Bs1192-Construction Drawing Practice
Bs1192-Construction Drawing Practice
Bs1192-Construction Drawing Practice
| BS 1192-5:1998
Construction drawing |
practice Ð |
Guide for the structuring and exchange |
of CAD data |
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
CIC 01.100.30; 35.240.10 |
BS 1192-5:1998
BSI 1998
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No. Date Text affected
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Introduction 1
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Relationship between drawings and CAD models 2
5 Common methods of structuring graphic data 4
6 Classification of information 5
7 Non-graphic data 6
8 Model files 6
9 Sub-models and instances of sub-models 7
10 Layers and layer naming 8
11 Recommendations relating to drawing annotation and linework 10
Annex A (normative) Guidance to CAD system managers 12
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
BSI 1998 i
BS 1192-5:1998
This British standard has been prepared by Technical Committee B/212. It supersedes
BS 1192-5:1990 which is withdrawn.
The changes incorporated in this new edition reflect the increased use of reference
files and greater experience of CAD data management and exchange. It was prepared
in parallel with ISO 13567 and recommends the use of a simpler, ISO compatible, layer
naming and coding strategy. This minimizes the number of different layers used and
reduces complexity when data are exchanged between different parties to a project.
A British Standard does not purport to include all necessary provisions of a contract.
Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1
to 13 and a back cover.
ii BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
BSI 1998 1
BS 1192-5:1998
3.7 3.20
drawing definition style
specification of the content and composition of a parameter affecting the appearance of a primitive
particular drawing
model included as an instance in another model
information unit having uniform meaning and use
3.9 3.22
instance wildcarding
occurrence of an entity at a particular location and text searching based on a template composed of
orientation within a model or sub-model characters which either appear in a specific position
in the character sequence being sought, or are
wildcard characters such as * or ?, reserved as place
layer holders or selection delimiters
attribute of an entity used for identification
commonly used to control visibility, and for the
classification of entities within a model 4 Relationship between drawings and
3.11 CAD models
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
2 BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
BSI 1998 3
BS 1192-5:1998
4 BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
Unlike model file references, sub-model references, framework model upon which the others rely.
usually called instances, often have non-graphic Almost inevitably there is some duplication of
attribute data associated with them. Sub-models information so that co-ordination between
are also generally distinguished by the special disciplines can take place.
treatment they receive. For example, libraries are Increasingly models of building stock are being
designated to hold them, special provisions are made used by strategic divisional planners and managers
to view them for selection purposes, to count them, within organizations. Although perhaps not the
and to assign, schedule and report on the original authors of the data, their job function and
non-graphic attribute data associated with them. By the fact that they might be the most enduring
design, they are ideally suited to represent individual users of the graphic database may mean that their
construction components or discrete assemblies of requirements should take precedence.
such components. Sub-models and the entities they b) Element: functional parts of construction works
contain are often assigned separate layer attributes to be designated by a classification system.
(see 5.4). Generally, it is recommended that nationally
Object oriented CAD systems use objects to fulfil recognized classifications such as Uniclass [1],
the role played by sub-models of components. CI/SfB [2], or Common arrangement [3] should be
5.4 Layering by layer attribute assignment used for this purpose.
Model data can be layered by assigning a layer c) Presentation: information stored in model files
attribute to each entity in a model file. This usually or drawing definitions which may need to be
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
occurs when an entity is created. Entities with the switched on or off for presentation purposes. This
same assigned layer attribute then form a layer. can be information associated with plotted output,
Layers are generally named or numbered and an such as drawing borders and drawing annotation,
entity can be transferred between layers by changing or to produce views for drawing composition
its layer attribute assignment. purposes which contain only a subset of the
Layers of 2D graphical data are similar in concept to information contained in one or more model files.
the transparent sheets used in overlay draughting, It may also be information which users working on
with all the entities relating to the same co-ordinate models wish to display or suppress for their own
system. Unlike reference files, all information is held convenience.
in a single file and layers formed in this way cannot d) Sector: a subdivision of a project into physical
be clipped or included by reference in other files. locations, such as building, storey or zone.
