Proximitor Sensor
Proximitor Sensor
Proximitor Sensor
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Description Notes:
Proximity Probe and Extension Cable
1. One-metre systems do not use an extension cable.
The 3300 XL probe and extension cable also reflect
improvements over previous designs. A patented 2. Proximitor sensors are supplied by default from the
TipLoc* molding method provides a more robust factory calibrated to AISI 4140 steel. Calibration to
other target materials is available upon request.
bond between the probe tip and the probe body.
The probe’s cable incorporates a patented CableLoc* 3. Consult Bently Nevada* Applications Note,
design that provides 330 N (75 lbf) pull strength to Considerations when using Eddy Current Proximity
more securely attach the probe cable and probe tip. Probes for Overspeed Protection Applications, when
considering this transducer system for tachometer or
You can also order 3300 XL 8 mm probes and overspeed measurements.
extension cables with an optional FluidLoc* cable
4. 3300 XL 8 mm components are both electrically and
option. This option prevents oil and other liquids
physically interchangeable with non-XL 3300 5 mm
from leaking out of the machine through the cable’s and 8 mm components. Although the packaging of
interior. the 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor differs from its
Connectors predecessor, its design fits in the same 4-hole
mounting pattern when used with the 4-hole
The 3300 XL probe, extension cable, and Proximitor mounting base, and will fit within the same mounting
sensor have corrosion-resistant, gold-plated space specifications (when minimum permissible
ClickLoc* connectors. These connectors require only cable bend radius is observed).
finger-tight torque (the connectors will "click" when 5. Mixing XL and non-XL 3300-series 5 mm and 8 mm
tight), and the specially-engineered locking system components limits system performance to the
mechanism prevents the connectors from loosening. specifications for the non-XL 3300 5 mm and 8 mm
These connectors require no special tools for Transducer System.
installation or removal. 6. The 3300-series 5 mm probe (refer to Specifications
You can order the 3300 XL 8 mm probes and and Ordering Information p/n 141605-01) uses
smaller physical packaging, but does not reduce the
extension cables with connector protectors already side view clearances or tip-to-tip spacing
installed. We can also supply connector protectors requirements as compared to an 8 mm probe. It is
separately for field installations (such as when an used when physical (not electrical) constraints
application must run the cable through restrictive preclude the use of an 8 mm probe. When your
conduit). We recommend connector protectors for application requires narrow side view probes, use the
all installations to provide increased environmental 3300 NSv* Proximity Transducer System (refer to
protection8. Specifications and Ordering Information p/n 147385-
Extended Temperature Range Applications
7. 8 mm probes provide a thicker encapsulation of the
An extended temperature range (ETR) probe and ETR probe coil in the molded PPS plastic probe tip. This
extension cable are available for applications in results in a more rugged probe. The larger diameter
which either the probe lead or extension cable may of the probe body also provides a stronger, more
exceed the standard 177 C (350 F) temperature robust case. We recommend that you use 8 mm
probes when possible to provide optimal robustness
specification. The ETR probe has an extended
against physical abuse.
temperature rating for up to 218 C (425 F). The ETR
extension cable rating is up to 260 C (500 F). Both 8. Each 3300 XL extension cable includes silicone tape
the ETR probe and cable are compatible with that you can use instead of connector protectors. We
do not recommend silicone tape for applications that
standard temperature probes and cables, for
will expose the probe-to-extension cable connection
example, you can utilize an ETR probe with the to turbine oil.
330130 extension cable. The ETR system uses the
standard 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor. Note that when
you use any ETR component as part of your system,
the ETR component limits the system accuracy to
the accuracy of the ETR system.
