Practice Sheet On Combinatorics Made by MD - Ishrak Khan (T134)
Practice Sheet On Combinatorics Made by MD - Ishrak Khan (T134)
Practice Sheet On Combinatorics Made by MD - Ishrak Khan (T134)
(i) Using each digit only once in each number how many significant odd numbers
(ii) Using each digit only once in each number how many significant even number
(i) The digits from 0 to 9 is written in the telephone dial. All the telephone numbers
in the town of Cox’s Bazar contain 5 digits. How many connections of telephones can
(ii) 15 letters in each of 3 rings of a lock are printed. If the lock can be opened by only
one permutation of three letters, then find the number of permutations by which the
(iii) How many numbers of three digits can be formed with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so
that any digit may be repeated any number of times in each numbers? How many of
(i) In how many ways can the letters of 'Equation' be arranged by using all the letters
at a time?
(ii) In how many ways can the letters of the word 'TRIANGLE' be arranged so that
(iii) Find the number of arrangements of the letters of the word 'Mathematics'. In how
(iv) In how many ways can the letters of the word 'MILLENNIUM' be arranged? How
many of them begin with 'M' and also end with 'M'?
(v) In how many ways can the letters of the word 'Permutation' be re-arranged so that the
(i) How many different words taking letters at a time can be formed from the letters
of the word Cambridge' so that each word contains all the vowels?
(ii) How many different words consisting of 3 consonants and 2 vowels can be
(iii) How many different words by taking 1 vowel and 2 consonants from the letters
of the word "Permutation" can be formed where the vowel always stays in the middle?
(i) How many teams of 11 players can be formed from 14 players of which 6 are
(ii) From two groups of players of which 6 are in one group and 8 are in the other
least 4 players from the group of 6. In how many ways can that team be formed?
(iii) From 6 students having Mathematics and 4 students having Physics, a committee
the students having Mathematics. In how many ways can the committee be formed?
(i) An examinee is required to answer 6 questions out 12 questions. He will have to select
exactly 4 questions out of 5 questions from the beginning. In how many ways
(ii) Question paper on Mathematics has been divided into two groups, each group
than 4 questions from any group. In how many ways can the examinee select
(i) In how many ways can the letters of the word "Degree" taking 4 letters at a time be
(ii) In how many ways can selections be made by taking 4 letters at a time from the
(iii) How many words can be formed by taking 3 letters at a time from the letters of the
word 'America'?
(i) How many triangles can be formed by joining the angular points of a polygon
containing 17 sides?
(ii) How many triangles can be formed by joining the angular points of a polygon