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Application Note
Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching
Battery Chargers

Ning Tang
This application report provides a general single-cell charge selection guidance and comparison among
BQ2419x, BQ2429x, BQ2589x, BQ25898x, BQ2560x, BQ2561x, and BQ2562x single-cell switching battery
charge devices with Narrow Voltage DC (NVDC) Power Path Management. The document presents the main
differences and describes the key features of each part. The summary also includes the comparison across
various charger product families. This information provided hereby can assist design engineers with making
good choices for their single-cell switching battery charging applications.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Input Current Limit Detection............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Control Methodology Host Controlled vs Stand-Alone.......................................................................................................2
1.3 Battery Monitoring and Protection......................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Boost Mode On-The-Go (OTG) Output..............................................................................................................................3
2 Stand-Alone Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers.........................................................................................................3
3 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 14 V Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers With Battery Monitoring (BQ2589x and
4 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 17 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2419x)...................................................6
5 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 6.2 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2429x)..................................................7
6 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 13.5 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2560x and BQ2561x)........................ 8
7 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 18 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2562x)...................................................9
8 Summary............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
9 References.............................................................................................................................................................................11

List of Tables
Table 1-1. I2C Control vs. Stand-Alone....................................................................................................................................... 2
Table 2-1. Device Comparison for Stand-alone Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers............................................................ 3
Table 3-1. BQ2589x Device Comparison.....................................................................................................................................4
Table 3-2. BQ25898x Device Comparison...................................................................................................................................5
Table 4-1. BQ2419x Device Comparison.....................................................................................................................................6
Table 5-1. BQ2429x Device Comparison.....................................................................................................................................7
Table 6-1. BQ2560x/61x Device Comparison..............................................................................................................................8
Table 7-1. BQ2560x/61x/62x Device Comparison....................................................................................................................... 9
Table 8-1. Single Cell NVDC Charger Device Comparison....................................................................................................... 10

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Introduction www.ti.com

1 Introduction
Besides the common charger parameters such as the input voltage range, the battery charge voltage limit,
the maximum charging current, the package size and so on, a single-cell charger designer needs to consider
system-level architecture including but not limit to the input current limit detection scheme, the system control
methodology, the system monitoring and protection scheme and boost mode operation.
1.1 Input Current Limit Detection
If the application requires USB D+/D- input current limit detection capability, the user needs to check the related
specs of a charger IC. Please visit USB D+ D- Input Current Limit Detection for BQ2419x, BQ2429x, BQ2589x,
BQ25898x, BQ2560x, and BQ2561x (USB D+ D- Input Current Limit Detection for BQ2419x, BQ2429x,
BQ2589x, BQ25898x, BQ2560x, and BQ2561x application note) for the details.
If the application does not require USB D+/D- input current limit, the user can either leave the D+/D- pins open or
short the D+/D- pins together. Below are the general guidelines. Please refer to the corresponding data sheet for
the specific input current limit settings
1. When D+/D- pins are open, the input source is usually detected as Unknown Adapter.
2. When D+/D- pins are short, the input source is usually detected as USB DCP.
1.2 Control Methodology Host Controlled vs Stand-Alone
As a battery charger designer, one of the most important questions to consider is the control method for the
charging system. Shall a microprocessor-controlled charger or a stand-alone charger be used?
The two most popular control methodologies are:
• Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) controlled: The I2C bus is a very popular and powerful bus used for
communication between a host device (or multiple host devices) and a single auxiliary device (or multiple
auxiliary devices). A microcontroller, known as the host device, is necessary to communicate with auxiliary
devices, including the charger. It’s possible for the host device to modify tens of charger system parameters
via I2C on the fly. Charger status as well as fault conditions can be reported back to the host device.
• Stand-alone: The charger functions independently without any software or host control. Fixed resistors on the
board determine adjustable settings like charge current and voltage limit.
Table 1-1 lists what can be considered when determining the control method for a charger system.
Table 1-1. I2C Control vs. Stand-Alone
I2C-controlled Stand-alone
Need real-time control over the charger? √ X
Need the flexibility of charging parameters? √ X
Need to monitor charging parameter values? √ X
Require a host? Yes No
Require software code? Yes No