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Specifications Nominal Probe
DC Resistance
Unless otherwise noted, the following specifications
Resistance (RPROBE) from Center
are for a 3300 XL 8 mm Proximitor Sensor, extension
Conductor to Outer Conductor
cable and 8 mm probe between +18 C and +27 C
(+64 F to +80 F), with a -24 Vdc power supply, a 10 Probe Length RPROBE (Ω)
kΩ load, an AISI 4140 steel target, and a probe
gapped at 1.27 mm (50 mils). Performance 0.5 7.45 0.50
characteristics apply to systems that consist solely 1.0 7.59 0.50
of 3300 XL 8 mm components. The system accuracy 1.5 7.73 0.50
and interchangeability specifications do not apply to 2.0 7.88 0.50
transducer systems that are calibrated to any target 3.0 8.17 0.60
other than our AISI 4140 steel target. 5.0 8.73 0.70
9.0 9.87 0.90
Electrical Nominal
Proximitor Extension Cable
Sensor Input DC Resistance
Accepts one non-contacting Resistance (RCORE) from Center
3300-series 5 mm, 3300 8 mm or Conductor to Center Conductor
3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probe
and Extension Cable. Length of Extension
Cable (m)
3.0 0.66 0.10
Requires -17.5 Vdc to -26 Vdc 3.5 0.77 0.12
without barriers at 12 mA 4.0 0.88 0.13
maximum consumption, -23 Vdc 4.5 0.99 0.15
to -26 Vdc with barriers. 6.0 1.32 0.21
Operation at a more positive 7.0 1.54 0.23
voltage than -23.5 Vdc can result 7.5 1.65 0.25
in reduced linear range. 8.0 1.76 0.26
Supply 8.5 1.87 0.28
Less than 2 mV change in output Resistance (RJACKET) from Outer
voltage per volt change in input Conductor to Outer Conductor
Length of Extension
Output RJACKET (Ω)
Cable (m)
3.0 0.20 0.04
50 3.5 0.23 0.05
4.0 0.26 0.05
4.5 0.30 0.06
6.0 0.39 0.08
7.0 0.46 0.09
7.5 0.49 0.10
8.0 0.53 0.11
8.5 0.56 0.11
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Extension Cable Extended
Capacitance Temperature
Range (ETR)
69.9 pF/m (21.3 pF/ft) typical
for 5- and
Field Wiring 9-Metre
0.2 to 1.5 mm2 (16 to 24 AWG) .
Recommend using 3-conductor 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%
shielded triad cable and tinned including interchangeability error
field wiring. Maximum length of when measured in increments of
305 metres (1,000 feet) between 0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 mil
the 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor linear range from 0 °C to +45 °C
and the monitor. See the (+32 °F to +113 °F).
frequency response graphs in
Deviation from best fit straight line (DSL)
through Figure 13 (pages 27 and
28) for signal rolloff at high Standard
frequencies when using longer 5- or 1-metre
field wiring lengths. System:
Linear Range Less than ±0.025 mm (±1 mil) with
components at 0 °C to +45 °C
2 mm (80 mils). Linear range
(+32 °F to +113 °F).
begins at approximately 0.25 mm
(10 mils) from target and is from Standard
0.25 to 2.3 mm (10 to 90 mils) 9-metre
(approximately –1 to –17 Vdc). System:
Recommended Less than ±0.038 mm (±1.5 mil)
Gap Setting for with components at 0 °C to +45
Radial Vibration °C (+32 °F to +113 °F).
-9Vdc [approximately 1.27 mm Extended
(50 mils)] Temperature
Range 5 and
Scale Factor
Less than ±0.038 mm (±1.5 mil)
with components at 0 °C to +45
5- or 1- metre
°C (+32 °F to +113 °F).
7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 5%
Over Extended
including interchangeability error
when measured in increments of
0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 mil Standard
linear range from 0 °C to +45 °C 5- or 1-metre
(+32 °F to +113 °F). System:
Standard Over a probe temperature range
9-metre of –35 °C to +120 °C (-31 °F to
System: +248 °F) with the Proximitor
sensor and extension cable
7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) ± 6.5%
between 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to
including interchangeability error
+113 °F), the ISF remains within
when measured in increments of
±10% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)
0.25 mm (10 mils) over the 80 mil
and the DSL remains within
linear range from 0 °C to +45 °C
±0.076 mm (±3 mils).
(+32 °F to +113 °F).
Specifications and Ordering Information
Part Number 141194-01
Rev. Y (10/15)
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Over a Proximitor sensor and Minimum
extension cable temperature Target Size
range of –35 °C to +65 °C (-31 °F
15.2 mm (0.6 in) diameter (flat
to +149 °F) with the probe
between 0 °C to +45 °C (+32 °F to
+113 °F), the ISF remains within Shaft Diameter
±10% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)
and the DSL remains within
±0.076 mm (±3 mils). 50.8 mm (2 in)
Standard Recommended
9-metre Minimum:
76.2 mm (3 in)
Over a probe temperature range
When gapped at the center of the
of –35 °C to +120 °C (-31 °F to
linear range, the interaction
+248 °F) with the Proximitor
between two separate transducer
sensor and extension cable
systems (cross-talk) will be less
between 0 °C to +45°C (+32 °F to
than 50 mV on shaft diameters of
+113 °F), the ISF remains within
at least 50 mm (2 in) or greater.
