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Inicio Productos Promociones Fichas Técnicas Galería Millenium Contacto

Galería Millenium
Pinturas Osel, siempre un paso adelante en recubrimientos decorativos, cuenta
el sistema de Color Millennium, formado por una paleta de 1,488 colores (192
familias exclusivas) balanceada armoniosamente y que permite satisfacer el
proyecto más exigente.

El arreglo artístico de los colores hace que sea muy sencillo encontrar y facilitar
la búsqueda de los colores de su preferencia.

Los valores de re ectancia a la luz (LRV) y Munsell se especi can para cada color.

Dos notas adicionales se indican con el color cuando así aplique:

(Sólo Interiores) Para aquellos colores que tienen baja resistencia a los rayos UV.
(Bajo Cubriente) Para aquellos colores que son más transparentes.
Es importante mencionar que para lograr delidad real del color y un cubriente
satisfactorio, los colores designados como "Bajo Cubriente" requerirán de un
primario opaco y varias capas de pintura.

Una nota adicional: Estas simulaciones en computadora sólo se aproximan al

color de la pintura después del secado. Para igualaciones críticas de color, se
deberá aplicar una muestra de pintura, dejarla secar y revisarla antes de
empezar a pintar toda la super cie.

CW069W - Respectfully White CW062W - Delicate Aire CW055W - Honeywind CW041W - Poetic White

CW070W - Plum Black Ashes CW064W - White Pebble CW056W - Moonlit CW042W - Grape Freeze

CW071W - Plum Black Absence CW065W - Camelle CW057W - White Solitude CW043W - Grape Re ection

CW072W - Plum Black Whisper CW066W - Picket White CW058W - Dove Wing CW044W - Grape Ole

CW067W - Soft Mist CW059W - Fog Mist CW045W - Grape Beginnings

CW068W - Intimate White CW060W - Sea Cloud CW046W - Enchanting

CW061W - Lime Peel CW047W - Hidden White

CW027W - Sensitive White CW006W - Shaded Ice AC143N - Night Mission AC136N - Regal Purple

CW028W - Orange Whip CW007W - Blue Twinkle AC144N - Black Deco AC137N - Plumberry

CW029W - Orange Peel CW008W - Blue Glance CW001W - Soft Whisper AC138N - Plummit

CW030W - Apple Peel CW009W - Barely Blue CW002W - Rain Shimmer AC139N - Aubergine

CW031W - Coconut Spirit CW010W - Blueberry Haze CW003W - Mysterious AC140N - Mission Brown

CW032W - Orange Foam CW011W - Serene White CW004W - Delicate Blue AC141N - Domino

CW033W - Floral White CW012W - Blueberry Mist CW005W - Winterscape AC142N - Puple Jazz

AC122N - Watermelon Crush AC108Y - Serengeti Sun AC094N - Holiday Green AC087N - Architectural Teal

AC123N - Velvet Rose AC109Y - Mandarin Melody AC095N - Green Ideal AC088N - Ocean Reef

AC124N - Shocking Fuschia AC110N - Fireking Red AC096N - Gol ng Green AC089N - Green Luster

AC125N - Berry Inspiration AC111R - Arresting Red AC097N - Kryptonite AC090N - Rainforest Teal

AC126N - New Berry AC112N - Firebush AC098N - Java Green AC091N - Earthbound Green

AC127N - Cherry Rose AC113N - Spiced Rum AC099N - Dragon y AC092N - Strong Hunter

AC128N - Rich Burgundy AC114N - Robust Red AC100N - Emeraude AC093N - Alligator

AC073N - Purple Spectacle 8910W - Etude Lilac 8890W - Angel Flutter 8880W - Bashful

AC074N - Nocturne 8911W - Pale Thistle 8891W - Pinkish Plum 8881W - Charlotte Rose

AC075N - Galaxy Blue 8912W - Pale Amethyst 8892W - Heather Ashes 8882W - Mauvelous

AC076N - Harbour Blue 8913W - Vogue Violet 8893M - Mauve Silk 8883M - Country Berry

AC077N - Rendevous Blue 8914M - Grape Harvest 8894M - Smoked Mauve 8884M - Moonstone Mauve

AC078N - Dark Batik 8915D - Crushed Violets 8895D - Aged Plum 8885D - Velvet Maroon

AC079N - Blue Brilliance 8916N - Purple Vignette 8896N - Black Bordeaux 8886N - Best Burgundy

8840W - Rosevale 8790W - Intercoastal Gray 8760W - Gray Ashlar 8740W - Barrister White

8841W - Sugar Blush 8791W - Gray Pennant 8761W - Kennet Square 8741W - Historic Tan

8842W - Retro Rose 8792W - Monorail Silver 8762W - Touchstone 8742W - Brickdust

8843M - Shallow Root 8793M - Grey Cli 8763M - Pewter Works 8743M - Polished Oak

8844M - Brown Bark 8794M - Fired Steel 8764M - Lava Rock 8744D - Sweetwood

8845D - Colony Brick 8795D - Magnet 8765D - Beaver Creek 8745A - Kayak Brown

8846N - Bernard Brown 8796N - Black Metal 8766N - Caribou 8746N - Timber Trail

8720W - Pongee Tint 8700W - Powdering Snow 8800W - Portico 8680W - Aria Ivory

8721W - Clay Beige 8701W - Softly Chiming 8801W - Studio Gray 8682W - Estate Greige

