ETH - 8000073474 - Draft Tender

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Name of Work: - (HE-C-WS-CCRD

CCRD-07)) Laying/Replacement of various dia. water
mains and allied works due to proposed improvement of roa
roads in
cement concrete in Zone III of Western
stern Suburbs Section (2024-

Tender Reference no.: - HE/1382/

HE/1382 SR dated 14.08.202412.09.2023.

Work Code: - HE-C-WS-CCRD


Tender ID: - 2024_MCGM_


Sd/- dtd.13.08.2024 Sd/- dtd.13.08.2024 Sd/- dtd.13.08.2024

S.E.W.W.(Const.) W.S. S.E.W.W.(Const.) W.S. A.E.W.W.(Const
onst.) W.S.

Sd/- dtd.13.08.2024
.08.2024 Sd/- dtd.14.08.2024
E.E.W.W.(Const.) W.S.
W Dy.HydraulicEngineer

Sd/- dtd.14.08.2024
Hydraulic Engineer

Office of the Executive Engineer Water Works (Construction)WS
C Wing,
ing, Sadbhav Excel Estate Soc. Opp. Patel Petrol Pump.
Govindji Shroff Marg, Goregaon (West), Mumbai- 400104.





1 E-TENDER NOTICE 05 to 12


3 DISCLAIMER 19 to 22




7 SCOPE OF WORK 105 to 120



10 SPECIFICATIONS 193 to 196


12 PRE-BID MEETING 203 to 206


14 APPENDIX 215to 278







HE/1382/ SR dated 14.08.202412

Subject: - (HE-C-WS-CCRD-07) Laying/Replacement of various dia. water mains and allied works
due to proposed improvement of roads in cement concrete in Zone III of Western Suburbs
Section (2024-2026).
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) invites online e-tender to appoint Contractor for
the aforementioned work from contractors of repute, multidisciplinary engineering organizations i.e.
eminent firm, Proprietary/Partnership Firms/ Private Limited Companies/ Public Limited
Companies/Companies registered under the Indian companies act 2013, the contractors registered
with the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in Class AA, Category IV as per old
registration and Class I (A)as per new registrationand from the contractors/firms equivalent and
superior classes registered in Central or State Government/Semi Govt. Organization/Central or State
Public Sector Undertakings, will be allowed subject to condition that, the contractors who are not
registered with BMC will have to apply for registering their firm within three months’ time period from
the award of contract, and shall establish office in Mumbai Metropolitan Region otherwise their Bid
Security i.e. E.M.D (Earnest Money Deposit) will be forfeited/recovered and an amount equal to
Registration Fee of respective class will be recovered as penalty. Bidding Process will comprise of
THREE stages.
The forms of Tender documents are available on the e-Tendering website The aspiring Applicants will have to download Tender form, from the website
mentioned above. The bidder has to fill in online format and upload information regarding Tender Online.
Also, he has to download the Tender application form from website, fill it and upload the scanned copy of
duly filled form, along with required documents.
For purchasing the Tender documents, the bidders will have to get registered with e-tender portal
( for the e-tendering process and obtain login credentials to participate in the
online Tender process. The details of the same are available on For
registration, enrolment for digital signature certificates and user manual, please refer to respective links
provided in e-tendering tab on
The applicant has to pay Scrutiny Fee of Rs. 27,500 + 18 % GST (9 % CGST+ 9 % SGST)) in
any CFC of BMC by challan as per Circular No. CA/FRG/03/dt. 11.05.2023 & CA/FRG/10/dt.
19.10.2023 & CA/FRG/18/dt. 27.02.2024) after opening of Packet A & B and before opening of Packet


Name and location of work Contract Estimated Cost of Project

(HE-C-WS-CCRD-07)Laying/Replacement of
various dia. water mains and allied works due to 24 Months
proposed improvement of roads in cement concrete (Excluding GST)
in Zone III of Western Suburbs Section (2024-2026).

While submitting duly filled tender document through e-tender portal needs to pay Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)(1% of Estimated Cost)
amounting to Rs.56,47,350/- (Rupees Fifty Six LakhForty SevenThousandThree Hundred
FiftyOnly)Onlinethrough online payment gateway of GoM on url is
refundable in accordance to the relevant clause of bid document, except in the case of the selected Bidder
whose Bid Security/EMD shall be retained. The Bidders will have to provide Earnest Money Deposit
through the payment gateways as mentioned above while submitting the bids. The Bid shall be
summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit. The tender is available one-
Tendering website mentioned in the Header Data of the tender.

 The Applicant has to prepare & submit Tender Documents Online on or before last date of
submission as mentioned in tender notice.
 The Applicant should upload the documents in readable form, He should take trial of uploads
by taking printout. The unreadable documents will be treated as null & void. The remaining
documents will be evaluated. The decision of opening Authority regarding this will be binding
to all applicants.

 The Municipal Commissioner reserves the right to reject all or any of the e- tender(s) without
assigning any reasons at any stage.

 This tender document is not transferable.

Packet A, B& C shall be opened on dates as mentioned in header data. All the responsive and
eligible bidders if they so wish can be present at the time of opening of bids, in the office of Executive
Engineer, Water Works (Construction) WS. The Packet C shall be opened if bids submission in Packet
A& B satisfies/includes all the requirements and same are found acceptable to the Authority.

The dates and time for submission and opening the bids are as shown in the Header Data. If there
are any changes in the dates the same will be displayed on the BMC Portal ( as
well as
The Applicants interested in the above referred works may contact the Executive Engineer Water
Works (Const.) WS at the following address on any working day during office hours.
Office of the Executive Engineer Water Works (Construction)WS
C Wing, Sadbhav Excel Estate Soc. Opp. Patel Petrol Pump.
Govindji Shroff Marg, Goregaon (West), Mumbai- 400104.

The applicants if desired may visit the area under reference i.e.H/East, H/West&K/East wards
of Zone III in Western Suburbs area ofMumbai and can collect the information of the present status
from the Office of Executive Engineer Water Works (Const.) W.S. who have invited the bids.
The BMC reserves the rights to accept any of the application or reject any or all the application
received for above works, without assigning any reasons thereof. The information regarding above
subject matter is available e-Tendering website (

Tenderers are requested to submit and upload the tenders in time on or before the stipulated day so
as to avoid rush at the closing hours. BMC will not be responsible for poor connectivity of network /
internet services / connectivity of servers / snag in system / breakdown of network / or any other
interruptions. If any online information is uploaded but not received by Bid creator (BMC) within
stipulated time limit, BMC will not be held responsible at any cost and such bids cannot be validated.
Any online intimation / information asked to be submitted by Bidders /Contractors or sent to bidders/
Contractors, if not receiving or bounced back at the receiving end due to any problem in the server or
connectivity, BMC will not be held responsible.

Sd/- 14.08.2024
Hydraulic Engineer


10 | P a g e

Tender ReferenceNo: Ref No:- HE/1382/ SR dated 14.08.202412

Tender ID: -2024_MCGM_1070262944697Work

code: HE-C-WS-CCRD-07
Name of Organization Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
Subject (HE-C-WS-CCRD-07)Laying/Replacement of various
dia. water mains and allied works due to proposed
improvement of roads in cement concrete in Zone III
of Western Suburbs Section (2024-2026).
Scrutiny Fees Rs.27,500 + 18% GST(As per Circular No.
CA/FRG/18/dt. 27.02.2024)
Cost of E-Tender(Estimated Rs.56,47,34,016/-
Bid Security Deposit/ EMD Total EMD: Rs. 56,47,350/-(1% of Estimated cost)

Bid Validity Period 180 days (From Due date of Bid)

Bid Sale Start Date & Time 19.08.2024 from 11.00 Hrs.
Bid Sale End Date & Time 09.09.2024upto 16.00 Hrs
Bid Submission End Date & 09.09.2024 upto 16.00 Hrs
Pre-Bid Meeting 26.08.2024at 15:00 Hrs in conference room of Hydraulic
Engineer, Municipal Engineering Hub Building, First
Floor, Dr. E. Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai-400018
Opening of Packet A (Online) 13.09.2024 after 12.00 Hrs.
Opening of Packet B (Online) 20.09.2024 after 12.00 Hrs.
Opening of Packet C (Online) 27.09.2024 after 12.00 Hrs.
Address for communication Office of the Executive Engineer Water Works
(Construction)WS, C Wing, Sadbhav Excel Estate Soc.
Opp. Patel Petrol Pump, Govindji Shroff Marg, Goregaon
(West), Mumbai- 400104.
Venue for opening of bid Office of the Executive Engineer Water Works
(Construction)WS, C Wing, Sadbhav Excel Estate Soc.
Opp. Patel Petrol Pump, Govindji Shroff Marg, Goregaon
(West), Mumbai- 400104.

This tender document is not transferable.

The BMC reserves the rights to accept any of the application or reject any or all the application received
for above subject without assigning any reason thereof.
Hydraulic Engineer

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2.1 Technical Capacity
The tenderer(s) in their own name should have satisfactorily completed the work of similar nature in
BMC /Semi Govt. /Govt. & Public Sector Organizations during last seven (7) years ending last day of
month previous to the date of issue of tender as a prime Contractor (or as a nominated sub-Contractor,
where the subcontract had involved similar nature of work as described in the scope of works in this bid
document, provided further that all other qualification criteria are satisfied).

a) Three similar completed works each of value not less than the value equal to 30% of estimated
cost put to tender i.e. Rs.1694.20 Lakhs each.


b) Two similar completed works each of value not less than the value equal to 35% of estimated
cost put to tender i.e.Rs.1976.57 Lakhs each.
c) One similar completed work of value equal and or not less than the 50% of estimated cost put to
tender i.e.Rs.2823.67 Lakhs each.

The value of completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value
of work at compound rate of 10 % per annum; calculated from the date of completion to the date of
issue of tenders.

*In case of ongoing works to be considered, the bidder must have received payment bills of
80% of the contract sum for the work/works executed last day of month previous to the one
in which bids are invited.

2.2 Financial Capacity

Achieved an average annual financial turnover as certified by ‘Chartered Accountant’ (in all
classes of civil engineering construction works only) equal to 30% of the estimated cost i.e Rs.1694.20
Lakhs of work in last three (3) financial years immediately preceding the Financial Year in which bids
are issued.
 To ascertain this, tenderer(s) shall furnish /upload the financial statement (Audited balance
sheet) duly certified by Chartered Accountant.

15 | P a g e
 The value of completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value
of work at compound rate of 10 % per annum; calculated from the date of completion to the date of
issue of tenders.

2.3 Similar Experience:

Similar Experience shall mean, completed works laying/ replacement/ rehabilitation of various
dia.water pipe lines in Cast Iron/ Ductile Iron/ M.S. Pipes/ HDPE/MDPE Pipes carrying water pressure
and pressurized sewer mainsand pressure pipe lines as rising main/ petroleum/ gas pipe lines.

2.4 Bid Capacity:

The bid capacity of the prospective bidders will be calculated as under:
Assessed Available Bid Capacity = (A* N* 2 - B)
A = Maximum value of Civil Engineering works completed in any one year (year means Financial year)
during the last five years (updated to the price level of the Financial year in which bids are invited
at a compounded rate of 10% per year) taking into account the completed works.

Enhancement of turnover up to level of 2024-2025 shall be done as per updating factors given

Updating factor for 2019-2020is 1.46

Updating factor for 2020-2021is 1.33
Updating factor for 2021-2022is 1.21
Updating factor for 2022-2023 is 1.10
Updating factor for 2023-2024is 1.00

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the Project/Works, excluding monsoon period, for
which these bids are being invited. (E.g. 7 months = 7/12 year) For every intervening monsoon 0.33
shall be added to N.

B = Value of existing commitments (only allotted works) on the last date of submission of bids as per
bidding document and on-going works to be completed during the period of completion of the
Project/Works for which these bids are being invited.

Note: The statement showing the value of existing commitments and on-going works as well as the
stipulated period of completion remaining for each of the works listed should be attached along with

16 | P a g e
certificates duly signed by the Engineer-in Charge, not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or
equivalent.Bid capacity calculated should be more than Cost of work put to tender.

Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be disqualified if
they have:
- made misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in
proof of the qualification requirements; and/or
- Record for poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing the
contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history, or financial failures etc

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The information contained in this e-tender document or provided to Applicant(s), whether
verbally or in documentary or any other form, by or on behalf of the Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation(BMC), hereafter also referred as “The Authority “, or any of its employees or advisors, is
provided to Applicant(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this e-tender and such other terms and
conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This e-tender includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at
by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation(BMC) in relation to the Project. Such assumptions,
assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Applicant may require.
This e-tender may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation(BMC), its employees or advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial
situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this e-tender. The assumptions,
assessments, statements and information contained in this e-tender may not be complete, accurate,
adequate or correct. Each Applicant should therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and
should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions,
assessments, statements and information contained in this e-tender and obtain independent advice from
appropriate sources.

Information provided in this e-tender to the Applicant(s) is on a wide range of matters, some of
which may depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive
account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of
law. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation(BMC) accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or
otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed here.

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), its employees and advisors make no
representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person, including any Applicant or Bidder,
under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or
otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on
account of anything contained in this e-tender or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy,
correctness, completeness or reliability of the e-tender and any assessment, assumption, statement or
information contained therein or deemed to form part of this e-tender or arising in any way with pre-
qualification of Applicants for participation in the Bidding Process. The Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation(BMC) also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise
howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements contained in this e-tender.

21 | P a g e

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation(BMC) may, in its absolute discretion but without
being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or
assumptions contained in this e-tender.

The issue of this e-tender does not imply that the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation(BMC) is
bound to select and short-list pre-qualified Applications for Bid Stage or to appoint the selected Bidder or
Concessionaire, as the case may be, for the Project and the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation(BMC)
reserves the right to reject all or any of the Applications or Bids without assigning any reasons

The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission
of its Application including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses
associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by The Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation(BMC) or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its
Application. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Applicant and the Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation (BMC) shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other
costs or other expenses incurred by an Applicant in preparation or submission of the Application,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.

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4.1 Background:
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation covers an area of 437.71sq.kms.with a
population of 1.24 Crores as per census of 2011. The metropolis accounts major portion of India’s
international trade and government’s revenue, from being one of the foremost centers of education,
science and technological research and advancement.

The Mumbai Metropolis has historic tradition of strong civic activism dedicated to the cause
of a better life for all its citizens. And it is the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), hereafter
called the “corporation”, is the primary agency responsible for urban governance in Greater Mumbai.

BMC (The Authority) is one of the largest local self-governments in the Asian Continent. In
observance of historic traditions of strong civic activism, with the change in time and living conditions to
match with the urbanization, BMC has mainly focused in providing almost all kinds of engineering
services viz, Hydraulics, storm water drain, sewerage, water supply projects, roads, bridges, solid waste
management, and environmental services. Beside this, the BMC is also providing dedicated services in
various segments such as Health, Primary Education as well as the construction and maintenance of
Public Markets and Slaughter Houses.

BMC is an organization having different departments, right from engineering depts. to health
depts. Moreover, BMC has have other dept. like education, market, fire brigade dept., Octroi and other
such departments where quite a good number of staff members are working.

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Refer the website Bidders Manual Kit, for Instruction to Bidder.

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6.1 Scope of Application

The Authority wishes to receive Applications for Qualification in order to select experienced and
capable Applicants for the Bid Stage.

6.2 Eligibility of Applicants

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) invites e-tender to appoint Contractor for the
aforementioned work from contractors of repute, multidisciplinary engineering organizations i.e. eminent
firm, Proprietary/Partnership Firms/ Private Limited Companies/ Public Limited Companies/Companies
registered under the Indian companies’ act 2013, the contractors registered with the Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation (BMC) in Class AA, category IV as per old registration and Class I (A) as per
new registration and from the contractors/firms equivalent and superior classes registered in Central or
State Government/Semi Govt. Organization/Central or State Public Sector Undertakings, will be
allowed subject to condition that, the contractors who are not registered with BMC will have to apply
for registering their firm within three months’ time period from the award of contract, otherwise their Bid
Security i.e. E.M.D (Earnest Money Deposit) will be forfeited/recovered and an amount equal to
Registration Fee of respective class will be recovered as penalty.

6.3 Classes available for Civil Contractors (As per old registration rules):

Category Description of work

Building & allied works, pile foundation, precast or cast
in situ concrete works, diaphragm walls, ground anchors
Building C-I and allied works, water proofing, leak proofing of various
types of structures.
Bridges including road over bridges, flyover, foot over
Bridges C-II bridges, subways and culverts.
Road works of various types including storm water drains
Roads C-III culverts and training/ de-silting of nallas, underground
storm water drains.
Laying of water mains, rising mains, water pumping
Water Supply C-IV stations, reservoirs, head works.
Laying of sewers, rising main & underground storm water
Sewerage C-V drains, sewage pumping stations, treatment plants,
outfalls etc.

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6.4 Class available according to the limits of works, amount of solvency, registration fees & amount
of standing deposit prescribed for each class (As per old registration rules).

Works Solvency Scrutiny Renewal Standing

Class Registration fees
limit amount fees fees deposit
Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs
In Lacs
AA 60 2000 4000 2000 7,50,000.00
upto 3
A 30 2000 4000 2000 4,50,000.00
upto 1
B 20 1000 2000 1000 3,00,000.00
upto 50
C 15 1000 2000 1000 1,50,000.00
upto 25
D 10 1000 2000 1000 1,12,500.00
upto 10
E 5 1000 2000 1000 45,000.00




Sr. Class Upper limit Minimum Total Cost of No. of Civil Engineers
No. of Tendering Solvency Turn- Single Work Employee
Over in Completed
Last 3 within Last 3
Years years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 I(A) Without 200 4000 1500 4 Graduate with 5 years or 1
Limit Graduate with 5 years and 5
Diploma Holder with7years
2 I(B) 2500 175 2500 750 3 Graduate with 5 years or
1 Graduate with 5 years and 4
Diploma Holder with 7 years
3 I(C ) 1500 150 1500 300 3 Graduate with 5 years or 1
Graduate with 5 years and 4
Diploma Holder with7years
4 II 750 100 750 150 2 Graduate with 3 years or 1
Graduate with 3 years and 3
Diploma Holder with5years

34 | P a g e
5 III 300 75 300 90 2 Graduate with 3 years or 1
Graduate with 3 years and 2
Diploma Holder with 5
6 IV 150 40 150 50 1 Graduate with 1 year or 1
Diploma Holder with 3 years
7 IV(A) 90 25 90 30 1 Graduate with 1 year or 1
Diploma Holder with 3
8 V 50 15 50 15 1 Graduate with 1 year or 1
Diploma Holder with 3 years
9 V(A) 30 8 0 0 1 Fresh Graduate or 1 Fresh
Diploma Holder.
10 VI 15 2 0 0 1 Fresh Graduate or 1 Fresh
Diploma Holder.
11 VII 10 1 0 0 1 Fresh Graduate or 1 Fresh
Diploma Holder.
12 VIII 5 0.5 0 …. 1 Fresh Graduate or 1 Fresh
Diploma Holder.
13 IX 3 0.25 ….. …. 1 Fresh Graduate or 1 Fresh
Diploma Holder.
Note:- 1) A Solvency Certificate registered beyond 12 months from the date of its issue will not be
considered. Certificate of Solvency (in Hindi/Marathi/English) shall be obtained from scheduled
or Nationalize Bank, in the name of the applicant/Firm/Company only.
2) Turn-over shall be supported with work completion/performance certificate of civil works only.
In case of works carried out in private organization, T.D.S. Certificate is essential and certificate
from License Architect is necessary.
3) Cost of single work criteria will be governed as given in below table

6.6 SINGLE WORK CRITERIA (Rs. In Lakhs) (As per New registration rules)


Sr.No. Class Upper limit Single work criteria(Applicant has to fulfill one of the following criteria)
of Tendering Minimum Cost of Cost of Two Works Cost of Three Works
Single Work Completed costing not Completed costing not
Completed (within less than (With- in Last less than (Within Last 3
Last 3 years) 3 years) years)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 I(A) Limit 1500 750 500
2 I(B) 2500 750 400 250
3 I(C) 1500 300 150 100
4 II 750 150 75 50
5 III 300 90 50 30
6 IV 150 50 25 20
7 IV(A) 90 30 15 10
8 V 50 15 8 5

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6.7 Equipment Capabilities as required for this work
Equipment Capability:

Sr.No. Equipments owned/access to Requirements (No.)

Regular and New and For other
Routine works Original Works special works
1 2 3 4
01 Pumps for dewatering 2 (15 BHP) - -
02 Submersible pumps for dewatering 5 (10BHP) & - -
3(5 BHP)
03 Rock breaker with compressor 2 - -
04 Crane 1
05 Pipe cutter 4 - -
06 Ratchet Drilling machine. 4 - -
07 Roller Vibratory Min. 10T 2 - -
08 Welding set. 5 - -
09 Compressor 4 - -
10 Transit Mixer (Tilted) 2 - -
11 J.C.B. 2 - -
12 Excavator / Poclain 1 - -
13 Dumper / Trucks 8 Cu.m capacity 4 - -
14 Dumper / Trucks 4 Cu.m capacity 4 - -
15 C.C.T.V. Camera 1 - -
16 Mobile D.G.set 2 - -
17 Plate Vibrator 3 - -
a) Regular and Routine works: The successful bidder will make the arrangements of the required
equipment on the day of commencement or with respect to the progress of the work in phases, as
per the instructions of site in charge. The successful bidder and, to that effect he will ensure
commitment on an undertaking on Rs.500 stamp paper to be submitted along with the Bid in
Packet B. However, this condition in no way shall dilute the respective condition in Registration
Rules of BMC.
b) New and Original Works: The bidder should, undertake their own studies and furnish with
their bid, a detailed construction planning and methodology supported with assessment study of
requirements of equipment/plants & machineries to allow the employer to review their proposal.
The bidder will ensure his commitment to make the arrangements of the required equipment on
the day of commencement or with respect to the progress of the work in phases, as per the
instructions of site in charge on an undertaking on Rs.500 stamp paper to be submitted along with
the Bid in Packet B. However, this condition in no way shall dilute the respective condition in
Registration Rules of BMC.
c) Special Works: The concerned Ch.Eng. shall enlist the equipments in the tender document
justified for the project and ensure the capacity of the bidder for the same with the approval of
concerned AMC.

36 | P a g e

1. Bidders shall submit the undertaking for equipment capability and other undertakings as
such on a single Rs.500/- stamp paper.-
6.8 Technical Personnel
(A) General Guidelines for Fixing Requirement of Technical Staff
Cost of work Requirement of Technical Staff Minimum Designation
(Rs in Crore) (of Major +Minor Component) Experience(years)
Qualification Number
More than 50 i) Graduate Engineer 1 20 Project Manager
to 100
ii) Graduate Engineer 1+1 12 Deputy Project
iii) Graduate Engineer 2+1 5 Project/ Site Engineer
Diploma Engineer 10

iv) Graduate Engineer 1 8 Quality Engineer

v) Diploma Engineer 1 8 Surveyor

vi) Graduate Engineer 1+1 6 Project Planning/

Billing Engineer

More than 20 i) Graduate Engineer 1 20 Project Manager

to 50
ii) Graduate Engineer 1
Or + Or Project/Site Engineer
Diploma Engineer 1 10
iv) Graduate Engineer 1
8 Quality Engineer
v) Diploma Engineer 1 8 Surveyor
vi) Graduate Engineer 1 6 Project Planning/
Billing Engineer
10 to 20 i)Project Manager with 1 10 Principal Technical
degree in corresponding Representative
discipline of Engineering
ii)Graduate Engineer 1 5 Technical

iii) Graduate Engineer 2 2 Project/Site Engineer

or and Project Planning/
Diploma Engineer billing Engineer
2 5
5 to10 i) Graduate Engineer 1 5 Principal

37 | P a g e
ii) Graduate Engineer 2 2 Project/
or Diploma Engineer Site Engineer

2 5 Billing Engineer

More than i) Graduate Engineer 1 5 Principal Technical

1.5 Representative
to 5
ii) Graduate Engineer 1 2
or Diploma Engineer Project/Site Engineer

Billing Engineer
1 5

Up to1.5 i) Graduate Engineer or 1 2 Principal Technical

Diploma Engineer Representative

1 5 Engineer/ Billing

Notes- 1. “Cost of work”, in table above, shall mean the agreement amount of the work..
2. Rate of recovery in case of non-compliance of the clause be stipulated at following rates:-

Sr. No Qualification Experience(years) Rate of Recovery

1 Project Manager with degree 20 Rs.60000/-p.m.
2 Deputy Project Manager 12 Rs.40000/-p.m.
with degree
3 Project/Site Engineer 5 or 10 Rs.25000/-p.m.
(Degree/Diploma) respectively

3 Quality Graduate Engineer 8 Rs.25000/-p.m.

4 Surveyor 8 Rs.15000/-p.m.

5 Project Planning/ Billing 6 Rs.20000/-p.m.


3. Nothing extra need to be added while preparing market rate justified amount of the work if
stipulation is made as per above recommended scale of technical staff.
4. Requirement of technical staff and their experience can be varied depending upon cost and
complexity of the work by competent authority i.e. Chief Engineer with recorded rea-
5. The failure in providing experienced technical and /professional ability personnel and even
ignoring the instruction of the Engineer-in-charge shall be linked to penalization. Such
disobeying attitude of the contractor shall also be reported to Vigilance/Registration &
Monitoring department
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Entire project should be completed and delivered within 24 Months (ExcludingMonsoon)of time
from the date of award of contract that excludes monsoon.The time allowed for carrying out the
work as entered in the Tender shall be strictly observed by the Contractor and shall be reckoned from
the date on which the Letter of Acceptance is given to the Contractor. The work shall throughout the
stipulated period of the Contract be proceeded with all due diligence as time being deemed to be the
essence of the contract on the part of the Contractor. On failing to do so, the Contractor shall pay as
compensation an amount which shall be governed as per Clause - 8(e) of Standard General
Conditions of Contract.
The Contractor should complete the work as per phase given below :
¼ of the work in ¼ of the time
½ of the work in½ of the time
¾ of the work in¾ of the time
Full of the work inFull of the time
Full work will be completed in 24 months Excluding Monsoon.
The programme for completion of work shall be a part of the Contract Document in the form of
Bar Chart / Gantt chart. The Contractor is supposed to carry out the work and keep the progress as
per Bar Chart/GANTT Chart. The Contractor shall complete the work as per the Schedule given in
the Contract and special condition the programme submitted by the Contractor.

6.10 Contract Execution

All required documents for execution of the contract shall be submitted within 30 days from the date
of issue of letter of acceptance. If the documents are not submitted within the stipulated time a
penalty of Rs 5000/- per day will be applicable to the contractor. All contract documents need to be
duly affixed with stamp duty properly signed along with evidence/proof of payment of
security/contract deposit/ within 30 days from the date of letter of acceptance received by him.

6.11 If the amount of the Contract Deposit to be paid above is not paid within 30 days from the date of
issue of Letter of Acceptance, the Tender / Contractor already accepted maybe considered as
cancelled and legal steps be taken against the contractor for recovery of the amounts.

6.12The amount of Security Deposit retained by the BMC shall be released after expiry of period up to
which the contractor has agreed to maintain the work in good order is over. In the event of the
contractor failing or neglecting to complete the rectification work within the period up to which the

39 | P a g e
contractor has agreed to maintain the work in good order, the amount of security deposit retained by
BMC shall be adjusted towards the excess cost incurred by the Department on rectification work.

6.13Action when whole of security deposit is forfeited:

In any case in which under any Clause of this contract, the contractor shall have rendered himself
liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of this security deposit whether paid in one sum
or deducted by instalments or in the case of abandonment of the work owning to serious illness or
death of the contractor or any other cause, the Engineer on behalf of the Municipal Commissioner
shall have power to adopt any of the following process, as he may deem best suited to the interest of

(a) To rescind the contract (for which recession notice in writing to the contractor under the head
of Executive Engineer shall be conclusive evidence) and in that case, the security deposit of
the contract shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of BMC.

(b) To carry out the work or any part of the work departmentally debiting the contractor with the
cost of the work, expenditure incurred on tools and plant, and charges on additional
supervisory staff including the cost of work-charged establishment employed for getting the
un-executed part of the work completed and crediting him with the value of the work done
departmentally in all respects in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been
carried out by the contractor under the terms of his contract. The certificate of the Executive
Engineer as to the costs and other allied expenses so incurred and as to the value of the work
so done departmentally shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.

(c) To order that the work of the contractor be measured up and to take such part thereof as shall
be un-executed out of his hands, and to give it to another contractor to complete, in which
case all expenses incurred on advertisement for fixing a new contracting agency, additional
supervisory staff including the cost of work charged establishment and the cost of the work
executed by the new contract agency will be debited to the contractor and the value of the
work done or executed through the new contractor shall be credited to the contractor in all
respects and in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the
contractor under the terms of his contract. The certificate of the Executive Engineer as to all
the cost of the work and other expenses incurred as aforesaid for or in getting the un-executed
work done by the new contractor and as to the value of the work so done shall be final and
conclusive against the contractor.

In case the contract shall be rescinded under Clause (a) above, the contractor shall not be
entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work there for actually performed by him under this

40 | P a g e
contract unless and until the Executive Engineer shall have certified in writing the performance of
such work and the amount payable to him in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid
the amount so certified. In the event of either of the courses referred to in Clause (b) or (c) being
adopted and the cost of the work executed departmentally or through a new contractor and other
allied expenses exceeding the value of such work credited to the contractors amount of excess shall
be deducted from any money due to the contractor, by BMC under the contract or otherwise,
howsoever, or from his security deposit or the sale proceeds thereof provided, however, the
contractor shall have no claim against BMC even if the certified value of the work done
departmentally or through a new contractor exceeds the certified cost of such work and allied
expenses, provided always that whichever of the three courses mentioned in clauses (a), (b) or (c) is
adopted by the Executive Engineer, the contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss
sustained by him by reason of his having purchase or procured any materials or entered in to any
engagements or made any advance on account of or with a view to the execution of the work or the
performance of the contract.

6.14 Contract may be rescinded, and security deposit forfeited for bribing a public officer or if
contractor becomes insolvent.
If the contractor assigns or sublets his contracts or attempt so to do, or become insolvent or
commence any proceeding to get himself adjudicated and insolvent or make any composition with
his creditors, or attempt so to do or if bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward or advantage,
pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly be given promised or offered by the
contractor or any of his servants or agents through any public officer, or person in the employ of
BMC/Govt. in any way relating to his office or employment, or if any such officer or person shall
become in any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract the Engineer In-charge may
thereupon, by notice in writing rescind the contract and the Security Deposit of the Contractor shall
thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of BMC and the same consequences shall
ensure as if the contract had been rescinded under above clause J hereof; and in addition the
contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work therefore actually performed under
the contract.

41 | P a g e
6.15 Submission of Tenders


The Packet ‘A’ shall contain scanned certified copies of the following documents

Scrutiny of this packet will be done strictly with reference to only the scanned copies of Documents
uploaded online in packet ‘A’

a) Valid Registration Certificate.

b) Valid Bank Solvency Certificate of Minimum Solvency amount as governed by Registration Rules
in force for respective Class of Contractor for Civil and M&E works.

c) A document in support of registration under “The Central Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act

d) Certified copies of valid 'PAN' documents and photographs of the individuals, owners, Karta of
Hindu undivided Family, firms, private limited companies, registered co-operative societies,
partners of partnership firms and at least two Directors, if number of Directors are more than two
in case of Private Limited Companies, as the case may be. However, in case of Public Limited
companies, Semi Government Undertakings, Government Undertakings, no 'PAN' documents will
be insisted.

e) Latest Partnership Deed in case of Partnership firm duly registered with Chief Accountant
(Treasury) of BMC.

f) The Registered power of attorney shall be submitted in the name of person who is submitting the

g) Scan copy of online paid EMD receipt.

h) The bidders shall categorically provide their Email-ID in packet ‘A’.

 If the tenderer(s) withdraw tender offer during the tender validity period, his entire E.M.D
shall be forfeited.
 The tenderer shall pay entire amount of EMD/Bid Security as specified in the bid amounting,
through online payment gateways of GoM on URL . Any bid not
accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected as non-responsive.
 If it is found that the tenderer has not submitted required curable documents in Packet “A”
then, the shortfalls will be communicated to the tenderer through e-mail only and compliance
required to be made within a time period of three working days otherwise they will be treated
as non-responsive.
42 | P a g e

The Packet ‘B’ shall contain scanned certified copies of the following documents –

a) The list of similar type of works as stated in para ‘A’ (Clause No. 2.1) of Post qualification
successfully completed during the last Seven (07) years in prescribed proforma, in the role of prime
contractor. Information furnished in the prescribed Proforma (Proforma – I) shall be supported by
the certificate duly self-attested. Documents stating that it has successfully completed during the
last Seven (07) years at least one contract of similar works as stated in para ‘A’ of Post

b) Annual financial turnover for preceding three financial years as certified by Chartered
Accountant preceding the Financial Year in which bids are invited.Copies of Applicants duly
audited balance sheet and profit and loss account for the preceding three financial years
preceding the Financial Year in which bids are invited. (Proforma – II).

c) List of similar works as per Proforma.(Proforma – III).

d) Documents stating that, it has access to or has available liquid assets, unencumbered assets, lines of
credit and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to
meet the construction cash flow requirements for the subject contract in the event of stoppage, start-
up, or other delay in payment, of the minimum 15% of the cost of the work tendered for, net of the
tenderer's commitment of other contracts (Certificate from Bankers / C.A./Financial Institution shall
be accepted as a evidence).

e) The bidder shall give undertaking on Rs 500/-stamp paper that it is his/their sole responsibility to
arrange the required machineries either owned/on lease or hire basis, at site before start of the work
(as per Proforma – V/C & VIII).

i) Regular and Routine works: The successful bidder shall make the arrangements of the required
equipment on the day of commencement or with respect to the progress of the work in phases, as
per the instructions of site in charge. The successful bidder and, to that effect he will ensure
commitment on an undertaking on Rs.500 stamp paper to be submitted along with the Bid in
Packet B. However, this condition in no way shall dilute the respective condition in Registration
Rules of BMC.
ii) New and Original Works: The bidder should, undertake their own studies and furnish with
their bid, a detailed construction planning and methodology supported with assessment study of
requirements of equipment/plants & machineries to allow the employer to review their proposal.

43 | P a g e
The bidder shall ensure his commitment to make the arrangements of the required equipment on
the day of commencement or with respect to the progress of the work in phases, as per the
instructions of site in charge on an undertaking on Rs.500 stamp paper to be submitted along
with the Bid in Packet B. However, this condition in no way shall dilute the respective condition
in Registration Rules of BMC.
f. The list of the ‘Technical Personnel’s with their qualification, working in the tenderer’s
establishment as per Proforma IV.
g. Details of works in hand and for which bid already submitted (Proforma VI-A & VI-B)
(original), along with copies of work orders & attested copies of percentage of works completed
or part thereof.
h. Statement showing assessed available Bid Capacity.
i. The undertakings on Rs.500/- stamp paper as per the Proforma annexed in Annexure B (Pre-
Contract Integrity pact), C (Indemnity bond),E (Best price) and Annexure I (Irrevocable
j. Undertaking on Rs.500/- stamp paper stating that tenderer is conversant to all site situation and
difficulty & has inspected the site personally and accordingly bid is submitted.
k. Annexure- G and Annexure- H
l. Tenderer shall submit the undertaking stating that he will submit license certificate from the office
of Labour Commissioner as stated in clause no 6.32, after issue of work order and before
commencing the work, if the work is allotted to him.
m. Details of litigation history in which tenderer is involved (Proforma IX) for last five years
from the date of submission of bid as per directions given in the circular u/no. MGC/F/6565
dated 241-242
n. Details of certificate issuing Authorities in (Proforma X).
o. Pre bid meeting minutes, signed copy of Addendum/ corrigendum if any.
p. The tenderers shall upload work plan as per the following outline:

1) GANTT chart/ PERT/ CPM chart showing the completion of work within prescribed time
period, considering major activities.
2) Organizational set up envisaged by the contractors.
3) Plant & equipment proposed to be deployed for this work.
4) Site Offices and Laboratories proposed to be set up.
5) A note on how the whole work will be carried out (work plan including methodology).
6) Quality management plan.
7) All the activities included in the Scope of Work shall be covered in the work plan.
q. Annexure for Grievance Redressal Mechanism attached at page.260-262.
44 | P a g e
r. The tenderers have to submit undertaking on Rs. 500/- stamp papers with Manufacturer
mentioning particular work name for uninterrupted supply of DI pipes and DI fittings as
annexed at page 289-290.

i. Bidders shall submit the undertaking for equipment capability and other undertaking as such
on a single Rs.500/- stamp paper.

ii. The Electrical / Mechanical work shall be got carried out by the civil contractors through the
contractors registered with BMC in Electrical Category. Information about the registered
contractors shall be obtained from the office of the Ch.E. (M&E)/ E.E. (Monitoring & Registration
Cell). Attested scanned copy of the valid registration certificate in Electrical Category shall be
uploaded with the tender along with the undertaking from the registered Electrical Contractor
stating his willingness to carry out the tender work.

iii. The successful bidder shall submit valid registration certificate under E.S.I.C., Act 1948, if the
tenderer has more than 20 employees/persons on his establishment (in case of production without
use of energy) to BMC as and when demanded. In case of less employees/persons mentioned above
then the successful bidder has to submit an undertaking to that effect on Rs. 500 stamp paper as per
circular u/no. CA/FRD/I/65 of 30.03.2013.

iv. The successful bidder shall submit valid registration certificate under E.P.F. & M.P., Act 1952, if
tenderer has more than 20 employees/persons on his establishment, to BMC as and when
demanded. In case if the successful bidder has less employees/persons mentioned above then the
successful bidder has to submit an undertaking to that effect on Rs. 500 stamp paper as per circular
u/no. CA/FRD/I/44 of 04.01.2013.

v. The successful bidder shall submit the signed form of the tender, specification of works if any,
Annexure “A” and the schedule of rates.

vi. If it is found that the tenderer has not submitted required curable documents in Packet “B”
then, the shortfalls will be communicated to the tenderer through e-mail only and compliance
required to be made within a time period of three working days otherwise they will be treated
as non-responsive.

vii. If the bidder is found non responsive after scrutiny of packet ‘A’/’B’ in such circumstances, the
bidder will be made non-responsive and financial packet ‘C’ of non-responsive bidder will not
be opened. However, there will not be any forfeiture of EMD.
45 | P a g e

a. Online tender filled in percentage either plus or minus (Excess or less). There is no separate
provision to quote % in physical form for packet 'C', tenderers will fill data in 'Financial' folder
during the submission of the bid.

As per circular u/no. CA/Finance/Project/City/28 dt. 10.11.2017, the condition for submission of
Special Annexure-I is deleted.

Note: 1) In case of rebate/premium of 15% and above as quoted by the tenderer, the rate analysis
of major items shall be submitted by L1 and L2 bidder after demand notification by e-mail
to bidders by concerned E.E.W.W.(Const.). The format for rate analysis is annexed at
Annexure D.

2) Rate analysis in prescribed format shall be submitted online to the engineer in charge
within 3 working days from the date of communication on email, failing which EMD will
be forfeited, and the bid will be rejected, and the next Successful /Responsive bidder will
be considered thereafter, negotiation will be done with the said successive/responsive
bidder with respect to his quoted rate.


1. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of the Bid, Bid Security/EMD, in the amount specified in the
Bid Data Sheet. This bid security shall be in favor of the authority mentioned in the Bid Data
Sheet and shall be valid till the validity of the bid.

2. The tenderer shall pay entire amount of EMD/Bid Security as specified in the bid amounting,
through online payment gateways of GOM on URL . The bidder
shall upload scan copy of online paid EMD along with the bid submission in Packet A as per
the directions given in the circular u/no. CA/Finance/Project/19 dated 04.03.2024 at pg.286-
3. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security and not secured as indicated in sub-
clause mentioned above, shall be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.

4. The Bid Security/ EMD of the successful bidder will be discharged when the bidder has signed
the agreement and furnished the required security Deposits.

5. Except successful bidder all other unsuccessful bidder’s 100% EMD paid online will be
refunded automatically.

46 | P a g e
6. ASD of L-2 and other higher bidders (L-3, L-4, etc.) shall be refunded immediately after
opening of financial bid.

The Bid Security may be forfeited:

a. If the Bidder withdraws the Bid after bid opening (opening of technical qualification part of the
bid during the period of Bid validity);

b. In the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to:

i. sign the Agreement; and/or

ii. Furnish the required Security Deposits.
c. In case of non-workable rate analysis and misleading information submitted by the bidder,
EMD shall be forfeited and bid will be rejected.

1. The cases wherein if the curable shortfalls are not complied by a contractor, will be
informed to Registration and Monitoring Cell. Such non-submission of documents will
be considered as ‘Intentional Avoidance’ and if three or more cases in 12 months are
reported, shall be viewed seriously and disciplinary action against the defaulters such as
banning/de-registration, etc. shall be taken by the registration cell with due approval of
the concerned AMC.