±18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil)
You should take care to maintain
and the DSL remains within
minimum separation of
±0.152 mm (±6 mils).
transducer tips, generally at least
Over a Proximitor sensor and 40 mm (1.6 in) for axial position
extension cable temperature measurements or 38 mm (1.5 in)
range of –35 °C to +65 °C (-31 °F for radial vibration measurements
to +149 °F) with the probe to limit cross-talk to 50 mV or less.
between 0 °C to +45 °C (+32 °F to Radial vibration or position
+113 °F), the ISF remains within measurements on shaft
±18% of 7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) diameters smaller than 76.2 mm
and the DSL remains within (3 in) will generally change the
±0.152 mm (±6 mils). scale factor.
Extended Effects of 60 Hz
Temperature Magnetic Fields
Range 5 and up to 300 Gauss
Output Voltage in Mil pp/Gauss
5- or
Over a probe and extension cable 9-metre
Gap 1-metre Ext.
temperature range of –35 °C to Proximitor Probe
(mil) Proximitor Cable
+260 °C (-31 °F to +500 °F) with Sensor
the Proximitor sensor between 0
°C to +45 °C (+32 °F to +113 °F), 10 0.0119 0.0247 0.0004 0.0004
the ISF remains within ±18% of 50 0.0131 0.0323 0.0014 0.0014
7.87 V/mm (200 mV/mil) and the 90 0.0133 0.0348 0.0045 0.0045
DSL remains within ±0.152 mm
(±6 mils).
(0 to 10 kHz), +0, -3 dB, with up to
305 metres (1000 feet) of field
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Compliance and Certifications ATEX/IECEx
EMC 3300 XL
European Community Directives: Proximitor
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC Sensor
Standards: ia:
EN61000-6-4 II 1 G
Ex ia IIC T4/T5 Ga
Maritime T5 @ Ta= -35 C to +85 C
ABS 2009 Steel Vessels Rules T4 @ Ta= -51 C to +100 C
1-1-4/7.7, 4-8-3/1.11.1, 4-9-7/13
Ui= -28V Ci = 0
Hazardous Area Approvals Ii= 140mA Li =10µH
Pi= 0.91W
Note: For a detailed listing of country and product specific nA:
approvals, refer to the Approvals Quick Reference Guide
(document 108M1756) located at the following website: II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4/T5 Gc
T5 @ Ta= -35 C to +85 C
T4 @ Ta= -51 C to +100 C
3300 XL
3300 XL
Proximitor Note: Probe entity parameters are
8mm probe
Sensor and met when used with BN extension
probe, ia: cables and connected to BN Prox.
Ex ia IIC T4/T5; Class I Zone 0 or ia:
Class 1; Groups A, B, C, and D,
Class II, Groups E, F and G, Class
II 1 G
III when installed with intrinsically
Ex ia IIC T1…T5 Ga, (see Table 1:
safe zener barriers per drawing
Temperature Schedule)
141092 or when installed with
galvanic isolators. Ui = -28V Ci = 1.5 nF
3300 XL Ii = 140 mA Li = 210 µH
Proximitor Pi = 0.91 W
Sensor and
probe, nA:
II 3 G
Ex nA IIC T4/T5 Class I Zone 2 or
Ex nA IIC T1…T5 Gc, (see Table 1:
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C,
Temperature Schedule).
and D, when installed without
barriers per drawing 140979. Ui = -28V
T5 @ Ta= -35 C to +85 C.
T4 @ Ta= -51 C to +100 C.
Table 1: Temperature Schedule
Temperature Ambient Temperature
Classification (Probe Only)
T1 -51ºC to +232ºC
T2 -51ºC to +177ºC
T3 -51ºC to +120ºC
T4 -51ºC to +80ºC
T5 -51ºC to +40ºC
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Hazardous Area Mechanical
Conditions of Probe Tip
Safe Use: Material
CSA/NRTL/C: Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS).
ia: Probe Case
Install per Bently Nevada drawing Material
141092. AISI 303 or 304 stainless steel
nA: (SST).
Install per Bently Nevada drawing Probe Cable
140979. Specifications
75Ω triaxial, fluoroethylene
ia: propylene (FEP) insulated probe
None cable in the following total probe
lengths: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, or 9
nA: metres.
