Lecture10 - Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi, and Bose Statistics
Lecture10 - Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi, and Bose Statistics
Lecture10 - Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi, and Bose Statistics
Physics Department
Faculty of Science Maxwell–Boltzmann, Fermi, and Bose Statistics
Cairo Univeristy
Note: There will be bonus questions in the final on this lecture
We get a total of 4 states of the system as a whole. Half of the states have the particles
bunched in the same state and half have them in separate states.
Bose–Einstein Statistics: This is a quantum mechanical case. This means that the
particles are indistinguishable. Both particles are labelled A. Recall that bosons have
integer spin: 0, 1, 2, etc. For Bose statistics any number of particles can be in one state.
So let’s again enumerate the states of the system:
We get a total of 3 states of the system as a whole. 2/3 of the states have the particles
bunched in the same state and 1/3 of the states have them in separate states.
Fermi Statistics: This is another quantum mechanical case. Again the particles are
indistinguishable. Both particles are labelled A. Recall that fermions have half–integer
spin: 1/2, 3/2, etc. According to the Pauli exclusion principle, no more than one particle
can be in any one single particle state. So let’s again enumerate the states of the system:
We get a total of 1 state of the system as a whole. None of the states have the particles
bunched up; the Pauli exclusion principle forbids that. 100% of the states have the
particles in separate states.
This simple example shows how the type of statistics influences the possible states of
the system.
In Quantum Statistics we deal with ideal particles whose wave functions overlap. We introduce quantum
physics because of this overlap.
The distribution function depends on whether or not the particles obey the Pauli exclusion principle.
Recall that electrons and other particles with half-integral spin (1/2, 3/2, 5/2, etc.) are
fermions and obey the Pauli exclusion principle. The wave function of a system of
fermions is antisymmetric because it changes sign upon the exchange of any pair of
fermions. We will find that fermions follow Fermi-Dirac statistics.
Recall also that photons and other particles with integral spin (0, 1, 2, etc.) are bosons and
are not subject to the Pauli exclusion principle. The wave function of a system of
bosons is symmetric because it sign remains unchanged upon the exchange of any pair of
bosons. We will find that bosons follow Bose-Einstein statistics.
Let's explore symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions in a little more detail.
Consider a system of two particles, 1 and 2, having two states, a and b. If the particles are
distinguishable and we put one particle in each state, there are two possible wave functions:
ψ I = ψ a (1) ψ b (2) and ψ II = ψ a (2) ψ b (1).
If the particles are indistinguishable, then we cannot tell whether the system is in state I or
II, and, because both states are equally likely, we write the system wave function as a linear
combination of I and II.
If the particles are bosons, the system wave function is symmetric:
ψB =
[ ]
ψ (1) ψ b (2) + ψ a (2) ψ b (1) = ψ S
2 a
If the particles are fermions, the wave function is antisymmetric:
ψF =
[ ]
ψ (1) ψ b (2) - ψ a (2) ψ b (1) = ψ A
2 a
What happens if we try to put both particles 1 and 2 in the same state?
ψ *M ψ M = ψ *a (1) ψ *a (2) ψ a (1) ψ a (2).
Recall that distinguishable particles are described by Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.
If the particles are bosons, we get
ψB = 2 ψ a (1) ψ a (2),
with a probability density
ψ *B ψ B = 2 ψ *a (1) ψ *a (2) ψ a (1) ψ a (2) = 2 ψ *M ψ M .
In other words, if the particles are bosons, they are twice as likely to be in the same state as
distinguishable particles.
ψF =
[ ]
ψ (1) ψ a (2) - ψ a (1) ψ a (2) = 0,
2 a
with a probability density
ψ *F ψ F = 0.
If the particles are fermions, it is impossible for both particles to be found in the same state.
In general, the presence of a boson in a particular quantum state increases the probability that other
bosons will be found in the same state, but the presence of a fermion in a particular quantum state
prevents other fermions from being in that state.
Distribution Functions
We can formalize this somewhat. We consider a gas of N identical particles in a
volume V in equilibrium at the temperature T . We shall use the following notation:
Since the particles in the gas are not interacting or are interacting weakly, we can describe
the state R of the system as having n1 particles in state r = 1, n2 particles in state r = 2,
etc. The total energy of the state is
ER = n1 ε1 + n2 ε2 + n3 ε3 ... = nr ε r (1)
Here the sum is over all the possible states R of the whole gas, i.e., essentially over all
the various possible values of the numbers n1 , n2 , n3 , ...
Now we want to find the mean number ns of particles in a state s. Since
Z = ζN (8)
Then !
ln Z = N ln ζ = N ln e (10)
1 ∂ ln Z 1 −βe−βεs
ns = − = − N P −βεr (11)
β ∂εs β re
ns = N P −βεr (12)
This is called the “Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.” It is the same as our previous
result when we applied the canonical distribution to N independent single particles in a
classical system. The sum over r is a sum over single particle states.
