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Vehicle Insurance Policy Against Third Party Risks Policy

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Liability Covered an accident involving the insured

1. Cover for the insured vehicle.

Subject to the limits of liability stated
in the schedule hereto, the 4. Payments made outside the
Corporation will cover the insured terms and conditions of the
against liability in respect of death of policy
or bodily injury to any person or If the Corporation has to make
damage to property arising from payment in or towards the discharge of
collision, roll/overturning, fire or any liability of any person which is
Policy No: 4093112020023522 explosion caused by the insured covered by this policy by virtue only of
vehicle and/or liability for damage or the Proclamation to provide for Vehicle
VEHICLE INSURANCE POLICY injury caused by falling of objects Insurance Against Third Party Risks
carried by the vehicle, its accessories which would not otherwise have been
AGAINST THIRD PARTY covered by this policy, the insurer
or tools being used in connection with
RISKS POLICY the vehicle. retains the right to recover such
payment from the insured.
Whereas the insured by the proposal and 2. Cover for other persons
declaration which shall be the basis of this Subject to the terms and limits of this
contract and is deemed to be incorporated policy, the Corporation will also
herein has applied to the Ethiopian Insurance provide cover under Section 1 above Exceptions
corporation (hereinafter called the Corporation) for any person driving the insured The Corporation will not be liable for:
for vehicle insurance cover against third party vehicle on the insured’s order or with
risks in compliance with the relevant provisions the insured’s permission provided 1. Loss of or damage to the insured
of the Proclamation No. 799/2013 that: motor vehicle;
Whereas the insured has paid the premium as - The certificate of insurance allows 2. Loss of or damage to any property
consideration for such insurance cover, that person to drive the insured belonging to or held in trust or in the
vehicle; custody or control of the insured
Now, therefore, this policy together with the person under this policy;
Schedule and the Certificate of Insurance - Such person is not entitled the
witnesses the cover granted in respect of events same cover under any other policy; 3. Death of or bodily injury to the insured
occurring during the period of insurance and and person or member of the insured
subject to the terms exceptions and conditions person’s family;
contained herein together with any - Such person complies with the
endorsements attached hereon, (hereinafter terms, exceptions, conditions and 4. Death of or bodily injury to any person
collectively referred to as the terms of this endorsements of this policy. hired by the insured person and
policy) occurred in the course of such
3 Emergency Medical Treatment employment;
The Corporation will pay Emergency
Medical Treatment expenses, up to a 5. Loss of or damage to property carried
maximum amount stated in the in or on the insured vehicle;
Schedule, in respect of any injury
sustained by any person as a result of

6. Damage to any bridge, weighbridge or via 12. Any liability directly or indirectly, 16. Any legal liability of whatsoever nature
duct or to any road or anything beneath by proximately or remotely, occasioned directly or indirectly caused by or
vibration or by weight of the insured motor by or contributed to, by or traceable contributed to or arising from:
vehicle or of the load carried by the insured
to or arising out of or in connection a) Ionizing radiation or contamination
motor vehicle;
with flood, typhoon, hurricane, by radioactivity from any nuclear
windstorm, volcanic eruption, fuel or from any nuclear waste
7. Death of, bodily injury to or damage to from the combustion of nuclear
property caused by sparks or ashes from the earthquake or other convulsion of
insured motor vehicle; nature; b) The radioactive, toxic explosive or
other hazardous properties of any
8. Death of, bodily injury to or damage to 13. Any form of liability arising from war, explosive nuclear assembly or
property caused by or arising from the invasion, act of foreign enemy, nuclear component.
bringing of the load to the insured motor
hostilities or war-like operations
vehicle for loading or the taking away of the 17. Any form of liability caused by or
load from the insured motor vehicle after (whether war be declared or not) civil
arising out of the explosion of a boiler
unloading by any person; war, mutiny, riot, strikes, civil
or air pressure vessel forming part of
commotion, military or popular rising, or attached to or on the insured motor
9. Any accident, loss, or liability caused, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, vehicle.
sustained or incurred: military or usurped power, martial law
a) Outside the territory of Ethiopia; or state of siege, armed or unarmed
b) Whilst the insured motor vehicle is robbery, shifta action, hold-up or any
engaged in racing, pace making, act of banditry or any of the events or Conditions
reliability trial or speed testing or whilst causes which determine the 1. Duty of the Insured
the insured motor vehicle is being used The due observance and fulfillment of
proclamation or maintenance of
otherwise than for the purpose the terms and conditions of this policy
martial law or state of siege; in so far as they relate to anything to
mentioned in the Schedule and the be done or not to be done by the
Certificate of Insurance; 14. Any form of liability whilst the insured insured or any person claiming to be
c) Whilst the driver of the insured motor motor vehicle is towing any trailer not indemnified and the truth of the
vehicle is under the influence of specifically insured by the statements and answers in the
intoxicating liquor or drug; Corporation or towing any disabled proposal or accident report shall be
conditions precedent to any liability of
mechanically propelled motor vehicle;
the Corporation under this policy.
10. Any contractual liability;
15. Any liability caused by overloading or 2. Care of Motor vehicle
11. Any form of liability arising whilst the insured strain or the number of persons The insured, his employee or any
motor vehicle under this policy is being exceeding the seating capacity of the authorized driver or any one in charge
driven by any person who has no driving insured motor vehicle as specified in of the insured motor vehicle shall take
license permitting him to drive the insured the ownership booklet issued by the all reasonable steps to maintain the
motor vehicle or is disqualified from holding relevant licensing authority, insured motor vehicle in efficient and
or obtaining such license; road worthy condition. The Corporation
shall have at all times free and full

