Pharmacology For Nurses

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for Nurses
for Nurses

Padmaja Udaykumar
Professor and Head
Department of Pharmacology
Fr Muller Medical College
Mangalore, Karnataka (India)


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Pharmacology for Nurses
© 2008, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
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First Edition: 2005 (By the Arora Medical Book Publishers Pvt. Ltd.)
Second Edition: 2008
ISBN 978-81-8448-425-0
Typeset at JPBMP typesetting unit
Printed at Ajanta Offset & Packagins Ltd., New Delhi
Dedicated to
the memory of
my father
Late P Surya Narayan
Administration of medication is one of the major responsibilities of a professional nurse. Therefore,
it is important that all nurses should study pharmacology carefully during their student period.
The book Pharmacology for Nurses, by Prof. Padmaja Udaykumar will be of great help to students
and teachers of nursing. It aims at the students of nursing and conforms to the syllabus of BSc
(Nursing) by the Nursing Council of India. The chapters have been written with necessary
illustrations, in simple and lucid manner.
It is my proud privilege to write 'Foreword' for this book. While I congratulate Prof. Padmaja
Udaykumar, I am confident that this book will meet the learning needs of BSc (Nursing) students.

Sr Jacintha D’Souza
MSc(N), MPhil(N)
Principal and professor
Fr Muller College of Nursing
Mangalore, Karnataka (India)
Preface to the Second Edition
The second edition of Pharmacology for nurses is brought out in an effort to keep pace with the
growth of the subject. Pharmacology is changing at such a rapid pace that drugs of choice and
even the mode of treatment differ in a short span of time. In the present edition, the topics have
been further refined and modifications have been made wherever needed. Nursing Implications
have been added in all relevant topics. I hope this sincere effort will be useful to the nursing
students and help them in achieving the requisite skills and knowledge.
Readers please note that this book is the second edition of A textbook of Pharmacology for
Nurses published by Arora Medical Books, Lucknow and is now named Pharmacology for Nurses
Please send your valuable feedback to

Padmaja Udaykumar
Professor and Head
Department of Pharmacology
Fr Muller Medical College
Mangalore, Karnataka (India)
Preface to the First Edition
Nursing, the noble profession, is a rapidly growing field which is in greatest demand throughout
the world. With a massive increase in the percentage of elderly population, the demand for
nursing would only keep on increasing. The responsibility of the nurses and the expectation from
the patients have also increased. The nurses should therefore have adequate knowledge and
expertise in their field. This includes a sound knowledge of the drugs too. Since nurses handle all
types of drugs, they should be aware of their actions, uses, toxicity and also know about the
management of drug poisoning.
There are very few books meant only for nursing students especially in the subjects that are
also studied by medical students. Nursing students therefore face a lot of difficulty in finding the
relevant matter from other books. With the growth of nursing as a separate discipline, nurses
deserve books meant only for them. This book has been brought out as per the Indian Nursing
Council syllabus. A few topics which have not been mentioned in the syllabus have also been
briefly discussed at the end to give an overall idea about such drugs.
Many universities conduct examinations with Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Therefore,
a large number of MCQs have been given in form of a separate section.
I hope this book reduces the burden of the nursing students in learning pharmacology and
help them in patient care too.

Padmaja Udaykumar
Professor and Head
Department of Pharmacology
Fr Muller Medical College
Mangalore, Karnataka (India)
I thank Prof. Salomy George, Deputy director of nursing education, Government of Kerala and
Sr. Jacintha, Principal Fr. Muller College of nursing for writing foreword to this book.
I am thankful to the management of Fr. Muller Medical College – Director Rev. Fr. Patrick
Rodrigues, Administrator Rev Fr. Denis D’sa and Dean, Dr. B Sanjeev Rai for their encouragement.
I wish to thank the following faculty of Pharmacology for their support – Prof. Nataraj, Prof
Vijayaraghavan, Prof. Elsy M.I., Prof. Nagendra Nayak and my colleagues Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dr.
Princy, Dr. Prasannalakshmi,Dr. Raghavendra Baliga and Dr. Manohar Revonkar.
I place on record my sincere thanks to my husband Prof. Udaykumar K for the constant
encouragement, suggestions, help and guidance in bringing out this book.
I also thank Shri JP Vij and Mr. Bupesh Arora, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi
for publishing this book and their staff for the meticulous work.

1. Introduction and Drug Information Sources .................................................. 3

2. Routes of Drug Administration ...................................................................... 7
3. Pharmacokinetics and Drug Dosage ........................................................... 16
4. Pharmacodynamics .................................................................................... 23
5. Adverse Drug Reactions and Drug Interactions ........................................... 30
6. Drugs Control, Drug Standards and Laws ................................................... 35


7. Pharmaceutical Preparations ...................................................................... 43


8. Weights and Measures ................................................................................ 53


9. Opioid Analgesics ...................................................................................... 71

10. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) ........................................ 82
11. Psychopharmacology ................................................................................... 95
12. Anesthetics ............................................................................................... 105
13. Other Drugs Acting on the CNS ................................................................ 112


14. General Considerations ............................................................................ 121

15. Sulfonamides, Cotrimoxazole and Quinolones .......................................... 130
16. Beta-lactam Antibiotics ............................................................................ 136
17. Broad Spectrum Antibiotics...................................................................... 145
18. Aminoglycosides ...................................................................................... 149
19. Macrolides, Other Antibacterial Agents and Chemotherapy of
Urinary Tract Infection .............................................................................. 153
20. Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis and Leprosy .............................................. 159
21. Antifungal Drugs ....................................................................................... 167
22. Antiviral Drugs ......................................................................................... 172
xvi Pharmacology for Nurses
23. Chemotherapy of Malaria .......................................................................... 176
24. Drugs used in Amoebiasis, Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis ............... 181
25. Anthelmintics and Drugs used in Scabies and Pediculosis ....................... 186
26. Cancer Chemotherapy .............................................................................. 191
27. Immunosuppressants and Immunostimulants ............................................ 198
28. Antiseptics and Disinfectants ................................................................... 200

Section Six HORMONES

29. Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary Hormones ....................................... 209

30. Thyroid Hormones and Antithyroid Drugs ................................................. 212
31. Corticosteroids ......................................................................................... 216
32. Estrogens, Progestins and Hormonal Contraceptives ................................ 224
33. Androgens and Anabolic Steroids ............................................................. 235
34. Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemics ............................................................... 238
35. Agents Affecting Bone Mineral Turnover ................................................... 247


36. Treatment of Poisoning ............................................................................. 253


37. Enzymes in Therapy .................................................................................. 269

38. Vaccines and Antisera .............................................................................. 271
39. Vitamins ................................................................................................... 275
40. Minerals ................................................................................................... 281


41. Autonomic Nervous System ...................................................................... 287

42. Diuretics, Cardiovascular Drugs and Drugs Used in the Disorders of
Coagulation .............................................................................................. 296
43. Autacoids ................................................................................................. 306
44. Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System ................................................... 309
45. Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal System ............................................ 313

Multiple Choice Questions ........................................................................ 321

Index ......................................................................................................................... 335

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