Alternative Derivation of Maxwell–Boltzmann Partition Function We can write the
partition function of the gas as
Here we are summing over all possible states R of the gas, i.e., over all values
subject to the restriction X
nr = N (15)
Since this is a classical system, the particles have to be considered distinguishable. Thus
any permutation of two particles in different states must be counted as a distinct state
of the whole gas even though the numbers n1 , n2 , n3 , ... are left unchanged. This was the
case in our simple example. It is not enough to specify how many particles are in each
single–particle state, but it is necessary to specify which particular particle is in which
state. For a given set of values n1 , n2 , n3 , ..., there are
n1 !n2 !...
possible ways in which the particles can be put into the given single particle states with
n1 particles in state 1, n2 particles in state 2, etc. This is the number of distinct states
since the particles are distinguishable. Hence
e−β(n1 ε1 +n2 ε2 +...)
Z =
n1 ,n2 ,... n 1 !n 2 !...
X N ! −βε1 n1 −βε2 n2
= e e ... (17)
n1 ,n2 ,... n1 !n2 !...
Because of (15), this last expression is just a multinomial expansion. So we can write
Z = e−βε1 + e−βε2 + ... (18)
or !
ln Z = N ln e (19)
where e−βεr is just the partition function for a single particle. This is what we got
Here the particles are to be considered as indistinguishable, so that the state of the gas
can be specified by merely listing the number of particles in each single particle state:
n1 , n2 , n3 , .... Since there is no limit to the number of particles that can occupy a state,
ns can equal 0,1,2,3,... for each state s. For photons the total number of particles is
not fixed since photons can readily be emitted or absorbed by the walls of the container.
Let’s calculate ns for the case of photon statistics. The partition function is given by
e−β(n1 ε1 +n2 ε2 +...)
Z= (20)
where the summation is over all values nr = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... for each r, without any further
restriction. We can rewrite (20) as
e−βn1 ε1 e−βn2 ε2 e−βn3 ε3 ...
Z= (21)
n1 ,n2 ,...
∞ ∞ ∞
e−βn1 ε1 e−βn2 ε2 e−βn3 ε3 ...
Z= (22)
n1 =0 n2 =0 n3 =0
But each sum is a geometric series whose first term is 1 and where the ratio between
successive terms is exp(−βεr ). Thus it can be easily summed:
e−βns εs = 1 + e−βεs + e−2βεs + ... =
ns =0 1 − e−βεs
Hence eq. (22) becomes
1 1 1
Z= ... (24)
1 − e−βε1 1 − e−βε2 1 − e−βε3
or X
ln Z = − ln 1 − e−βεs (25)
So if we plug this into eqn. (7), we get
1 ∂ ln Z 1 ∂ e−βεs
ns = − = ln 1 − e−βεs = (26)
β ∂εs β ∂εs 1 − e−βεs
ns = (27)
eβεs − 1
This is called the “Planck distribution.” We’ll come back to this a bit later when we talk
about black body radiation.
Photons are bosons, but their total number is not conserved because they can be
absorbed and emitted. Other types of bosons, however, do have their total number
conserved. One example is 4 He atoms. A 4 He atom is a boson because if you add the
spin of the proton, neutron, and 2 electrons, you always will get an integer. If the number
of bosons is conserved, then ns must satisfy the condition
ns = N (28)
where N is the total number of bosons in the system. In order to satisfy this condition,
one slightly modifies the Planck distribution. The result is known as the Bose–Einstein
ns = β(εs −µ) (29)
e −1
where µ is the chemical potential. µ is adjusted so that eq. (28) is satisfied. Physically
µ is the change in the energy of the system when one particle is added. Eqn. (29) is
called the Bose–Einstein distribution function or the Bose distribution function for short.
Often one writes this as a function of energy:
n(ε) = β(ε−µ) (30)
e −1
n(ε) is also called the Bose-Einstein distribution.
Bose−Einstein Distribution Function
µ = −10 K
−15.0 T=5K
T = 10 K
T = 20 K
−50.0 −25.0 0.0 25.0 50.0
E [K]
Notice that if ε < µ, then n(ε) < 0 which doesn’t make much sense. The Bose distribution
only makes sense for ε > µ.
We can explicitly derive (29). In order to satisfy the condition (28), one multiplies
the partition function by a fudge factor exp(−αN ). α is then adjusted to satisfy eqn.
(28). α is an example of what is called a Lagrange multiplier.
e−β(n1 ε1 +n2 ε2 +...) e−αN
Z =
e−β(n1 ε1 +n2 ε2 +...) e−α(n1 +n2 +...)