2. Maximum 5 shortfalls of curable defects in packet A & packet B shall be allowed

and in case, curable defects are not complied by bidder, within given time period, the
bidder shall be treated as ‘Non-Responsive’ &such caseswill be informed to
Registration and Monitoring Cell. Such non-submission of documents will be
considered as ‘Intentional Avoidance’ and if three or more cases in 12 months are
reported, shall be viewed seriously and disciplinary action against the defaulters such as
banning/de-registration, etc. shall be taken by the Registration Cell with due approval
of the concerned AMC as per the directions given in the circular u/no.
CA/Finance/Project/19 dated 04.03.2024 at pg. no.286 to288.

i) Curable Defect shall mean shortfalls in submission such as:

a. Non-submission of following documents,
I. Valid Registration Certificate
II. Valid Bank Solvency
III. Sales Tax Registration Certificate (VAT) / Central Goods and Services Tax
(GST) registration certificate.
IV. Certified Copies of PAN documents and photographs of individuals, owners,

47 | P a g e
V. Partnership Deed and any other documents.
VI. Undertakings as mentioned in the tender document.
VII. Wrong calculations of Bid Capacity
ii) Non-curable Defect shall mean
a. In-adequate submission of EMD/ASD amount,
b. In-adequacy and non-submissionof technical and financial capacity with respect to
Eligibility criteria as stipulated in the tender.
c. No proper submission of experience certificates and other relevant documents, etc.

a) Bids shall remain valid for a period of not less than one eighty (180) days after the deadline
date for bid submission specified in Bid Data Sheet. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.

b) In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Employer may request
that the bidders may extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request
and the bidders’ responses shall be made in writing or by cable. A bidder may refuse the request
without forfeiting his Bid Security. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or
permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his bid security for a
period of the extension.


a) The Contractor is expected to carry out the construction work in Workmen like manner so as to
meet the requirement and specification for the project. It is expected that the Workmanship and
materials will be reasonably fit for the purpose for which they are required.

b) Defects or defective work is where standard and quality of workmanship and materials as
specified in the contract is deficient. Defect is defined as a failure of the completed project to
satisfy the express or implied quality or quantity obligations of the construction contract.
Defective construction works are as the works which fail short of complying with the express
descriptions or requirements of the contract, especially any drawings or specifications with any
implied terms and conditions as to its quality, workmanship, durability, aesthetic, performance or
design. Defects in construction projects are attributable to various reasons.

c) Some of the defects are structural defects results in cracks or collapse of faulty defective
plumbing, inadequate or faulty drainage system, inadequate or faulty ventilation, cooling or
heating systems, inadequate fire systems etc. The defects could be various on accounts of different
reasons for variety of the projects.
48 | P a g e
d) The Engineering In charge/Project Officer shall issue the practical completion certificate for the
project. During the Defect Liability Period which commences on completion of the work, the
Engineering In charge shall inform or the contractor is expected to be informed of any defective
works by the Employer’s representative of the defects and make good at contractor’s cost with an
intention of giving opportunity to the contractor of making good the defects appeared during that
period. It is the contractor’s obligation under the contract to rectify the defects that appear during
Defect Liability Period and the contractor shall within a reasonable time after receipt of such
instructions comply with the same at his own cost. The Engineering In charge/Project Officer
shall issue a certificate to that effect and completion of making good defects shall be deemed for
all the purpose of this contract to have taken place on the day named in such defect liability

e) If defective work or workmanship or design have been knowingly covered-up or conceived so as

to constitute fraud, commencement of the Defect Liability Period may be delayed. The decided
period may be delayed until discoveractually occurs on at least the defect could have been
discovered with reasonable diligence, whichever is earlier.

f) The DLP shall be as below:

Dept. Type of works DLP

1. For laying of CI/DI/MS/MDPE WM upto and

including 300mm dia. and allied works as 1 year
A) HE Dept. specified
2. For work of laying of water main of size more
than 300mm diameter and allied works as 3 years
3. Leakage & contamination & allied works including
1 year
reinstatement works
4. Renewal of service connections 1 year
5. Removal of bunch of connection 1 year
6. Repair/ construction of valve chambers 1 year
7. For separate independent tender for road/ trench
works like:
Asphaltmix 3years
Paverblock 3years
C. C. road 5years
8. DLP of Trenching Reinstatement work of various
activities (as per RI tender floated by Road
Department for reinstatement of trenches taken
work by various external and internal utilities in
Greater Mumbai Z-1 to Z-VII)

49 | P a g e

Dept. Type of works DLP

B) Carriageway:

1. For Asphalt Work 3 Years

2. Paver Blocks 3 Years

3. Mastic Works 3 Years

4. UTWT/TWT Works 3 Years

5. CC Passage/CC Side strip 3 Years

6. CC Road 3 Years
Footpath :
Improvement of footpath in gray or any specified color
3 year
with short blasted paver block.
In plain cement concrete (M-40)
In stamp / stencil concrete (M-40) 5 years
In CC with marble chip finish (M-40)
 The above is illustrative. In case of any type of work not covered in above or any change in DLP,
the concerned Ch. Eng. shall stipulate DLP with approval of concerned DMC/AMC.

 In case of composite works i.e. having combinations of construction activities of different

disciplines, the DLPs shall be approved by AMC.

g) Also, in case of defect, the Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the
end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins at. The Defects Liability Period shall be
extended for as long as Defects remain to be corrected. Every time notice of Defect/Defects is
given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect/Defects within the duration of time
specified by the Engineer’s notice. The Engineer may issue notice to the Contractor to carry out
removal of defects or deficiencies, if any, noticed in his inspection, or brought to his notice. The
Contractor shall remove the defects and deficiencies within the period specified in the notice and
submit to the Engineer a compliance report.

h) It is the Completion Stage when the contractor has completed all of the works and fixed all of the
defects that were on the list of issue by Engineer-in-charge. When this happens, the engineer must
issue a ‘Certificate of Completion’. On the issue of ‘Certificate of Completion’, the ‘Defect
Liability Period ‘starts. The contractor also must issue a ‘Certificate statement’ as an
acknowledgment to the engineer not later than 14 days after the ‘Certificate of Completion’ has
been issued. During the ‘Defect Liability Period’, the contractor has to obey all written
instructions from the engineer to carryout repairs and fix any defects which appear in the
Permanent Works. If the contractor does not ,due to his own faults finish the repair works or fix

50 | P a g e
the defects by the end of ‘Defect Liability Period’, the ‘Defect Liability Period’ will continue until
all works instructed by engineer is done.

i) In case of any lapse in maintenance, the penalties shall be recovered and if necessary the work
shall be got done at the risk and cost of the contractor after the prescribed period. The said cost
shall be recovered from the Contract Deposit /Retention money or any other deposits, dues with
the B.M.C. The contractor shall be liable to pay the excess cost if incurred, punitive damages and
face penal action in the case of insufficiency of the aforesaid amount.


A. Security Deposit
The security deposit shall mean and comprise of
I) Contract Deposit and
II) Retention Money.
I) Contract Deposit – The successful tender, here after referred to as the contractor shall pay
an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the contract sum shall be paid within thirty days
from the date of issue of letter of acceptance. The said contract deposit shall be paid in the
form of Demand draft (D.D) only.
II) Retention Money – The retention money equal to(15%) fifteen percent of the Contract Sum,
which will be recovered from the contracts or every bill i.e. interim / running / final bill. The
clause of retention money will not be applicable M.&E. Department.
B. Additional Security Deposit

The additional security deposit will be applicable when a rebate of more than of 12 % at
the rate of with no maximum limit. The ASD is calculated as follows:

Rebate quoted by Contractor ASD Applicable

For premium, at par and rebate 0 to No ASD
At 2.00% of Estimated Cost for each % rebate &
For rebate of 12.01% and above part thereof, in D.D. only.

Additional security deposit = (2X/100) x office estimated cost,

Where X= percentage rebate quoted above 12%

The bidders shall submit the ASD as applicable in the form of Demand Draft, which is to be
submitted during office hours minimum one day before opening of packet ‘C’ to respective Head
Clerk (Expenditure) of the Engineer in-charge of the HE Division in sealed envelope. If A.S.D. is

51 | P a g e
not applicable then the bidders shall submit sealed envelope mentioning on their letter head
‘ASD is not applicable’.
If the bidders fails to submit the sealed envelope as mentioned above at least one day before
opening of Packet ‘C’ within office hours then the EMD of the respective bidders will be
forfeited and the company with their Directors/ Partners and other companies with the said
Directors / Partner will be further debarred from any tendering process for the period of at least
2 years.
C. Performance Guarantee
The successful tender, here after referred to as the contractor shall pay in the form of
“Performance Guarantee” at different rates for different slabs as stated below:
Offer PG applicable %
For premium, at par and rebate 0 to
PG= 0.92% x contract sum applicable for rebate of 12%
P.G. = {0.92% x contract sum applicable for rebate of
For rebate of 12.01% and above 12%} +(X) x contract sum
X= percentage rebate quoted more than 12%
Note: Contract sum shall mean amount after application of rebate/premium as quoted by the
contractor with physical contingencies only and excluding price variation.

The PG shall be paid in one the following forms.

I) Cash (In case guarantee amount is less than Rs.10,000/- )
II) Demand Draft (In case guarantee amount is less than Rs.1,00,000/-)
III) Government securities
IV) Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDR) of a Schedule Bank.
V) An electronically issued irrevocable bank guarantee bond of any Schedule bank or
f in the prescribed form given in Annexure.
Performance Guarantee is applicable over and above the clause of Security Deposit. Performance
Guarantee will have to be paid & shall be valid till the defect liability period or finalization of
final bill whichever is later.Performance Guarantee shall be submitted separately for different
DLP’s of the work as mentioned in Annexure A. Amount of P.G. will be work out on the basis of
proportionate cost of the work as per the DLP of that particular work.
This deposit will be allowed in the form of I to V as mentioned above and shall be paid
within 15 days after receipt of Letter of Acceptance.

Note: Following exceptions shall be adopted for ‘Demolition Tenders’:

i. Irrespective of the offer (Rebate/ at par/ premium), ASD shall be differed and only PG of
10% of contract sum be taken from the successful bidder on award of contract only.

52 | P a g e
ii. BMC departments shall ensure to incorporate specific condition regarding above in bid
document and e-tender notice.

D. Refund of Security Deposit

I. Refund of Contract Deposit

The Contract Deposit shall be released within 30 days after completion of 3rd year of DLP (in case
of 5 years DLP) and after issue of ‘Defect Liability Certificate’ (in case of 1 or 2 or 3 years DLP)
subject to no recoveries are pending against the said work, provided that the Engineer is satisfied
that there is no demand outstanding against the Contractor. No claim shall be made against the
Balance Contract Deposit after the issue of Defects Liability Certificate.

II. Refund of Retention Money

The Retention Money will be refunded after completion of defect liability period
and after issue of “Defect Liability Certificate” (in case of 1 or 3 or 5 years DLP) provided
that the Engineer is satisfied that there is no demand outstanding against the Contractor. In
the event of different Defects Liability Periods have been specified or become applicable to
different sections or parts of the Permanent Works, the said money will be released within
30 days on expiration of such Defects Liability Periods. In the event the Engineer issues a
Taking-over Certificate for a section or part of the Permanent Works, only such proposition
thereof as the Engineer determines (having regard to the relative value of such section or
part of the Works) shall be considered by the Engineer for payment to the Contractor.

III. Refund of Additional Security Deposit

One-half (50%) of the additional security deposited (ASD) shall be released after
completion of 50% financial progress of the work.

The balance ASD shall be released within 30 days of issue of “Certificate of

Completion” with respect to the whole of the work. In the event the Engineer issues a
Taking-over Certificate for a section or part of the permanent works, only such proposition
thereof as the Engineer determines (having regard to the relative value of such section or
part of the works) shall be considered by the Engineer for Refund of ASD to the contractor.

IV. Refund of Performance Guarantee

The Deposit on account of performance guarantee shall be released within 30 days of completion
of Defects Liability Certificate subject finalization of final bill whichever is later and no
recoveries are pending against the said work, provided that the Engineer is satisfied that there is
no demand outstanding against the Contractor.
53 | P a g e
 Summary of time of Refund of deposit is tabulated as follows:
a) Time of Refund for works having 5 years DLP

Deposits refunded after

Deposits refunded After Completion of
50% of financial After 3 yrs of DLP
after completion DLP

50% ASD 50% ASD CD RM+PG

b) Time of Refund for works having 1 or 2 or 3 years DLP

Deposits refunded after
Deposits refunded
50% of financial After Completion of DLP
after completion

50% ASD 50% ASD CD+ RM+PG


a) It shall be clearly mentioned that the BG shall be applicable for individual work/contract and
clubbing of various contracts of the said contractor will not be allowed. In case of obtaining Bank
Guarantee, it is necessary to mention that the same shall be valid further 6 months from the completion
of defect liability period/ warranty period.

b) It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to keep the submitted B.G. “VALID” for the stipulated
time period in the tender & in case of its expiry it will attract penalization.

c) Bank Guarantee should be issued by way of General Undertaking and Guarantee issued on behalf of
the Contractor by any of the Nationalized or Scheduled banks or branches of foreign banks operating
under Reserve Bank of India regulations located in Mumbai up to Virar & Kalyan. List of approved
Banks is appended at the end of Instructions to Bidders (ITB). The Bank Guarantee issued by branches
of approved Banks beyond Kalyan and Virar can be accepted only if the said Bank Guarantee is
countersigned by the Manager of a Regional Branch of the same bank within the Mumbai City Limit
categorically endorsing thereon that the said Bank Guarantee is binding on the endorsing Branch of
the Bank or the Bank itself within Mumbai Limits and is liable to be enforced against the said Branch
of the Bank or the bank itself in case of default by the Contractors furnishing the Bank Guarantee. The
Bank Guarantee shall be renewed as and when required and/or directed from time to time until the
Contractor has executed and completed the works and remedied any defects therein.

54 | P a g e
E. Legal + Stationary Charges: (As per applicable circular)
Successful tender shall pay the Legal Charges +Stationary charges as per Circular/26206 dtd.
31.08.2023 of Legal department as amended as below. (Applicable G.S.T. will be recovered over
these charges)

Contract Cost in Rs. Legal+ Stationery Charges from 01.09.2023 upto

upto 50,000/- Nil

At the rate of 0.10% of Contract Cost ( with respect to rounding off such
50,001/- to
from amount to next hundredth multiple) plus GST at the rate of 18 %
(Minimum: Rs. 1000/- plus GST and Maximum: Rs. 10000/- plus GST)
Rs. 10,000/- for Contract Cost upto Rs. 1,00,00,000/- plus At the rate of
1,00,00,001/- to 0.05 % of Contract Cost amount greater than Rs. 1,00,00,000/- ( with
10,00,00,000/- respect to rounding off such amount to next hundredth multiple) plus
GST at the rate of 18 %
Rs. 55,000/- for Contract Cost upto Rs. 10,00,00,000/- plus at the rate of
10,00,00,001/-& 0.01 % of Contract Cost amount greater than Rs. 10,00,00,000/- ( with
above respect to rounding off such amount to next hundredth multiple) plus
GST at the rate of 18 %

The tenderers are requested to note that stationary charges as given in the table above will be
recovered from the successful tenderer for supply of requisite prescribed forms for preparing certificate
bills in respect of the work.

F. Stamp Duty: (As per applicable circular)

It shall be incumbent on the successful tenderer to pay stamp duty on the contract.

i. As per the provision made in Article 63, Schedule I of Bombay Stamp Act 1958, stamp duty is payable
for “works contract” that is to say, a contract for works and labour or services involving transfer of
property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) in its execution and includes a sub-contract,
as under :

(a) Where the amount or value set forth in such Five Hundred rupees stamp duty
contract does not exceed rupees ten lakh.
(b) Where it exceeds rupees ten lakhs Five Hundred Rupees plus 0.10% of the
amount above rupees Rs.10 Lakhs subject
to maximum of R.25 Lakhs

55 | P a g e
(c) Bank Guarantee: As per article 54 read with 40(b) of stamp duty act, stamp duty of 0.5% will
be applicable to the all bank guarantee submitted also which are required to be renewed after
expiry of time period.

ii. The successful bidder within 30 days from the date of the work order for executing the contract work
under reference shall enter into a contract agreement with the B.M.C by submitting the necessary /
required documents to the satisfaction of the concerned Executive Engineer & Account Officer. The
contract agreement shall be adjudicated for payment of stamp duty by the successful bidder and
accordingly the successful bidder shall pay the stamp duty on the contract agreement within such time
so as to ensure that the contract agreement is executed within the stipulated period as aforesaid. The cost
worked out after adding the physical & cost contingencies shall be considered for computing the stamp
duty charges to be paid for the contract agreement.

iii. Further shortfall if any, in amount of stamp duty paid as against prescribed amount for the documents
executed in Mumbai City & Mumbai Suburban District be recovered from the concerned work
contractors and to deposit the deficit or unpaid Stamp Duty and penalty by two separate Demand Draft
or Pay Order in favour of “Superintendent of Stamp, Mumbai” within 15 days from intimation thereof.

iv. All legal charges and incidental expenses in this respect shall be borne and paid by the successful


1. All the information uploaded shall be supported by the corroborative documents in absence of which
the information uploaded will be considered as baseless and not accepted for qualification criteria.
All the documents shall be uploaded with proper pagination. The page No. shall be properly
mentioned in the relevant places.

The information shall be uploaded in the sequence as asked for with proper indexing etc. The Bidder
shall be fully responsible for the correctness of the information uploaded by him.
2. Applicants/Bidders shall refer\tenders for “The Manual of Bid-Submission for
Percentage Rate/Item Rate Tender Document.” The detail guidelines for creation and submission of
bid are available in the referred document.

Any queries or request for additional information concerning this TENDER shall be submitted by e-
mail to The subject shall clearly bear the following identification/
title: "Queries/Request for Additional Information: Tender for (HE-C-WS-CCRD-07)
Laying/Replacement of various dia. water mains and allied works due to proposed

56 | P a g e
improvement of roads in cement concrete in Zone III of Western Suburbs Section (2024-
2026).”.Any changes in mail ID will be intimated on the portal.
3. In case of Equal Percentage of lowest bidders (L1), the allotment of work shall be done by giving
48 hrs(2 working days) from the day of opening of packet C on same BID-Document number for
re-quoting and such development needs to done by IT department. Till such development is made;
‘Sealed Bids’ shall be called from the bidders quoting the same rates i.e. L1.

In case of equal percentage of lowest bidders is obtained even after re-quoting, then the successful
bidder will be decided by lottery system by concerned Ch.Eng./H.E.

The bidder shall need to submit the additional ASD if applicable within 7 days after receipt of
notification issued by concerned Chief Engineer. Also, the Performance Guarantee shall be paid in
15 days after receipt of Letter of Acceptance.


1 Firms with common proprietor / partner are connected with one another either financially or as
master and servant or with proprietor / partner closely related to each other such as husband, wife,
father / mother and minor son / daughter and brother / sister and minor brother / sister, shall not
tender separately under different name for the same contract.
2 If it is found that firms as described in clause 6.21.1 have tendered separately under different names
for the same contract all such tenders shall stand rejected and tender deposit of each such firm
/establishments shall be forfeited. In addition, such firms / establishments shall be liable, at the
discretion of the Municipal Commissioner, for further penal action including blacklisting.
3 If it is found that closely related persons as in clause 6.21.1 have submitted separate tenders under
different names of firms, establishment but with common address for such establishment / firms and /
or if such establishment firms though they have different address, are managed or governed by the
same person / persons jointly or severally such tender shall be liable for action as in clause 6.21.2
including similar action against firms / establishment concerned.

4 If after award of contract, it is found that the accepted tenderer violates any of the clauses, 6.21.1,
6.21.2, 6.21.3 the contract shall be liable for cancellation at any time during its currency in addition
to penal action against the contractors as well as related firms / establishments.

5 Tenderers should note in addition to the official address, they should furnish private residential
address, mobile nos., email ids of the partners. Any fault in this respect may justify the rejection of

57 | P a g e
6 In the event of tender being accepted, full amounts of contract deposit must be paid and contract must
be signed by all the partners of the firm and if one or more partners be not available for the purpose,
signatory must produce a Power of Attorney must be registered in the office of C.A (Finance) / C.A
(Treasury) /C.A (WSSD).

7 In the case of a Joint Stock Company, the contract must be sealed with the seal of the company in the
presence of and signed by the two Directors or by a person duly authorized to sign the contract for
the Company by a power of attorney, such power being sealed and signed as aforesaid. All such
power of attorney must be registered in the Municipal Office.

8 Tenderers must distinctly understand:

a) That they will be strictly required to conform to the conditions of this contract as contained in each
of its clauses and that the plea of "custom prevailing" will not on any account be admitted as an
excuse on their part for infringement of any of the conditions.
b) That no alternation or interpolation will be allowed to be made in any of the terms and conditions of
this contract or in the Specification of in the Schedule, and that if any such alteration or interpolation
be made by a Tenderer, his tender will, at the option of the Municipal Commissioner, either be
rejected or to be treated as if no such alteration or interpolation has been made.
c) That the full contract deposit must be paid within the time specified and the contract must be
executed within the stipulated time frame by the successful tenderer.
d) That a postponement of the payment of the full contract deposit or the execution of the contract will
not be permitted by reason of the Corporation having in possession other deposits on account of
other tenders or contracts, which deposit may be or become returnable to the tenderers and which
they may wish to transfer as a deposit under this contract. Such transfers will not under any
circumstances be permitted.

6.22 Tenderers shall note that if the conditions of G.C.C. are in variance with the conditions
contained in the tender document the conditions of the tender document shall prevail.


Prior to submitting and uploading e-tender for the work the tenderer should visit and examine at the
site of works and its surroundings at his own expense and obtain and ascertain for himself, on his
own responsibility &risk all information, technical data etc. that may be necessary for preparing his
bid and entering into a contract including, inter-alia, the actual conditions regarding the nature and
conditions of site, availability of materials, labour, probable sites for Chowky/stores etc. and the
extent of lead and lift required for the execution of the work over the entire duration of the contract,
after taking into consideration local conditions, traffic restrictions, obstructions in work, if any allow

58 | P a g e
all such extra expenses that are likely to be incurred due to any such conditions, restrictions,
obstructions etc. in the quoted contract price for the work.
They shall obtain further clarification, if any, on any specific issue from the Office of the Executive
Engineer Water Works (Construction)WS, C Wing, Sadbhav Excel Estate Soc. Opp.Patel Petrol
Pump,Govindji Shroff Marg, Goregaon (West), Mumbai- 400104before submitting the tender.
Tenderers/Contractors should note and study the condition related to site constraints and its


If B.M.C. considers it is necessary to carry out any modifications, in the tender documents and
extend the closing date of the tender the same shall be made by an addendum. Copy of addendum
will be uploaded on e-Tendering website Each addendum shall be signed
by the tenderer(s) and scanned copy of the same should be uploaded in Packet ‘B’. The tenderer(s)
shall not add or amend the text of any documents contained in tender document.


The tenderer shall quote inclusive of all taxes other than GST (Excluding GST), Levies, Duties,
Cess etc as applicable at the time of bid submission. GST as applicable shall be paid separately on
submission of bills/invoice.
Input Tax Credit of GST as available with the bidder will not be claimed separately by BMC.
However, while quoting the rates benefit of Input Tax Credit or Exemptions shall be passed on to the
BMC by way of equivalent reduction in quoted price.

6.26As per circular CA/Finance/Proj/city/17, dtd:-06.09.2017 “Chapter XXI-Miscellaneous, section

171(1) of GST Act, 2017 governs the ‘Anti Profiting Measure’ (AMP). As per the provision of this
section, ‘Any reduction in rate of tax on any supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax
credit shall be passed on to the recipient by way of commensurate reduction in prices.’ Accordingly,
the contractor should pass on the complete benefit accruing to him on account of reduced tax rate or
additional input tax credit, to BMC.Further, all the provisions of GST Act will be applicable to the

Tenderer(s) shall upload a scanned copy of latest solvency certificate for required amount from a
bank of B.M.C approved list attached issued maximum 12 (Twelve) months prior to due date of
tender.Latest solvency certificate shall be submitted in physical format if the tender is awarded to
59 | P a g e
If tender contains errors in the Bill of Quantities such as computing mistakes, incorrect transfer etc.
the Engineer will inform the tenderer(s) of such errors or discrepancies and rectify the errors or
discrepancies and will re-total the amounts of Bill of Quantities. The foregoing procedure may be
applied at any time prior to award of contract and the Engineer is not liable for any error or
discrepancy which was not discovered during scrutiny of the tender.


In comparing tenders, the corporation shall consider such factors as the efficiency and reliability of
instrument and methods proposed, compliance with the specifications, quality and the tenderer’s
capacity to perform vis-à-vis the time of completion.


Notification of award by way of work order prior to the tender validity period will be issued in
writing to successful tenderer. The contract will be awarded to the best responsive tenderer(s)
offering the lowest evaluated tender in conformity with the tender document. Corporation reserves
right to accept/reject any or all tenders and to annul the tendering process at any time prior to award
of contract.
Prior to the expiry of the Tender validity, the Corporation will notify the successful tenderer(s) by
a letter that his tender has been accepted, if required. This letter herein after and in condition of
contract called “The Letter of the Acceptance”. Notification of Award will constitute the information
of contract.

In case of any claim, dispute or difference arising in respect of the contract such claim, dispute or
difference shall be dealt with as per G.C.C clause no. 13, as amended up to date.

6.32 Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970):

The tenderer(s) should specifically note that the successful tenderer shall have to strictly comply
with the entire statutory requirement under the provision of the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Rules 1970 and with the Maharashtra State Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Rules 1971 and indemnify the Corporation against any claim(s) whatsoever.

60 | P a g e
6.33 As per the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970, every contractor should obtain a
license certificate from the office of Labour Commissioner situated at Commerce Center, Tardeo,
near A.C market, Mumbai – 400 034.

6.34 An amount of 1% of the contract cost shall be deposited with the government of Maharashtra as
per circular u/no BCA/2007/CN/788/Kamgar 7A dated 16.10.2009.

6.35 The tenderer shall submit the copy of Registration issued under Employees provident fund and

Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952.

6.36 The tenderer shall also submit the copy of registration certificate issued under Employees State
Insurance Corporation (E.S.I.C Act 1948).

6.37 Tenderers are requested to take cognizance of Child Labour Act and take precaution not to employ
Child Labour on site. If Child Labour is found to be employed on the work, a penalty of
Rs.5000/- on the spot will be imposed on the defaulting contractors and further action as
deemed fit will be taken.

6.38 The contract period shall be as mentioned in the tender notice. The period required for
mobilization, procurement of material, traffic permission, other required permissions, erection of
site office etc. complete shall be reckoned from the date of issue of work order.

6.39 The project works, laying of water main work shall not be carried out during the monsoon
period without prior sanction from competent authority.

6.40 The rates for unforeseen fair and extra items for the works, which are available in the Unified
Schedule of Rates of B.M.C, applicable to the tender, will be paid as per G.C.C. in force as
Amended up to date by B.M.C.

6.41 The tender shall have to start & simultaneously carry out the works included in the tender at
multiple locations or as directed by the engineer.

6.42 As per circular no. CA/FRD-1/57 dated 13.03.2013 no amendments in the original scope of
work will be made without specific prior approval of concerned A.M.C. /M.C. No permission
will be granted in any circumstances, to execute any additional work in another ward, by using
the savings in BOQ, without sanction of competent authority. Tenderer should strictly note this

6.43 The proposed subject tender work ,the water mains shall be laid by diverting, re-aligning, and
Supporting etc any/all existing utilities as directed and in consultation with respective authorities
such as B.E.S.T, Traffic Police, M.T.N.L, B.S.E.S,M.S.E.B, Tata Electric Co, Tata Power,

61 | P a g e
Mahanagar Gas, Railway Authority, Forest Authority, Salt Dept., P.W.D, MBPT, Tata Power,
M.M.R.D.A, M.S.R.D.C etc. All precautionary/preventive and safety measures shall be taken to
avoid any mishaps/accidents with utilities, labours and public. Any damage to utilities and
consequences thereof shall be made good by the tenderer at his own risk and cost as directed by
the authority/B.M.C.

6.44 The subject tender water work is proposed on most busy road in Mumbai. There will be remote
chances to get full closure of road. Intending tenderers have to carry out the work in phase wise
manner by allowing moving heavy vehicular traffic nearby and abutting to existing concrete
road/asphalt road, Bridge foundation & substructure, infrastructure of existing utility and
infrastructure if any and safeguarding of the same shall be entirely tenderer’s responsibility. All
precautionary/preventive and safety measures shall be taken to avoid any caving underneath the
pavement, side collapse & mishaps/accidents thereof. No extra claim will be entertained on this
account. Any damage & consequences thereof shall be made good by the tenderer at his own risk
and cost as directed by the authority/B.M.C.

6.45 The tenderer should note that he has to provide adequate barricading, during the various activities
concern with the completion of the work in all respect in view of the above mention site
conditions while carrying out the work as per the design and drawing of the BMC.


Bidder shall note that, “Barricading shall be provided free of cost as per circular vide
u/no. MGC/F/6342 dated 05.05.2018 & as per Annexure I,II&III of standard drawings
&specifications with slogans & department wise color codes to the excavated trenches as per
site condition.” No payment shall be made for barricading. The copy of circular in this regard
is as below:
Note: As the latest circular u/no.सा िव/ ८८/ मप, िदनांक; २८.०४.२०२२ tenderer shall be notedthat
the “Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai” should be replaced with “Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation” on the barricades.

62 | P a g e

63 | P a g e

64 | P a g e

65 | P a g e

A) Only two types of barricades having department wise colour coding are proposed to be used
depending upon the nature of work i.e. Minor and Major as directed by Engineer In Charge.

i. Minor works: Barricading made out of 1.5 mm thick MS plate fixed on M.S. angle post/ frame of
65 mm X 65 mm X 6 mm having height of 1.5 m supported on as shown in Annexure-I.

66 | P a g e
ii. Major works: Structural steel barricade made out of 1.50 mm thick M.S. Plate ISMB 250, ISLC
250X50mm and ISA 50mmX50mmX6 mm having of size 2.5 m X 2 m as shown in Annexure-II.

67 | P a g e
B) The department wise colour coding for the barricading shall be as under:-

a. H.E. & W.S.P. department – Blue

b. Roads, Traffic, Bridges and Coastal Roads department– Yellow
c. S.P. & S.O department – Green
d. S.W.D., Building Maintenance department &forward works –Red
C) The basic principle behind installing secured and continuous barricading is to ensure the safety of
vehicular as well as pedestrian traffic and residents in the nearby vicinity of the project. Due to non-
installation of appropriate barricades on sites if any mishap occurs leading to injury or loss of life, then
the contractor and contractor’s Engineer in-charge will be liable for the consequent action.

D) During the course of execution of project, if it is noticed that the contractor has not provided
barricading then a penalty of Rs.1000/- per meter per day will be imposed upon the contractor and will
be deducted from the due Bill. This penalty shall be a part of penalty as per tender condition.

E) Details of the work shall be prominently displayed on the central panel of the barricades along-with
the Social Slogans as given in Annexure III and the Cycle of the same shall be maintained.

F) The contractor shall provide and install the barricading along with the slogans printed as per the
Annexure III, at his own cost and no payment will be made for this, however the contractor shall
quote the bid accordingly by considering the cost of barricading.

68 | P a g e
Specifications with Slogans & Department wise colour codes are as below:-

69 | P a g e

70 | P a g e

71 | P a g e

72 | P a g e
6.47 Quantities of all items provided in the BOQ may not be required to be executed depending upon
the site conditions. The tenderer shall not be entitled for any compensation on this account. Before
starting the work, tenderer shall consult with the site in charge and shall take actual measurements
on the site for procurement of material.

6.48 The tenderer should note that while executing the jobs allotted to them, the payment will be made
as per the items included in the BOQ& as per the relevant items included in the various unified
schedules of Rates of the B.M.C effective at the time of work and if any item or activity doesn’t
cover in the BOQ, the payment will be made as per the G.C.C or as amended from time to time by

6.49 The Tenderer shall procure necessary material required for the work with ISI mark wherever
applicable from the manufacturer(s), with ISI certificates and or according to B.M.C

6.50 All material required for the work can be stacked near the site of work in such a manner so as not
to cause any inconvenience to the pedestrian and vehicular traffic. If no space is available on site
then tenderer shall make his own arrangement for stacking of material etc. No extra payment will
be made on this account.
The tenderers shall have to make their own provisions for site office / labourers huts / site godown
either on his / her own place or rented / leased place. No permission shall be granted vide circular
u/no ChE/487/Rds(Tr&Br)/SR dated 18.09.2012 for erecting site office / labourers huts / site
godowns on road carriageway / footpath.

6.51 The tenderer shall obtain traffic permission from Traffic Police Department. For erection of site
office, cement godown, store etc. wherever required. The tenderer shall obtain necessary
permission from concerned competent authority on payment of necessary charges as demanded by
the concerned authorities as per the prevailing rules. The cement godown, watchman’s cabin etc.
shall be provided as directed and shall be removed by the Tenderer on completion of the work at
their cost wherever required. It is also binding on Tenderer to fulfill requirements of
environmental authorities. The work shall be started only after construction of site office, cement
godown, store etc. (after completing all formalities) and after getting necessary traffic.
Permission, road opening permission if applicable etc. The work is required to be executed at one
/ more places and hence the contractor will be directed by the engineer to start the work at more
than one place.BAR / C.P.M / P.E.R.T / Milestone chart shall be submitted considering all these
73 | P a g e

6.52 The tenderers should simultaneously work at one / multiple places as directed by Engineer to
complete the work within contract period. BAR / C.P.M / P.E.R.T / Milestone chart shall be
submitted considering all these factors.

6.53 Tenderers shall obtain permission from traffic police department and shall provide various boards
and proper barricading of trenches wherever necessary on site to have smooth traffic as per the
requirement of traffic police department and shall have proper coordination with competent
concerned authority/ward staff, A.E.W.W and A.E.W.W (Maint.) etc. If required & insisted by
traffic police department traffic warden shall be appointed on site.

6.54 Tenderer shall have to obtain all the permissions of the concerned authorities required for carrying
out the work. Only recommendatory letters will be issued by the B.M.C.

6.55 Within one month of completion of work, the tenderer shall submit at his cost seven copies of
Ammonia prints of completion drawings of laying work if any along with soft copy showing all
the details checked and duly signed by Engineer & tenderer. The payment of final bill shall be
made to the appointed Contractors after receipt of above sets failing which necessary action as per
G.C.C / circulars in force on the date of work order till the entire contract period will be initiated.

6.56 Item of cutting C.I. pipe is also applicable for Ductile Iron Pipe and no fair rate will be

6.57 The contractors should provide suitably required number of M.S plates on trenches of suitable
thickness and size for smooth movement of vehicular traffic as per the requirement of traffic
department. Contractor should note that no payment will be made to the contractor for providing,
removing and refixing M.S plates on trench etc.

6.58 While excavation of trenches, temporary arrangement like placing of M.S plate over/ trenches in
front of the entrances of the properties shall be done to allow vehicles/ public entries to the
properties. No extra payment will be made for this.

6.59 All mild steel specials required for execution of work shall be fabricated from pipes on site. No
extra cost will be paid for fabrication of M.S. specials except payment for welding and cutting
under respective item of bill of quantities. Also payment for laying of M.S specials in trenches
will be made with average length for bends (mean of internal outer length). In case of valve

74 | P a g e
chambers, the required M.S cover plates& M.S sections will be considered for payment on weight
basis & it is inclusive of cutting, welding, fabrication, etc, required to complete the work.

6.60 Contractors should note that the work of laying of water main and work of cross connections shall
be done simultaneously within the time period. As soon as laying work is started main cross
connection shall be carried out and water main shall be flushed as directed.

6.61 Tenderer should note that the supply of material, supply of C.I. specials, M.S specials if
included in the Bill of Quantities shall be made available anywhere in the city or suburbs or
at the departmental work chowky as directed. The rates of these supply items include
transport, loading, unloading etc. complete. (Note: the suitable rebate will be considered as

6.62 Tenderer shall note that H.E’s schedule item for Butterfly valve is inclusive of providing and
fixing adopter. No extra payment will be made on this account.

6.63 The contractor will be directed by the Engineer to execute the additional emergency work of
excavation, laying of water mains, cross connections, construction of S.V. Chambers, concrete
blocks, digging trial pits & other related works to H.E. Dept. etc. to any extent. The quantum of
the work of any item may get reduced or increased to any extent. However, the payment of the
work shall be made as per terms and conditions of contract.

6.64 Wherever mechanical joints will be used on the water main it will be necessary to fill the gap
between the outer edge of the pipe and special / collar/socket with spun yarn as usual. The costs of
fixing mechanical joints are inclusive of said work. No extra amount will be paid on this account.

6.65 The sluice valves, B.F. valves, air valves, fire hydrants etc. to be provided on proposed water main
shall be as per relevant I.S/M.C.G.M specifications and shall be got tested in Municipal Workshop
or as directed by the Engineer.

6.66 In case the controlled concrete to be provided at one place/or on particular day, is of small
quantity i.e. less than 10 Cu.m, M10 may be considered as equivalent to 1:3:6, M15 as 1:2:4, M20
as 1:1.5:3.The concrete sample/ cubes for M10, M15, M20 shall be tested for every100 Cu.m
quantity irrespective of individual quantity is less than 10Cu.m.

75 | P a g e
6.67 The contractors shall bring the correct size of metal/material required for construction of water
bound layers. The contractors will not be allowed to break stones for preparation of material for
water bound layers on site.
6.68 The rate of supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading and lowering in trenches of all
kinds of pipes up to 450 mm dia. is inclusive of cleaning, flushing and testing of water mains up
to 10 kg /cm2pressure as directed by the engineer.

6.69 Latest circulars / guidelines should be followed for providing fencing, barricading & lighting.

6.70 Please refer circular No. HE/Cir/13 dated 25.10.05 for specification of M.S, D.I& P.E pipes or
amended till date.

6.71 All the sluice valves to be provided shall be GLANDLESS VALVE &preferably with clock wise
opening. False Key (i.e.Chavi) required to operate Butterfly valve should be provided with
vertical pipe rod and handle as directed by the Engineer. No additional payment for the same will
be paid to the tenderer.

6.72 Materials required for fabrication of M.S. pipes, bends and specials etc. mild steel plates of
required size and thickness shall be procured at contractor’s cost conforming to IS 2062:2006 (or
latest revision)-FE-410. The M.S. pipes shall be fabricated as per IS 3589 (i.e. the fabricated
company shall have ISI certificate for fabrication of respective dia. of MS pipes). Spirally welded
pipes will not be allowed. Every 10th welding joint of mild steel pipe water main shall be tested in
metallurgical laboratory for its strength

6.73 The M.S. Pipes of dia. 1200 mm & above shall be manufactured from plates confirming to
IS 2062:2006 (or latest revision)- FE-410 Cu-WA (Copper bearing quality) with copper
content as per product analysis between 0.17 to 0.38 percent& the M.S. Pipes of dia. below
1200 mm shall be manufactured from plates confirming to IS 2062:2006 (or latest revision)- FE -

6.74 The tenderer shall note that the payment towards procurement of M.S. plates for fabricating M.S.
pipes / specials will be made as per tender item only. No extra charges / payment for using M.S.
pipes fabricated from Fe 410 Cu-WA (copper bearing quality) with copper content between 0.17%
to 0.38 % as per specifications will be entertained / considered on any account

6.75 The M.S. Pipes shall be manufactured from plates confirming to IS 2062:2006 (or latest
revision)- FE -410.The M.S. pipes shall be fabricated as per IS 3589(i.e. the fabricated company
shall have ISI certificate for fabrication of respective dia. of MS pipes). Spirally welded pipes will

76 | P a g e
not be allowed. Every 10th welding joint of mild steel pipe water main shall be tested in
metallurgical laboratory for its strength.

6.76 All the pipe material should be procured from reputed manufacturers such as JINDAL SAIL,
ESSAR, ISPAT etc.The contractor shall submit the original test certificate from the manufacturer
for the grade of the material and yield strength.

6.77 All the excavated material belongs to the B.M.C. and therefore shall be the property of BMC. It
will be mandatory on the part of tenderer to use this material in the execution of works under
contract, if the quality of material available is as per the specification. The tenderer should note
that if Municipal Dumping Ground is available then contractor has to dump the surplus excavated
material to Municipal Dumping Ground at his own cost as directed by the engineer. In case of
non- availability of Municipal dumping ground, the intending tenderer should note that the
tenderer has to make his own provision/arrangements of plot in BMC limit or outside BMC limit
at his own cost for dumping/disposal of surplus excavated material by obtaining the permission
from owner of dumping site and NOC of concerned authority for debris management plant etc. No
payment will be made for removal of earth of any work.

As and when royalties becomes payable to Government Authority on excavated material as

per statutory requirements, the payment shall be made by the tenderer. The tenderer shall pay
necessary royalties and submit documentary evidences of such payments to the Engineer for his
information and records. The intending tenderer should note that, no transportation and other
charges will be paid to the contractors and he has to quote their offering considering all factors.
As per direction given in the circular under no, Dy. Ch. Eng. / SWM / 3957 / OP /dtd.
28.09.2018 contractor has to dispose of C & D waste generated either by (i) Debris on call
Scheme if generation of C & D waste is less than 300 MT for entire project, or (ii) contractor
shall transport to designated unloading site approved by BMC SWM department by
following due procedure if C & D waste is more than 300 MT for entire project. Attached at
pg. no. 243.

6.78 B.M.C staff may visit the factory before and/or during fabrication of M.S pipes as directed. The
contractor shall make arrangement for the factory visit at his own cost.

6.79 The payment for internal cement mortar lining work to water main shall be paid on the basis of
diameter specified in the bill of quantities and not for actual diameter of pipe within the tolerance
limit. No extra claim for payment towards variation in actual pipe diameter within tolerance limit
will be considered/ entertained.

77 | P a g e
6.80 The completion reports for various activities along with its drawing shall be submitted to the
B.M.C. immediately after execution of the work.

6.81 All the materials required to use for execution of the work to be got tested as directed by the
Engineer before use.

6.82 Noise level shall be maintained as per circular under no.CE/ PD/ 7788/ I dated 05.11.08.

6.83 The tender is proposed exclusively for Dy.H.E (Const) division of Hydraulic Engineer’s

6.84 The contractor has to provide vernier caliper, micro meter and digital instrument for measuring
thickness of pipe/ferrule etc.

6.85 The tenderer shall note that the tie bars if required to be provided by drilling holes to the existing
cement concrete as directed the said work shall be done as directed by the engineer without any
extra/additional cost to BMC.

6.86 The tenderer shall remove the water, filled for hydraulic testing of the newly laid water main/
water main stretch if required after satisfactory testing at his own cost without claiming any extra
/additional cost towards dewatering to BMC.No payment will be made for any kind of dewatering

6.87 There is a paucity of space for stacking of pipes. The pipes may have to be delivered and unloaded
near the site at locations far away from place of laying the pipes. However, no payment will be
made for double handling or transport beyond 500 meters from place of laying. No payment for
re-transportation, loading, unloading etc. of pipes or specials received at site for activity beyond
500 meters will be made under any circumstances. The successful bidder will have to manage
transportation of pipes and specials etc. to site bearing this constraint in mind.