1.3 Battery Monitoring and Protection

To improve battery safety, battery monitoring and protection are important in a charger system. The main job
of a charger is to charge the battery. The chargers are essentially power supplies with complex state machines
and analog feedback loops. In general, chargers do not offer battery monitoring function and only implement
basic battery protection functions such as under-voltage protection, over-voltage protection and over-current
The gauges are micro-controllers using ADCs and digital logic. Although a few chargers offer battery monitoring
as an extra feature in addition to regular charger, a gauge makes more accurate voltage, current and
temperature measurements compared to that of a charger. For accurate ADC measurements and full-featured
battery monitoring function, a gauge is recommended.

2 Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching Battery Chargers SLUAAM6 – NOVEMBER 2022
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1.4 Boost Mode On-The-Go (OTG) Output

For the single-cell switching battery charge devices discussed hereby, most of them support boost mode
operations while some chargers provide the boost output at both VBUS and PMID pins (Q1 RBFET is on in
boost mode) and some chargers provide the boost output at the PMID pin only (Q1 RBFET is off in boost mode).
If an application uses the boost mode operations, the charger designer needs to check which pin needs the
boost output in their system.
2 Stand-Alone Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers
Table 2-1 shows available stand-alone single-cell switching battery chargers.
Table 2-1. Device Comparison for Stand-alone Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers
BQ25606 BQ25616 BQ25616J
Quiescent battery current (BAT, SYS, SW) 58 µA 9.5 µA 9.5 µA
VBUS OVP Reaction-time 200 ns 130 ns 130 ns
Input voltage regulation accuracy ±3% ±2% ±2%
TS profile JEITA Hot/Cold JEITA
Charge safety timer accuracy 10 hr 20 hr 20 hr
Charge Voltage Limit 4.2 V/4.35 V/4.4 V 4.1 V/4.2 V/4.35 V 4.1 V/4.2 V/4.35 V
Battery voltage regulation ±0.5% ±0.4% ±0.4%
ACDRV No Yes Yes

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I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 14 V Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers With Battery Monitoring (BQ2589x and
BQ25898x) www.ti.com

3 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 14 V Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers With Battery

Monitoring (BQ2589x and BQ25898x)
Both BQ2589x in QFN package and BQ25898x WCSP package are full-featured chargers with battery
monitoring function.
Table 3-1 shows device comparison for BQ2589x product family in 4 mm × 4 mm QFN package.
Table 3-1. BQ2589x Device Comparison
Features BQ25890 BQ25892 BQ25896 BQ25890H BQ25895 BQ25895M
Max Charge Current 5A 5A 3A 5A 5A 5A
Boost Mode Output Current 2.4 A 2.4 A 2A 2.4 A 3.1 A 3.1 A
USB Detection D+/D- PSEL PSEL D+/D- D+/D- D+/D-
HVDCP Support Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Default Enable Default Enable BC1.2 Only Default Enable Default Enable Default Disable
Default Battery Voltage 4.2 V 4.2 V 4.2 V 4.2 V 4.2 V 4.35 V
IR Compensation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Direct BATSENSE No No No No No No
Input Control Optimization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I2C Default Input Current Limit 3.25 A 3.25 A 3.25 A 3.25 A 3.25 A 3.25 A
ILIM Pin Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Default Charge Current 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A
ADC Battery Monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
QON Full System Reset (QON Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
D+/D- Driver No No No Yes No No
VOK Driver No No No No No No
I2C Address 6AH 6BH 6BH 6AH 6AH 6AH

4 Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching Battery Chargers SLUAAM6 – NOVEMBER 2022
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I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 14 V Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers With Battery Monitoring (BQ2589x and
www.ti.com BQ25898x)