8722W - Desert Castle 8702W - Beige Pediment 8802W - Threshold Gray 8683W - Tinderbox

8723M - Desert Tumbleweed 8703M - Rockbridge 8803M - Olde Fashion 8684M - Oak Flats

8724M - Meadowlark 8704D - Stratford Brown 8804M - Pavestone 8685D - Woodlet

8725A - Coach House 8705D - Barn Rafter 8805D - Stonington 8686N - Northwest Trail

8726N - Mocha Brown 8706N - Saddlebury 8806N - Tudor House 8650W - Para n

8651W - Canvasback

8652W - Whippoorwill

8653M - Stone Lion

8654M - Elkhorn Cactus

8655D - Pinedale

8656N - Greek Olive

8640W - Creative White 8630W - Prism White 8600W - Glass Block 8690W - Snow Ballet

8641W - Tradewind 8631W - European Gray 8601W - Metropolitan Gray 8691W - City Loft

8642W - Foggy London 8632W - Timeless Gray 8602W - Green Granule 8692W - Bauhaus Bu

8643M - Tram Gray 8633W - Smoky Candle 8603M - Gray Nut 8693M - Stucco Greige

8644M - Seal Beach 8634M - Dusty Miller 8604M - Victoria Falls 8694M - Wood Cut

8645D - Greylock 8635D - Mansard Stone 8605D - English Pine 8695D - Thatch Roof

8646N - Blackened Beam 8636N - Old Porch 8606N - Spruce Island 8696N - Twisted Branch

8590W - Seed Pearl 8770W - Silver Slipper 8580W - Gray Etching 8570W - Aqua Pura

8591W - Salt Water 8771W - Silver Shimmer 8581W - Designer Gray 8571W - Rushing River

8592W - Seahawk 8772W - Siberian Ice 8582W - Terrazzo Gray 8572W - San Fran Fog

8593M - Bayou Waters 8773M - Dauphin Gray 8583W - Gray Nuance 8573M - Snug Harbor

8594M - Mystic Green 8774M - Tankard 8584M - Grey Expectations 8574M - Fog Buoy

8595D - Elm Court 8775D - Metal Shavings 8585D - Smokebush 8575D - Bay Bridge

8596N - Olympic Pine 8776N - Blacksmith 8586A - Metropolis 8576N - Briny Deep

8550W - Re ned Blue 8530W - Blizzard White 8520W - Glamour Gray 8510W - Clean Vapor

8551W - Crackling Blue 8531W - Lombardy Mist 8521W - Halation 8511W - Snowcloud

8552W - Blue Of January 8532W - Light Showers 8522W - Gray Dignity 8512W - Hidden Brook

8553M - Myth Gray 8533M - Summer Fog 8523M - Downing Slate 8513M - Still Creek

8554M - Rising Smoke 8534M - Solid Gray 8524M - Vanderbilt Gray 8514M - Grey Blue

8555D - Alden Charcoal 8535D - Wayfarer Gray 8525D - Rock Garden 8515D - Thunder Gray

8556A - Peking Blue 8536N - Blackmar 8526A - Dark Colossus 8516A - Temptress

8480W - Fluid Blue 8470W - Diamond Minuet CW013W - Blueberry Hint 8460W - Violet Cherub

8481W - Lingering Blue 8471W - Silk Whisper CW014W - Blueberry Frost 8461W - Soft Ballad

8482W - Blue Visage 8472W - Handsome Blue CW015W - Perfect Mint 8462W - Brushed Blue

8483M - Antioch Blue 8473M - Toccata CW016W - Lime Squeeze 8463M - Moonless Morn

8484M - Huckleberry 8474M - Autumn Evening CW017W - Limon 8464M - Paris Evening

8485D - Napoleon 8475D - Cavalier CW018W - Lime Treat 8465D - Indigo Violet

8486N - Beethoven Blue 8476N - Symphony Blue CW019W - Lemonade 8466N - Night Magic

CW048W - Composed 8420W - Tranquility AC101N - New Meadow 8410W - Pink Gown

CW049W - Light Antique 8421W - Meadow Sweet AC102N - Raintree 8411W - Debutante Pink

CW050W - Plum Black White 8422W - Violet Flu AC103Y - Sun Coast 8412W - Satin Lining

CW051W - Solo White 8423M - Fading Amethyst AC104Y - Southern Phoenix 8413M - Marjory Phlox

CW052W - Subtly Natural 8424M - Viola Satin AC105Y - Sunbury 8414M - Wineberry

CW053W - Natural Bisque 8425D - Exotic Bloom AC106Y - El Sol 8415D - Rich Plum

CW054W - Natural Echo 8426N - Purple Empire AC107Y - Orange Fiesta 8416N - Royal Garnet

8400W - Sunset Snow 8390W - Rose Pearl 8380W - Pink Shadow 8360W - Bubble Bath

8401W - Strawberry Cream 8391W - Fragile Pink 8381W - Rosewater 8361W - Baby Bouquet

8402W - Pinkwater 8392W - Fetching Pink 8382W - Victorian Heath 8362W - Franciscan Pink

8403M - Moon Rose 8393M - Rose Areys 8383M - Melodious Mauve 8363M - Cinnabar

8404M - Wine Cordial 8394M - Montrose 8384M - Broadmoor Rose 8364M - Olde Town

8405D - Red Valerian 8395D - Monterey Rose 8385D - Brick Rose 8365D - Colonial Brown