6.88 After completion of work, contractor has to submit detail location of work with three reference
point and also of water main laid.

6.89 The contract period is exclusive of monsoon. Normally excavations are not permitted in the
month of May and Tenderer shall complete refilling and reinstatement of all trenches, and the site
shall be cleared in all respect including removal of surplus material on or before 15th May of
every year or as directed by Engineer. During the monsoon period, i.e. from closure of excavation
if any urgent work is directed, then actual working period of that working period of that work will
be considered as working days.

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6.90 Tenderer at his cost, (i.e. including cost of testing, transportation, loading, unloading of material
etc complete) shall test pipes, specials, valves, cement and all other material, as directed by the
Engineer. No extra payment will be made on this Account.

6.91 Surplus Excavated earth / concrete material / Asphalt cakes / debris on site shall be removed
speedily from the site by the contractor as directed by Engineer in charge.

6.92 The tenderer shall arrange for and test water main at required pressure as directed at his cost,
failing which, same will be carried out by the B.M.C at the risk and cost of the tenderer. After
testing of water main, same shall be handed over to competent authority of B.M.C. / A.E.W.W of
respective wards / A.E.W.W (Maint) by the tenderer as directed.

6.93 The rate of supply, loading transporting on site, unloading & lowering in trenches of all kinds of
pipes up to 450mm dia. is inclusive of cleaning, flushing & testing of W.M up to required pressure
as directed by the Engineer.

6.94 If a part of completed line is required for commissioning, the same shall be handed over to the
Corporation after specified testing of water main by tenderer at his cost. No extra payment, for
carrying the material by head load to work site, shall be considered under any circumstances.

6.95 The tenderer(s) shall note that only 95% payment of payable amount will be released for the
completed work and balance 5% shall be released after completing the following works:
a) Testing of pipeline along with fittings satisfactorily.
b) Reinstatement of trenches.
c) Returning of reclaimed materials to the Municipal Store / Ward as specified.
d) Cleaning the site.

6.96 No core cut sample will be allowed in case of asphalt mix.

6.97 Tenderer, at their cost shall submit seven sets of “As laid” drawings of water main showing actual
alignment with three-point location along with the soft copy within 30 days upon submission of
final bill.

6.98 The work may be subjected to third party audit for quality assurance. The representative of the
quality assurance agency appointed for third party audit will supervise the work on day to day
basis or as directed by Engineer. Tenderer should make necessary sitting arrangement for
representative of this agency. The quality assurance agency will issue instructions through the
site in charge of B.M.C. during execution of the work. All the observations, instructions made by
the quality assurance agency & confirmed by B.M.C. staff will be binding on the contractor &
they should be complied accordingly by the contractor.
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6.99 Program of work: If at any stage the previously approved program is required to be modified, the
tenderer shall do so immediately as directed by the Engineer. If it is necessary to close some phase
of the work and start a new phase as directed, the tenderer shall do so without claiming any extra
payment. The program shall be reviewed periodically and rescheduled as directed.

6.100 Measurement of excavation shall be as per the items in the Bill of Quantities. If the actual
excavations are more than the specified, excess excavation shall not be payable. However, if the
actual excavations are less than the specified but accepted by the Engineer, the same shall be paid
at actual.

6.101 The cross connection works etc. are required to be planned in view of the water supply hours in a
particular area. Extra payment shall not be considered for works carried out during early, late or
night hours. The work of cross connection at the tapping point shall be undertaken immediately
after starting the work. Subsequently the work of cross connection at down streamside shall be
completed. In any case the cross-connection works shall be completed within one month of start
of laying of pipes. If tenderer fail to carry out the work within the non-supply hours, the same will
be carried out by the B.M.C at the risk and cost of the tenderer and recoveries shall be effected
from the dues payable to the tenderer.

6.102 The contractors will have to work during night time also and no extra claims will be entertained.
The bidder shall note while working during night hours the machineries used shall comply with
the noise levels as mentioned in circular No CE/PD/7788/I/dated 05.11.2008.

6.103 There is a paucity of space for stacking of pipes. The pipes may have to be delivered and unloaded
near the site at locations far away from place of laying the pipes. However no payment will be
made for double handling or transport beyond 500 meters from place of laying.

6.104 No payment for re-transportation, loading, unloading etc. of pipes or specials received at site for
activity beyond 500 meters will be made under any circumstances. The successful bidder will
have to manage transportation of pipes and specials etc. to site bearing this constraint in mind.

6.105 As regards payment for providing & fabricating M.S pipes, no payment will be made to contractor
against the supply of M.S pipes. The payment for supply of M.S Pipes shall be made only after
completing laying& welding work of M.S pipes. However, supply of M.S fabricated pipes shall
be in proportionate to the planned work of pipe laying as shown in the Bar Chart / C.P.M
/P.E.R.T. Supply of M.S pipe beyond the quantity mentioned in the Bar Chart / C.P.M
/P.E.R.T will not be entertained for payment towards the supply. However, if the work is
ahead of the schedule the payment will be made accordingly. The Bidder / Contractor

80 | P a g e
should note this specifically. The tenderer should note this specifically while submitting the
bids & plan the work accordingly.

6.106 No extra payment will be made for cofferdam, dewatering of any source of water including
dewatering of body water from water mains, barricading, removal of silt, removing of earth etc.

6.107 Details of recovery of existing sluice valve replaced by the contractors in the tender work are:
a) For 150mm dia. S.V., recovery will be made at the rate of Rs. 2481.56 per number.
b) For 250mm dia. S.V., recovery will be made at the rate of Rs. 6221.38 per number.
c) For 300mm dia. S.V., recovery will be made at the rate of Rs. 8388.38 per number.

6.108 Item of SOR-2013, CS-MW-1-b Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks
of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
is included in this tender. However, many of the times common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
bricks of class designation 7.5 as specified in schedule of rate are not available in market and due
to the emergency of the work of construction of sluice valve chamber, the same work is carried
out using regular brick (for example--K.B.K. Bricks) in such cases rebate of rupees 1100/- per
Cu.m will be taken towards use of regular brick.
6.109 Site Office& its allied conditions:
On the receipt of the work order, the contractors will have to erect ready-made AC site chowky at
least one number or more as directed by the Engineer in form of Porta cabin/ Container cabin or
semi permanent or permanent structure with appropriate insulation from heat, and one or more
Godown, before commencement of the work, without any extra cost. The contractors will obtain
necessary permission from concerned Asstt. Commissioner of ward/s or competent B.M.C
authority for suitable location for the site office/chowky, godown, place for stacking
machineries& material etc. The contractors will provide following facilities, equipments, chowky,

i. Successful tenderer, therefore, will have to furnish information as regards the name and
complete address of his bank, its branch and the bank A/C No, and Vendor Regn. form etc.
along with tender document. They will have also to submit fresh information when there is
any change in this regard.
ii. The Porta cabin of area preferably about 30 sq.m. with air conditioner with at least two
windows for proper ventilation.
iii. It should have toilet facility with necessary plumbing arrangements. After completion of the
work, the chowky and toilet should be completely removed within 7 days.
iv. The Chowky should be equipped with electric supply, fans, sufficiently big tables, chairs,
cupboard with locking arrangement and water filter (of approved brands) etc.
81 | P a g e
v. The successful tenderer will have to make his own arrangement at his cost for the electric
power supply required for the work either by taking connection from M.T.N.L /
RELIANCE/M.S.E.B/B.E.S.T/TATA or arrange his own generators.
vi. Tenderer, at their cost shall provide and maintain a telephone at the Engineer’s site office.
vii. The contractors are directed to make suitable arrangement in site office to prepare and
maintain site record/registers so as to enable to upload the same in SAP.
viii. The site staff of execution department shall invariably prepare and certify and maintain
records during execution of the work for all the P.O. items of the works executed on the site
before processing of bills and the record must be produced as and when required by higher
ix. Contractor shall provide 10 megapixel digital camera for taking photographs of work during
execution& also later, if required.
x. Site godown& separate cabin/Site Laboratory adjacent to site office for contractor's staff /
any other consultant / Quality control auditors if appointed by B.M.C as per requirement.
xi. The contractors will be given 12 mm dia. or 20 mm dia. (or as decided by the H.E) metered
water connection for drinking purpose only if necessary. Extra water required for
construction purposes will have to be brought by the contractors at his cost and no extra
claims on this behalf will be entertained. The contractors have to obtain necessary
permission for such connections from respective A.E.W.W of wards /Competent Authority
and shall pay the necessary connection charges.
Note: A)
i) If chowky / Site office with necessary requirements is not provided within 30 days from the
date of issue of work order, a penalty of Rs 10000/- per day will be imposed.

ii) If there is further delay more than 30 days, a penalty of Rs 20000/- per day (i.e. starting from
31st day from the date of issue of work order) will be forfeited from paid A.S.D,OR will be recovered
from 1st R.A. Bill.

iii) If there is further delay more than 45 days, a penalty of Rs 50000/- per day (i.e. starting from
46 the day from the date of issue of work order) will be forfeited from paid A.S.D,OR will be
recovered from 1st R.A. Bill.

B) If any of the items except at A of the notes mentioned above is not provided, Additional penalty of
Rs. 1000/- per day/item, will be imposed.

The bidders have to consider the costs of all items mentioned above and quote their % accordingly.

82 | P a g e
6.110 Vehicles/Transportation arrangement for Engineers and Employers Staff: The subject work
may need to be carried out at various junctions/locations at the same time. Due to this the
contractor has to make transportation arrangement for engineers & his staff round the clock 24 x7
till completion of work for smooth working & supervision of the subject work. The transportation
arrangement shall be provided from the date of starting of the work. No payment will be made for
the same.

6.111 SITE LABORATORY:(Required/ Not required)

(Space for site laboratory will not be provided by B.M.C.)

Contractors shall set or provide a laboratory at or around the site of size about 30 sq.m before
commencement of work at their cost for performing various tests and at least the following
machines and equipments shall be provided therein:
1) Roadometers, Torches, measuring tapes of lengths @ 3 R.m, 15 R.m, 30 R.m, & 50 R.m of
approved make.
2) Kadappah stone platform of size 2.5 R.m x 0.9 R.m approx.
3) First Aid box.
4) Compressive testing machine (for concrete cube tests), of minimum 150 tonne capacity
electrically operated and duly calibrated every 6 months. Testing machine should be
maintained properly. In case of failure, the same shall be repaired or replaced within 2 days.
5) Set of sieves.
6) Sieve Shaker.
7) Laboratory weighing balance of minimum 20 Kg capacity, with set of standard weights, from
1gm. to 5kg. & Electronic weigh balance with least count of 1 gm. with electric operated.
8) Aggregate drying equipments M.S Tray of 0.6 M x 0.45 M and kerosene stove or electric hot
9) Equipment for testing of silt content in sand.
10) 12 Nos of cube moulds.
11) Slump cone.
12) Infra Red thermometer calibrated upto 250 degree Celsius (for checking asphalt/bitumen
13) Camber Board
14) Electronic thermometer calibrated at least upto 300 degree Celsius and glass thermometer
calibrated upto200 degree celsius.
15) Field density bottle along with cutting tray, chisel, hammer and standard sand.
16) Bitumen Extraction machine / Bitumen core cutting machine.
17) Curing tank with adequate capacities.
18) Density gauge to check the field density of bituminous & sub base layers & soil strata.
19) Flakiness and elongation index Gauges.
20) 3m straight edge.
21) Any other machines / equipments as may be directed by the Engineer.

The laboratory shall be established within 30 days from the date of work order. On failure to do

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so, a penalty of Rs 5000/- per day shall be imposed. All materials used prior to establishment of lab are to
be tested in B.M.C. Material Testing laboratory (M.T.L) / other B.M.C. approved labs.
All the test records shall be maintained in the site office & made available as & when required. The
Engineer of the Contractor will conduct field density test periodically under the supervision of B.M.C.
staff /any other consultant if appointed by B.M.C. & maintain the relevant in records.

6.112 Instruments to be provided:

The Contractor shall provide at his own cost for the exclusive use of the staff of the Engineer all
survey equipment’s& measuring instruments of approved make & of every kind necessary for execution
of the work as and when directed by the Engineer, including:
a) Automatic Surveyor’s level (01No) with horizontal 360 degrees circle, tripod with carrying case,
all to the approval of The Engineers representative. The instrument shall be calibrated as & when
instructed by the Engineers representative. The same shall be kept available at all times at the site
b) Two (2) Levelling staff 4.5 m long each in 3 sections & with attached bubbles graduated in meters
& Tenths & Hundredth of a meter all to the approval of the Engineer.
c) 12 Nos of cube moulds and Curing tank with adequate capacities
d) Two (2) Surveyors Steel Bands of which one shall be 100 Mt. long & approximately 20 mm
Wide& 1 shall be at least 30 Mt. long & 12 mm wide each fully divided.
e) Two (2) thermometers for taking temperatures of Asphalt mixes.
f) Any other instruments required for work as directed by Engineer.
Roadometers, Torches, measuring tapes of lengths @ 3 R.m, 15 R.m, 30 R.m, & 50 R.m of
approved make.
g) First Aid box

6.113 Testing of Materials:

All requests for testing of samples must be made in writing in duplicate, specifying therein the
following information (separate memo should be sent for cement, concrete, steel, soil, asphalt
etc.). This includes testing suggested by third party quality assurance agency through the site in-
charge at tenderer’s cost in Govt. approved laboratories.
a) Name of the Work, Work Code No. if any.
b) Type of material and tests desired (i.e. grade of cement, date of Consignment).
c) Identification mark on the sample should be mentioned on the forwarding memo (in Case of concrete
beams and cubes identification marks, grade of concrete, date of casting, specimen No. should be
engraved on concrete. If these details are marked by paint, samples will not be accepted. In case of
84 | P a g e
reinforcement bars, details shall be displayed on label pasted on bars and label must be signed by the
officer, who has taken the samples).
a) Name and full postal address of the officer to whom the results must be sent.
b) Date of sampling (i.e. date of laying asphalt mix, Sr. No. of load casting concrete or taking
cement samples).
c) Name of the contractor carrying out the work.
d) Any other information which is specified by the user department.
1. Samples must also bear the identification mark and signature of site in-charge taking the sample. In
case of samples of asphalt mixes sent in polythene bags a legible duplicate tag should be stapled from

2. Quantity of sample must be adequate as shown in the schedule, available with H.E.’s office.

3. Full testing fees as per schedule in force shall be paid in advance between 10.30a.m and 1.00 p.m. on
working days except Saturday, and between 10.30 a.m. and 12.00 noon on Saturday. These fees shall
be borne by the tenderer(s).

4. For issuing additional copies or duplicate copies Rs20/- or fees as prevailing rates will be charge for
each copy. Request for additional/duplicate copy may be made in writing by site in charge or higher
officers of the user department.

5. Cement sample should be forwarded in sealed airtight container with one lid on top not less than 10
cm. in diameter.

6. Moulds of concrete cubes/beams taken on hire shall be returned in clean, oiled condition with all nuts
and accessories in proper position.

7. Sample for tensile testing of reinforcing bars shall be straight for entire length without bends. The
ends of the bars shall be hacksaw cut and not chisel cut. One sample of each diameter bar shall be
sent for first test and for retest two bars shall be sent. The length of the bars shall be 50 cm. for
diameter upto 25 mm and 60 cm for dia equal to and greater than 25 mm.

8. Samples of bitumen, cut back, emulsions shall be forwarded in wide mouthed metal containers with
label pasted on the lid.

9. Samples that are sent for testing natural moisture content shall be forwarded in wax coated packing or
sealed airtight polythene bags.

10. Undisturbed samples sent in sampling tube shall be wax coated on both Open ends.

85 | P a g e
11. Penalty: The tenderers shall arrange to deliver A.M sample for testing to Municipal Testing
Laboratory within 4 (four) days from the date of laying of asphalt mix on site. In case of delay,
additional testing charges as penalty would be recovered from the contractor at following rates.

A) From 5th day to 7thday: Rs10000 / - per sample from date of laying
asphalt mix on site.
B) From 8th day to 14 day: Rs 20000 / - per sample from date of laying

asphalt mix on site.

The above charges i.e. A & B shall be paid by the contractors at the time of submitting samples in
Municipal Testing Laboratory. If the samples of A.M are not sent for testing within 14 days payment for
the corresponding quantity of those samples shall not be made.


1. The subject work is underground &unforeseen, unplanned, unidentified nature may need to be carried
out at various locations at the same time & also at adverse site conditions. The work is required to be
carried within the restricted width and movement of very vehicular traffic is also required to be
allowed abutting to the excavated trench. The contractor shall take utmost care/ necessary
precautions/ preventive measures while carrying out the work so that vehicular traffic/pedestrians
traffic shall ply safely and smoothly during the execution of work to avoid any mishap. If any mishap
is happened during the execution of work the consequences of the same inclusive of legal and
financial will be entirely contractor’s liability and same shall be taken into account while bidding for
the tender.

2. The subsoil strata may be silty/marine clay or silty clay with gravel and sand rocky strata is also
likely to be encountered at some stretches of water main laying works.

3. The tenderer shall take suitable measures to protect the sides of the excavated trench at his own cost
till water main laying work including allied works are completed and trench is finally reinstated.

4. The tenderer shall note that the work of laying of various dia. D.I.W.M., Cross-Connections & its
allied works are to be started simultaneously at multiple locations in respective ward as directed.

5. The reinstatement of each stretch has to be started and completed immediately once the water main is
hydraulically tested. If reinstatement is required to be carried out before hydraulic testing for any
reasons whatsoever, the same will be allowed on submission of undertaking by the bidder regarding
satisfactory hydraulic testing of the laid water main. In case of failure in hydraulic testing of the laid
water main, the same will have to be rectified by the bidder including reinstatement at his own risk &

86 | P a g e
6. Tenderer shall note that if the reinstatement work is delayed the tenderer has to take necessary steps to
bring the excavated trench portion of the particular stretch in motor able and safe conditions at his
cost and no extra payment for the above-mentioned works will be entertained & appropriate penalty
will also be imposed.

7. As per circular issued by Hydraulic Engineer U/No. HE/336/SR dated 29.04.2024, it is mandatory to
use Diamond cutter for cutting of existing CC Road pavement. Tenderer shall note that cutting of
existing cement concrete road pavement by using diamond saw machine will be paid as per tender
item no. HE-8-27-a only. Diamond core cutter with the depth of 30 / 35 cm shall be used for uniform
cutting of existing C.C pavements by the tenderer so as to avoid damage to the pavements adjacent to
cutting area. If the adjacent cement concrete pavement is damaged by the contractor, the same shall
be get rectified by the tenderer as directed at his own cost. No separate charges towards supplying
water & electricity for the said work will be entertained / considered on any account.

8. If required, the successful tenderer has to carryout sub soil investigation and total station survey
before/during the subject work and should submit the report to BMC. The tenderer should note that
no any payment will be made for sub soil investigation test and total station survey.

9. In case of non-satisfactory / failed results of 28 days concrete compressive strength, if 28 days

concrete cube compressive strength test sample strength at MTL/NABL accredited labs are not
satisfactorily/failed; in such circumstances re-assessment of strength of concrete shall invariably
to be done only at Municipal Testing Laboratory(MTL)by joint witness by the officer not below
the rank of Assistant Engineer of the project and the representative of the contractor for
assurance and acceptance of the strength of concrete work.


1. The work is required to be executed at one / multiple locations or as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
The contractors will have to obtain permission accordingly from the Traffic Police
department/Railway Authority /BMC ward office well in advance either for closing down the road
partially/fully or for diversion of traffic for execution of the work, the contractors should therefore
consider this factor while quoting.
2. The contractor shall have to obtain all the permissions of the concerned authorities of B.M.C. / other
than B.M.C required for carrying out the work. Only recommendatory letters will be issued by

3. Quantities of all items provided in the B.O.Q. may not be required to be executed depending upon the
site conditions. For procurement of materials before starting the work, contractor shall take actual

87 | P a g e
measurements on the site as per tendered work, contract period &get himself acquainted with existing
site conditions. The tenderer shall not be entitled for any compensation on this account such as excess
procurement of pipes, valves...etc

4. The contractor shall procure all material required for the work from manufacturers with I.S.I
certificates and according to B.M.C specifications/approved list wherever applicable.

5. Corporation may appoint a consultant for quality audit, during execution period. The contractor will
extend all help in carrying out any survey; test etc. as directed and adverse decision there of including
rectification shall be carried out by the contractors at their cost.

6. All material required for the work can be stacked near the site of work in such manner so as not to
cause any inconvenience to the pedestrian and vehicular traffic. If no space is available on site then
tenderer shall make his own arrangement for stacking of material etc. No extra payment will be made
on this account.

7. The contractor should note that during the execution of the work the excavated material will have to
be removed immediately after completion of the work as per direction of the Engineer, failing which
the same will be got removed at their risk and cost. The site shall be cleared by removal of surplus
material within 24 hours after refilling the excavated trench.

8. The Contractor should note that Running Bill/Final Bill of project works shall be accompanied with
GIS Mapping Certificate as per Circular no. CA (F)/EXP/FI/22 dated 30.09.2019.(Pg.250)If any
Running Bill / Final Bills not accompanied with GIS Mapping Certificate, the same will not be
accepted for payment. Also, GIS Mapping conditions under no. EE/WDIP/SR/51/DT. 15.06.2023&
EE/WDIP/SR/53/DT. 22.06.2023(Pg.263-266)is applicable for this tender.

9. Tenderer shall note that in respect of the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) policy circular u/n
DY.ChE/CPD/2025 dt. 01.09.2021 andCh.E(Vig)/436/B dt. 18.05.2023 shall be applicable.(Pg.260-

10. The tenderer shall note that work of laying water main and road improvement work under
taken by road is in progress simultaneously then item included in BOQ in respect of
reinstatement work will not be operated and no claim regarding the non-execution of said item
shall be entertained. Bidder shall take this aspect in consideration and put their offer

88 | P a g e
6.116 Concrete Works:

1. All concrete works shall be carried out by Ready Mix Concrete / unless otherwise specified in
respective items.

2. Testing for compressive strength of concrete works shall be carried out as per the Quality Assurance
Manual, or as directed by engineer in-charge. Twelve cubes (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm) shall be
cast & tested for compressive strength for 7, 14 & 28 days at the site laboratory. For concrete of grade
M 35 or higher, corresponding three flexural beams (700 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm) for flexural
strength of 28 days shall also be cast & tested, for every day's work at the laboratory attached to the
R.M.C. plant. In case of failure in compressive strength for 28 days, the remaining three cubes shall
be sent to the municipal laboratory or any other laboratory approved by Ch.E (Rds& Tr.), as directed
by engineer in-charge for re-testing.

3. Besides, once in a month, compressive strength for 7, 14 & 28 days & flexural strength for 28 days
(for concrete of grade M 35 or higher) shall be carried out at municipal laboratory or approved
laboratory as directed by engineer in-charge.

4. The temperature of Pavement Quality concrete shall be maintained as per IRC: 15:2002. Concrete
having temperature at the time of pouring more than 30ºC will not be allowed.

5. The tenderer should note that channels (form work) of specific sizes (150mm, 280 mm or 300 mm or
350 mm) may have to be manufactured as per the design of concrete pavement slab for which no
extra payment will be made and tenderer has to quote his % rate accordingly.

6. The contractors shall make necessary arrangement for adequate lighting during night-time& as per the
conditions insisted by Traffic police department N.O.C for the work. No extra claims will be
entertained for the same.

7. List of approved Paver block manufacturers/ Asphalt Plants/ R.M.C. Plants etc. have been
incorporated in this document. However, B.M.C. reserves right to modify these lists. (The updated
list of approved paver blocks manufacturers at “the time of execution of works” shall be obtained
from the Dy. Chief Engineer (Roads) City / E.S’s office.

8. All the asphalt works required to be done under the captioned contract shall be got executed with the
specified asphalt mixes manufactured in B.M.C. approved asphalt plants only.

9. All the Paver blocks/ Kerb stones/ Water tables/ Frame & covers required for the works to be carried
out under the captioned contract shall be procured from the specified manufacturers registered with
B.M.C. only and also the interlocking paver blocks shall have BIS registration.
89 | P a g e
10. The RMC works required to be done under the captioned contract shall be got executed with pre-
qualified / approved RMC plant by B.M.C.

6.117 Traffic Management:

1. The contractor shall have to provide adequate number of wardens as per requirement of Traffic Police
Deptt. at the contractor's cost.

2. Traffic signs – Temporary traffic and construction signs are to be provided during construction and
maintenance operations for traffic diversion and pedestrian safety as per Traffic Diversion Plan.

3. The contractor shall display the boards stating information of the name of the work, date of starting,
date of completion, name of the Deptt. and contact telephone no’s of Contractor’s Engineer.

4. While constructing/improving footpath, provision for sloping ramp of at least 1m width or as

directed, shall be made at every carriage entrance, junctions, bus stops etc., for convenience of
physically challenged persons.

5. The full time services of the Personnel Team of the contractor is mandatory during the entire period
of the project.

6. Diameter of the S.W.D pipe & sizes of manholes provided in the bill of quantities of the tenders are
tentative & are likely to change at the time of execution according to the site conditions. Contractor’s
shall have to carry out such extra items in S.W.D works as per S.W.D schedule rates of B.M.C
prevailing at the time of execution of work or as per G.C.C adjusted by rebate/ premium quoted by
the contractors and no fair rate will be admissible for the same.

7. The photographs of work sites & works as and when directed by Engineer are to be taken. A new
Digital Camera of Min 10 Mega Pixels shall be provided in the site office for the said purpose. The
Photographs should be arranged in the Album/ Register showing the relevant activities executed on
site. The register should be duly signed by site-in-charge and contractor fortnightly. All photographs
may require to be uploaded as & when directed to do so.

90 | P a g e
6.118 Price Variation:

Please refer “price variation” clause no. 79 & 80 of Section 9 GCC.

a) As the time period of the project is 12 months (excluding monsoon), hence any variation in the
rates of labour and materials shall not be considered for reimbursement to the contractor. The
bidder shall note this aspect and submit their bid accordingly.

b) The bidder shall note that as the time period of project is 24 months (Excluding Monsoon),
hence the cost contingencies/ price variation for labour& materials shall be consideredand will be
paid as per indices issued by competent authority considering the relevant clauses of G.C.C. in
force & amendments thereof by the BMC from time to time. However, maximum limit for
reimbursement is 10 % of the contract costincluding extra items/excess quantities but excluding
water/ sewerage and supervision charges & physical and cost contingencies. The bidder shall note
this aspect and submit their bid accordingly.

6.119 Every running bill submitted by the contractor for payment shall be with the detailed
measurements recorded for each item.

6.120 Contract Labour (Abolition and Regulation) Act 1970: The Tenderer(s) should specifically note
that the successful tenderer shall have to strictly comply with all the statutory requirement under
the provision of the Contract Labor (Abolition and Regulation) Act 1970 and with the
Maharashtra State Contract Labor (Abolition and Regulation) Rules 1970 and indemnify the
Corporation against any claim(s) whatsoever.

6.121 Royalty Payment on excavated material as per statutory requirement:

The contractor shall pay necessary royalties as and when royalties becomes payable to the
government authority on excavated material as per statutory requirements. The payment towards
royalty charges shall be made by the contractor& it will not be reimbursed by B.M.C. The
evidences of such payment shall be submitted for record purpose.

6.122 If the contractor carries out excavation for any tender / additional work allotted &fails to reinstate
the same within the stipulated time limit, as per the program and or before 15 thof May OR any
other date specified by the B.M.C authority, the reinstatement will be got carried out at
contractor’s risk and cost through other agency in addition to further penal action.

91 | P a g e
6.123 The noise level shall be maintained within the permissible limit in Silence zone area during the
construction activities by the Contractors, as per the notification dated 14.2.2000, issued by the
Ministry of Environment & Forests.

6.124 The contractor shall maintain copy of the following registers as applicable during execution
of work and it is mandatory to provide Laptops / Desktops to the Site Engineers for the
same. The List of Registers / Records / Files etc to be maintained is as under:
Sr.No Name of Register / Records / Files
01 Daily Progress Register
02 Excavation Register ( Soil, C.C, Road carriageways, Rock … etc )
03 Correspondence File
04 External & Internal utility remarks File
05 Permission File (Ward / Traffic / Chowky / C.C.Road … etc)
Permission File (Other utility letters viz S.P, S.W.D, S.O, B.E.ST, TATA, M.G.L, M.T.N.L,
Railway, Mb.P.T, M.S.R.D.C, M.M.R.D.A … etc)
07 O/C File
08 Drawing File
09 Instruction Book / Register
10 Level Book if required
11 Mix Design Approval File if required
12 Test Report File (Cement, Sand, Brick, Metal No 1, Metal No 2, Metal No 3, Rock … etc)
13 Test Report File (Sluice Valve (S.V), Butterfly Valve (B.F.V), Air Valve … etc)
14 Test Report File (Paver block, G.S.B, W.M.M, D.L.C, M40 RMC … etc)
15 Test Report File (Asphalt Macadam, Asphalt Concrete … etc)
16 Test Report File (Pipes, Welding … etc)
17 Pipe Laying Register
18 Form Work / Shuttering Register if required
19 Encasement Register if required
20 Cement Variation Register if required
21 Cement Register
22 Sub base & W.B.M Register if required
23 Asphalt Macadam, Asphalt Concrete Qty Register if required
24 Asphalt Macadam / Concrete Challan File if required
25 G.S.B, W.M.M Register if required

92 | P a g e
26 D.L.C Register if required
27 Duct Pipe / Lateral Register if required
28 Steel Register if required
29 M10, M15, M20 C.C Qty, Cube, Variation Registers
30 M10, M15, M20, M35 / M40 RMC Qty, Cube, Variation Registers
31 R.M.C. Challan File if required
32 Pour Card Register if required
33 Joint Cutting Register if required
34 Precast Item Register (Paver blocks, Kerb stone, Dividers etc) if required
35 Precast Item Challan Register if required
36 R.T.I. Correspondence File if required
37 Vigilance Reply File
38 Railway Correspondence File if required
39 Isolation Memo File
40 Hydraulic Testing File
41 Handing Over File
42 Photograph File / Album / Register
43 Penalty Register
45 Sand Metal Register if required
46 M8 Register if required
Any other registers required as per description of items for any activity / material / quantity
for which payment is made or as instructed by B.M.C staff.


1. The successful tenderer/ Contractor have to co-ordinate between the third party quality assurance
agency, if any, and the B.M.C. staff for the quality execution of work.
2. All materials required to be used for execution of the job shall be got tested as directed by third party
quality auditor, if any, through the site in-charge before use.
3. The contractor shall prepare all the relevant site records/registers & duly update the same in
consultation with the site in-charge.Also, Contractor has to submit the scanned copy of all site
records/relevant documents.
4. The jobs allotted to the contractor for execution is to be executed to the satisfaction of the third-party
quality assurance agency if any and the B.M.C. The contractor to note this pointand plan the execution
of work carefully.

93 | P a g e
5. The completion reports for various activities along with its drawing are required to be submitted to the
BMC immediately after execution of the job.
6. It is suggested to the contractor that the contractor may make necessary arrangement for testing of the
water main.
7. The overall quantum of the work may vary to any extend and if the scope of the work is reduced to
any extent, the contractor shall not claim any compensation and no payment will be made towards
claim/ compensation. If the quantum of the work get exceed tender amount, the contractor has to
execute the work for additional amount at the same quoted percentage. This point shall be considered
while quoting the tender.
8. For extra/excess prior administrative approval of the competent approving authority mentioned
in the circular u/no. CA(F)/Project/31 Dt. 26.10.2020is mandatory for execution of extra/excess
work. However, if quantities of excess items executed in the work is less than 5% prior/post facto
approval of the competent authority shall be obtained.

However, prior administrative sanctioning authorities for excess/extra/saving are as per following
table: -

Nature Permissible limit of Extra/Excess/Saving and approving authority

of work
General DMC(Infra)/DMC(E)/DM
Concerned A.M.C. Municipal Commissioner
work/U C(SE)/Dir(es & p)/Jt.M.C.
(i)Cumulative amount of (i)Cumulative amount of (i)Cumulative amount of
Extra/Excess/Saving in any Extra/Excess/Saving in any Extra/Excess/Saving in any
individual item upto Rs.25 individual item upto Rs.1 crore individual item above Rs.1 crore
Lakh and and and/OR
n works
(ii)Total cumulative amount of
Extra/Excess/Saving on all items
(ii) Total cumulative amount
above 15% of the total contract
of Extra/Excess/Saving on all
(ii) Total cumulative amount of cost, And/OR
items upto 5% of the total
Extra/Excess/Saving on all items
contract cost, but not Cumulative amount of
upto 15% of the total contract
exceeding Rs. 1 crore Extra/Excess/Saving in on all
cost, but not exceeding Rs. 10
items exceeding Rs. 10 Crores

Nature Permissible limit of Fair Item and approving authority

of work
For all DMC(Infra)/DMC(E)/DMC(SE)/Dir(es Concerned A.M.C. Municipal Commissioner
nature & p)/Jt.M.C.
of work Total cumulative amount of Fair on all Total cumulative amount Total cumulative amount of
items upto 2% of the total contract cost, of Fair on all items upto Fair on all items above 5% of
but not exceeding Rs. 20 Lakh 5% of the total contract the total contract cost.
cost, but not exceeding
And /ORCumulative amount
of Fair on all items exceeding
94 | P a g e
(Other than the proposals Rs. 1 Crore.
in the purview of

For extra/fair items if any prior administrative approval shall be obtained from the AMC(P) &
maximum limit is 5% of total contract cost.

Contractors are informed that the circular under reference is issued for the propose of having financial
discipline on the work hence whenever the quantity executed to the extent of 80% of BOQ quantity will
be intimated to Site In Charge before executing the work on site & or submission of R.A. bill for the said
work. The extra/excess beyond the BOQ quantity are likely to be operative, the contractor need to take
prior approval of competent authority. Any amendment in circular mentioned above during the time
period of this tender will be applicable. The foreclosure of work due to above circular &reason will not
be the cause of claiming compensation of this work.

6.126 Special Notes:

1) The pipe fabrication factory must have facility of automatic welding machine and hydraulic testing
set up.
2) The spiral welding is not allowed for M.S pipes.
3) The contractor has to make arrangement for factory visit if instructed by Engineer in Charge
Municipal staff at his own cost.
4) The contractor has to lay as far as possible the water mains at fixed level by diverting the utilities if
required. Also preferably bends to be used while laying w.m. should be less than of 45 degree.
For extra item, if required to execute, any unforeseen work as per site conditions, HE’s
Schedule of rates will be mainly considered for the payment of work with proper sanction from DMC
(SE). However, if the items are not available in HE’s schedule those item will be paid as per the items
of other BMC Schedule of rates & as stipulated in the relevant clause of G.C.C. If the items are not
available in any of the B.M.C. schedules, then fair rate will be prepared as per prevailing market rate
with 15% contractors profit inclusive of overheads and duly got verified by Account Office. For fair
rate approval from DMC (SE) shall be obtained before execution of work or afterward as the case may
Contractors will be asked to refill the trenches with excavated earth with proper compaction as
specified in clause PL 52 of Technical Specifications and reinstatement of Road surface to its original
road surface. The width of road surface to be reinstated will be restricted to the trench width plus 15
cm on either side or as directed. The contractor has to maintain the reinstated trench and reinstated
road surface till the defect liability period of the contract period is over at his cost. Any settlement of
reinstated trench and/or reinstated road surface is observed during this period shall be redone within 7

95 | P a g e
days by contractor’s at his cost failing which it will attract penalty equivalent to the cost of
reinstatement (at quoted rate) of the portion per week or part thereof or as per the policy guidelines for
re-instatement of trenches and the same will be recovered from the contractor’s bill. However, during
monsoon period if any pothole / settled trench is observed, it shall be binding on Contractors to attend
it within 24 / 48 hours as the case may be and as directed by the Engineer.


Before submitting the tender, the Tenderers / Contractors shall inspect and acquaint himself about
the site of construction with its site constraints. They shall also collect such information as they may
deem necessary for the proper execution of the works. They shall obtain further clarification, if any, on
any specific issue from the office of E.E.W.W (Const) City, 1st floor, BMC Engineering HUB
Building,Dr. E Moses Road, Worli, Mumbai-400018 before submitting the tender. Tenderers /
Contractors should note and study the condition related to site constraints and its impact.


The Tenderers / bidders should note following points carefully before quoting:

1) For execution of proposed subject work along with its various allied work within contractual
period the bidders has to carry out the work at number of locations as directed. Department will
apply for necessary permissions to traffic department / Tree Authority / concerned B.M.C ward&
any other agency as may be required. However, necessary follow ups shall have to be made by the
contractor to get the permissions so as to start & complete the work within stipulated time period.
Getting aforesaid permissions will be entirely contractor’s responsibility for which the required
help will be provided by B.M.C. Also, the directions of authority concerned with regards to traffic
diversions / for any other purpose will be binding on the contractor..

2) While carrying out the work, contractor has to ensure safety of existing utilities of B.S.N.L, B.E.S.T,
TATA, SCADA, M.G.L, optical fibre cables, Sewer lines, S.W.D & Water Mains of Hydraulic
Engineer's Department etc. contractor has to take care of all his Machineries and transport vehicles
while executing the work without disturbing traffic flow on remaining carriageway of road. If any
damage occurs to any immediately and no extra payment will be made to the contractors.

3) Existing Cross Drainage work/HT cables /High voltage/oil filled TATA cables/ Drains etc may
required to be crossed by way of diversions or by deepening the pipeline as directed. Utmost care
should be taken while carrying out such works to avoid the damage to the existing utilities. If any
damage occurs to any of the utility, same will have to be repaired /reinstated by the contractor at his
cost immediately and no extra payment will be made to the contractor.
96 | P a g e
4) It is to be ensured by the contractor that all valve chamber covers shall flush with the top of the
existing road.

5) Due to paucity of space and to ensure better & consistent quality, it is necessary to provide Ready
Mix Concrete (R.M.C) for the concreting works required for the project or as the case may be.

6) The warranty period of valves will however commence from the physical completion of entire work
under the contract.

7) The bidder shall note that he will have to arrange for security and safety of Municipal and his own
staff working at the site & materials stacked at / near to sites during the whole contract period and
the cost of same shall be deemed to have been covered under items of the contract. The
bidders/Contractors should note that, no claim whatsoever arising out of the ignorance of site
conditions etc. submitted later on, will be entertained on any account.

8) As stated in scope of the tender, this tender covers the work of providing and laying of various dia.
water mains& its allied civil works. The work of interconnections / cross Connections of various dia.
water mains shall have to be done in restricted time limit as the existing water mains are live ones
and it is to be carried out only after isolation for very restricted time period is permitted by Hydraulic


The Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance to the Engineer’s Representative and his staff
in carrying out their duties of checking, setting out, inspecting and measuring the works. The Contractor
shall provide surveyor, staff men, office attendants and labourers as may be needed from time to time by
the Engineer.
The Contractor shall provide for Engineer and his staff protective clothing, safety helmets, rubber
boots of suitable sizes, hand lamps, and the likes as may reasonably be required by them. These articles
shall remain the property of the Contractor. No separate payment shall be made on this account.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all workmen and other persons entering the
works and shall take all measures necessary to ensure their safety to the approval of the Engineer's
Representative. The guidelines are as under:

97 | P a g e
a) Display of proper safety and emergency regulations; fire, gas and electric shock precautions,
provisions of stretchers and first aid boxes together with rescue facilities for each place of working.
b) Provision of efficient safety helmets for all personnel including the Engineer's Representative and
each of his staff and any authorized visitors.
c) Safe control of water, including provision of ample standby generating and pumping plant;
d) Provision and maintenance of suitable lighting to provide adequate illumination of works with
appropriate spares and standby equipment;
e) Provision and maintenance of safe, sound mechanical equipment each item of plant having an up-to-
date test certificate;
f) Provision and maintenance of safe, sound ropes, slings, pulleys and other lifting tackle, each
appliance having an up-to-date test certificate where appropriate;
g) Provision of notice board 1.25 m x 1.5 min size, written in bold letter in English, Marathi and Hindi,
to be erected on existing footpaths and points of access likely to be used by the public, which shall
warn the public.


No idle charges will be entertained on any of the grounds.


a) The Engineer not below the rank of Assistant Engineer is entitled to impose a penalty of Rs. 5000/- per
day/lapse, in accordance to the gravity of default communicated in writing. Penalty amount will be
recovered from contractors running bill. This penalty is over and above penalty mentioned under
If it is observed that, the contractor carrying out the work fails to comply with the instructions
given by the authorities of the Dy.HE (Const)/H.E/D.M.C (SE) /A.M.C/M.C.'s level during execution
of work twice, the work may be terminated and will be carried out at the risk and cost of the contractor
and penal action will be taken against them. This decision will not be arbitrable at all.
The abovementioned condition will be in addition to the relevant condition in the General
Condition of contract regarding cancellation of contract in full or partly final decision of disputes,
difference of claims raised by the contractor or relating to any matter out of contract.
Penalty shall be levied & recovered from contractors running bills as stated below. This penalty is
over and above penalty mentioned under G.C.C / other Terms & conditions mentioned in this tender.

98 | P a g e
Reasons Amount of Penalty
20% of cost of defective work. The defective
1 Work not as per specification/defective work work is to be redone/rectified.
Lapse in execution of work as discussed &
Minimum Rs 10000 / - per day & then Rs
2 finalized during the quarterly review meeting 5000 / - per day
of the work at site.
Not following / disobedience of orders issued
3 by site incharge or other visiting officers of the Rs 5000 / -per day

In case of failure of asphalt mix sample testing in Municipal Testing Laboratory in various tests the
following penalties will be imposed.

Sr. Particulars Penalty

Gradation Failure in asphalt macadam(AM), asphalt
1 Rs. 5000 / -
concrete(AC), seal coat(SC)

2 Gradation failure in mastic asphalt (MA) Rs. 5000 / -

Failure on more than three(3) gradations in 50% of the cost of the work done
AM,AC,MA representing the sample

Failure in flow value, bulk density, void ratio,

4 Rs1000 / -
marshal stability

Rs.150 / - per M.T for the work

5 Excess bitumen content beyond specified limits
representing the sample.

50% of the cost of work representing

6 Less percentage of bitumen content in asphalt mix/es.
the sample.

7 For other materials failure Rs 5000 / - per material per failure

Other penalties

In addition to any penal action under the General Conditions of Individual contracts, a registered
contractor will be liable under the registration rule to one or more of the following penalties:
a) Warning / Fine
b) Demotion
c) Deregistration

a) Warning / Fine
A contractor will be liable to a warning and /or penalty for:
1. Non-compliance of any provision of the rules.