The visual display of a layer can , however, be Because plan levels commonly form the nucleus of
turned on and off. Layering can also sometimes be a graphical database, it may often be necessary to
used to designate which entities should be ignored subdivide a plan model containing all information
during editing operations, although in practice, the concerned with a particular level of the building to
selective manipulation and editing that can be satisfy multi-user access requirements and system
performed on layers is usually quite limited. response times. Section and elevation planes
If faceted names (such as: architect, level 2, which hold quite different data and which are
plan, etc.) can be used to identify layers, then each updated on a different basis are often kept as
facet can be associated with a different category of separate models.
construction data. Some CAD systems also allow e) Status: whether parts of a construction project
wildcarding techniques to be used to specify which are new, for retention or demolition, etc.
categories of model data should be displayed or f) Scale: additional or alternative information
manipulated. Model files, sub-models, and objects which is used to produce drawings at different
can often be handled in a similar fashion by systems scales with different levels of detail.
that support their faceted naming, or selection based Other concepts may also be important, particularly
on attribute assignment. the subdivision of data by construction phase or
contract work package. Creating new building stock,
6 Classification of information or adding to and refurbishing existing property, can
stretch over long periods of time, and may well
6.1 Conceptual classes of information progress through various development and approval
Graphic entities should be structured and classified stages. Phases blend one into the other. Predictions
so that entities belonging to one or more classes of on future phases, operations on current phases and
information can be selectively displayed, separated, audit trails on past phases, all have their influences
combined, and exchanged. They can be classified on model structure. Project management
into the following categories. arrangements, particularly on projects with short
a) Agent responsible: the professional discipline of programmes, may sometimes require graphical
the author. Each discipline usually maintains its models to be organized to enable work packages to
own models which contain data covering its be issued to subcontractors. It is therefore important
particular area of responsibility. Usually one to take these aspects into consideration from the
discipline takes the responsibility for a base or outset.
BSI 1998 5
BS 1192-5:1998
Sector 1 3 2
in the field of a record within a database table.
Status 2 5 2 Because the CAD system and the database are
Scale 3 4 2 usually separate, a change in one may not be
Key: reflected immediately in the other. It is therefore
1 = very applicable essential when a change is made that a reconciliation
2 = applicable process is undertaken to synchronize both sets of
3 = possible
4 = possible by swapping records.
5 = unusual
7.2.4 Objects
Increasingly, CAD systems are making use of objects.
7 Non-graphic data An object is an instance of a class and consequently
7.1 General has the data and behaviour specified by the class but
Many CAD systems incorporate or refer to its own identity. Objects can also inherit data from
non-graphic data which can be associated with parent objects, thus doing away with the need to
graphic entities. For example, a ventilation diffuser hold data against an object, when it can be held
may have associated data specifying its size and more efficiently by a parent object.
manufacturer and instances of the diffuser may
associate data specifying the diffuser number and 8 Model files
flow rate, which may vary from instance to instance.
Some systems can identify graphic entities for 8.1 Naming
purposes of display, manipulation and editing, based
8.1.1 Organization
on the attributes associated with them.
Support for the assignment and manipulation of Document/file management software packages have
non-graphic data varies greatly between systems, and given users much more freedom in terms of the
the provision of detailed guidance on this is beyond length and content of the names they associate with
the scope of this standard. However, some of the files. Model files, however, should be allocated
more commonplace means of structuring simple, meaningful names which can be maintained
non-graphic data are given in 7.2. consistently across projects of varying size and
complexity. Names given to model files should
7.2 Types of non-graphic data support their use as reference files so that their
7.2.1 Bound attributes author, subject content, location and other attributes
Bound attributes are usually stored within graphic can be immediately identified.
files as part of an instance. They are bound in the Model file names should, wherever possible, be both
sense that the schema for the attributes is fixed at human and machine readable, with a format based
the time of its assignment and cannot be changed. on a fixed number of characters to allow selection
Generally, each attribute has a name and a format by wild-carding. Names should be divided into fields,
which may be numeric (either integer or real) or with each field holding one concept. It is important
textual (string). Bound attribute data can be useful that all participants in a project should agree from
where there is a limited number of non-graphic the outset which fields are to be mandatory and
attributes and it is certain that the schema will not which are to be optional.
undergo change.