8406N - Red Jarrah 8396N - Cedar Rose 8386N - Winestain 8366N - Heartwood

8350W - Miami Sand 8340W - Pale Coral 8320W - Thin Pink 8860W - Silver Mink

8351W - Tan Blush 8341W - Prairie Tan 8321W - Quiet Alcove 8861W - Icon Gray

8352W - Beaux Beige 8342W - Sanibel Sunset 8322W - Auburn Sand 8862W - Cli side

8353M - Fire Haze 8343M - Condo Coral 8323M - Pancho Brown 8863M - Gray Archive

8354M - Parched Earth 8344M - Sante Fe Brown 8324M - Smooth Brown 8864D - Philosophical Gray

8355D - Burnt Copper 8345D - Western Cedar 8325D - Timber Tan 8865D - Zodiac Gray

8356N - Mackay Cedar 8346N - Taiga 8326N - Brick Shadow 8866A - Curtain Call

8310W - Pink Reed 8300W - Nomadic Ivory 8280W - Sand Motif 8430W - Plum Light

8311W - Ambient Sound 8301W - Bedouin Beige 8281W - Pink Mocha 8431W - Dusted Violet

8312W - Misted Beige 8302W - Mineral Mauve 8282W - Nutmeat 8432W - Odyssey Orchid

8313M - Cast Pebble 8303W - Lapstone 8283W - Indian Painting 8433M - Plum Vine

8314M - Slivered Bark 8304M - Washed Suede 8284D - Falling Leaf 8434M - Moss Phlox

8315D - Ravenwood 8305D - Jericho Brown 8286N - Burntside 8435D - Blackberry Wine

8316N - Black Burgundy 8306N - Alcazar Brown 8436N - Abundant Wine

8240W - Windrift 8230W - Sunbaked Sand 8170W - Owl Wing 8130W - Morning Dew

8241W - Tenderfoot 8232W - Lulled Beige 8171W - Olive Fog 8131W - Night Hush

8242W - Northern Plains 8233M - Crisp Khaki 8172W - Shire Fields 8132W - Lunar Green

8243M - Amber Waves 8234M - Daplin 8173M - Herbivore 8133W - Green Knoll

8244D - Copper Springs 8235D - Brush Box 8174M - Fenland 8134M - Glenhaven

8245A - Ochre Rust 8236N - Gumnut 8175D - Wild Grasses 8135D - Hollyhock

8246N - Queensland Walnut 8176N - Pinon Green 8136N - Shaded Moss

AC129N - Pompadour 8730W - Loggia 8120W - Frosted Pine 8490W - Divine

AC130N - Rose Bouquet 8731W - Staghorn 8121W - Garden Herb 8491W - Domicile Blue

AC131N - Cassis 8732W - Frontier Tan 8122W - Light Jade 8492W - Young Cadet

AC132N - Purple Opulence 8733M - Walnut Wash 8123W - Chapparel Pea 8493M - Endicott Bay

AC133N - Royal Crest 8734M - Bark Mulch 8124M - Green Terrace 8494M - Rebel Blue

AC134N - Wild Lilac 8735D - Wild Country 8125D - Water Hawthorne 8495D - Twain Blue

AC135N - Purple Elegance 8736N - Little Bighorn 8126N - Racing Green 8496A - Dark Quest

8110W - Gentle Rain 8250W - Ivory Sampler 8100W - Micro Mint 8080W - Dissolving Blue

8111W - Shy Green 8251W - Plaza Bu 8101W - Green Sprinkle 8081W - Blue Bauble

8112W - Green Mist 8252W - Strata Light 8102W - Green Sweeps 8082W - Alaskan Jade

8113M - Fragrant Spruce 8253M - Swept Plains 8103W - Sweet Grass 8083M - Blue Ridge

8114M - Vineleaf 8254M - Cinnamon Spice 8104M - Green Plaza 8084M - Kentucky Grass

8115D - Ivy Wreath 8255D - Jamocha 8105D - Acanthus Leaf 8085D - India Green

8116N - Casino Green 8256N - Sweet Earth 8106N - Caul eld Green 8086A - Green Wharf

8070W - Bermuda Shoal 8050W - Zenith Blue AC115N - Tomatillo 8010W - Blue Edge

8071W - Cool Aqua 8051W - Seadrifter AC116N - Roasted Pepper 8011W - Corn Flower

8072W - Scuba 8052W - West Keys AC117N - French Red 8012W - Je rey Blue

8073M - Seabeck 8053M - Sea View AC118R - Red Alert 8013W - Blue Hat

8074M - Sea Meadow 8054M - Ocean Grove AC119R - Sizzling Haute 8014M - Blue Surf

8075D - Aqua Sea 8055D - Poseidon AC120R - Wright Red 8015D - Water Works

8076A - Deep Teal 8056N - Lost Atlantis AC121R - Ruby Red 8016N - Deep Waters

8000W - Airland Blue 7990W - Pearl Violet 8030W - Song Blue 7950W - Plum Frost

8001W - Nimbus Blue 7991W - Basin Blue 8031W - Bugle Blue 7951W - Ophelia Violet

8002W - Floss Flower 7992W - Studio Blue 8032W - High Flyer 7952W - Captivating Violet

8003M - Blue Wainscot 7993M - Perfect Blue 8033M - Sky Dive 7953D - Plum Sparkle

8004M - Blue Room 7994M - Ceremonial Blue 8034M - Paci c Ocean 7954D - Perfect Plum