99 | P a g e
2. Failure to comply with any clause or direction under these rules or comply with any conditions of
tenders / contracts.
3. In adequate progress / performance under the contract.
For the first default of any type mentioned above a warning will be issued. For each subsequent
default of the types in (1) & (2) above the minimum penalty will be fine of Rs 2500/- while that
for a default of the type (3) the minimum penalty will be Rs 5000/- for contracts of upto Rs 25
Lakhs and Rs 10000/- for contracts of above Rs 25 lakhs. Higher Amount of penalty may be
levied by the competent authority for reasons to be recorded.

b) Demotion
A contractor will be liable to be demoted to a lower class of registration on any of the following
1. Specific failure or default in execution of individual works in respect of physical progress for
quality of such works.
2. Inadequate performance as revealed by quarterly performance report.
3. Deterioration in financial or technical ability /capacity.
4. Repeated failure to fill in tender documents fully and correctly or delay in execution of formal
contract documents.

c) Deregistration:
A contractor will be liable to be deregistered on any of the following grounds.
1 Attempt to defraud the Corporation.
2 Attempt to bribe any employee / officer of Corporation.
3 Attempt to secure a contract through unfair means or by bringing to bear outside influence.
4 Attempt to secure unauthorized copies of Municipal Records, any documents in relation to any
tender / contract or any other official matter.
5 Furnishing or tampered with Municipal record and documents.
6 Furnishing false and / or misleading information to registration and / or any tender / contract.
7 Threatening, Misbehaving with or physical attack on any Municipal Employees / officer.
8 Attempt to instigate or collude with other contractors with a view to securing undue advantage.

6.133 Condition for updating of works on BMC GIS

1) Contractor has to capture digital photographs and Geo coordinates (i.e. Latitude and Longitude)
of each work (during execution of the work) In the following manner:

100 | P a g e
a)Contractor shall use latest GPS equipment in DGPS mode (RTK/PPK)
forcapturingLatitude/Longitude coordinates of Water Network Assets, which arecompatible to the
MCGM's existing DGPS Setup to get desired data quality.

b)The GPS coordinates shall be captured strictly in the presence of theconcerned MCGM Site in
charge. The photographs of the process ofcapturing the Geo coordinates with the help of latest
DGPS Machine shall betaken and submitted as part of records to the concerned EEWW(Const).

c)The contractor shall capture the coordinates of water network assets andpost process the DGPS
Rover data in back office and generate "shape file"format using the 10 point character for
attribute table as attached which ismandatory for uploading on One MCGM. Reference
coordinates forshape file shall be WGS 1984 UTM 43N.

d)For water mains, contractor shall capture Geo coordinate in the followingmanner:

i)At start point, at every turning point and end point.

ii)Every bend shall be captured at both the ends to confirm the direction ofwater main.

iii)For straight alignment of water main, Geo coordinates shall be taken atevery 50m interval.

iv)The coordinates of all Cross-connection points, Sluice valves, Valvechamber, BFVs, Airvalves,
Hydrants, Reducer, End cap, Manholechamber, shall also be captured.

e)In congested area where network is not available or poor, submission on Google Earth can
beaccepted for WDIP work only and not for laying work.

2)The contractor shall enter the field attribute data in the asset format attached and submit along with
shape file for GIS Mapping Certificate.

3)a)Wherever necessary the contractor shall carry out TSS survey of Road where laying of water
main work is to be executed. For TSS, use nearest MCGM'sGCP monuments (total 24
monuments are available across Greater Mumbai) for reference.

b)For TSS survey. The contractor shall use UTM 43N using local datum (THDvalues from the
nearest pillar) as directed by MCGM. Three-point locationdata should be given with field
attribute data as per Asset formats attached along with the shape file and submit to
thedepartment. All water related features i.e. Pipe lines, valve chamber, hydrant, air valve etc.
shall be marked on TSS with reference to urban vicinityfeatures such as land mark, bus top,
electrical poles, sewer main holes etc.

101 | P a g e
4)Tenderer shall also submit a certified hard copy of the surveyed dataon Google earth map. It is also
mandatory to submit detailed schematicsketch signed by concerned construction staff for assets such
as crossconnection, water main, diversion, reducer and service connection.

5) The attribute data of the H.E.'s assets shall be filled up in the prescribedformats as attached
byConcern Contractor's representative and the site incharge, which shall be endorsed by concerned
Executive Engineer.

6)The completion drawings shall be prepared using HE's existing GIS data/One MCGM portal
available with Executive Engineer(Construction).

7)After completion of work, the geo spatial data in "shape file", along withattribute data in prescribed
formats as attached, shall be submitted toEE(WDIP) for updating in H.E.'s GIS database within two
month, failingwhich a penalty of Rs. 500 per day will be recovered from the contractor.
8)It is required to capture the geo spatial data on exposed main while carrying out the work for better
accuracy in order to update HE's GIS data.
9)Tenderer shall note that, 5% amount of the total work done will be withheld forGIS work. The 5%
deposit withheld will be released only after GIS MappingCertificate is received from
MWDIPdepartment. This 5 % Retention shall be inaddition to the amount retained as retention money
and amount withheld asper vigilance circular. Running bill/final bill shall be accompanied with
GISMapping Certificate as per circular CA(F)/EXP/F1/22 Dated 30.09.2019.

10)The contractor shall note that no separate payment will be made forcapturingGPScoordinates,
carrying out TSS survey whereverrequired, and submission of photographs, CD of Auto CAD &shape
files etc.

6.134 Any update in GIS conditions/circulars will be applicable for this work even after the completion
of bidding process and during execution. The Contractor should note that Running Bill/Final Bill
of project works shall be accompanied with GIS Mapping Certificate as per Circular no.
CA(F)/EXP/FI/22 dated 30.09.2019. If any Running Bill / Final Bills not accompanied with GIS
Mapping Certificate, the same will not be accepted for payment.
6.135 Tenderer shall note that no extra payment shall be made for local transportation of MS pipes and
MS specials at site and rates are inclusive of transportation and lowering in trenches.
6.136 The Tenderer shall take note of the GST circular issued u/n.CA/F/Project/28 dt.
28.03.2023(Pg.267-269).Any modifications to this effect will be applicable to this bid. However it
shall be noted that rates are as per USOR 2023exclusive of G.S.T. and applicable G.S.T. will be
paid over and above the rates quoted by bidders.

102 | P a g e
6.137 The appointed agency has to take measures and implementation of Mumbai’s Air pollution
mitigation plan issued under no. MGC/A/1386, dtd. 13.03.2023. (pg. no.267.)
6.138 The appointed agency has to follow the circular issued under no. HE/01/Cir. Dt. 11.05.2022 (pg.
no.268)regarding certification of work executed.
6.139 The bidders shall note the circular u/n. CA/Finance/Project/19/dt.04.03.2024.(Pg.276-278).
6.140 The intending tenderer shall note that, the items in the Bill of Quantities related to the
reinstatement of trenches are provisional only and same may be given to other agency for
execution either partially or fully or may not be executed at any point of time through other
BMC department as per the decision of the Municipal Commissioner/Engineer in charge
during the tendering procedure or during the contract period. Intending tenderer have to
carry out the work in coordination with road department and have to co-operate with other
agency/department for this road work during execution. The tenderer shall note this
&cannot claim for non-execution.
6.141 The execution of reinstatement items mentioned in the BOQ may not be required to be
operated during execution and contractor shall not claim regarding non execution of these
6.142 Though the time period for the work is calculated by considering certain work fronts to be
started at a time, contractor may have to start more work fronts simultaneously as per the
progress of road department.
6.143 Any update in GIS conditions/circular will be applicable for this work even after the
completion of bidding process and during execution.
6.144 Proposal regarding the reinstatement work of trenches through H.E. contractor and use of
sand metal for that R.I. work is approved by Hon’ble AMC(P) u/no. AMC/P/2577 dated
08.08.2024. The quantities required for R.I. work is considered accordingly. However, in
case of trenches taken in DLP Roads/Project Roads R.I. will be done by Roads Department
and quantities considered for reinstatement items may not be utilized and related amount
will be considered for saving. Any claim from contractor in this regard, will not be
entertained and considering at all.The contractor should quote accordingly.
6.145 While executing the item of Sand Metal (R3-RW-10-24), Contractor appointed any engineer
should be present on each site. Laying of sand metal should be done preferably during
working hours (Day time). It is mandatory to maintain Timestamp Photograph while laying
of Sand Metal in presence of Contractor’s appointed Engineer for each task with
measurements. Bidder should note that, if photographs as mentioned above is not found
maintained for each task no payment for the said item will be made.

103 | P a g e
Concerned Site Engineer to ensure execution of Sand Metal on site and see that
photograph of each task as mentioned above and challans are properly maintained in record
before making payment for the same. Concerned A.E./E.E. May check laying of Sand Metal
by taking random trail pits and photographs of trail pits should be maintained in record.
If it is observed that the reinstatement of trench is done without Sand Metal, penalty
of equivalent amount will be imposed on the contractor and the entire trench will be
removed and redone. If repeated lapse observed action as per tender condition & G.C.C will
be proposed which please may be noted.

104 | P a g e


105 | P a g e

106 | P a g e


This particular tender comes under the category of “Regular, Routine and Maintenance works/
Original and New construction works/ For Other Special works”.

The scope of work consists of: -

Following works are included for -(HE-C-WS-CCRD-07) Laying/Replacement of various dia. water
mains and allied works due to proposed improvement of roads in cement concrete in Zone-III of
Western Suburbs Section (2024-2026)

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total

H East Ward
1 W-445 Road no. 04, TPS V 20 TOC 51
2 W-445 Road no. 05 ,TPS V 110 TOC 60
3 W-445 Road no. 06 ,TPS V 460 TOC 58
4 W-445 Road no. 07 ,TPS V 440 ROC 40
5 W-445 Road no. 01 ,TPS III ROC 37
6 W-445 Road no. 02 ,TPS III ROC 12
7 W-445 Road no. 03 ,TPS III ROC 0
8 W-445 Road no. 09 ,TPS III 160 TOC 18
9 W-445 Road no. 10 ,TPS III 237 TOC 59
10 W-445 Khandwala road no. 01 325 TOC 52
11 W-445 Khandwala road no. 02 100 TOC 0
12 W-445 K. G. More Road 325 TOC 0
13 W-445 Datta Mandir road 250 TOC 111
14 W-445 Dhobighat Road ROC 11
15 W-445 Church Road ROC 44
16 W-445 Nester Compound Road 154 TOC 33
107 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
17 W-445 Kalina Village Road TOC 42
18 W-445 Kunchi Kurve Nagar Road 143 TOC 34
19 W-445 Old CST Road. 468 TOC 48
Zone Noorie Masjid Road (Ravi Hotel
20 W-445 ROC 76
III Road)
21 W-445 Grotto Church Road ROC 69
22 W-445 Kadamwadi Road 330 TOC 106
23 W-445 Siddharth Nagar Road 110 TOC 137
24 W-445 Shanti Nagar Road 374 TOC 12
25 W-445 Gurudwara Road 253 TOC 77
26 W-445 Vakola Masjid lane ROC 20
27 W-445 Off. Sunder Nagar Road no. 02 826 TOC 45
28 W-445 Off. Sunder Nagar Road no. 03 165 TOC 22
29 W-445 Windsor Lane ROC 8
30 W-445 Sant Dyaneshwar Mandir Marg ROC 41
31 W-445 Jagat Vidya road ROC 55
32 W-445 Harne Guruji Marg ROC 34
33 W-445 Mahatma Gandhi Vidya Marg 297 TOC 47
34 W-445 Rajaram Darekar Marg ROC 0
Cross Road joining Nanasaheb
35 W-445 Dharmadhikari Marg to Madhusudan ROC 19
Kalelkar Marga) Opp Jade Garden
Cross Road joining Nanasaheb
36 W-445 Dharmadhikari Marg to Madhusudan ROC 0
Kalelkar Margb) Jasmine Building
Cross Roads Joing N S
37 W-445 Dharmadhikari to Abasaheb Shinde 94 TOC 0
38 W-445 Ganpat Dyma marg 187 TOC 199
108 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
39 W-445 Children complex road ROC 0
40 W-445 Kherwadi Maternity Road 237 TOC 0
41 W-445 Ganesh Mandir Road ROC 0
42 W-445 New MIG Road 165 TOC 0
43 W-445 Nirmal Nagar School Road 396 TOC 64
H West Ward
44 W-445 1st Road, TPS VI TOC 27
2nd Road, TPS VI 2nd road from 1st
45 W-445 road to 190 TOC 17
dead end
46 W-445 3rd Road, TPS VI TOC 8
Zone 4th Road, TPS VI 4th road from 3rd
47 W-445 50 TOC
III road to station road
5th Road, TPS VI 5th road from 3rd
48 W-445 road to 290 TOC
P. V. Avasare road
Zone 6th Road, TPS VI 6th road from S V
49 W-445 190 TOC 47
III road to 1st road
Zone Amarnath Singh road from S V road
50 W-445 300 TOC 10
III to Sane Guruji Road
Zone Dattatray road from Lining road to
51 W-445 280 TOC 61
III Juhu tara road
52 W-445 Dada Bhai Cross Road No. 1 RSC 11
53 W-445 Dada Bhai Cross Road No 2 RSC 12
Zone Dada Bhai Cross Road No 3 (C
54 W-445 RSC 27
III Shape)
55 W-445 Add. Rd Shrila Prabhupada Road TOC 35
Zone 2nd Gaothan Lane from K D marg to
56 W-445 200 TOC 12
III Tilak road

Zone 15th Road, Santacruz West 15th road

57 W-445 225 TOC 27
III from North Avenue road to dead end

15th Road, Khar West 15th road

58 W-439 between P. D. Hinduja road and C. D. 220 TOC 44

109 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
Zone L. S. Raheja Marg from 11th road to
59 W-445 160 TOC 54
III P. D. Hinduja road.
5th Road, Khar West 5th road
60 W-445 between 2nd road and 5th road – 2nd 310 TOC 18
Hasanabad lane junction.
61 W-445 17th Road, Khar West TOC 31

Zone 21st Road 21st road between C. D.

62 W-445 115 TOC 44
III road and Maru Aai Mandir.

Zone 20th road from Maru Aai mandir to

63 W-445 450 TOC 105
III dead end.
64 W-445 St.Sebastan Cross Road TOC 15
65 W-445 Ahimsa Marg TOC 53
V P Road / S V Patel Marg V P road
66 W-445 from South Avenue road to Linking 565 TOC 24
Zone Sarojini Marg from South Avenue to
67 W-445 540 TOC 20
III dead end
68 W-445 North Avenue Road TOC 36
69 W-445 Chapel Lane (Santacruz West) TOC 39
Zone Tank lane from K D marg to Chappel
70 W-445 205 TOC 13
III Lane
Cottage Lane (Santacruz West)
71 W-445 Cottage lane from S V road to Jain ROC 32
Derasar road
72 W-445 9th Road TOC 35
Zone 8th Road 8th road from linking road
73 W-445 90 TOC 30
III to 2nd Hasanabad lane

Zone Convent Avenue Road from S V road

74 W-445 300 TOC 38
III to St. Joseph Avenue road

Zone St. Joseph Avenue road from Chruch

75 W-445 170 TOC 38
III Avenue road to dead end

Zone St. Francies Avenue form S.V. road to

76 W-445 300 TOC 27
III St. Joseph Avenue road

77 W-445 Maru Aai Mandir Marg TOC 3
110 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
Craft Lane (conn. Included in above
78 W-445 sr. no .27) Croft Lane from S.V. road 115 TOC
to Jain Derasar Road
Zone Gujar Lane from S.V. road to Jain
79 W-445 TOC
III Derasar Road
Zone 19th road between 13th road and
80 W-445 470 TOC 42
III South Avenue road.
19th Cross Road 19th road between P.
81 W-445 D. Hinduja road (Khar Pali road) and 145 TOC 10
16th cross road.
30th Road Extension 30th road
82 W-445 Linking road to S.V. Road to 30th 322 TOC 15
road Dead End
83 W-445 Rizvi Complex Road No. 4 TOC 14
Zone 33rd road between Linking road and
84 W-445 335 TOC 45
III S. V. road.
Zone 32nd Road, Khar West 32nd road
85 W-445 225 TOC 36
III Linking road to 24th road
Zone 34th Road, Khar West 34th road 32nd
86 W-445 350 TOC 15
III road to S.V. Road
Zone 36th road Bandra 32nd road to 30th
87 W-445 270 TOC 23
III road
88 W-445 26th road 30th road to 32nd road 175 TOC 7
89 W-445 Zigzag Road TOC 11
Zone 37th Road (P.G. Kher Marg), Khar
90 W-445 TOC 15
III West
91 W-445 8th Road TOC 11
Off YMCA Road Off YMCA road
92 W-445 between Carter road and Carter cross 90 TOC 23
Union Park 1st Road Union Park 1st
93 W-445 Road Union park road to 1st road 300 TOC 16
dead end
Union Park 3rd Road
94 W-445 Union Park 4th road to Govind Ghag 340 TOC 16
95 W-445 Union Park 4th Road TOC 69
96 W-445 6th Road, Khar West TOC 18
97 W-445 31st road TOC 15
111 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total

Zone 5th Lane 5th Lane Sherly Rajan

98 W-445 452 TOC 25
III Sherly rajan road to 5th lane

Zone St.Atif road Sherly Rajan Road to St.

99 W-445 596 TOC 14
III Atif road Dead end
St. Annes Church road Sherly Rajan
100 W-445 Road to St. Annes Church road Dead 130 TOC 14

Zone 21st Road 21st road between 33rd

101 W-445 330 TOC 26
III road and P. D. Hinduja raod.

102 W-445 14th Road (Khar W) ROC 36
Zone Dr. Ambedkar road Palimala Road to
103 W-445 250 TOC 59
III Zig Zag road
104 W-445 Dr. Ambedkar Road TOC 62
105 W-445 Kane road B.J. Road to Mt. Mary road 260 TOC 58
106 W-445 Bandra Reclamation Road TOC 25
107 W-445 1st Road, Bandra West TOC 25
4th Road, Bandra West 4th road
108 W-445 Almeida park Almeida park to 198 TOC 16
R.K.Patkar Marg
109 W-445 7th Road, Bandra West TOC 8
110 W-445 Almeida Park Marg, Bandra West TOC 26

Zone Perry Cross road Extn Master

111 W-445 230 TOC 47
III Vinayak road to Palimala road

112 W-445 Rebello Road TOC 59
St Roques Road St. Roque road
113 W-445 Mt. Carmel road to jn. Rebello road & 265 TOC 43
Veronica road
114 W-445 Somnath Lane TOC 36
Zone V. Raghunath Marg St. Martin road to
115 W-445 165 TOC 8
III S.V. Road
116 W-445 St Alexious Road TOC 24

112 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total

Zone Convent Road Convent Road

117 W-445 135 TOC 7
III St. Cyril road to St. Andrews road

118 W-445 D'monte park Road Ext TOC 26
Off Pali Market Road Pali Market
119 W-445 road Palimala Road to St. Andrews 165 TOC 115
120 W-445 Auxillium Convent Road TOC 19
Zone Joggers Park road Carter road to
121 W-445 340 TOC 15
III Chimbai road
122 W-445 Kadeshwari Road TOC 268
Zone Kadeshwari Road Ext (combined with
123 W-445 TOC
III sr no 83)
124 W-445 Smt. Shobha Bhaskar Joshi Marg TOC 48
125 W-445 Gen. A. K. Vaidya Marg (5D) TOC 18
126 W-445 J.M. Marg TOC 40
127 W-445 20th Cross Road TOC 30
128 W-445 National Library Road TOC 99
Zone 3rd Road Khar West (3 Wise Monkey
129 W-445 TOC 52
III Hotel Road)
130 W-445 Off Nurgis Dutt Road TOC 16
Zone 18th road between 13th road and Main
131 W-445 450 TOC 51
III Avenue road.
Zone SS of SV Road from WEH to Milan
132 W-445 10000 TOC 398
III Subway
133 W-445 Add. Rd SS of P V Avasare Marg RSC 20
134 W-445 Add. Rd SS of 2nd Road, Khar West RSC 30
135 W-445 Add. Rd SS of 13th Road, Khar West RSC 50
Zone Add. Rd SS of Chitrakar Dhurandar
136 W-445 RSC 32
III Marg
137 W-445 Add. Rd SS of 2nd Hasnabad Road RSC 50
138 W-445 Add. Rd SS of Saraswati Road RSC 30

113 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
Add. Rd SS of P.D. Hinduja Road SS
139 W-445 of P.D. Hinduja Road from S.V. Road RSC 54
to Linking Road
Add. Rd SS of Govind Patil Road/
Carter Road Side strip of Govind Patil
140 W-445 road from Dr. Ambedkar road and RSC 80
Govind Patil road junction to Carter
141 - Add. Rd SS of Govind Ghag Road RSC 120
142 - Add. Rd SS of H K Bhabha Road RSC 20
143 - Add. Rd SS of Mount Carmel Road RSC 30
144 - Add. Rd SS of St. Sebestian Road RSC 10
145 - Add. Rd SS of Chapel Road RSC 20
Zone Add. Rd SS of D.R .Varasakar Marg
146 - RSC
III (Bandra Stn Rd)
Zone Add. Rd SS R.K. Patkar (Water field
147 - RSC 150
III Road)
148 - Add. Rd SS of Turner Road RSC 300
Zone Add. Rd SS of Road Opp Lilavati
149 - RSC 10
III Hospital
150 - Add. Rd SS of L K Mehta Road RSC 20
151 - Add. Rd SS of Hill road RSC 650
152 Add. Rd Linking Road RSC 400
153 Add. Rd 15 Road (Khar West)-I RSC 300
Zone SS of Linking Road from HP Road to
154 W-439 RSC 20
III Sane Guruji Marg
Lilavati Hospital road A.K. Vaidya
155 W-439 Marg to 100 RSC
K.C. Marg
Add. Rd Construction of Approach
Zone Ramp from Rangsharda Road to
156 W-439 RSC 30
III Western Express Highway at Bandra
(West) in H/West Ward
Zone Add. Rd DP road aai Khadeswari
157 W-439 RSC 400
III mata temple
158 W-274 Add. Rd Lamer Tower Road RSC

114 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
159 W-274 Add. Rd 39Th Road A RSC 10
160 W-274 Add. Rd 39Th Road B RSC 10
161 W-274 Add. Rd B.T. Marg RSC
162 W-274 Add. Rd Bazar Road RSC 700
163 W-274 Add. Rd Chimbai Road RSC 400
164 W-274 Add. Rd By Lane Off Carter Road RSC 250
165 W-274 Add. Rd 1st Hasnabad Lane RSC 100
166 W-274 Add. Rd Ranwar Village RSC 50
167 W-274 Add. Rd Sliver Clophil RSC
168 W-274 Add. Rd Super Star To Mej Vila RSC
169 W-274 Add. Rd Geetanjali Society Lane RSC 20
170 W-274 Add. Rd Pali Mala Garden Road RSC 80
171 W-274 Add. Rd Anand Vihar Road RSC 50
172 W-274 Add. Rd 3rd Cross Road, Khar West RSC 50
173 W-274 Add. Rd Pali Village Internal Road RSC 150
174 W-274 Add. Rd Pali Village Road RSC 10
175 W-274 Add. Rd Mahadev Sawant road RSC 10
176 W-274 Add. Rd Benmar Society Road RSC 10
Zone Add. Rd By Lane Of Hill Road
177 W-274 RSC
III Attavala
178 W-274 Add. Rd Off Govind Patil Road RSC
179 W-274 Add. Rd Shape RSC
180 W-274 Add. Rd Shrila Prabhupada Road RSC
Zone Add. Rd Shastri Nagar Bus Depot
181 W-274 RSC
III Road
182 W-274 Add. Rd Vaikunth path Road RSC

115 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
183 W-274 Add. Rd Daulat Rao Desai Road RSC 50
Zone Anil Mehta Marg from Tagore road to
184 W-274 90 RSC 160
III dead end
185 W-445 17th Road, Khar West RSC 20
Zone 3rd Road Almeida park Turner road to
186 W-445 390 390 TOC 20
III Almeida park
Zone 23rd road Bandra 28th road to 29th
187 W-445 180 TOC 20
III road
Zone 25th road Bandra 28th road to 29th
188 W-445 175 TOC 20
III road
Zone Prof. Almeida road Hill road to
189 W-445 450 TOC 20
III Turner road
Zone Kadeshwari Mandir Road Kadeshwari
190 W-445 150 TOC 20
III Road to dead End
Zone Zig Zag road Nargis Dutta road to Dr.
191 W-445 220 TOC 20
III Ambedkar road
Zone St. Alexious road Perry road to 29th
192 W-445 225 TOC 20
III road
Union Park Road No. 4 Union Park
193 W-445 Road to Govind Ghag Road (Union 490 TOC 20
Park Road)
Zone Ahinsa Marg between C. D. road and
194 W-445 320 TOC 20
III R. K. Mission road.
Zone Chappel Lane from S V road to K D
195 W-445 330 TOC 20
III marg
Dadabhai Cross road no 01 from
196 W-445 Linking road to Dadabhai Cross road 160 TOC 20
no 02 dead end
SS of Chitrakar Dhurandhar Road
197 W-445 from Linking Road to Ambedkar 50 1000 TOC 20
Road Junction
Zone 18th A road between 13th road and C.
198 W-445 235 TOC 20
III D. Marg.
Zone Dadabhai Cross road no 02 from
199 W-445 240 TOC 20
III Linking road to dead end
Zone 1st road Almeida park 3rd road to
200 W-445 375 TOC 20
III Waterfield road
Mt. Carmel road Chapel road to jn.
201 W-445 Mt. Carmel & St. Peterdias road & St. 375 TOC 20
Sabestian road
Zone St. Sabestian road Chapel road to Mt.
202 W-445 285 TOC 20
III Carmel road

116 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total

Zone Chinchpokli road Hill Road to

203 W-445 255 TOC 20
III D"Monte Street to Bazar road

Zone Cross Road A.K. Vaidya Marg to

204 W-445 220 TOC 20
III K.C. Marg
Zone S.B. Joshi Marg A.K. Vaidya Marg to
205 W-445 200 TOC 20
III K.C. Marg
Zone Rajaram Wadi Hill road to Benmar
206 W-445 130 TOC 20
Zone Petit Compound road Waterfield road
207 W-445 140 TOC 20
III to St. Martin road

Zone Rebello road & St. Sabestian road St.

208 W-445 460 ROC 20
III Roque road to St. Peter Dias road

Zone Road no. 4 Sherly Rjan Road no. 5 to

209 W-445 235 ROC 20
III Sherly Rajan road
Zone D’Monte Park Road Extn Perry road
210 W-445 252 TOC 20
III to St. Andrews road
Zone 37th Road Barrister Advani Road to
211 W-445 175 TOC 20
III 35th road
Zone Santosh Nagar Lane Hill road to
212 W-445 70 TOC 20
III Santosh Nagar Lane End
Zone 3rd Cross raod between 3rd road and 5th
213 W-445 160 TOC 20
III road.
17th road from South Avenue road to
214 W-445 junction of 16th cross road, 17th road & RSC 20
Dr. Ambedkar road.
Zone 35th road between 33rd road and P. D.
215 W-445 330 TOC 20
III Hinduja road.
Zone 20th A road from C. D. road to dead
216 W-445 105 TOC 20
III end.
Zone Dadabhai Cross road from Linking
217 W-445 320 ROC 20
III road to Linking road
Zone Sane Guruji Marg from S V road to
218 W-445 385 TOC 20
III Lining road
Zone Sport complex road from 16th road to
219 W-445 205 TOC 20
III S B patil road
Zone Gurudwara road from 16th road to S
220 W-445 190 TOC 20
III B patil road
Zone Indra Narayan road from Tagore road
221 W-445 155 TOC 20
III to Linking road
K East Ward
222 W-445 Star Hub Road 350 TOC 6
223 W-445 V M Shah Marg 40 TOC 26
117 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
224 W-445 MIDC Road no 19 RSC 26
225 W-445 Prakashwadi road ( Bajaj Road) RSC 102
226 W-445 Ajmal Road and Ajmal Cross Road RSC 28
227 W-445 Andheri Court Lane 30 TOC 11
228 W-445 Police Quarters Lane 20 TOC 20
229 W-445 Hill Top Road 200 TOC 57
230 W-445 Maa Naansharda Marg RSC 48
231 W-445 Old Nagardas Cross Road 200 TOC 64
232 W-445 Hasnat School Road Marol RSC 46
233 W-445 Roof Top Road RSC 9
234 W-445 Church Pakhadi Road no.2 30 TOC 223
235 W-445 Church Pakhadi Road no.3 30 TOC 454
236 W-445 Natwar Nagar Road no.4 RSC 21
237 W-445 MIDC Road no 6 RSC 4
238 W-445 Paper Box Road 100 TOC 50
239 W-445 Natwarya Narayan Datta Bhatt Road RSC 18
240 W-445 Anand Nagar Internal Road RSC 27
Samarth Nagar Road (Road taken for
241 W-445 Widening, Existing Width 6m Wide RSC 26
242 W-445 Marol Village Road 200 TOC 164
243 W-445 Road Opp. St. Lawrence School RSC 32
244 W-445 Sunder Nagar Road RSC 126
245 W-445 Kondivita Internal Road RSC 102
Zone Road from MIDC Road no 16 to
246 W-445 RSC 32
III Vrundavan Garden Road

118 | P a g e

CCN to be
Dia. of water main proposed
Sr. Work in mm
Zone Name of Road renewed
No. Code
80 100 150 250 300 Total
Gundavali Gaothan Road (opp.
247 W-445 Triveni Bld & Behind Municipal RSC 95
Zone Azad Road (Kamgar Kalyan To
248 W-445 RSC 51
III K/East Ward Office)
Zone Road from Sahar Road To Gokhale
249 W-445 RSC 127
III Bridge
250 W-445 Pareira Hill Road 300 TOC 0
251 W-445 Dewoolwadi Road 200 TOC 89
252 W-445 Sagbaug School Road No. 3 RSC 33
Zone Road from Church Road to Sunni
253 W-445 150 TOC 76
III Masjid / Valmiki Apt.
254 W-445 Kalpataru Road RSC 8
Zone Slip Road from MIDC Central Rd to
255 W-445 RSC 0

119 | P a g e

Number of Number of Total length of

Ward Roads to be Water Main Water Main RSC/ TOC
improved laying proposals (in m)
H/East 43 25 6626 1690
H/West 178 89 32470 9018
K/East 34 13 2050 2219
Total 255 127 41146 12927
H/East 663 169
H/West 1624 902
K/East 930 305
Total 3217 1376
Grand Total 44363 14303

Along with its allied works (i.e. Laying, encasement, cross connection work, Hydraulic
Testing,discarding of old mains, commissioning of newly laid main, & Reinstatement work … etc.)”and
anyother works as per the site requirement suggested/proposed by AEWW of respective Ward
/AEWW(Maint) WS/ EEWW(P&R) or as directed by Engineer.
Note: - Intending tenders shall carefully read the tender conditions 6.113 (i.e. Special Directions to
E-Tenderers) & 6.114 (Special Conditions of Contract) before submitting their bid.

120 | P a g e



121 | P a g e

122 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
1 R3-CS-EW-3
Excavation for foundation, substructures, basements, tanks, sumps,
walls, chambers, manholes, trenches, poles, pits & general building
works in soft/ disintegrated rock, sand stone, stiff clay, gravel,
cobblestone, hard laterite, water bound macadam, wet mix
macadam, asphalt mix carpet of any type, pitching, soling, paths
and hardcore, lime concrete, plain cement concrete, stone masonry
and all types ofbrick/ block masonry below ground level, rock
boulders, etc. for depths/ lifts upto 1.5M measured from the ground
level, including dressing/ trimming the sides, leveling of bottoms,
manual dewatering, removing rank vegetation, backfilling in layers
31716.00 cum 644 20425104.00
not more than 200mm thickness, watering, consolidating,
compacting to achieve not less then 97% Modified Proctor density
conforming to relevant IS, stacking in measurable heaps for future
use within owners space or disposingwithin an initial lead of 150m
as directed, loading, unloading, leveling excluding shoring, strutting
etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.
1) The rate includes the handling/supporting the existing utilities
such as cables, drains, pipes, water mains etc.
2) It also includes the royalty and other taxes if any.

2 R3-CS-EW-1
Excavation for foundations, substructures, basements, tanks, sumps,
walls, chambers, manholes, trenches, poles, pits & general building
works in all types of soils, vegetable earth, soft murum, running
sand, shingle, turf clay, loam, peat, ash, shale, slag, chalk, garbage,
muddy/ marshy/ slushy soil, marine clay, reclaimed land etc. for
depths/lifts upto 1.5M measured from the ground level, including
dressing/ trimming the sides, leveling and ramming of bottoms,
manual dewatering, removing rank vegetation, backfilling in layers
not more than 200mm thickness, watering, consolidating,
compacting to achieve not less then 97% Modified Proctor density
78173.00 cum 387 30252951.00
conforming to relevant IS, stacking the selected material in
measurable heaps for future use within owners space or disposing
within an initial lead of 150m as directed, loading, unloading,
leveling excluding shoring, strutting etc. complete as directed by
1) The rate includes the handling/supporting the existing utilities
such as cables, drains, pipes, water mains etc.
2) It also includes the royalty and other taxes applicable if any. For
more details refer General Notes.

3 R3-CS-EW-2-a
Extra over above item CS-EW-1,15 &16 for lift from 1.5m to 3.0m. 7770.00 cum 91 707070.00

4 R3-CS-EW-4

123 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Excavation by chiseling by manual operations, pneumatic breaker,
hammer, drilling, compressor breaker, jack hammer etc. for
foundations, substructures, basements, tanks, sumps, walls,
chambers, manholes, poles, pits & general building works in hard
rock, reinforced concrete, Bituminous macadam for depths/lifts
upto 1.5M, including dressing/trimming the sides, leveling of
bottoms, manual dewatering, removing rank vegetation, backfilling
in layers not more than 200mm thickness, watering, consolidating,
3171.60 cum 1347 4272145.20
compacting to achieve not less then 97% Modified Proctor density
conforming to relevant IS, stacking in measurable heaps for future
use within owners space or disposing within an initial lead of 150m
as directed, unloading, leveling excluding shoring, strutting etc.
complete as directed by Engineer-in-Charge, loading.Note: 1) The
rate includes the handling/supporting the existing utilities such as
cables, drains, pipes, water mains etc. 2) It also includes the royalty
and other taxes if any.

5 R3-RW-10-49
Excavation in reinforced OR pavement grade concrete M-20 &
above by using modern machinery (poclain with rock breaker, etc.)
including with stacking of excavated material within 150 m radius 590.00 cum 1663 981170.00
etc. complete upto any depth as specified & as directed, by the

6 R3-HE-8-27
Cutting of exsisting cement concrete road upto specified depth by
using Diamond Saw machine etc. complete in all respects and as
directed by Engineer In Charge. Note : The charges for supplying
water and electricity are exclusive of the rate worked out.
R3-HE-8-27-a 1410.00 Rmt 1308 1844280.00

7 R3-HE-1-6
Providing & Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading,
lowering in trenches, assembling and jointing Ductile Iron pipes (
K-9) including chamfering cut edges of pipes and specials and
fixing with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Ring Gaskets for
following diameters (Tyton joint pipes). The pipe shall confirm IS :
8329 & SBR Ring Gasket shall confirm IS : 5382 & IS : 12820.
The rate is inclusive of cleaning, flushing & testing of water mains
upto 6 kg/ etc complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer in Charge (Pipe shall be coated with cement mortar lining
from inside and zinc coating followed by
bitumen coating from outside as specified).
R3-HE-1-6-a 80 mm. 300.00 Rmt 1083 324900.00
R3-HE-1-6-b 100 mm. 460.00 Rmt 1260 579600.00
R3-HE-1-6-c 150 mm. 30443.00 Rmt 1812 55162716.00
R3-HE-1-6-d 250 mm. 1489.00 Rmt 2665 3968185.00
R3-HE-1-6-e 300 mm. 12101.00 Rmt 3923 47472223.00

DI/CI Fittings
8 R3-HE-1-9
Cutting of cast iron and CI/DI pipes of all classes with cutting tools,
cutting machine and chamfering the edges etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge and for following
124 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
R3-HE-1-9-a 80 mm. 46.00 Each 499 22954.00
R3-HE-1-9-b 100 mm. 56.00 Each 607 33992.00
R3-HE-1-9-c 150 mm. 1883.00 Each 694 1306802.00
R3-HE-1-9-d 250 mm. 370.00 Each 844 312280.00
R3-HE-1-9-e 300 mm. 753.00 Each 1070 805710.00

9 R3-HE-6-1
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint split collars suitable for
repair of cracks/ leakages of CI/ DI pipes (Inclusive of Odd size
pipes) as per MCGM specifications complete with sealing rubber
gasket made of SBR and galvanized 'T' bolts and nuts. The whole
assembly mechanically and Hydraulically tested to the provisions
laid down in IS 1538/1993 or IS 13382/1992 whichever is
applicable. This item includes dewatering of body water cleaning of
pipe and arresting leakages etc complete as directed by Engineer in
R3-HE-6-1-a 80 mm dia. 30.00 Each 5468 164040.00
R3-HE-6-1-b 100 mm dia. 45.00 Each 7635 343575.00
R3-HE-6-1-c 150 mm dia. 423.00 Each 10360 4382280.00
R3-HE-6-1-e 250 mm dia. 255.00 Each 16995 4333725.00
R3-HE-6-1-f 300 mm dia. 129.00 Each 26761 3452169.00

10 R3-HE-6-1A
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint collars suitable for CI/DI
pipes, (dimensionally described in Table - 13 of IS : 13382/1992)
inclusive of sealing rubber gasket of SBR (dimensionally described
in IS :12820/1989 ), follower gland of CI and MS nut bolts zinc
coated or otherwise protected from rusting etc complete as directed
by Engineer in Charge
R3-HE-6-1A-a 80 mm dia. 60.00 Each 1105 66300.00
R3-HE-6-1A-b 100 mm dia. 60.00 Each 1207 72420.00
R3-HE-6-1A-c 150 mm dia. 1558.50 Each 1999 3115441.50
R3-HE-6-1A-e 250 mm dia. 349.00 Each 3156 1101444.00
R3-HE-6-1A-f 300 mm dia. 652.00 Each 4181 2726012.00

11 R3-HE-6-3
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint Double Socket any degree
bends, (dimensionally described in IS :13382 /1992) inclusive of
Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR (dimensionally described in IS :
12820), Cast Iron Follower Gland and Mild Steel Nut Bolts zinc
coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for CI/DI
pipes etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge
R3-HE-6-3-a 80 mm dia. 40.00 Each 2370 94800.00
R3-HE-6-3-b 100 mm dia. 40.00 Each 2851 114040.00
R3-HE-6-3-c 150 mm dia. 235.00 Each 5124 1204140.00
R3-HE-6-3-e 250 mm dia. 11.00 Each 10448 114928.00
R3-HE-6-3-f 300 mm dia. 101.00 Each 15055 1520555.00

12 R3-HE-6-4

125 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint Double Socket with
Branch Flanged Tees, (dimensionally described in Table - 19 of IS :
13382 / 1992) inclusive of Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR
(dimensionally described in IS :12820), Cast Iron Follower Gland
and Mild Steel Nut Bolts zinc coated or otherwise protected from
rusting and suitable for CI/DI Pipes etc complete as directed by
Engineer in Charge
R3-HE-6-4-a 80 x 80 x 80 mm dia. 2.00 Each 2983 5966.00
R3-HE-6-4-b 100 x 100 x 80 mm dia. 2.00 Each 3809 7618.00
R3-HE-6-4-c 100 x 100 x 100 mm dia. 4.00 Each 4761 19044.00
R3-HE-6-4-e 150 x 150 x 80 mm dia. 67.00 Each 7525 504175.00
R3-HE-6-4-f 150 x 150 x 100 mm dia. 3.00 Each 7931 23793.00
R3-HE-6-4-g 150 x 150 x 150 mm dia. 109.00 Each 9116 993644.00
R3-HE-6-4-l 250 x 250 x 80 mm dia. 3.00 Each 12815 38445.00
R3-HE-6-4-m 250 x 250 x 100 mm dia. 2.00 Each 13196 26392.00
R3-HE-6-4-n 250 x 250 x 150 mm dia. 32.00 Each 15375 492000.00
R3-HE-6-4-p 250 x 250 x 250 mm dia. 5.00 Each 2524 12620.00
R3-HE-6-4-q 300 x 300 x 80 mm dia. 13.00 Each 3336 43368.00
R3-HE-6-4-r 300 x 300 x 100 mm dia. 2.00 Each 4071 8142.00
R3-HE-6-4-s 300 x 300 x 150 mm dia. 117.00 Each 4909 574353.00
R3-HE-6-4-u 300 x 300 x 250 mm dia. 74.00 Each 8480 627520.00
R3-HE-6-4-v 300 x 300 x 300 mm dia. 76.00 Each 11947 907972.00

13 R3-HE-6-6
Providing and fixing CI Mechanical joint Double Socket
Reducers,(described in Table - 21 of IS : 13382 /1992) inclusive of
Sealing Rubber Gasket of SBR (dimensionally described in IS :
12820), Cast Iron Follower Gland and Mild Steel Nut Bolts zinc
coated or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for CI/DI
Pipes etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge
R3-HE-6-6-a 100 x 80 mm dia. 2.00 Each 3807 7614.00
R3-HE-6-6-b 150 x 80 mm dia. 2.00 Each 5486 10972.00
R3-HE-6-6-c 150 x 100 mm dia. 9.00 Each 5652 50868.00
R3-HE-6-6-d 200 x 150 mm dia. 2.00 Each 7872 15744.00
R3-HE-6-6-e 250 x 150 mm dia. 2.00 Each 8372 16744.00
R3-HE-6-6-f 250 x 200 mm dia. 2.00 Each 9513 19026.00
R3-HE-6-6-g 300 x 150 mm dia. 2.00 Each 10055 20110.00
R3-HE-6-6-h 300 x 250 mm dia. 2.00 Each 12006 24012.00

14 R3-HE-1-16
Make lead and spun yarn joints for following nominal dia C.I. S&S
pipes and specials including supply of jointing materials (refined
pig lead and spun yarn) caulking and testing of joints etc complete
in all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge
R3-HE-1-16-a 80 mm. 160.00 Each 728 116480.00
R3-HE-1-16-b 100 mm. 160.00 Each 836 133760.00
R3-HE-1-16-c 150 mm. 160.00 Each 1071 171360.00
R3-HE-1-16-d 250 mm. 160.00 Each 1639 262240.00
R3-HE-1-16-e 300 mm. 160.00 Each 1897 303520.00

15 R3-HE-1-14

126 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Providing & Supplying loading, transporting on site, unloading,
lowering in trenches and assembling of D.I. pipe specials & fittings
of K-12 class with internal cement mortar lining and external Zinc
coating with finishing layer of Bitumen coating, sealing rubber
92848.00 Kg 312 28968576.00
gasket of S.B.R, complete with cast iron follower gland and M. S.
nut bolts coated suitable for D.I.pipes including all taxes etc
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer in Charge and
as per IS-9523.