Equipment must be installed in a Extended
suitabily approved enclosure that Temperature
provides the terminals with a Range cable:
degree of protection of at least
IP54. 75Ω triaxial, perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)
insulated probe cable in the
IECEx: following total probe lengths: 0.5,
ia: 1, 1.5, 2, 5, or 9 metres.
The Prox must be installed so as Armor
to minimize the risk of impact or (optional on
friction with other metallic both):
surfaces. Flexible AISI 302 or 304 SST with
nA: FEP outer jacket.
The Prox must be installed so as Tensile Strength
to provide the terminals with a (Maximum
degree of protection of at least Rated):
IP54. 330 N (75 lbf) probe case to probe
270 N (60 lbf) at probe lead to
extension cable connectors.
Gold-plated brass or gold-plated
beryllium copper.
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Probe Case Connector-to-
Torque: connector
Probe Type Recommended torque:
Standard Connector Type Tightening Instructions
33.9 Nm 11.2 Nm
forward-mounted Two 3300 XL gold
(300 inlbf) (100 inlbf)
probes "click" type Finger tight
Standard forward- connectors
22.6 Nm 7.5 Nm
mount probes - One non-XL stainless
(200 inlbf) (66 inlbf)
first three threads steel connector and Finger tight plus 1/8 turn
Reverse-mount 22.6 Nm 7.5 Nm one 3300 XL using pliers
probes (200 inlbf) (66 inlbf) connector
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Environmental Limits Extension Cable Temperature Range
Probe Temperature Range Operating and
Operating and Storage
Storage Temperature
Temperature Standard
Standard Cable:
Probe: -51 °C to +177 °C (-60 °F to +350
-51 °C to +177 °C (-60 °F to +350 °F)
°F) Extended
Extended Temperature
Temperature Range Cable:
Range Probe: -51 °C to +260 °C (-60 °F to +500
-51 °C to +218 °C (-60 °F to °F)
+425°F) for the probe tip; -51 °C to Proximitor Sensor Temperature Range
+260 °C (-60 °F to +500 °F) for the
probe cable and connector. Operating
Note: Exposing the probe to temperatures below –34 C (-30 F)
may cause premature failure of the pressure seal. -51 °C to +100 °C (-60 °F to +212
Probe Pressure
3300 XL 8 mm probes are Temperature
designed to seal differential
pressure between the probe tip -51 °C to +105 °C (-60 °F to +221
and case. The probe sealing °F)
material consists of a Viton® Relative
O-ring. Probes are not pressure Humidity
tested prior to shipment. Contact
our custom design department if Less than a 3% change in
you require a test of the pressure Average Scale Factor (ASF) when
seal for your application. tested in 93% humidity in
accordance with IEC standard
Note: It is the responsibility of the customer or user to ensure
that all liquids and gases are contained and safely
68-2-3 for up to 56 days.
controlled should leakage occur from a proximity probe.
In addition, solutions with high or low pH values may Patents
erode the tip assembly of the probe causing media Components or procedures
leakage into surrounding areas. Bently Nevada, Inc. will
not be held responsible for any damages resulting from
described in one or more of the
leaking 3300 XL 8 mm proximity probes. In addition, 3300 following patents apply to this
XL 8 mm proximity probes will not be replaced under the product: 5,016,343; 5,126,664;
service plan due to probe leakage. 5,351,588; and 5,685,884.
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Ordering Information D: Connector and Cable-Type Option
01 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
Note: For a detailed listing of country and product specific connector with connector
approvals, refer to the Approvals Quick Reference Guide protector, standard cable
(document 108M1756) located at the following website: 02 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
connector, standard cable
11 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
connector with connector
Ordering Information Probes protector, FluidLoc cable
12 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
connector, FluidLoc cable
E: Agency Approval Option
3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes: 00 Not required
330101 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, 05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
without armor2
330102 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, with 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Metric:
armor2 330103 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, without
Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXX armor2
A: Unthreaded Length Option 330104 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, with
Note: Unthreaded length must be at least 0.8 inches less than
the case length. Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX-EXX
Order in increments of 0.1 in A: Unthreaded Length Option
Length configurations:
Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 in Note: Unthreaded length must be at least 20 mm less than the
case length.
Minimum unthreaded length: 0.0 in
Example: 0 4 = 0.4 in Order in increments of 10 mm.
B: Overall Case Length Option Length configuration:
Order in increments of 0.1 in Maximum unthreaded length: 230
Threaded length configurations: mm
Maximum case length: 9.6 in Minimum unthreaded length: 0 mm
Minimum case length: 0.8 in Example: 0 6 = 60 mm
Example: 2 4 = 2.4 in B: Overall Case Length Option
C: Total Length Option Order in increments of 10 mm.