8005D - Wilshire Blue 7995D - Valor Blue 8035D - Seaquest 7955A - Regal Bearing

8006N - Academy Blue 7996N - Twilight Zone 8036N - Undersea Blue 7956N - Bacchus

8370W - Novette 7940W - Cherish 7910W - Rose Thought 8040W - Ice Cavern

8371W - Ancient Pink 7941W - Romantic Violet 7911W - Sweet Columbine 8041W - Polar Blue

8372W - Cinnaswirl 7942W - Violet Trace 7912W - Sweetrose 8042W - Sweeping Blue

8373M - Norman Rose 7943D - Violet Aero 7913M - Cactus Bloom 8043M - Beaux Blue

8374M - Forest Berry 7944D - Rose Amaranth 7914D - Pink Gardenia 8044M - Dutch Aqua

8375D - Ruby River 7945A - Fresh Berry 7915A - Miniature Rose 8045D - Ocean Depths

8376N - Deep Henna 7946N - Blackberry Swirl 7916N - Regency Red 8046N - Mutiny

7900W - Tatiana Pink 7880W - Softly Pink 7860W - Pink Shine 8870W - Fanlight

7901W - Cameo Glass 7881W - Dawn Glow 7861W - Oregon Rose 8871W - Classical Mauve

7902W - Rose Memory 7882W - Rouge 7862W - Wild Carnation 8872W - Mauvedust

7903M - Autumn Rose 7883M - Charming Pink 7863M - Opening Bud 8873M - Sassy Mauve

7904D - Rose Shade 7884D - Rambler Rose 7864D - Coral Berry 8874M - Plum Illusion

7905D - Chinaberry 7885A - Crimson Barberry 7865A - Field Poppy 8875D - Pigeon Isle

7906N - Remember Rose 7886N - Rio Red 7866N - Baked Apple 8876N - Spiced Plum

7850W - Cosmetic Pink 7830W - Apple Blush 7820W - Sheer Natural 8090W - Winter Whisper

7851W - Rose Damask 7831W - French Floral 7821W - Blush Beige 8091W - Drifting Green

7852W - Dutchess Dawn 7832W - Pale Rose 7822W - Tyrian Tan 8092W - Cool Comfort

7853W - Muted Mesa 7833M - Matador Pink 7823M - Mayan Sun 8093W - Teal Suede

7854M - Rose Pueblo 7834D - Breccia 7824M - Desert Edge 8094M - Himalaya

7855D - Cajun Spice 7835D - Reef Rust 7825D - Tawny Copper 8095D - Cool Forest

7856A - Tomahawk 7836N - Copper Canyon 7826A - Ayers Rock 8096N - Bering Green

7800W - Ivory Powder 8500W - Windstar 7780W - Blushed Cotton 7770W - Frosty To ee

7801W - Strata Beige 8501W - Blue Frost 7781W - Enchilada 7771W - Ceramic Beige

7802W - Westerly Tan 8502W - Dawn Wonder 7782W - Peach Beige 7772W - Pale Adobe

7803M - Mission Beige 8503M - Faded Jeans 7783M - Toasted Tan 7773M - Desert Sunset

7804D - Clay Urn 8504M - Pottery Blue 7784M - Nullabor Sand 7774D - Desert Vista

7805A - Copper Gold 8505D - Bluecoat 7785D - Heathcote 7775D - Canyon Wall

7806N - Roaring Hearth 8506A - Valley Forge Blue 7786N - Contemporary Maple 7776N - Galena Gold

7750W - Beach Basket 7740W - Snow Gum 7870W - Pinafore 7730W - Corinthian

7751W - Beach Grass 7741W - Slivered Pecan 7871W - Pink Light 7731W - Light Topaz

7752W - Oakbu 7742W - Light Toast 7872W - Berry Mousse 7732W - Butter Pecan

7753M - Harvest Tan 7743M - Cupola Yellow 7873M - Cashmere Rose 7733M - Sahara Gold

7754M - Safari Tan 7744M - September Leaf 7874D - Canterbury Rose 7734M - Cane

7755D - Tannery 7745D - Spanish Gold 7875A - Polished Coral 7735D - Topaz

7756N - Cockatoo Gold 7746N - Golden Glove 7876N - Briar Berry 7736N - Butterbrickle

7720W - Delicate Cream 7710W - Star Magnolia 7700W - Downy Duckling 8610W - Garden Light

7721W - Light Honey 7711W - Angelica Blossom 7701W - Ivory Paper 8611W - Rainforest Dew

7722W - Roman Chamomile 7712W - Dijon 7702W - Yellow Sash 8612W - Silver Sage

7723M - Daisetta 7713M - Mustard Bloom 7703M - Cool Yellow 8613M - Shenandoah

7724D - Golden Horn 7714D - Honey Gold 7705A - Pyrite 8614M - Shade Tree

7725A - Cortez Gold 7715D - Golden Rotunda 7706N - Green Citrus 8615D - Peppercorn

7726N - Gold Rush 7716N - Evergold 8616N - Clermont Green

7690W - Liming White 7960W - Embracing Lilac 7650W - Creamy Cucumber 7620W - Opal Green

7691W - Flora Ivory 7961W - Spring Parasol 7651W - Garden Fragrance 7621W - Filtered Green

7692W - Escarole 7962W - Venice Lavender 7652W - Summer Lullaby 7622W - Chi on Mist

7693M - Emeraude Gold 7963M - Slow Dancer 7653M - Village Green 7623M - Spun Green