16 R3-HE-2-19
Providing & Supplying, loading, transporting on site, unloading,
lowering in trenches, assembling and jointing mild steel pipes to
site of work fabricated in any ISI/ ISO certified company, from
mild steel plates of approved quality and thickness, confirming to
IS 3589 . The M.S plates shall be procured only from Jindal,TATA
mettalics,SAIL, ESSAR or Ispat Steel. The test certificates and
Challans from the manufacturer of plates shall be submitted to the
corporation. The item includes marking, cutting, rolling bending,
welding using automatic submerged arc type welding machine,
factory testing of pipes, loading at fabrication yard/ factory
transportation to site of work/ any municipal store using truck/
trailer, unloading and stacking near place of work etc complete as
specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge. . Each pipe shall
be about 5 to 7.5 mtr. long, fabricated as per IS:3589 and suitable
for 10 kg/cm2 working pressure( spirally welded pipes fabricated
from strips are not acceptable). "No separate payment will be made
for local transport at Site."
R3-HE-2-19-a 80 mm. 6 mm thick 110.00 Rmt 1071 117810.00
R3-HE-2-19-b 100 mm. 6 mm thick 172.00 Rmt 1314 226008.00
R3-HE-2-19-c 150 mm. 6 mm thick 2502.60 Rmt 1925 4817505.00
R3-HE-2-19-d 225 mm-250 mm. 6 mm thick 1304.20 Rmt 3110 4056062.00
R3-HE-2-19-e 300 mm. 6 mm thick 848.00 Rmt 3667 3109616.00

17 R3-HE-2-12
Field welding in all position with required number of runs, for M.S.
pipes internally and/or externally including gauzing wherever
necessary, fixing appurtenances and other accessories in connection
of pipe laying work as per specification etc complete as specified
and as directed by Engineer in Charge. Butt Jointing
R3-HE-2-12-c 6 mm plate thickness 13456.00 Rs/Rmt 1388 18676928.00

18 R3-HE-2-13
Field welding in all position with required number of runs, for M.S.
pipes internally and/or externally including gauzing wherever
necessary, fixing appurtenances and other accessories in connection
of pipe laying work as per specification etc complete as specified
and as directed by Engineer in Charge.
R3-HE-2-13-b 1354.00 Rs/Rmt 654 885516.00

19 R3-HE-2-14
Gas cutting (either square cut or V cut) pipes, plates etc. complete
as specified and as directed by Engineer in Charge. Of following
R3-HE-2-14-b above 5 mm up to 10 mm 13488.00 Rs/Rmt 368 4963584.00

20 R3-HE-2-3
127 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Supplying, transporting MS fabricated material on site, aligning,
fixing in position, tack welding including marginal cutting,
synthetic Rubber packings etc. a) Minor fixtures such s man hole
frame & covers, pressure and non-pressure type blank flanges, 7.00 MT 74395 520765.00
loose flanges, rings, small pieces to form saddle pieces, ladders,
platforms, stiffener rings etc. b) Major fixtures such as tees, domes,
bends, branches, flange ring assembling etc.

21 R3-HE-4-7
Discarding the existing live CI/DI water main by plugging the same
including cost of pipes and specials, Supplying, loading,
transporting on site, unloading, lowering in trenches, assembling
the CI / MS pipes / specials of required diameter, etc. complete
including cost of mechanical cap or and with spun yarn and molten
lead including caulking etc complete in all respect as directed by
Engineer in Charge & including cost of lead for following
diameters. The cost of item is for plugging the water main on either
side at one location.
Note : (1) The required excavation, shoring, encasement in cement
cement concrete & sluice valve will be paid separately under
relevant items.
Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered
and Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered and
old pipes Shall be removed by the contractors as directed.
R3-HE-4-7-a 80 mm dia. 13.00 Each 5808 75504.00
R3-HE-4-7-b 100 mm dia. 119.00 Each 6065 721735.00
R3-HE-4-7-c 150 mm dia. 42.00 Each 6167 259014.00
R3-HE-4-7-d 250 mm dia. 10.00 Each 6886 68860.00
R3-HE-4-7-e 300 mm dia. 13.00 Each 7762 100906.00

22 R3-HE-6-10
Providing & fixing CI mechanical End Caps suitable for CI/DI
pipes etc. complete with sealing rubber gaskets of SBR
dimensionally described in IS : 12620/1989 and zinc coated MS nut
bolts or otherwise protected from rusting and suitable for CI / DI
pipes etc complete as directed by Engineer in Charge
R3-HE-6-10-a 80 mm dia. 27.00 Each 745 20115.00
R3-HE-6-10-b 100 mm dia. 33.00 Each 946 31218.00
R3-HE-6-10-c 150 mm dia. 57.00 Each 1303 74271.00
R3-HE-6-10-d 250 mm dia. 27.00 Each 1966 53082.00
R3-HE-6-10-e 300 mm dia. 29.00 Each 3022 87638.00

23 R3-HE-4-1
Making connection on live CI/DI main of various sizes including
cutting of pipes with pipe cutting machine, providing & fixing, DI
pipe upto 1 M. length of distance peice on live main , specials such
as tee & collar,jointing the pipes with mechanical joint as per IS
13382 / 1992 sealing with rubber gasket of SBR, with cast iron
follower gland and mild steel zinc coated nut bolts suitable for
CI/DI pipe, pumping out body water, etc complete in all respect as
directed by Engineer in Charge Note : (1) The required excavation,
shoring, encasement in cement concrete, any pipe/specials/sluice
valve provided beyond Tee will be paid separately under relevant
items. Note : (2) Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been
considered and old pipes shall be removed by the contractors as
R3-HE-4-1-a 80 mm x 80 mm connection 4.00 Each 7906 31624.00
128 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
R3-HE-4-1-b 100 mm x 80 mm connection 4.00 Each 8363 33452.00
R3-HE-4-1-c 100 mm x 100 mm connection 8.00 Each 8775 70200.00
R3-HE-4-1-d 150 mm x 80 mm connection 160.00 Each 10456 1672960.00
R3-HE-4-1-e 150 mm x 100 mm connection 10.00 Each 9108 91080.00
R3-HE-4-1-f 150 mm x 150 mm connection 184.00 Each 11658 2145072.00
R3-HE-4-1-g 250 mm x 80 mm connection 21.00 Each 17194 361074.00
R3-HE-4-1-h 250 mm x 100 mm connection 4.00 Each 17263 69052.00
R3-HE-4-1-i 250 mm x 150 mm connection 61.00 Each 17797 1085617.00
R3-HE-4-1-j 250 mm x 250 mm connection 11.00 Each 19697 216667.00
R3-HE-4-1-k 300 mm x 80 mm connection 31.00 Each 22337 692447.00
R3-HE-4-1-l 300 mm x 100 mm connection 4.00 Each 22560 90240.00
R3-HE-4-1-m 300 mm x 150 mm connection 223.00 Each 23941 5338843.00
R3-HE-4-1-n 300 mm x 250 mm connection 149.00 Each 26365 3928385.00
R3-HE-4-1-o 300 mm x 300 mm connection 151.00 Each 28553 4311503.00

24 R3-HE-4-5
Making connection on live MS water main of various sizes,
including cost of cutting, supplying, loading, transporting on site,
unloading, lowering in trenches, assembling of required MS
specials, MS pipe and jointing the pipes / specials etc. with butt and
lap welding joint, removing body water etc complete in all respect
as directed by Engineer in Charge. For following sizes. Note : (1)
The required excavation, shoring, encasement in cement concrete &
supply and fixing of sluice valve will be paid separately under
relevant item.
R3-HE-4-5-b 450 x 150 6.00 Each 20192 121152.00
R3-HE-4-5-d 450 x 300 9.00 Each 24785 223065.00
R3-HE-4-5-g 600 x 150 8.00 Each 20296 162368.00
R3-HE-4-5-i 600 x 300 4.00 Each 24990 99960.00
R3-HE-4-5-o 750 x 300 2.00 Each 31767 63534.00
R3-HE-4-5-v 900 x 300 2.00 Each 37675 75350.00
R3-HE-4-5-ad 1200 x 300 2.00 Each 52832 105664.00
R3-HE-4-5-am 1450 x 300 2.00 Each 86728 173456.00

Chamber Works & Encasement

25 R3-HE-3-6
Supplying, Loading, transporting on site, unloading, ISI mark
Glandless, Double Flanged sluice valves of PN 1.0 conforming to
IS - 14846 in Grey Cast Iron IS: 210-1978 FG-260 without Bevel
gear arrangement along with its complete appurtenances (i.e.
including two nos. of tail pieces) & nuts, bolts, washers, packings
etc., stacking the same as directed on site, hoisting, lowering and
positioning the same in true plumb and level with tapers, saddles,
flanges, etc. on live mains on CI / DI or MS water mains and for PE
pipes along with Long Neck PE and flange for following diameters.
Note : Sluice valves and all other materials supplied shall be as per
the acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification.
R3-HE-3-6-a 80 mm. 17.00 Each 17446 296582.00
R3-HE-3-6-b 100 mm. 23.00 Each 22053 507219.00
R3-HE-3-6-d 150 mm 429.00 Each 35069 15044601.00
R3-HE-3-6-f 250 mm. 159.00 Each 68704 10923936.00
R3-HE-3-6-g 300 mm. 174.00 Each 83506 14530044.00

129 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount

26 R3-HE-8-4
Providing and laying 200 mm thick hand sets dry rubble soling
including filling the interstices with small chips, ramming etc.
3362.00 sqm 319 1072478.00
complete for foundations of pedestals, chairs, thrust blocks, etc.
complete in all respect and as directed by Engineer In Charge.

27 R3-CS-CW-1
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of specified
grade cement with trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal mixing in
concrete mixer including bailing out water, compacting, finishing
surface, curing and including the cost of centering and shuttering at
all level :
Nominal Mix of 1:3:6 (1 Cement OPC: 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal 1014.00 cum 6682 6775548.00

28 R3-CS-MW-1
Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of
class designation 3.5 and above in foundation and plinth in:
R3-CS-MW-1- Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
B 3207.00 cum 9257 29687199.00
29 R3-CS-CW-1
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of specified
grade cement with trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal mixing in
concrete mixer including bailing out water, compacting, finishing
surface, curing and including the cost of centering and shuttering at
all level :
Nominal Mix of 1:1.5:3 (1 cement OPC: 1.5
coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 1181.00 cum 7467 8818527.00
mm nominal size)

30 R3-SWD-58
Providing 20 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:2
including neat cement rendering (without water proofing 6866.00 sqm 433 2972978.00
compound) as specified & as directed by Engineer in Charge.

31 R3-SE-4-5
Providing 25 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar 1:2
16435.00 sqm 588 9663780.00
including neat cement rendering.

32 R3-HE-2-16
Providing and fixing MS frame and cover with its complete
assembly including supply and fixing of the same etc complete for
sluice valve, butterfly valves and kinetic air valves chambers as
directed and as specified by Engineer In charge. The MS plate used
for the cover shall be 20 mm thick. The new MS cover shall have
anti skid arrangement. The anti skid arrangement shall be provided 236380.00 Rs./Kg 86 20328680.00
of 4mm thick MS flats of specified mm width and 300 mm center to
center by continuous lap welding. \Following are the Standard
weights of MS frame and cover with its complete assembly with
anti skid arrangement. NOTE: Tolerance of +/- 5% of mentioned
standard weights acceptable.

33 R3-HE-2-17

130 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Removing of existing MS frame and cover and replacing it with
new MS frame and cover with its complete assembly including
supply and fixing of the same etc complete as directed and specified
by Engineer In charge. The MS plate used for the cover shall be 20
mm thick. The new MS cover shall have anti skid arrangement. The
5900.00 Rs./Kg 62 365800.00
anti skid arrangement shall be provided by welding 4mm thick MS
flats of specified width and 300 mm center to center.
Note : (1) Rebate for old removed MS frame and cover is
considered in this item. (2) Tolerance of +/- 5% of mentioned
standard weights shall be acceptable.

34 R3-CS-CW-35-C
"Providing and fixing in position steel bars reinforcement of various
diameters HYSD steel bars (Fe 500)" 0.75 TON 80080 60060.00

35 R3-HE-3-30
Supplying, transporting on site and fixing Tamper proof Kinetic Air
valves of PN 1.0 in Gray Cast Iron IS 210 FG 260 conforming to
AWWA C-512 with sluice valves (double port) with nuts, bolts,
washers etc.including making holes in the main and fixing saddle
pieces,etc.complete. Note : Kinetic air valves with sluice valves
(double port) and all other materials shall be supplied as per the
acceptance criteria of MCGM as given in specification
R3-HE-3-30-b 80 mm. 277.00 Each 40600 11246200.00

36 R3-HE-8-24
Removing and refixing of existing S.P. fire hydrants for replacing
of mouth piece, duck foot bend, Sluice valve, as required as per
specifications & drawing but including painting the hydrant, fixing
the saddle piece, supplying and jointing the same with spun yarn,
molten lead, including caulking etc. complete as directed & as
specified by Engineer In Charge. (as per IS : 908) Note :
15.00 Nos 1881 28215.00
1) The new material required, will be paid separately on the basis of
weight per kg of material. 2) The cost of constructing valve
chamber will be ely. 3) Rebate for salvation cost of existing
material replaced will be taken at the rate of Rs 25/Kg Basic rate for
new material
a) CI Rs 55 /kg b) DI Rs 161/kg c) MS Rs 84 /kg

37 R3-HE-8-25
Removing of existing S.P. fire hydrants and replacing them with
new SP fire hydrants with its complete assembly including
supplying and jointing the same with spun yarn, molten lead,
28.00 Nos 13362 374136.00
including caulking etc. complete as directed & as specified by
Engineer In Charge. (as per IS : 908). Note : The salvage value for
old fire hydrant has been considered on per Kg basis.

38 R3-HE-8-26
Supplying, transporting and fixing S.P. fire hydrants including
mouth piece, duck foot bend, S.V. as per specifications & drawing,
fixing flanged socket, supplying and laying C.I./ M.S. pipe up to 2
mtrs. length and jointing the same with spun yarn, molten lead, 150.00 Each 27348 4102200.00
including caulking etc. complete as directed & as specified by
Engineer In Charge. (as per IS : 908) Note: Construction of valve
chamber will be paid separately

39 R3-HE-10-6
131 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Hire charges for supplying & providing C.C.T.V. camera (including
monitor, Video/CD recorder, battery backup, accessories all
enclosed in a waterproof enclosure) for inspection of water mains
of any diameter at any location of the site including all required 146.00 Shift 8500 1241000.00
machinery, accessories, operators,etc. with all necessary backup
recorded on CD's (3sets),including all taxes, etc complete in all
respect and as directed by the Engineer In Charge

Service Connections
40 R3-HE-7-2
Supplying, providing laying and jointing GI pipes including all
required fittings in trenches of following class and diameter by
wrapping them by hessian cloth with tar coating and including any
nominal pipe length required to be laid above ground level,
conveyance from stores to site work, all labour, necessary
excavation in all type of Strata , backfilling, giving satisfactory
hydraulic test, etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in
Charge. Note : Only GI pipe brands from the MCGM approved
vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe fittings shall be C class
(heavy grade) having ISI marking.
R3-HE-7-2-a 15 mm 13032.00 Rmt 228 2971296.00
R3-HE-7-2-b 20 mm 8920.50 Rmt 264 2355012.00
R3-HE-7-2-c 25 mm 3572.00 Rmt 348 1243056.00
R3-HE-7-2-d 32 mm 2640.00 Rmt 408 1077120.00
R3-HE-7-2-e 40 mm 1812.50 Rmt 511 926187.50
R3-HE-7-2-f 50 mm 533.50 Rmt 625 333437.50
R3-HE-7-2-g 65mm 168.50 Rmt 858 144573.00
R3-HE-7-2-h 80mm 117.50 Rmt 1067 125372.50

41 R3-HE-7-4
The transfer of existing service connections include cutting the
existing connections, plugging the holes, supplying & fixing new
Gun metal ferrules, required GI fittings(heavy) supplying & fixing
new 'C' class G.I.pipes up to 1 meter length and and making the
hole with hand tools, including necessary barracading,excavation in
all type of Strata, and backfilling etc complete in all respect as
directed by Engineer in Charge . Note :
(1) The old pipes, ferrules & fittings removed from site will be
property of contractor & shall be removed by the contractors as
directed. Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered
in the rate analysis. (2) Only GI pipe brands from the MCGM
approved vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe fittings shall be
C class (heavy grade) having ISI marking.
R3-HE-7-4-a 15mm. 5380.00 Each 3304 17775520.00
R3-HE-7-4-b 20mm. 3696.00 Each 3476 12847296.00
R3-HE-7-4-c 25mm. 1488.00 Each 3773 5614224.00
R3-HE-7-4-d 32mm. 1065.00 Each 5015 5340975.00
R3-HE-7-4-e 40mm. 773.00 Each 5664 4378272.00
R3-HE-7-4-f 50mm. 236.00 Each 6886 1625096.00
R3-HE-7-4-g 65mm 70.00 Each 8680 607600.00
R3-HE-7-4-h 80mm 48.00 Each 16455 789840.00

42 R3-HE-7-3

132 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Removing and replacing existing GI pipes with new GI pipes
including all required fittings in trenches of following class and
diameter by wrapping them by hessian cloth with tar coating and
including any nominal pipe length required to be laid above ground
level, conveyance from stores to site work, all labour, necessary
excavation in all type of Strata, backfilling, giving satisfactory
hydraulic test, etc complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in
Charge Note : (1) The old pipes removed from site will be property
of contractor & shall be removed by the contractors as directed.
Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered in the rate
analysis. (2) Only GI pipe brands from the MCGM approved
vendor list shall be used, all pipe and pipe fittings shall be C class
(heavy grade) having ISI marking.
R3-HE-7-3-a 15 mm 3634.50 Rmt 165 599692.50
R3-HE-7-3-b 20 mm 2291.10 Rmt 183 419271.30
R3-HE-7-3-c 25 mm 853.40 Rmt 221 188601.40
R3-HE-7-3-d 32 mm 600.70 Rmt 244 146570.80
R3-HE-7-3-e 40 mm 540.90 Rmt 321 173628.90
R3-HE-7-3-f 50 mm 241.20 Rmt 356 85867.20
R3-HE-7-3-g 65mm 80.10 Rmt 520 41652.00
R3-HE-7-3-h 80mm 44.40 Rmt 642 28504.80

43 R3-HE-7-5
Providing and fixing C class (heavy) GI union couplings with
embossed ISI mark including cutting and threading of pipe of
following diameters etc complete in all respect as directed by
Engineer in Charge .Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands
shall be used.
R3-HE-7-5-a 15mm. 7756.00 Each 191 1481396.00
R3-HE-7-5-b 20mm. 5041.00 Each 198 998118.00
R3-HE-7-5-c 25mm. 1971.00 Each 211 415881.00
R3-HE-7-5-d 32mm. 1600.00 Each 237 379200.00
R3-HE-7-5-e 40mm. 1066.00 Each 250 266500.00
R3-HE-7-5-f 50mm. 328.00 Each 293 96104.00
R3-HE-7-5-g 65mm 124.00 Each 405 50220.00
R3-HE-7-5-h 80mm 86.00 Each 457 39302.00

44 R3-HE-7-7
Providing and fixing GI double barrel nipples with embossed ISI
mark of following diameters (C class / heavy) etc complete in all
respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM
approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
R3-HE-7-7-a 15mm. 7756.00 Each 53 411068.00
R3-HE-7-7-b 20mm. 5041.00 Each 62 312542.00
R3-HE-7-7-c 25mm. 1971.00 Each 74 145854.00
R3-HE-7-7-d 32mm. 1600.00 Each 91 145600.00
R3-HE-7-7-e 40mm. 1066.00 Each 113 120458.00
R3-HE-7-7-f 50mm. 328.00 Each 119 39032.00
R3-HE-7-7-g 65mm 124.00 Each 221 27404.00
R3-HE-7-7-h 80mm 86.00 Each 317 27262.00

45 R3-HE-7-9

133 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Providing and fixing GI couplings (heavy) with embossed ISI mark
of following diameters etc complete in all respect etc complete in
all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM
approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
R3-HE-7-9-a 15 mm dia. 7756.00 Each 58 449848.00
R3-HE-7-9-b 20 mm dia. 5041.00 Each 72 362952.00
R3-HE-7-9-c 25 mm dia. 1971.00 Each 88 173448.00
R3-HE-7-9-d 32 mm dia. 1600.00 Each 115 184000.00
R3-HE-7-9-e 40 mm dia. 1066.00 Each 143 152438.00
R3-HE-7-9-f 50 mm dia. 328.00 Each 176 57728.00
R3-HE-7-9-g 65 mm dia. 124.00 Each 239 29636.00
R3-HE-7-9-h 80mm dia. 86.00 Each 309 26574.00

46 R3-HE-7-11
Providing and fixing GI plugs (heavy) of following diameters etc
complete in all respect etc complete in all respect as directed by
Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI pipe brands
shall be used.
R3-HE-7-11-a 15 mm dia. 4888.00 Each 51 249288.00
R3-HE-7-11-b 20 mm dia. 3188.00 Each 61 194468.00
R3-HE-7-11-c 25 mm dia. 1295.00 Each 73 94535.00
R3-HE-7-11-d 32 mm dia. 1037.00 Each 97 100589.00
R3-HE-7-11-e 40 mm dia. 675.00 Each 122 82350.00
R3-HE-7-11-f 50 mm dia. 184.00 Each 135 24840.00
R3-HE-7-11-g 65 mm dia. 68.00 Each 189 12852.00
R3-HE-7-11-h 80mm dia. 47.00 Each 214 10058.00

47 R3-HE-7-13
Providing and fixing GI elbows (heavy) with embossed ISI mark of
following diameters etc complete in all respect etc complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI
pipe brands shall be used.
R3-HE-7-13-a 15 mm dia. 7756.00 Each 62 480872.00
R3-HE-7-13-b 20 mm dia. 5041.00 Each 76 383116.00
R3-HE-7-13-c 25 mm dia. 1971.00 Each 101 199071.00
R3-HE-7-13-d 32 mm dia. 1600.00 Each 133 212800.00
R3-HE-7-13-e 40 mm dia. 1066.00 Each 167 178022.00
R3-HE-7-13-f 50 mm dia. 328.00 Each 210 68880.00
R3-HE-7-13-g 65 mm dia. 124.00 Each 294 36456.00
R3-HE-7-13-h 80mm dia. 86.00 Each 452 38872.00

48 R3-HE-7-15
Providing and fixing GI bends (heavy) of following diameters etc
complete in all respect etc complete in all respect etc complete as
directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM approved GI
pipe brands shall be used.
R3-HE-7-15-a 15 mm dia. 7756.00 Each 69 535164.00
R3-HE-7-15-b 20 mm dia. 5041.00 Each 81 408321.00
R3-HE-7-15-c 25 mm dia. 1971.00 Each 105 206955.00
R3-HE-7-15-d 32 mm dia. 1600.00 Each 138 220800.00
R3-HE-7-15-e 40 mm dia. 1066.00 Each 174 185484.00
R3-HE-7-15-f 50 mm dia. 328.00 Each 264 86592.00
R3-HE-7-15-g 65 mm dia. 137.00 Each 330 45210.00
134 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
R3-HE-7-15-h 80mm dia. 88.00 Each 581 51128.00

49 R3-HE-7-24
Removing and Replacing of existing old/damaged Brass / Gun
Metal Ferrule Conforming to IS 2692 except for jumper valve,
which will be of either brass / gun metal or Polypropylene coated
light weight brass jumper valve, inclusive of required excavation
and backfilling etc complete in all respect and as directed by
Engineer In-Charge. Note : (1) Rebate for salvation cost of old
ferrule has been considered and old ferrule to be removed from site
will be property of contractor & shall be removed by the contractors
as directed.
R3-HE-7-24-a 15 mm dia. 2573.00 Each 1496 3849208.00
R3-HE-7-24-b 20 mm dia. 1666.00 Each 1628 2712248.00
R3-HE-7-24-c 25 mm dia. 609.00 Each 1895 1154055.00
R3-HE-7-24-d 32 mm dia. 508.00 Each 2163 1098804.00
R3-HE-7-24-e 40 mm dia. 351.00 Each 2670 937170.00
R3-HE-7-24-f 50 mm dia. 130.00 Each 3624 471120.00

50 R3-HE-7-25
Providing and fixing Brass / Gun Metal Ferrule Conforming to IS
2692 except for jumper valve, which will be of either Poly
propylene or brass / gun metal jumper valve, inclusive of required
excavation and backfilling etc complete in all respect and as
directed by Engineer In-Charge.
R3-HE-7-25-a 15 mm dia. 342.00 Each 1544 528048.00
R3-HE-7-25-b 20 mm dia. 218.00 Each 1708 372344.00
R3-HE-7-25-c 25 mm dia. 82.00 Each 2045 167690.00
R3-HE-7-25-d 32 mm dia. 61.00 Each 2387 145607.00
R3-HE-7-25-e 40 mm dia. 52.00 Each 2991 155532.00
R3-HE-7-25-f 50 mm dia. 24.00 Each 4095 98280.00

51 R3-HE-7-17
Providing and fixing GI reducing Tees (heavy) with embossed ISI
mark of following sizes etc complete in all respect etc complete in
all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Only MCGM
approved GI pipe brands shall be used.
R3-HE-7-17-a 50 mm x 15 mm 50.00 Each 114 5700.00
R3-HE-7-17-b 50 mm x 20 mm 50.00 Each 130 6500.00
R3-HE-7-17-c 50 mm x 25 mm 50.00 Each 143 7150.00
R3-HE-7-17-d 50 mm x 32 mm 50.00 Each 165 8250.00
R3-HE-7-17-e 50 mm x 40 mm 50.00 Each 158 7900.00

52 R3-HE-8-1
Providing and fixing CI / MS sluice valve road boxes confirming IS
: 3950 for sluice valves for size of 80 mm dia. etc complete in all
respect and as directed by Engineer In Charge. (Required 20.00 Each 3895 77900.00
excavation, brick masonry and concrete for fixing road boxes will
be paid separately in relevant items.)

53 R3-SE-5-1
Providing & laying stone ware pipes of SP2 class including jointing
with CM(1:1), filleting etc. complete as specified & directed.

135 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
R3-SE-5-1-a 150mm dia. 20.00 rmt 680 13600.00
R3-SE-5-1-b 230mm dia 20.00 rmt 1113 22260.00
R3-SE-5-1-c 300 mm dia 20.00 rmt 2013 40260.00

54 R3-RW-10-24
Supply & filling sand metal, GRAVELLY SAND, corresponded to
2759.00 cum 2251 6210509.00
BMCroadspecifications for roadworks in trenches upto required
depth & watering, rammingetc. complete as directed.

55 R3-RW-2-21
Providing & laying, spreading & compacting specified crushed
stone in granular subbase course including premixing the material
in mechanical mixer (pug mill or approved type), spreading of
mixed material in uniform layer of 100 mm to 75 mm (compacted
thickness each) with motor grader or paver on prepared murum
1471.00 cum 2702 3974642.00
surface & compacting with 10 tonne vibratory roller to achieve
desired density including all material, labour, machinery, lighting,
barricading to all lifts & lead, maintenance of diversion etc.
complete (metal gradation from 75mm to 75 micron as per
prevailing MCGM specifications forRoadworks clause no.210).

56 R3-RW-2-20
Providing & laying, spreading & compacting graded crushed stone
aggregate to wet mix macadam to the satisfaction of Engineer
including premixing the material with water to OMC in mechanical
mix (pug mill) carriage of mix material by tipper to site, laying in
uniform layer of 75 mm to100 mm (compacted thickness each) with
sensor paver finisher on prepared subbase & compacting with 2003.00 cum 3338 6686014.00
vibratory roller (10 tonne) to achieve desired density including
lighting, guarding barricading & maintenance of diversion etc. as
directed by the Engineer, ( Rebate for not using sensor paver should
be taken,(metal gradation from 53 mm to 75 micron as per
prevailing MCGM specifications forRoadworks clause no.240).

57 R3-RW-5-19
Providing and applying PRIME COAT with CATIONIC
BITUMEN EMULSION (SS) @ 7 to12 Kg. of 10Sqmt. over
prepared surface to receive bituminous mix by applying PRIMER
with mechanical spray bitumen, including cleaning of road surface
etc. completed, as directed For Low Porosity surface & the primed
13974.00 sqm 79 1103946.00
surface shall be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours or any other
higher period, as is found to be necessary to allow all the moisture
or volatiles to evaporate before any subsequent bituminous surface
treatment or mix is laid (As per prevailing MCGM specification for
Roadwork Clause No. 313,curing as per 313.5)

58 R3-RW-5-23
Providing and applying TACK COAT with CATIONIC BITUMEN
EMULSION (RS) @ 0.25to 0.30 Kg. of over prepared
surface to receive bituminous mix by applying TACK COAT with
mechanical spray bitumen, including cleaning of road surface etc. 13974.00 sqm 41 572934.00
completed, as directed For DRY & HUNGRY BITUMINOUS
SURFACES (As per prevailing MCGM specification for Roadwork
Clause No.314)

136 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount

59 R3-RW-5-45
P/L hot Premix Dense bituminous macadam with 4.50% bitumen
content of grade VG-30 to the required line,level,and camber
rolling with 10/12 M.T.power ,vibratory roller & sensor paver etc.
complete as specified and as directed to thickness of 50 mm. with 9778.00 sqm 775 7577950.00
antistripping agent at 1% by weight of bitumen using grading II of
"MORTH"( As per prevailing MCGM specification for Road work
clause no.354)

60 R3-RW-5-22
Providing and applying TACK COAT with CATIONIC BITUMEN
EMULSION (RS) @ 0.2to 0.25 Kg. of over prepared
surface to receive bituminous mix by applying TACK COAT with
mechanical spray bitumen, including cleaning of road surface etc.
completed, as directed For NORMAL BITUMINOUS SURFACES
9778.00 sqm 39 381342.00
& the tack coat shall be left to cure until all the volatiles have
evaporated before any subsequent construction is started, which is
indicated by change in colour from brown to black (As per
prevailing MCGM specification for RoadworkClause No. 314,
curing as per 314.3.4)

61 R3-RW-5-30
P/L Mastic Asphalt 25mm. thick having bitumen content 10% by
weight as per I.S. code No. 5317/2002.(As per prevailing 9778.00 sqm 1439 14070542.00
MCGMspecification for Roadwork Clause No. 365)

62 R3-RW-3-11
Providing & fixing 80 mm thick interlocking unishape concrete
pavers ( monolithic- single layer precast concrete blocks) in grey
cement in the carriageway having average crushing strength of not
less than 50 N/mm2 as per technical specifications and IS Code
1469.00 sqm 816 1198704.00
15658:2006, placed on average compacted thickness of 25 mm,
well graded sand cushioning uniformly compacted with proper
capacity mechanical compactor with the proper level, grade and
camber etc. completeas specified and as directed by the Engineer.

63 R3-RW-3-13
Removing & refixing interlocking concrete pavers of 80 mm thick,
of any size, shape and colour considering 10% breakage area of
paver block while removing the same from position and replacing
the same by new paver blocks having average crushing strength not
less than 50 N/mm² as per technical specifications and IS Code 631.00 sqm 251 158381.00
15658:2006, placed on average compacted thickness of 25 mm well
graded sand cushioning uniformly compacted with proper capacity
mechanical compactor with required level, grade and camber etc.
complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer.

64 R3-RW-3-19
Providing & fixing in the carriageway 100 mm thick interlocking
concrete unishape pavers (monolithic- single layer precast concrete
blocks) of grey cement coloured having average crushing strength
not less than 50 N/mm² as per technical specification and IS CODE
212.00 sqm 977 207124.00
15658:2006, placed on average compacted thickness of 25 mm well
graded sand cushioning uniformly compacted with proper capacity
mechanical compactor with required level, grade and camber etc.
complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer.

137 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount

65 R3-RW-10-23
P/L R.M.C. M-10 C.C. in foundation/ encasement/ pavement with
or without chequered design including formwork, mixing in
batching plant, placing, vibrating with plate or needle vibrator,
curing etc. complete as directed by the Engineer. Contractors has to 111.00 cum 5703 633033.00
make his own arrangement of water for curing with Hessian cloth
etc. & will not be paid separately.(MINIMUM CEMENT
CONTENT 220 Kg/m³.)

66 R3-RW-10-29
Providing & laying M-40 C.C.avg. compressive strength (As per
IRC 15- 2002.N.1.6) procured from B.M.C. approvedR.M.C. plant
including use of approved make of plasticizer/ retarder &
Contractor's water with ice flakes (if required) and transported by
transit mixer and placing at work site. Compacting, finishing, initial 1063.00 cum 7962 8463606.00
curing by approved curing compound & Contractor's water and
tarring the sides of slab with hot bitumen as specified and directed
(w/c ratio 0.4 maximum)(vata for curring will be paid separately.)

67 R3-RW-10-07
Cutting of construction & dummy joints of M-35 C.C.& above slab
by mechanical means within 10 to16 hrs.of casting of bay/slab as
3312.00 rmt 84 278208.00
directed.A) transverse dummy joints 100mm deep or 1/3 thickness
of concrete pavement &6 mm wide.

68 R3-RW-10-09
Providing & fixing in position premoulded asphalt filler 12 mm
thick conforming to I.S. 1838 of 1983 for placing of the expansion
663.00 sqm 364 241332.00
joint, around manholes & water entrances, etc. put to the required
depth & 25 mm below the camber, etc. complete as directed.

69 R3-RW-10-10
Providing & placing 5mm thick thermocol in dummy &
construction joints immediately after cutting of joints & removing
663.00 sqm 88 58344.00
the same before dressing of dummy & construction joints etc.
complete, as directed.

70 R3-RW-10-14
Providing & laying waterproof paper of 40GSM including overlap (
to be not less than 10cm) etc. complete as specified as directed. 1104.00 sqm 41 45264.00

71 R3-RW-10-15
Providing & constructing cement vatas in c/m 1:10 at 0.6mx0.6m
c/c admeasuring 0.09m at bottom, 0.04m at top & 0.075m deep &
2098.00 sqm 75 157350.00
maintaining the same throughout 14 days curing & removing the
same thereafter, as directed.

72 R3-SWD-34
Cutting down stone, concrete, brick .masonary work by any means
in lime or cement mortar including removal of plaster, pointing in
125.00 cum 627 78375.00
compound walls, arches, piers/wing walls, abutments, etc.
complete, as specified & as directed by Engineer in Charge

73 R3-RW-6-04
138 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Raising or lowering water entrances, hydrant key box/ sluice box/
gully trap chambers to the required level upto 20 cm including
125.00 each 945 118125.00
allmaterials, curing etc. complete as specified and as directed.

74 R3-RW-4-07
Removing & resetting water tables 30 cm. wide on a new M-20
cement concrete bed 15 cm .thick including filling in the joints with
65.00 rmt 381 24765.00
C.M.1:2 and cement pointing , curingincluding removing the old
cement bed, curing etc. complete.

75 R3-RW-4-06
Providing & fixing water tables of stone of size 30 cm. wide and 10
cm. thick, fairly dresed on a R.M.C. M-20 cement concrete bed 15
cm. thick, including filling in the joints, with cement mortar 1:2 65.00 rmt 435 28275.00
cement pointing, curing etc. complete as specified and as directed
by the Engineer.

76 R3-RW-4-05
Cement pointing to existing kerb stones after taking out old mortar
to a depth of 20 mm. including filling the joints with cement 65.00 rmt 25 1625.00
mortar1:2 and curing etc. complete.

77 R3-RW-4-02
Removing & resetting kerb stones in 1:2 C.M. on new R.M.C.M-20
C.C. bed 15 cm, thick including filling the joints with 1:2 C.M. 65.00 rmt 343 22295.00
pointing, curing etc. complete.

78 R3-RW-4-01
Providing & Fixing kerb stones 30 40 cm. long., 15 cm. wide,
38 cm. deep medium dressed in all exposed surfaces, set in cement
mortar 1:2 on a 15 cm. thick and 25 cm. wide RMC M-20 C.C. bed 65.00 rmt 573 37245.00
including filling thejoints with 1:2 C.M. pointing, curing etc.

79 R3-RW-10-31
Providing and laying Dry Lean Concrete base including providing
coarse and fine aggregate (with no fines i.e. 2.36 mm passing 0%
to5%) to the specified gradation using minimum cement content
150 kg/ cum of concrete with OPC 43 grade cement mixing of
concerete as per approved design mix using mechanised batch mix
plant of appropriate capacity, transporting and laying and
compacting with vibratory roller of mimumum 80- 100 KN static
weight to give desired compacted density and average compressive
strength of 10 MPa at 7 days and curing with liquid curing 75.00 cum 5328 399600.00
compound and sprinkling water and covering with moist hesian
cloth or ponding of water for 7 days including providing
construction joints, including all material, labour, machinery with
all leads and lifts etc. complete as specified and as dirercted bythe
Engineer.NOTE: This ITEM Should be OPERATED after
E.S.& P.) . A)Laying by
manually .

80 R3-RW-5-04

139 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
P/LMINIMUM 30 mm hot Premix Bituminous concrete with6.00%
of VG- 30 grade bitumen using new material any where as directed
including Rolling with 10 MT Pneumatic, ower & vibratory roller
& using sensor paver to the required grades, level, camber with line 300.00 sqm 579 173700.00
filler of 2% by weight & antistripping agent @ 1% of bitumen
content by weight etc. complete.(As per prevailing MCGM
specification for Roadworks clause no.364)

81 R3-RW-5-13
Supplying & laying of BITUMINOUS COLD MIXES work by
using new material Rolling with power roller, vibratory roller & 225.00 cum 23346 5252850.00
using Motor grader/ sensor paver.

82 R3-HE-10-1
Taking access opening on C.I./ D.I.Water main by machine cut (
2m / 3m length) and reinstating the same by using mechanical joint
collar and SBR rings, including dewatering of body water and
subsoil water, etc. complete in all respect and as directed by the
Engineer In Charge for following diameters of CI/DI water mains:
In case pipe is damaged, replacement pipe to be paid as per item
R3-HE-10-1-a 150 mm dia. 35.00 Each 10854.00 379890.00
R3-HE-10-1-b 250 mm dia. 20.00 Each 13223.00 264460.00
R3-HE-10-1-c 300 mm dia. 15.00 Each 15241.00 228615.00

83 R3-RW-2-22
Rebate for not using motor grader / paver for laying of Granular
1391.00 CUM -114 -158574.00
Sub base in R3-RW-2-21.

84 R3-RW-5-62
POWER ROLLER used forcopmaction of BITUMINOUS MIXES 25053.51 SQM -2 -50107.02

85 R3-RW-5-63
Rebate for not using SENSOR PAVER INSTEAD OF
ORDINARY PAVER USED forLaying of BITUMINOUS MIXES 20687.18 SQM -6 -124123.06

86 R3-HE-4-3
Making connection on live CI/DI water main of various sizes,
including cutting of pipes with cutting machine, providing & fixing,
DI pipe upto 1 M. length of branch pipe, specials such as saddles,
bends, distance pieces, flanges, collars etc. (suitable for lead joint),
jointing the pipes with lead joint and pumping out body water etc
complete in all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : (1)
The required excavation, shoring, encasement in cement concrete &
sluice valve will be paid separately under relevant items.
R3-HE-4-3-c 450 mm x 150 mm 1.00 Each 26589 26589.00

87 R3-HE-4-4

140 | P a g e
Item Code & Description Total Unit Rate Amount
Making connection on live CI/DI water main of various sizes,
including cutting of pipes with cutting machine, providing & fixing
DI pipe upto 1 M. length, specials such as tees, bends, distance
pieces, flanges, collars etc. (suitable for lead joint), jointing the
pipes with lead joint and pumping out body water etc complete in
all respect as directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : (1) The
required excavation, shoring, encasement in cement concrete &
sluice valve will be paid separately under relevant items. Note : (2)
Rebate for salvation cost of old pipe has been considered and old
pipes Shall be removed by the contractors as directed.
R3-HE-4-4-a 450 x 250 1.00 Each 41490 41490.00

Total : 564734015.02

Say : 564734016.00

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

S.E.W.W. (Const.) W.S. A.E.W.W. (Const.) W.S. E.E.W.W. (Const.) W.S.

141 | P a g e

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143 | P a g e
General Conditions of Contract

A. General

1. Definitions

1.1. Terms which are defined in the Contract Data are not also defined in the Conditions of Contract
but keep their defined meanings. Capital initials are used to identify defined terms.

The “Contract” shall mean the tender and acceptance thereof and the formal agreement if any, executed
between the Contractor, Commissioner and the Corporation together with the documents referred to
therein including these conditions and appendices and any special conditions, the specifications, designs,
drawings, price schedules, bills of quantities and schedule of rates. All these documents taken together
shall be deemed to form one Contract and shall be complementary to one another.