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet) Metric thread configurations:
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) Maximum length: 250 mm
15 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) Minimum length: 20 mm
20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet) Example: 0 6 = 60 mm
30 3.0 metres (9.8 feet) C: Total Length Option
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet) 05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) 10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
Notes: 3-metre length option is only available on 330101 probes, 15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)
and are designed for use with the 9-metre Proximitor 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
sensor only. 50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)
5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre
Proximitor sensor only. Proximitor sensor only.
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D: Connector and Cable-Type Option
01 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc 3300 XL 8 mm Proximity Probes, Smooth Case:
connector with connector 330140 3300 XL 8 mm Probe without armor1
protector, standard cable
02 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc 330141 3300 XL 8 mm Probe with armor1
connector, standard cable Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX
11 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
connector with connector Option Descriptions
protector, FluidLoc cable A: Overall Case Length Option
12 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc Order in increments of 0.1 in
connector, FluidLoc cable Length configurations:
E: Agency Approval Option Maximum length: 9.6 in
00 Not required Minimum length: 0.8 in
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals Example: 2 4 = 2.4 in
B: Total Length Option
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
3300 XL 8 mm Reverse Mount Probes 10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)
330105-02-12-CXX-DXX-EXX, 3/8-24 UNF threads2 20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
330106-05-30-CXX-DXX-EXX, M10 x 1 threads2 50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)
Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre
Option Descriptions Proximitor sensor only.
C: Total Length Option 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet) C: Connector and Cable-Type Option
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) 01 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
15 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) connector with connector
20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet) protector, standard cable
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet) 02 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre connector, standard cable
Proximitor sensor only. 11 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
connector with connector
90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
protector, FluidLoc cable
D: Connector Option
12 Miniature coaxial ClickLoc
02 Miniature ClickLoc coaxial
connector, FluidLoc cable
D: Agency Approval Option
12 Miniature ClickLoc coaxial
00 Not required
connector, FluidLoc cable
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
Note: The FluidLoc cable option –12 is not necessary on the vast
majority of 330105 and 330106 installations due to the
presence of the probe sleeve. Consider carefully the
application before ordering the FluidLoc cable option for
these probes.
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3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range 3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range
(ETR) Proximity Probes: (ETR) Proximity Probes, Metric:
330191 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread, 330193 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, without
without armor armor
330194 3300 XL 8 mm Probe, M10 x 1 thread, with armor
330192 3300 XL 8 mm ETR Probe, 3/8-24 UNF thread,
with armor Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX
Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX-DXX A: Unthreaded Length Option
A: Unthreaded Length Option Note: Unthreaded length must be at least 20 mm less than the
case length.
Note: Unthreaded length must be at least 0.8 inches less than
the case length. Order in increments of 10 mm.
Length configuration:
Order in increments of 0.1 in
Maximum unthreaded length: 230
Length configurations:
Maximum unthreaded length: 8.8 in
Minimum unthreaded length: 0 mm
Minimum unthreaded length: 0.0 in
Example: 0 6 = 60 mm
Example: 1 5 = 1.5 in
B: Overall Case Length Option
B: Overall Case Length Option
Order in increments of 10 mm.
Order in increments of 0.5 in
Metric thread configurations:
Threaded length configurations:
Maximum length: 250 mm
Maximum case length: 9.6 in
Minimum length: 20 mm
Minimum case length: 0.8 in
Example: 0 6 = 60 mm
Example: 2 5 = 2.5 in
C: Total Length Option
C: Total Length Option
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet)
15 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)
20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)
Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre
Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre Proximitor sensor only.
Proximitor sensor only.
90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet)
D: Agency Approval Option
D: Agency Approval Option
00 Not required
00 Not required
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
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3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range Aluminum probe clamp bracket1
(ETR) Reverse Mount Probes 137491-AXX
330195-02-12-CXX-DXX, 3/8-24 UNF threads
A: Mounting screw option
330196-05-30-CXX-DXX, M10 x 1 threads 01 10-24 UNC-2A mounting
C: Total Length Option
02 M5 x 0.8-6g mounting screws
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet)
The aluminum clamp bracket is an unthreaded
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet)
mounting bracket designed for use with the smooth
15 1.5 metre (4.9 feet)
case probes (330140, 330141, 330197 and 330198).
