eseMedicine h·eTfps BURN DISEASE OUT OF YOUR BODY ••• lying flat on your back, ·using nothing more than the palm of your hand!
At last! A new (although it i.s 4,Cx.x) )'ears old),
and dirferent tYPC' of self-healing. Born i.n China over 40 Centuries ago, ir is called Taoisc medicine. PLUS AIL THtS-BV DR. CHAN(; And wt will th( foremost prdditionerof i1 in the Western world - Or. S1ephen T. Chana- 8i"'e you How to eventually throy,· your gla.~ses away, simply a britf a nd startling in1roduccjon to i1: by rubbing around )'Our eyes fol' a few minult'$ ''J'rcsently. growing old conjures images of high each day. blood pressure. arterial sclerosis, embolisms.• canc:crs and diseases or au imaginati\·e types. Until 0
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recently, Wes1erners have been given few altema· colds. allttgies, and sinus rondhions. simply by tivcs for dealing ~i th th<><:. We have allowed our ABotJT THE AUTHOR certain poin's about your nose. bodies and minds to wtaken. Howc\•cr, the mai.n emphasis of 1he Internal Cum:ntl)', he i$ on tllc: fa.ct.I.lo•, or conwhitta or conduc- Excrdses, h on lit.rcngthening our bodies and tini classes and kttum in Chittes< m«5cint (whkh be has How to use nan.iral healing water as a fonn of bttfl prac1iclng for m0re tMn 25 year$) in such unh~lc$ medjdne, so powerful 1ha' ir may be used to lft'al minds. By perfonning these si.mpk C"Xercises on a and organiutiom ~: The U N~~)' of O*>, Nor· daily basi$. we can look forward to life fr« w;ay, , , U.S. Public H~tb Snvi."t HospiW., San Francis- cues and Other infections. And so poy,·erfuf, indeed, from anxtecy or ruture illnesses and weakness due co . . . The Unlvcrs~ or Ott-gon . • . Cole.&c ol San that, when properly used, ir helps prevent tooth to present d~. ,\taltc). , ,(;Qldm est Collqc: . . . Cc:n1er f(Jf Cllincst: decay. . "We thus able to gain control over 1h.c vast Medicine, Continuing Educ;.;uion •• •and many m0tt. energy UPoJ\ which all life ck-pends. We can then In addition. Dr. Chang tias p -cn man~ W«kshops f« Brain cleansing- by breathing. rqistcttd nu~. V.'htn hdd in Calirom:1t. ror v:amplc, use this energy to heaJ oorsdves as y,·ett ;as others.'· each 11forklbop pf'O\idcdContinuin& EdtK2tioo CtWit by: Califocnia State: Board of R·taisttttd Nursing . . . American The s.tatc of inner visjon, that hc:IP5 )'(lo Sot' the: •• •.. SELF·HEAUNG. WHICH IS THt: NATURALRESULTOFOOINGTHESE EXEROSES ON A RF.GULAR 8ASIS. IS GUARANTEED.•• ... Mtdical A1&C'lclation c.a14vry II . . . a1id Calif0tt1ia State Soard or l)(n(a.I Examiners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~... focused on the 1~ps or your fingers. THAT IS ALL signs bcfort a begins 10 take hold in yoor body . How to check stomach sag, mere()· by C01Kt,11r a 1. THERE lSTO THE ENTIRE EXERCISE. "The Internal Exercises are easily performed, re· Nothing mo1t. Not a single strain on any part o f ing on your fed. quirt no strenuous activity, and do not require • your body. Your heart bca1 docs:n't rise a single great deal of time to perform. be-at. And )'tl, what happc:ns is this- For men. how to prevent or rt\>ersc pr06tratc or "They are the very opposite an external cxn-- ''This exen;ise creates a Oow of entrgy which enlar~ement by using a simple throe-n1inute sitting dsc. While external may produce an comC'S in through the fing_ers of tht right hand, exercise. attractive outer figure, they often do·so by ~kt comes acr0$$ the chest and i.ntcS the heart, then ing the energy or the internal organs, thtrcfoitt passes 1hrougll the heart. IT STRENGTHENS AS DR. CHAJllG SAID, .. IF ONE NEVU causing noc only any number of illneMeS, bu1 also THE HEART TISSUES AND SURROUNDING HAS A MILD ILLNESS, THEN A SERIOUS • premature aging. BLOOD VESSELS. With practice., you wilt be able DISEASE Will. NEVER DEVELOP.'" 0 lnterna.I Exercises encourage the circulatory to fttl thcc:ntirecircle ofenergy as it passes through S)'StCtll without speeding up the hean rate. AU the your anns, body and h eart. Then yOu will know Many )'ears ago, most mtdkal men ·would have cxcrc:iliCS are done.slowly, witho1.n eftort. You sec, that you are building a stronger heart." laughed at the Taoisc me<Ucal in\·en1ion of acu~ the number or times our heart beats dUri11$ our life- puncture. Now thousands of doaors all over ti~ i~icatcs the len;gsh o f our life. We do not AND Tll£SE ARE.THE mULTS DR. America are using it fo1 their own suppk-mc-ntary want the heart to y,·w out prcmaturtly. The heart CHA.NG PROMISES YOU- treatment. Will the liame story now be repca1t'd rate does not increase during the pra(1ioe of lht'sc wilh these IntcroaJ Exercises? exercises and, indeed, through tbar practice the ..Solar plexu.s «crcis:e." in wbkh the Cbintse bean rate actuall}' slows down." help DURN DJSEASEOlIT OF THEIR BOOLES No one knows, but alr<ady they are beill$ uS<d .. • lying flat on their back, using nothing more b)' tlt0u3&ndsor people to heal 1hcmMh·es, t h.roueh FOR EXAMPLE, LET US GI VE YOU THE t han the~ of cheir band. 1hh great new book. SIMPLE INTERNAL EXERCISE THAT "Likewise, by massaging the ouuidc.of the legs Here's all you do. To receive a re1urn°n1ail copy ENVIGIZES THE HEART. in a downy,·ard fashion, problems, such as high of THE BOOK OF INTERNAL EXERClSES by blood pressure, water retention, and overweight Dr. S<"l'henT. Chang. send Sl2.98inf\lllpaym<n1 No movement is rcqujrcd. A U you do instead i5 •. •can be <:uttd or prevented from occurring. (which includes handling and postage) to Personal trus: Problems of bursitis and arthritis can be reversed, Realizatlon, Inc., S)S Fifth Ave.,°""'· WIYl·I Sit or stand, wh.b your hands simply extended in or at lea<;t prevented from degenerating funhcr. New York Oty, ·N.Y., 10017. front or your chest at the IC".'d or your shoulders as ''Excess fat, Y."3.tetand neshmusclcwill bcdimi- Try these'lnternal Exercise; for as long as )·oo sbown on page 82. Makesur< that the fingertips of natcd., and the belly will sMnk. wish, entirely at our risk. If thty do n0< do every. each hand alm05t touch-but koc:p about a quarter "This motion breab up constipation, en- thing that Dr. Chang says; simply rrtum the book of an inch discanoe between them. Keep yoor eyes courages absorpcion of oucricion and strengthcfU: at any time, for C\'Cf'Y cent of YoUI' money back.
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