The Contract Data defines the documents and other information which comprise the Contract.

The “Contractor” shall mean the individual or firm or company whether incorporated or not, whose
tender has been accepted by the employer and the legal successor of the individual or firm or company,
but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person.

The Bidder is a person or corporate body who has desired to submit Bid to carry out the Works,
including routine maintenance till the tender process is concluded.

The Contractor's Bid is the completed bidding document submitted by the Contractor to the Employer.

The “Contract Sum” means the sum named in the letter of acceptance including Physical contingencies
subject to such addition thereto or deduction there-from as may be made under the provisions hereinafter
Note : The contract sum shall include the following –
• In the case of percentage rate contracts the estimated value of works as mentioned in the
tender adjusted by the Contractor’s percentage.

• In the case of item rate contracts, the cost of the work arrived at after finalization of the
quantities shown in schedule of items / quantities by the item rates quoted by the tenderers
for various items and summation of the extended cost of each item.

• In case of lumpsum contract, the sum for which tender is accepted.

• Special discount / rebate / trade discount offered by the tenderer if any and accepted by the

• Additions or deletions that are accepted after opening of the tenders.

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The “Contract Cost” means the Contract Sum plus Price Variation. This cost shall be included in the
letter of acceptance.
A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract.
The Defects Liability Certificate is the certificate issued by the Engineer, after the Defect Liability
Period has ended and upon correction of Defects by the Contractor.

Drawings means all the drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature provided by the
Engineer to the Contractor under the Contract and all drawings, calculations, samples, patterns, models,
operation & maintenance manual and other technical information of like nature submitted by the
Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
The Authority shall mean Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC)
The “Employer” shall mean the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) / Municipal
Commissioner for Greater Mumbai, for the time being holding the said office and also his successors and
shall also include all “Additional Municipal Commissioners, Director (Engineering Services & Projects)”
and the Deputy Municipal Commissioner, to whom the powers of Municipal Commissioner, have been
deputed under Section 56 and 56B of the Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act.

The Engineer in-chargeshallmean the Executive Engineer in executive charge of the works and shall
include the superior officers of the Engineering department i.e. Dy.Ch.Eng/Ch.Eng. and shall mean and
include all the successors in BMC
The Engineer's Representative shall mean the Assistant Engineer, Sub. Engineer/Jr. Engineer in direct
charge of the works and shall include Sub Eng./ Jr. Eng of Civil section/ Mechanical section/ Electrical
section appointed by BMC.
The “Engineer” shall mean the City Engineer / the Hydraulic Engineer / the Chief Engineer / the Special
Engineer, appointed for the time being or any other officer or officers of the Municipal Corporation who
may be authorized by the commissioner to carry out the functions of the City Engineer / the Hydraulic
Engineer / the Chief Engineer / the Special Engineer or any other competent person appointed by the
employer and notified in writing to the Contractor to act in replacement of the Engineer from time to
Contractor’s Equipment means all appliances and things of whatsoever nature required for the
execution and completions of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein, but does not include
plant material or other things intended to form or forming part of the Permanent Works.
The Initial Contract Price is the Contract Price listed in the Employer's Letter of Acceptance.
The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor shall complete the
construction works. The Intended Completion Date is specified in the Contract Data. The Intended
Completion Date may be revised only by the Engineer by issuing an extension of time.

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Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for incorporation in the Works
and works of routine maintenance.
Plant is any integral part of the Works that shall have a mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical, or
biological function.
Routine Maintenance is the maintenance of activities of the competed structure for five years as
specified in the Contract Data.
The “Site” shall mean the land and other places including water bodies more specifically mentioned in
the special conditions of the tender, on, under in or through which the permanent works or temporary
works are to be executed and any other lands and places provided by the Municipal Corporation for
working space or any other purpose as may be specifically designated in the contract as forming part of
the site.
Site Investigation Reports are those that were included in the bidding documents and are reports about
the surface and subsurface conditions at the Site.
“Specification” shallmean the specification referred to in the tender and any modification thereof or
addition or deduction thereto as may from time to time be furnished or approved in writing by the
The Start Date/Commencement Date is given in the Contract Data. It is the date when the Contractor
shall commence execution of the Works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the Site Possession
A Nominated Sub-Contractor is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor to
carry out a part of the construction work and/or routine maintenance in the Contract, which includes work
on the Site.
Temporary Works are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the Contractor that are
needed for construction or installation of the Works.
Variation means a change to the:-
i) Specification and /or Drawings (if any) which is instructed by the Employer.
ii) Scope in the Contract which is instructed by the Employer.
iii) Price in the Contract which is instructed by the Employer.
The Works, as defined in the Contract Data, are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct,
install, maintain, and turn over to the Employer. Routine maintenance is defined separately.

Jurisdiction: In case of any claim, dispute or difference arising in respect of a contract, the cause of
action thereof shall be deemed to have arisen in Mumbai and all legal proceedings in respect of any
claim, dispute or difference shall be instituted in a competent court in the City of Mumbai only.

146 | P a g e
2. Interpretation
2.1. In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means female
or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no significance. Words have their normal
meaning under the language of the Contract unless specifically defined. The Engineer will
provide instructions clarifying queries about these Conditions of Contract.
2.2. If sectional completion is specified in the Contract Data, references in the Conditions of
Contract to the Works, the Completion Date, and the Intended Completion Date apply to any
Section of the Works (other than references to the Completion Date and Intended Completion
Date for the whole of the Works).
2.3. The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following documents: (1)
Agreement, (2) Letter of Acceptance, (3) Notice to Proceed with the Work , (4) Contractor's
Bid, (5) Contract Data, (6) Special Conditions of Contract Part (7) General Conditions of
Contract Part I, (8) Specifications, (9) Drawings, (10) Bill of Quantities, and (11) Any other
document listed in the Contract Data.
3. Engineer's Decisions
3.1. Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Engineer will decide contractual matters between
the Employer and the Contractor in the role representing the Employer. However, if the Engineer
is required under the rules and regulations and orders of the Employer to obtain prior approval of
some other authorities for specific actions, he will so obtain the approval, before communicating
his decision to the Contractor.
3.2. Except as expressly stated in the Contract, the Engineer shall not have any authority to relieve
the Contractor of any of his obligations under the contract.
4. Delegation
4.1. The Engineer, with the approval of the Employer, may delegate any of his duties and
responsibilities to other person(s), except to the Adjudicator, after notifying the Contractor, and
may cancel any delegation after notifying the Contractor.
5. Communications
All certificates, notices or instructions to be given to the Contractor by Employer/ Engineer shall be
sent on the address or contact details given by the Contractor of Bid. The address and contact details for
communication with the Employer/ Engineer shall be as per the details given in Contract Data.
Communications between parties that are referred to in the conditions shall be in writing. The Notice
sent by facsimile (fax) or other electronic means shall be effective on confirmation of the transmission.
The Notice sent by Registered post or Speed post shall be effective on delivery or at the expiry of the
normal delivery period as undertaken by the postal service.

147 | P a g e

6. Subcontracting
6.1. Unless specifically mentioned in the contract subletting will not be allowed. Subletting,
whereotherwise provided by the contract shall not be more than 25% of the contract price. The
subletting isallowed with the approval of Hydraulic Engineer.
6.2. The Contractor shall not be required to obtain any consent from the Employer for:
a. The sub-contracting of any part of the Works for which the Subcontractor is named in the Contract;
b. The provision for labour, or labour component.
c. The purchase of Materials which are in accordance with the standards specified in the Contract.
6.3. Beyond what has been stated in clauses 6.1 and 6.2, if the Contractor proposes sub contracting
any part of the work during execution of the Works, because of some unforeseen circumstances to
enable him to complete the Works as per terms of the Contract, the Employer will consider the
following before according approval:
a. The Contractor shall not sub-contract the whole of the Works.
b. The permitted subletting of work by the Contractor shall not establish any contractual relationship
between the sub-contractor and the BMC and shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility
under the Contract.
6.4. The Engineer should satisfy himself before recommending to the Employer whether
a. The circumstances warrant such sub-contracting; and
b. The sub-Contractor so proposed for the Work possesses the experience, qualifications and
equipment necessary for the job proposed to be entrusted to him.
7. Other Contractors
7.1. The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other Contractors, public authorities,
utilities, and the Employer between the dates given in the Schedule of Other Contractors, as
referred to in the Contract Data. The Contractor shall also provide facilities and services for them
as described in the Schedule. The Employer may modify the Schedule of Other Contractors, and
shall notify the Contractor of any such modification.
7.2. The Contractor should take up the works in convenient reaches as decided by the Engineer to
ensure there is least hindrance to the smooth flow and safety of traffic including movement of
vehicles and equipment of other Contractors till the completion of the Works.
8. Personnel
8.1. The Contractor shall employ for the construction work and routine maintenance the key personnel
including technical personnel named in the Contract Data or other personnel approved by the
Engineer. The Engineer will approve any proposed replacement of technical personnel only if

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their relevant qualifications and abilities are substantially equal to those of the personnel stated in
the Contract Data.
8.2. The Contractor’s personnel shall appropriately be qualified, skilled and experienced in their
respective trades or occupations. The Engineer shall have authority to remove, or cause to be
removed, any person employed on the site or works, who carries out duties incompetently or
negligently and persists in any conduct which is prejudicial to safety, health or the protection of
the environment.
8.3. If the Engineer asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the Contractor's staff
or work force, stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the Site
within seven days and has no further connection with the Works in the Contract.
8.4. The Contractor shall not employ any retired Gazetted officer who has worked in the Engineering
Department of the BMC /State Government and has either not completed two years after the date
of retirement or has not obtained BMC/State Government’s permission to employment with the
9. Employer's and Contractor's Risks
9.1. The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are Employer's risks, and the Contractor
carries the risks which this Contract states are Contractor's risks.
10. Employer's Risks
10.1. The Employer is responsible for the excepted risks which are (a) in so far as they directly
affect the execution of the Works in the Employer’s country, the risks of war, invasion, act of
foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power, civil war, riot,
commotion or disorder (unless restricted to the Contractor’s employees) and contamination from
any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or radioactive toxic explosive, or (b) a cause due solely to the
design of the Works, other than the Contractor’s design.
11. Contractor's Risks
11.1. All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personal injury and death which
arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract other than the excepted risks,
referred to in clause 11.1, are the responsibility of the Contractor.
12. Insurance
12.1. The Contractor at his cost shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the
Contractor, insurance cover from the Start Date to the end of Defects Liability Period, in the
amounts and deductibles stated in the Contract Data for the following events which are due to the
Contractor's risks:
a) Loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials;
b) Loss of or damage to Equipment;
149 | P a g e
c) Loss of or damage to property (other than the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment)
in connection with the Contract; and
d) Personal injury or death.
12.2. Insurance policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the
Engineer for the Engineer's approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall provide for
compensation to be payable in the types and proportions of currencies required to rectify the loss
or damage incurred.
12.3. Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the
12.4. Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance policies.
12.5. If the Contractor does not provide any of the policies and certificates required, the
Employer may affect the insurance which the Contractor should have provided and recover the
premiums the Employer has paid, from payments otherwise due to the Contractor or if no
payment is due, the payment of premiums shall be debt due.
13. Site Investigation Reports
13.1. The Contractor, in preparing the Bid, may rely, at his own risk, on any Site Investigation
Reports referred to in the Contract Data, supplemented by any other information available to him,
before submitting the bid.
14. Queries about the Contract Data
14.1. The Engineer will clarify queries on the Contract Data.
15. Contractor to Construct the Works and Undertake Maintenance (if specified in the tender)
15.1. The Contractor shall construct, and install and maintain the Works in accordance with the
Specifications and Drawings and as per instructions of the Engineer.
15.2. The Contractor shall construct the works with intermediate technology, i.e., by manual
means with medium input of machinery required to ensure the quality of works as per
specifications. The Contractor shall deploy the equipment and machinery as required in the
15.3. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the
Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the public or others resulting
from pollution, noise or other causes arising as a consequence of his methods of operation.
During continuance of the contract, the Contractor and his sub-contractors shall abide at
all times by all existing enactments on environmental protection and rules made there under,
regulations, notifications and byelaws of the State or Central Government, or local authorities and
any other law, bye-law, regulations that may be passed or notification that may be issued in future

150 | P a g e
by the State or Central Government or the local authority. Salient features of some of the major
laws that are applicable are given below:
 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, this provides for the prevention and
control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of wholesomeness of water.
‘Pollution’ means such contamination of water or such alteration of the physical, chemical or
biological properties of water or such discharge of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other
liquid, gaseous or solid substance into water (whether directly or indirectly) as may, or is likely
to, create a nuisance or render such water harmful or injurious to public health or safety, or to
domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the life and health of
animals or plants or of aquatic organisms.
o The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, this provides for prevention,
control and abatement of air pollution. ‘Air Pollution’ means the presence in the
atmosphere of any ‘air pollutant’, which means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance
(including noise) present in the atmosphere in such concentration as may be or tend to be
injurious to human beings or other living creatures or plants or property or environment.

 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, this provides for the protection and improvement
of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the prevention of hazards to
human beings, other living creatures, plants and property. ‘Environment’ includes water, air
and land and the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air and land, and
human beings, other living creatures, plants, micro-organism and property.

 The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, This provides for public liability insurance for the
purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by accident occurring while
handling hazardous substances and for matters connected herewith or incidental thereto.
Hazardous substance means any substance or preparation which is defined as hazardous
substance under the Environment (Protection) Act 1986, and exceeding such quantity as
may be specified by notification by the Central Government.
16. The Works and Routine Maintenance to be completed by the Intended CompletionDate
16.1. The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry
out the Works and Routine Maintenance, if specified in the tender, in accordance with the
program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval of the Engineer, and complete
them by the Intended Completion Date.
17. Approval by the Engineer
17.1. The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings showing the proposed Temporary
Works to the Engineer, who is to approve them if they comply with the Specifications and
17.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for design and safety of Temporary Works.

151 | P a g e
17.3. The Engineer's approval shall not alter the Contractor's responsibility for design and safety of
the Temporary Works.
17.4. The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the design of the Temporary Works,
where required.
17.5. All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or permanent
Works, are subject to prior approval by the Engineer before their use.
18. Safety
18.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site. He shall
comply with all applicable safety requirements and take care of safety of all persons entitled to be
on the site and the works. He shall use reasonable efforts to keep the site and the works, both
during construction and maintenance, clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to the
persons and the users.
 Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, cement and lime mortars shall be
provided with protective footwear and protective goggles.
 Stone breaker shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and seated
at sufficiently safe intervals.
 The area should be barricaded or cordoned off by suitable means to avoid mishaps of any
kind. Power warning signs should be displayed for the safety of the public whenever
cleaning works are undertaken during night or day.
 The workers engaged for cleaning the manholes/sewers should be properly trained before
allowing working in the manhole.
18.2. Safety Programs:-
I. Have adequate safety supervision in place to ensure that safety programs set up by the
firms/agencies are in compliance with prevalent laws and regulations.
II. Review safety programs developed by each of the trade firms, prepare and submit a
comprehensive safety program.
III. Monitor day to day implementation of safety procedures.
18.3. First Aid Facilities: -
IV. At every work place there shall be provided and maintained, so as to be easily accessible
during working hours, first-aid boxes at the rate of not less than one box for 150 contract
labour or part thereof ordinarily employed.
i. The first-aid box shall be distinctly marked with a red cross on white back ground.
ii. Adequate arrangements shall be made for immediate recoupment of the equipment when
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iii. Nothing except the prescribed contents shall be kept in the First-aid box.
iv. The first-aid box shall be kept in charge of a responsible person who shall always be
readily available during the working hours of the work place.
v. A person in charge of the First-aid box shall be a person trained in First-aid treatment, in
the work places where the number of contract labour employed is 150 or more.
19. Discoveries
19.1. Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on
the Site shall be the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of such
discoveries and carry out the Engineer's instructions for dealing with them.

20. Possession of the Site

20.1. The Employer shall handover complete or part possession of the site to the Contractor 7 days in
advance of construction program. At the start of the work, the Employer shall handover the
possession of at-least 75% of the site free of all encumbrances, the remaining 25 % of the
possession as per contractor’s construction program.
21. Access to the Site
21.1. The Contractor shall allow access to the Site and to any place where work in connection with the
Contract is being carried out, or is intended to be carried out to the Engineer and any
person/persons/agency authorized by: a. The Engineer b. The Employer or authorized by the
22. Instructions
22.1. The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Engineer, which comply with the applicable
laws where the Site is located.

22.2. The Contractor shall permit the appointed and/or authorized persons to inspect the Site and/or
accounts and records of the Contractor and its subcontractors relating to the performance of the
Contract, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors appointed, if so required. The
Contractor’s attention is invited to Clause of ‘Fraud and Corruption’, which provides, inter alia,
that acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the inspection and audit rights provided for
under the Clause & constitute a obstructive practice subject to contract termination.

22.3. Engineer to have power to issue further drawings or instructions:

 The Engineer shall have the power and authority from time to time and at all times to make and
issue such further drawings and to give such further instructions and directions as may appear to
him necessary or proper for the guidance of the contractor and the good and sufficient execution
of the works according to terms of the specifications and Contractor shall receive, execute, obey

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and be bound by the same, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, as fully and
effectually as though the same had accompanied or had been mentioned or referred to in the
specification, and the Engineer may also alter or vary the levels or position of nature of works
contemplated by the specifications, or may order any of the works contemplated thereby to be
omitted, with or without the substitution of any other works in lieu thereof, or may order any work
or any portion of work executed or partially executed, to be removed, changed or altered, added if
needful, may order that other works shall be substituted instead thereof and difference of expense
occasioned by any such diminution or alteration so ordered and directed shall be added to or
deducted from the amount of this Contract, as provided under condition no.10(a) hereinafter.

 No work which radically changes the original nature of the Contract shall be ordered by the
Engineer and in the event of any deviation being ordered which in the opinion of the Contractor
changes the original nature of Contract he shall nevertheless carry it out and disagreement as to
the nature of the work and the rate to be paid therefore shall be resolved in accordance with
condition no.13d.

 The time for completion of the Works, shall be in even of any deviations resulting in additional
cost over the contract price being ordered, be extended or reduced reasonably by the Engineer.
The Engineer’s decision in this case shall be final.

B. Time Control
23. Programme

23.1. Within the time stated in the Contract Data, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval a Program, including Environment Management Plan showing the general methods,
arrangements, order, and timing for all the activities in the Works, along with monthly cash flow
forecasts for the construction of works.
After the completion of the construction works, the program for the Routine Maintenance Work,
showing the general methods, arrangements, order and timing for all the activities involved in the
Routine Maintenance will also be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval if
specified in the tender. The program for Routine Maintenance will be submitted in each year for
the period of Maintenance.

23.2. The Contractor shall submit the list of equipment and machinery being brought to site, the list of
key personnel being deployed, the list of machinery/ equipment’s being placed in field laboratory
and the location of field laboratory along with the Programme. The Engineer shall cause these
details to be verified at each appropriate stage of the programme.

154 | P a g e
23.3. An update of the Programme shall be a programme showing the actual progress achieved on each
activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining Works, including any
changes to the sequence of the activities.
23.4. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval an updated Programme at intervals no
longer than the period stated in the Contract Data. If the Contractor does not submit an updated
Programme within this period, the Engineer may withhold the amount stated in the Contract Data
from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next payment after
the date on which the overdue Programme has been submitted.
23.5. The Engineer's approval of the Programme shall not alter the Contractor's obligations. The
Contractor may revise the Programme and submit it to the Engineer again at any time. A revised
Programme shall show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events.
24. Extension Of Time In Contracts :
Subject to any requirement in the contract as to completion of any portions or portions of the works
before completion of the whole, the contractor shall fully and finally complete the whole of the
works comprised in the contract (with such modifications as may be directed under conditions of
this contract) by the date entered in the contract or extended date in terms of the following clauses:
a) Extension attributable to BMC
(i) Extension Due To Modification: If any modifications have been ordered which in the
opinion of the Engineer have materially increased the magnitude of the work, then such
extension of the contracted date of completion may be granted as shall appear to the Engineer
to be reasonable in the circumstances, provided moreover that the Contractor shall be
responsible for requesting such extension of the date as may be considered necessary as soon
as the cause thereof shall arise and in any case should not be less than 30 days before the
expiry of the date fixed for completion of the works.

(ii) Extension For Delay Due To BMC: In the event of any failure or delay by the BMC to hand
over the Contractor possession of the lands necessary for the execution of the works or to
give the necessary notice to commence the works or to provide the necessary drawings or
instructions or any other delay caused by the BMC due to any other cause whatsoever, then
such failure or delay shall in no way affect or vitiate the contract or alter the character thereof
or entitle the contractor to damages or compensation therefore, but in any such case, the BMC
may grant such extension(s) of the completion date as may be considered reasonable.

Note: For extension of time period as governed in (i) and (ii) above, any modifications in
design/drawings, specifications, quantities shall be needed to be justified with recorded
reasons with approval of Ch.Eng. for not anticipating the same while preparing

155 | P a g e
estimates and draft tender.

b) Extension of Time for Delay Due To Contractor: The time for the execution of the work or part
of the works specified in the contract documents shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract
and the works must be completed no later than the date(s) / the programme for completion of
work as specified in the contract. If the contractor fails to complete the works within the time as
specified in the contract for the reasons other than the reasons specified in above as (a.i) and (a.ii),
the BMC may, if satisfied that the works can be completed by the contractor within reasonable
short time thereafter, allow the contractor for further extension of time as the Engineer may
decide. On such extension the BMC will be entitled without prejudice to any other right and
remedy available on that behalf, to recover the compensation as governed by Clause 8(e) of GCC.

For the purpose of this Clause, the contract value of the works shall be taken as value of work as
per contract agreement including any supplementary work order/contract agreement issued.

Further, competent authority while granting extension to the currency of contract under
Clause (b) of as above may also consider levy of penalty, as deemed fit based on the merit of
the case. Also, the reasons for granting extension shall be properly documented.

25. Delays Ordered by the Engineer

25.1 The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activitywithin the
Works. Delay/delays totaling more than 30 days will require prior written approval of the

26. Management Meetings

26.1 The Engineer may require the Contractor to attend a management meeting. The business of a
management meeting shall be to review the plans for progress of the Works.

26.2 The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and provide copies of the record
to those attending the meeting. The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken shall be
decided by the Engineer either at the management meeting or after the management meeting and
stated in writing to all those who attended the meeting.

C.Quality Control

27.1 Work to be open to Inspection and Contractor or Responsible agent to be present

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All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall at all
times be open to the inspection and supervision of the Eng-in-charge and his subordinates and the
contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours, at all other times, during the usual working
hours and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Eng-in-charge and his
subordinates to visit the works shall have been given to the contractor, either himself be present to receive
orders and instruction or have responsible agent duly accredited in writing present for that purpose. Order
given to the contractors’ duly authorized agent shall be considered to have the same force and effect as if
they had been given to the contractor himself.

27.2 NoticeTo Be Given Before Work Is Covered Up

The contractor shall givenot less than ten days’ notice in writing to the Eng-In-Charge or his
subordinate incharge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of
measurement any work in order that the same may be measured and correct dimension thereof taken
before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurements and shall not cover up or
place beyond the reach of measurement any work without the consent in writing of the Eng-In-Charge or
his subordinate incharge of the work, and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of
measurement, without such notice having been given or consent obtained the same shall be uncovered at
the contractors expenses, and in default thereof no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or
for the materials with which the same was executed

27.3 Works to be executed in accordance with specifications / drawings / orders etc. :

The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work the most substantial and
workman like manner and both has regards material and every other respect in strict accordance with
specifications. The contractor shall also confirm exactly, fully and faithfully to the designs, drawings and
instructions in writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer In-charge and lodged in his office and
to which the contractor shall be entitled to have access for the purpose of inspection at such office, or on
the site or work during office hours. The contractor shall be entitled to receive three sets of contract
drawings and working drawings as well as one certified copy of the accepted tender along with the work
order free of cost.

27.4 Ready Mix Concrete/ Asphalt Mix

i. The contractor shall have to arrange Ready Mix concrete (RMC)/Asphalt from
RMC/ASPHALT producing plants registered with BMC

ii. The contractor shall, within 7 days of award of the work, submit a list of at least three
RMC/Asphalt producers with details of such plants including details and number of transit,

157 | P a g e
mixers & pumps etc. to be deployed indicating name of owner/company, its location, capacity,
technical establishment.

The Engineer-in-charge will reserve right to inspect at any stage and reject the concrete if he is
not satisfied about quality of product at the user’s end.

iii. The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to exercise control over the:-

a. Calibration check of the RMC/Asphalt plant.

b. Weight and quantity check on the ingredients, water and admixtures added for batch
mixing for RMC plants
c. Time of mixing of concrete/grade of asphalt.
d. Testing of fresh concrete/asphalt mix, recording of results and declaring the mix fit or
unfit for use. This will include continuous control on the work ability during
production and taking corrective action, if required.
e. For exercising such control, the Engineer-in-charge shall periodically depute his
authorized representative at the RMC/Asphalt plant. It shall be responsibility of the
contractor to ensure that all necessary equipment, manpower & facilities are made
available to Engineer-in-charge and or his authorized representative at RMC/Asphalt
f. All required relevant records of RMC/Asphalt mix shall be made available to the
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. Engineer-in-charge shall, as
required, specify guidelines & additional procedures for quality control & other
parameters in respect of material production& transportation of concrete mix which
shall be binding on the contractor & the RMC/Asphalt plant. Only concrete as
approved in design mix by Engineer-in-charge shall be produced in RMC plant and
transported to the site.
g. The contactor shall have to produce a copy of chalan receipts/SCADA reports/VTS
reports as issued by the RMC/Asphalt plant as a documentary proof in lieu of supply
of RMC/Asphalt mix before releasing payment.

28 Identifying Defects

28.1 The Engineer shall check the Contractor's work and notify the Contractor of any Defects that are
found. Such checking shall not affect the Contractor's responsibilities. The Engineer may instruct the
Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and test any work that the Engineer considers may
have a Defect.

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28.2 The Contractor shall permit the Employer’s technical person(s) to check the Contractor’s work
and notify the Engineer and Contractor if any defects that are found.

29 Tests

29.1 For carrying out mandatory tests as prescribed in the specifications, the Contractor shall establish
field laboratory at the location decided by Engineer. The field laboratory will have minimum of
equipment’s as specified in the Contract Data. The contractor shall be solely responsible for:

a. Carrying out the mandatory tests prescribed in the Specifications, and

b. For the correctness of the test results, whether preformed in his laboratory or elsewhere.

29.2 If the Engineer instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the Specification/
Quality Assurance Handbook to check whether any work has a Defect and the test shows that it does,
the Contractor shall pay for the test and any samples. If there is no defect, the test shall be a
compensation event.

When required by the Engineer-in-charge the contractor(s) shall supply for the purpose of testing
samples of all materials proposed to be used in the works. Samples submitted either to govern
bulk supplies or required for testing before use shall be in suitable packages to contain them and shall
be provided free of charge by the contractor. The cost of testing shall be borne by the contractor
even if the result of the sample confirm or do not confirm to the relevant BIS code specifications.

i. All expenditure required to be incurred for taking the samples conveyance, packing shall
be borne by the contactor himself.
ii. The failed material shall be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within
a week time of written order of the Engineer-in-charge.
29.3 Setting of Site Laboratories:
Contractors shall set up a laboratory at site before commencement of work at their cost for
performing various tests and at least the following machines and equipment’s shall be provided
therein –
1. Set of Sieves as per I.R.C. /I.S.
2. Compressive Testing Machine(For new works)
3. Oven, Electrically Operated
4. Weighing Balance (20 kg capacity)
5. 3 m straight edge
6. Sieve shaker
7. First Aid Box

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8. Measuring Jar (for silt content)
9. Other Machines/apparatus as may be directed by the Engineer
10. Vernier Caliber
11. Level / Theodolite

All the test records shall be maintained in the site office and made available as and when required.
The laboratory must be established within 15 days from the date of receipt of the orders from Engineer In
charge. On failure to do so, a penalty of Rs 1000/- per day shall be imposed.

The contractor shall install testing equipment at site. The contractor shall ensure and certify the
calibration of the equipment so installed and shall maintain the same in working order throughout the
period of construction. The contractor shall also provide necessary technically qualified experienced
trained staff for carrying out such tests for using such equipment. The tests shall be carried out under the
supervision of the Engineer-in-charge. The calibration shall be checked every twelve months as directed
by Engineer-in-charge.

30 Correction of Defects noticed during the Defects Liability Period.

30.1 (a) The Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the Defects
Liability Period, which begins at Completion and ends after five years. The Defects Liability
Period shall be extended for as long as Defects remain to be corrected.
(b) Every time notice of Defect/Defects is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified
Defect/Defects within the duration of time specified by the Engineer’s notice.
(c) The Engineer may issue notice to the Contractor to carry out removal of defects or
deficiencies, if any, noticed in his inspection, or brought to his notice. The Contractor shall
remove the defects and deficiencies within the period specified in the notice and submit to the
Engineer a compliance report.
31. Uncorrected Defects and Deficiencies
31.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect pertaining to the Defect Liability Period under clause
and deficiencies in maintenance, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, within the time specified in
the Engineer's notice, the Engineer will assess the cost of having the Defect or deficiency
corrected, and the Contractor shall pay this amount, on correction of the Defect or deficiency by
another agency.
D. Cost Control
32. Variations

The Engineer shall, having regard to the scope of the Works and the sanctioned estimated cost, have
power to order, in writing, Variations within the scope of the Works he considers necessary or advisable
during the progress of the Works. Such Variations shall form part of the Contract and the Contractor shall
160 | P a g e
carry them out and include them in updated Programmes produced by the Contractor. Oral orders of the
Engineer for Variations, unless followed by written confirmation, shall not be taken into account.

33. Payments for Variations

33.1 If rates for Variation items are specified in the Bill of Quantities, the Contractor shall carry out
such work at the same rate.
33.2 The rate for Extra/Excess shall be governed by clause 10.A of Standard General Condition of
34. Cash Flow Forecasts
When the Programme is updated, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with an updated cash
flow forecast.
35. Payment Certificates
The payment to the Contractor will be as follows for construction work:
(a) A bill shall be submitted by the Contractor monthly or before the date fixed by the Engineer In-
charge for all works executed in the previous month, and the Engineer In-charge shall take or
cause to be taken requisite measurement for the purpose of having the same verified and the
claim, so far as it is admissible, shall be adjusted, if possible, within 10 days from the presentation
of the bill. If the contractor does not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid, the
Engineer In-charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in the presence of the
contractor or his duly authorized agent whose counter signature to the measurement list shall be
sufficient warrant, and Engineer In-Charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall be
binding on the contractor in all respects.

(b) The Engineer shall check the Contractor's fortnightly/monthly statement within 14 days and
certify the amount to be paid to the Contractor.

(c) The value of work executed shall be determined, based on measurements by the Engineer.

(d) The value of work executed shall comprise the value of the quantities of the items in the Bill of
Quantities completed.

(e) The value of work executed shall also include the valuation of Variations and Compensation
(f) The Engineer may exclude any item certified in a previous certificate or reduce the proportion of
any item previously certified in any certificate in the light of later information.
(g) The contractor shall submit all bills on the printed forms at the office of Engineer In-charge. The
charges to be made in the bills shall always be entered at the rates specified in tender.

161 | P a g e
36. Payments
36.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, retention, security deposit, other
recoveries in terms of the Contract and taxes at source, as applicable under the law. The Employer
shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the Engineer within 15 days of the date of each
36.2 All sums payable by a contractor by way of compensation under any of these conditions, shall be
considered as a reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of BMC without reference to the
actual loss or damage sustained and whether any damage has or has not been sustained.
36.3 No payment shall be made for any work estimated to cost less than Rupees One Thousand till
after the whole of work shall have been completed and the certificate of completion given. But in
the case of works estimated to cost more than Rs. One Thousand, the contractor shall on
submitting a monthly bill therefore be entitled to receive payment proportionate to the part of the
work than approved and passed by the Engineer In-charge, whose certificate of such approval and
passing of the sum so payable shall be final and conclusive against the contractor. All such
intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final
payments only and not as payments for work actual done and completed and shall not preclude
the Engineer In-charge from requiring any bad, unsound, imperfect or unskillful work to be
removed or taken away and reconstructed or re-erected nor shall any such payment be considered
as an admission of the due performance of the contract or any part thereof in any respect or the
offering of any claim not shall it conclude, determine or effect in any other way, the powers of the
Engineer In-charge as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise, or in
any other way vary or effect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the Contractor
within one month of the date fixed for the completion of the work otherwise the Engineer In-
charge’s certificate of the measurements and of the total amount payable for the work shall be
final and binding on all parties.

37. The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation to the extent that the Employer's interests are
adversely affected by the Contractor for not having given early warning or not having cooperated
with the Engineer.
38. Tax
All taxes, duties, cess and charges such as Octroi, Service Tax, Terminal or Sales Tax, VAT etc. and
other duties on material obtained for the work from any source including the tax applicable as per
Maharashtra Sales Tax Act, on the transfer of property in goods involved in the execution of work
contract (re-enacted) Act 1989 or as amended shall be borne by tenderer. The tenderer will not be
reimbursed the taxes, duties, cess and charges whether now in force or that may be enforced in
162 | P a g e
Rates accepted by MCGM shall hold good till completion of work and no additional in- dividual
claim shall be admissible on account of fluctuations in market rates; increase in tax- es/any other
levies/tolls etc. except that payment/recovery for overall market situation shall be made as per Price

39. Currencies
All payments will be made in Indian Rupees.

40. Liquidated Damages

Both, the Contractor and the Employer have agreed that it is not feasible to precisely estimate the
amount of losses due to delay in completion of works and the losses to the public and the
economy, therefore, both the parties have agreed that the Contractor shall pay liquidated damages
to the Employer and not by way of penalty, at the rate per week or part thereof stated in the
Contract Data for the period that the Completion Date is later than the Intended Completion Date.
Liquidated damages at the same rates shall be withheld if the Contractor fails to achieve the
milestones prescribed in the Contract Data. However, in case the Contractor achieves the next
milestone, the amount of the liquidated damages already withheld shall be restored to the
Contractor by adjustment in the next payment certificate. The Employer and the contractor have
agreed that this is a reasonable agreed amount of liquidated damage. The Employer may deduct
liquidated damages from payments due to the Contractor. Payment of liquidated damages shall not
affect the Contractor’s other liabilities.
41. Cost of Repairs
Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between the Start Date
and the end of the Defects Correction periods shall be remedied by the Contractor at his cost if the
loss or damage arises from the Contractor's acts or omissions.

E. Finishing the Contract

42. Completion of Construction and Maintenance

42.1 The Contractor shall request the Engineer to issue a certificate of completion of the construction of
the works, and the Engineer will do so upon deciding that the works is completed. This shall be
governed as per clause no.8(g) of Standard General Conditions of Contract.

43. Taking Over

43.1 The Employer shall take over the works within seven days of the Engineer issuing a certificate of
completion of works. The Contractor shall continue to remain responsible for its routine
maintenance during the maintenance period if specified in the contract.

163 | P a g e
44. Final Account
Final joint measurement along with the representatives of the contractor should be taken recorded
and signed by the Contractors. Contractors should submit the final bill within 1 month of physical
completion of the work.
If the contractor fails to submit the final bill within 1 month, the BMC staff will prepare the final
bill based on the joint measurement within next 3 months.
Engineer’s decision shall be final in respect of claims for defect and pending claims against
No further claims should be made by the Contractor after submission of the final bill and these
shall be deemed to have been waived and extinguished. Payment of those items of the bills in
respect of which there is no dispute and of items in dispute, for quantities and rates as approved
by the Commissioner shall be made within a reasonable period as may be necessary for the
purpose of verification etc.
After payment of the final bill as aforesaid has been made, the contractor may, if he so desires,
reconsider his position in respect of a disputed portion of the final bills and if he fails to do so
within 84 days, his disputed claim shall be dealt with as provided in the contract.
A percentage of the retention money, over and above the actual retention money as indicated
below shall be held back from payments till the finalization of final bill to be submitted as per
above and will be paid within 30 days of acceptance of the final bill. Amount of Contract Cost Minimum Payable Amount in final bill
1 Upto Rs.5 Crs. Rs.10 Lacs or final bill whichever is more
2 Upto Rs.25 Crs. Rs.1 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more
3 UptoRs. 50 Crs. Rs.2 Crores or final bill amount whichever is
4 Upto Rs.100 Crs. Rs.4 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more
5 More than Rs.100 Crs.. Rs.7 Crore or final bill amount whichever is more

The contractor has to submit the bill for the work carried out within 15 days from the date of
completion of the work to the respective executing department. If the contractor fails to submit
their bills to concerned executing department, penalty or action as shown below will be taken for
each delayed bill:-
After 15 days from the date of completion/running Equal to 5% of bill amount
bill upto certain date, upto next 15 days i.e. upto 30
Next 15 days upto 45 days from the date of Equal to 10% of bill amount
completion/running bill upto specified date
If not submitted within 45 days from the date of Bill will not be admitted for
completion/ R.A. bill payment.

45. Operating and Maintenance Manuals

45.1 If "as built" Drawings and/or operating and maintenance manuals are required, the Contractor
shall supply them by the dates stated in the Contract Data.
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45.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings and/or manuals by the dates stated in the Contract
Data, or they do not receive the Engineer's approval, the Engineer shall withhold the amount
stated in the Contract Data from payments due to the Contractor.

46. Termination

46.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a
fundamental breach of the Contract.

46.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

a) The Contractor stops work for 30 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the current
Programme and the stoppage has not been authorized by the Engineer;

b) The Contractor is declared as bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for approved
reconstruction or amalgamation;

c) the Engineer gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect is a fundamental breach of
Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the

d) The Contractor does not maintain a Security, which is required;

e) The Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by the number of days for which the
maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid, as defined in relevant clause.

f) The Contractor fails to provide insurance cover as required under relevant clause .

g) If the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer, has engaged in the corrupt or fraudulent
practices as defined in GCC in competing for or in executing the Contract.

h) If the Contractor fails to set up a field laboratory with the prescribed equipment, within the period
specified in the Contract Data; and

i)Any other fundamental breaches as specified in the Contract Data.

j) If the Contractor fails to deploy machinery and equipment or personnel as specified in the
Contract Data at the appropriate time.

46.3 When either party to the contract gives notice of a breach of contract to the Engineer for a cause
other than those listed above, the Engineer shall decide whether the breach is fundamental or not.

46.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for convenience.

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46.5 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe and
secure, and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.

47. Payment upon Termination

47.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Contractor, the
Engineer shall issue a certificate for value of the work done and materials ordered less liquidated
damages, if any, less advance payments received up to the date of the issue of the certificate and
less the percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed, as indicated in the Contract
Data. If the total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the
difference shall be recovered from the security deposit, and performance security. If any amount
is still left un-recovered it will be a debt due from the Contractor to the Employer

47.2 If the Contract is terminated at the Employer's convenience, the Engineer shall issue a certificate
for the value of the work done, the reasonable cost of removal of Equipment, repatriation of the
Contractor's personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor's costs of protecting and
securing the Works and less advance payments received up to the date of the certificate, less other
recoveries due in terms of the Contract, and less taxes due to be deducted at source as per
applicable law.

48. Property

48.1 All Materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works, and Works shall be deemed to be
the property of the Employer for use for completing balance construction work if the Contract is
terminated because of the Contractor's default, till the Works is completed after which it will be
transferred to the Contractor and credit, if any, given for its use.

49. Release from Performance

If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely outside the
control of the Employer or the Contractor, the Engineer shall certify that the Contract has been
frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work as quickly as possible after
receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all work carried out before receiving it and for any
work carried out afterwards to which a commitment was made.

A) Other Conditions of Contract

50. Labour

166 | P a g e
50.1 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangements for
the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing, feeding and

50.2 The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, deliver to the Engineer a return in detail, in such
form and at such intervals as the Engineer may prescribe, showing the staff and the number of the
several classes of labour from time to time employed by the Contractor on the Site and such other
information as the Engineer may require.

51. Compliance with Labour Regulations

(a) During continuance of the Contract, the Contractor and his sub-Contractors shall abide at all
times by all existing labour enactments and rules made there under, regulations, notifications and
bye laws of the State or Central Government or local authority and any other labour law
(including rules), regulations, bye laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued
under any labour law in future either by the State or the Central Government or the local authority.

(b) Furthermore, the Contractor shall keep the Employer indemnified in case any action is
taken against the Employer by the competent authority on account of contravention of any of the
provisions of any Act or rules made there under, regulations or notifications including
amendments. If the Employer is caused to pay or reimburse, such amounts as may be necessary to
cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provisions stipulated in the notifications/bye
laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if any, on the part of the Contractor, the
Engineer/Employer shall have the right to deduct any money due to the Contractor including his
amount of performance guarantee. The Employer/Engineer shall also have right to recover from
the Contractor any sum required or estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage
suffered by the Employer.

(c) The Contractor shall require his employees to obey all applicable laws, including those
concerning safety at work.

(d) The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-Contractor in no case shall be treated as the
employees of the Employer at any point of time.

52. Drawings and Photographs of the Works

52.1 The Contractor shall do photography/video photography of the site firstly before the start of the
work, secondly mid-way in the execution of different stages of work as required by Engineer In-
charge and lastly after the completion of the work. No separate payment will be made to the
Contractor for this.
167 | P a g e
52.2 The Contractor shall not disclose details of Drawings furnished to him and works on which he is
engaged without the prior approval of the Engineer in writing. No photograph of the works or any
part thereof or plant employed thereon, except those permitted under above clause, shall be taken
or permitted by the Contractor to be taken by any of his employees or any employees of his sub-
Contractors without the prior approval of the Engineer in writing. No photographs/ Video
photography shall be published or otherwise circulated without the approval of the Engineer in

53. The Apprentices Act, 1961

The Contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961 (III of 1961),
the rules made there under and the orders that may be issued from time to time under the said Act
and the said Rules and on his failure or neglect to do so, he shall be subject to all liabilities and
penalties provided by the said Act and said Rules.