20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet)
After gapping the probe, tighten the clamp bracket
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet)
by tightening the screws. The mounting screws have
Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre
Proximitor sensor only. pre-drilled holes for safety wire.
90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) Aluminum probe threaded mounting bracket
D: Agency Approval Option
00 Not required 137492-AXX
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals A: Thread size
01 3/8-24
3300 XL 8 mm Extended Temperature Range 04 M10 x 1
(ETR) Proximity Probes, Smooth Case: The aluminum probe threaded mounting bracket is
330197 3300 XL 8 mm Probe without armor1 the standard mounting bracket for most 3300 and
3300 XL probe installations. The -01 option includes
330198 3300 XL 8 mm Probe with armor1 two 10-24 UNC-2A mounting screws. The -04 option
Part Number-AXX-BXX-CXX includes two M5 x 0.8-6g mounting screws. The
mounting screws have pre-drilled holes for safety
A: Overall Case Length Option wire.
Order in increments of 0.5 in
Length configurations: Phenolic threaded probe mounting bracket
Maximum length: 9.5 in 27474-AXX
Minimum length: 1.0 in
Example: 3 5 = 3.5 in A: Thread size
B: Total Length Option 01 3/8-24
05 0.5 metre (1.6 feet) 04 M10 x 1
10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) We recommend the phenolic threaded mounting
15 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) bracket if your application requires additional
20 2.0 metres (6.6 feet) electric isolation from the mounting location (as in
50 5.0 metres (16.4 feet) some generator and electrical motor bearing
locations). The -01 option includes two 10-24 UNC-
Note: 5-metre probes are designed for use with the 5-metre 2A mounting screws. The -04 option includes two M5
Proximitor sensor only.
x 0.8-6g mounting screws. The mounting screws
90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) have pre-drilled holes for safety wire.
C: Agency Approval Option
00 Not required
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
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Probe Ordering Information Notes:
Ordering Information Proximitor
1. Mounting clamps must be ordered separately for
330140, 330141, 330197, and 330198. Sensor
2. For a shorter delivery time, order commonly
stocked probes. The following part numbers are
3300 XL Proximitor Sensor
currently stocked probes:
330101-00-08-05-02-00, 330101-00-08-05-02-05,
330101-00-08-10-02-00, 330101-00-08-10-02-05, A: Total Length and Mounting Option
330101-00-12-10-02-00, 330101-00-12-10-02-05, 10 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) system
330101-00-16-10-02-00, 330101-00-16-10-02-05, length, panel mount
330101-00-20-05-02-00, 330101-00-20-10-02-00, 11 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) system
330101-00-20-10-02-05, 330101-00-30-10-02-00, length, DIN mount
330101-00-30-10-02-05, 330101-00-40-05-02-00, 12 1.0 metre (3.3 feet) system
330101-00-40-10-02-00, 330101-00-40-10-02-05, length, no mounting hardware
330101-00-60-10-02-00, 330101-00-60-10-02-05, 50 5.0 metre (16.4 feet) system
330102-00-20-10-02-00, 330103-00-02-10-02-05, length, panel mount
330103-00-04-10-02-00, 330103-00-05-10-02-00, 51 5.0 metre (16.4 feet) system
330104-00-06-10-02-00, 330104-01-05-50-02-00, length, DIN mount
330105-02-12-05-02-00, 330105-02-12-05-02-05, 52 5.0 metre (16.4 feet) system
330105-02-12-10-02-00, 330105-02-12-10-02-05, length, no mounting hardware
330106-05-30-05-02-00, 330106-05-30-05-02-05, 90 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) system
330106-05-30-10-02-00, 330106-05-30-10-02-05. length, panel mount
91 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) system
length, DIN mount
92 9.0 metres (29.5 feet) system
length, no mounting hardware
B: Agency Approval Option
00 Not required
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx approvals
Page 14 of 35
Ordering Information Extension 3300 XL Extended Temperature Range (ETR)