Table 3-2 shows device comparison for BQ25898x product family in 2.8 mm × 2.5 mm WCSP package
Table 3-2. BQ25898x Device Comparison
Features BQ25898D BQ25898 BQ25898C
Max Charge Current 4A 4A 3A
Boost Mode Output Current 2.4 A 2.4 A Not Supported
USB Detection D+/D- PSEL PSEL
HVDCP Support Yes Yes No
Default Enable Default Enable BC1.2 Only
MTK-PE+ Support (Autonomous / Software) Yes (Auto) Yes (Auto) Not Supported
Default Battery Voltage 4.2 V 4.2 V 4.2 V
IR Compensation Yes Yes No
Direct BATSENSE Yes Yes Yes
Input Control Optimization (ICO) Yes Yes No
I2C Default Input Current Limit 3.25 A 3.25 A 1.5 A
ILIM Pin Yes Yes No
Default Charge Current 2A 2A Charge Disabled
ADC Yes Yes Yes
QON Full System Reset (QON Pin) Yes Yes No
D+/D- Driver Yes No No
VOK Driver No Yes No
Temperature Profile (TS Pin) JEITA JEITA Not Supported
I2C Address 6AH 6BH 6BH

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I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 17 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2419x) www.ti.com

4 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 17 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2419x)

The BQ2419x product family including BQ24292I was initially released around year 2012. BQ2419x, BQ2419x,
and BQ2589x are basically pin-compatible.
Table 4-1. BQ2419x Device Comparison
Features BQ24190 BQ24192 BQ24193 BQ24196 BQ24195 BQ24195L
Temperature Profile Cold/Hot Cold/Hot Cold/Hot JEITA Cold/Hot Cold/Hot Cold/Hot
Maximum Charge Current 4.5 A 4.5 A 4.5 A 4.5 A 2.5 A 4.5 A 2.5 A
Boost Mode Output Current 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 1.3 A 2.1 A 1.0 A
Default Battery Regulation 4.208 V 4.208 V 4.112 V 4.208 V 4.208 V 4.208 V 4.208 V
IR Compensation Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Input OVP 18 V 18 V 18 V 18 V 18 V 18 V 18 V
VINDPM Default 4.36 V 4.36 V 4.44V 4.36 V 4.36 V 4.36 V 4.36 V
REGN Voltage 6V 6V 6V 6V 6V 6V 6V
Default Adapter Input 1.5 A 3A 1.5 A 3A 3A 1.5 A 1.5 A
Current Limit
Default Charging Current 2.048 A 2.048 A 1.024A 2.048 A 2.048 A 2.048 A 2.048 A
Default Precharging 256 mA 256 mA 256 mA 256 mA 256 mA 256 mA 256 mA
Maximum Precharging 2.048 A 2.048 A 640 mA 2.048 A 2.048 A 2.048 A 2.048 A
STAT pin during fault Blinking Blinking 10k pull down Blinking Blinking Blinking Blinking

6 Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching Battery Chargers SLUAAM6 – NOVEMBER 2022
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www.ti.com I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 6.2 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2429x)

5 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 6.2 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2429x)

The BQ2429x product family is a low voltage version of the BQ2419x product family.
Table 5-1. BQ2429x Device Comparison
Features BQ24295 BQ24296 BQ24297 BQ24296M BQ24298
Maximum Charge Current 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A
Boost Mode Output Current 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A 1.5 A
USB Detection D+/D- PSEL D+/D- PSEL PSEL
Default Battery Regulation Voltage 4.208 V 4.208 V 4.208 V 4.208 V 4.208 V
Input Current Limits 100 mA, 150 mA, 100 mA, 150 mA, 100 mA, 150 mA, 100 mA, 150 mA, 100 mA, 150 mA,
500 mA, 900 mA, 500 mA, 900 mA, 500 mA, 900 mA, 500 mA, 900 mA, 500 mA, 900 mA,
1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, 3 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, 3 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, 3 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, 3 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, 3
BATFET Overcurrent Latch off Yes Yes Yes No No
VINDPM Default 4.76 V 4.36 V 4.36 V 4.36 V 4.36 V
Max. VSYS Regulation Voltage VBAT + 150 mV VBAT + 150 mV VBAT + 150 mV VBAT+ 70 mV VBAT+ 70 mV
Default Adapter Input Current Limit 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A
Default Precharging Current 256 mA 256 mA 256 mA 128 mA 128 mA
Default Charging Current 1.012 A 2.048 A 2.048 A 2.048 A 2.048 A
Termination Current Range 128 mA about 128 mA about 128 mA about 128 mA about 128 mA about
2048 mA 2048 mA 2048 mA 1024 mA 1024 mA
QON Low to Hi Low to Hi Low to Hi Low to Hi Hi to Low
Transition Exit Transition Exit Transition Exit Transition Exit Transition Exit
Ship Mode Ship Mode Ship Mode Ship Mode Ship Mode,
System reset
Force BATFET Off Control (I2C) Y(Instant-off) Y(Instant-off) Y(Instant-off) Y(Instant-off) Y (5s-10s delay)
Package RGE-24 RGE-24 RGE-24 RGE-24 RTW-24