54 Contract Document
The documents forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. Unless
otherwise provided in the contract, the priority of the documents forming the contract shall be, as

1) Contract Agreement (if completed)

2) The letter of Acceptance

3) The Bid:

4) Addendum to Bid; if any

5) Tender Document

6) The Bill of Quantities:

7) The Specification:

8) Detailed Engineering Drawings

9) Standard General Conditions of Contracts (GCC)

10) All correspondence documents between bidder/contractor and BMC.

168 | P a g e
55Conflict of Interest

The Applicant shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects the
Bidding Process. Any Applicant found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. An
Applicant shall be deemed to have a Conflict of Interest affecting the Bidding Process, if

1. A constituent of such Applicant is also a constituent of another Applicant; or

2. Such Applicant has the same legal representative for purposes of this Application as any other
Applicant; or

3. Such Applicant, or any Associate thereof has a relationship with another Applicant, or any
Associate thereof, directly or through common third party/ parties, that puts either or both of them
in a position to have access to each other’s information about, or to influence the Application of
either or each other; or

4. The Applicant shall be liable for disqualification if any legal, financial or technical adviser of the
Authority in relation to the Project is engaged by the Applicant, its Member or any Associate
thereof, as the case may be, in any manner for matters related to or incidental to the Project. For
the avoidance of doubt, this disqualification shall not apply where such adviser was engaged by
the Applicant, its Member or Associate in the past but its assignment expired or was terminated 6
(six) months prior to the date of issue of this TENDER. Nor will this disqualification apply where
such adviser is engaged after a period of 3 (three) years from the date of commercial operation of
the Project.

56. Applications and costs thereof

No Applicant shall submit more than one Application for the Project. An applicant applying
individually shall not be entitled to submit another application either individually.The Applicant
shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation of their Applications and
their participation in the Bid Process. The Authority will not be responsible or in any way liable
for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Bidding Process.
57 Acknowledgment by Applicant

It shall be deemed that by submitting the Application, the Applicant has:

a. made a complete and careful examination of the tender;
b. received all relevant information requested from the Authority;
c. accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information provided in the tender or
furnished by or on behalf of the Authority relating to any of the matters referred; and

169 | P a g e
d. Agreed to be bound by the undertakings provided by it under and in terms hereof.
“The Authority” shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error in respect of any of the
above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to the
TENDER or the Bidding Process, including any error or mistake therein or in any
information or data given by the Authority.

58 Right to accept or reject any or all Applications/ Bids

Notwithstanding anything contained in this TENDER, “The Authority” reserves the right to
accept or reject any Application and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Applications/
Bids, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or
annulment, and without assigning any reasons therefore. In the event that the Authority rejects or
annuls all the Bids, it may, in its discretion, invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids
“The Authority” reserves the right to reject any Application and/ or Bid if:
(a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or
(b) The Applicant does not provide, within the time specified by the Authority, the
supplemental information sought by the Authority for evaluation of the Application.
In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the Agreement or after its
execution and during the period of subsistence thereof including the concession thereby granted
by “The Authority”, that one or more of the pre-qualification conditions have not been met by the
Applicant, or the Applicant has made material misrepresentation or has given any materially
incorrect or false information, the Applicant shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as
the Successful Bidder either by issue of the LOA (Letter of Approval) or entering into of the
Agreement, and if the Applicant has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the
Concession Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained therein or in this TENDER, be liable to be terminated, by a communication in
writing by “The Authority” to the Applicant, without the Authority being liable in any manner
whatsoever to the Applicant and without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the
Authority may have under this TENDER, the Bidding Documents, the Concession Agreement or
under applicable law.
“The Authority” reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents submitted
by the Applicant in response to the TENDER. Any such verification or lack of such verification
by the Authority shall not relieve the Applicant of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it
affect any rights of the Authority there under.

170 | P a g e
59 The bid shall be rejected if the bidder-

a. Stipulates the validity period less than 180 days.

b. Stipulates own condition/conditions.
c. Does not fill and (digital) sign undertaking forms, which are incorporated, in
the document.
60 Clarifications
Applicants requiring any clarification on the tender may notify “the Authority” in writing or by
fax or e-mail. They should send in their queries before the date specified in the header data. “The
Authority” shall Endeavor to respond to the queries within the period specified therein. The
responses will be sent by fax and/or e-mail. The Authority will forward all the queries and its
responses thereto, to all purchasers of the TENDER without identifying the source of queries.
“The Authority” shall Endeavor to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought by the
Applicants. However, the Authority reserves the right not to respond to any question or provide
any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read as
compelling or requiring the Authority to respond to any question or to provide any clarification,
but not later than the date provided in header data.
“The Authority” may also on its own motion, if deemed necessary, issue interpretations and
clarifications to all Applicants. All clarifications and interpretations issued by the Authority shall
be deemed to be part of the tender. Verbal clarifications and information given by Authority or its
employees or representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on the Authority.
61 Amendment of tender
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Application, the Authority may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an Applicant, modify the
tender by the issuance of Addendum.
Any Addendum thus issued will be sent in writing/ Fax/ Email to all those who have purchased
the tender.
In order to afford the Applicants a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into account, or for
any other reason, the Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend the Application Due Date.

Preparation and Submission of Application

62 Language

The Application and all related correspondence and documents in relation to the Bidding Process
shall be in English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the
Applicant with the Application may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied

171 | P a g e
by translations of all the pertinent passages in the English language, duly authenticated and
certified by the Applicant. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be
considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Application, the English
language translation shall prevail.
63 Format and signing of Application

The Applicant shall provide all the information sought under this TENDER. The Authority will
evaluate only those Applications that are received in the required formats and complete in all
respects. Incomplete and /or conditional Applications shall be liable to rejection.
The Applicant will upload bid in One Folder in electronic form which shall contain the scanned
certified copies of the documents given below and the documents uploaded has to be digitally
signed by the bidder. These copies shall be certified by Practicing Notary approved by the Govt.
of Maharashtra or Govt. of India with his stamp, clearly stating his name & registration number,
except where original documents are demanded
64 Marking of Applications
The Applicant shall submit the Application in the format specified at Appendix-I, together with
the documents, upload in folder as “VENDOR” together with their respective enclosures
Applications submitted by fax, telex, telegram shall not be entertained and shall be rejected
65 Late Applications
Applications received by the Authority after the specified time on the Application Due Date shall
not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.

66 Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the
short-listed qualified Applicants shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially
concerned with the process or is not a retained professional advisor advising the Authority in
relation to or matters arising out of, or concerning the Bidding Process. The Authority will treat
all information, submitted as part of Application, in confidence and will require all those who
have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. The Authority may not divulge any
such information unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law
to require its disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the statutory entity and/
or the Authority or as may be required by law or in connection with any legal process.
67 Clarification Of Financial Bids
To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Engineer may, at his
discretion, ask any bidder for clarification of his Bid, including breakdown of unit rates. The
172 | P a g e
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by post/facsimile/e-mail. No
Bidder shall contact the Engineer on any matter relating to his bid from the time of the bid
opening to the time the contract is awarded. Any effort by the Bidder to influence the Engineer in
the Engineer’s bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in the
rejection of the Bidder’s bid.

68 Inspection of site and sufficiency of tender:

1. The Contractor shall inspect and examine the site and its surrounding and shall satisfy himself
before submitting his tender as to the nature of the ground and subsoil (so far as is practicable),
the form and nature of the site, the quantities and nature of the work and materials necessary for
the completion of the works and means of access to the site, the accommodation he may require
and in general shall himself obtain all necessary information as to risk, contingencies and other
circumstances which may influence or affect his tender. He shall also take into consideration the
hydrological and climatic conditions.

2. The Employer may make available to the Contractor data on hydrological and sub-surface
conditions as obtained by or on his behalf from investigations relevant to the works but the
Contractor shall be responsible for his own interpretation thereof. The contractor shall engage his
investigating agency with prior approval of the Engineer from the approved list of such agencies
by BMC or Govt at his cost initially before commencing actual work and which shall be
reimbursed immediately subject to satisfaction of the Engineer for faithful compliance and
submission of required data regarding such investigation within specified time.

3. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness
and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices quoted in the schedule of
works / items / quantities, or in Bill of Quantities, which rates and prices shall, except as
otherwise provided cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and things
necessary for proper completion and maintenance of the works. No extra charges consequent on
any misunderstanding.

4. Not Foreseeable Physical Obstructions or Conditions: If, however, during the execution of
the Works the Contractor encounters physical obstructions or physical conditions, other than
climatic conditions on the Site, which obstructions or conditions were, in his opinion, not
foreseeable by an experienced contractor, the Contractor shall forthwith give notice thereof to the
Engineer. On receipt of such notice, the Engineer shall, if in his opinion such obstructions or
conditions could not have been reasonably foreseen by an experienced contractor, after due
consultation with the Contractor, determine:
173 | P a g e
 any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled and
 The amount of any costs which may have been incurred by the Contractor by reason of
such obstructions or conditions having been encountered, which shall be added to the
Contract Price.
 and shall notify the Contractor accordingly. Such determination shall take account of any
instruction which the Engineer may issue to the Contractor in connection therewith, and
any proper and reasonable measures acceptable to the Engineer which the Contractor may
take in the absence of specific instructions from the Engineer.However such costings shall
be got approved by the competent authority as governed vide rules prevailing with
5. Office for the Engineer (Works costing upto Rs.50 Lakhs)

The Contractor shall at his own cost and to satisfaction of the Engineer provide a small temporary
office, at the work-site which will include tables, chairs and lockers for keeping the records. He
shall also make necessary arrangements for drinking water, telephone with a pre-requisite of e-
governance and electronic communication. These offices are not to be allowed on public roads
without the written instruction of the Engineer. These offices should be preferably located within
50 to 500 m of the worksite. In case the office is more than 500m away from the worksite, the
contractor is to provide conveyance for Municipal Staff.

6. Office for the Engineer (Works costing above Rs.50 lakhs)

The Contractor shall at his own cost and to satisfaction of the Engineer provide a temporary office
at the work-site which will include tables, chairs and lockers for keeping the records. He shall also
make necessary arrangements for drinking water, latrines, with doors, windows, locks, bolts and
fastenings sufficient for security for the Engineer, and his subordinates, as close to the works from
time to time in progress as can be conveniently arranged, and shall at his own cost furnish the
office with such chairs, tables, lockers, locks and fastenings as may be required by the Engineer,
and no expense of any kind in connection with the erection or upkeep of the offices or fittings
shall be borne by the Corporation, but all such work shall be carried out by the Contractor and the
expenses thereof defrayed by him. The Contractor shall also make water connections and fit up
stand pipe with a bib tap at each office. The latrines and the water connections shall be subject to
all the conditions herein elsewhere laid down for temporary water connection and latrines
generally with all requisite equipment’s for e-governance and electronic and digital
communication. These offices are not to be allowed on public roads without the written
instruction of the Engineer. These offices should be preferably located within 50 to 500 m of the
worksite. In case the office is more than 500m away from the worksite, the contractor is to
provide conveyance. Also, for staff working beyond working hours the contractor has to provide

174 | P a g e
7. Permission for provision and removal of office on completion of work: The tenderer
shall obtain permission for provision of site office, cement go-down, store, etc. on payment of
necessary cost implication. The cement go-down, Watchman cabins, etc. shall be provided as
directed and shall be removed by the Tenderers on completion of the work at their cost. It is
binding on the Tenderer to fulfill requirements of Environmental Authorities. The location of such
office shall be finalized and got approved from the Engineer before erection/commencement

8. Contractor’s office near works: The Contractor shall have an office near the works at
which notice from the Commissioner or the Engineer may be served and shall, between the hours
of sunrise and sunset on all working days, have a clerk or some other authorized person always
present at such office upon whom such notices may be served and service of any notices left with
such clerk or other authorized person or at such office shall be deemed good service upon the
Contractor and such offices shall have pre-requisite facilities for e-governance.

69 Official Secrecy:

The Contractor shall of all the persons employed in any works in connection with the contract that
the India Official Secrets Act 1923 (XIX of 1923) applies to them and will continue to apply even
after execution of the said works and they will not disclose any information regarding this
contract to any third party. The contractor shall also bring into notice that, any information found
to be leaked out or disclosed the concern person as well as the Contractor will be liable for penal
action; further the Corporation will be at liberty to terminate the contract without notice.

70 Subsequent Legislation:

If on the day of submission of bids for the contract, there occur changes to any National or State
stature, Ordinance, decree or other law or any regulation or By-laws or any local or other duly
constituted authority or the introduction of any such National or State Statute, Ordinance, decree
or by which causes additional or reduced cost to the Contractor, such additional or reduced cost
shall, after due consultation with the Contractor, be determined by the concerned Engineering
Department of BMC and shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Price with prior
approval of competent authority and the concerned Engineering Department shall notify the
Contractor accordingly with a copy to the Employer. BMC reserve the right to take decision in
respect of addition/reduction of cost in contract.

71 Patent, Right and Royalties:

175 | P a g e
The contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Corporation from and against all claims and
proceedings for or on account of infringement of any Patent rights, design trademark or name of
other protected rights in respect of any constructional plant, machine work, or material used for or
in connection with the Works or any of them and from and against all claims, proceedings,
damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. Except
where otherwise specified, the contractor shall pay all tonnage and other royalties, rent and other
payments or compensation, if any, for getting stone, sand, gravel, clay or other materials required
for the works or any of them.

72 Payments, Tax and Claims:

 The limit for unforeseen claims
Under no circumstances whatever the contractor shall be entitled to any compensation from BMC
on any account unless the contractor shall have submitted a claim in writing to the Eng-in-change
within 1 month of the case of such claim occurring.
 No interest for delayed payments due to disputes, etc:

It is agreed that the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporationor its Engineer or Officer shall not be
liable to pay any interest or damage with respect of any moneys or balance which may be in its or
its Engineer’s or officer’s hands owing to any dispute or difference or claim or misunderstanding
between the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) or its Engineer or Officer on the one
hand and the contractor on the other, or with respect to any delay on the part of the Brihanmumbai
Municipal Corporation (BMC) or its Engineer or Officers in making periodical or final payments
or in any other respect whatever.

73 Settlement of Disputes:
 Termination of contract for death
If the Contractor is an individual or a proprietary concern and the individual or the proprietor dies
and if the Contractor is a partnership concern and one of the legal representative of the individual
Contractor or the proprietor of the proprietary concern and in case of partnership, thesurviving
partners, are capable of carrying out and completing the contract, the Commissioner shall be
entitled to cancel the contract as to its uncompleted part without the Corporation being in any way
liable to payment of any compensation to the estate of the deceased Contractor and or to the
surviving partners of the Contractor’s firm on account of the cancellation of the contract. The
decision of the Commissioner that the legal representative of the deceased Contractor or surviving
partners of the Contractor’s firm cannot carry out and complete the contract shall be final and
binding on the parties. In the event of such cancellation the Commissioner shall not hold estate of

176 | P a g e
the deceased Contractor and or surviving partners of the Contractor’s firm liable in damages for
not completing the contract.
 Settlement of Disputes:
If any dispute or differences of any kind whatsoever other than those in respect of which, the
decision of any person is, by the Contract, expressed to be final and binding) shall arise between
the Employer and the Contractor or the Engineer and the Contractor in connection with or arising
out of the Contract or carrying out of the Works (Whether during the progress of the Works or
after their completion and whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the
Contract) it, the aggrieved party may refer such dispute within a period of 7 days to the concerned
Addl. Municipal Commissioner who shall constitute a committee comprising of three officers i.e.
concerned Deputy Municipal Commissioner or Director (ES&P), Chief Engineer other than the
Engineer of the Contract and concerned Chief Accountant. The Committee shall give decision in
writing within 60 days. Appeal on the Order of the Committee may be referred to the Municipal
Commissioner within 7 days. Thereafter the Municipal Commissioner shall constitute a
Committee comprising of three Addl. Municipal Commissioners including Addl. Municipal
Commissioner in charge of Finance Department. The Municipal Commissioner within a period of
90 days after being requested to doso shall give written notice of committee’s decision to the
Contractor. Save as herein provided such decision in respect of every matter so referred shall be
final and binding upon both parties until the completion of the works, and shall forthwith be given
effect to by the Contractor who shall proceed with the works with due diligence, whether he
requires arbitration as hereinafter provided or not. If the Commissioner has given written notice of
the decision to the Contractor and no Claim to arbitration has been communicated within a period
of 90 days from receipt of such notice the said decision shall remain final and binding upon the

74 Arbitration and Jurisdiction:

As per Hon. M.C.'s approval dtd. 17.08.2019, the existing clause is now replaced as follows
(copy of the circular is attached at pg. 254to 257)

If the Commissioner shall fails to give notice of the decision as aforesaid within a period of 90
days after being requested as aforesaid, or if the Contractor is dissatisfied with any such decision,
then the Contractor may within 90 days after receiving notice of such decision or within 90 days
after the expiration of the first named period of 90 days (as the case may be) require that the
matter or matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided.

i) In case of contract where the contract price and/or contract value is less than Rs.5,00,00,000/-
(Rupees Five Crore Only), any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including

177 | P a g e
any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to a mutually agreed
arbitral tribunal in accordance with the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (amended upto date).
The arbitral tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator, as mutually agreed upon by the parties and
the said dispute shall be finally resolved by the said arbitral tribunal. The decision of the arbitral
tribunal shall be in writing (with reasons) and which will be final and binding upon the parties
hereto and the expenses of the arbitration shall be paid as may be determined by the arbitral
tribunal. The seat of the arbitration shall be Mumbai. The language of the arbitration shall be
If the parties fails to appoint mutually agreed arbitral tribunal, within the period of 30 days
from the date of application seeking arbitration in the dispute, the arbitral tribunal shall be
appointed by the recognised arbitral institution i.e. Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration
(approved by Government of Maharashtra under G.R.No. ARB/Case No. 1/2017/D-19
dtd.28.02.2017) as per the Arbitration Rules of the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration
then in force ("MCIA Rules").
ii) In case of contract where the contract price and/or contract value is Rs.5,00,00,000/- (Rupees
Five Crore Only) or more, any dispute arising out of or in connection with such a contract,
including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be directly referred to
& finally resolved by the recognised arbitral institution i.e. Mumbai Centre for International
Arbitration (approved by Government of Maharashtra under G.R.No. ARB/Case No. 1/2017/D-19
dtd.28.02.2017) as per the Arbitration Rules of the Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration
then in force ("MCIA Rules"). The arbitral tribunal shall consist of a sole arbitrator. The seat of
the arbitration shall be Mumbai. The language of the arbitration shall be English.
In either case, the law governing this arbitration agreement and the contract shall be Indian Law.

75 Copyright:

The copyright of all drawings and other documents provided by the Contractor under the contract
shall remain vested in the Contractor or his sub-contractors as the case may be the employer shall
have a license to use such drawings and other documents in connection with the design,
construction, operation, maintenance of the works. At any time the Employer shall have further
license without additional payment to the Contractor to use any such drawings or documents for
the purpose of making any improvement of the works or enlargement or duplication of any part
thereof, provided that such improvement, enlargement, or duplication by itself or in conjunction
with any other improvements, enlargements or duplications already made in accordance with the
further license does not result in the duplication of the whole works.

76. Receipts to be signed in firm’s name by any one of the partners:

178 | P a g e
Every receipt for money which may become payable or for any security which may become
transferable to the Contractor under these present shall, if signed in the partnership name by any
one of the partners, be a good and sufficient discharge to the Commissioner and Municipal
Corporation in respect of the money or security purporting to be acknowledged thereby, and in the
event of death of any of the partners during the pendency of this contract, it is hereby expressly
agreed that every receipt by any one of the surviving partners shall, if so signed as aforesaid, be
good and sufficient discharge as aforesaid provided that nothing in this clause contained shall be
deemed to prejudice or effect any claim which the Commissioner or the Corporation may
hereafter have against the legal representatives of any partners so dying or in respect of any
breach of any of the conditions thereof, provided also that nothing in this clause contained shall
be deemed prejudicial or affect the respective rights or obligations of the Contractors and of the
legal representatives of any deceased Contractors interest.

77 Proprietary data
All documents and other information supplied by the Authority or submitted by an Applicant to
the Authority shall remain or become the property of the Authority. Applicants are to treat all
information as strictly confidential and shall not use it for any purpose other than for preparation
and submission of their Application. The Authority will not return any Application or any
information provided along therewith.
78 Correspondence with the Applicant
Save and except as provided in this TENDER, the Authority shall not entertain any
correspondence with any Applicant in relation to the acceptance or rejection of any Application.

79 Price Variation Clause

The Contractor shall be reimbursed or shall refund to the Corporation as he case may be the
variation in the value of the work carried out from time to time, depending on whether the prices
of material and labour as a whole rise or fall, and the method adopted for such computations shall
be as given below, it being clearly understood that the contractor shall have no claim for being
reimbursed on the ground that the price of a particular material or group of materials have risen
beyond the limits of the presumptions made in the following paras, however, no price variations
shall be made applicable for contracts upto 12 months:

A) Controlled materials: Price variations shall be permitted in respect of these materials the price
level of which is controlled by the Government or its agency. The rate ruling on the date of
submission of the tender shall be considered as the basic price of such material for adjustment.
Any variation in this rate shall be considered for reimbursement to the contractor or refund to be
179 | P a g e
claimed from the contractor as the case may be. The contractor shall, for the purpose of
adjustment submit in original the relevant documents from the suppliers.

B) Labour and other materials: For the purpose of this contract and for allowing reimbursement of
refund on account of variation of prices of (i) labour, and (ii) materials other than materials
mentioned in A above, computation will be based on the formula enunciated below which is based
on the presumptions that :

i) The general price level of labour, rises or falls in proportion to the rise or fall of consumer price
index number 9 (general) for working class in Mumbai.

ii) The general price level of materials rises or falls in proportion to rise or fall of whole-sale price
index as published by ‘Economic Adviser to Govt. of India’.

iii) And that the component of labour is to the extent of 30 percent of 88 percent and the component
of materials is to the extent of 70 percent of 88 percent of the value of the work carried out. The
remaining 12 percent being the presumptive profit of the contractor.

a) Formula for Labour component:

VL = (0.88 R) x 30 x ( I – IO)
100 IO
b) Formula for Material component :
VM =(0.88 R x 70 - C) x (W – WO)
100 WO
Where –
VL = Amount of price variation to be reimbursed or claimed as refund on account of general rise
or fall of index referred to above.
I = Consumer Price Index number of working class for Mumbai (declared by the Commissioner of
Labour and Director of Employment, Mumbai) applicable to the period under reference
(base year ending 2004-05 as 100 i.e. new series of indices).
IO = Consumer price index number for working class for Mumbai (declared by the Commissioner
of labour and Director of Employment, Mumbai) prevailing, on the day of 28 days prior to
the date of submission of the tender.

VM = The amount of price variation to be reimbursed or claimed as refund on account of general

rise or fall of wholesale price index for period under reference.

W = Average wholesale price index as published by Economic Adviser to Govt. of India

applicable to the period under reference.

180 | P a g e
WO = Wholesale price index as stated above prevailing on the day of 28 days prior to the date of
submission of the tender.

R = Total value of the work done during the period under reference as recorded in the
Measurement Book excluding water charges and sewerage charges but including cost of
excess in respect of item upto 50 percent

C = Total value of Controlled materials used for the works as recorded in Measurement Book and
paid for at original basic rate plus the value of materials used .

i) The quantity of the Controlled material adopted in working out the value of ‘C’ shall be inclusive
of permitted wastages as / if mentioned in specifications.

ii) The basic rate for the supply of controlled material shall be inclusive of all the components of cost
of materials excluding transport charges incurred for bringing the material from place of delivery
to the site.

Computations based on the above formula will be made for the period of each bill separately and
reimbursement will be made to (when the result is plus) and refund will claimed from (when the
result is minus) the contractor’s next bill. The above formulae will be replaced by the formulae in
Annexure-I as and when mentioned in special conditions of contract
The operative period of the contract for application of price variation shall mean the period
commencing from the date of commencement of work mentioned in the work order and ending on
the date when time allowed for the work order and ending on the date when time allowed for the
work specified in the contract for work expires, taking into consideration, the extension of time, if
any, for completion of the work granted by Engineer under the relevant clause of the conditions of
contract in cases other than those where such extension is necessitated on account of default of the
The decision of the Engineer as regards the operative period of the contract shall be final and
binding on the contractors.

iii) Where there is no supply of controlled items to contractor the component ‘C’ shall be taken as

C) Adjustment after completion: If the Contractor fails to complete the works within the time for
completion adjustment of prices thereafter until the date of completion of the works shall be made
using either the indices or prices relating to the prescribed time for completion, or the current
indices or prices whichever is more favorable to the employer, provided that if an extension of

181 | P a g e
time is granted, the above provision shall apply only to adjustments made after the expiry of such
extension of time.

D) Price variation will be calculated similarly and separately for extra items and / or excess quantities
and provisional sums calculated under Sub Clause 10 (b)A (i)&(ii) and Sub Clause 10 (b) B(ii)
based on the above formula/formulae in Annexure-I as and when mentioned in Special conditions
of contract; IO and WO being the indices applicable to the date on which the rates under Sub
Clause 10 (a)A (i)&(ii) and Sub Clause 10 (a) B(iii) are fixed. No price variation shall be
admissible for FAIR items created during execution.

80. Maximum Price Variation shall be as follows:

Time Period of Project Maximum limit of Price

Up to 12 months No variation allowed
Above12 months to 24 5%
Above 24 months 10%

*Approval of AMC/MC shall be obtained before invitation of tender in case of any

changes in above.
Note: 1) The extension in time period for the projects originally estimated including monsoon
results in change of price variation slabs as mentioned above i.e. from first slab to
second slab or from second slab to third slab, then the maximum limit of original slab
will prevail.
2) Operative period shall mean original or extended time period of contract.

For example:

Extension of Time period Maximum Price Variation

If original period of 11 months No variation allowed
including monsoon extends to 16. The
operative period will be 11+5 months.
If original period of 11 months Maximum 5% variation allowed
excluding monsoon extends to 16. The
operative period will be 11+5 months.

Price Variation during Extended Period of Contract:

(i) Extension Due To Modification & Extension for delay due to BMC :

182 | P a g e
The price variation for the period of extension granted shall be limited to the amount payable as
per the Indices. In case the indices increases or decreases, above/below the indices applicable, to
the last month of the original or extended period vide clause8(l)(a)(i) and (ii) of standard GCC

(ii) Extension Of Time For Delay Due To Contractor:

(a) The price variation for the period of extension granted shall be limited to the amount payable
as per the Indices in case the indices increase, above the indices applicable, to the last month of
the original completion period or the extended period vide above clause 8(l)(a)(i) and (ii) of
standard GCC.

(b) The price variation shall be limited to the amount payable as per the indices, in case the
indices decrease or fall below the indices applicable, to the last month of original / extended
period of completion period vide above clause 8(l)(b) of standard GCC, then lower indices shall
be adopted.

(iii) Extension of Time for Delay due to reasons not attributable to BMC and Contractor
(Reference Cl.8 (d) of Standard GCC):

The price variation for the period of extension granted shall be limited to the amount payable as
per the Indices in case the indices increases or decreases, above/below the indices applicable, to
the last month of the original period.

81. Payment:

Interim Payment:

i) Interim bills shall be submitted by the Contractor from time to time (but at an interval of
not less than one month) for the works executed. The Engineer shall arrange to have the bill s
verified by taking or causing to be taken, where necessary, the requisite measurement of work.

ii) Payment on account for amount admissible shall be made on the Engineer certifying the
sum to which the Contractor is considered entitled by way of interim payment for all the work
executed, after deducting there from the amount already paid, the security deposit / retention
money and such other amounts as may be deductible or recoverable in terms of the contract.

iii) On request, the contractor will be paid upto 75 percent of the value of the work carried out
as an adhoc payment in the first week of next month after deducting there from recoveries on
account of advances, interest, retention money, income tax etc. The balance payment due will be
paid thereafter.

183 | P a g e
iv) No interim payment will be admitted until such time the Contractor have fully complied
with the requirement of the Condition no.8 (g) and 8 (h) concerning submission and approval of
Network Schedule for the works, as detailed in Condition 8 (h). A fixed sum shall be held in
abeyance at the time of next interim payment for non-attainment of each milestone in the network
and shall be released only on attainment of the said milestone.

v) An interim certificate given relating to work done or material delivered may be modified
or corrected by a subsequent interim certificate or by the final certificate. No certificate of the
Engineer supporting an interim payment shall of itself be conclusive evidence that any work or
materials to which it relates is / are in accordance with the contract.

82 Banning/De-Registration of Agencies of Construction works in BMC

 The regulations regarding Demotion/ Suspension Banning for specific period or

permanently / De-Registration shall be governed as per the respective condition in
Contractor Registration Rules of BMC.


In case if Joint Venture is allowed for the Project, the guidelines for JV as follows shall be
incorporated in the Tender Document:
a) Joint Venture should be allowed only when the number of identifiable different works is more
than one and/or the estimated cost of tender is more than Rs.100 Crores. JV shall also be allowed
for complex technical work below Rs.100 Crores with the approval of concerned AMC
b) Separate identity/name shall be given to the Joint Venture firm.
c) Number of members in a JV firm shall not be more than three in normal circumstances, if the
work involves only one discipline (say Civil or Electrical). If number of members in JV is
required to be more than three, then approval of concerned AMC needs to be sought.
d) A member of JV firm shall not be permitted to participate either in individual capacity or as a
member of another JV firm in the same tender.
e) The tender form shall be purchased and submitted in the 'name of the JV firm or any constituent
member of the JV.
f) Normally EMD shall be submitted only in the name of the JV and not in the name of constituent
member. However, EMD in the name of lead partner can be accepted subject to submission of
specific request letter from lead partner stating the reasons for not submitting the EMD in the
name of JV and giving written confirmation from the JV partners to the effect that the EMD
submitted by the lead partner may be deemed as EMD submitted by JV firm.
g) One of the members of the JV firm shall be the lead member of the JV firm who shall have a
majority (at least 51%) share of interest in the JV firm. The other members shall have a share of
not less than 20% each in case of JV firms with up to three members and not less than 10% each
in case of JV firms with more than three members. In case of JV firm with foreign member(s), the
lead member has to be an Indian firm with a minimum share of 51%.

184 | P a g e
h) A copy of Letter of Intent or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) executed by the JV members
shall be submitted by the JV firm along with the tender. The complete details of the members of
the JV firm, their share and responsibility in the JV firm etc. particularly with reference to
financial technical and other obligation shall be furnished in the agreement.
i) Once the tender is submitted, the agreement shall not be modified/altered/terminated during the
validity of the tender. In case the tenderer fails to observe/comply with this stipulation, the full
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall be forfeited. In case of successful tenderer, the validity of
this agreement shall be extended till the currency of the contract expires.
j) Approval for change of constitution of JV firm shall be at the sole discretion of the BMC. The
constitution of the JV firm shall not be allowed to be modified after submission of the tender bid
by the JV firm except when modification becomes inevitable due to succession laws etc. and in
any case the minimum eligibility criteria should not get vitiated. In any case the Lead Member
should continue to be the Lead Member of the JV firm. Failure to observe this requirement would
render the offer invalid.
k) Similarly, after the contract is awarded, the constitution of JV firm shall not be allowed to be
altered during the currency of contract except when modification become inevitable due to
succession laws etc. and in any case the minimum eligibility criteria should not get vitiated.
Failure to observe this stipulation shall be deemed to be breach of contract with all consequential
penal action as per contract condition.
l) On award of contract to a JV firm, a single Performance Guarantee shall be required to be
submitted by the JV firm as per tender conditions. All the Guarantees like Performance
Guarantee, Bank Guarantee for Mobilization advance, machinery Advance etc. shall be accepted
only in the name of the JV firm and no splitting of guarantees amongst the members of the JV
firm shall be permitted.
m) On issue of LOA, an agreement among the members of the JV firm (to whom the work has been
awarded) has to be executed and got registered before the Registrar of the Companies under
Companies Act or before the Registrar / Sub-Registrar under the Registration Act, 1908. This
agreement shall be submitted by the JV firm to the BMC before signing the contract agreement
for the work. (This agreement format should invariably be part of the tender condition). In case
the tenderer fails to observe/comply with this stipulation, the full Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
shall be forfeited and other penal actions due shall be taken against partners of the JV and the JV.
This joint venture agreement shall have, inter-alia, following clauses:-
i. Joint and several liability - The members of the JV firm to which the contract is awarded, shall
be jointly and severally liable to the Employer (BMC) for execution of the project in accordance
with General and Special conditions of the contract. The JV members shall also be liable jointly
and severally for the loss, damages caused to the BMC during the course of execution of the
contract or due to no execution of the contract or part thereof.
ii. Duration of the Joint Venture Agreement -It shall be valid during the entire period of the
contract including the period of extension if any and the maintenance period after the work is
iii. Governing Laws - The Joint Venture Agreement shall in all respect be governed by and
interpreted in accordance with Indian Laws.
iv. Authorized Member -Joint Venture members shall authorize one of the members on behalf of
the Joint Venture firm to deal with the tender, sign the agreement or enter into contract in respect
of the said tender, to receive payment, to witness joint measurement of work done, to sign

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measurement books and similar such action in respect of the said tender/contract. All
notices/correspondences with respect to the contract would be sent only to this authorized
member of the JV firm.
No member of the Joint Venture firm shall have the right to assign or transfer the interest right or
liability in the contract without the written consent of the other members and that of the employer
in respect of the said tender/contract.
n. Documents to be enclosed by the JV firm along with the tender:
i. In case one or more of the members of the JV firm is/are partnership firm(s), following
documents shall be submitted:
a. Notary certified copy of the Partnership Deed,
b. Consent of all the partners to enter into the Joint Venture Agreement on a stamp paper
of appropriate value (in original).
c. Power of Attorney (duly registered as per prevailing law) in favor of one of the
partners to sign the MOU and JV Agreement on behalf of the partners and create
liability against the firm.
ii. In case one or more members is/are Proprietary Firm or HUF, the following documents shall
be enclosed:
a. Affidavit on Stamp Paper of appropriate value declaring that his Concern is a
Proprietary Concern and he is sole proprietor of the Concern OR he is in position of
"KARTA" of Hindu Undivided Family and he has the authority, power and consent
given by other partners to act on behalf of HUF.
iii. In case one or more members is/are limited companies, the following documents shall be
a. Notary certified copy of resolutions of the Directors of the Company, permitting the
company to enter into a JV agreement, authorizing MD or one of the Directors or
Managers of the Company to sign MOU, JV Agreement, such other documents
required to be signed on behalf of the Company and enter into liability against the
company and/or do any other act on behalf of the company.
b. Copy of Memorandum and articles of Association of the Company.
c. Power of Attorney (duly registered as per prevailing law) by the Company authorizing
the person to do/act mentioned in the para (a) above.

o. All the members of the JV shall certify that they have not been black listed or debarred by BMC
from participation in tenders/contract in the past either in their individual capacity or the JV firm
or partnership firm in which they were members / partners.
p. Credentials & Qualifying criteria: Technical and financial eligibility of the JV firm shall be
adjudged based on satisfactory fulfillment of the following criteria:
Technical eligibility criteria: In case of Work involving single discipline, the Lead member of the JV
firm shall meet at least 35% requirement of technical capacity as stipulated in tender document.
In case of composite works (e.g. works involving more than one distinct component such as Civil
Engineering works, M&E works, Electrical works, etc. and in the case of major bridges, substructure and
superstructure etc.), at least one member should have satisfactorily completed 35% of the value of any
one component of the project work so as to cover all the components of project work or any member
having satisfactorily completed 35% of the value of work of each component during last seven financial

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In such cases, what constitutes a component in a composite work shall be clearly defined as part of
the tender condition without any ambiguity.

Financial eligibility criteria: The contractual payments received by the JV firm or the arithmetic sum of
contractual payments received by all the members of JV firm in any one of the previous three financial
years and shall be at least 100% of the estimated value of the work as mentioned in the tender.

84. Compensation for delay:

If the Contractor fails to complete the works and clear the site on or before the Contract or extended
date(s) / period(s) of completion, he shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy of
Municipal Corporation on account of such breach, pay as agreed compensation, amount calculated as
stipulated below (or such smaller amount as may be fixed by the Engineer) on the contract value of
the whole work or on the contract value of the time or group of items of work for which separate
period of completion are given in the contract and of which completion is delayed for every week
that the whole of the work of item or group of items of work concerned remains uncompleted, even
though the contract as a whole be completed by the contract or the extended date of completion. For
this purpose the term ‘Contract Value’ shall be the value of the work at Contract Rates as ordered
including the value of all deviations ordered:
• Completion period for projects (originally stipulated or as extended) not exceeding 6 months:to
the extent of maximum 1 percent per week.
• Completion period for projects (originally stipulated or as extended) exceeding 6 months and not
exceeding 2 years: to the extent of maximum ½ percent per week.
• Completion period for projects (originally stipulated or as extended) exceeding 2 years:to the
extent of maximum ¼ percent per week.
When the delay is not a full week or in multiple of a week but involves a fraction of a week the
compensation payable for that fraction shall be proportional to the number of days involved.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid this condition shall not
exceed the undernoted percentage of the Contract Value of the item or group of items of work for
which a separate period of completion is given.
i) Completion period (as originally stipulated or as extended) not exceeding 6 months: 10 percent.
ii) Completion period (as originally stipulated or as extended) exceeding 6 months and not exceeding
2 years:7½ percent.
iii) Completion period (as originally stipulated or as extended) exceeding 2 years: 5 percent.
The amount of compensation may be adjusted set off against any sum payable to the contractor under this
or any other contract with the Municipal Corporation.
85. Actionand Compensation Payable In Case Of Bad Work and Not Done As Per Specifications
All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract, shall at all times
be open and accessible to the inspection and supervision of the Engineer-in-charge, his authorized
subordinates in charge of the work and all the superior officers, officer of the Vigilance Department
of the BMC or any organization engaged by the BMC for Quality Assurance and the contractor shall,
at all times, during the usual working hours and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the
visit of such officers has been given to the contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and
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instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing, present for that purpose. Orders
given to the Contractor’s agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given
to the contractor himself.
If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized subordinates in-charge of the work or
to the officer of Vigilance Department, that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or
unskillful workmanship or with materials of any inferior description, or that any materials or articles
provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted
for or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall, on demand in writing which
shall be made within twelve months of the completion of the work from the Engineer-in-Charge
specifying the work, materials or articles complained of notwithstanding that the same may have
been passed, certified and paid for forthwith rectify, or remove and reconstruct the work so specified
in whole or in part, as the case may require or as the case may be, remove the materials or articles so
specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own charge and cost. In the
event of the failing to do so within a period specified by the Engineer-in-Charge in his demand
aforesaid, then the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the same rate as under clause 8.e.
of the general condition of contract in section 9 of tender document (for Compensation for delay) for
this default. In such case the Engineer-in Charge may not accept the item of work at the rates
applicable under the contract but may accept such items at reduced rates as the Engineer in charge
may consider reasonable during the preparation of on account bills or final bill if the item is so
acceptable without detriment to the safety and utility of the item and the structure or he may reject
the work outright without any payment and/or get it and other connected and incidental items
rectified, or removed and re-executed at the risk and cost of the contractor. Decision of the Engineer-
in-Charge to be conveyed in writing in respect of the same will be final and binding on the
If the penalisation amount exceeds maximum limit with respect to Clause 8.e of Standard General
Conditions of Contract, then a show cause notice shall necessarily be issued to the contract as to why the
contract should not be terminated.
86. Contractors remain liable to pay compensation:
In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the Engineer In-charge by the relevant
clauses in documents that form a part of contract as exercised or is exercisable in the event of any
future case of default by the Contractor, he is declared liable to pay compensation amounting to
the whole of his security deposit. The liability of the Contractor for past and future compensation
shall remain unaffected.
In the event of the Executive Engineer taking action against these relevant clauses, he may, if he
so desires, take possession of all or any tools and plant, materials and stores in or upon the work
of site thereof or belonging to the Contractor or procured by him and intended to be used for the
execution of the work or any part thereof paying or allowing for the same in account at the
contract rates, or in the case of contract rates not being applicable at current market rates to be
certified by the Executive Engineer, may after giving notice in writing to the Contractor or his
staff of the work or other authorized agent require him to remove such tools and plants, materials
or stores from the premises within a time to be specified in such notice and in the event of the
Contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Executive Engineer may remove them
at the contractors expense of sell them by auction or private sell on account of the Contractor at
his risk in all respects and certificate of the Executive Engineer as to the expense of any such
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removal and the amount of the proceeds an expense of any such sell be final and conclusive
against the Contractor.

87. No Claim to Any Payment or Compensation or Alteration inor Restriction of Work

(a) If at any time after the execution of contract documents, the Engineer shall for any reason
whatsoever, desires that the whole or any part of the works specified in the Tender should be
suspended for any period or that the whole or part of the work should not be carried out, at all, he
shall give to the Contractor a Notice in writing of such desire and upon the receipt of such notice, the
Contractor shall forthwith suspend or stop the work wholly or in part as required after having due
regard to the appropriate stage at which the work should be stopped or suspended so as not to cause
any damage or injury the work already done or endanger the safety thereof, provided that the
decision of the Engineer as to the stage at which the work or any part of it could be or could have
been safely stopped or suspended shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.
The Contractor shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever by reason of or
in pursuance of any notice as aforesaid, on account of any suspension, stoppage or curtailment except
to the extent specified hereinafter.
(b)Where the total suspension of Work Order as aforesaid continued for a continuous period
exceeding 90 days the contractor shall be at liberty to withdraw from the contractual obligations
under the contract so far as it pertains to the unexecuted part of the work by giving 10 days prior
notice in writing to the Engineer within 30 days of the expiry of the said period of 90 days, of such
intention and requiring the Engineering to record the final measurement of the work already done
and to pay final bill. Upon giving such Notice, the Contractor shall be deem to have been discharged
from his obligations to complete the remaining unexecuted work under his contract. On receipt of
such notice the Engineer shall proceed to complete the measurement and make such payment as may
be finally due to the contractor within a period of 90 days from the receipt of such Notice in respect
of the work already done by the contractor. Such payment shall not in any manner prejudice the right
of the contractor to any further compensation under the remaining provisions of this clause.
(c) Where the Engineer required to Contractor to suspend the work for a period in excess of 30 days
at any time or 60 days in the aggregate, the Contractor shall be entitled to apply to the Engineer
within 30 days of the resumption of the work after such suspension for payment of compensation to
the extent of pecuniary loss suffered by him in respect of working machinery remained ideal on the
site of on the account of his having an to pay the salary of wages and labour engaged by him during
the said period of suspension provided always that the contractor shall not be entitled to any claim in
respect of any such working machinery, salary or wages for the first 30 days whether consecutive or
in the aggregate or such suspension or in respect of any such suspension whatsoever occasion by
unsatisfactory work or any other default on his part, the decision of the Engineer in this regard shall
be final and conclusive against the contractor.