Extension Cable
Note: Make sure that the extension cable length and the probe
length, when added together, equal the Proximitor Sensor
3300 XL Standard Extension Cable total length.
Note: Make sure that the extension cable length and the probe
A: Cable Length Option
length, when added together, equal the Proximitor Sensor 0 3 0 3.0 metres (9.8 feet)
total length. 0 3 5 3.5 metres (11.5 feet)
0 4 0 4.0 metres (13.1 feet)
A: Cable Length Option 0 4 5 4.5 metres (14.8 feet)
0 3 0 3.0 metres (9.8 feet) 0 7 0 7.0 metres (22.9 feet)
0 3 5 3.5 metres (11.5 feet) 0 7 5 7.5 metres (24.6 feet)
0 4 0 4.0 metres (13.1 feet) 0 8 0 8.0 metres (26.2 feet)
0 4 5 4.5 metres (14.8 feet) 0 8 5 8.5 metres (27.9 feet)
0 6 0 6.0 metres (19.7 feet) B: Cable Option
0 7 0 7.0 metres (22.9 feet) 00 Standard cable
0 7 5 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) 01 Armored cable
0 8 0 8.0 metres (26.2 feet) C: Agency Approval Option
0 8 5 8.5 metres (27.9 feet) 00 Not required
B: Connector Protector and Cable Option 05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
00 Standard cable
01 Armored cable
02 Standard cable with connector
03 Armored cable with connector
10 FluidLoc cable
11 Armored FluidLoc cable
12 FluidLoc cable with connector
13 Armored FluidLoc cable with
connector protector
C: Agency Approval Option
00 Not required
05 CSA, ATEX, IECEx Approvals
Page 15 of 35
Accessories 148722-01
141078-01 3300 XL test plug. The 3300 XL
Manual. Test Plug contains 3 small test
pins attached to 3 color-coded 1-
175751 metre wires, each terminated in a
3300 XL Multi-Purpose Stainless banana plug. The 3-pin adapter
Steel Housing. 12”x12”x6”. Can plugs into the test pin holes on
hold up to 8 Proximitor Sensors in 3300 XL-style Proximitor sensors.
a DIN-mount configuration or 6 You can use this test plug to
Proximitor Sensors in a panel- check the performance of the
mount configuration. (Available Proximitor sensor from the test
with ATEX Zone 0 and Zone 1 pin holes in the terminal strip
certifications.) without removing the field wiring.
176467 04310310
Page 16 of 35
40180-02 330153-01
Connector protectors. Package 3300 XL connector kit. Used on
contains 10 pairs of connector 3300 XL 8 mm probes and
protectors for 3300 XL 8 mm extension cables. Contains 1 pair
probes and extension cables. each of male and female ClickLoc
connectors, 2 color-coded
sleeves, 2 pieces of slit FEP tubing,
75Ω triaxial male connector and 1 strip of silicone tape.
protector. Male connector
protectors install onto the
extension cable and attach to the 330153-09
female connector protector on
3300 XL ETR Connector Kit. Used
the probe, providing
on ETR 3300 XL 8mm probes and
environmental protection of
3300 ETR XL extension cables.
Contains one pair of male and
03839420 female ClickLoc connectors, two
color-coded sleeves, two pieces
75Ω triaxial female connector
of high temperature slit FEP
protector. Female connector
tubing, and one strip of silicon
protectors install onto the probe
lead and attach to the male
connector protector on the 163356
extension cable, providing
Connector Crimp Tool Kit.
environmental protection of
Includes 1 set of multiconnector
connectors. You can also place
inserts and connector installation
the connector protector onto the
instructions. Compatible only
extension cable to slide over the
with 330153 connector kits or
connection to the Proximitor
with probes shipped in 2003 or
sensor to protect that connection
later with ClickLoc connectors
from the environment.
uninstalled. Supplied with
04301007 carrying case.
