Game Theory
Game Theory
Game Theory
Game theory is the study of strategic interactions, where the outcome for each participant
depends on the choices of all involved. Originally developed to analyze competitive situations in
economics, game theory has applications in social sciences, biology, computer science, and
beyond. This paper explores the basic principles of game theory, including key concepts like
Nash equilibrium, and highlights its role in optimizing decision-making in complex scenarios.
Game theory, formally established in the 20th century by mathematicians such as John von
Neumann and John Nash, examines how rational individuals make decisions in scenarios
where outcomes are interdependent. In game theory, players can represent individuals,
companies, animals, or even countries, each seeking to maximize their benefit while
considering others’ potential choices. By analyzing these interactions, game theory provides
insight into conflict resolution, negotiation, competition, and cooperation in both natural and
human-made systems.