6 BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
If model files are to be treated as layers for data 8.2 Nested model file references
exchange purposes, model file name fields should be CAD systems vary in terms of the number of files
based on the mandatory concept fields that a single file is permitted to refer to and the
recommended for layer naming in 10.3. depth of nested file references supported. The
8.1.2 Model files representing different 2D views following principles should be adopted.
a) The number of references to files by a single File name coding conventions file should be limited to the minimum number
All coding conventions should be left justified. consistent with the objectives of the composite
Alphanumeric characters allowed are the letters A-Z, model.
the numbers 1-9 and two further characters which b) Nesting of file references should be avoided
should be used in the following way: wherever possible.
a) a hyphen ª-º, which should be used to indicate c) Where it is not possible to avoid nesting, the
that a character position in a field relates to all maximum depth of nesting should be no greater
possible values of that position. Consequently, than three levels.
hyphens used to fill out trailing character positions
in a field indicate no further sub-division of 8.3 Data exchange with referenced model files
information; The exchange of a file which incorporates references
b) an underscore ª_º, which should be used as to other files should be undertaken with care and
character placeholders, where a decision is taken should take into account the following.
Licensed copy:Bisons Concrete, 07/06/2005, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
not to use a field, or that certain trailing character a) When a file containing references is exchanged,
positions will never be used under the project the files to which it refers should be exchanged
layer naming conventions adopted. with it. Coding of 2D model file field names b) The references between model files should not
The recommended order of usage of model files is be dependent on the local directory structure of
given in Table 2. the computer system of the information provider.
An example of coding of 2D model file field names is c) The project team should agree a directory
given in Figure 4. structure which facilitates the exchange and use of
reference models.
Subject defined 9 Sub-models and instances of
or agent View Sector suffix sub-models
SP P 0 5 BF C 9.1 General
Small power Plan Level5, block Revision Sub-models should be used to represent real world
layout view B, zone F C components that can be counted or measured.
Sub-models may have multiple representation
Figure 4 Ð Example of coding of 2D associated with them. Where applicable, 2D
model file field names sub-models relating to building assemblies should
conform to BS 1192-1, symbolic representation to
BS 1192-3 and landscaping to BS 1192-4.
BSI 1998 7
BS 1192-5:1998
which enable their identification and location, a project should agree the layers and codes used and
according to a predictable format which can be how the data will be transferred between their CAD
maintained consistently across projects of varying systems. The number of different layers used when
size and complexity. information is exchanged between the different
9.3 Annotation with component sub-models parties to the project should be kept to the minimum
It is important to avoid storing annotation and necessary.
hatching as part of a sub-model unless it adds Codes used in the layer names should be both
significantly to clarity or is necessary to control the human and machine readable. A format with a fixed
appearance or content of sub-model instances number of characters should be used to allow
(see 11.2 and 11.5.3). selection of layers by wildcarding. Where reserved
9.4 Alternative component sub-model codes are given, they should be used only for the
representations purpose specified. Other codes may be used for
Alternative component sub-model representation project specific purposes.
should be dimensionally equivalent to the primary Layer names should be divided into fields, with each
representation for the context in which it is to be field holding one concept. Fields should be specified
used, and co-ordinate origins and insertion points as either mandatory or optional. Mandatory fields
should be co-ordinated (see 9.5). Where alternative should always be included in the layer names.
representations of a sub-model are created and Optional fields should only be used, as required for
stored as separate sub-models, for example as 2D each project.
or 3D sub-models which represent the same 10.2 Coding rules and conventions
component, the name of the alternative
representation should be associated with that of the Coding conventions should be as follows.
primary sub-model. Where layers are to be used to a) All fields should be left justified.
control the display of different representations of a b) Alphanumeric characters should be chosen
sub-model, users should define an additional layer from the letters A-Z and digits 0-9 in addition to
name field for this purpose. the hyphen ª-º.