We use Z instead of Z because we have an extra factor of exp(−αN ). Z is the “grand
partition function” that we met when we discussed the grand canonical ensemble. This
is just a product of simple geometric series. Hence
1 1
Z= ... (33)
1 − e−(α+βε1 ) 1 − e−(α+βε2 )
ln 1 − e−(α+βεr )
ln Z = − (34)
Recall that when we discussed the grand canonical ensemble and the grand partition
function, we set
α = −βµ (35)
where µ is the chemical potential. We are basically assuming that we have a system of
weakly interacting bosons in contact with both an energy and particle number reservoir,
and that the temperature T and the chemical potential µ are fixed by the reservoir. So
we can rewrite (34) to obtain the grand partition function:
ln Z = − ln 1 − e−β(εr −µ) (36)
We will return to the Bose–Einstein distribution when we discuss black body radiation.
Fermi–Dirac Statitics
Recall that fermions have half–integer spin statistics and that at most one fermion
can occupy each single particle state. This means that ns = 0 or 1. We can easily get
some idea of what ns is by considering the very simple case of a system with just one
single particle state. In this case
ns e−βns εs
ns = Pns −βns εs
ns e
e−βns εs = 1 + e−βεs
ns =0,1
The numerator is
ns e−βns εs = 0 + e−βεs
ns =0,1
So we have
ns = (44)
1 + e−βεs
ns = (45)
For a real system we have many single particle states and many particles. The expression
for ns in this case must satisfy the condition that the number of particles is a constant:
ns = N (46)
f (E) Fermi Distribution Function
µ(Τ=0)= E E
We can formally derive the Fermi distribution in much the same way as we derived
the Bose distribution. We once again consider a system of weakly interacting fermions
in contact with both an energy and a particle number reservoir. The grand partition
function is given by
e−β(E−µN )
Z =
e−β(n1 ε1 +n2 ε2 +...) eβµ(n1 +n2 +...)
n1 ,n2 ,n3 ,...
= e−β(ε1 −µ)n1 e−β(ε2 −µ)n2 ...
n1 ,n2 ,n3 ,...
X 1
= e−β(ε1 −µ)n1 e−β(ε2 −µ)n2 ...
n1 =0 n2 =0
−β(ε1 −µ)
= 1+e 1 + e−β(ε2 −µ) ...
= 1 + e−β(εr −µ) (49)
and X
ln Z = ln 1 + e−β(εr −µ) (50)
1 ∂ ln Z 1 X βe−β(εr −µ)
N= = (51)
β ∂µ β r 1 + e−β(εr −µ)
X 1
N= (52)
r eβ(εr −µ) +1
The mean number of fermions in state s is
1 ∂ 1 (−β)e−β(εs −µ)
ns = − ln Z = − (53)
β ∂εs β 1 + e−β(εs −µ)
ns = (54)
eβ(εs −µ) +1
Note that X
N= ns (55)
For future reference the two expressions for the average number of particles in the
sth state for bosons and fermions are:
ns = bosons (56)
eβ(εs −µ) −1
ns = fermions (57)
eβ(εs −µ) + 1
A more succinct way to write our results for the quantum statistics of ideal gases is
ns = (59)
eβ(εs −µ) ±1
where the upper sign refers to Fermi statistics and the lower sign refers to Bose statistics.
If the gas consists of a fixed number of particles, µ is determined by
X X 1
ns = =N (60)
s s eβ(εs −µ) ±1
In general the number N of particles is much smaller than the total number of single
particle states s.
Classical Limit
Let us consider 2 limiting cases. Consider the low density limit where N is very
small. The relation (60) can then only be satisfied if each term in the sum over all states
is sufficiently small, i.e., if ns ≪ 1 or exp[β(εs − µ)] ≫ 1 for all states s.
The other case to consider is the high temperature limit. Since β = 1/kB T , the high
temperature limit corresponds to small β. Now if β were 0, we would have
X 1
=N (61)
s 1±1
which is a disaster for both the Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein cases. But β = 0 means
that T = ∞. Let’s assume that the temperature is high but not infinite, so that β is
small but not 0. At high temperatures, lots of high energy states are occupied. By “high
energy,” I mean that εs ≫ µ. In order to satisfy the fixed N constraint of eqn. (60), it
is necessary to have
exp[β(εs − µ)] ≫ 1 (62)
such that
ns ≪ 1 (63)
for all states s. (Remember that there are many more states s than particles N .) This is
the same condition that came up in the low density case. We call the limit of sufficiently
low concentration or sufficiently high temperature where (62) or (63) are satisfied the
“classical limit.” In this limit ns reduces to
eβµ = P (66)
ns = N P −βεs (67)
Hence we see that in the classical limit of sufficiently low density or sufficiently high tem-
perature, the Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein distribution laws reduce to the Maxwell–
Boltzmann distribution.