7694D - Fife Gold 7964M - Rhinestone 7654M - Garland Green 7624M - Porch View

7695A - Antebellum 7965D - Prestige Purple 7655D - Barbados Green 7625D - Maidenhair Fern

7696N - Kiwi Fruit 7966A - Valhalla 7656N - Dandelion Green 7626N - Irish Juniper

8020W - Tender Blue 8710W - Discovery 7600W - Cistern Blue 7590W - Distant Blue

8021W - Blue Waltz 8711W - Misty Mica 7601W - Smooth Sailing 7591W - Cruising Blue

8022W - Cool Starlight 8712W - Mushroom Basket 7602W - Sea Lyric 7592W - Abstract Aqua

8023M - Clear Sky 8713W - Kindling Wood 7603M - Bali Hi 7593M - Aquifer

8024M - Capri Grotto 8714M - Wildcat 7604M - Yama Light 7594M - Etruscan Blue

8025D - Florentine Blue 8715D - Moose Point 7605D - Turquoise Mosaic 7595D - Sea Sphinx

8026N - Italian Tile 8716N - Western Reserve 7606A - Sea Venture 7596A - Aqua Dazzle

7810W - Ta y Tint 7580W - Mermaid Tear 7570W - Heaven Scent 8210W - Whispering Birch

7811W - Golden Apricot 7581W - Clarity Blue 7571W - Blue Inlet 8211W - Sandy Lane

7812W - Confection Tan 7582W - Aqua Edge 7572W - Placid Sea 8212W - Millet

7813M - Apple Ta y 7583M - Aqua Sweeps 7573M - Waterside 8213M - Plantation Beige

7814D - Honeysuckle Coral 7584M - Galleon 7574M - Perry Blue 8214M - Tobacco Road

7815A - Paprika 7585D - Sea Fascination 7575D - Velvet Teal 8215D - Tattersall Brown

7816N - Tasmanian Myrtle 7586A - Mighty Main 7576A - Aqueduct Blue 8216N - Dried Tobacco

8440W - First Light 7550W - Iceland Blue 7540W - Snowdrop 7790W - Opalescence

8441W - Purple Pearl 7551W - Bunting Blue 7541W - Lovebird Feather 7791W - Ivory Peach

8442W - Moon Violet 7552W - Blue Lady 7542W - Wishful Blue 7792W - Dusky Coral

8443M - Tribute 7553M - Nautilus 7543M - Flax ower 7793M - Ta y Crunch

8444M - Illusive Lilac 7554M - Castaway Blue 7544M - Fresh Water 7794D - Appealing Apricot

8445D - Violet Kohl 7555D - Sea Route 7545D - Norwegian Blue 7795A - Southwest Amber

8446N - Purple Fable 7556A - Mariner 7546N - Baltic Blue 7796N - Mythic Fire

7520W - Blue Dash 7630W - Dewmist 7510W - Snowlight 7760W - Weaverbird

7521W - River Run Blue 7631W - Slender Stem 7511W - Pastel Periwinkle 7761W - Nutmeg Dust

7522W - Fantasia Blue 7632W - Green Pond 7512W - Periwinkle Promise 7762W - Western Sand

7523M - Blue Hills 7633M - Water Cress 7513W - Autumn Blue 7763M - Highland Bu

7524M - Wonder Blue 7634M - Green Summit 7514M - Sedona Shadow 7765D - Terracotta Tile

7525D - Diva Blue 7635D - Artemis 7515D - Mysteria 7766A - Rich Amber

7526N - Enchanted Blue 7636N - Lush Veranda 7500W - Light Lilac 7490W - Faded Lilac

7501W - Violet Charm 7491W - Lilac Lace

7502W - Lyric Iris 7492W - Lilac Sachet

7503M - Purple Aster 7493M - Pastoral Purple

7504M - Sparkling Grape 7495D - Princely Purple

7505D - Night Shade 7496N - Ruling Royalty

7506N - Deep Purple 8290W - Water Chestnut

8291W - Mallow

8292W - Coral Brown

8293M - Clove Dust

8294M - Red Dust

8295D - Copper Nail

8296N - Treasure Chest

7470W - Iced Orchid 8200W - Bleached Sand 8780W - Crystal Ball 7440W - Lillium

7471W - Lavender Posy 8201W - Burma Bu 8781W - Silver Chime 7441W - Pink Tiara

7472W - Orchid Scent 8202W - Coast Pointe 8782W - Sterling Coin 7442W - Angel Wing

7473M - Lavender Mist 8203M - Gobi Beige 8783M - Stonewall 7443M - Cerise Pink

7474D - Salina Grape 8204M - Spice Bounty 8784D - Blackthorn 7444D - Fuschia Flock

7475D - Wild Orchid 8205D - Brass Bucket 8785A - Iron Horse 7445A - Fuschia Kiss

7476N - Purplestone 8206N - Tarrytown 8786N - Black Finish 7446N - Sizzling Pink

7430W - Pink Icing 8820W - Cassis Ice 7980W - Iced Blue 7370W - Angel Peach

7431W - Ashley Pink 8821W - Mogul Mauve 7981W - Glacier Wall 7371W - Peach Opal

7432W - Pink Crown 8822W - Smoked Glass 7982W - Blue Sash 7372W - Coral Haze

7433M - Rose Freeze 8823W - Warm Shadows 7983M - Bracing Blue 7373M - Corallina

7434D - Fashion Pink 8824M - Stone Freize 7984M - Tapestry Blue 7374D - Phoenix Sun