8 BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
c) The underscore character ª_º should be used as d) Unused trailing fields in the optional part of the
a placeholder for each field character, where all layer name can be omitted.
the character positions in a field or any trailing e) Where a layer is to be interpreted as relating to
character positions at the end of a field, will never all possible values of a specific character position,
be used, e.g. when a coding system requiring fewer the hyphen character ª-º should be used.
characters is adopted. The first three fields should
always be used and their characters should not be 10.3 Mandatory fields
replaced by underscore characters, except: Mandatory fields are given in recommended order of
1) where the coding system used has fewer usage in Table 3.
characters than the field length; or 10.4 Optional fields
2) where a manufacturer is creating a catalogue Optional fields, in recommended order of usage are
of components which will by used on various given in Table 4.
projects. In this case, the ªagent responsibleº
field is unknown and the underscore character 10.5 Application of layer codes
may be used to occupy the character position in Examples of layer naming codes are given in
this field. Figures 6 and 7. Figure 6 gives mandatory codes only.
Figure 7 gives mandatory and optional fields.
BSI 1998 9
BS 1192-5:1998
G = 1 : 200
H = 1 : 500
User defined Unlimited string Project specific. No reserved codes. Any number of characters
Mandatory Optional
Field Agent Element Presentation Sector Status Scale User defined
Name A 244- D 0 2 BD - E STAIRS
Description Architect Spiral stairs Dimensions Level 2, block Not 1:50 Stairs
(using Cl/SfB) B, zone D used
Figure 7 Ð Example of layer coding using both mandatory and optional fields
10 BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
11.5 Linework
11.5.1 Line thickness
CAD systems offer a wide choice of line thickness.
To ensure good appearance and legibility, line
thickness should be in accordance with BS 1192-1,
which recommends a line thickness range of 0.18 mm
to 2 mm and a thickness ratio between any two lines
of not less than 2:1.
BSI 1998 11
BS 1192-5:1998
12 BSI 1998
BS 1192-5:1998
B.2 Managing the relationship between British Organization and naming of layers for CAD Ð
and international layer structures Concepts, format and codes used in construction
A UK organization working on an international project, documentation.
to which ISO 13567-2 code conventions for layering are Other documents
to be applied, should be able to convert layers for [1] Uniclass Ð Unified classification for the
export in a straightforward manner, because the layer construction industry: 1998, Building Project
structure in this British Standard is a subset of the ISO Information Committee. Available from: The
structure. Association of Consulting Engineers, 12 Caxton Street,
Data received from overseas organizations can be London SW1; The Construction Confederation, 82 New
converted to the British layering structure, but some Cavendish Street, London W1; The Royal Institute of
loss of layer structuring information is likely to occur. British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London W1; The
UK firms may therefore be obliged to use a more Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 12 Great
complex and unfamiliar layer structure. In such George Street, London SW1.
circumstances, project teams should agree at an early [2] Cl/SfB Construction indexing manual (latest
stage how they will allocate layers for specific projects edition), RIBA Publications, Royal Institute of British
and document these. It is likely that software will be Architects, 66 Portland Place, London W1.
used for converting layers.
[3] Common arrangement of work sections for
Users wishing to exchange data internationally should building works (latest edition) published by Building
consult ISO 13567-1 and -2, as they contain many Project Information Committee. Available from the
detailed recommendations. Layer management organizations listed in [1].
software should provide options for converting ISO
Table B.1 Ð Differences between international and British layer naming fields
International fields Number of characters National fields (BS 1192 : Number of characters
(ISO 13567-2) Part 5)
Mandatory fields
Order/name: 1. Agent 2 1. Agent responsible 1
2. Element 6 2. Element 4
3. Presentation 2 3. Presentation 1
Optional fields
Order/name: 4. Status 1 4. Sector 4
5. Sector 4 5. Status 1
6. Phase 1 Ð Ð
7. Projection 1 Ð Ð
8. Scale 1 6. Scale 1
9. Work package 2 Ð Ð
10. User defined Unlimited string 7. User defined Unlimited string
BSI 1998 13
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