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I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 13.5 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2560x and BQ2561x) www.ti.com

6 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 13.5 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2560x

and BQ2561x)
The BQ2560x and BQ2561x product families are the newer generation of the BQ2419x product family.
Table 6-1. BQ2560x/61x Device Comparison
Features BQ25600(D) BQ25601(D) BQ25611D BQ25618/619
Control interface I2C I2C I2C I2C
Input voltage range/ abs max 3.9 V to 13.5 V / 22 V 3.9 V to 13.5 V / 22 V 4 V to 13.5 V / 22 V 4 V to 13.5 V / 22 V
OVP /Reaction time 5.5 V, 6.5 V, 10.5 V, 5.5 V, 6.5 V, 10.5 V, 5.9 V, 6.4 V, 11 V, 5.9 V, 6.4 V, 11 V,
14 V/ 200 ns 14 V/ 200 ns 14.2 V / 130 ns 14.2 V / 130 ns
Battery only Quiescent Current in Ship 17 uA with BATFET 17 uA with BATFET 7 uA with BATFET off 7 uA with BATFET off
mode (typical) off off
Battery Only Quiescent Current (typical) 58 uA with BATFET 58 uA with BATFET 9.5 uA with BATFET 9.5 uA with BATFET
on on on on
USB detection D+D- / BC1.2 D+D- / BC1.2 D+D- / BC1.2 PSEL
Charging current 3 A / 2.04 A 3 A / 2.04 A 3 A / 1.02 A 1.5 A/ 340 mA
max /default
Battery Regulation Voltage 3.856 V - 4.624 V 3.847 V - 4.615 V 3.494 V to 4.510 V 3.504 V to 4.520V
Direct BATSENSE Yes No Yes Yes
TS JEITA Profile Fixed JEITA Fixed JEITA JEITA with adjustable JEITA with adjustable
T2, T3, ICHG% T2, T3, ICHG%
TS ignore bit No No Yes Yes
Top-off timer 0(default), 15, 30, 0(default), 15, 30, 0(default), 15, 30, 0(default), 15, 30,
45min 45min 45min 45min
Safety Timer 5hr, 10 hr (default) 5hr, 10 hr (default) 10 hr (default), 20hr 10 hr (default), 20hr
Min Termination current 60 mA 60 mA 60 mA 20 mA
Boost Voltage/ 4.85 V/5 V/5.15 V/5.3 4.85 V/5 V/5.15 V/5.3 4.6 V/4.75 V/5 V/5.15 4.6 V/4.75 V/5 V/5.15
Boost Current V V V V
1.2 A 1.2 A 0.5 A/1.2 A 0.5 A/1.2 A
/QON SYS reset with adapter No No Yes Yes
Package Type (mm) 2 mm × 2.4 mm QFN-24 QFN-24 QFN-24 4 mm ×4 mm
WCSP 4 mm × 4 mm 4 mm × 4 mm (BQ25619)
p2p w/ BQ2419x/ p2p w/ BQ2419x/ WCSP 2 mm × 2.4
BQ2429x/BQ2589x BQ2429x/BQ2589x mm (BQ25618)