7435A - Veronica 8825D - Jacaranda Brown 7985D - Blue Border 7375A - Tangerine

7436N - Brilliant Pink 8826N - Manganese 7986N - Indigo Night 7376N - Fired Orange

7360W - Coral Sand AC080N - Delphinium 7350W - Orange Charm 8270W - Renoir Bisque

7361W - Apricot Glove AC081N - Ship Ahoy 7351W - Always Apricot 8271W - Palacio

7362W - Malta Pink AC082N - Coastal Shores 7352W - Cayman Peach 8272W - La Mesa

7363M - Peach Parfait AC083N - Incan Sapphire 7353M - Peach Darling 8273M - Spiced Cognac

7364D - Coral Azalea AC084N - Night Navy 7354D - Orange Bu 8274M - Festoon

7365A - New Orange AC085N - Tropical Surf 7355A - Fiesta Fire 8275D - Round-up

7366N - Orange Flambe AC086N - Teal Edge 7356N - Autumn Blaze 8276A - Mesquite Canyon

7640W - Snowy Pine 8560W - Moon River 8330W - Sachet Rose 7340W - Ocean Shell

7641W - Clover Tip 8561W - Blue Emblem 8331W - Mauve Blush 7341W - Coral Almond

7642W - Impatient Green 8562W - Impressionist Sky 8332W - Spice Beige 7342W - Apricot Nectar

7643M - Weeping Willow 8563M - Gorse Blue 8333M - Incense 7343M - Salted Shrimp

7644M - Shaded Green 8564M - Old Blue Sea 8334M - Taupe Rose 7344D - Shrimp Peel

7645D - Fairway 8565D - Winter Sea 8335D - Terrawood 7345D - Fired Shrimp

7646N - Wild Mint 8566N - Night Sail 8336N - Bavarian Chalet 7346A - Mikado

7320W - Flemish Lace 8450W - Twi-night 7450W - Trailing Pink 7890W - Pink Clarity

7321W - Apricot Lily 8451W - Violet Dimensions 7451W - Early Pink 7891W - Ginger Pink

7322W - Petite Peach 8452W - Aragon Violet 7452W - Pink Overlay 7892W - Cherokee Rose

7323M - Peruvian Orange 8453W - Cinder Grey 7453M - Cut Lavender 7893M - Gaiety Rose

7324D - Indian Turnip 8454M - Smoky Mountain 7454D - Souvenir Rose 7894D - Sun Poppy

7325D - Diced Carrot 8455D - Old Amethyst 7455A - Rose Luster 7895A - Blazen Pink

7326A - Glazed Carrot 8456A - Odyssey Blue 7456N - Majestic Magenta 7896N - Duberry Red

7310W - Camisole Silk 7670W - Minced Onion 7300W - Pale Chamois 7280W - Golden Blonde

7311W - Peach Mallow 7671W - Boc Choy 7301W - Brushed Peach 7281W - Palest Sunset

7312W - Filtered Moon 7672W - Honeydew 7302W - Carmelite 7282W - Candleglow

7313M - New Penny 7673M - Pekoe Tea 7303M - Aztec Dawn 7283M - Matisse Gold

7314D - Octoberfest 7674D - Dried Basil 7304D - Rice Curry 7284D - Fireside

7315D - Rustica 7675A - Romaine 7305D - Sundance 7285A - Marsh Marigold

7316N - Iron Orange 7676N - Jungle Moss 7306N - Cinnamon Cider 7286N - Brilliant Orange

7560W - Ice Crystal 7250W - Serenity 7260W - Amber White 7530W - Frosted Glass

7561W - Blue Current 7251W - Lemon Meringue 7261W - Sunny Beach 7531W - Milano Blue

7562W - Crescent Blue 7252W - Sundew 7262W - Warm Rays 7532W - Botticelli Blue

7563M - Low Tide 7253M - Golden Corn 7263M - Sunspot 7533M - Magic Blue

7564M - Blue Seclusion 7254D - Black-eyed Susan 7264D - Sardonyx 7534M - Toscana Blue

7565D - Cove Blue 7255A - High Sun 7265A - Golden Glisten 7535D - Cobalt Blue

7566A - Voyager Blue 7256N - Coronation Gold 7266N - Garden Marigold 7536N - Deep Space

8180W - Almond White 8260W - Pavilion 8750W - Swiss Almond 7230W - Translucence

8181W - Maison Blanche 8261W - Traditional Tan 8751W - Alencon Lace 7231W - Afternoon Delight

8182W - Candlebark 8262W - Peanut Shell 8752W - Stonehenge Shadow 7232W - Mineral Yellow

8183M - Saltbush 8263M - Deer eld 8753M - Cornico Beige 7233M - Southern Sun

8184M - Moselle 8264D - Tucson Clay 8755A - Spicenut 7234D - Yellow Tulip

8185D - Ardmore Green 8265A - Basque Brown 8756N - Cordwood 7235A - Ornate Yellow

8186N - Scrubgum Green 8266N - Brazilian Brown 7236N - Imperial Yellow

7200W - Shower Mint 7970W - Sheer Lilac 7240W - Chaste White 7180W - Pale Parsnip

7201W - Sparkle Green 7971W - Canterbury Bell 7241W - Sun Shimmer 7181W - Green Pear

7202W - Lilting Green 7972W - Crushed Heather 7242W - Yellow Begonia 7182W - Green Muslin

