Anasol 2019
Anasol 2019
Anasol 2019
Part I.
Solve four of the following five problems.
Problem 1. Consider the function f on R such that f (x) = x2 ln |x| if x 6= 0
and f (0) = 0. Prove that f 0 (0) exists but f 00 (0) does not.
Solution: The limit of the difference quotient for f at 0 is
x2 ln |x|
lim = lim x ln |x| = 0
x→0 x x→0
Solution: From the Taylor series of the cosine function (or simply by Taylor’s
theorem) we have | cos x − 1| 6 M x2 for x near 0, so in particular
| cos(1/ log n) − 1|n−1 6 M n−1 (log n)−2 .
n−1 (log n)−2 converges by the Integral Test, because
Now n>2
= −(log x)−1 |T2 = (log 2)−1 − (log T )−1 → (log 2)−1
2 x(log x)2
(and hence
P convergent) by the Comparison Test.
(b) n>2 sin(1/ log n)n−1
Solution: Since limx→0 sin x/x = 1, we see that for some M > 0 we have sin x >
M x if x is close to 0 and positive. In particular,
(M/ log n)n−1 < sin(1/ log n)n−1 .
n−1 (log n)−1 diverges by the Integral Test, because
But n>2
= log(log x)|T2 = log log T − log log 2 → ∞
2 x log x
as T goes to infinity. So n>2 sin(1/ log n)n−1 diverges by the Comparison Test.
Part II.
Solve three of the following six problems.
Problem 6. If n 7→ an is a surjective or “onto” map from the set of positive
integers to the set Q ∩ [0, 1] of rational
P numbers between 0 and 1, what is the radius
of convergence of the power series n>1 an xn ? Prove your answer.
Solution: Let ρ be the radius of convergence. Then 1/ρ = lim supn→∞ an . Put
L = lim supn→∞ an . We claim that L = 1, whence ρ = 1. Certainly L 6 1,
because an 6 1 for all n, whence an 6 1 for all n also. On the other hand,
given ε > 0, there are infinitely many rational numbers between 1 − ε and 1, hence
infinitely many n such that 1 − ε 6 an 6 1. Therefore
1 − ε < (1 − ε)1/n 6 a1/n
for infinitely many n. Therefore L > 1 − ε, and since ε > 0 is arbitrary, we conclude
that L > 1, whence L = 1.
Problem 7. Show that
Z 1
X (−1)n 1 x
= (√ − ) dx
(2n + 1)(2n + 2) 0 2−x 2 1 + x2
The first and second series on the right-hand side converge by the Alternating Series
Test, and they are the values at x = 1 of the Taylor series
X x2n+1
tan−1 x = (−1)n
2n + 1
X xn+1
log(x + 1) = (−1)n
respectively. Thus the left-hand side is tan−1 (1) − (log 2)/2 = π/4 − log 2. (The
Taylor series are obtained by integrating the geometric series for (1 + t2 )−1 and
(1 + t)−1 respectively for 0 6 t 6 x. Strictly speaking, since the geometric series
converges only for |x| < 1, one should also quote Abel’s theorem that a power series
that converges on a closed interval is continuous there.)
The right-hand side can be written as
√ log(1 + x2 ) 1
sin−1 (x/ 2)|10 − |0 = π/4 − (log 2)/2,
which coincides with the left-hand side.
Problem 8. Find the value of the line integral C x dy − y dx, where C is the
curve r = cos 2θ for −π/4 6 θ 6 π/4, oriented counterclockwise.
Solution: By Green’s Theorem, the line integral coincides with
∂ ∂
( x− (−y)) dx dy = 2 dx dy,
R ∂x ∂y R
where R is the region enclosed by C. Thus the line integral coincides with
Z π/4 Z cos 2θ Z π/4
2 r dr = cos2 (2θ) dθ.
−π/4 0 π/4
Since cos (2θ) is an even function, the right-hand side coincides with
Z π/4 Z π/4
2 cos (2θ) dθ = (1 + cos 4θ) dθ,
0 0
which is π/4.
Problem 9. Let D be the solid p region inside the p cone z = x2 + y 2 and
2 2 2 2
between the two hemispheres z = 4 − x − y and z = 1 − x − y . Given that
D has uniform density, find the “center of mass” or “centroid” of D. You may use
symmetry considerations to reduce the amount of computation.
Solution: Let (x, y, z) be the center of mass. The rotational symmetry of D
about the z-axis ensures that x = y = 0. We must compute the quantity z = I/J,
where Z Z Z
I= z dx dy dz
and Z Z Z
J= dx dy dz.
We compute I and J in spherical coordinates: Thus
Z 2π Z π/4 Z 2 √
J= ρ2 sin ϕ dρ dϕ dθ = 2π(1 − 2/2)(7/3)
0 0 1
and Z 2π Z π/4 Z 2
I= ρ3 cos ϕ sin ϕ dρ dϕ dθ = 15π/8.
0 0 1
So z = I/J = 45/(56(2 − 2)).
Problem 11. Show that there are open neighborhoods D and D0 of (0, 0) ∈ R2
such that if (a, b) ∈ D0 then the system of equations
2ex − e2y − e4x−7y = a
e3x + 4ey − 5ex+y = b
has a unique solution (x, y) ∈ D.
Solution: Define f : R2 → R2 by f (x, y) = (2ex −e2y −e4x−7y , e3x +4ey −5ex+y ).
The Jacobian matrix of f is
2e − 4e4x−7y −2e2y + 7e4x−7y
[f 0 (x, y)] = ,
3e3x − 5ex+y 4ey − 5ex+y
0 −2 5
f (0, 0) = ,
−2 −1
and consequently det f 0 (0, 0) = 12 6= 0. Thus f 0 (0, 0) is invertible Note also that
f (0, 0) = (0, 0). Applying the Inverse Function Theorem, we deduce that there are
open neighborhoods D and D0 of (0, 0) such that f is a C ∞ diffeomorphism of D
onto D0 . In particular, f is a bijection of D onto D0 , so given (a, b) ∈ D0 there
exists a unique point (x, y) ∈ D such that f (x, y) = (a, b).
Part III.
Solve one of the following three problems.
Problem 12. Let X be a metric space with metric d, and let {xn }n>1 and
{yn }n>1 be two Cauchy sequences in X. Show that {d(xn , yn )}n>1 is a Cauchy
sequences of real numbers. Do not use the fact that X can be embedded in a
complete metric space.
(b) Show that the minimum value of f on S occurs at (c1/n , c1/n , . . . , c1/n ) and
at no other point.
Solution: If the minimum value of f on S occurs at the point x ∈ S then by
the method of Lagrange multipliers, we have ∇f (x) = λ∇g(x). In other words, for
1 6 i 6 n we have 1 = λc/xi . Taking the product of these equations for 1 6 i 6 n,
we obtain 1 = λn cn /c, whence λ = c−(n−1)/n . Substituting this value in 1 = λc/xi ,
we find that xi = c1/n for all i.
(c) Deduce that (x1 x2 · · · xn )1/n 6 (x1 +x2 +· · ·+xn )/n for all x1 , x2 , . . . , xn > 0,
with equality if and only if x1 = x2 = · · · = xn .
Solution: Let c = x1 x2 · · · xn . Then x ∈ S, so we know from (b) that f (x) >
nc1/n , the minimum value of f on S. Furthermore, this minimum is attained if and
only if x = (c1/n , c1/n , . . . , c1/n ). Thus f (x)/n > c1/n , with equality if and only if
all the xi are equal.