare for the bad weather.

 The storm jib was dropped.

 They formed a loop out of thick mooring rope and fastened it across the


 They completed their life-raft drill after fastening everything together.

 They fastened lifelines and donned life jackets and water-resistant clothing.



 An anatomy professor X-rayed King Tut’s mummy in 1968, some 40 years

after Carter found his tomb.

 He disclosed the surprising truth that his breastbone and front ribs are

absent behind the resin that covers his chest.

14. A. 3x1=3

 Refuses to iron her dress

 Pokes fun of Charlie Spence, her boyfriend

 Talks to her bluntly

 Told her to be respectful to her friends


B. John Byro- an Assyrian farmer-learnt Armenian to communicate with the local

people- had a carriage-visited the narrator’s house and stated how his stolen white

horse was still missing-that suggested that he was the owner of the horse- he saw

Mourad with his horse, but didn’t accuse him of stealing-the reputation of the tribe

for honesty-at the end of the story, he got back his horse.

15.A. Village Education: scriptures, Religious texts(liked the pattern of education) 1x6=6

City Education: Science, Maths, Art and Literature(did not understand these subjects and

was not able to understand them- disliked dance, music etc.-acts of harlots)

Creativity of the child to be awarded about the child’s preferences


B. Kind of mutualism-Laburnum tree is vital- provides shelter to goldfinch and her kids-

bird and the young ones give life to the tree and keep it alive

-Creativity of the child to be awarded about the child’s preferences

16.A. Both the ladies swapped their roles-teach kids to be morally upright and learn to

behave-teach Mr. Pearson the lesson of self respect-taught the family to respect

Mrs. Pearson. 1x6=6

Creativity of the child to be awarded about the child’s preferences


B. To have the last look at the things of her mother- felt that they have lost their charm-

rather remind her of her mother-pained her-so decided not to take the things back or

return there ever.

Creativity of the child to be awarded about the child’s preferences


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