Bone Malignancies
Bone Malignancies
Bone Malignancies
- Most common Primary bone cancer of childhood ~about 20% of all bone
tumors, and 2.4% of pediatric cancers making it the 8 th most common
childhood malignancy.
- Mesenchymal in origin
- Hereditary retinoblastoma
- Li-Fraumeni syndrome
- Bloom Syndrome
- Werner syndrome
Bimodal peaks – between 0-14 and >65y(which is more likely from sec. causes)
African ethnicity most affected with an incidence of 6.8 cases/yr/million people
Higher incidence in males than females.
Primary occurs near the metaphysis of long bones, with the commonest location
being the femur (commonly the distal aspect) then tibia (commonly proximal)
and the humerus (Proximal portion)
Secondary have a much wider distribn, with a higher incidence in the flat bones –
the pelvis in particular.
- Aggressive tumor of adolescents and young adults – 10-15% of all
- Characterized by non-random x-somal translocations producing fusion
genes – t(11:22).
Most commonly affected sites – pelvis, axial skeleton and femur, however, can
affect any bone or soft tissue.
Rare – 3/1,000,00
2nd most common primary malignant bone tumor in children - ~3% of all
paediatric malignancies.
Males:Females -1.5:1, and ~90% are <20y with a peak age of 10-15
Hx – Symptoms for >6 months
- Pain worse at night
- Swelling and erythema
- Mass
- Fevers*
- Weight loss*
(* - metastatic disease)
- Back pain
- Swelling with local tenderness.
- Radiograph
o moth-eaten lesions, Codman triangle of
o Onion-skin periosteal reaction
It can be difficult to differentiate between Ewing sarcoma and
osteomyelitis on CT and ragiographs.
o Assess soft tissue extension
o Marrow involvement
o Assess response to Rx
- CT
o Important for staging
- Systemic chemotherapy is the main stay followed by local therapy with
radiotherapy and surgery
- Nonmetastatic disease has a 5-year survival rate of 75% to 80%, while
metastatic disease is around 30%.
- the third most common primary malignancy of bone after myeloma and
- tumor of adulthood and older age >50y
- The most common locations of involvement of chondrosarcoma include
o the bones of the axial skeleton (pelvis, scapula, sternum, and ribs)
followed by the proximal femur and proximal humerus
Local swelling and pain are the most common presenting symptoms. The
symptoms are usually of long duration (months to years).
Other symptoms are dependent on tumor grade and location.
X rays – may show the following
- Lytic lesions in ~50%
- Intralesional calcification
- Endosteal scalloping
- Moth eaten appearance in high grade
- Useful for determining the size of the tumor soft tissue involvement
- Most useful for low grade cartilage neoplasms to determine the cortical
o Intra-lesional curettage
For grade 1 lesions in the extremities
o Wide surgical excision
Grade 2 or 3 lesions
Any lesion in the pelvis
o Wide surgical excision plus multiagent chemo
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
Grade I – 90%
Grade II- 60-70%
Grade III – 30-50%
De-differentiated - <20%
Multiple Myeloma
- Neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells
- Patients typically are >40 years
- Dx – BM biopsy
- Rx – Chemotherapy and radiation
Sx – Localised bone pain – usually spine or ribs
- Pathologic #
- Multiple punched out Lytic lesions
- More sensitive than XR for pelvis and spine
FBC, Ca, SPEP, B2 microglobulin
- Non-operative
o Annual surveillance – for asymptomatic myeloma
o Chemotherapy +/- stem cell transplant +/- bisphosphonates
- Operative
o Complete or Impending fracture
o Life expectance >3 months.
Bone Metastases.
A frequent site for metastasis, and typically associated with a poor prognosis.
Majority of the Responsibility of the mets to the bones are from the cancers of
the breasts, prostate
Bone metastases are a major cause for morbidity, characterized by severe pain,
impaired mobility, pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, bone marrow
aplasia and hypercalcemia
The distribution of skeletal metastases roughly mirrors the distribution of red
marrow, presumably reflecting increased blood flow in red marrow compared to
yellow marrow
The conversion of red to yellow marrow progresses from distal to proximal of the
extremities, so first hands and feet, then forearms/lower legs, then
humeri/femora, then pelvis/spine.
Pathologic fractures occur in 10-30% of all cancer patients, with proximal parts of
the long bones being the most frequent fracture site, and the femur accounting
for over half of all cases
Mirels’ score
Used to predict the highest risk of pathological fractures among long bones
affected by mets.
Based as shown.
Score 1 2 3
Site Upper Limb Lower Limb Trochanteric
Pain Mild Moderate Functional
Lesion Blastic/sclerotic Mixed Lytic
Size <1/3 of bone 1/3-2/3 of bone >2/3 of bone
diameter diameter diameter