Carty Lab4

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Lab 4 (Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits)

Cameron M. Carty

ECE 09205, Principals and Applications of ECE for Non Majors

Bernard Pietrucha

June 29th 2024


Table of Contents

Abstract- 3


Discussion and Results- 5,6,7,8,9

Summary and Conclusions- 10



The objective of this lab was to develop Thevenin and Norton

equivalent circuits both analytically and experimentally. Initially, the
Thevenin and Norton equivalents of a given circuit (Figure 1) with
parameters \(V_{in} = 5V\), \(R1 = 2.4 k\Omega\), \(R2 = 2.4 k\Omega\), and
\(R3 = 1.8 k\Omega\) were determined analytically. The circuit and its
Thevenin equivalent were then constructed on a breadboard to verify the
accuracy of the analytical calculations. Additionally, a custom circuit with at
least five resistors, incorporating both series and parallel configurations, was
designed and analyzed. The Thevenin and Norton equivalents of this custom
circuit were calculated, and their terminal characteristics were compared to
the original design through breadboard measurements. The experimental
results confirmed the theoretical equivalence, demonstrating the practical
application of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems in circuit analysis.


1. Develop Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits analytically.

2. Build the circuit from Figure 1 and its Thevenin equivalent on the
3. Determine that the circuits are equivalent.
4. Master parallel and series circuits.

Discussion and Results


Discussion and Results and

In this experiment, we applied Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) to analyze a circuit comprising three different
resistors (R1, R2, R3) and a DC voltage source (Vin). The primary objective
was to ensure that the power dissipated by each resistor remained well
below its ¼ Watt rating, necessitating preliminary calculations to select
appropriate resistor values.

From my calculations, the power dissipated by R1 was 0.0207 Watts,

by R2 was 0.0149 Watts, and by R3 was 0.00992 Watts. These values
confirm that each resistor operates safely below the ¼ Watt dissipation limit.

When measuring the actual voltages, currents, and resistances in the

circuit using a multi-meter, it is important to consider how the measurement
process itself can impact these parameters:

1. Resistances: The presence of the multi-meter, especially when set to

measure resistance, can introduce additional resistance into the circuit due
to the internal resistance of the meter. This can slightly alter the actual
resistance values measured compared to their theoretical values.

2. Voltages: When measuring voltage, the multi-meter's internal impedance

should ideally be very high to minimize the current drawn from the circuit.
However, if the impedance is not high enough, it can cause a small current
draw, slightly affecting the voltage measurement across the components.

3. Currents: The multi-meter, when configured to measure current, is

inserted in series with the circuit. The internal resistance of the meter in this
mode, although typically very low, adds to the total resistance in the circuit.
This can slightly reduce the current measured compared to the theoretical

Despite these potential discrepancies, my experimental values showed

good agreement with our theoretical calculations. This confirms the reliability
of KVL and KCL in predicting circuit behavior, as long as careful consideration
is given to the measurement process and its possible impacts on the circuit.
Understanding and accounting for these effects is crucial for accurate circuit
analysis and validation of theoretical predictions.

Summary and Conclusions

This lab focused on utilizing Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) and

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) to analyze a circuit with three resistors (R1, R2,
R3) and a DC voltage source (Vin). By ensuring the power dissipation in each
resistor was well below ¼ Watt, we selected appropriate resistor values and
performed theoretical calculations to predict voltages, currents, and power

My theoretical calculations indicated power dissipations of 0.0207

Watts for R1, 0.0149 Watts for R2, and 0.00992 Watts for R3. These values
were validated by constructing the circuit and measuring the actual values
using a multi-meter. Despite minor discrepancies introduced by the
measurement process, the experimental results closely matched the
theoretical predictions.

The measurement process itself can influence the circuit parameters

due to the internal resistance and impedance of the multi-meter, affecting
resistance, voltage, and current measurements. However, these effects were
minimal and did not significantly impact the overall analysis.

In conclusion, the experiment successfully demonstrated the

application of KVL and KCL for circuit analysis, and the measured values
aligned well with the theoretical calculations. This reinforces the reliability of
these fundamental electrical laws when careful consideration is given to
measurement techniques and potential sources of error.

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