access to examine the insured motor vehicle name of the insured the defense in sit with the arbitrators and preside at
or any part thereof or any driver or employee civil cases or the negotiation and their meetings. The making of an
of the insured. settlement of any claim or to institute award shall be a condition precedent to
civil action in the name of the insured any right of action against the
3. Misrepresentation for its own benefit any claims for Corporation.
No person may, for the purpose of obtaining indemnity or damages or otherwise
a vehicle insurance policy, make any false against any third party and shall have 9. Cancellation
statements which may result in non full discretion in the conduct of any The Corporation may cancel this policy
applicability of such policy or commit any act proceedings and in the settlement of by giving the insured fifteen days
which disentitles him to claim under such any claim and the insured shall notice by registered letter to the
policy. furnish all such information and insured at his last known address and
assistance as the Corporation may in such event will return to the insured
4. Fraud require the premium paid less the pro-rata
If any claim is fraudulent in any way or if portion for the period the policy has
fraudulent means is used by the insured or 7. Other insurance been in force. The policy may also be
by any one acting on his behalf to obtain any cancelled at any time by the insured by
If at the time of occurrence of an
benefit under this policy, all benefits under written notice and provided no claim
event that gives rise to any claim
this policy shall be forfeited. has arisen during the current period of
under this policy there is any other
insurance covering the same loss or insurance the insured shall be entitled
5. Notification of Accident and Claim for damage or liability, the Corporation to a return of premium less the
Compensation shall not be liable to pay or contribute premium at the Corporation short
Any insured person shall, unless prevented more than its rate-able proportion of period rates for the period the policy
by the existence of force majeure, give to any loss or damage or compensation has been in force.
the Corporation notice of accident involving costs and expenses.
the insured vehicle immediately or, at the The Certificate of Insurance shall
latest, within ten days from the date of the remain the property of the Corporation
8. Arbitration
occurrence of such an accident. Every letter, and must be returned to the
If any difference arises as to the
claim, writ and/or summons shall be Corporation immediately upon
amount to be paid under this policy
forwarded to the Corporation immediately on cancellation of the policy to which it
(liability being otherwise admitted),
receipt by the insured. Notice shall also be relates.
such difference shall be referred to
given in writing to the insurer immediately the decision of an arbitrator to be
where the insured shall have knowledge of appointed in writing by the parties in
any impending prosecution, inquest or fatal difference or, if they cannot agree
inquiry in respect of any accident which may upon a single arbitrator, to the
give rise to a claim under this Policy. decision of two arbitrators, one to be
appointed in writing by each of the
6. Conduct of Claim/subrogation
parties, within one calendar month
No admission, offer, promise or payment
shall be made by or on behalf of the insured after having been required in writing
or any person claiming to be indemnified so to do by either of the parities, or in
without the written consent of the case the arbitrators do not agree, of
Corporation which shall be entitled, if it so an umpire to be appointed in writing
desires, to take-over and conduct in the by the arbitrators before entering
upon the reference. The umpire shall

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