88. Contractor to supply plant, ladder, scaffolding, etc and is liable for damages arising from non
provision of lights, fencing, etc.
The Contractor shall supply at his own cost all material, plant, tools, appliances, implements, ladders,
cordage, tackle scaffolding and temporary works requisite or proper for the proper execution of the
work, whether, in the original altered or substituted form and whether included in the specification of
other documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions or not and which may
be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of the Eng-In-Charge
as to any matter as to which under these conditions is entitled to be satisfied, or which is entitled to
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require together with the carriage therefore to and from the work.
The Contractor shall also supply without charge, the requisite number of person with the means and
materials necessary for the purpose of setting out works and counting, weighing and assisting in the
measurements of examination at any time and from time to time of the work or materials, failing
which the same may be provided by the Engineer In-charge at the expense of the contractor and the
expenses may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under the contract or from his
security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof, or offers sufficient portion thereof.
The contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from
accident and shall also be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other legal
proceedings, that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above
precautions and to pay any damages and cost which may be awarded in any such suit action or
proceedings to any such person or which may with the consent of the contractor be paid for
compromising any claim by any such person.
89. Prevention of Fire:
The contractor shall not set fire to any standing jungle, trees, brushwood or grass without a written
permit from the Engineer In-charge. When such permit is given, and also in all cases when
destroying cut or dug up trees brushwood, grass, etc., by fire, the contractor shall take necessary
measure to prevent such fire spreading to or otherwise damaging surrounding property. The
Contractor shall make his own arrangements for drinking water for the labour employed by him.
90. Compensation for all damages done intentionally or unintentionally by contractor’s labour whether
in or beyond the limits of BMC property including any damage caused by spreading the fire shall be
estimated by the Engineer In-charge or such other officer as he may appoint and the estimate of the
Engineer in-charge to the decision of the Dy. Chief Engineer on appeal shall be final and the
contractor shall be bound to pay the amount of the assessed compensation on demand failing which
the same will be recovered from the Contractor as damages or deducted by the Engineer In-charge
from any sums that may be due or become due from BMC to contractor under this Contract or
otherwise. Contractor shall bear the expenses of defending any action or other legal proceedings that
may be brought to prevent the spread of fire and he shall pay any damages and costs that may be
awarded by the Court in consequence.
91. In the case of Tender by partners, any change in the constitution of the firm shall be forthwith,
notified by the contractor through the Engineer In-charge for his information.
92. Action where no specifications:
In the case of any class of work for which there is no such specifications, such works shall be carried
out in accordance with the specifications and in the event of there being no such specifications, then
in such case, the work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with all instructions and
requirements of the Engineer In-charge.

93. Safety and medical help:

(i) The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay the expenses of providing medical help to
any workmen who may suffer a bodily injury as a result of an accident. If such expenses are
incurred by BMC, the same shall be recoverable from the contractor forthwith and be included
without prejudice to any other remedy of BMC from any amount due or that may become due to
the Contractor.
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(ii) The contractor shall provide necessary personal safety equipment and first-aid box for the use of
persons employed on the site and shall maintain the same in condition suitable for immediate use
at any time.
(iii) The workers shall be required to use the safety equipments so provided by thecontractor and the
contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure the proper use of equipments by those concerned.
(iv) When the work is carried on in proximity to any place where there is risk or drawing all necessary
equipments shall be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps shall be taken for the
prompt rescue of any person in danger.

94. No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in the starting of the work on account of
acquisition of land or in the case of clearance of works, on account of ant delay in according to
sanction of estimates.

95. Anti-malaria and other health measures:

Anti-Malaria and other health measures shall be taken as directed by the Executive Health Officer
of BMC. Contractor shall see that mosquitogenic conditions are created so as to keep vector
population to minimum level.Contractor shall carry out anti-malaria measures in the area as per
the guidelines issued by the Executive Health Officer of BMC from time to time.
In case of default, in carrying out prescribed anti-malaria measures resulting in increase in malaria
incidence, contractor shall be liable to pay BMC on anti-malaria measures to control the situation
in addition to fine.

96. Tender shall note that policy guidelines issued under Hon’ble M.C.’s Circular Vide No. MBC/6913
dated 05.05.2020 for engaging labour for providing reservation shall be applicable to the contract
work under reference. (Copy of the circular at page 248-249).

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The tender is prepared on the basis of Unified Schedule of Rates and specifications 2023. The
specifications of the items of USOR are available on BMC portal the
Tender tab. Hence the deserving contractor shall either download the same from BMC portal or the same
may be collected in the soft copy format at the time of purchasing the tender from this office.


1. All materials brought on the site of work and meant to be used in the same, shall be the best of
their respective kinds and to the approval of the Engineer. The Engineer or his representative will
accept that the materials are really the best of their kinds, when it is proved beyond doubt that no
better materials of the particular kind in question are available in the market.

2. The contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer of samples of all materials to be used in
the works and shall deposit these samples with him before placing an order for the materials with
the suppliers. The materials brought on the works shall conform in every respect to their approved
samples. Fresh samples shall be deposited with the Engineer whenever the type or source of any
material changes.

3. The contractor shall check each fresh consignment of materials as it is brought to the site of works
to see that they conform in all respects to the Specifications of the samples approved by the
Engineer, or both.

4. The Engineer will have the option to have any of the materials tested to find out whether they are
in accordance with the Specifications and the Contractor will bear all expenses for such testing.
All B bills, vouchers and test certificates, which in the opinion of the Engineer or his
representative are necessary to convince him as to the quality of the materials or their suitability
shall be produced for his inspection when required.

5. Any materials that have not been found to conform to the specifications will be rejected forthwith
and shall be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost within 24 hours.

6. The Engineer shall have power to cause the Contractors to purchase and use such materials from
any particular source, as may in his opinion be necessary for the proper execution of the work.

7. Notwithstanding the source, the sand shall be washed using sand washing machine before use.

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 The Applicants and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe the

highest standard of ethics during the Bidding Process. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary

contained herein, the Authority may reject an application without being liable in any manner

whatsoever to the Applicant if it determines that the Applicant has, directly or indirectly or

through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable

practice or restrictive practice in the Bidding Process.

 Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under relevant Clause hereinabove, if an

Applicant is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or

indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or

restrictive practice during the Bidding Process, such Applicant shall not be eligible to participate

in any tender or RFQ issued by the Authority during a period of 2 (two) years from the date such

Applicant is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or

indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or

restrictive practice, as the case may be.

 For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter

respectively assigned to them:

A. “corrupt practice” meansthe offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of

anything of value to influence the actions of any person connected with the Bidding Process (for

avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to, or employing, or engaging in any manner

whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Authority who is or has been associated in

any manner, directly or indirectly, with the Bidding Process or the LOA or has dealt with matters

concerning the Concession Agreement or arising there from, before or after the execution thereof,

at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or

otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Authority, shall be deemed to constitute influencing

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the actions of a person connected with the Bidding Process); or

save and except as permitted under the relevant sub clause, engaging in any manner whatsoever,

whether during the Bidding Process or after the issue of the LOA or after the execution of the

Concession Agreement, as the case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to the

Project or the LOA or the Concession Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial

or technical adviser of the Authority in relation to any matter concerning the Project;

B. “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or suppression of facts or

disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Bidding Process ;

C. “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm, directly or

indirectly, any person or property to influence any persons participation or action in the Bidding


D. “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person connected with or

employed or engaged by the Authority with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any

manner influencing or attempting to influence the Bidding Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of

Interest; and

E. “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or arrangement

among Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in

the Bidding Process.

F. If the Employer/Financier determines that the Contractor has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,

collusive, coercive or obstructive practices, in competing for or in executing the Contract, then the

Employer may, after giving 14 days’ notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contractor's

employment under the Contract and expel him from the Site, and the provisions of relevant Clause

shall apply as if such expulsion had been made.

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G. Should any employee of the Contractor be determined to have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,

collusive, coercive, or obstructive practice during the execution of the Works, then that employee

shall be removed in accordance with relevant Clause.

For the purposes of this Sub-Clause:

i. “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving to soliciting, directly or indirectly, of

anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party;

ii. “Another party” refers to a public official acting in relation to the procurement process or

contract execution. In this context, “public official” includes Financer staff and employees

of other organizations taking or reviewing procurement decisions.

iii. “fraudulent practice” is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly

or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit

or to avoid an obligation;

iv. “collusive practice” is an arrangement between two or more parties designed to achieve an

improper purpose, including to influence improperly the actions of another party;

v. “coercive practice” is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or

indirectly, any party or the property of the party to influence improperly the actions of a


vi. “obstructive practice” is deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or concealing of

evidence material to the investigation or making false statements to investigators in order

to materially impede the Financier investigation into allegations of a corrupt, fraudulent,

coercive or collusive practice; and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party to

prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from

pursuing the investigation; or

201 | P a g e
vii. Acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the Financer’s inspection and audit

rights provided.

viii. “party” refers to a public official; the terms “benefit” and “obligation” relate to the

procurement process or contract execution; and the “act or omission” is intended to

influence the procurement process or contract execution.

ix. ”parties” refers to participants in the procurement process (including public officials)

attempting to establish bid prices at artificial, noncompetitive levels.

x. A “party” refers to a participant in the procurement process or contract execution.

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Pre-bid meeting of the interested parties shall be convened at the designated date, time and place.
A maximum of three representatives of each Applicant shall be allowed to participate on production of
authority letter from the Applicant.

During the course of Pre-bid meeting, the Applicants will be free to seek clarifications and make
suggestions for consideration of the Authority. The Authority shall Endeavour to provide clarifications
and such further information as it may, in its sole discretion, consider appropriate for facilitating a fair,
transparent and competitive Bidding Process.

6.9.1Interpretation of e-Tender Document:

a) Tenderer(s) shall examine the tender document and acquaint themselves to all conditions and
matters affecting the cost of the works. If any tenderer(s) finds discrepancies or omissions in the
Document or if in doubt about their meaning, he should address a query during pre-bid meeting.

b) Any resulting interpretation of the tender document will be issued to tenderer(s) as an addendum.
Verbal clarification obtained from any source shall not be binding on the Corporation.

c) No tenderer(s) shall amend the text of any document except as may be necessary to comply with
any addendum.

6.9.2 Clarification of e-Tendering Documents

Pre-bid meeting (If proposed as per e-Tender notice)

a) The tenderer or his authorized representative is allowed to attend a pre-bid meeting as per the date,
time and venue mentioned in the tender notice/header data.
b) The purpose of the pre-bid meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter
that may be raised prior to the pre-bid meeting.
c) Any tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender document and/or the works may submit his
questions on E.E.W.W.(Const.)W.S.’s e-mail i.e. note that
all emails which will reach the inbox on or before 25.08.2024 till 5.00 p.m. will be considered for pre-
bid meeting.

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1. The following Banks with their branches in Greater Mumbai and in suburbs and extended suburbs
up to Virar and Kalyan have been approved only for the purpose of accepting Banker’s guarantee
from 1997-98 onwards until further instructions.

2. The Bankers Guarantee issued by branches of approved Banks beyond Kalyan and Virar can be
accepted only if the said Banker’s Guarantee is countersigned by the Manager of a branch of the
same Bank, within the Mumbai Limit categorically endorsing thereon that said bankers Guarantee
is binding on the endorsing Branch of the bank within Mumbai limits and is liable to be on forced
against the said branch of the Bank in case of default by the contractor/supplier furnishing the
bankers Guarantee.

List of approved Banks:-

A S.B.I and its subsidiary Banks

1 State Bank Of India.

2 State Bank Of Bikaner & Jaipur.

3 State Bank Of Hyderabad.

4 State Bank Of Mysore.

5 State Bank OfPatiyala.

6 State Bank Of Saurashtra.

7 State Bank OfTravankore.

B Nationalized Banks

8 Allahabad Bank.

9 Andhra Bank.

10 Bank Of Baroda.

11 Bank Of India.

209 | P a g e
12 Bank Of Maharashtra.

13 Central Bank Of India.

14 Dena Bank.

15 Indian Bank.

16 Indian Overseas Bank.

17 Oriental Bank Of Commerce.

18 Punjab National Bank.

19 Punjab & Sindh Bank.

20 Syndicate Bank.

21 Union Bank Of India.

22 United Bank Of India.

23 UCO Bank.

24 Vijaya Bank.

24A Corporation Bank.

C Scheduled Commercial Banks

25 Bank Of Madura Ltd.

26 Bank Of Rajasthan Ltd.

27 Banaras State Bank Ltd.

28 Bharat Overseas Bank Ltd

29 Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd.

30 City Union Bank Ltd.

210 | P a g e
31 Development Credit Bank.

32 Dhanalakshmi Bank Ltd.

33 Federal Bank Ltd.

34 Indusind Bank Ltd.

35 I.C.I.C.I Banking Corporation Ltd.

36 Global Trust Bank Ltd.

37 Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.

38 Karnataka Bank Ltd.

39 KarurVysya Bank Ltd.

40 Laxmi Vilas Bank Ltd.

41 Nedugundi Bank Ltd.

42 Ratnakar Bank Ltd.

43 Sangli Bank Ltd.

44 South Indian Bank Ltd.

45 S.B.I Corporation &Int Bank Ltd.

46 Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Ltd.

47 United Western Bank Ltd.

48 Vysya Bank Ltd.

D Schedule Urban Co-op Banks

49 Abhyudaya Co-op Bank Ltd.

50 Bassein Catholic Co-op Bank Ltd.

211 | P a g e
51 Bharat Co-op Bank Ltd.

52 Bombay Mercantile Co-op Bank Ltd.

53 Cosmos Co-op Bank Ltd.

54 Greater Mumbai Co-op Bank Ltd.

55 JanataSahakari Bank Ltd.

56 Mumbai District Central Co-op Bank Ltd.

57 Maharashtra State Co-op Bank Ltd.

58 New India Co-op Bank Ltd.

59 North Canara G.S.B. Co-op Bank Ltd.

60 Rupee Co-op Bank Ltd.

61 Sangli Urban Co-op Bank Ltd.

62 Saraswat Co-op Bank Ltd.

63 ShamraoVithal Co-op Bank Ltd.

64 Mahanagar Co-op Bank Ltd.

65 Citizen Bank Ltd.

66 Yes Bank Ltd.

E Foreign Banks

67 ABM AMRO (N.Y.) Bank.

68 American Express Bank Ltd.

69 ANZ Grindlays Bank Ltd.

70 Bank Of America N.T. & S.A.

212 | P a g e
71 Bank Of Tokyo Ltd.

72 Bankindosuez.

73 BanqueNationale de Paris.

74 Barclays bank.

75 City Bank N.A.

76 Hongkong& Shanghai banking Corporation.

77 Mitsui Taiyokbe Bank Ltd.

78 Standard Chartered Bank.

79 Cho Hung Bank.

213 | P a g e

214 | P a g e


215 | P a g e

216 | P a g e
The Municipal Commissioner for Greater Mumbai
I/ We have read and examined the following documents relating to the construction of
i. Notice inviting tender.
ii. Directions to tenderers (General and special)
iii. General condition of contract for Civil Works of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation2016
as applicable.
iv. Relevant drawings
v. Specifications.
vi. Special directions
vii. Annexure A, B, C, E & I.
viii. Bill of Quantities and Rates.
1A. I/We________________________________________________________
(full name in capital letters, starting with surname), the Proprietor/ Managing Partner/ Managing
Director/ Holder of the Business, for the establishment / firm / registered company, named herein
below, do hereby offer to …………………………………………………………………………………
Referred to in the specifications and schedule to the accompanying form of contract of the rates entered
in the schedule of rates sent herewith and signed by me/ us” (strike out the portions which are not
1B. I/We do here by state and declare that I/We, whose names are given herein below in details with the
addresses, have not filled in this tender under any other name or under the name of any other
establishment /firm or otherwise, nor are we in any way related or concerned with the
establishment /firm or any other person, who have filled in the tender for the aforesaid work.”
2. I/We hereby tender for the execution of the works referred to in the aforesaid documents, upon the
terms and conditions, contained or referred to therein and in accordance with the specifications
designs, drawings and other relevant details in all respects.
* At the rates entered in the aforesaid Bill of Quantities and Rates.
3. According to your requirements for payment of Earnest Money amounting to
Rs.______________________/-(Rs._______________________________________________ )
I/We have deposited the amount through online payment gateways with the C.E. of the Corporation
not to bear interest
4. I/We hereby request you not to enter into a contract with any other person/s for the execution of the
works until notice of non/acceptance of this tender has first been communicated to me/us, and in
consideration of yours agreeing to refrain from so doing I/we agree not to withdraw the offer
constituted by this tender before the date of communication to me/us of such notice of
non/acceptance, which date shall be not later than ten days from the date of the decision of the
Standing Committee or Education Committee of the Corporation, as maybe required under the
Mumbai Municipal Corporation Act, not to accept this tender.(Subject to condition 5 below).

217 | P a g e
5. I/We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of 180 days from the date fixed
for opening the same and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions which are not
acceptable to the Corporation.
6. I/We agree that the Corporation shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to
forfeit the said earnest money absolutely, if.
a. I/We fail to keep the tender open as aforesaid.
b. I/We fail to execute the formal contract or make the contract deposit when called upon to do so.
c. I/we do not commence the work on or before the date specified by the Engineer in his work order.
7. I/We hereby further agree to pay all the charges of whatsoever nature in connection with the
preparation, stamping and execution of the said contract.
8. I/We further agree that, I/we shall register ourselves as ‘Employer’ with the Bombay Iron and Steel
Labour Board’ and fulfil all the obligatory provisions of Maharashtra Mathadi, Hamal and other
Manual workers (Regulation of Employment and Welfare) Act 1969 and the Bombay Iron and Steel
unprotected workers Scheme 1970.
9. “I/We………………………………………….…….. have failed in the accompanying tender with full
knowledge of liabilities and, therefore, we will not raise any objection or dispute in any manner
relating to any action, including forfeiture of deposit and blacklisting, for giving any information,
which is found to be incorrect and against the instructions and directions given in this tender.
10. “I/We further agree and undertake that in the event it is revealed subsequently after the allotment of
work/contract to me/us, that any information given by me/us in this tender is false or incorrect,
I/We shall compensate the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporationfor any such losses or
inconvenience caused to the Corporation in any manner and will not resist any claim for such
compensation on any ground whatsoever. I/we agree and undertake that I/we shall not claim in such
case any amount by way of damages or compensation for cancellation of the contract given to
me/us or any work assigned to me/us or is withdrawn by the Corporation,”
Yours faithfully,
Digital Signature of the Tenderer or the Firm
Full Name and private residential address of all
the partners constituting the Firm A/c No.
1. …………………………………….. Name of Bank
2. …………………………………….. ………………………………………
3. …………………………………….. Name of Branch

4. …………………………………….. ………………………………………
5. …………………………………….. Vender No. …………………………

218 | P a g e
Tender / Quotation dated ……………. 20…

Standing Committee/Education Committee Resolution No.

……..……………………………….CONTRACT FOR THE WORKS
This agreement made this day of ………… ……………………………. ……………… …………
Two thousand ……………………....…..……..………..……………………………………………
Between .……...……………...………………………………………………….…………….………
inhabitants of Mumbai, carrying on business at…… ………………...…..…… ………… …
in Bombay under the style and name of Messrs ……………………..………………………
(Hereinafter called “the contractor of the one part and Shri ………………………………
the D.M.C.(S.E.) (hereinafter called “the commissioner” in which expression are included unless the
inclusion is inconsistent with the context, or meaning thereof, his successor or successors for the time
being holding the office of D.M.C.(S.E.) of the second part and the Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation(hereinafter called “the Corporation”) of the third part, WHEREAS the contractor has
tendered for the construction, completion and maintenance of the works described above and his tender
has been accepted by the Commissioner (with the approval of the Standing Committee/Education
Committee of the Corporation NOW THIS

1) In this agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the General Conditions of Contract for works hereinafter referred to:-
2) The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and constructed as a part of this
agreement viz.
a) The letter of Acceptance
b) The Bid:
c) Addendum to Bid; if any
d) Tender Document
e) The Bill of Quantities:
f) The Specification:
g) Detailed Engineering Drawings
h) Standard General Conditions of Contracts (GCC) as applicable (2016)
i) All correspondence documents between bidder and BMC
3) In consideration of the payments to be made by the Commissioner to the contractor as hereinafter
mentioned the contractor hereby covenants with the Commissioner to construct, complete and maintain
the works in conformity in all respects with the provision of the contract.
219 | P a g e
4) The Commissioner hereby covenants to pay to the Contractor in consideration of the construction,
completion and maintenance of the works the contract sum, at times and in the manner prescribed by the
IN WITNESS WHERE OF the parties hereto have caused their respective common seals to be herein to
affixed (or have hereunto set their respective hands and seals) the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed and delivered by the contractors

In the presence of Trading under the name and style of

Full Name

Signed by the DMC(SE) in the presence of

The Common seal of the Brihanmumbai Municipal

Corporationwas hereunto affixed on the
…………...... 20 in the presence of two members
of the Standing Committee.

1. 1.

2. 2.

And in the presence of the Municipal Secretary Municipal Secretary

220 | P a g e
Name of work: - (HE-C-WS-CCRD-07) Laying/Replacement of various dia. water mains and
allied works due to proposed improvement of roads in cement concrete in Zone
III of Western Suburbs Section (2024-2026).

a)Name of Zone Western Suburbs Zone III

b) Estimated cost of Tender Rs. 56,47,34,016/-
(Excluding GST)
c)Earnest Money (1% of the Estimated Costof the tender) Rs.56,47,350/-
1. Definition : The Engineer for this work is
Hydraulic Engineer (HE)
2. Security Deposit Amended
a)Contract Deposit : 2% of the Contract Sum
b) Retention Money : 15% of the Interim payment.
3.Contract Period : 24 (Twenty-Four Months)
(Excluding Monsoon.)
1) Contract as a whole
4. Defect Liability Period : Mentioned as under
1. For laying of CI/DI/MS/MDPE WM upto and 1 year
including 300mm dia. and allied works as
2. For work of laying of water main of size more 3 years
than 300mm diameter and allied works as
4. Renewal of service connections 1 year
8. DLP of Trenching Reinstatement work of various
activities (as per RI tender floated by Road
Department for reinstatement of trenches taken
by various external and internal utilities in
Greater Mumbai Z-1 to Z-VII)
1. For Asphalt Work 3 Years
2. Paver Blocks 3 Years
3. Mastic Works 3 Years
4. UTWT/TWT Works 3 Years

221 | P a g e
5. CC Passage/CC Side strip 3 Years
6. CC Road 3 Years
1 Improvement of footpath in gray or any specified 3 years
color with short blasted paver block.
2 In plain cement concrete (M-40) 5 years
In stamp / stencil concrete (M-40)
In CC with marble chip finish (M-40)
5.Supervision Charges : Ten percent (10%)
6.Advances (Recovery of advances) : as per G.C.C. in force

Signature of Issuing Officer Signature of Contractor


222 | P a g e
Financial Bid Form

I/We hereby confirm that I/ We have examined Tender Document including addendum etc. (as
applicable), conditions of contract, specification, drawings, Bill of Quantities etc. forming part of the
Tender and accordingly I/we hereby submit my/our offer to execute as per the tender documents in all
respects at the quoted below.

1. Name of the Work : As on Cover page

2. Name of Client : M. C. G. M.
3. Name of Department : Hydraulic Engineer
4. Estimated Cost :Rs.
(To be filled in by Tenderer)
5a) Premium (in Figures) _________________% above the rates in B.O.Q/ Estimated cost.
(in Words)__________________% above the rates in B.O.Q / Estimated cost.
Rs_____________________________________________In Words


Rebate(in Figures) _________________% above the rates in B.O.Q /Estimated cost.(in

Words)__________________% above the rates in B.O.Q /Estimated
In Word Rs____________________________________________________________

6. Total Cost of the Work Rs_______________________________

In WordsRs_____________________________________

7. Name and Title of Signatory :___________________________________________________

8. Name and address of tenderer :____________________________________________________

9. E-mail address of the firm : _____________________________________________________

Telephone Nos. :______________________________________________________

Signature of the Tenderer of the Firm

Full Names and Residential 1.

address and Tel. nos. of all 2.
partners constituting the firms: 3.
(A separate sheet shall be attached for Names and addresses if necessary)

223 | P a g e
Annexure- B


The Bidder commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means
and illegal activities during any stage of his bid or during any pre-contract or post-contract stage in order
to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular commits himself to the following:-

1. The Bidder will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, gift, consideration, reward,
favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage or
inducement to any official of the BMC, connected directly or indirectly with the bidding process, or
to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the
bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the Contract.

2. The Bidder further undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly
any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage,
commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any official of the BMC or otherwise in procuring the
Contract or forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the
Contract or any other Contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or
disfavour to any person in relation to the Contract or any other Contract with the Government.

3. The Bidder will not collude with other parties interested in the contract to impair the transparency,
fairness and progress of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting and implementation of the

4. The Bidder will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and
illegal activities.

5. The Bidder, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the
contract, shall disclose any payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to officials
of the BMC or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with
the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments.

6. The Bidder shall not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others,
any information provided by the BMC as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical
proposals and business details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The
Bidder also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged.

224 | P a g e
7. The Bidder commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner
without supporting it with full and verifiable facts.

8. The Bidder shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the actions
mentioned above.

9. The Bidder and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe the highest
standard of ethics during the Bidding Process. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
herein, the Authority may reject an Application without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the
Applicant if it determines that the Applicant has, directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged
in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice
in the Bidding Process

For the purposes of this Clause 9, the following terms shall have the meaning herein after
respectively assigned to them:
1. “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or suppression of facts or
disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Bidding Process ;

1. “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm, directly or

indirectly, any person or property to influence any persons participation or action in the Bidding Process;

2. “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person connected with or employed
or engaged by the Authority with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or
attempting to influence the Bidding Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and

3. “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or arrangement

among Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the
Bidding Process.

Signature of Tenderer/Bidder

225 | P a g e
Annexure- C
(On Rs. 500/- Stamp Paper)


I, _____________________ of _________, do hereby declared and undertakeas under.

1. I declare that I have submitted certificates as required to Executive Engineer(Monitoring) at the time of
registration of my firm/company _______ and there is nochange in the contents of the certificates that are
submitted at the time ofregistration.

2. I declare that I ____________ in capacity as Manager/Director/Partners/Proprietors of ___________

has not been charged with any prohibitory and /or penalaction such as banning(for specific time or
permanent)/de-registration or any other actionunder the law by any Government and/or Semi
Government and/or Governmentundertaking.

3. I declare that I have perused and examined the tender document includingaddendum, condition of
contract, specifications, drawings, bill of quantity etc. formingpart of tender and accordingly, I submit my
offer to execute the work as per tenderdocuments at the rates quoted by me in capacity as
______________ of ___________.

4.I further declare that if I am allotted the work and I failed to carry out the allotted work in accordance
with the terms and conditions and within the time prescribed and specified, BMC is entitled to carry out
the work allotted to me by any other means at my risk and cost, at any stage of the contract.

5. I also declare that I will not claim any charge/damages/compensation for non availability of site for the
contract work at any time.

6. I declare that I will positively make the arrangements of the required equipment on the day of
commencement or with respect to the progress of the work in phases, as per the instructions of site in

Signature of Tenderer/Bidder

226 | P a g e

THIS INDENTURE made this ______________day of __________ BETWEEN

THE ___________________BANK incorporated under the English/Indian Companies Acts and carrying
on business in Mumbai (hereinafter referred to as 'the bank' which expression shall be deemed to include
its successors and assigns)of the first part __________________________________________
_________________________________ inhabitants carrying on business at
_______________________________ in Mumbai under the style and name of Messer’s
__________________(hereinafter referred to as 'the consultant') of the second part Shri.


commissioner' which expression shall be deemed, also to include his successor or successors for the time
being in the said office of Municipal Commissioner ) of the third part and THE BRIHANMUMBAI
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION(hereinafter referred to as 'the Corporation') of the fourth part
WHEREAS the consultants have submitted to the Commissioner tender for the execution of the work of
''_________________________________________________________and the terms of such tender
/contract require that the consultants shall deposit with the Commissioner as/contract deposit/ earnest
money and /or the security a sum of Rs.______________(Rupees __________________)AND
WHEREAS if and when any such tender is accepted by the Commissioner, the contract to be entered into
in furtherance thereof by the consultants will provide that such deposit shall remain with and be
appropriated by the Commissioner towards the Security -deposit to be taken under the contract and be
redeemable by the consultants, if they shall duly and faithfully carry out the terms and provisions of such
contract and shall duly satisfy all claims properly chargeable against them there under AND WHEREAS
the consultants are constituents of the Bank and in order to facilitate the keeping of the accounts of the
consultants, the Bank with the consent and concurrence of the consultants has requested the
Commissioner to accept the undertaking of the Bank hereinafter contained, in place of the contractors
depositing with the Commissioner the said sum as earnest money and /or security as aforesaid AND
WHEREAS accordingly the Commissioner has agreed to accept such undertaking NOW THIS
AGRREMENT WITHNESSES that in consideration of the premises, the Bank at the request of the
consultants ( hereby testified ) UNDERTAKES WITH the commissioner to pay to the commissioner upon
demand in writing , whenever required by him , from time to time , so to do ,a sum not exceeding in the
whole Rs._____________(Rupees___________________)under the terms of the said tender and /or the
contract .The B.G. Is valid upto _________”Notwithstanding anything what has been stated above, our
liability under the above guarantee is restricted to Rs.___________only and guarantee shall remain in
force upto ____________ unless the demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or

227 | P a g e
before __________all your right under the above guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released
from all liabilities under the guarantee thereafter”


WITNESS(1) _________________

Name and _________________

address _________________


Name and __________________ the duly constituted Attorney Manager

address _____________________

the Bank and the said Messer’s ___________________________________

_______________________________________ (Name of the Bank)


Name and _________________

address _________________


Name and ___________________

For Messer’s ____________________

address ____________________

have here into set their respective hands the day and year first above written.

The amount shall be inserted by the Guarantor, representing the Contract Deposit in Indian

228 | P a g e

229 | P a g e
Annexure- D
Rate Analysis

Item Description

Sr.No. Description of rate analysis Unit Quantity Rate Amount

1 Basic Material (Rate should be
inclusive of all taxes)

2 Machinery Hire Charges

3 Labour Type (labour


4 Total of all components

5 Overhead &Profit 15% on 4

6 Total Rate (4+5)

7 Per unit rate

Sign & Seal of the Tenderer

230 | P a g e
Annexure- E

Each tenderer shall upload scanned copy of an undertaking on stamp paper of Rs. 500/- as per
proforma given below, in packet “B”. The undertaking shall be submitted in physical format within seven
days from the date of issue of work order, if the tender is awarded to the bidder.
“I/We …………………………………………….………………….(full name in capital letters,
starting with surname) , the Proprietor / Managing Partner / Managing Director / Holder of the
Business/Manufacturer/Authorized Dealer, for the establishment /firm/registered company, named herein
below, do hereby state and declare that
whose names are given herein below in details with the addresses have not filled in this tender under any
other name or under the establishment / firm or otherwise, nor are we in any way related or concerned
with any establishment, firm or any other person, who have filled in the tender for the aforesaid work”.

I/We hereby further undertake that we have offered the best prices for the subject supply / work
as per the present market rates. Further, we do hereby undertake and commit that we have not offered /
supplied the subject product / similar product / systems in the past one year in Maharashtra state for
quantity variation up to -50% / + 10% at a price lower than that offered in the present bid to any other
outside agencies including Govt./semi Govt. agencies and withinB.M.Calso. Further, we have filled in the
accompanying tender with full knowledge of the above liabilities and therefore we will not raise any
objection or dispute in any manner relating to any action, including forfeiture of deposit and blacklisting,
for giving any information which is found to be incorrect and against the instructions and directions given
in this behalf in this tender.

I/We further agree and undertake that in the event it is revealed subsequently after the allotment of
work / contract to me / us, that any information given by me / us in this tender is false or incorrect, I / We
shall compensate the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporationfor any such losses or inconvenience caused to
the Corporation in any manner and will not raise any claim for such compensation on any ground
whatsoever. I / We agree and undertake that I / We shall not claim in such case any amount, by way of
damages or compensation for cancellation of the contract given to me / us or any work assigned to me / us
or as withdrawn by the Corporation.”

231 | P a g e
Annexure ‘F’
GST and other state levies/cess which are not subsumed under GST will be applicable.
The tenderer shall quote inclusive of all taxes. It is clearly understood that BMC will not bear any
additional liability towards payment of any Taxes & Duties.
Wherever the services to be provided by the tenderers falls under Reverse Charge
Mechanism, the price quoted shall be exclusive of GST, but inclusive of Taxes/ Duties/ Cess
other than GST, if any.
The tenderer shall mandatorily upload the information of applicable tax in the pro-forma
as enclosed under ‘special Annexure-I’ given below in ‘C’ folder. Wherein the tenderer shall
indicate in the tabular format all the applicable taxes and their percentages and the tax amount
considered while quoting the tender.
Rates accepted by BMC shall hold good till completion of work and no additional
individual claim shall be admissible on account of fluctuations in market rates, increase in taxes /
any other levies / tolls etc. except that payment / recovery for overall market situation shall be
made as per price variation.


R. N Code k inclusive of
N Descriptio all taxes
O. n and duties



% Amou % Amou % Amount % Amount

nt nt


232 | P a g e
Annexure –G

Date: _____________
The Municipal Commissioner,
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC),
Sub: _____________________________________________

We, the undersigned hereby undertake that

1. All Asphalt Works required to be done under the captioned contract work shall be got executed
with the specified asphalt mixes manufactured in B.M.C. Approved Asphalt Plants only.

2. All the Paver blocks required for the Paver block works to be carried out under the captioned
contract work shall be procured from the specified manufacturers approved with B.M.C.

3. The R.M.C. works required to be done under the captioned contract work shall be got executed
with the specified R.M.C. mixes supplied by B.M.C. Approved R.M.C. plants only.

4. All the pipes/ specials required for the works will be procured from the manufacturer approved

5. All the M.S pipes/ specials will be fabricated from B.I.S. approved Company/ I.S.O 9000
Certified Company, confirmed to I.S 3589, I.S 2062.

6. All the Air valves, Sluice valves & the Butterfly Valves will be procured from the Company
approved with B.M.C.

7. All the observations & instructions made by the quality assurance agency appointed if any for the
tender work are binding on us and same will be complied immediately.

Yours Faithfully,

Rubber Stamp.

233 | P a g e
Annexure –H

Information regarding status of tender (s)

(To be submitted on Tenderers letter head)

1 a) whether it is proprietary concern?


b) If so, name of the owner


If it is partnership concern, please furnish name and address of each partner and copy of
registration certificate.

2. In case of Company, please furnish documentary proof to show that the Company registered.

Signature of authorized person of

Concern/ Company.

234 | P a g e
Annexure –I
Irrevocable Undertaking
(Notarized onRs. 500/- Stamp Paper)
I Shri/ Smt…………………………………………aged,……….years Indian Inhabitant. Proprietor/
Partner/ Director of M/s ………………………………resident at ……………………………………
hereby give Irrevocable Undertaking as under;

1) I Say & undertake that as specified in section 171 of CGST Act, 2017, any reduction in rate of tax
on supply of goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit shall be mandatorily passed on to
BMC by way of commensurate reduction in prices.
2) I further say and undertake that I understand that in case the same is not passed on and is
discovered at any later stage, BMC shall be at liberty to initiate legal action against me for its
recovery including, but not limited to, an appeal to the Screening Committee of the GST Counsel.
3) I say that above said irrevocable undertaking is binding upon me/ my partners/ company/ other
directors of the company and also upon my/ our legal heirs, assignee, Executor, administrator etc.
4) If fail to compliance with the provisions of the GST Act, I shall be liable for penalty/ punishment
or both as per the provisions of GST Act.
Whatever has been stated here in above is true & correct to my/our own knowledge &

Solemnly affirmed at DEPONANT


235 | P a g e

The list of similar works as stated in para ‘A’ of Post qualification during last seven years–
Stipulated Actual date Actual Cost of Certifying
Name of the Name of the
Sr.No. date of of work done (in Authority
Project employer
completion completion Lakhs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a. Scanned Attested copies of completion/performance certificates from the Engineer-in-Charge for
each work should be annexed in the support of information furnished in the above proforma.
b. Works shall be grouped financial year-wise.

Audited annual turnover of Civil Engineering Construction Works during the last 3 years.

Annual Turnover
of Civil Average of
Sr.No. Financial year value to Page No.
Engineering last 3 years
current year


NOTE: The above figures shall tally with the audited balance sheets uploaded by the tenderers duly
certified by Chartered Accountant.

236 | P a g e
At least similar work, as stated in para ‘A’ of Post qualification,
Name of Name of Cost of Date of Stipulated Actual Actual Remarks
the the the issue of Date of Date of cost of explaining
Project Employer Project work Completion Completio work reasons for
Order n done delay, if any

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: Scanned Attested copies of completion/performance certificates from the Engineer-in-charge for
each work should be annexed in support of information furnished in the above proforma.
Sr. Post Qualificati
Name Work Experience
No. on
(Prime Candidate/ Name of
No. of Years
Alternate) Projects
1 Project Manager
Quality Control
3 Site Engineer
4 Site Supervisor
NOTE: Scanned Attested copies of qualification certificates and details of work experience shall be
submitted /uploaded.
b) for special work
Sr.No. Equipment Number Owned/Leased/Assured access
1 2 3 4

Sr.No. Equipment Number Owned
1 2 3 4
Note: The tenderer(s) shall furnish/upload the requisite Scanned Attested documents of ownership/leased
of machineries. The undertaking from the suppliers will not be accepted.

c) For Routine work/New & Original Works

The tenderer(s) to qualify this bid shall either own equipments, in full working order, as listed below, or
must demonstrate that based on known commitments, they will be available for timely use in the proposed
contract as specified in Equipment Capability

237 | P a g e


RTO Vehicle
Sr.No Equipments owned / access to nos / Invoice
1 2 3 4
01 Pumps for dewatering
02 Submersible pumps for dewatering
03 Rock breaker with compressor
04 Crane
05 Pipe cutter
06 Ratchet Drilling machine.
07 Roller Vibratory Min. 10T
08 Welding set.
09 Compressor
10 Transit Mixer (Tilted)
11 J.C.B.
12 Excavator / Poclain
13 Dumper / Trucks 8 Cu.m capacity
14 Dumper / Trucks 4 Cu.m capacity
15 C.C.T.V. Camera
16 Mobile D.G.set
17 Plate Vibrator
Note: The tenderer(s) shall furnish/upload the requisite Scanned Attested documents of
ownership/leased of machineries. The undertaking from the suppliers will not be accepted.

Details of Existing Commitments and ongoing works –
Value of Anticipat
Descripti Contract Name & Value of Scheduled work ed Date
on of No. & Addresses of Contract date of remaining of
work Date employer in Rs. completion to be completi
completed on
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: Scanned Attested copies of completion/performance certificates from the Engineer-in-Charge for
each work should be annexed in the support of information furnished in the above proforma.
Details of works for which bids are already uploaded –
Name & Value of Date on which Remarks
Description Time
Place Addresses of Contract in decision is
of work Period
employee Rs. expected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: Scanned Attested copies of certificates from the Engineer-in-charge for each work shall be

238 | P a g e

Maximum Quantity of total Pavement Quality Concrete (M35 or richer mix) on volumetric basis in
Cu.m, completed in one single contract during the last seven(7) financial /calendar years

Quantity of Concrete (M 35
Name of the
Year Name of the Works or richer mix) (Cum) Remarks
1 2 3 4 5

The tenderer to qualify this bid shall own or have assured access (through hire, lease, and other
commercial means) in full working order, to the equipment’s as listed below, and must demonstrate that
based on known commitments, they will be available for timely use in the proposed contract.

Sr.No Equipment No
1 2 3
Computerized Batch mix Asphalt Plant
1 Capacity min. 80 M.T per hr. with valid
registration of B.M.C.

R.M.C Plant (computerized) – Capacity

60 Cu.m per hr. (or two nos. of 30
Cu.m. per hr. in lieu of 60 cum per hr.)
with valid registration of B.M.C.

Paver Blocks (BIS Certified)

3 manufacturing factory approved
byB.M.Cwith valid registration.
NOTE: a) The minimum suggested major equipment’s to begin with for execution of works in accordance
with the prescribed construction schedule are shown in the above list. The contractor shall mobilize prior
to bidding of this bid and mandatorily during the contract implementation, additional equipment as
directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Information on Litigation History in which the tenderer is involved.
Remarks showing
Other Party (ies) Employer Cause of Dispute Amount involved
Present Status.
1 2 3 4 5
Note: Scanned Attested copies of completion/performance certificates from the Engineer-in-charge for
each work should be annexed and uploaded.

Information of certificate issuing authorities
Contact numbers
Employer/Name of Designation of E-mail ID of
Sr.No. of issuing
issuing Authority issuing Authority issuing Authority


239 | P a g e





Copies of
Certification of
Whether Installed
Particulars installer company
Yes / No Yes/ No
1 2 3
Intelligent Compaction system - compatible for L&T,
Escort, JCB, Greaves or equivalent make Compactors.
Agent Software for Compactor

Batch Mix Plant SCADA Automation

Software Agent Batch Mix Plant connectivity
Software agent RMC plant connectivity
Vehicles Tracking System with automation loading
unloading Switch
Vehicles Tracking System Per month Subscription
SCADA Automation for ICPB Factory
Note:- Intending tenderer shall give undertaking to provide the information
on SCADA as required in PROFORMA – X.

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