7203M - Breadfruit 7973M - Pretty Purple 7243M - Forsythia 7183M - Candy Lime

7204D - Spring Chartreuse 7974M - Purple Rain 7244D - Golden Ray 7184D - Green Balsam

7205A - Limeburst 7975D - Stargazing Night 7245A - Glimmer Gold 7185A - Broadleaf

7206N - Pekingese 7976N - Planetary Plume 7246N - Golden Dome 7186N - Bonzai Green

CW020W - Lemon White 7390W - April Blush 7170W - Bon Bon CW034W - Coconut Milk

CW021W - Lemon Peel 7391W - Peaking Pink 7171W - Willow Sweeps CW035W - Coconut Twist

CW022W - Soft Gold 7392W - Peach Bloom 7172W - Duet Green CW036W - Apple Tint

CW023W - Lis Cr?me 7393M - Camellia Pink 7173M - Applejack CW037W - White Filigree

CW024W - Soaring White 7394D - Peach Pink 7174D - Canopy Green CW038W - Apple Delight

CW025W - Restorative 7395A - Lobster Tail 7175A - Belladonna CW039W - Coconut Colada

CW026W - Lemon Chi on 7396N - Fire Princess 7176N - Green Hedge CW040W - Essence

8850W - Blackberry Ice 7410W - Ballet 7330W - Silky White 7840W - Pink Candle

8851W - Motif Mauve 7411W - Pink Ribbon 7331W - Peach Veil 7841W - Candied Apricot

8852W - Medieval Mauve 7412W - Timeless Pink 7332W - Peach Satin 7842W - Misted Coral

8853M - Grey Heather 7413M - Priscilla Pink 7333M - Endless Peach 7843M - Terra Cotta Tint

8854M - Drifting Spirit 7414D - Carnation Kiss 7334D - Orangeade 7844D - Rockies Red

8855D - Cranbrook 7415A - Valentine 7335D - Golden Poppy 7845D - Sunburst

8856N - Badlands 7416N - Chinese Pagoda 7336A - Tahitian Sun 7846N - Eldorado

7120W - Shallow Pool 7270W - Filtered Light 8220W - Hayseed 8160W - White Leek

7121W - Cupid Green 7271W - Morning Moon 8221W - Botany Beige 8161W - Sulphur Springs

7122W - Water Dance 7272W - Honey Pear 8222W - Desert Fawn 8162W - Omar

7123M - Jadeast 7273M - Amber Light 8223M - Sienna Sand 8163W - Olive Branch

7124M - Aqua Fresco 7274D - Scotch Yellow 8224M - Balsam Bark 8164M - Gumleaf

7125D - Indian Bead 7275A - Imperial Palace 8225D - Autumn Wheat 8165D - Antique Pine

7126N - Subterranean 7276N - Palace Gold 8226N - October Oak 8166N - Hawthorne Valley

8810W - Silver Seed 7610W - Poolside 7130W - Aquarill 7100W - Blue Facets

8811W - Daytona Gray 7611W - Falling Water 7131W - Green Aqua 7101W - Blue Gossamer

8812W - Deville 7612W - Headwaters 7132W - Cyan Waters 7102W - Galactic Blue

8813W - Stone Cistern 7613M - Sea Spray 7133M - Tahitian Breeze 7103M - Aqua Whisper

8814M - Brindel 7614M - Sea Quarry 7134D - Jade Jewel 7104M - Carribean Waters

8815D - Cultivated Fields 7615D - Sea Queen 7135A - Paradise Waters 7105D - Matisse Blue

8816N - Burnt Hickory 7616N - Ultra Green 7136N - Mayan Green 7106A - Aqua Fantasy

7380W - Creamy Pink 8190W - Impressive Ivory 8060W - Retreat 7090W - Blue Cool

7381W - Crushed Shell 8191W - Madonna Lily 8061W - Noonday Tide 7091W - Ondine Blue

7382W - Granite Rose 8192W - Graceful Gold 8062W - Sea Silence 7092W - Inspiration Blue

7383M - Coral Fantasy 8193M - Winter Garden 8063M - Wayward Wind 7093M - Baby Blue Eyes

7384D - Coral Gate 8194M - Capertree 8064M - Cape Barran 7094M - Blue Stencil

7385A - Coral Flower 8195D - Eddystone 8065D - Aqualogic 7095D - Granada Blue

7386N - Red Flare 8196N - Wood Sorrel 8066A - Abyss 7096A - Deep Marine

7080W - Sistine Blue 7060W - Cool Vista 7660W - Willow Wind 7190W - Ti any Glass

7081W - Clear Day 7061W - Soft Sky 7661W - Delicate Vine 7191W - Rain Re ection

7082W - Sky Delight 7062W - Carolina Blue 7662W - Cypress Garden 7192W - Tangy Green

7083M - Blue Yonder 7063M - Blue Palace 7663M - Aspen Meadows 7193M - Green Moth

7084M - Parade Blue 7064M - Water Jet 7664M - Thin Asparagus 7194D - Spring Grass

7085D - Atlas Blue 7065D - Triumph Blue 7665D - Aloe Vera 7195A - Picnic Green

7086A - Gulf Coast 7066N - Stars Forever 7666N - Cactus Pete 7196N - Bistro Green