8 Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching Battery Chargers SLUAAM6 – NOVEMBER 2022
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www.ti.com I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 18 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2562x)

7 I2C-Controlled 3.9 V – 18 V VBUS Single-Cell Switching Battery Chargers (BQ2562x)

BQ2562x is a newly released product family with enhanced design. Table 7-1 highlighted the difference between
the selected BQ2560x/BQ2561x/BQ2562x.
Table 7-1. BQ2560x/61x/62x Device Comparison
BQ25601D BQ25611D BQ25620/622

Input current limit 3.2 A 3.2 A 3.2 A

Input voltage max/abs max 13.5 V/22 V 13.5 V/22 V 18 V/26 V

ADC Battery Monitoring No No Yes

USB Detection BC1.2 BC1.2 620: BC1.2; 622: ILIM

Max charge current 3A 3A 3.5 A

Battery only quiescent current with BATFET on 58 µA 9.5 µA 1.5 µA


Battery only quiescent current in ship mode with 17 µA 7 µA 0.15 µA

BATFET off (typ)

Battery Voltage 3.847 V to 4.615 V 3.494 V to 4.510 V 3.5 V - 4.8 V (10mV/step)

Boost mode voltage range 4.85 V/5 V/5.15 V/5.3 V 4.6 V/4.75 V/5 V/5.15 V 3.84 V – 9.6 V

Boost mode max output current 1.2 A 1.2 A 3.2 A

Minimum battery voltage to keep BATFET on 2.2 V 2.2 V 1.8 V

Minimum termination current 60 mA 60 mA 10 mA

Safety Timer 5 hr, 10 hr (default) 10 hr (default), 20hr 10 hr (default), 20hr

JEITA Profile Fixed JEITA Flexible JEITA Flexible JEITA with VSET

Package 4 mm × 4 mm QFN-24 4mm × 4 mm QFN-24 2.5 mm × 3 mm QFN-18

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Summary www.ti.com

8 Summary
The single cell switching battery charger devices including BQ2419x, BQ2429x, BQ2589x, BQ25898x, BQ2560x,
BQ2561x, and BQ2562x are I2C Controlled except BQ25606/616/616J as standalone chargers. Table 8-1 shows
the key features for each product family. Please refer to the corresponding data sheets for the details.
Table 8-1. Single Cell NVDC Charger Device Comparison
Features BQ2419x BQ2429x BQ2589x BQ25898x BQ2560x/61x BQ2562x
Charger architecture (1) NVDC NVDC NVDC NVDC NVDC NVDC
Charger Topology Step-Down Step-Down Step-Down Step-Down Step-Down Step-Down
Input Voltage Range 3.9 V – 17 V 3.9 V – 6.2 V 3.9 V – 14 V 3.9 V – 14 V 3.9 V – 13.5V 3.9 V – 18 V
Max Charge Current Range 4.5A except 3A 5 A except 4 A except 3 A except 3.5 A
BQ24196 & BQ25896 3 A BQ25898C 3 A BQ25618x/619x
1.5 A
Boost Mode Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, except Yes
USB Detection BC1.2 BC1.2 BC1.2 + BC1.2 + BC1.2 BC1.2 +
D+/D- Driver No No Yes Yes No No
IR Compensation No No Yes Yes No No
Direct BATSENSE No No No Yes Yes for No
0D and
Input Control Optimization No No Yes Yes No Yes
ADC Battery Monitoring No No Yes Yes No Yes
QON Full System Reset (QON No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
VOK Driver No No Yes Yes No No

1. Note : NVDC refers to Narrow VDC architecture (NVDC) with BATFET separating system from battery.

10 Selection of Single-Cell Buck Narrow VDC Switching Battery Chargers SLUAAM6 – NOVEMBER 2022
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Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated
www.ti.com References

9 References
1. Texas Instruments, USB D+ D- Input Current Limit Detection for BQ2419x, BQ2429x, BQ2589x, BQ25898x,
BQ2560x, and BQ2561x application note

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