3/8-24 probe lock nut with
safety wire holes. Single probe
lock nut with 2 holes drilled
through the nut in order to secure
the lock nut in place with safety
M10 x 1 probe lock nut with
safety wire holes. Single probe
lock nut with 2 holes drilled
through the nut in order to secure
the lock nut in place with safety
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Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
4 0.10
DSL Error (mils)
2 0.05
0 0.00
-2 -0.05
-4 -0.10
Referenced to 7.87
V/mm (200 mV/mil)
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gap (m ils)
Page 18 of 35
Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
6 0.15
0 0.00
-2 -0.05
-4 -0.10
-6 -0.15
Referenced to 7.87
V/mm (200 mV/mil)
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gap (m ils)
Page 19 of 35
Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
6 0.15
4 0.10
0 0.00
-2 -0.05
-4 -0.10
-6 -0.15
Referenced to 7.87
V/mm (200 mV/mil)
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gap (m ils)
1m P ro be @ 25 °C (77 °F) 1m P ro be @ -35 °C (-31°F)
1m P ro be @ 120 °C (248 °F)
Figure 3: Typical 3300 XL 8mm Probe over API 670 Operating Range
Page 20 of 35
Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
6 0.15
4 0.10
DSL Error (mils)
0 0.00
-2 -0.05
-4 -0.10
-6 -0.15
Referenced to 7.87
V/mm (200 mV/mil)
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gap (m ils)
Figure 4: Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5m Proximitor Sensor with 4m Extension Cable at Tc (Probe is at 25 C)
Page 21 of 35
Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
8 0.20
6 0.15
DSL Error (mils)
2 0.05
0 0.00
-2 -0.05
-4 -0.10
-6 -0.15
-8 -0.20
Referenced to
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
Gap (m ils) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 5: Typical 3300 XL 8 mm 5m Proximitor Sensor with 4m Extension Cable at Th (Probe is at 25C)
Page 22 of 35
Gap (m m )
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
8 0.20
6 0.15
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gap (m ils)
Figure 6: Typical 3300 XL 8mm 9 m Proximitor Sensor with 8m of Extension Cable at Tc (Probe is at 25 C)
Page 23 of 35
Gap (m m )
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
8 0.20
6 0.15
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Gap (m ils)
Th=+25 °C (+77 °F) Th=+65 °C (+149 °F)
Th=+85 °C (+185 °F) Th=+100 °C (+212 °F)
Figure 7: Typical 3300 XL 8mm 9m Proximitor Sensor with 8m Extension Cable at Th (Probe is at 25 C)
Page 24 of 35
Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
10 0.25
8 0.20
6 0.15
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
Gap (m ils) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 8: Typical 3300 XL Extended Temperature Range Probe and 4m Extended Temperature Range Extension
Cable at Th (Proximitor Sensor and Probe Tip with 1-foot Cable are at +25 C)
Page 25 of 35
Gap (m m ) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
10 0.25
8 0.20
6 0.15
ISF Error (%)
Output (Volts)
Gap (m ils) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 9: Typical 3300 XL Extended Temperature Range Probe and 8m Extended Temperature Range Extension
Cable at Th (Proximitor Sensor and Probe Tip with 1-foot Cable are at +25 C)
Page 26 of 35
Frequency Response to Different Field Wiring Lengths
without Barriers (5 m System)
Magnitude (dB)
100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 10: Frequency Response, Typical 3300 XL 8mm 5m or 1m System with Varying Lengths of Field Wiring
Attached, No Barriers
100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Frequency (Hz)
No field wiring 1000' wiring 2000' wiring
5000' wiring 12,000' wiring
Figure 11: Phase Response, Typical 3300 XL 8mm 5m or 1m System with Varying Lengths of Field Wiring Attached,
No Barriers
Page 27 of 35
Frequency Response to Different Field Wiring Lengths without
Barriers (9 m System)
Magnitude (dB) -1
100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 12: Frequency Response, Typical 3300 XL 8mm 9m System with Varying Lengths of Field Wiring Attached,
No Barriers
100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 13: Phase Response, Typical 3300 XL 8mm 9m System with Varying Lengths of Field Wiring Attached, No
Page 28 of 35
Note: All dimensions shown in millimetres (inches) except as noted.
1 3
2.5 (0.10) 6
Page 29 of 35
2 (0.08)
5 (0.2) 5
Page 30 of 35
2 4
1 3
2.54 (0.100)
6 7
Page 31 of 35
83.8 83.8
1 (3.30) (3.30)
83.8 83.8
(3.30) (3.30) 7
6 8
2 3
1 4
Page 32 of 35
1. Mounting option “A”, Options –50 or -90
Figure 19: Panel Mount 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor
Page 33 of 35
1. Mounting option “A”, Options –50 or -90
Figure 21: Physical Mounting Characteristics Showing Interchangeability of 3300 and 3300 XL Proximitor Sensors
when 4-hole Mounting Option Is Used8
Figure Notes:
1. All dimensions on figures are in millimetres (inches) unless otherwise noted.
2. Standard mount 8 mm probes supplied with M17 or 9/16 inch lock nut.
3. Probes ordered with 5 or 9 metre integral cables have a length tolerance of +20%, -0%.
4. Reverse mount probes not available with armor or connector protector options.
6. Stainless steel armor is supplied with FEP outer jacket for standard probes, PFA outer jacket for ETR probes.
7. FEP jacket is standard non-armored portion of the cable for standard probes, PFA jacket on non-armored portion
for ETR probes.
8. Use M3.5 or #6 screws for panel-mount Proximitor Sensors (screws provided when purchasing Bently Nevada
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* Denotes a trademark of Bently Nevada, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company.
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