7050W - Blue Chill 7920W - Swiss Pink 7220W - Yellow Bu 7040W - Sedum Flower

7051W - Bluet Bouquet 7921W - Wind ower 7221W - Fresh Lemon 7041W - Wood ower

7052W - Brisk Blue 7922W - Viva La Pink 7222W - Daisy Petal 7042W - Parlor Blue

7053M - Jonathan 7923M - Madeline 7223M - Glittering Sun 7043M - Blue Feather

7054M - Venetian Blue 7924D - Floral Plum 7224D - Yellow Jubilee 7044M - Brewster Blue

7055D - Pompeii 7925A - Rose Velvet 7225A - Competition Yellow 7045D - Blue Epic

7056N - Endless Blue 7926N - Magenta Royale 7226N - Sun Valley 7046A - Etheria Blue

7030W - White Finesse 8620W - Limpet Shell 7151W - Mint Frost 7290W - Natural Wax

7031W - Lavender Star 8621W - Chromox Green 7152W - Tender Green 7291W - Runnymede

7032W - Lavender Glow 8622W - Lunar Stone 7153M - Summer Green 7292W - Freestone

7033M - Lilac Luxury 8623M - Silent Path 7154D - Dutch Bells 7293M - Summer Melon

7034M - Blue Iris 8624M - Steeple Gray 7155D - Green Glory 7294D - Pom Pom Orange

7035D - Lavender Blue 8625D - Shipyard 7156N - Patrick Green 7295D - Malaga

7036A - Blue Foxglove 8626N - Wilderness Green 7296N - Barcelona

7070W - Bridgewater 7480W - Demure 7160W - Spring Mint 7140W - Nile Mist

7071W - Meltwater 7481W - Violet Dust 7161W - Wispy Green 7141W - Tropic Sealight

7072W - Heron Blue 7482W - Early Purple 7162W - Green Gulf 7142W - Beau Monde

7073M - Bluejay 7483M - Violet Petal 7164D - Shocking Green 7143M - Wistful Green

7075D - Electron Blue 7484M - Wild Iris 7165A - Lucky Shamrock 7144D - Island Dream

7076A - Neon Blue 7485D - Violet Bouquet 7145D - Green Melody

7486N - Prophetic Purple 7146N - Pageant Green

8540W - Windstream 7020W - Frost Violet 8830W - Post Modern White 7400W - Ceramic Pink

8541W - Minimal Gray 7021W - Cool Lilac 8831W - Bohemian Tint 7401W - Melon Ice

8542W - Lido Bay 7022W - Spring Crocus 8832W - Hourglass 7402W - Pink Crest

8543M - Frosted Denim 7023M - Lupine 8833M - Canberra 7403M - Exquisite

8544M - Blue Comet 7025D - Paradox 8834M - Faux Marble 7404D - Melon Shine

8545D - Quasar Blue 7026N - Purple Eden 8835D - Pawnee 7405A - Fire Pink

8546N - Sable Night 8836A - Wagon Wheel 7406N - Real Red

7930W - Raspberry Pink 8660W - Grecian Ivory 7210W - Greenlet 8150W - Scrimshaw

7931W - May Blossom 8661W - Light Almond 7211W - New Spring 8151W - Cut Hay

7932W - Garden Paradise 8662W - Jogging Path 7212W - Spiney Green 8152W - Rock Cress

7933M - Viola Phlox 8663W - Rugged Trail 7213D - Yellow Citrus 8153M - Hiking Path

7934D - Geisha 8664M - Backpack 7214D - Lime Tart 8154M - Marshland

7935A - Exotic Plum 8665D - Gristmill 7215A - Lime Flip 8155D - Ozark Green

7936N - Bright Bordeaux 8666N - Potting Shed 7216N - Brite Lime 8156N - Florida Palm

8900W - Lavender Bouquet 7010W - Phantom Violet 8670W - Walrus Tusk 7460W - Rose Morn

8901W - Lavender Design 7011W - Lilac Petal 8671W - Burbury Beige 7461W - Island Dawn

8902W - Secret Lilac 7012W - Violet Veil 8672W - Tequila 7462W - Fresh Bud

8903W - Violet Villa 7013M - Peruvian Violet 8673M - Tavern Taupe 7463M - Laurel Blossom

8904M - Lilac Memento 7014M - Sugarplum 8674M - Muddy River 7464D - Violet Cluster

8905D - Glorious Plum 7015D - Super Violet 8675D - Wooden Oar 7465D - Imperial Purple

8906N - Purple Honor 7016A - Purple Banner 8676N - Turned Earth 7466N - Royal Robe

7420W - Pink Pomander 8140W - Misted Pollen 7000W - White Lilac 7110W - Lithesome Blue

7421W - Romantic Lace 8141W - Aviary 7001W - Lilac Glaze 7111W - Intricate Aqua

7422W - Porcelain Pink 8142W - Bermuda Grass 7002W - Lavender Bubble 7112W - Sea Port

7423M - Peony Petal 8143M - Grazing Field 7003M - Lively Lavender 7113M - Birthstone

7424D - Strawberry Swirl 8144M - Revere Green 7004M - Candy Violet 7114M - Noblesse

7425A - Precious Rose 8145D - Green Acre 7005D - Purple Sequel 7115D - Calypso

7426N - Zinnia Scarlet 8146N - Green Gables 7006N - Purple Passion 7116A - Bloodstone

7680W - Evasive White

7681W - Dewy Twig

7682W - Lime Ice

7683M - Sweet Olive

7684D - Spring Sprout

7685A - Liverpool

7686N - Summer Olive

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